padmeonline · 5 years
DM @ Achilles
Padme: will you send me a selfie
Padme: ur so pretty
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playerkitty · 5 years
messages | kitty & achilles
kitty: hey
kitty: if you’re up for it
kitty: a hospital bed picnic would be cool
kitty: i distract the nurses and you secure the goods?
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kaliloggingon · 5 years
location: catalyst hq
players: @usernameachilles and kali
she had been keeping a secret. from everyone. literally everyone. the reason it had been kept a secret was because kali knew that if she told anyone, they’d give her the pity look with a sigh and go ‘kali’ in a way that’ll make you feel like you’re some sad puppy. it was one of the best things she could do, for her at least. given light of the recent speculation surrounding the next boss battle, she figured that now might be the best time to share this with at least one other person.
if this man wasn’t in his office she had no clue where he could be, so kali just crossed her fingers and prayed he was sitting at his desk when she knocked on the door. the distracted murmur behind it was everything she needed to just go ahead and push the door open, greeting him with a smile. “gooood morning,” kali leaned back against the wall next to the door frame, planning on taking him somewhere rather than taking a seat and talking here. “i don’t suppose you’re too busy to take a quick break? i have something really important to show you.”
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hadeswrxtes · 5 years
111. "Can I kiss you?" ( flashback?)
Hades stiffened as heat crawled up his neck. Achilles had asked him to watch the newer recruits with him, and being the good boyfriend that he was, Hades said yes. If he had known Achilles was in this sort of mood though, he might have reconsidered. Out of the three of them, Hades was the most shy in terms of public displays of affection, especially when it came to showing it in front of their guild mates. 
It seems, though, that Rowan didn’t share the same sentiment. 
“No. You may not.” He grunted back as he crossed his arms over his chest, eyes focusing on a recruit that had just recently been initiated. Forest was it? Rowan and him walked past the younger archer as he pulled back his arrow.
“Pull your arm back a bit more.” Leo advised as Rowan stood beside him with a smile. 
“Umm like this?” Forest pulled back, only to look at Hades for approval.
“Please?” Rowan continued quietly. 
Forest turned to him in confusion, pulling his string back a bit more in adjustment. “No?” 
“I mean yes.” Hades corrected, only for Achilles to take a step towards him. 
“Yes?” Achilles teased with a grin. 
“No?” Forest put down his bow in distress, turning to face both Achilles and Hades with a frown. Hades growled before resting a hand on Achilles’ chest to keep him at a safe distance, cheeks blooming red from embarrassment. Hades turned to Forest with a sigh before grumbling a quick ‘be right back’, pulling Achilles away from the training room. 
Once they were out of sight, Hades grabbed him by the collar, pushing him against a nearby wall. 
“You’re insufferable.” He muttered, though a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. 
“Can I kiss you?” 
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userluna · 5 years
Why is there a giant teddy bear wearing lingerie in my bath tub?”
friends who get into trouble sentence starters for @usernameachilles​ and @hadeswrxtes​ bc they both sent this and are now sharing a bathtub for these purposes thank u
Achilles, Padme, and Hades are an intimidating force when it’s the three of them against two, they’re standing, and the opposing side is sitting in a bathtub with a giant teddy bear wearing someone’s –Peach’s?– lingerie. Luna turns to Radish, the upside down sunglasses on his face don’t reveal if his eyes are even open, so she figures this one is on her. “Well. I think the better question, is where have you been? We have been worried sick,” Luna tapped Radish’s shoulder for some input, but he just nodded. Or maybe his head just lolled forward.
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“So maybe you lot should think of your actions,” she said, collecting the teddy bear and ignoring the sound of mardi gras beads and plastic coins falling as she stood up. At some point in the night, this was some part of an issued dare, but after taking photos in the bathtub, the bear had made a pretty good pillow until the three homeowners came barging into the bathroom, turning on all the lights on their way in. She stepped out of the tub, her head held high until she got to the doorway, threw the bear in their direction and ran. If Radish was still asleep, his escape was on him.
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manipulxtcd · 5 years
“ i wish i knew how to talk about it. ” (Garrison)
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rue bit hard on the inside of her cheek, hands folded neatly in her lap as she could feel her chest tighten. “i wish you knew too. i wish i just knew. without you having to say anything. so i could do something about this.” she takes a quick inhale, blinking as a small smile appears. “you deserve everything good, that’s pretty much the gist of it.”
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creolevenus · 5 years
08. a dared kiss .
“She’s not going to do it,” Mars said handing a few gold coins towards Ares, who held out an open hand. 
“Agreed, she doesn’t have the balls.” Ares nodded in agreement, adding his own coins to the mix and putting them into a small sack tossing it towards Psyche who slammed it on the counter.
“You two don’t have the balls. Viv definitely has the cojones.”
Venus rolled her eyes, as she turned to face Psyche, Mars, and Ares now.    “ I can hear you.” she huffed. Why she had agreed to play truth or dare with them she didn’t know. Why she had chosen dare she had no clue ( okay, after like her sixth truth the other had forced her to pick dare. That and alcohol  was really something.) 
It was a simple enough dare, not too complicated at all. All she had to do was kiss Achilles. That was it, one and done. No big deal… so why was it suddenly ten degrees hotter in here?
“I think she’s going to puke?” Ares said placing a comforting hand on Venus’s shoulder. Who looked back and smiled at him, - he might not be wrong. Still, she couldn‘t chicken out now.  Okay, so she had a crush on the guy, a crush that everyone seemed to see except him. Maybe it was just because he didn’t see her that way or may it was because they didn’t really know each other. He was handsome for sure. But he was also a little cocky which didn’t seem to match the aura she saw emanating from him. When it was just the two of them, he was so- good. So kind, it made her think that maybe it was an act but he slipped in and out of it so well she couldn’t get a good read on him. None of this negated the fact that she liked him… more than liked and him. Had hoped he would see her as more than an ally or someone he could talk to.
Nodding, she slammed back her fourth shot. “Here we go,” she said hopping off her stole and matched her way towards the warrior who was playing pool with a couple of other solo players. Chin, slightly raised as she felt the eyes of her friends behind her. ( why did it feel like she was marching to her death?) Coming up behind Achilles now, she tapped him on the back. When his dark eyes met her’s the breath caught in the back of her throat.
shit, what was she doing?
Achilles raised an eyebrow, told her all that she needed to know. Motioning with her finger for him to come closer. Before grabbing the front of his shirt and pulled him closer as ther lips crashed together. It was messy, and unexpected and not what she wanted their first kiss to be. Pulling away she blinked up at him as the horror of what she just did hit hurt and raced out of the establishment.  A confused Achilles looking towards the three figures cackling at the bar. 
👿.     “     𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒     ”     𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄     . @usernameachilles
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eclypsxe · 5 years
Kid meme: Lips and Mony
Name: Iris Moon
Gender:  Female
General appearance: Abundant amount of curly hair with Anastasia’s green eyes.
Personality: The smallest little spitfire you’ve ever seen. Literal walking attitude
Special Talents: She’s got a way with words, picked up by Eclipse. Between her cute face and charming ways she’s a dangerous little thing.
Who they like better:  Eclispe. She lets her get away with more.
Who they take after more: Eclipse.
Personal headcanon: When she meant Zyra’s daughter at first things were very tense. She felt like Zyra loved her first child more. She would act out of jealousy. After a long tear filled talk with both her mothers, the acting out stopped. The sisters were closer than twins.
Face Claim: this sassy looking child
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playermercutio · 5 years
What was my muses 5 last sent text to yours?
[mercutio]: alrIGHT whatever u do dont panic
[mercutio]: i need ur help
[mercutio]: buT DONT PANIC
[mercutio]: it wasnt my fault this time 
[mercutio]: but i accidentally started this fight at some bar on floor fourty and now im being chased by some players and honestly its kind of hilarious but there are ten of them and im pretty low in health bc i forgot and so now i really need ur help BUT DONT PANIC i got it under control
What was my muses 5 last unsent text to yours?
[unsent]: u know, i admire u alot?
[unsent]: u remind me of my first guild leader before i joined blood oath at the beginning of all this
[unsent]: he was a good guy too
[unsent]: i really hope u dont meet the same faith
[unsent]: oh also if u ever hurt padme, ill kill u which would essentially ignore my last remark but for a good cause
What was my muses last picture to yours?
[img sent]: pls remember this whenever something i do goes wrong
What my muse saved your number as?
hi welcome to aCHILIes
What contact photo my muse has set for yours?
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What ringtone my muse has set for yours?
hi welcome to chili’s vine but on repeat
How many times my muse has called your this week?
probably once or twice to make sure mercutio isn’t doing something dumb (which he always is)
How many calls has my muse missed from yours?
not too often but if he does, he’s drunk
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crcket-blog · 5 years
players: cricket & @usernameachilles location: floor 25, catalyst headquarters 
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Cricket hummed to herself as she slipped into Catalyst’s Guild hall. No one seemed to take notice of her. Perhaps because of her high stealth level. Doubt it though. Before floor 52, she’d traversed the halls enough to be more of an mascot than a stealth ninja. She’d been a fixture once upon a time. But now? She felt more like an NPC. Seen, but not acknowledged unless someone needed something. Not the best feeling (especially on her birthday), but with the guild bursting at its seams, she didn’t blame them. They had enough to worry about, they didn’t need to question what the newly solo player was doing wandering around. After checking his room, the strategy rooms, and a few adjacent ones, Cricket headed to the dining hall. His silhouette immediately gave him away, drawing a large grin on her features. 
“Chilly,” she said, raising her voice as she stopped in the large entryway. It seemed to echo through the large room, no doubt catching the attention of some nearby members. She squared her shoulders and tipped her chin up to make herself feel taller, “I’m callin you out,”
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padmeonline · 5 years
Location: Floor 52, Nova Hospital
Players: @usernameachilles and Padme
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Jude groaned as she opened her eyes and saw only white. White walls, white ceilings, white coats--and the forever irritating, incessant beeping of a heart monitor. She had no good reason to hate the Nova hospital--she’d likely be dead right now if it weren’t there--but there was something unnerving about NPC’s patching her back together, as if they weren’t part of the game that had torn her apart in the first place. 
All the rest came back in flashes: the weight of the rex’s tail as it had thrown her backward, the blinding pain when she’d landed, the raptors closing in. She remembered the first bite and nothing after, but the back of her head still felt like jelly, and when she tried to reach out and touch the bandages, she found her arms far too heavy to lift.
That was one good thing Nova had that the Catalyst Infirmary did not: heavy medication. 
She rolled her head to the side, and finally, there was something worth waking up to: Rowan, a little blurry around the edges, but there, and whole, and alive, sitting beside the bed. 
“You...” she slurred. “Owe me 3 more things, Chicken Smoker.” She tried to put up 3 fingers, though she wasn’t sure if she actually did it. 
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playerkitty · 5 years
(piggyback) - for your muse to leap onto my muse’s back for a piggyback ride
she knew that someone in catalyst was definitely about to lose their shit. the last time she had comfortably been in their HQ it didn’t end well at all, so the fact that she had left the guard’s side, taking off in a full sprint down the hall towards the man who’s back of his head was becoming strangely familiar, was minorly alarming. it wasn’t like he couldn’t hear her, her heels echoed throughout the hall with every step she took. her intent was harmless, well mostly, she slowed just enough as to not completely crash into him and stick her landing. a brief “incoming!” was all her got as a warning before she had jumped on his back, arms wrapped around his neck and legs around his sides. kitty leaned over to give him a smile he could see, "it’s like a whole new world up here!” 
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kaliloggingon · 5 years
location: catalyst hq
players: kali & @usernameachilles
it felt like everyone she knew took a beating in this last boss battle, from her guild to her own personal relationships. and really though she knew she shouldn’t given the ‘rules’ of catalsyt, she checked on mercutio first, then syphon, then hades, and now achilles. she figured that considering how many people had been severely injured and the majority of their main line, that the man wasn’t sleeping or eating or getting much productive work done. 
kali walked through the halls of catalyst with a new hum in her chest, ignoring it to knock on the door to his office before opening it. her eyes scanned the room before landing on him, half asleep on his couch. a small smile found its way to her face as she crossed her arms (ignoring the small twinge of pain), hip jutted out to the side. “while that couch does look like a nice place for a nap i don’t know how much sleep you’re expecting to get done there.”
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hadeswrxtes · 5 years
Let’s just tell them that the dog did it.”
“Let’s just tell them that the dog did it.”
Cerberus let out an affronted sound, hackles raised as he shot Achilles a glare. Snow turned to the wolf with an almost amused tilt of her head, causing the mount to growl in response. Why couldn’t they pin the blame on Snow? She could have easily done it too! 
“I don’t think he likes that idea all that much.” The wolf let out a grunt in reply as Hades gave him a placating pat on the head. Hades gave their training room a quick look around before heaving out a sigh, running a hand through his hair in thought. Him and Achilles had gotten into a small fight, which led to them sparring, which led to them getting carried away, which led to a big mess that someone was sure to find. He pressed an ice pack against his side and winced before scowling up at Achilles. 
“You let this get too far.” 
“I let this get too far? Who suggested we use weapons?” 
“If we had stuck to the initial plan of sparring someplace else-” 
“Okay, stop, we need to stop.” Achilles sighed before taking a seat next to Hades, the archer passing him the ice pack without another word, which the guild master took without question. 
They sat in silence for a while before Hades let out a sigh. 
“I’m sorry.” He grumbled, eyes trained on one of the (broken and splintered) dummies lying on the floor. Achilles turned to him with a raised brow before cracking a smile, ice pack pressing against his head. “I’m sorry too.” It wasn’t their first fight, and it certainly wasn’t going to be their last... but it was a comfort to know that they always managed to get through it, no matter how serious. 
The door cracked open, causing the two men to stand up in a rush, Hades grabbing at the ice pack and hiding it behind his back. 
“... What... happened?” Hades couldn’t help but blush as Padme regarded them with narrowed eyes. 
Another silence. 
“Cerberus did it.” Hades blurted out, only to have his mount pounce on him with a vicious bark. 
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userluna · 5 years
Holds and refuses to let go.
Send for your muse to do one of the following to mine.
Luna didn’t hear Achilles knock on her door. This might have been because he didn’t knock, just showed up in her doorway and gave her that Look. The disappointed one, mixed with a little concern in his eyes and a slight frown on his lips. She hated that look. It usually meant she was about to be sent home for a mandatory break. Not that they worked, she’d just get an hour or two of sleep before working from home. He opened his mouth to speak, but Luna cut him off. “Sorry Achilles, can’t talk, have a meeting in a ten, those guard rotations won’t post themselves,” she said quickly, gathering her paperwork quickly in an attempt to get out before he could stop her. He hummed noncommittally and leaned against the doorjamb calmly. Too calm. 
If she wasn’t so tired, she woudn’t have missed that. She might have caught how he leaned against the doorway in just the right way to block her exit. Might have seen the piece of fabric he had behind his back this whole time. But she did miss it, so when she tried to duck under his arm to get out of her office, she didn’t notice her mistake until it was too late. Achilles acted quickly, pulling out the blanket her hid and wrapped it around her before she could blink, her papers dropping in surprise as he turned her into a blanket burrito. “Zoner can take care of the guard rotations on his own, Luna,” Achilles finally said from behind her, his arms a vice. Luna sputtered, her brain trying to catch up with his betrayal. “I– you can’t do this! I have to finish–” 
If anything, Achilles just held her tighter, “You have to get some sleep, but since you refuse to, I thought I’d give you a little help.” Luna groaned, slumping back against Achilles, knowing this wasn’t a fight she could win, not with both of her arms pinned down through the blanket and Achilles gentle but strong hold. “Well I can’t sleep standing,” she mumbled, a defeated pout forming on her face. Her back rumbled with the sound of Achilles laugh behind her, and she rolled her eyes, almost missing him say, “That was easier than I thought it would be.”
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crcket-archive · 6 years
player: cricket & @usernameachilles location: floor 10; the library
Drumming her fingers on the table top, Cricket propped her feet up on the chair across from her and leaned back in her chair. A book was splayed over her lap. Something about fishing that she just...couldn’t get into. Not that it was pertinent. She wasn’t really there to read. It passed the time and could be soothing. But honestly? She was waiting. Every day. Same time. Same spot. 
Her eyes grew heavy, the sunshine pouring in through the window engulfed her early on that afternoon. She felt warm and for the first time in her week of recon, she felt comfortable enough to ease herself. That is-- before her heart jolted and she sat up so fast, the book hit the floor with a loud thunk and her eyes focused on the tall rugged figure walking toward her. Was he even looking at her? Maybe he was grabbing a book that happened to be in her direction. Otherwise there’s no way he could have spotted her first. Not after his absence. But then again, after this long, he was bound to have high perception. Still, the whole reason she sat amongst the stacks was so that she could see him without him seeing her. Getting caught on day one wasn’t even fair.
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“Um. Hi,” she said standing up from her chair, her heart throbbing against her ribs as she fought the urge to grab her stuff and run as the familiar face strode into earshot. “Fancy seeing you here, Achilles...”
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