🕰️ an early morning text.
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Lab member 006: Did Shiina end up staying the night at the shrine?Normally he’d see her here in the lab at this time in the morning and he didn’t think she worked today so it was a bit odd. She had been with him at the shrine before they split up so it was a possibility.
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dxfiedfxte-a · 4 years
BOLD  what  usually  applies  /  ITALICIZE  sometimes  applies  to  your  muse .   REPOST,  DO  NOT REBLOG !!
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**DEFENSIVENESS. arms  crossed  on  chest /   crossing  legs  / fist-like  gestures / pointing  index  finger /   karate  chops   / stiffening  of  shoulders / tense  posture / curling  of  lip /   barring of teeth
**REFLECTIVE. hand  to  face  gestures /   head  tilted    / stroking chin    /  peering  over   glasses  /   taking  glasses  off  —  cleaning   /   putting  earpiece  of  glasses in  mouth   /  pipe  smoker  gestures    /  putting  hand  to  the bridge  of  nose  / pursed  lips  / knitted  brows
**SUSPICION. arms  crossed /   sideways  glance /   touching  or  rubbing  nose  / rubbing  eyes /   hands  resting  on  weapon /  brows  rising / lips  pressing  into  a  thin line / strict  unwavering  eye  contact   /   wrinkling  of  nose
**OPENNESS + COOPERATION. open  hands  /   upper  body  in  sprinters  position / sitting  on  the edge  of  a  chair    /   hand-to-face gestures /   unbuttoned  coat    / tilted  head / slacked  shoulders / droopy  posture /   feet  pointed  outward   / palms  flat  and  facing  outward
**CONFIDENCE. hands  behind  back /   hands  on  lapels  of  coat  /   steeped  hands / baring  teeth  in  a  grin  /   rolling  shoulders  / tipping head back  but  maintaining  eye  contact /  chest  puffed  up /   shoulders  back / arms  folded  just  above  navel /  hands in pockets
**INSECURITY + ANXIETY. chewing  pen  or  pencil  / rubbing  thumb  over  opposite  thumb / biting  fingernails /  hands  in  pockets /  elbow  bent /   closed  gestures /  clearing  throat /   “ whew ”  sound /   picking  or  pinching  flesh / fidgeting  in  chair  /  hand  covering  mouth  whilst speaking  /   poor  eye  contact  / tugging  pants or  clothes /  jingling  money  in  pockets  /   tugging  at  ear  / perspiring  hands  /   playing  with  hair / swaying  /   playing  with pointer / marker  /   smacking  lips  / sighing  / rocking  on  balls  of  feet /   flexing  fingers  sporadically / lip biting
**FRUSTRATION. short  breaths /   “ tsk ”  sounds / tightly  clenched  hands  / fist-like  gestures  /  pointing  index  finger / running  hand  through  hair / flipping over shoulder /   rubbing  back  of  neck /  snarling / revealing  teeth /  grimacing /   sharp-eyed  glowers  with  notable  tension  in  brows /   shoulders  back,  head  up   -   defensive  posturing / clenching  of  jaw /  grinding  of  teeth  /   nostrils  flaring /   heavy  exhales
tagged by: @tantalizingmuses​ 
tagging: @scientificshears​ @pinkheartedfool​ @tacitusauxilium​ @rock-you-like-a-hurricxne​ @blueveines​ (Aigis) @delusorydetective​ @ushinawaretahana​ and anyone else who hasn’t done it!
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blueveines · 4 years
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@ushinawaretahana inquired:  4.) What aspects of your muse do you most want to explore?, 10.) Are there any crossovers you’d be especially interested in writing?   ( munday portrayal questions  //  accepting )
                                                                       💙 💙 💙
i answered 10 here!
as for an aspect of a character i’d like to explore,  i want to do something surrounding naoto’s internalized transphobia.  one time i wrote a kan.nao one - shot about him realizing post - persona 4 that he is,  in fact,  a man,  and that all the shit that they say to him during canon was actually quite hurtful to him and like.  this is kind of a weird wishlist thing but i related to that idea a lot bc i started questioning my gender in high school but was always kinda laughed at and as a result didn’t actually come out until i was an adult
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tutturus-blog1 · 8 years
@ushinawaretahana liked for a starter!
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“Tutturu! Hi, Ruka!” Mayuri chimed, pulling her friend into a tight hug. She set down the bag of sewing things she’d been holding.“Okay, so, I have the greatest idea for a cute cosplay you could do! And I was thinking maybe Mayushii could cosplay with you, so you won’t feel as shy! I know it’d be lots of fun!”
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kyouma-labmem001 · 8 years
“What were you dreaming about…? You were shouting…”
They were running away, Okabe’s breathing growing increasingly ragged as he clutched at the small hand, hostage of his.
« Okarin, where are we going? » Away. Anywhere but here.He didn’t answer.« I’m scared, Okarin. » I know. I’m sorry.Even if he explained everything to her, it would only make them lose precious seconds. He could tell her everything once she was safe (this time, he hoped. This time he would save her and she would understand). Her frightened eyes and slight resistance against his forceful pull hardly mattered right now. They needed to run, faster, escape from the clutches of SERN - no, of Fate itself!The sound of their footsteps made uneven patterns and fire burned his lungs, Mayuri following easily behind him.
« Okari - »
A gunshot. Okabe felt the tiny hand slip through his fingers, turned towards their inevitability.His friend’s frail body laid on the street, a red halo around her head.He fell with her.“Mayuri.”
“Maaa-! Aah!” Mayuri!Okabe opened his eyes.Owlish eyes, harsh breathing, cold sweat down his back. For a moment, the man was still lost in the picture inside his mind. Then, slowly, his eyes recognized this world’s reality. Ruka was staring at him. He blinked back.
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“Rukako.” Uneasy voice. Okabe looked around, from the half drank Dk P to the tv screen showing Alpacaman. He was in the lab; a safe haven for his most important friends (or was it still?)
“Sorry. It’s nothing.”
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thedemonkingganon · 8 years
WELL LAB MEMBER NUMBER 006 I SEE NO REASON WHY WE SHOULDN’T RP~! XD let us do all the plotting and AU stuffs
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@ushinawaretahana liked for a starter!
Kurisu had been looking everywhere for the manila envelop with her research. After deciding to remain in Japan with the Future Gadgets Lab Kurisu had made a deal with her institute in America that once a month she would send all of her research to them in exchange for them to fund her arrangements. However if she loses this envelop she will lose all of the funding she receives and would have no choice but to return to America. She spent an hour frantically searching the lab and tried to retrace her steps.
Eventually she heard the sound of the door slamming shut, finally someone who could help her. Kurisu quickly spun around to face who was at the door.
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“Oh good Urushibara, help me search the lab for my research.” she didn’t even give a greeting to the other.
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mayushii-chan-blog1 · 9 years
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“Tuturuuu! Ruka-kun! Mayushii brought a new cosplay for you to try on!”
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