#used toyota engines near me
jellyfishbug · 1 month
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pairing. chris x reader genre. smut with plot. MDNI. word count [5.2k]
content; mechanic!chris, flirty!chris, smoking (they share a cig), sex with a stranger ig? semi public, car head (m recieving), face fucking, big dick chris, reader has an eyebrow piercing, use of pet names, dirty talk, swearing
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Maybe it was just dumb luck.
My dad has been promising me that his old ford pickup was gonna be mine when I got my license since I was ten. However, not long after my sixteenth birthday, he randomly decided that his promise had conditions.
I had to fix it myself.
I had been putting off working on it for years. I just didn't have the time, and it needed a lot of work. The list of things to be fixed was long, and I knew if I started then, I wouldn't have finished.
Finally, the time presented itself for me to start. I finally had a summer that wasn't so busy, so I decided in May of this year I was finally going to do it.
I was finally going to get my own truck.
So I did; I worked on it for two long months. Two long months spent in the garage on my back under the heavy pickup with my hands covered in soot and oil whilst sweat dripped down my face. Two long months spent fixing the paint job and fiddling around under the hood, my hair tied back to keep it off my neck while the sun beamed through the opened garage door.
I finally felt confident enough to take it out for a test drive today. It was starting fine in the garage, and I'd driven it around the block a number of times without fail.
I excitedly hopped in the driver's seat and shut the heavy door, jamming my keys into the ignition and grinning at the sound of the roar when the engine started. I made it pretty much across town without a single problem, and I thought I was in the clear.
So, maybe it was just dumb luck when not even an hour later, here I am, standing on the side of the road next to said pickup with the hood popped and smoke coming out of the cabin.
Or maybe, just maybe, it was dumb luck when I realized I was only three blocks away from an auto shop, and a guy pulled over to help drag my car there.
It felt like forever when we finally reached the parking lot. The red and white sign that hung over the opened garage doors read 'sturniolo's auto-repair".
For the most part, the slots were empty, except for a 58' baby blue Impala that was suspended off the ground, and a brand new silver Subaru outback that sat right next to it.
As we finally pushed it into the open slot on the far end of the garage, I let out a sigh of relief, wiping the sweat off my forehead with one hand and letting them both rest at my sides.
I thanked the stranger for his assistance and he wished me luck, mumbling about how much a repair on a truck like this was going to cost before wandering off. I scowled at him as soon as he turned away from me.
Walking away from the smokey and damaged shell of a car, I pushed open the clear glass door into the entry-way of the shop, and the sound of the ringing bells that were carefully tied at the top of the door filled my ears.
Near the desk stood two boys, both were brunettes that roughly stood at the same height. The first was wearing a red toyota nascar cap backwards over his brown hair, as well as a black tank top and a navy blue mechanic's suit that hugged his frame. The name patch on the chest of it read "Matt". He was speaking to another customer, flailing the rag around as he emphasized his points with his hands.
The other was standing behind the counter, a gray bandana tied around his head. He wore a navy blue button up that he left completely open with the sleeves rolled up to his forearms, making the white tank top he wore under it visible.
The name patch on his chest read "Chris", and a white rag was thrown over his shoulder. A plethora of keys were hooked to a red carabiner that hung around the belt loop of his jeans. The desk hid his lower half below his waistline, and as I stepped closer, I saw a toothpick in between his teeth and his eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he jotted down words on a yellow notepad with a pencil.
I slowly walked up to the desk, my arms at my sides. He didn't raise his head to look at me, he just continued writing, so I cleared my throat.
His head shot up, and his expression fell into embarrassment.
"Fuck- sorry, I didn't hear you come in. How long ‘v you been standing there?"
I laughed lightly and shook my head. "Not long, I just walked in."
A smile painted itself onto his face as he set the pencil down and put his hands in his pockets just far enough that his thumbs still stuck out. "What can i do for ya?" He asked kindly, the toothpick in his mouth moving as he spoke.
"My truck broke down three blocks ago and wouldn't start. I tried looking under the hood to see the problem, but it was smoking, so I pushed it here." I explained, my hands finding each other and clasping together at my front.
He raised his eyebrows and tilted his head slightly. "Jesus, you wheeled it all the way here?" He asked, laughing breathily when I nodded my head in response. "Atta girl. What kind of truck is it?"
"A ford pickup," I responded all too quickly, my voice strained as I tried to ignore how my heart swelled in my chest from the impressed look on his face. He nodded as he opened the drawer next to him and pulled out a ballpoint pen, picking up the notepad once again to start writing. "What year and license plate?"
"85', boston plate, the number is 289 BTO. " I watched as he wrote mindlessly, the handwriting barely coherent.
"'M kay, I'll take a look at it for you." he said, setting the notepad and pen back down on the counter. He opened his palm, gesturing for my keys, and I dropped them into his grasp. He hooked the ring that held them together around his index finger.
"Wait here, should only be a couple minutes."
I nodded as he circled around to the end of the desk, walking past me and pushing open the door to the garage.
His absence gave me a chance to examine the decor of the office space. Family and baby portraits crowded on top of the counter below the window behind the desk. A mickey mouse clock sat above the side door, and a large OPEN sign hung in the window.
The wall was crowded with plates and signs. One that caught my eye was an eagle with its claws digging into a hanging mirror, the name HARLEY DAVIDSON displayed in bright orange letters above the eagle's head. Next to the register was a small bell with a sign that said "ring for service" and the words 'don't actually' were scribbled in sharpie above.
Just when I was getting lost in thought, I heard the door bells jingle a second time, and Chris walked back in. The rag was now hanging loosely in his palm as he approached the counter. He stood right next to me, reaching over for the notepad and throwing the rag back over his now bare shoulder, which is when I realized he had discarded his button up. My eyes dart down to see the keys to my truck now hanging on a different belt loop on his jeans.
"From what I can see," he starts, popping the cap of the pen off and leaving it in between his teeth as he spoke. "It looks like a coolant leak. The combination from the antifreeze leaking and the heat of the engine is enough to make it smoke, but it's not enough to cause the engine freeze up." he explains, his eyes meeting mine every couple of words to make sure i understand. "So, it could also be a fuel pump problem combined with the leak."
I nodded, chewing my lip nervously as he went on to explain the time the repair would take as well as the cost. When the words, "not finished until at least tomorrow" left his lips, I huffed in defeat, and tried to make my disappointment less evident as i crossed my arms in front of my chest.
"How long have you had it?" He asked, now leaning against the counter next to us with one elbow, crossing one foot over the other.
"I've only started to work on it this summer, but it's been my dads since before i was born."
He nodded. "It's a pretty ride," he confessed. "I honestly expected it to look worse when you said 85', but the conditions not bad. You been workin' on it a lot?"
"As much as I can." I shrugged.
He complimented the paint job, to which i confessed i'd done it, and he gushed. "Christ, you should work here. Matt can't paint to save his life. You could probably get him out of a job,"
Matt sent a glare his way. "Shut up, kid. Dad would fire you over me any day, especially if you keep sleeping in."
Chris laughed, a genuine sound that made Matt's glare turn into a small smile before he went back to rifling through the file cabinet.
He turned back to me, pausing to look back over the notes he'd written down. "If i had to guess, I'd say we can probably have it to you by tomorrow evening." he said, looking away from the paper and averting his gaze to instead look me right in the eye. "That work for you?"
I nodded slowly. Suddenly, the issue of a ride home became extremely apparent, and an anxious feeling started to blossom in my chest.
"Good. Just one more thing. . ." he pauses to take the pen cap out of his mouth and place it back on the pen, tapping it against the curve of his hand and grinning wildly at me.
"i'm gonna need your number to let you know when its finished."
He's just asking because he's supposed to; because he literally has to in order for me to get my car back. But regardless, i felt heat rise to my cheeks as i started shifting uncomfortably in place.
"Right," I said, moving to reach for the pen. He points to a blank part of the notepad, tapping lightly to tell me where to write it.
Quickly and shakily, i write out the numbers with dashes. I hand it back to him, and a smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. He rips the sheet off the notepad in one swift motion and folds it in half, placing it in his back pocket.
He glances towards the clock. Its nearing seven. He turns back to me, "d'you have a ride home?"
My eyes went wide. I'm reminded of my attempt to call my dad three times when the truck initially broke down, and how my shoulders slumped in defeat at the sound of his voicemail playing repeatedly.
I glance back over to him, ". . . Not exactly. I'll probably just catch the bu-"
"I can drive you,"
I swallowed, my lips slightly parted in surprise. His grin was still wide, awaiting my response.
It was a sweet offer, really. But considering my house was across town, partnered with the fact that he was literally on the job, i shook my head. "That's really sweet, thank you, but I'm far. And you're working, anyway." He shrugs, glancing at the clock once more. "It's fine, Matt's on desk duty and he's closing tonight. I don't mind."
I chew my lip. I'd be stupid to pass up on a ride, but i barely know this kid, and if my dad sees me rolling up with him and no truck, it wouldn't look great.
And then I think about the hour long bus ride that would be in the near future if I declined.
I screw my eyes shut. "You know what? Why not."
Despite the scenario i was in, my mind was pushing out any and all nerves as I watched Chris collect his things from behind the desk. He pulled his wallet, shop keys and jacket out of a cubby.
The two of us walked back into the garage and over to Matt, who was washing his hands in a sink bellow the tool shelves.
Chris bid goodbye to his brother, who looked at the clock and then frowned, turning the faucet off and reaching for the roll of papers towels.
"You're seriously slacking off? I already covered for you and Nate leaving early last weekend." He complained, discarding the wad of paper towels he'd used to dry his hands into the trash bin below.
Chris shot him a look. "And then i covered your sunday morning shift because you were hungover. You owe me."
Matt rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just put your tools away when you open tomorrow. It drives me fucking insane when you leave them everywhere."
Chris salutes. "Roger that." He turned to me and winked, gesturing to follow him through the garage with a tilt of his head.
I followed behind him as he went out a different exit; this one leading to a parking lot on the back of the building. A large EMPLOYEE PARKING sign hung on the fence near the driveway.
He fiddled with the many keys on his carabiner before finally finding his and walking towards a car near the opening in the gate.
A blue, four-seater, convertible 65' mustang. The light from the setting sun literally reflected off of it. He mindlessly stuck the key into the passenger side door, twisting and pulling it open with a faint click.
He gestured his hand towards the seat playfully, "Ladies first."
I rolled my eyes, placing one foot on the floor of the car and ducking my head to sit down. "How gentlemanly of you,"
He grinned at me, closing the door and walking around the back of the car before popping into the driver's seat.
"This is.. wow." I mutter, admiring the small details and cleanliness of the car as he closed his door and threw his belongings in the back. "Jesus, this is yours?"
He smiled proudly, his tongue darting out to dampen his bottom lip. "All mine,"
His fingers twisted the key into the ignition and the roar of the engine made the car buzz against my feet. He rolled both of our windows down, the summer air blowing smoothly through the car.
His smile was wider and prouder than ever as he glanced into the rear view mirror, throwing an arm over the back of my seat to glance behind him as he reversed. We pulled out of the parking lot and turned left onto the main road, Chris letting the steering wheel slide back into place under his palm by itself once he'd done so.
"You said you were far," he mumbled. "What area are you in?"
The question pulled me back into reality. I'd gotten so distracted by the way he drove so carelessly, like he was completely relaxed and in control of everything movement the car made, like fear didn't even exist to him as he pressed harder onto the gas pedal with his foot, my eyes choosing to ignore the way the tic on the speed meter start to spike.
His jawline was illuminated in the dim light, and the toothpick that was still resting on his lips stayed moving as he spoke gently, waiting patiently for me to answer.
I started giving him directions, and he listened carefully and intently, glancing over to look at me to make sure he understood my instructions. Once we were on the freeway, he went even faster, lane switching if someone in front of him wasn't going as fast as he'd like them to.
Soft giggles left me as he did, basking in the view of his lips parted into a smile, showcasing pearly teeth between pink lips.
Once he pulled onto the off ramp and we were stopped at a red light, he turned to look at me again, the bright red turning the car a faint shade of crimson.
"What time do you need to be back?"
He asked with a tone of voice he hadn't used till now. The sudden lowness caught me off guard as I shrugged, "'Dunno, not for a while."
He hummed in acknowledgement. "You wanna stay on the road for a bit?"
I pull my knees up to my chest and let my head fall against the headrest, a careless smile on my face. "Definitely."
And we did; we ended up back on the highway pretty quickly, blasting music through a speaker Chris had propped against the dashboard.
His speed only got higher and higher as time went on, carelessly resting one hand on the wheel whilst the other gripped the gear shift. At some point, his hand had mindlessly traveled to rest on my upper bare thigh below the hem of my shorts, cold and partially ringed fingers pressing against my skin.
"Will you do me a favor?"
I raised my eyebrows and hummed in response. He gestured towards the glove box. "Theres a pack of camel blue 99s in the glove box, would you grab em for me?"
I bit my lip. "Depends, you sharing?"
I leaned forward, feeling my stomach flip when his hand didn't much as move an inch on my thigh, brushing against my lower stomach as I lurched forward to fiddle with the glovebox.
I propped it open and grabbed the pack and paused, "d'you have a light?"
He nodded. "Should be one in there."
I learned more forward and reached farther back, glancing around before locking my eyes on a silver flip top lighter and grabbing it. Once i lean back up, Chris is pulling into an empty lot. His hand leaves my leg to push the gear into park, and i try not to frown.
I flick the top of the cig carton open and hastily pull one out, dropping it into Chris's palm.
He places it hazardly between his lips and turns to face me, silently asking for me to light it.
I pop the lid of the zippo open and hold the flam to the end of his cig, waiting to pull away until his expression signifies that its lit enough. His expression relaxes as he breathes in before pulling it away from his mouth with two fingers and exhaling, the smoke filling the car.
"If I'm honest, I prefer marlboro reds." I say quietly in an attempt to break the silence, watching Chris flick the ash out the window lazily with his thumb and index finger. He shakes his head. "Camels are undeniably better."
I laugh lightly and raise my eyebrows in amusement. "No accounting for taste, I suppose."
He takes another drag before holding it in between his fingers in front of my face, and Instead of reaching for it, I place my lips around the filter while it's still in his hand. Our eyes lock while I breath in sharper, the cool feel of the smoke filling my chest.
He licks his lips, and for a moment, his eyes dart down to look at mine, and he's starts he's studying my face. I'm doing the same.
His eyes are bright blue, surrounded by thick lashes, which are barely visible with stray pieces of his hair hanging down below the bandana on his head. Freckles lightly paint his noise, and his pink lips are slightly parted as his eyes scan my face.
"I like your piercing," he finally says, pressing his one hand to his eyebrow as if he had one himself. I breathe out the smoke i'd been holding in my lungs and smile at him. He's still looking at it as he speaks again, "Did it hurt?"
I shrug. "Not really," Because it didn't, but also because I'd feel like an idiot saying it did. "Just a pinch."
He nodded slowly. "Hm."
I take another hit from the cig which he's still holding up to my lips. Our faces are closer now. One of my elbows is resting on the center console as I look at him through my lashes.
"You should get one." I say.
He laughs, breathy and genuine. "Yeah? You think so?"
"Mhm," i reach my hand up to graze above his eye with two fingers. "It would look good on you." He watches my movements. "We'd match, too."
He digs his teeth into his bottom lip, finally moving the cig back to his own lips and taking one more long drag before carelessly discarding it out the window.
All too quick, he's facing me again, and he leans even closer. I can feel the warmth of his breath on my face. My heart is thumping loudly in my chest, and a part of me thinks he can hear it.
Before I can even blink, he places his fingers on my chin and tilts his head, smashing his lips against mine hard.
Its all teeth at first, clashing messily as his hand leaves my chin and rests as the base of my neck. My hands are on his face, my fingers messing with the curls at the back of his neck while he grins against my lips.
He lightly bites my bottom lip, taking the opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth. He tastes like cherry and camels, and I feel myself whimpering at the contact.
"Fuck," he mumbles into my mouth, and his tone is exasperated, partly because the console between us is making it harder for him to kiss me like he wants to, and partly because his attempts to pull me close enough for our chests to press together have been unsuccessful.
His hands reach down to tug at the belt loops of my shorts, trying to pull me onto his lap. I pull away for a second to push myself over the console, Chris's grip on my hips staying firm to assist me. I duck to avoid hitting my head on the roof of the car, and Chris giggles lowly.
I finally relax once I'm comfortable in his lap, straddling his legs below me. One of his hands is across my lower half, sliding his hand into my back pocket, and the other rests in the middle of my back, holding me in place.
We're kissing again, and this time it's more lips and tongue then teeth, but he's still lightly tugging at my lip.
I'm tugging at his hair as I push myself closer to his lower abdomen, pressing down, which elicits a groan from him. He pulls away from me, and I try to follow his lips with a whine, but he tugs at the back of my hair lightly so he can press kisses from my jaw down to my neck.
I'm already whimpering as soon as his teeth press against my throat, and he digs them deep, kissing the mark once he's satisfied with the shade of purple its turned before finding a different spot to do the same thing.
"Chris, fuck- please."
I can feel him below me, and it's making me crazy. He doesn't budge, even as I continue to whine breathlessly at him.
He only grins as he continues to nip at my skin, and i felt the smirk on his face against my throat. I tangle my fingers in his hair and tug as a silent plea. "What s' it, baby?"
I practically keen at the nickname. He finally pulls away, a string of saliva connecting his lips to his previous spot on my neck. He grins proudly at the marks he's left before looking at me again.
"What d'you want?" his tone is cocky and assertive. His lips look red and bitten, and I start to feel embarrassed at the fact that we were sucking face so lewdly in a literal parking lot.
I want to squirm and writhe away under his gaze, but his knuckle tight grip on me won't let me. I fiddle with the neck of his shirt and avoid looking at him as i whisper, "I need you."
He grins madly. "How d'you need me, sweetheart?"
I lean forward and press my lips back against his, and he entertains for a little before tugging my hair lightly to pull me back. His fingers grip my chin, holding me in place to look at him.
"Tell me what you want."
I brush my hand against his belt buckle. "I wanna suck you off,"
It came out in a mumble, but he understood, nodding somewhat cockily with a shit-eating grin on his lips. A groan left him as he tugged me even closer so our chests were pressed together. "Yeah?"
I nod eagerly, another 'please' ready to escape my mouth as my impatience grows. He ducks his hand between the seat and the door to push it farther back, "On your knees, then."
I obliged immediately, sliding off his lap to rest on my knees below him. My elbows rest on either side of his legs as my hands flew to his belt, unbuckling it and tugging at his jeans and boxers.
He lifted his hips lightly to assist me. I pulled them down until they rested around his ankles, and I feel myself gawk.
He's big. Bigger then I expected.
A nervous feeling bubbles in the pit of my stomach, but the way he's looking down at me through hazy vision makes it vanish even quicker, and I wrap my hands around his length.
"You okay?" He asks, moving his hand to rest on my cheek, his thumb soothingly pressed on my temple.
"No- yeah, i'm good." I breathe. I hover myself over him, finally taking him into my mouth. A string of curses leave him in a hushed breath, and his head moves to rest at the back of my head to coax me farther down.
I pull back slightly, wrapping my lips around his tip and sucking lightly. His chest is rising and falling quickly above me, and his labored breathing is music to my ears.
His cock is heavy on my tongue, and its addicting. I take him farther down my throat, hollowing my cheeks to fit as much of him as i can while my hand is in a fist around his base. I bob my head and twist my hand, looking up at him to see his flushed face as he pants.
"Fuck, you look so pretty like this." He babbles, a throaty moan leaving him when I twist my hand faster, swirling my tongue along his cock as my head rises and falls.
I hum around his dick at the compliment, the slight sting on my scalp from him pulling my hair only pushing me to do more. He pushes me down slightly, and i choke at the burn of his tip making contact with my uvula.
I moan loudly on him at the feeling, tears building in my eyes as the vibration from the noises i'm making cause him to throw his head back, a blissed out expression on his face. "Fuck, so good. Just like that, god."
Drool seeps from the corners of my mouth as I speed up all my movements. Chris is a breathy, moaning mess above me, watching me through lidded eyes as I glance up at him.
He moves his other hand to rest on the side of my face, grinning at my fucked out appearance. "Fucking filthy girl, aren't you, baby." He says through gritted teeth. "You love this, don't you?"
I whine at him, furrowing my eyebrows in pleasure to say "yes', and watching as his eyes roll lightly back in his head when i start to suck lightly at his tip again.
My hand falls from his base to lay on his leg, the other holding the bottom of his shirt in my fist. I try to push my head farther down, whimpering faintly at the stretch.
Chris's hips jerk up lightly at the sensation, causing him to push himself down my throat until my lips hit the base. I start to choke, but I breathe heavily through my nose, screwing my eyes shut and hallowing my cheeks out to stop myself from pulling off.
"Fuck!" he grunts loudly, his grip on my hair turning animalistic. He mindlessly mutters out curses and praise as he pushes my head up and down with his hands, 'good girl', 'don't stop', 'takin' me so good, baby' 'just like that' . . .
My hands are resting completely at his sides as he guides my mouth on his cock, slightly bucking his hips to push himself as far as I can take him. His strokes turn sloppy, and I look up at him again to see him looking at me with a broken glance, bottom lip between his teeth. "Fuck, gonna cum," he gasps.
I begin to swirl my tongue around him, moaning messily on him as if to say, 'in my mouth, please', but he's already reading my mind, digging his nails into my scalp as he spurts coats of white down my throat, an incoherent string of "fuck fuck fuck"'s spilling out of him. Im swallowing as quickly as i can.
I pull off of him with a lewd pop, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. I know i look completely ruined, but I'm still focused on catching my breath and looking at Chris's flushed pink face above me.
His hand rests on my face again, and his thumb soothingly rubs my cheek. "You okay? Was that too much?" he asks, his expression full of concern as he wipes the tears from under my eyes.
I smile, leaning into his touch. "I'm good, it was really good."
He nods, smiling dumbly. "Good."
He pulls his jeans and boxers back up, bucking his belt before pulling me off my knees and back onto his lap. He presses a soft, passionate kiss on my lips, and then trails kisses down the side of my face, pulling my hair back off my shoulders as we both catch our breath.
We're both startled by the loud ringing of my phone in the passenger seat. I reach over the console, sighing in relief when i flip it over and see my dad's name at the top of my screen.
I put the phone up to my ear, watching as Chris rubs circles into my side with his cold fingers.
"Hi," I breath out. I listen as my dad apologizes for not answering earlier. He tells me he heard my voicemail and asks if I'm okay. "M' fine, I just wheeled it to a shop a couple blocks over. I'm on the bus home now, should only be a bit."
Chris pouts at me, and i roll my eyes at him. My dad talks for a couple for seconds before hanging up, and i leave my phone in the drink compartment next to Chris's forgotten lighter.
"D'you need to get home?" He asked. I nodded, and he frowns. "I was gonna get you off in the backseat,"
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part two? :)
thank you for reading! reblogs are DEEPLY appreciated. I hope you enjoyed. links below !
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lovelytsunoda · 2 years
yule shoot your eye out // lance stroll
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summary: it was supposed to be a relaxing getaway. instead, a snowstorm traps y/n ocon and lance stroll inside the mount tremblant cabin they had rented, and strands esteban and his girlfriend at the airport. so until the snow melts, she's trapped with her brother's best friend, and forced to reckon with her feelings.
pairing: lance stroll x female ocon! reader ( forced proximity, brother's best friend )
warnings: sexual tension, smut scene that really does nothing for the plot but i wanted to put it in there anyways, super brief mention of masturbation (one sentence), drinking, discussion of kinks (or lack thereof because y/n is like me and needs to constantly know she's loved and desires closeness and intimacy-), mentions of poor mental health, half-assed love confessions where they somehow both know exactly what the other was going to say, esteban walks in on lance and y/n making out on the couch. i use too many romance tropes.
mount tremblant, quebec.
y/n ocon had never seen snow this bad. and she considered herself a country girl through and through. or at least, as close to the countryside as one could get in normandy. she drove at a cautious pace, a sharp detour from the way that she normally drove, in an attempt to keep control over the rented toyota.
"lance, i can't even see three feet ahead of me." she huffed, phone resting in the cupholder at the highest volume. lance stroll, her brother's best friend of over a decade was on the other end of the line, chuckling to himself as he tried to calm the girl down.
"calm down, y/n. you should be almost there, if the find my friends app is working the way that it should."
"that doesn't instill me with a lot of confidence, sir lancelot." she rolled her eyes, taking a turn far too cautiously for it to have been safe if there were any other cars on the road.
it's not her fault she's never experienced a proper canadian winter.
"just take one more right turn, you're almost there. do you not see the road signs?"
"i can't see through the fucking snow! i don't understand why we decided to come up here instead of going down to dallas with mick."
"you're the one who wanted a proper winter getaway."
"i meant the swiss alps!"
lance laughed down the phone before redirecting the conversation. "okay, i can see your headlights, you're at the bottom of the driveway. give me like, ten minutes and i'll meet you in front of the cabin. why are you using your windshield wipers to fend off the snowflakes?"
the aston martin driver did nothing to hide the laughter in his voice.
"fuck off, stroll."
lance tried to stop laughing, but y/n could still hear the joking tone in his voice. "just park near the top of the driveway, i'll come out and help you with your stuff."
"you're an angel, lance. and when i say 'angel' i mean the fucker from buffy the vampire slayer."
"duly noted." the canadian laughs, tugging on his parka before stepping out of the cabin and making his way down the steps. "where's your brother?"
"we weren't on the same flight. no, dear old estie decided not to come and visit if we were all going up to the cabin together." she rolled her eyes as she hung up the phone, watching as lance braved the snow, stumbling towards the rental car.
y/n had been studying at the university of manchester for the last two years and was almost done her program. staying in continental europe had allowed her to stay close to her family, and kept her close to racing, which had always been her passion. she was studying mechanical engineering, with a student placement at carlin. of course, her ultimate goal was to be the first female race engineer in formula one, and being able to get in at alpine wouldn't hurt.
esteban and elena would be flying out of paris, but their flight was supposed to leave an hour ago and she hadn't heard anything. no confirmation that esteban had boarded the plane, no word on any delays.
she tried not to think about it as she stepped out of the car, the hood on her puffy white jacket pulled up against the harsh wind. "let me give you a hand."
lance shook his head. "you've been driving for hours, and your flight was what, six hours long? no, i am carrying your bags."
"at least let me take the suitcase, it's heavy." she insisted, although there was a fuzzy feeling in her stomach at the stroll boy's enthusiasm to help her out.
lance had always been a sweetheart, and she'd be lying if she said that in the last three years, she hadn't felt warm and fuzzy around the aston martin driver. he always went out of his way to make her feel comfortable and included, make her laugh when she felt down. when she had been having a hard time at university, lance had come up to visit her when esteban couldn't, or when she didn't want to worry her parents.
she'd be lying if she said that picturing lance stroll in her bed was the only thing that got her off when her hand was between her thighs. that the reason she was probably still single was because she never made it past a second or third date because she kept comparing every single suitor to her brother's best friend.
"absolutely not." lance insisted. "but you can take the backpack."
"all the backpack has in it is books, a travel pillow and a fucking water bottle. come on, i feel bad." y/n insisted, making grabby hands towards her hard-scheel suitcase, backpack slung over one shoulder. "lance."
"y/n. stop arguing with me, it's cold out here. let me help you."
"fine." the ocon girl caved, locking the car and trudging her way up to the front steps of the rented vrbo cabin.
the two stumbled inside, dropping bags in the foyer and stripping out of snow-covered winter coats.
lance would be lying if he said that his line of sight wasn't immediately drawn to the tight holly-green sweater that y/n was wearing, and the way it made her curves look perfect in the warm led lights.
"i haven't heard anything from esteban since i left manchester. has he called you at all?"
"i'm sure you're overthinking, y/n." lance tried to placate the girl in front of him. "he'd call if anything was wrong. i haven't heard from chloe and scotty either."
y/n laughed, slumping down on the faux leather couch. the cabin was cozy: all cedar wood and plaid accents, shockingly Canadian in the sense of décor. fairy lights hung from exposed timbers and she tried to allow herself to relax, tucking her feet underneath a thick plaid blanket.
"i guess that's typical younger sibling bullshit, isn't it?"
lance laughed, taking a seat on the couch next to the young woman. it was all he could do to keep a respectful distance, knowing that if he was any closer, he'd probably do something stupid.
like kiss her.
"i'm sure our siblings are fine." lance reassured, thinking about his own sister and her fiancée.
"hold that thought." y/n said, sitting up straighter as her phone began to ring, esteban's name flashing across the screen. "estie? where are you?"
"we're still in paris. our flight just got cancelled because of the storm. the airline moved us to a flight two days from now, so we're going to stay down the road from the airport." esteban sounded exhausted, his voice far off as it flooded through the small speakers at the base of her iphone. "they said they'd call if anything changed. did you land okay?"
"the flight was rocky, but i made it in one piece. lance and i are at the cabin now. there's still nothing from chloe and scotty."
"putain. listen, as long as you're with lance, you're safe from the storm. just hang tight and i'll call when i have more news."
"okay. estie? stay safe. i love you."
"love you too." the phone began to crackle, her brother's next words getting lost somewhere between phone lines.
"esteban? esteban?" the three beeps from her phone indicated that the lines had gone down, the simple 'no service' icon appearing in the top right hand corner.
y/n groaned, leaning further back against the couch, knees drawn into her chest as she dropped her phone on the cushions. "the lines are down."
she knew what this all meant. she was stuck in a log cabin with lance stroll and every fond feeling that she had ever harboured for the aston martin driver. she'd either lose her mind or do something freakishly stupid.
"is esteban all right?" lance asked quietly, gingerly moving closer on the couch. y/n took that as a cue, falling straight into his arms, resting her head on his shoulder. breathing in his cologne.
she'd always loved that fucking cologne.
she sighed, closing her eyes. "his flight got cancelled. they're trying to get him on a flight in a few days, but he's not exactly hopeful. it's a miracle that i got here alive, if i'm being frank."
"it's not all bad. we may not have cell signal, but we do have heating, and there's a fridge full of food and wine. a dvd player and a stack of christmas movies."
"alcohol sounds great right about now." y/n agreed, pulling the blanket further over her body.
"red wine or white?" lance asked, getting to his feet and crossing over to the kitchen. "i've also got my mom's sugar cookies."
"red, please. and bring the cookies. tell claire-anne i think she's a bloody legend."
the canadian laughed, popping the cork as he switched on the small radio on the counter, oldies christmas music flooding the open concept main floor, elvis crooning about how he'd have a blue christmas without the one he loved.
me fucking too, mr. presley.
"don't worry, she already knows." lance beamed, coming back to the living room with two wine glasses and a tin of cookies shaped like christmas trees. "have you been doing all right lately? i never felt right about heading back home after that one weekend."
the french girl knew what weekend lance was talking about. she had been in a bad place that entire week, and esteban was worried about her. he was too busy with sponsorship events and couldn't catch a flight out of france soon enough, so he had called lance. the strolls had been at silverstone that week running simulator time at the aston martin factory. lance had driven the four hours from towcester to manchester, and had stayed with her all weekend. as soon as lance came inside the apartment, she had broken down crying in lance's arms. all she had been able to say at the time had been 'i want my mom', repeating it in both english and french while lance held her, whispering that everything would be okay.
"they've been getting better. the semester ended and think the break has done wonders for me. winter semester starts up in january, and my schedule is a little lighter. i'll be working with carlin again, so once the season starts, hopefully i'll be able to get out a little bit more. i'm supposed to be back at the factory three times a week after christmas." y/n started, taking a sip of her wine, still curled up in a blanket. "i'm thinking about getting a rabbit or something. just so i'm not alone in the apartment all the time."
lance nodded along. "that might be nice. how many years do you have left?"
"two years. stephanie carlin is actually really excited about signing me on full time. just as a junior engineer, not a race engineer, but one day i'll get there."
"i have full faith. you'll be coming for brad's job in no time."
y/n laughed, the sound bordering on a snort. "what, so you can tell me that you know the car is already on fire, or that i don't know that the 'pit confirm' and 'ok' buttons are the same thing?"
"you love listening to me and brad and you know it. you think it's charming."
she raised her eyebrows, taking another sip of her wine. "charming isn't exactly the word that i would use."
the duo didn't realize how fast time would fly. conversation flowed comfortably, the wine bottle already halfway empty, the tin of cookies now reduced to a few small crumbs at the bottom of the metal container. they were now sharing a blanket, their legs resting on top of each other.
"this is going to sound completely absurd, but i need to know." lance laughed.
"it's twenty questions. nothing is too absurd." y/n laughed back. "hit me with your best shot, pat benatar."
lance cocked an eyebrow "are you wine drunk?"
"maybe." she giggled, taking another sip. "was that your absurd question?"
"no, not at all. this is: what are you into? like, in bed? because i walked in on your brother and elena once right before a press conference, and i cannot unsee that shit.”
“try hearing him through the walls. our house was small as hell, lance. imagine hearing your older brother have an orgasm. it’s traumatizing.”
“come on, you have to be into something. stop avoiding the question.”
“lance stroll, you don’t ask a woman about her kinks before a first date!”
“what are you hiding?”
“I’m not hiding anything!” she managed to say through laughter. “really, I’m not. I don’t have any kinks.”
lance raised an eyebrow. “everybody has at least one, come on now.”
“really, I don’t. my roommate in freshman year made me take an online bdsm test, and it came back a hundred percent vanilla.”
“a kink is anything that turns you on during sex, y/n. there has to be something.”
y/n rolled her eyes, staring at her almost empty wineglass. “there is not enough red wine in the world for this conversation.” she reached towards the coffee table, pouring the last dregs of the deep red liquid into her glass.
lance looked at her intently. “now I’m curious. what secrets is little miss perfect hiding?”
“I suppose if I had to pick something, because you seem so desperate to embarrass me today,” she rolled her eyes dramatically. “I would say that my kink is romance. some girls want to give up control and have someone tell them what to do during sex, or be tied up and shit, and that's perfectly fine, for them, but I just want to be loved and cared for. I want grand gestures and rose petals and hand holding. I want to be called sweetheart, and darling, and pretty girl.”
lance raised his eyebrow again. god, he shouldn’t look that good when he looks at me like that, she thinks to herself. “that’s it? that’s what you’re so ashamed of?”
“grand romantic notions get you nowhere in the real world. I know that men are going to get bored with me real quick that way.”
“I wouldn’t.”
her heart stopped beating for a fraction of a second, her breath caught in her throat. it’s the alcohol talking, she tried to tell herself. there’s no way he just said what he said.
“I’d call you ‘pretty girl’ all night long, fuck you as tenderly and lovingly as you wanted, and I’d hold your hand the entire time, as long as you wanted me to.”
she couldn’t form a proper response. her mouth had gone dry. she stared at the beautiful man across from her, blinking rapidly as she tried to comprehend what was happening.
“uhm, y/n? hello…earth to y/n?” lance said, confusion in his voice as he looked at her. “are you okay? I think your brain kind short circuited there-“
she cut him off by planting her lips on his, practically jumping into his lap. the driver gasped in surprise before gripping her hips and holding her close. her hands flew up to cradle lances face, moaning into his mouth at the rush of sensations, the buzz that she felt throughout every nerve ending in her body.
she was kissing lance stroll.
“that’s my pretty girl.” he mumbled between kisses, pulling the blankets around their bodies.
at the sound of the pet name spilling from the canadians lips, the lips she had dreamt would someday be spilling that same praise for her in a much more intimate context, she thought she would crumble under his touch, moaning faintly as she tried to press herself up against him. she was sitting on his lap now, legs hanging off the side of the couch and lips against his, her fingertips dragging through his hair as he gripped her thigh tightly.
“lance…” she breathed heavily, the french accent in her voice wavering as the driver began to press sloppy, open mouthed kisses to her neck. “lance, baby, please don’t stop.”
lance grinned against her skin. he wanted this as much as she did, if not more. “anything for my pretty girl.”
the driver leaned back on the couch, pulling y/n's body flush against his, sliding his warm hands up the back of her sweater. she shivered under his touch, only spurring him on more.
until the lights went out with a high pitched beeping sound, the entire cabin plunged into darkness as the battery-operated radio continued to eerily play 'baby it's cold outside' as y/n jumped, tripping over lance's legs as she slid off the couch.
"jesus christ" she groaned, leaning back against the couch, the floor a piercing cold through her jeans. "what happened to the lights? even the fucking string lights are out."
"shit. the storm must have taken the power lines out." lance groaned, pulling the blanket over his lap to hide the growing tent in his jeans. "so now we have no cell phone signal, and no power."
"fucking hell." she mumbled, getting to her feet. "and no power also means no heat. esteban and elena are going to find our frozen corpses huddled for warmth in front of the fireplace."
"you're so overdramatic." lance laughed, getting up from the couch and reaching out to stop y/n from picking up the empty wine glasses. "sit down, y/n. let me handle this, pretty girl."
he said it with a grin and a wink, an overall sense of cheekiness that sent shivers down y/n's spine. she was still struggling to comprehend what had just happened.
she had made out with lance stroll, and she was about ninety eight percent certain that he enjoyed it, if the tent in his jeans was anything to go off of.
"do you have any candles or anything?"
three hours later.
the power still hadn't come back on. neither had the heat, and the fireplace couldn't warm an entire cabin. a cabin intended for six that was currently only occupied by two. a bath and body works candle that smelled scarily like a christmas tree sat on the dresser, dimly lighting up a small circle against the wall that allowed her to see just enough to pull on her plaid victoria's secret pajamas. but the flannel fabric wasn't nearly warm enough for a cabin that was rapidly losing heat.
a shiver wracked her body, goosebumps sprouting all along the hairs on her arms as she reached for the plush blanket at the foot of the bed, draping it around her body before blowing the candle out and edging the door open.
she crossed the hallway, her hands shaking from the temperature drop as she knocked on the door. she could feel heat from inside the room, indicating that lance had somehow managed to get the old woodstove in the corner working.
she hadn't bothered to try with the one in her room.
"lancelot?" she said quietly, playing into the nickname she had always used for him. "can i come in?"
the door creaked open. a loud sound against the rusted hinges. nothing wd-40 couldn't fix. "is everything okay, y/n?" lance asked, a confused and concerned look on his face.
"i'm fucking freezing. and you managed to get a woodstove to work." she shrugged, laughing softly as she gestured at the blanket she was wrapped in.
lance opened the door wider. "come on in. i've got piles of blankets, and probably some body heat."
"how reassuring." she said sarcastically, crossing the threshold into lance's room. crossing a line that could never be uncrossed as she dropped the blanket, tucking herself into the left-hand side of the bed. lance followed shortly after, draping himself over her, his arms securely around her stomach as they spooned.
"lance?" she said softly, as they lay there in the quiet and the dark. "i'm in love with you."
lance inhaled, and she could feel his entire body shudder behind her as he leaned in the whisper in her ear, his breath hot on her skin. "i've been in love with you almost since i first saw you. when my dad was first thinking about buying force india and we walked in the garage and you were there arguing with otmar in that cute little top with the bell sleeves, insisting that you knew more than the team fucking principal." he laughed, his chest rumbling against her back. "you were such a little firecracker, you know."
"and i was on a gap year as well. i took time off to help my dad with the garage. god, i thought i knew so much. i wasn't even in university yet."
"otmar followed your strategy calls that race, you know. he was unsure at first, but he got on the phone with vijay and vijay told him to go for it."
"i know. otmar told esteban afterwards, told him to give me a fucking pandora gift card."
lance laughed, trying to hide a yawn. "sounds about right. get some rest, pretty girl. see you in the morning."
eight hours later.
the room was still dark when y/n ocon woke up. she could still hear the howl of the wind outside, but the room still felt cold, the piles and piles of blankets still pulled over her shoulders. she rolled over, eyes still closed as she nuzzled into lance's chest. the aston driver groaned, one of his hands slipping down her back to cup her ass gently.
"mornin' beautiful." his voice was husky and seductive as he leaned in to kiss her.
"good morning, handsome." she said softly, her face breaking into a smile as she kissed him.
their lips moved in tandem, the air punctuated with soft giggles and wide smiles as she threw her leg over lance's thigh, trying to pull him as close as she could as he playfully smacked her ass, rolling the pair over so that he was on top.
her hands slipped up the back of his heather grey t-shirt, sliding the fabric over his head while the canadian trailed kisses down her neck, the stubble on his chin grazing the delicate skin. she moaned underneath him before he pulled away briefly to get the shirt the rest of the way off his body, casting it aside before kissing her again. her arms came up to loop around his neck, his fingers dancing across her stomach as he slowly undid the buttons on her pajama top.
"lance," she breathed. "is that. . . "
"my hard cock against your thigh?" lance winked with a sly grin. "you bet. see how turned on you make me, pretty girl? if you had said something sooner, we could have been doing this for years now. maybe i'd have even managed to put a ring on your finger."
"i guess we'd better make up for lost time, then." she grinned, helping lance take off the remainder of her flannel shirt before urging lance's head towards her rapidly hardening nipples.
"you're so beautiful, darling." he crooned, kissing and caressing as much of y/n's body as she could, her fingernails lightly digging into his upper back as he swirled his tongue over her breast.
they easily could have wasted the morning away like that. in lance's arms, y/n felt safe and secure. she felt loved, and it all felt right. something that her mother said to her when she was eighteen stuck out in her mind: when you know, you'll know.
and as she and lance shed their flannel pajama pants, his arms around her, his hands in hers as he began to thrust into her, she knew.
but she had a feeling that she had known for a lot longer than that.
"that's it, pretty girl." lance groaned, thrusting deeper and drawing a loud moan from the girl underneath him. "tell me how good i make you feel, hey? i want to know that you feel just as good as i do right now."
"yes, god, yes." she whined, eyelids fluttering shut as she watched lance bring her knuckles up to his mouth, pressing kisses to each knuckle before trailing the kisses down her arm until he reached her neck, the pace of his hips never faltering. “oh, lance, you feel incredible, love.”
"yeah? yeah, you look so pretty like this, beautiful. my pretty girl."
"oh, god! i think i-"
"are you going to come for me, pretty girl? i've got you, baby, you're safe, let go for me. milk this cock."
"oh, lance!"
as they were laying together, a tangled mass of limbs and hair, fingers still pressed to skin, sweaty bodies pressed up against one another, the power came back on, dim lights filling the bedroom as lance kissed her gently.
"i love you, y/n."
she smiled. "je t'aime aussi, lance."
four hours later.
they'd wasted the day away in the shower (having more incredible sex while they were at it), cooking together and watching christmas movies on the vhs player in the cabin's living room ("who even uses vhs tapes any more!" "people who live in cottages, babe!")
as the end credits to 'deck the halls' played on the big screen, lance and y/n softly made out in the dim light of the string lights hanging from the ceiling, curtains still pulled shut.
neither of them heard the door creak open, but they all heard esteban ocon's disgusted shout.
"what the fuck!"
"esteban, i can explain." y/n tried to reason with her brother, aware that lance's hands were in a very compromising position on her body
the alpine driver stood in the middle of the living room, snowflakes melting on his parka as he blinked, trying to make sense of why his sister and his best friend were heavily making out on the sofa.
"are those hickeys on your neck? y/n ocon-khelfane!"
"lance!" she hissed, looking over at the boy. "really? how old are you, seventeen?"
"you didn't notice when you got out of the shower?" the driver asked, trying to avoid making eye contact with esteban. "i thought you said his flight was delayed two days!"
elena shrugged. she had been standing behind her boyfriend, making the conscious choice not to get involved. "we got an earlier flight last minute. we did try to call."
"phone lines are down." y/n said apologetically. "power was out all last night, too."
"and i bet lance kept you warm, didn't he?" esteban glared at lance, ready to destroy their friendship to protect his baby sister's honor. "you have until the count or three, strulovich."
lance's eyes widened. "count fo three for what?"
"lance, run."
"he's my best friend, he's not going to hurt me. estie, come on!" lance laughed nervously. "let's talk this out."
"i think she's right." elena piped up. "you can talk it out later."
lance was off the couch in a flash. "okay, running now!"
they did, in fact, talk it out later.
but not before they wrestled each other and esteban made lance swear not to break y/n's heart.
Tags: @magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @daydreamingleclerc @flannel-cures @sidcrosbyspuck
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Eddie X restaurant X chopsticks lol
Couldn't decide if I wanted lovesick Eddie or mischievous Eddie, so I went with both 🤷‍♀️
Warnings: mentions of smut (but nothing actually happens), reader has shitty parents
WC: 1.4k oops
Laying in the back of Eddie’s van, head resting on his bare chest and intertwining your cherry-red nails with his jet black ones, you should feel completely at ease. The hazy post-sex glow envelops you both, and you snuggle in closer to him, trying to alleviate the anxiety bubbling in your chest.
“What’s going on, Sweetheart?” he murmurs into your hair, pressing a tender kiss to your scalp. You’ve only been together for three months, but he already knows when something’s eating you. There’s no point in trying to lie to him.
“My, um, my parents want to meet you,” you mumble, feeling your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. “When I go home in a few weeks.” You’d only moved to Indianapolis, a short forty-minute drive from your hometown, but it’s far enough that you don’t get to see your family very often.
Eddie breathes a sigh of relief. “‘S that all?” He rubs your shoulder, nuzzling into your neck so that his curly hair tickles your shoulders. “Jesus, I thought you were breaking up with me or somethin’.” He kisses across your collarbones, sending shivers of pleasure down your spine. 
“They’re just so…pretentious,” you tell him, rolling your eyes. “Like, we can’t just order pizza at home; they want to take us out for sushi.”
“Sushi?” Eddie wrinkles his nose. “As in…raw fish? And seaweed?” He puffs out his cheeks. “You’re lucky ‘m so crazy ‘bout you, baby.”
Somehow, that sentiment isn’t comforting. Because you know that Eddie would do damn near anything for you, even endure a sushi dinner with your high-strung parents, but you can’t promise that they’ll treat him with the respect he deserves. They’d always imagined you being with some well-to-do trust fund city boy, not a guy from a trailer park in Hawkins, Indiana. Eddie came to Indianapolis with just his guitar and a dream, and while his goal of being a rockstar hadn’t quite taken off yet, he was one of the hardest working people you’d ever met. Working at the record store during the day, playing bar gigs at night, and making time for you in between. You didn’t know how he managed it. And through it all, he never once made you feel like an obligation or a burden.
And so, weeks later, you and Eddie sit side-by-side in your Toyota Corolla as you pull into the restaurant parking lot. Eddie offered to drive his van, but you knew that just hearing the way the gears grind would unnerve your parents. Instead, you made some excuse about your car getting better gas mileage, and he’d gone along with it.
“We’re here,” you announce through gritted teeth, killing the engine. You grip your boyfriend’s hand, calloused from years of guitar playing. “God, I feel like I’m leading you into the lion’s den.” 
Eddie’s quiet for a moment—a rarity for him—before he finally asks the question that’s been wracking his brain since you’d told him about this dinner. “If your parents don’t like me, are you gonna…” He can’t even finish the thought, looking down at the floor mats, a pinkish tinge coloring his cheeks. 
“Oh, Eds.” Your heart splinters at the mere thought of leaving him. “No, I would never. I love my parents, but I hate their snap judgments. I know who you are, and I love who you are, and that’s what matters.” You manage a smile and start to open your door. 
“Wait!” Eddie suddenly exclaims, leaping from his seat and running to your side of the car. He holds the door open, waiting for you to unbuckle your seatbelt. “Allow me, m’lady.”
You can’t help but giggle as he takes your hand and helps you out of the car. “Thank you, kind sir,” you reply with a small curtsy. 
Eddie looks around, checking if the coast is clear before giving your ass a light smack. You gasp at the sudden contact, but he just chuckles. “Had to sneak one in before I gotta be on my best behavior.”
Walking into the restaurant hand-in-hand, you find your parents sitting at a booth by the window. “Mom, Dad,” you start after kissing them both ‘hello,’ “this is Eddie. My boyfriend. Eddie, these are my parents.” While you know Eddie will pick up on the strain in your voice, you hope your parents will remain oblivious. 
“Nice to meet you both,” Eddie greets them, extending his hand for your dad to shake. But the older man just looks at it and frowns. 
“Is that nail polish?” he asks, furrowing his brows. “A bit girly, don’t you think?”
Off to a great start. 
“It really completes his stage image,” you jump in, desperately trying to save a flustered Eddie. “He’s an amazing guitarist. Even has his own band!”
This piques your mom’s interest. “Oh,” she says, smiling politely. “What kind of music do you play? I’ve always loved The Beatles.”
“Um, mostly metal,” Eddie shrugs. “Ozzy, Dio, Metallica?”
Your mom’s expression falters. “I can’t say I’m familiar with their work.” She makes no attempt to continue the conversation, and you each stare at your menus in awkward silence. 
The waiter’s arrival is a welcome disruption. You order a tuna roll and a California roll for you and Eddie to share, trying to keep the discussion light. Your parents ask about work, and you give enough detail to satisfy them without warranting further questions. 
“So, Eddie,” your dad asks, making direct eye contact with your boyfriend, “what do you do for a living?”
Eddie grins proudly. “I manage a record store. Worked my way up from stock boy; now, I basically run the place.” He glances at you and gives you a look that says, Nailed it. But you’ve been down this road before. 
Your father considers his response. “Hmm,” he finally says, “I didn’t know they hired people with tattoos for managerial positions.”
You cringe as Eddie’s face falls. “Um, Mom,” you stammer nervously, picking at an invisible hangnail, “how’s Grandma?”
Temporarily reprieved from the interrogation, Eddie leans back in his seat and discretely squeezes your hand. You squeeze back, making a mental note to apologize profusely for your parents’ behavior. 
When dinner arrives, you only have a moment of calm before the next crisis presents itself. Eddie unravels his cloth napkin to reveal chopsticks. Fucking chopsticks. A man who could—and had—eat spaghetti with his hands, and you’d forgotten to warn him about the chopsticks. 
“If you need a fork—” you start in a hushed whisper, but Eddie shakes his head, expertly using the utensils to pick up a piece of the tuna roll, gently coating it in soy sauce and popping it into his mouth. 
What the fuck?
The rest of the meal is filled with mundane chatter, and you’re just grateful that your parents stopped grilling your boyfriend. The boyfriend who suddenly has the ability to wield chopsticks like he’s been using them his whole life. 
“Eddie,” you hiss under your breath as your mom excuses herself to the restroom and your dad tries to flag over the waiter for a drink refill, “since when do you know how to use chopsticks?”
Eddie gives one of his signature mischievous smirks. “Been ordering Chinese takeout everyday for lunch this week, just so I could learn.” He presses a chaste kiss to your cheek. “Impressed?”
You nod enthusiastically. “Very.”
“Good.” There’s a twinkle in his eyes, and he lowers his voice to whisper in your ear: “Because I’m gonna need a reward for sitting through this dinner, and I’d like to show you what else these fingers can do.”
Your eyes widen. “Okay,” you turn towards your father, “Dad, we’ve gotta go. I forgot I told my boss that I’d turn in a project by midnight tonight,” you babble, reaching for your purse. 
“It’s only 6:30,” your dad protests, glancing at his wristwatch. 
“Yeah, well, it’s a big project. Massive.” You awkwardly hold your arms out wide to emphasize your point. It’s not until you hear Eddie stifle a laugh that you realize the implication you’ve made. “Well, bye. See you soon!” You take Eddie’s hand and practically sprint out of the restaurant. 
“So,” he says once you’re back in the safety of your Toyota, waggling his eyebrows teasingly, “massive, huh?”
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bu1410 · 6 months
Good afternoon TUMBLR - March 13th - 2024
''Mr. Plant has owed me a shoe since July 5, 1971."
SAUDI Arabia - Al Jubail - 1993
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Once returned from Bangladesh, I was called back by SNAMPROGETTI (it was still existing at the time) for a short assignment in Jubail, in the eastern area of Saudi Arabia. It involved the construction of a production plant for MTBE, an additive for unleaded petrol. The plant was built in the so-called Al Jubail el Sinayah, i.e. the industrial area of Al Jubail, one of the two large industrial areas of Saudi Arabia - the other is Yanbu, on the coast of the Red Sea. We lived in a compound called Pearl beach, and thanks to the Greek wife of the coumpound Saudi owner, Pearl Beach was the only place in Al Jubail where the beach was promiscuous. Although to tell the truth the Arab women (Jordanian, Egyptian etc of course not Saudi) bathed fully dressed in the black abaja, the traditional local female dress. I shared a huge villa with Mr. Menozzi Ildebrando with a large living room, American kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms.
THE PROJECT It was one of the last project with a very strong Italian presence. Not only the top and middle management were Italians, but till at the superintendents/supervisors level of each discipline were Italians too
Mr. BERETTA GIANCARLO I remember in particular the insulation/painting superintendent Beretta Giancarlo, an elderly guy,, close to retirement, originally from Milan. Taking advantage of the fact that our scope of work also included the pipelines connecting the plant to the port of Jubail, he used to show up in the office early morning, and then disappearing all day. He was the protagonist of a funny event but which could have turned into something serious. To access the industrial area from the city, there were numerous police checkpoints. Usually the cops were lying inside the cars, with their bare feet out the window. We used to stop and wait of their ok to proceed - which sometimes could last for 15 or 20 minutes. Beretta - who only spoke Milanese dialect - had already had a couple of arguments with the police. A morning, he stopped hos car next the police car - and than, tired of waiting, the Italian set off without waiting for the policeman's order (who usually got out of the car, put on their shoes and then, gesturing with the mishuak (the ever-present wooden licorice with which the Saudis clean their teeth) shouting: -RUHHH……RUHHHHHH……. MADHA TANTAZIR??!!! (As if to say ''go…what are you waiting for…go!!')
Beretta was immediately chased, and police came to arrest him in the office enclosure. Detained one night for checks, when he was released he was very angry: with the Saudis, with Company, ENI, who had left him in prison, his colleagues who joked about his arrest…… with the entire world!!!
Mr. MARANGON EGIDIO He was the so-called Field Engineer, the one that within Company organization should tackle all the engineering problems arising at site. I will meet him again later at the site in Bir Rebaa, Algeria. Egidio had the ''unlucky '' idea of inviting his wife and daughter Saudi Arabia during Christmas period. And the even more unfortunate idea of leaving for Al Khobar on a Friday morning, to spend a day in that city. About 120 km along the highway from Al Jubail, Al Khobar could boast some shopping malls, a destination for the Marangon family. After traveling about 50 kilometres, near the largest desalination plant of Saudi Arabia, a 17-year-old Saudi driving in the opposite direction of the Marangon family, with his Buick Impala, for reasons never ascertained, jumped the guard rail and hit Marangon's Toyota Corolla head-on. The consequences, as one can imagine, were very serious: Egidio suffered multiple fractures which cost him 2 operations in Saudi and one in Italy (plus a long period of rehabilitation) his wife suffered multiples ribs fractures ribs, , and facial trauma – the daughter, who was sitting in the back, was thrown into the front of the car, smashing the windshield with her head. After the necessary treatment, which obviously lasted weeks, Marangon's wife and daughter returned to Italy.
Meanwhile the young Saudi was completely cleared of any responsibility following the police report. Egidio returned to Italy 45 days after the accident, and a long dispute with SNAMPROGETTI began for him - the Company had let him know that they did not consider themselves responsible for the accident, and did not want to proceed with any type of compensation. The matter ended up in Court, and the Judge partially agreed with Mr. Marangon, ordering SNAMPROGETTI to pay compensation of 60 million lire. (30,000 Euro).
Mr. PAGNINI MARCELLO This guy, being the Civil Construction Manager, was my direct superior. Marchigiano, in his 60s and a hypochondriac, continually subjected himself to clinical and blood tests. One day they found him to have high birulibin and he started breaking everyone's nerves, asking ''Maybe you too have high birulibin and what treatments did you do to reduce it etc…''. He was terrified of being kicked out (he was having his first experience overseas even though he was already nearby retirement). During that time, a rumors were saying SNAMPROGETTI had taken over the extension of the port of Bandar Abbas (Iran) and therefore phantom ''lists of people who will be assigned to the new project'' appeared on the notice board, in which Pagnini's name regularly appeared. Iran, for obvious reason, was a destination that all us were trying to avoid. But Pagnini, desperately seeking another assignement before retirement, expressed his agreement to be assigned in a place nobody wanted. Mr. CAMPUGIANI UMBERTO. A young and enthusiastic guy. He traveled with me on a flight Milan – Vienna – Dahran. At that time, Company was using Austrian Airlines because it obviously cost less. From the Marche region, in his 30s, was having his very first experience abroad in any sense. When the plane began its descent towards Daharan, the cabin crew handed out the disembarcation card to all passengers – and here Campugiani's problems began: he didn't understand a word of English, but he didn't want to be helped. -I want to learn English quickly, he used to say. He was having one those pocket dictionary – at each word he was a flipping through pages. We were sitting on opposite seats in the aisle, at a certain point Umberto leans towards me and says in a low voice:
Why.....why they want to know the data… well, do you understand…? I look at him with interrogation face….
Yes – he says – it says on the card: Data of Bird…data of the bird (In Italian is one of the way we call d*****k!!
Come on, silly – I told him – they ask for the date of BIRTH…read better…….
DA RE LINO - SITE CIVIL ENGINEER Immediately nicknamed ''Darelino'' (all together) he was a jovial 50-year-old from Vittorio Veneto - pipe smoker and photography enthusiast. With his savings from Company pocket money he bought one of the first video cameras in the Al Jubail Souk - and with that device a Friday afternoon Darelino went to the port to record video's. The next day, Saturday, he didn't show up at site , and a quick investigation revealed that he hadn't returned home. Our PRO (Public Relations Officer) soon discovered that he had been held in the local police station, waiting for the Court to reopen on Sunday. Caught by police on filming a ship leaving the port at sunset, he had not put up the slightest resistance to arrest. This fact earned him immediate release from prison on Monday, upon payment of bail, and the confiscation of the video camera.
BRIDGE The large lifts were completed, and the Van Severen's 2,600 ton mobile crane was preparing to leave the site. However, a problem arose: when the crane entered, the bridge over the pipe way did not exist, but in the meantime it had been built - therefore the question: will the bridge support the weight of the crane? (even if dismantled into pieces). Darelino was immediately alerted: he was in charge to solve such problems. And Darelino immediately got to work: he asked for drawings and technical specifications of the bridge, all crane's details, and locked himself in his office. From where he used to come out only to smoke his pipe, and take a breath of air (by the way the stinky air of the Al Jubail ammonia plant and the Shell Refinery, of which one day we saw the 85 mt tall distillation column attempt a take-off and then immediately fall back to the ground). In the end, after a week of ''passion'' in which every time one of us saw Darelino was asking: ''SO SO can the bridge bear the crane passage'??? A morning our Dear Civil Engineer came out from his office and, lighting once again his pipe, said:
Well… if I were the Project Manager… I would call Italy's Head Office…you never know in such case.....better take any precaution..''
MENOZZI ILDEBRANDO He was my house-mate. To tell the truth, the house was so large - that sometimes we didn't see each other for days, except at site. Menozzi was ''a predestined guy'' in the sense that being a recommended person he could allow himself to do and undo as he wanted on the project that no one else was allowed to do - and nobody was able to criticize him. Ildebrando was also a little weird guy - for example he was subject to the ''Hilton hotel syndrome'': before visiting any place he would make sure a Hilton hotel would be there - and if it didn't exist, he wouldn't go there. This was the case on our trip to Bahrain, during Eid el Hada: he came with us because I personally assured him that Manama had a great Hilton hotel. One day we received a visit from Mr. Cincotta, the already named HR Manager from Milan Head Office. Cincotta had brief meetings with all the staff in the construction site offices. To talk to Ildebrando, the HR Manager came personally to our villa, where he told my house-mate that the decision had been made: his next destination would be Venezuela. Ildebrando was heartened by the news, he was afraid of remaining ''imprisoned'' in Arab countries forever, like many of us.
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Ildebrando, Umberto and myself sitting in our villa at Pearl Beach compound - Al Jubail - Saudi
On Thursday evenings we used always organized a soccer match - that evening Ildebrando - who was not a football phenomenon - in an attempt to score a goal, fell heavily to the concrete ground and started screaming: we immediately saw that his right arm was broken at the height of the humerus, and hung limply. Ildebrando was cying and shouting without interruption: ''Goodbye Venezuela…goodbye Venezuela…''!! I told him not to worry, he had time to heal before leaving for South America. In the end he went 'to Venezuela, and despite our recommendations 'be careful of the girls, they are dangerous over there… '' after just 6 months he was already married, and the girl was pregnant. From the marriage a boy born, and after a year Ildebrando had already divorced and taken the child to Italy. The last thing I remember about him was a conversation with his father, who asked me:
''But what is he (Ildebrando) doing down there? (in Venezuela)
Why are you sking so?
I am constantly forced to top up my son's credit card''.....
PATRIOT As I wrote previously, Pearl Beach was the only compound in Al Jubail that allowed men and women to share the same beach. But the compound was also housing a battery of Patriot missiles that were positioned right on the beach we frequented on Fridays. The Gulf War had ended a year earlier, and American soldiers were heavily garrisoning the Eastern coast of Saudi Arabia. While the Patriot affair reassured us on the one hand, on the other it made us think of being a possible target for terrorists and deranged people.
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DAHRAN HOSPITAL During my stay in Al Jubail I had a couple of problems:
The first due to a ''stupid'' accident (all accidents are stupid, right?) - I was on a the site and inspecting a trench for the electrical cables. I wanted to jump the trench but .......ending up on the other side, I landed on a wooden board with a 12 mm nail on it - a rusty one that pierced the sole of the safety shoes. It's was really bad, I remember it even now that so many years have passed! The nail was stuck in the center of my foot, I was rescued and taken to the infirmary where it was removed. Afterwards I underwent the tetanus injection in the outpatient department of a local clinic.
Following this accident, my left knee began to ''creak'' again. I got a permission to go to Dahran, where an MRI machine was in operation at the hospital I had helped build in 1980.
On the scheduled day, I arrived at the hospital accompanied by a driver, and here the odyssey began! I had with me a letter in which our Doctor explained what had happened and asked for an MRI to be carried out on my knee - a test to be paid, of course.
At first the Filipino nurse had not any problem. She read my letter and told me ''sit and wait for your trun''. Than, after a while she came back saying ''That this test required authorization from the Medical Director of the hospital''.
Can you tell me please where is he sitting? I asked the nurse.
Follow the arrows where it is written ''Medical Director'' she said. I knew the hospital so it wasn't a big problem for me to find my way around the labyrinth of corridors. Finally I arrived in front of the Medical Director's office and knocked on the door.
Come in!
I entered the room and found myself in front of an old Saudi guy.
Immediately he addressed me in that loud and annoyed tone:
Madha tarid?? (what do you want) he said with that typical waving of the hand in the air.
Good morning Sir - I came to undergo to an MRI - here is the letter of introduction from my Doctor - the Philippine nurse in charge of admission told me that your authorization is needed.
Reading the letter – Umm……okay……maybe ....sit down ……
Than after a moment: Okay but here…maybe……The test cannot be done!
Why' so? – I asked politely – if it is a problem of money, I have the cash here to pay for the test…….
That's not the issue… the test cannot be done…the MRI machine is reserved ''FOR SAUDIS ONLY''!!
I don't think I can understand, Sir…
Yes – he says – the machine cannot be used for foreigners, it is reserved only for Saudis! Rouh…Rouh… (Go…go…) And so I was dismissed! 240 kilometers to be told that I couldn't take the test just because I'm NOT Saudi.
RETURN TO ITALY Eventually the day came for the final return to Italy. The night flight from Dahran to Rome was scheduled at 0.30am. I arrived at the airport well in advance, aware that when leaving Saudi Arabia permanently, procedures takes longer than normal. Saudi Arabia is perhaps the only country in the world where a foreign resident needs the so called NOC (Non Objection Certificate) to leave the country. Essentially a sort of ''exit visa'' from the country. The NOC is a certificate that there is no objection from anyone to its holder leaving Saudi Arabia. Therefore there are no pending legal cases, unpaid debts etc. With my good NOC in the hand, I showed up at check in and after having completed the procedure a Saudi guy approached me - he was dressed like everyone else, disdasha and ghutra, sandals on his feet, but I had learned to recognize the cops from their behaviour, and he was one of them. He asked me for my passport and boarding pass, looked at them briefly, put them in the deep pocket of his disdasha and then left, without saying a word, leaving me standing there like a ''cuckoo''. Boarding time was approaching, and there was no sign of the policeman! I was more and more nervous, I risked to missthe flight because of that idiot! When there were only a few minutes left before the plane doors shut off, the cop finally returned. He waved my passport and NOC and in front of the stewardess who was begging me to get on board, and began a weird pantomimes:
Where you want to go?
To Italy……
Where in Italy?
Sure you want to go to Rome?
Yes, I'm sure….
Yes …I'm sure….
And WHYYYYY you want to go to Rome? (Again shouting)
Because there is no direct flight to Milan, my home town
Ahh……ok…go…rouh…rouh…. And saying this he finally gave me the passport and the document in my hand. At that moment I turned and almost ran along the bridge that joined the terminal to the plane, and got on board, begging the stewardess to close the door immediately.
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rraduwan · 2 years
What are keywords, key phrases, and long tail keywords?
Keywords: Keywords are ideas and topics that define what a website’s content is about. In terms of SEO, they're the words that searchers enter into search engines, also called "search queries."
eg. if you were looking to buy a new car, you might type something like “car”, and brand name like “Toyota”, “BMW”, “Audi” are your main keywords.
keyphrase: keyphrase is the search term which is a combination of those keywords that a website most wants its post or page to rank for, so when people search for that keyphrase, they should find it.
eg. if you were looking to buy a new car, you type something like “car showroom near me”, “best car to buy”, “which is the best car in new york city” are your keyphrases combination of keywords.
Long-tail keywords: Long-tail keywords are keywords or keyphrases that are more specific – and usually longer – than more commonly used keywords. Long-tail keywords get less search traffic, but will usually have a higher conversion value, as they are more specific.
eg. the keyword “car” is a “head” keyword because it gets 400k searches per month. The keyword “which is the best car to buy in 2022” is a long-tail keyword because it only gets 100 searches per month.
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carfashiongurgaon · 10 months
A Statement in Car Care: Cotton Covers in Gurgaon
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Gurgaon people are in love with luxurious cars. While on Sohna road, or around Ambience Mall, You will find several people flaunting their high end cars on Gurgaon roads. For the Gurgaon crowd, cars are more than transportation mode. These are their luxury statements.
But do you know as you have to take care of your own attire, you have to select good quality car covers for your car too!  You will get different types of car covers in the market, but how will you know which one will suit your car and why? Today's blog will help Gurgaon car fans in selecting an ideal cotton car cover for their car. So what are we waiting for? Let’s get set and zooooom!!!!!!
Why the Buzz Around Cotton Car Covers?
Gurgaon infrastructure is still in its developing stage. And City roads are paying the price of this development. Potholes, dust and construction are common sites in cyber city Gurgaon. 
If this is not enough, then have a look at the extreme weather conditions. Gurgaon faces heat and cold climate. And as a result, your car takes a toll.  And amidst this chaos, the cotton car cover emerges as a hero, marrying elegance with utility.
Delving Into the Advantages of Cotton Car Covers:
Shield Against Dust
Ever noticed how cars in Gurgaon often wear a coat of dust? This isn't just unsightly but can also lead to micro-scratches over time. The soft texture of cotton covers ensures your car remains pristine and dust-free.
Winter's Best Friend
Anyone familiar with North India knows about "Delhi ki Sardi." During these bone-chilling months, a cotton car cover acts like a snug blanket, ensuring your car's sheen isn’t dulled by the cold.
Adaptable Protection
While cotton covers are a favorite for indoor protection, their versatility shines when used with a waterproof layer for outdoor parking. This dual shield ensures that come rain or shine, your vehicle remains untouched.
Pocket-Friendly Durability
Should you find yourself typing "Car Body Cover Shop Near Me" into a search engine, you'll be pleasantly surprised. Cotton car covers, while durable and long-lasting, don't burn a hole in your pocket.
Simplicity in Maintenance
Daily life can get hectic, but maintaining these covers isn’t. A quick wash, a few hours under the sun, and your cover is refreshed and ready.
Where Does One Find These Covers in Gurgaon?
If you're in the hunt for that perfect accessory for your luxury car, consider Car Fashion Gurgaon. Catering to brands from BMW to Land Rover, our covers promise a perfect fit, ensuring protection without compromising aesthetics. Step into our Car Body Cover Shops in Gurgaon, and you'll realize: protecting your car is not just a necessity; it’s a style statement.
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We are one of the main car seat cover shops in Gurgaon. You will get a big range of car seat covers and car accessories at our store. To know more about us, you can reach us here.
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bsautosupplies · 11 months
BS Auto supplies: Your One-Stop Shop for Automotive Accessories and Parts
When it comes to finding the best automotive accessories and parts, the task can often be daunting. Whether you're a car enthusiast, a do-it-yourself mechanic, or simply need a replacement part, you want a reliable source that offers quality products at reasonable prices. Look no further – BS Autosupplies is your one-stop shop for all your automotive needs. With a wide range of products and a commitment to customer satisfaction, we're here to make your automotive journey smoother.
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Junkyard Engines for Sale Near Me: Finding Hidden Treasures
One of the unique aspects of BS Autosupplies is our offering of junkyard engines for sale. If you're looking to breathe new life into an older vehicle or need a cost-effective replacement for your car's heart, our junkyard engines might just be the answer. These engines, carefully selected and inspected, can be a hidden treasure trove of affordable yet reliable powerplants for your automotive project.
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In conclusion, BS Autosupplies is your trusted partner for all things automotive. Whether you're in search of junkyard engines for sale near you, high-quality auto parts, salvage parts, vintage components like the Oldsmobile 403 engine, dealer Toyota parts, used truck parts, or a marketplace for your listings, we have you covered. We're here to enhance your automotive journey, providing convenience, quality, and affordability in every aspect of your vehicle's maintenance and upgrades.
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autocarrepair · 1 year
Tips for Choosing the Right Toyota Service Center Near You
When it comes to maintaining your Toyota vehicle, choosing the right Toyota service center near you is essential. Whether it's routine maintenance or more significant repairs, a trusted service center ensures that your Toyota runs smoothly and retains its value. In this blog, we'll provide you with valuable tips on how to select the perfect Toyota service center, ensuring peace of mind and top-notch service for your beloved car.
1. Research Local Options
Start by researching Toyota service centers near you. A quick online search using keywords like "Toyota service center near me" or "Toyota showroom service" will provide you with a list of available options. Pay attention to customer reviews and ratings, as they can offer insights into the service quality and customer satisfaction.
2. Check Certification and Experience
A reputable Toyota service center should be certified by Toyota itself. Ensure that the service center's technicians are certified and have experience working on Toyota vehicles. This guarantees that they are well-trained and knowledgeable about your specific car model.
3. Quality of Equipment and Parts
Inspect the service center's facilities. Are they equipped with state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and equipment? Do they use genuine Toyota parts? High-quality equipment and genuine parts are crucial for efficient and reliable repairs and maintenance.
4. Services Offered
Consider the range of services offered by the service center. A comprehensive service center should provide routine maintenance (oil changes, tire rotations, brake inspections), as well as more complex services like engine diagnostics and repairs. This one-stop-shop approach can save you time and effort.
5. Convenient Location and Hours
Opt for a service center that is conveniently located near you. Additionally, check their operating hours to ensure they align with your schedule. Some service centers offer extended hours or weekend appointments to accommodate busy lifestyles.
6. Warranty Coverage
Inquire about warranty coverage for services and repairs. A reputable Toyota service center should provide warranties on both their workmanship and the parts they install. This ensures that you're protected in case of any issues after the service.
7. Customer Service
Exceptional customer service is a hallmark of a reliable service center. Look for a center with friendly and knowledgeable staff who can address your concerns and questions promptly. A warm and welcoming environment can make your service experience more pleasant.
8. Pricing and Transparency
Compare pricing among different service centers, but be cautious of unusually low prices, as they might indicate subpar quality. A trustworthy service center should provide transparent pricing with no hidden fees, and they should explain any additional costs before proceeding with the service.
Choosing the right Toyota service center near you is crucial for maintaining your vehicle's reliability and performance. By conducting thorough research, considering the certification and experience of technicians, inspecting facilities, and assessing customer service and pricing, you can make an informed decision. Your Toyota deserves the best care, so take your time to select a service center that meets your expectations and ensures your vehicle stays in top condition.
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renee00124 · 1 year
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As shown in the above link, these antennas are vital for focused "Death Ray" assaults which typically focus on tissue, organs and joints. Parking vehicles close to target's homes is key even if they have to walk further to their set up destination.
Weaponized drones derives electromagnetic energy from satellites to drones and use the antenna for pinpoint accuracy on human target's using biometrics.
A few days ago, was yet another attempt to use a weapnized antenna inside of a vehicle. The top left image was parked across the street paralled to my house behind Mr. Campisi's white truck. As you can see there is plenty of parking space closer to the official set up at David Jacques' house and logically most would park as close as possible to their destination. This is not true when the official goal is use of a remotely guided weaponized antennas setup inside vehicles.
The second image was another attempt two weeks ago using another white car that time parked directly in front of my house. Again with plenty of parking space across the street and in front of the operation house. Knowing what they are up to from many experiences, in both cases with the white cars, when I go outside and take pictures, military personnel quickly come out and leave. I am watched in realtime 24/7.
The top third image, right, is an example of the drone connection to the upstair room of Jacques house to car antenna to me. Whenever the Happoldt's daughter's who also drives a white truck, next door South is not home apparently they need another car with an antenna to continue torture thus the two white cars.
I removed the image of Navy personnel attaching a cam to Velasquez's house. They are a Navy family, and their home parallel to my bedroom has been used since I moved in. However, putting up a camera near midnight with two facing the same direction surveilling the same space was suspect. The Toyota, bottom left, works Rodriguez house, again up the street.
The bottom center image reveals an antenna placed inside Mr. Campisi's truck across the street where older agent's use. When I posted this image a while back they immediately took the antenna out. This is likely why the white vehicle parked behind his white truck yesterday and walked two houses down to Jacques' house. The drone setup over Jacques house was captured one night while under a full beamed attack. Before the LAPD cop moved out, many get tired of this program moving in, I saw a familiar USAF person enter the now owned Jacques' house followed by beamed tortured from this direction. When the cop moved, he did not.
On the record, the house was purchased by David Jacques. It now has the same military person I saw going and coming before and now several military personnel as this high-tech silencing operation continues around me.
Example of USAF / Navy Lockheed Connection
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primepestsolutions · 1 year
Are you looking for a Toyota car wrecker from a reliable provider in Australia? Genuine Toyota parts are specifically engineered to fit your vehicle perfectly. When you use genuine parts, you can be confident that they will work harmoniously.  You can buy Toyota parts easily with good quality from Ayazi auto parts. We offer you brand new parts, second hand Toyota parts or any car brand at an affordable range. Contact or visit our website for more details.
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usadirectauto1 · 1 year
2022 Subaru Forester: Reviews And Specifications
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Are you looking for an SUV with a great look and performance? If yes then you can easily find many SUVs in the market by visiting in house financing car lots. Though, if you want to buy a used SUV at a low price then here you will know about it. In this article, we will discuss affordable cars that you can purchase easily.
The 2022 Forester is a combination of Subaru's outdoorsy image with the practicality of a compact crossover. This combination has made the Forester SUV a success, but it's middling flat-four engine offers tepid acceleration that tempers its desirability. The 2022 Subaru Forester benefits from a styling makeover that provides it with a more trucklike look, but the cabin remains as practical and comfortable as ever, but it has an exceptional case in airy and rife with convenient storage cubbies. Like most other Subaru vehicles, the Forester comes with all-wheel drive as standard. Key competitors like the Toyota RAV4 and the Honda CR-V provide similar traits, but both are provided with more powerful hybrid and gasoline engines that leave the 2022 Forester feeling underpowered by comparison. You can easily find used cars by looking for in house financing cars near me and visiting them to know more about vehicles. Still, for drivers who are looking for the Subaru's adventurous aura appealing, the 2022 Forester will be a satisfactory choice.
What's New For The 2022 Subaru Forester?
Subaru has refreshed the Forester for 2022 with a reworked grille, blockier-looking front headlamps, and new wheel designs. A wilderness model joins the class and it comes with additional ground clearance and a rugged appearance package. When we talk about the inside, the 2022 Forester has a new optional gesture control for the panoramic sunroof and climate control system as standard equipment on all but the base trim. Its driver assistance features attract drivers and this feature gets upgraded camera sensors that Subaru says expands its operating range, broadens the system's field of view, and launches a new automatic emergency steering system into the mix. If you have old vehicles to sell then you should visit in house financing near me and get a good deal. All models of the 2022 Forester now come with a torque vectoring system, Subaru's SI-Drive driving mode selector, an auto start-stop feature for the four-cylinder engine, and an electronic parking brake with auto-hold.
Pricing And Which Model To Purchase
The Forester has a base price of $25195 and this is a decent starting cost for the lineup. Moreover, you will get a Subaru car with an all-wheel drive system that costs extra in many competitors when you add this system. When we talk about a range-topping Forester Touring price then it is available in the market at $35295 and this price is a bit higher than many rival's top-trim costs. Every model of the 2022 Subaru Forester comes at a different price.
When it comes to which model you should purchase then it totally depends on your requirements and your budget as well. You can purchase or sell any model at an affordable price by looking for Buy Here Pay Here Auto Dealers Near Me. Every model has some unique features the Touring and Limited models are much fancier but the premium trim comes with the best mix of value and features. The exterior updates a rear spoiler, body-color side view mirror, and 17-inch wheels that make it look less like a rental car. If we talk about the interior then it comes with luxuries such as a 10-watt power adjustable driver's seat, a panoramic sunroof, an onboard Wi-Fi hotspot, reclining rear seat backs, and a six-speaker sound system.
Forester Interior: Great Space For A Small SUV
Forester interior quality: the 2022 Subaru Forester offers one of the roomiest cabins in the compact SUV lineup, and it is well-built with great quality materials. Driver isn't disturbed by road noise because it keeps occupants insulated from traffic and road noise. If you want to purchase this awesome car hassle-free then you should visit buy here pay here dealerships near me. And if we talk about the new wilderness model then it makes a great companion on muddy roads because of its water-repellent upholstery.
Forester infotainment, navigation, and Bluetooth: it is very easy to use the Starlink infotainment system because of its intuitive interface that makes using and understanding menus simple. The touch screen responds well to input, though the graphics of the display could be sharper. The driver will find a secondary display at the top of the dashboard that displays different information than the touchscreen. This secondary display may confuse some drivers at first but when they use it a few times then they can easily understand it.
Available infotainment features: in this list, you will get a six-speaker stereo, more USB ports, navigation, a Wi-Fi hotspot, an 8-inch touchscreen, and a nine-speaker Harman Kardon stereo.
Standard infotainment features: you will get all features in your vehicles when you get a car from the  best place to buy used cars. In this category, the driver will get a 6.5-inch touchscreen, satellite radio, a four-speaker stereo, HD radio, apple carplay, and android auto, Bluetooth, and USB ports.
Other available features: there are some other available features including dual-zone automatic climate control, push-button start, and a panoramic moonroof.
Additional standard features: you will get automatic climate control in this category.
Forester cargo space: few class rivals offer more cargo space than the Subaru Forester. The base 2022 Forester offers 28.9 cubic feet of space behind the back seats and after folding down the rear seats, you will get 74.2 cubic feet of space. In all other trims, these numbers decrease to 26.9 cubic feet and 69.1 cubic feet, respectively.
No. Of people can sit: the 2022 Subaru Forester is a two-row seat car that offers sitting for five people. If you are looking for a pre-owned car with great quality then make sure you select reputed no credit check auto dealers near me. Drivers will appreciate its great visibility, and everyone can appreciate the spacious and quiet cabin of this car. Both rows of seats are very comfortable and offer plenty of leg and headroom. In fact, taller passengers can sit in the rear seat comfortably. The doors open up wide which makes it easy to enter or exit the car in either row.
Forester Performance: More To Like Than Not
Forester engine: every Forester has the same engine- a 182-hp four-cylinder engine coupled with a continuously variable automatic transmission system. The Forester’s engine will get you from one destination to another one but it is not the most impressive powertrain. Its acceleration is only so-so, and this car can feel a touch underpowered on the road.
Forester ride and handling: this car is poised around turns and shows little body lean but it lacks the sporty nature of some competitors. If you type in house financing cars near me in the search bar you will get many options where you can visit and choose your dream car. It rides smoothly and offers sturdy brakes so it is a better off-road car than most class rivals. The 2022 Forester also has an all-wheel drive system that is a rarity in this class.
Forester off-road performance: the Forester is a well-known off-road vehicle that almost every class rivals. Most models come with 8.7 inches of ground clearance and are untroubled by snow, light trails, and mud. If you want to purchase this car then you have to look for auto lots near me. The Wilderness version also offers 9.2-inch ground clearance which makes it more capable. This vehicle also has an all-wheel drive system, making it a major outlier in this segment, as it is a pricey upgrade from many competitors. Every model of Forester except the base comes with hill descent control and X-mode, a system that increases grip on slippery paths. Wilderness models also come with all-terrain tires and a forward-facing off-road camera.
Towing capacity and warranty: many Forester models can tow up to 1500 pounds but when it comes to the Wilderness model doubles that capacity to 3000 pounds. When we talk about warranty then Subaru covers this car with a three-year or 36000-mile limited warranty and a five-year or 60000-mile powertrain warranty.
Forester gas mileage: when we talk about its gas mileage then it gets good mileage, earning 26 mpg around the town and 33 mpg on the road in many configurations. If you are searching car dealerships around me on the internet then there are many options you will find but you need to choose a dealer by checking their reviews, and ratings. Make sure you select trustworthy dealerships to get a better deal. When it comes to Wilderness trim then it is a bit less fuel-efficient than other Forester models, returning 25 mpg in the city and 28 mpg on the highway.
Conclusion-Here you have read everything about the 2022 Subaru Forester vehicle. If you want to purchase a vehicle but before that you have to sell your car then you should choose the best place to sell car so you will get a good deal on your purchase.
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gaddizo34658 · 1 year
Now Choose The Best Toyota Car Service Provider In Gurgaon
Many Toyota car service providers claim to offer best-in-class care services in Gurgaon, but most of them are costly, so we can't rely on them. You can see a lot of commitment by Toyota car service providers, but it's ended up with below par service. As a Toyota car user, if you don't have the idea about Toyota car service and their spares and ended up trusting anyone. Where you can get the best Toyota car service in Gurgaon is still a mind-boggling thing, there is Gaadizo, which offers best in class Toyota car services across Gurgaon.
Offers a variety of Toyota car service, car repair with the most trained engineers
Get handpicked Toyota car service plans for better performance and lower maintenance requirement
All-around care service includes engine, brake, and clutch repair plans for competitive prices
Gaadizo offers Toyota car dry cleaning along with rubbing and polishing
Suppose you are seeking the best Toyota car service provider in Gurgaon. In that case, Gaadizo is the most recommended Toyota car service provider that are dealing with inexpensive care repair and maintenance service that ensures maximum efficiency of your Toyota car. We offer services that start from basic to advance servicing that enhance your Toyota car performance. You can also get some additional benefits of choosing Gaadizo as your long-term service partner-
We offer the most convenient Toyota car service for you
We have a friendly and fully-professional group of service engineers
We can handle a wide range of Toyota car services that includes all sort of repair and maintenance
We get the job done at the right time
Include These To Get Most Assured Toyota Car Service In Gurgaon
The role of the Toyota car service center in Gurgaon to offer on-time service at a considerable price, but people get confused over the selection of Toyota car service center then Gaadizo comesin picture to handpicked care service. Toyota Car service near me offers a wide range of exterior and interior car services with free pick up and drop facilities. Gaadizo offers both on-spot and pickup services apart from regular care services in Gurgaon.
Gaadizo offers hassle free payment options that include all possible payment mediums like cash, card, UPI, and installments as well.Finding a Toyota car service center near me comes easy when various online Toyota car service providers are started dealing in Gurgaon. In case of sudden Toyota car breakdown, you don't have to search for a Toyota car service station near me as Gaadizo offers you on-site services for sure.
Ways to Find the Best Toyota Car Mechanic Near Me in Gurgaon
Maintaining your Toyota car condition is always the priority as a well-maintained car works more smoothly. Taking care of your car is the best practice that lowers overall cost and premature breakdowns. When your vehicle is out of service, you need to find the best Toyota car mechanic near me. We are always there to offer the nearest Toyota car mechanic in Gurgaon, so never hesitate to bring your car to us and get it delivered to your home. The expert Toyota car repairing mechanic in Gurgaon will go through your car and provide everything it needs. We offer periodic maintenance to major car repair and prompt replacement services.
Visit:- Now Choose The Best Toyota Car Service Provider In Gurgaon
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bu1410 · 5 months
Good afternoon TUMBLR - May 6h - 2024
''Mr. Plant has owed me a shoe since July 5, 1971."
UAE – ABU DHABI – Rub el Khali Desert - Jan 2012 - Jul 2014 - - Shah Gas Development Project (UAE)
Part #3
CHRISTMAS LUNCH For Christmas 2014 lunch, we decided that we would not let ourselves be fooled by Operation Manager again. We then booked the Christmas Grand Buffet at the Ritz-Carlton Abu Dhabi, Grand Canal.
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Sheik Zayed Grand Mosque - Abu Dhabi
We were 24 participants, and we set off from Shah on a sunny morning with temperatures of 23 degrees. I was driving the company Toyota Prado, and even though I had begged my colleagues to spare me, the assholes managed to take with me Alessandro Bonon, by far the biggest pain in the ass of all of us. More than 200 km with Bonon next to me shooting stupid things .................., Any case we arrived in front of the Sheik Zayed Grand Mosque, the Ritz Carlton is right on the other side of the highway, along the Kohr al Baghal, the canal that surrounds the main island of Abu Dhabi. And then Bonon started giving orders like ''turn right, go straight, no left, watch out for the detour'' so in the end we went 30 km further because in the Emirates all you have NOT to do is miss a motorway exit and invariably you have to travel tens of kilometers before you can turn back. (This is thanks to the British engineers who designed the road system of the Emirates). As we arrived at the hotel, and there was a lot of entertainment, a lot of foregneirs with families, very luxurious cars, valet service carried out by diligent Indians in white uniforms and turbans. Lunch was something unforgettable: lounge facing the swimming pools with tables full of good things: appetizers of all kinds, a series of first courses, second courses of meat and fish, Italian, French, Indian specialties, even a room dedicated just for desserts, cakes, pastries, panettone. Not one, but a whole volley of slaps to misery! We drank excellent Italian Chianti and Vernaccia, and finally Prosecco di Valdobbiadene. While the families of the British around us - with daughters with invariably thick legs especially at the ankles, ruddy faces and very high heels that forced them to walk like crabs, gorged themselves on sweets and the bangs of the champagne corks rang continuously. It all ended in glory, with our little guy Panizza carried by his friends after he drank 12 mojitos. We shoot the ritual photos on the steps of the hotel, and than we went out to collect the cars and return to the desert.
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I gave the parking ticket to Bonon, to pass it onto the Indian valet, while we took the last group photos. Suddenly, as we were standing near the large fountain in front of the hotel, we heard very loud music coming from a car near the hotel entrance. We looked closer and who was causing all that noise? But Bonon, of course! My Prado had arrived, he had turned on the radio at full volume and opened the front doors. For an interminable moment, dozens of eyes looked in the direction of my car, with a reprehensible look. I even caught a shake of the head from one of the Indians manning the hotel's revolving door. While the ''Bell Captain'' approached Bonon begging him to lower the volume of the radio, the foregneirs present, raising their eyebrows in a sign of desapproval, signaled that they understood those people ''they were foreigners, but not British''. Having regained control of the situation, I told Bonon - dead drunk - that he had managed to make it clear how stupid he was even at Christmas lunch. I drove for 220 km without saying anything else, as Bono fell asleep after few km.
FINAL DEPARTURE FROM ABU DHABI After 3 years the time had come for me to leave Abu Dhabi for good. The project was coming to an end, the commissioning/start up had already begun. I left Shah with a mixed feelings: happy because I was leaving the desert and its routine - at the same time with a bit of regret. I had a good time, the Emirates are a very safe country to live and work in. The uncertainty about the future, at my age and with my experiences behind me, did not leave me at peace.
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thelocksmithgy · 2 years
How To Get The Most Out of a Key Fob
Key fobs are a convenient way to unlock your car, but they do more than just that. They can also help you get into your home and even access your mailbox if you have one. But to really use these devices to their full potential, there are a few things you'll want to do first. Here's how:
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Get rid of old keys.
If you're like most people, the keys to your house are probably sitting in a drawer. You don't need them because you have a key fob that controls all of the locks in your home. If this is true for you, why not get rid of those old keys? It's best to dispose of them responsibly by contacting local police or fire department and asking them how best to dispose of old keys. They'll know what's safest for you and your family!
Update your key fob.
A key fob can be used to unlock your car, lock your car, start your car and even open the trunk of some models. Some key fobs have additional features such as remote trunk release and even door locks for other vehicles. If you have an older model vehicle that doesn't have these features built into it then you may want to consider updating your key fob so that it does!
Keyless entry systems are often included as standard equipment on luxury cars but they're also available as an option on many mainstream models from manufacturers like Ford and Toyota.
Use it to unlock your car and not your home, unless you want to.
If you have a key fob, it's likely that you use it to unlock your car and not your home. This is convenient because it means you can keep track of one less thing on your key chain. However, if someone gets hold of your fob (and there are many ways they could), they could potentially gain access to both places.
So if you do choose to use a key fob as an alternative method for unlocking either location, make sure that both spaces are secure: don't leave the house unlocked when going out with friends; don't leave windows open when driving around town with no one else in sight; avoid putting valuables where they can be easily seen from outside--like sitting on top of a car hood while waiting outside at night--and so forth. If possible avoid using them altogether!
If you have a key fob for your car, use it wisely.
Use the key fob sparingly.
Don't leave it in your pocket or purse.
Don't leave it in your car, like on the seat or console.
Don't lose it! If this happens, call up someone who has access to a spare and ask them to bring it over so that you can get into your house or apartment safely. Or just wait until someone comes home from work/school/wherever they were and let them know about their lost keys before heading out again--that way, no one will be inconvenienced by having their doors locked against them when they return home later on tonight (or tomorrow morning).
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If you have a key fob for your car, use it wisely. If you have an old one that doesn't work anymore or one that doesn't have many functions, replace it with a new one. You may also want to consider updating your key fob so that it can open more than just doors; some of the newer models even allow users to start engines remotely!
The Locksmith Guy is a local locksmith company servicing the NYC area. We provide car lockout services and body shop lockouts. The Locksmith Guy is your first stop for any of your locksmith needs. If you have lost a key or fob, or if you are locked out of your car, Locksmith Guy has the experience and knowledge that you can count on to get you back on the road quickly.
The Locksmith Guy is proud to offer assistance with lockouts and new key fob near me in the Florida area. Call us today for help with replacing locks, opening safes and anything else you may need!
The Locksmith Guy 620 Bypass Dr suite 101, Clearwater, FL 33764 727-290-0100 https://www.locksmith-guy.com/
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carfashiongurgaon · 11 months
A Statement in Car Care: Cotton Covers in Gurgaon
Gurgaon people are in love with luxurious cars. While on Sohna road, or around Ambience Mall, You will find several people flaunting their high end cars on Gurgaon roads. For the Gurgaon crowd, cars are more than transportation mode.These are their luxury statements.
But do you know as you have to take care of your own attire, you have to select good quality car covers for your car too!  You will get different types of car covers in the market, but how will you know which one will suit your car and why? Today's blog will help Gurgaon car fans in selecting an ideal cotton car cover for their car. So what are we waiting for? Let’s get set and zooooom!!!!!!
Why the Buzz Around Cotton Car Covers?
Gurgaon infrastructure is still in its developing stage. And City roads are paying the price of this development. Potholes, dust and construction are common sites in cyber city Gurgaon.
If this is not enough, then have a look at the extreme weather conditions. Gurgaon faces heat and cold climate. And as a result, your car takes a toll.  And amidst this chaos, the cotton car cover emerges as a hero, marrying elegance with utility.
Delving Into the Advantages of Cotton Car Covers:
Shield Against Dust
Ever noticed how cars in Gurgaon often wear a coat of dust? This isn't just unsightly but can also lead to micro-scratches over time. The soft texture of cotton covers ensures your car remains pristine and dust-free.
Winter's Best Friend
Anyone familiar with North India knows about "Delhi ki Sardi." During these bone-chilling months, a cotton car cover acts like a snug blanket, ensuring your car's sheen isn’t dulled by the cold.
Adaptable Protection
While cotton covers are a favorite for indoor protection, their versatility shines when used with a waterproof layer for outdoor parking. This dual shield ensures that come rain or shine, your vehicle remains untouched.
Pocket-Friendly Durability
Should you find yourself typing "Car Body Cover Shop Near Me" into a search engine, you'll be pleasantly surprised. Cotton car covers, while durable and long-lasting, don't burn a hole in your pocket.
Simplicity in Maintenance
Daily life can get hectic, but maintaining these covers isn’t. A quick wash, a few hours under the sun, and your cover is refreshed and ready.
Where Does One Find These Covers in Gurgaon?
If you're in the hunt for that perfect accessory for your luxury car, consider Car Fashion Gurgaon. Catering to brands from BMW to Land Rover, our covers promise a perfect fit, ensuring protection without compromising aesthetics. Step into our Car Body Cover Shops in Gurgaon, and you'll realize: protecting your car is not just a necessity; it’s a style statement.
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Toyota Camry in Sacramento Secrets
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