starkrogerrs · 5 years
(if you'll have me);
this is a quick something for @festeve-rogers , ily kid and I hope you feel better soon <3
Sometime during the third year of them being together, Tony had picked up quite a peculiar habit.
Everytime Steve did anything remotely kind or sweet, Tony would tilt his head ever so slightly, pucker his lips into a pout and sigh "Marry me," as if he was merely recounting his day.
Of course, it was only his way of showing appreciation, because Tony Stark had to be a dramatic man, but the first time he ever said it, Steve almost jumped out of his skin.
"W-what?!" he had mumbled, flushing from head to toe and Tony had simply laughed. "I'm kidding, love," Tony had said, laughing through his nose and that had been that.
Then everytime Steve so much as bought him breakfast in bed or ran his hands though his hair or kissed him after an exhausting day, Tony would whisper those words in his ear and Steve would always, without doubt, blush a brilliant red. And Tony, would always, without doubt, kiss his adorable nose. Steve knew it was a joke, but it still made his heart flutter and do a merry number inside his chest.
Because, he really was in love with his boyfriend. Because life was just that much better with Tony in it. Because marrying Tony Stark would be the greatest thing that could happen to him.
So, when the eve of their fifth anniversary rolled around, Steve concoted quite a devious plan in his head.
Tony had been in meetings (seven of them to be precise) all day, and he'd apologised to Steve profusely over text. Steve had brushed it off, saying they could always celebrate the next day but the situation couldn't be more perfect.
Tony sighed happily as Steve stripped him, removing every sweaty piece of cloth that seemed to weigh him down. He wordlessly guided Tony to the bath he had laid out for them, complete with aromatic candles and gold bath bombs.
"Gosh, you romantic," Tony chirped, eyes brightening instantly and Steve smiled, overtaking him to settle into the hot water. Tony joined him shortly after, settling on top of him and in his arms.
"Mmm this is nice. Happy anniversary, baby," Tony murmured, as Steve trailed a finger up and down his arm. "I'm sorry we couldn't spend the whole day together," he added, turning to look at Steve, but he shook his head.
"Hush now. Every day with you is like another anniversary," Steve says, nipping at his ear and Tony groans, blushing.
"You're so cheesy, Rogers."
"Only for you."
They lay in the water for a while, letting the warmth soothe the knots in their skin and the comfortable silence wash their worries away.
Just when Tony had begun to drift off, Steve began to lather his chest, putting just enough pressure he knew would make Tony groan in appreciation.
And like a dog in Pavlov's experiment, Tony exhaled deeply and said, "Oof, marry me."
Steve beamed then, as he tugged at Tony's arm so that the latter opened his eyes. Staring back at him was a silver band, sitting in a black, velvet box; glinting in the amber light of the bathroom.
"If you'll have me, then yes," Steve whispered in Tony's ear and Tony all but screamed; his eyes shining with unshed tears and a thousand overwhelming emotions, mouth agape in surprise.
Tony pulled him in for a kiss then, because words had escaped him. Half the water splashed out of the bathtub but he couldn't, wouldn't care right now.
"Yes," he whispered, kissing Steve over and over, "A million times, yes."
It was Tony's turn to be flushed now.
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firebrands · 5 years
hi everyone I’m sorry I’ve been so MIA I don’t even have time to add stuff to my queue because I’ve barely have time to check tumblr lately :(
SO please tag me #usernadine on fic, gifs, or graphics or whatever you make!!! Hehe
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starkrogerrs · 5 years
(forget me not);
steve adjusts the cap atop his head, and shuffles ahead in the line. he's going to buy a ticket for himself- for a new movie he's heard that is 'thrilling and a masterpiece' and also because it would help to watch something mindlessly.
there's a lady standing in front of him, and she smiles at him apologettically when she steps on his foot. she turns and then glances back almost immediately, batting her eyes at him. steve smiles politely and looks away. he definitely isn't interested.
warm, gentle brown eyes that shimmer golden stare back at him when he closes his eyes; even for a split second, but they're there, as clear as day, as if he'd just seen them before he'd closed his eyes.
the queue moves again and it is finally steve's turn.
"one for 'forget me not', please," steve says and the person behind the counter smiles before keying something into the computer.
steve hands in the cash in exchange for the ticket and ambles along the aisle, towards the screen that's mentioned on the piece of paper in his hand.
there's a couple leaning against a poster in the far corner of the aisle. the boy has his arms wrapped around the girl and a smile stretches at his lips. they couldn't be older than twenty.
a pang resonates through his body, and the brown eyes flash before his own again. he wonders if perhaps someday, he'd held the person who's eyes he so vividly remembers, in his arms like that. a sigh escapes his lips and he has to suppress a sob.
it's dark inside the theater and he has to squint to see the numbers on the seats, before his eyes finally adjust and he finds the one written on his ticket.
the movie really is beautiful; stunning direction and a story that stirs something inside steve that lingers in his mind until and after he steps out of the theater.
and then he spots him- a weary man leaning against a moderately expensive car, smoking a cigar. the smoke swirls in the air, mixing with the snow and turning it grey.
by some unexplained force, he finds himself making his way to the man, drawing his coat closer around himself. the snow is starting to freeze his nose and lips.
he stops in tracks, about five feet away from the man, overcome by a very powerful feeling- could it be?- the thought sends a shockwave that leaves his spine tingling.
it couldn't be.
he doesn't have to wait long for an answer.
the man spots him as well, and the cigars drops from his mouth. he tumbles forward, as if his legs are giving way under him and steve catches him, holding him up by his arms.
the man glances up, mouth hanging open.
those same brown eyes- eyes that have been part of every waking moment of steve's life stare back at him. they seem dimmer, less warm, amiss.
"d-do i know you?" steve whispers, even though he already has an inkling of an answer. a single memory, of the man smiling down at him, warm and gentle as ever pans through his blank mind.
the man fumbles again, as if the question had punched him in his gut. he gathers himself finally, and looks back at steve again. a hint of tears gleams at the corner of his eyes. something tells steve that this man doesn't cry often and he feels an overwhelming need to punch something.
"it's me, steve," the man says, tone soft but pained, as if every word hurts to voice.
"tony. your tony. the love of your life."
- excerpt from a story i will never write
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starkrogerrs · 5 years
The Captain's Bitch
a/n: i've made my own genre it's called soft crack porn. enjoy. idea by @stark-charm
Long before they'd started dating, Tony had fantasised of having Steve's dick in his ass.
It just was; Steve was a very attractive man and even though he infuriated him in the beginning, Tony really couldn't control the several wet dreams he'd had about the soldier.
Now, as he sat kneeling, butt-naked in Steve's dimly lit bedroom, as the latter littered his neck with hickies that he would later proudly flaunt, all his fantasies came rushing back to him.
Steve was sort of old-fashioned, in the sense that he didn't jump Tony's bones on the very first date. Which, if Tony was being honest, had been disappointing. Especially since they had so much pent up sexual tension they could have put to good use. Tony had agreed to take things slow though, for Steve's sake.
Three dates however, were apparently enough for Steve and that's why here they were, with Steve's long and lean fingers stretching Tony open nicely.
If his fantasies were any proof, Tony had always imagined that Steve was good but this, even though they'd barely started, exceeded all expectations.
He moaned long and slow as Steve trust a third finger in, hitting that sweet sweet spot and Tony's eyes rolled up in his head.
"I — need — you," Tony managed in between grunts as Steve continued to nibble at his ear. Steve was all around him, and Tony felt warm like he hadn't in years.
He almost whined at the loss of Steve's fingers, as the latter pulled back to get lube. Tony waited patiently, preparing himself for Steve's slick fingers to fill him again— but they never came.
Tony frowned, turning his head slightly to look at Steve, who was staring down at his back. His pupils were blown so wide that the brunet almost came then and there.
"Steve?" he called. But the blond didn't reply, his fingers now caressing the dip of Tony's tailbone gently, where his gaze was also fixated.
"Earth to Rogers. You here, babe?" he asked again, turning around completely now so that their knees touched; hating that all the work that Steve had done on his body seemed to be disappearing.
Steve all but snapped back to reality.
"Huh?" he mumbled intelligently and Tony smiled.
"Thought I'd lost you there, sweetheart."
Steve said nothing, eyes still dark as he turned Tony around, his fingernails digging into the brunette's skin. Steve pulled him onto his lap, his hardness pressing down against his back. Tony's breath hitched as arousal coursed through him again.
"When did you get this?" Steve asked then, his voice hoarse and throaty.
What? Tony thought, as Steve licked the skin of his neck again. Tony's hands immediately went up to fist the soldier's hair.
"Get what?" he croaked as Steve bit down on the spot behind his ear while grinding against his butt. God, could he just fuck him already?
Steve licked the shell of his ear, before leaning away again.
"The tattoo," he half-whispered, breath fanning Tony's neck.
Oh. That.
Tony was flung back in time, to the very eventful night of 4th of July, 1990. It was a couple of months after he'd turned twenty and the night America turned 214.
'Captain America's bitch', read the tattoo; the words a contrasting black against the red and blue of the signature shield.
"That was so long ago," Tony replied, grinding down on Steve's thigh, earning a grunt from the soldier. If he didn't have Steve inside him soon, he was going to be mad.
The blond however, had other plans.
"Talk me through it," he said. It wasn't a question.
"Are you serious right now?"
They were going to have sex for the first time, Tony's fantasy was coming true and here Steve was, asking him to narrate some stupid tale.
Steve leaned over again, sucking at the spot that made Tony's neck flush red and toes curl. Tony's eyes fluttered shut and lips parted instantly as Steve turned his chin to kiss him.
"Please, baby?"
How could he say no to that?
How could anybody say no to that?
"I got it on a dare. Blame Rhodey," he confessed, half smiling. The memory was etched into his mind with incredible detail, which was surprising because they'd been so high then.
Steve hummed in response, urging Tony to continue. He nuzzled his nose into Tony's neck, as his warm fingers skimmed down his thighs.
Wow, he thought, Steve's hands might just become his favorite part of him.
"My father, who you obviously knew," he began, tensing a little at the thought of his father. But Steve's hands found their way to his dick and palmed him gently and, well, Tony forgot whatever he was supposed to say.
"Fuck, Steve," he groaned, eyes fluttering shut.
"Go on," Steve said, stroking him slowly and What The Fuck, how was he supposed to think with Steve's hand on his dick?
"My f-father, h-he never shut up about you," he continued, "He thought you were one of his greatest creations and I— fuck — I wanted to hate you, Steve."
Steve froze against him at that and Tony bit his tongue. In his defense he didn't really know what he was saying because his brain wasn't cooperating at the moment. He was half sure Steve would just ask him to shut up but instead, he found himself being turned around and pushed onto his back. Nails digging into Tony's skin, Steve bent over him once again.
"— But I couldn't. You were a hero even in my time."
Steve smirked against his skin, and Tony felt himself relax. He grinned up at the soldier.
"Don't get too cocky now, darling. It wasn't like I was obsessed with you or anything."
Steve leaned back a little then, never letting go of Tony's waist, his grip firm. There was a wicked look on his face, eyes dark with lust. He swung Tony's legs over his broad shoulders, as the latter groaned at the sensation.
"But you were gorgeous so I had a small poster of you in my room, which may have inspired a certain set of inappropriate dreams— "
Tony almost screamed mid-sentence because Steve decided to spear in, right at the moment. Tony knew Steve was huge, but he was practically straining against him now. Tony was sure he was going to black out as bright lights swam before his eyes.
"Don't... Stop... Talking," Steve grunted out, each word punctuated with faint breaths.
"I d-dreamt about you a couple of times," he managed through gritted teeth, as Steve pulled out slowly and thrust in again.
Fuck, his legs were already shaking, but it felt oh so fucking good. He gripped at the sheets beside him tightly, hoping that he wouldn't fall.
"And I did at times bring you up in conversations randomly and— fuck— "
Another thrust. Tony bucked his hips against Steve in response, needing more of the friction as he burned around him.
"Rhodey was so done. So he dared me, that night—"
Another thrust. Steve was being painfully slow, taking his time to tease Tony.
"And I thought, why the hell not? And —" he moaned low as Steve pushed in again slowly. He could feel the orgasm building up deep inside him; the sensation creeping up from his core like wildfire.
He bucked his hips again, as Steve picked up pace, skin hitting skin with an erotic smack that echoed through the room. Tony could feel Steve slide in and out and recalled every one of those times he'd thought of this precise moment. All of those times were nothing compared to what he was feeling right now.
"And because I-I was feeling— shit— particularly rebellious, I got that- written on my back," he finished, panting as Steve reached over to stroke his length. He felt numbingly sensitive and weird lights danced before his shut eyes but God forbid if Steve stopped.
Steve was pumping at an incredible speed now, pulling Tony higher and higher, their grunts loud and filthy. This felt better than anything Tony had ever experienced and, for the very first time, felt right. His eyes squeezed shut, feeling aware of every inch of where their skin was connected in some way.
Tony chanted Steve's name over and over, each louder than the last, as they both reached their climax together. Their movement became erratic as Steve came all inside him and Tony, on Steve's chest.
They toppled onto each other, completely exhausted, warm and sweaty but happier than they had possibly ever been. Steve kissed Tony's neck again, his plump lips soft and sleep-inducing, as the brunet sighed contentedly into the pillow.
Later, when Steve had cleaned them both up and they lay on the bed; Tony's head resting on Steve's chest, as the soldier traced circles down Tony's arm.
Tony felt his eyes droop, exhaustion taking over completely. Never, in all his life, had he actually felt this warm after sex, this full, this happy.
"What was that about?" he intrigued sleepily.
"The tattoo thing."
Steve didn't reply for a moment and he wondered if the soldier had drifted off.
"What about it?" the soldier replied a long moment later, opening one eye.
"Did you not like it?" Tony asked, propping his head up on his arm. He was struggling to keep his eyes open but like they say, curiosity killed the cat.
Steve looked up at him and reached out to brush Tony's hair away from his forehead.
"Other than the fact that you're not my bitch, I loved it."
Tony smiled giddily. "Dork. What am I then?"
"My... lover?"
Tony scoffed, burying his face into Steve's chest to hide his blush.
"'Captain America's Lover' ? That'd suck as a tattoo."
Steve laughed, the deep rumble inside his chest making Tony feel warm all over again.
"Just... seeing my symbol on you...," he said, lifting Tony's chin with a finger, "It's like you've been mine all this time... and I didn't even know." His eyes darkened at that again, and Tony felt the familiar tug in his abdomen again.
Tony bit down on his lip as he gazed at Steve. Blue eyes sheltered by long eyelashes that curved towards the sharp nose and those soft, plump lips were just inviting as ever.
God, he was beautiful.
"Well, you know now. That I'm yours. Forever," he said, climbing on top of Steve, who was already moaning and captured his lips in his own.
"The tattoo's permanent."
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starkrogerrs · 5 years
Keep your body all on me [part 2]
part 1 // also on ao3
a/n: i promise part 3 is all smut (updating next thursday) so keep an eye out! let me know your thoughts on this part? all the love <3
Accepting Steve's offer was probably the best decision that Tony had made in recent times.
Servicing him was a definite upgrade from some of the creeps that he encountered at the Strip club. It wasn't even servicing, it was as if Tony almost was in a relationship with Steve.
The first week had been the usual stripping and dancing that he did for his customers, at the end of which, Steve, true to his word, rewarded him handsomely. Steve loved the way he moved, swayed to the most crass songs but Tony enjoyed putting on a show for him. It was honestly liberating.
Steve praised him relentlessly, not empty words but actual heartfelt compliments. Obviously they were meant to encourage him but Tony flushed everytime Steve called him beautiful and gorgeous and baby in his deep but soft voice.
Saying Steve was filthy rich was an understatement. Thanks to him, Tony didn't need to go to the club anymore and he could finally pay off his pending rent.
The terms of the contract were simple, Tony would be Steve's sugar baby. He wasn't to see anyone else except for Steve, but had ever liberty to refuse, if whatever Steve asked of him, didn't feel right. Tony was fine with that, his love life had no momentum anyway.
However, by the time three weeks had passed, their arrangement had turned into something else completely.  Tony visited Steve every night, and Steve would fall asleep in his lap or against him as they talked about everything and nothing; got to know each other better. He found himself spending more time at Steve's beautiful mansion than his own home.
Sure, Tony still danced and entertained him at times but there was more cuddling involved. It was as if Steve liked his touch, but Tony knew it was just Steve's nature to be kind and gentle. Tony was, after all, doing him a favor of sorts.
During this Tony often wondered if he should be doing any of this. It didn't exactly feel right but it didn't feel wrong either. Steve was so gentlemanly, Tony could hardly complain. And he'd be shy to admit it, but he actually liked being spoiled by Steve. A fancy suit here, a new laptop there, coupled with handwritten notes made Tony think he was living some fairy tale. Because he surely had the most beautiful Prince Charming there ever was.
Steve asked a lot about Tony's life and shared a few tidbits of his own. Steve was a self-made man and it only made him all the more attractive. It was only a stroke of luck that Tony had chanced upon him.
And then, during the fourth week Steve had kissed him. They had made out in Steve's car, while returning from a trip to the local mall where Steve had promised to buy Tony every thing he wanted.
Tony had no idea what to do after that. They had kissed. They spent so much time together, and Steve was obviously attracted to him. But he'd never asked for more, never told him if they'd like to make this official. Tony was baffled, to say the least, but he couldn't find the courage to talk to Steve and risk their arrangement.
He liked Steve too much to let all of this go. Liked the way Steve's lingering touches set him on fire, liked the way that Steve looked at him, liked the way his kisses and numerous hickies pushed him over the edge.
It was almost too perfect to let go.
"Hey there, sweetheart," Tony purrs, as Steve falls on top of him, snuggling into the crook of Tony's neck and wedging one leg between his own. Steve sucks at the skin there, grazing his teeth against the sensitive area.
"Rough day at work?" Tony asks, breath hitching, and Steve hums in response. His hands trail down Tony's arms, before finally coming to rest on his hips.
"Don't wanna talk about it though," Steve murmurs low, biting and nipping at Tony's skin.
"Did you like my present?"
"I am wearing it right now," Tony says, biting his lip, heart starting to thump inside his chest. Steve draws his head back at that, staring at him as his pupils dilate.
The look sends a shiver down Tony's spine.
"Can I see?" Steve asks ever so softly, but his voice is thick and deep.
Tony nods coyly, a blush creeping up his cheeks. Steve lifts himself off of Tony, but just enough so that he is now hovering above him.
Tony stares directly into his eyes as he lifts his hips and slowly shimmies his pants down his legs. He kicks them off the bed and lays still; his lower half exposed, save for his privates that are covered by the red, silk thong that Steve gifted to him. His heart thumps wildly against his chest, as Steve looks him over, gulping hard.
"You're so gorgeous," Steve breathes, as he sinks to Tony's feet and places a kiss to his ankles. He moves upwards slowly, kissing every inch of skin he can reach and Tony feels like he's floating.
Steve kisses the insides of his thighs, murmuring another compliment and Tony feels himself go red all over. At this point he doesn't know who's doing who a favor.
Steve pushes Tony's t-shirt up his chest, leaving him almost bare, and Tony lets out a tiny whimper.
Steve reaches up to kiss him then, a smile tugging at his lips. "God, I love the sounds you make," he whispers, breath fanning Tony's face.
Tony feels something hot spike inside his belly, a realisation of how bad he wants Steve.
Steve presses their lips together, before turning on his back and pulling Tony on top of him. Tony lifts his shirt over his head, just as Steve sits up so that Tony's now straddling him.
Tony brings Steve in for a kiss again, gripping the back of his head and weaving his fingers through Steve's hair.
He moans as Steve grabs his exposed butt, palming the cheeks and pulling Tony closer to his core.
"Move for me, baby," Steve says and Tony starts moving his hips on command, raking his fingernails down Steve's gorgeous front and leaving red lines in his wake.
Steve moans as Tony grinds, now fully hard from being so exposed he might as well not be wearing the thong. But he is and Steve is still in his pajamas and hell, Tony wants so much more of their skin between them.
Their breaths are getting heavier by the second, as Steve rolls his hips with Tony's, both savoring the friction of their clothed shafts.
Tony moans as Steve latches onto his neck, sucking hard and making him see the brightest of stars. He can feel his heart thump against Steve's, as they move against each other and the exhilaration of it all makes him almost giddy.
Tony wants Steve so bad. He tugs at his hair, pulling him closer, wanting to feel those lips take him whole. He wants Steve's fingers that are splayed on his ass- inside him, until all Tony can see is pitch blackness. He wants to wear Steve's hoodie when he fucks him, wants to hold his hand and watch the fireworks in July. He wants to dance for Steve until he's out of breath, wants Steve to be his and his only.
He wants more, so much more; he wants all of it but he can't fucking have it and-
"Stop," he says, abruptly pushing off of Steve and falling onto the bed. He pulls his knees to his chin and begins to rock.
Steve looks shocked; and in spite of the puzzled expression on his face, his hair a mess, lips shiny and pink and eyes still dark, he looks so fucking sexy.
"What's wrong?" he asks softly, hastily reaching for Tony's hand. He yanks it away.
"What isn't?!" he mutters, feeling an overwhelming urge to cry but bites back the tears.
"What did I do wrong?!"
"You just storm into my life with your stupid proposition and gorgeous face and gentle smile and - and - make me feel all special when I'm just a stupid stripper you found - and- " Tony can hardly breathe, as the words rush out. He can feel the orgasm that had been building curl away from his core, and cold sadness replace it.
"What are we even supposed to be? You treat me like I'm.. all you've ever wanted but you're paying me for all this and I have all of these feelings inside me 'cause y-you're fucking perfect and it's driving me fucking insane!"
Tony doesn't understand why everything inside him is bursting suddenly, but his brain is racing faster than his heart. It's as if the barrier that's been holding in the tide finally breaks.
Steve blinks at him, trying to process the dump of information, before reaching to grab his hand. Tony lets him this time. "If you didn't want this, you could've said so long ago. I wouldn't have forced you-"
"That's not it, you- you- I fucking want this. All of this but- fuck, my head hurts."
Steve squeezes his hand in earnest. He looks so lost, and Tony can tell it's genuine concern that he hears in his voice.
"What do you want? Just tell me," he says gently and the answer is on the tip of Tony's tongue already.
It has been for a while.
"You. I want you."
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starkrogerrs · 5 years
Hi!! Could you do “you uh kinda touched my - yeah” for stevetony + they were making out with Tony on Steve’s lap and it gets a little more heated than they’re used to
also on ao3!
They had planned on watching the entire movie. They really had. 
But Tony was Tony and he distracted Steve by just existing so really, whose fault was it anyway? 
Steve let his hands slide down Tony's back and squeeze his hips, eliciting a soft moan from him. Steve loved the little noises that Tony made— soft moans and breathy whispers of his name.  
He groaned softly as Tony's fingers pulled at his hair gently and pressed them closer than before. Steve could vaguely hear the movie still running behind them because neither had bothered to turn it off. Tony attacked his jaw then, leaving open mouthed kisses along before moving onto his neck. Steve's breath hitched as he moved to the base of his neck and sucked hard. A purple bruise there would be hard to explain to his mother. 
He feverishly brought Tony's lips to his own again, nipping and biting at them, as the latter let out a strangled moan. 
Howard wasn't home. Tony thought it was best that Steve stay over for the weekend and Steve— Steve was giddy with excitement. 
They'd only began dating recently, having confessed their love after being pressured into it by their exasperated circle of friends. 
One would've hoped that after finally getting together, the friends would've found some solace. But now, they faced another problem.
Steve and Tony couldn't keep their hands off of each other. 
Still, they'd never really had sex; which, admittedly, was surprising given Tony's reputation. But it wasn't like Steve was dying to get into his pants. 
Teeth clashed against teeth as their kiss became more heated, their breathing getting hotter and heavier. Steve couldn't really breathe but he didn't care. He was floating and the feeling was too good to pass up. He squirmed a little, in a vain attempt to... adjust himself. He was definitely hard and it would become a problem if he didn't stop but Tony was being fucking incredible. 
His hand was now grasping the back of his neck, the other fisted into Steve's shirt. Steve let his hands slip under Tony's own, cool fingers meeting warm skin as they continued to move against each other. 
They chased after each other for a while then, nipping and clawing and biting until— until Tony dragged his hand down Steve's front and right over the tent that had formed in his pants. 
Steve pulled away at that, eyes widening. Tony seemed to snap out of his daze as well, and blinked at him. His hair was sticking up in all directions and his lips were red and shiny. Steve cleared his throat, feeling his cheeks heat up. 
"You ah— you uh touched my— yeah."  
In retrospect, that was the worst thing to say, ever. 
They stared at each other for a moment. Before Steve could say anything, however, Tony hopped off his lap and the former felt his heart snap in half. 
Stupid boner. 
"Let's go to my room," Tony said nonchalantly, extending his hand towards him. Steve blinked up at him, not quite understanding but took it nonetheless. 
Steve shut the door behind them and he hadn't even turned around fully before Tony was kissing him again.
It was a deep kiss, the kind that sent Steve reeling and left him yearning for more. Before he could respond, however, Tony kissed his jaw and then sunk to the floor before him — wait, what the fuck was he doing and — oh. Shit. 
Steve happened to glance down and notice that there was a slight stain there and on realising what it was, flushed a deep red.
He wanted to back away but Tony was gazing at him ever so gently, and some of the panic seemed to fizzle and die inside in his chest. 
"It's okay, baby. Happens all the time," Tony said, rubbing his thighs reassuringly. 
Once he figured Steve was relaxed, he popped open the button of Steve's pants, gazing up at him with a wistful look in his eyes. 
Fuck. Fuck. 
In one swift motion, Tony had pulled his pants and underwear to the ground. Not one comprehensive thought was running through Steve's head now, it was all white noise and a blur of colors. He was only aware of the dull throbbing down south and the intensity with which Tony was gazing at him. At his cock. The thought made his cock twitch a little. 
Tony cocked his head, making a show of licking his lips and then said, "All of this, for me?"
That was the sexiest thing Steve had ever heard in all of his twenty years of life.  
He hissed as Tony took his length into his hand and gave it a slight squeeze. 
"Is this okay?" he asked coyly. 
Is this okay? Even though Steve would never admit it, he'd had his share of fantasies of his boyfriend going down on him. Of course, it was okay. 
"More than," he croaked, voice hoarse and throaty. 
Tony smiled up at him then, that gorgeous smile of his turning all of Steve in mush. He stroked him slowly, before smearing the leaking pre-cum around his tip with his thumb. 
Steve watched as Tony drew closer and stuck out his tongue— and licked a thick strip along the length. Steve twitched at that, his breath starting to get heavier and louder. 
Tony moved forward then, never once breaking eye contact and gently wrapped his lips around the head. Steve let out a throaty whimper as Tony almost swallowed him whole, tip touching his throat. His mouth felt warm and wet around him, and Steve wondered if Tony liked what he was doing. 
Before he could ask him however, his eyes fluttered shut as Tony's tongue swirled around his head, taking him in and then pulling away. He licked thick stripes in his mouth, savouring the taste and Steve reached out to weave his fingers through Tony's hair. He tugged at it a little and Tony let his teeth rake over the sensitive skin, turning Steve's legs to jelly instantly. 
Steve was on fire. He wanted to let Tony know just how fucking brilliant he was but words left his tongue in the form of breathy whimpers. 
Tony's hands skimmed up his thighs then, moving to cup his balls. The action made him buck his hips into Tony's mouth, at which the latter let out a strangled noise and Steve had to force his eyes open. 
The corners of Tony's eyes were wet. 
"God I-I'm sorry," Steve whispered, realising that he might've literally gone too far. He almost started to move away, but Tony only held him close by his hip and gave him a silent nod to let him know that he was okay. 
Steve wasn't particularly convinced, but Tony's tongue worked on the vein that throbbed on the underside of his cock and everything was forgotten. He tugged at Tony's hair again, needing the support as Tony's head bobbed up and down his length. Steve moaned long and slow as Tony sucked and blew alternatively; and he felt a familiar tug in the base of his abdomen. 
The world fell around him as the ache grew stronger, until it burned hot and bright before his eyes and he came into Tony's mouth with a loud cry. 
Tony swallowed everything he had to give, lapping it up like he needed it to survive. 
"You're so fucking amazing," Steve breathed, finally looking down at Tony, some of him cum still glistening on those magical pink lips.
Tony rose then, drawing close again and pushing Steve against the wall playfully, but the praise had clearly made him happy. He made a show of licking the cum off his lips before kissing him again. Steve tasted salt in the kiss. He wondered if Tony had liked how he'd tasted and then— what would Tony taste like? The thought alone sparked something wild inside him again. 
"I know," Tony said against his lips, his trademark smirk plastered on his face and holy shit— Steve realised— he was so far gone that there was no recovering from this again. Ever. 
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