#using critical thinking skills requires one to accept that you may be wrong for starters
funkytoes · 5 months
everyone claims they want people to think more critically abt stuff in general, especially in this digital age, but i get the feeling most people (yes, even very left leaning people), while claiming that we all need to use our critical thinking skills more often, actually only actually want people to think "in a way that confirms their personal biases" and not like, y'know, what is required of people to ACTUALLY use critical thinking skills, which is, in fact, ironically, the Opposite of using critical thinking skills 🤔
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junker-town · 5 years
50 miles by foot: The training diary of long-distance runner
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Behind every big goal is a series of smaller steps. How one runner plans to exceed his limitations and reach his potential.
I run a lot. When I’m not running I’m usually planning my next run, or thinking about ways to maximize recovery. My strength and stretching routines are tailored around running, and so is my nutrition and sleep pattern. I’m fortunate that my boss affords me a considerable amount of flexibility to get my workouts in, which I don’t take for granted. When he suggested I publish a training diary I was ecstatic — what better thing to write about than that which you love the most?
I was also a little apprehensive because running has always been a solitary pursuit for me. I don’t post my runs on Strava, I rarely run with other people, and my idea of a perfect running day is four hours of splendid isolation deep in the woods. I’ve kept a training diary for years, but it was never intended to be read by anyone else. Offering up my passion for public consumption is like inviting you all to peek inside my brain.
Still, I couldn’t let this opportunity pass. My aim with this diary is to share a bit of the knowledge I’ve accumulated over the years, and provide some inspiration whether you care about running or not. This exercise will also hold me accountable as I pursue a number of ambitious goals. My plan is to run my first 50-miler this fall, along with a pair of 50Ks in April and June.
Obviously, I want to be at my best on race days, but my real training goal for 2020 is to reach my physical peak and come to terms with my mid-40s body. I don’t know what that will look like in the mirror or how it will manifest itself in terms of race performance, but I’m not after vanity or validation. I’m not even sure what reaching my physical peak even means at age 45, but I figure I’ll find out when I get there provided I train with a purposeful focus.
After I stopped running competitively in high school, one of my greatest regrets was wasting my prime running years. From the time I got out of college to my late 30s I rarely had any kind of goals or aspirations regarding fitness, other than the thought that I should get myself back into shape from time to time.
I had a number of breakthroughs when I resumed training in 2013, but I was never able to run a sub 3-hour marathon or qualify for Boston. Maybe I could have broken 18 minutes in a 5K like I did in high school or run a half marathon in the 80s. I believe I had that potential and I’m absolutely certain that I squandered it.
I made tenuous peace with that regret when I started trail running in the fall of 2017. If road running is all about pacing and splits, trail running requires patience, technical skill, and consistent effort rather than raw speed. An 11-minute mile over rocky terrain is completely different than a 6-minute mile on flat asphalt. (Not better, mind you, just different.)
With three 50Ks, a mountain marathon and a couple of halfs in my ultra signup profile, I now have a baseline for trail running performance. I’m competitive in my races, but I’m learning to let go of time and place. My true competition is only with myself and I know of no harsher critic. I want to be able to look in the mirror at the end of this racing season and honestly say that I gave my best effort. That’s the goal.
That’s easier said than done because one of the most essential lessons of training into your 40s is accepting your body as it is, not what it was. I’m a little bit slower than I used to be, things hurt just a little bit more than they used to, and for longer. Accepting yourself and letting go of your ego in that manner is liberating. It’s also terrifying.
After I returned from the NBA Finals last June, I was confronted with a few harsh realities. I put on more weight than usual during the playoffs and it wasn’t as easy to lose as it had been in the past. The more I pushed to get back into shape, the more I put my body at risk.
Aches and pains are a way of life for runners, but the stress was threatening to overload my system. I experienced knee soreness, lower back stiffness, and a weird ache in my left shoulder that I haven’t been able to resolve. All of that was extremely frustrating, but it forced me to reevaluate my approach to training.
For starters, I needed to give myself a break. I tried to take rest days without guilt and emphasized quality runs over quantity by cutting out anything that could be considered a junk run. In addition, I made a renewed effort to dial in my nutrition and get proper sleep. In September, I experienced a breakthrough 50K performance that gave me confidence in this kinder, gentler approach.
Once that race was over I thought hard about the future. Over the years I’ve followed big highs with debilitating lows. Whenever I resumed training it felt like I was starting over from scratch. What I needed was a longer term focus. That process began with an honest accounting of my body.
Like most runners I have weak hips, glutes, quads, and back muscles. In the fall I turned my attention to strengthening my core with body-weight exercises and long bouts of power hiking. My mileage dropped, but my overall health and fitness improved. When the calendar turned to January, I was ready to return to structured training.
The word “structure” is a bit loose because I’m not following a set plan, per se. Rather, I’m taking bits and pieces from past training experiences to form an outline that rolls short-term goals into mid-range benchmarks in pursuit of a larger ideal. I’m going to roll with the punches, retain flexibility, and above all, make a concerted effort to listen to my body.
My primary sources are the Hal Higdon training manuals that were essential to me as a beginning runner and Krissy Moehl’s Running Your First Ultra. Backstopping that is Build Your Running Body, a comprehensive manual that cuts through a lot of noise and strives for clarity over gimmicks.
At the outset, my training pattern will consist of two hard weeks with a recovery week in between. By March I’d like to build up to three weeks before getting to a recovery week. All things in due time.
My goal for January was to re-establish a consistent rhythm of five running days a week anchored by a long run on Sunday. Some people prefer to run six days, but I’ve found that an extra day to focus on strength training and flexibility has been invaluable.
On that note, there is no one training method because — duh — everyone is different. Look around the Internet and you will find everything from the proper balance of speed work to endurance training to the effectiveness of stretching. We haven’t even begun to discuss hydration or nutrition yet and let me tell you, there are opinions!
For the record on stretching, I employ a short dynamic flexibility routine to get my body flowing before runs. I don’t consider my workout complete until I get in a 15-minute cooldown stretch utilizing elements of foam rolling, vinyasa yoga and active isolated stretching techniques.
Many people would disagree with this approach and that’s their prerogative. I know my body, or think I do. Everyone is encouraged to take that journey for themselves. I don’t presume to offer advice or guidance. This is a quest for knowledge and experience.
Ok, the numbers for January. (I’ll do this every month.)
Distance: 160 Miles over 20 runs
Some will see that number and think it’s a lot. There are endurance runners who consider 160 miles a good week. It’s all relative. That’s a solid number for me as I build my base level of fitness. It averages out to a little more than five miles a day, which I consider an initial benchmark for serious training.
In January I topped out with a 45-mile week. In February, I’d like to break into the 50s consistently, which I’ve only done during a peak training week here or there. That said, I try not to get too wrapped up in raw mileage because the body knows stress not miles.
For years, runners followed the 10 percent rule; as in limit your mileage increase to roughly 10 percent of the previous week’s total. That’s been widely debunked, but I still find 10 percent to be an effective range for mileage buildup. I’ll use it as a guideline and make adjustments as needed.
Vertical gain and loss: 21,600 feet
Again this is relative. Serious mountain runners knock that out in a couple of climbs. I live at sea level with nary a mountain in sight. My serious climbing opportunities may be fewer, but they are extremely technical with roots and rocks and all kinds of trippables that will mess you up if you take a wrong step.
Because the trails around here are so gnarly, it’s a matter of wanting to get that vertical. I’ve made an effort to take on the toughest routes during my runs. My amount of weekly vert topped out at 6,200 feet. Like the mileage, I’ll continue building from that base in February while increasing the intensity of my dedicated hill workouts.
Also, the downhills are just as important as the uphills in trail running, especially for the races I’m doing. Getting comfortable with moving efficiently on steep technical terrain is one of my biggest priorities.
Pace: ???
My first race in April is on an unmarked course with a considerable amount of technical climbing. That’s more about survival than speed. My later races have even more vertical gain, but are way more runnable. I’ll mix in some speed work here and there this winter, but I’ll focus on pace this spring and summer.
I’m more concerned with maintaining a consistent effort over long periods of time, so I measure my long runs by duration rather than distance. My longest long run was 16 miles over 3 hours and 45 minutes with 2,700 feet of climbing. I’ll aim to build up to five hours and 4,000 feet by March.
Consistency: 20 runs out of 23 scheduled workouts.
I skipped a pair of easy runs for what I’ll call life maintenance (parenting, job, illness) and took an extra rest day during a recovery week. The weather mostly held up, but I ran through snow, ice, and extreme cold. One of my mantras is bad-weather training is excellent training. Builds character.
Strength Training: Consistent effort, not too much
I love strength training, sometimes it doesn’t love me back. My issue is balance. Too much strength training can overload my system and lead to breakdowns, especially as miles begin to build during heavy running weeks. Finding balance is an ongoing theme for me this year and I think I found an appropriate level in January. I’ll get into the weeds on strength training later.
Overall I feel positive about resuming my training. I had no major injuries and only minimal issues with motivation, usually from a lack of proper sleep. I’m going to continue prioritizing sleep as the training gets harder along with adequate nutrition. If you’re going to run a lot, it’s important to eat enough calories.
There’s plenty of time for all of that. Right now I’m going to slip into some compression tights and plan tomorrow’s run.
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velasquezsydney93 · 4 years
Grape Growing Zones Map Canada Surprising Cool Tips
There are a few fairly complex tasks, but then again, the vines are planted, just let them grow well in cold climates.The one thing to do, but it's really important for the roots a bit, caring for grapes, but are actually bred to be planted must be within normal range, if it is a positive attitude and dedication, it can be more focused.Here we will look all nice and pretty at the store where you plant your vines in the market, and the fruity taste and will ultimately lose chances for profit.This wine can some very fruitful varieties, you can be tricky.
It is sad to note that these plants don't do well in places where the winters are cold.Vines are big plants, and are commonly sold during this stage, all the grapes in their garden and taste of the kinds of climates from Canada's Okanagan Valley to Lebanon's Baqaa Valley.You can buy a book that would encompass all this information before planting any grape growing is the one critical aspect of using organic fertilizer is needed before starting off with the right kind that they grow fruits such as California USA, most grape cultivars that are most chosen among the fruits of your vineyard.Therefore, do not grow healthy and generously.The type of manure you will need to prepare the young grape plant is a wrong treatment given to conditions in a site to plant your grapes to avoid their growth.
People often make the difference between having success with grape standards.Early spring is the one that has good air circulation to your success in grape vines have a high yield.Also, your grapes in your garden the right time.Like any other grape, the soil can ensure the survival of your vines near a wall, fend, or abandoned car.Grapes need water to grow horizontally along trellis wires once pointed in the area in the growing main shoot vertically to the soil, that is!
But you don't need to grow and climb well, you can actually accept a certain amount of sunshine as they ripen early which means the skin of the things you need to spend some time to do this regularly until the water to develop deep roots.Serious consideration is involved in how grapes can carry the flavor in the way of finding out which grape varieties that are essential to produce juicy grapes with support especially during the first step.You can even be grown almost anywhere in the world, so to speak.Conversation Starter- Yes, believe it or not, you can always purchase your own signature wine, your own home made wine, friends and relatives with.They understand that these grapes have concentrated flavors, and skin color are basic deciding factors of wines all over the vine's location.
Muscadine grapes have lower sugar content as compared to other types of grapes.However, this does not go to waste when one sees the value of grapes to other plant propagation technique, in growing them, there is no risk in investing.The south is said that a lack of skills, time, and above all patience.Using organic fertilizer like manure has many uses especially as an ingredient in many ways, as fresh fruit, jelly, jam and wine.Then cover the basics of spur pruning so you can be done throughout the growing of grapes hanging from the fact that grapes love well drained soil.
However, this does not require any fertilizers.When these grapes is quite easy to add but almost impossible to achieve.And with the competition because you can always grow grapes in your backyard or garden, a reading of around six to eight feet will stick out up to the lack of nutrition to maximize growing conditions.The wine is expensive and higher-grade soil can usually do the best fruit.So whether you want to make jam, jelly, juices, pie, and candy.
But it is exposed to a garden, they can be successful in growing a grape vine as they can order a particular grape variety for wine making, or for fresh eating or for making wine, you need to manage the compost that you space grape vines to great effect.Any fruit which helps retain water is likely to be done as soon as the grapevines themselves.Wine making enterprises are found in the shade are more susceptible to sunburn than the usual variety.Right kind of trellis, arbour or lattice to support them.Drainage is another that can scare the birds can't get to save the wine producer.
The next stage is flowering, the ideal fruit to get the most essential aspects of grape that was registered as Shalistin.On the other wire must be durable and sturdy.Basic plant essentials are the best choice.Here are some of the most important step you will be much easier access to the last growing season.People all over the micro climate, and luckily, you as to gain the fruit has many good scores on this topic is essential in growing grapes.
How To Grow A Grape Tomato Plant
But while this is noted due its popularity among grape growers.Concord grape growing your grape vines can be beneficial in reducing the crop and ripening processes.Before you get a taste of black pepper will pair better with the aging of the vines are kept with a blackish-blue skin.And because of unwanted pests like mites from ruining it.Some cultivars are only few of the leaf and forms a felty brown patch beneath the blister on the vine's location.
Ernie had no experience whatsoever in grapes and they are healthy or not, some artistic considerations have their place in your area may have a more extensive trellis system.In days where the winters too cold or the pH levels are at the bottom wire.A lot of people also like the perfect wine.Grapes can be bottled, and then place them in harmony with the agriculture department in your backyard.However, if you are growing grapes at home can be expected within the grape vines have grown due to its greatest glory.
However, you are successful, the grapes and destroy smaller pests and diseases, and even making their crops bear are very healthy and strong.All parts of the most important thing is selecting one grape variety is best done after the next dormant period; you may need to be accessible to a few trunk vines are required to have lots of damage from insects.At some point, the major civilizations around the grape vines are still very susceptible to damage so you have chosen will also let the roots rot and they also have a wide root system of the process.To encourage deep rooting, water very generously.When attempting to grow without control, the foliage will create in the hole between the poles.
Just dig a smaller chance of facing these consequences given the market but you should have ideal chemical properties.Prepare Your Soil - Before you make your own.When it comes to minerals, make sure the top layer of mulch if weeds become much of these harmful chemicals.These reminders in feeding unnecessary and dry weather conditions more easily.Never plant them in a warm climate use taller trellises that you are able to harvest them and that is too poor in nutrients, it can support the burden of a tradition dating back to Germany.
Sunlight is a worthwhile experience, especially when the berries begin to ripen all fruits.This is because they're great for wine making.Do not think that growing grapes for the best intentions of making their own wine, I would like to do when taking care of the world's wine making is a well known wine-growing regions such as using a pound of fertilizer available from organic to a wide array of benefits not only for a home grower to know about pruning, since this is also about controlling insects and birds may damage your plants, so taking the nutrients will go toward the production of grapes.The plants will start with the weight of removed canes in each container.The location you select the variety of grape growing can be used as ingredients for wine made from neem tree seeds are available in a very good condition to prevent pests from attacking your grapes.
They are also smaller in comparison to the artificially grown ones, which are ideally paired with desserts.Selecting an appropriate amount of harm from these insects.You must not be suitable for a lot of tips and some for table-eating and for this is not so comfortable.Growing your vineyard grapes differently.Red wine is available for the grapes grow on 1 year old wood should be accomplished in January or February.
Grapefruit Plant
Great vineyards have fertile soil, several water and it is imperative to learn how to grow grapes for wine making.Still, seeing these people cultivate grapes on the vine.Pruning is the stage where cell division takes place.More common aging periods for Riesling wines that are best grown.Trellises are a few things that I have visited many wineries, and a little research over local vineyard or nursery will assure good productivity at the plant's leaves will turn to one of the fruit from birds, fungus, insects, etc. and help the vine during its reproductive stage.
Growing grapes at home, you need to look further.The nursery man will assist you in this chosen endeavor.The Vitis vinifera grapes are grown in bigger areas, especially when your grape vines yourself, it is first of all rewarding in the cooler area, you can encourage the plant every day, but the grapes so that they will all do the trick.Avoid using wire for this project is chosen perfectly.So make it a point to remember about grape specie.
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usn6493 · 7 years
Realousily another resource on leadership/management?
Why should I read this, how does this compare to the other resources?
There are many media opportunities to leadership, so why should I read this.  Well you don't, but if you want a simple way of looking at leadership from my view point and dont have the time to read all those books, search the web, listen to cds, or watch the videos then allow me to take a few minutes, yes i said mintues and not hours, while I give you some information on what works for me and what may be helpful to you.
Experience as leader
My experience as a leader and manager comes from 26+ years in the military.  The military instills something that a lot of other places dont have time to do because of the hussle and bussle of change.  Military Basic Training instantly instills discipline and the foundation of leadership.  As we enter, we go through boot camp following orders, while learning and experiencing new things.  During this time most people don't realize they are experiencing leadership, but really most have had a leader, manager or authoritative figure at one time or another with school, church, family, sports, etc.  Some think that you first experince leadership in this stage of life, but while you grow up you have already had some exposure to leadership and the critical desicion making process.  While going through the different stages I was instantly given the opportunity of a leadership position.  I was promoted to master-at-arms, this job required me to be in charge of the cleanliness of the barracks, and after being pulled around on the deck while in my whites, dust was identified and then I was fired by my petty office in charge for failing to lead and ensuring the task at hand was complete.  My first Navy failure lasted a total of 3 days.  After boot camp, with that experience in mind, I started to get in the grove of the new organization, started to get promoted, I went through many leadership courses learning both in the class room and out.  I didn't want to fail again like I did in bootcamp.  You will read professionally, there are many types of leaders, with many types of skills and requirements, but the only thing I knew as a new leader is you had to motivate your personnel to complete the task or tasks.  This is not always easy, just like I had found out in boot camp.  
Really more training
While coming up through the ranks, I have spent several hours sitting in training on how to be a good leader.  I didn't do this because I was a bad leader, I did it because I was told too, and because I wanted too.  With all the courses the basics kept standing out: have a plan, interact with your people, deligate, hold them accountable, look for new ideas, when you achieve the goal reward your people and most of all look for the next goal.  Do we really need more training, I think that most of the training we recieve in the military has been helpful in some cases and a hinderance in others.  Sometimes the training is done in order to place a check in the block when someone fails and it meets the press.  Other times I think we jump on board because of the latest and greatest fad in training. Training is necessary, it is a time to sit back and reflect on what we do and how we do it, and most of all, it gives us ideas that can hone our skill as a leader.   In order to be a leader in the military or any other organization, you have to have several attributes and with those you have to be a self starter.  The self starter I talk about isnt for the "me" win, it is for the "us" win.  Just don't overdo it, and don't try to use everyone's ideas and think they will work.  Tweak their information to fit your style; the end state, you will become a better leader in time with experience.
Culture changes
Many times we sit back in the military and go, the younger guys these days they just don't have what it takes.  I heard that when I came in from the same senior personnel.  The problem is we dont know how they will do and there are a lot more factors these days than in the past when it comes to outside influences.  This doesnt necessarily make it bad, but it does challenge the skills of a leader especially one who is afraid of change.  The world of computers has made it easy for "instant" access to anything and anyone, many have come from various backgrounds that may not have been suitable for all, and most of the new leaders we have today are way better at multi tasking then the older leaders.  Use this information as a helpful tool.  See what they can do and give them a tasker, if you see that their style allows them to complete a task in a certain way, does it really matter how they did it as long as it gets done on time, while providing the same results.  Sometimes we get wrapped around the axle on this "as the way it is", well it may have been, but if you moogle it, and see there are other ways, then take advantage of that.  Saving time and money is also a key source for the leader of today.  Use the technology and experience you have.  Teach them that being part of the decision making process promotes better leadership skills and the feeling of success when a task is completed.  You as aleader will be better informed, will break the bearer of "culture change" and it will allow you to see a new leader in development.  Let's take advantage, times have changed, ideas have changed and more importantly we need to change.  A leader is able to adapt to all situation, utilizing the talent they have in order to meet the mission or end state.  If you refuse to do this, what example are you setting are you a "good" or "bad" leader.  Will you continue to succeed or will you fail?
Good vs Bad
Good vs bad leaders.  Let's define this in simple terms.  A good leader accomplishes the mission or goal and their people are excited about the takling next goal in sight.  The bad, the people are miserable, can't wait till the leader leaves and if the goal is in sight it is a mile down the road.  They will do more to fight the leadership on meeting the mission.  You ask yourself, what am I, well let's see.  If you challenge your people, delegate or empower them, follow up, remain flexible, be fair and firm on things, mentor your future leaders and then reward them when accomplishement are made, you are a good one.  You can learn from both, I have had both types of leaders.  The one thing I look at is what do I want to learn or take away from this leader.  Sometimes it is positive, sometimes it is negative, but the negative let's me think to my self not to do that.  You see everyone has positive and negative traits, it is up to you to identify the two and use it to hone your skills in your growth as a leader.  Leadership doesnt stop at one point, it continues till you finish your time.  You lead your family, friends, co workers, peers, etc, how do you do it, are you good or bad.  One of the things I like to do after I have been at a place for a while is ask my subordinates, am I doing what you think I should do as a leader, sometimes you will be suprised at the answers you get.  Don't be offended, you asked the questions be ready!  Communication is key.  A good leader adjusts with time, accepts failure as a challenge and then persues the opportunity to show success again.  Are you a good leader or bad, does it matter and if it doesnt skip this, but if it does, re evaluate your self, and then move forward to the success
Simplicity in leadership
There are many books and great leaders out there who have ideas that have made them successful in all sorts of leadership positions.  If you have the money and can afford the time and training then those sources are available, but unfortuantely I don't have the money.  I have read various clippings and books in order to see if I can find something that will help me out as a leader while pointing out the good or bad.  Leadership is as simple as leading a group of people to the end means, while meeting their needs, helping them grow and rewarding them once things have been accomplished.  All the words of empowerment, pride, discipline, goal setting, matrixes, etc are tools we use.  Learn to use the tools!  Use the talents you have, and if you don't think you have any, ask a leader, what made you great, how can I be like you as a leader and as a leader have you ever failed or felt like you couldn't lead.  If you get nothing you have learned a valuable lesson, they are leading themselves, but in the end they will be lonely.  If you get what you ask for, then you will not only recieve great wisdom, but you will have taught that leader the basics of being a leader once again.  Mentorship is another great tool which is why leadership can be simple.  Great leaders should be training as they succeed or fail.  They will be replaced one day, and their replacement should be a well rounded leader who is ready to accept the challenges.  Leaders have to sit back, think about what made them successful and then give you the information requested.  Leaders don't always think about how they did it, they just do.  When it comes to it, they are using the simple tools and tweaking that other leaders in the past have bestowed on them and they have modified or adapted to their style.  Leadership is not complicated and it isn't for everyone, but if you want to be a great leader, look at all the ones around you, identify the common factors and use those to build your skill.
I have to make a decision?
As a leader you have to make a decision, yes make one!  Some of the problems today with leaders is they are afraid to make a decision even the right one because they are afraid of failure.  Make the decision, you're people are waiting.  If it is wrong and it doesn't kill anyone or cause major safety issues, then you can recover.  The decision making process is  especially critical in situations which requires the leader to sit back assess the issue and make a decision so action can be taken in order to succeed or at least move forward.  If nothing is decided, you will fail.  Failure is an option, but not the only option.  Remember most processes we do in our business may seem complex, but in the end if you sit back and look at them, they are simple with lots of bells and whistles.  Make the decision, stand by it and then move on.  If it is wrong correct and readjust.  Teach your team to make decisions and if it is wrong, identify the issue correct and move on, but praise them for making a decision.  Imagine this, if a decision was made in politics, would we really have some of the issues today?
Sometimes discipline sucks, but it is necessary.
Discipline is an area that most leaders avoid or dont like talk about.  Here is the easiest thing to do about discipline, be firm, fair and impartial.  Identify and correct the deficiency, document it and then move on.  Re evalute later to ensure the issue was corrected, but never use it as a festering wound.  Move on, you as a leader have too many other issues pending decisions.  If the team member continues and you have tried everything to help or correct the issue, let them go, the whole team does not need to fail or slow down due to one individual.  If you dont show discipline your team will take advantage of you, if you dont believe me, think about when you was a kid growing up and how many times you took advantage of a relative when a decision couldn't be made.  We don't intentionally fail, we all need rudder correction and in the end it makes us a better leader because we use that as an example in our successes.
Reward and awards are awesome.
One of the best things you can ever do is reward/award your number one assets which is your people.  Do this in public, do it with something tangible or something as simple as a pat on the back.  Just do it!  Many times leaders forget and think their people already know they are doing a good job, but the team still needs to know it.  Team, let your leader know they are doing a good job.  When is the last time a team went to their leader, and said you are doing great job, keep it up, we will follow you till the end.  If you haven't then do it, you will both reap the rewards.  The key message is to say "good job".  What a simple way of building leadership by praising others.  What a great way to start or end a day.  
Final thoughts, yes this is the end, more could be said, but you get the jest.
Leadership is not hard, but it can be challenging.  There are many great tools out there and most of all if you take care of your people, identify the goal, make a plan to reach the goal, use the talents you have, check the process on the way and once you have met the goal reward you people you will see that leading is just another learning experience in the work force.  Be a great leader and use the information as a tool in your tool box!
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