#using critical thinking skills requires one to accept the fact that you may be WRONG about stuff. even stuff you feel passionately about
funkytoes · 5 months
everyone claims they want people to think more critically abt stuff in general, especially in this digital age, but i get the feeling most people (yes, even very left leaning people), while claiming that we all need to use our critical thinking skills more often, actually only actually want people to think "in a way that confirms their personal biases" and not like, y'know, what is required of people to ACTUALLY use critical thinking skills, which is, in fact, ironically, the Opposite of using critical thinking skills 🤔
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Just one of many examples that showcase Arya’s great critical thinking and deductive skills:
A dozen people got there before her, though none was coming any too close. Arya squirmed between them. Weese was sprawled across the cobbles, his throat a red ruin, eyes gaping sightlessly up at a bank of grey cloud. His ugly spotted dog stood on his chest, lapping at the blood pulsing from his neck, and every so often ripping a mouthful of flesh out of the dead man's face.
Finally someone brought a crossbow and shot the spotted dog dead while she was worrying at one of Weese's ears.
"Damnedest thing," she heard a man say. "He had that bitch dog since she was a pup."
Arya lifted her gaze from the dead man and his dead dog. Jaqen H'ghar was leaning up against the side of the Wailing Tower. When he saw her looking, he lifted a hand to his face and laid two fingers casually against his cheek. (Arya VIII ACOK)
She had been avoiding the Lorathi since Weese's death. Chiswyck had been easy, anyone could push a man off the wallwalk, but Weese had raised that ugly spotted dog from a pup, and only some dark magic could have turned the animal against him. Yoren found Jaqen in a black cell, the same as Rorge and Biter, she remembered. Jaqen did something horrible and Yoren knew, that's why he kept him in chains. If the Lorathi was a wizard, Rorge and Biter could be demons he called up from some hell, not men at all. (Arya IX ACOK)
At Harrenhal, Arya gives Jaqen Weese’s name, and Arya is stumped and afraid about how Jaqen was able to turn Weese’s dog against him.  She thinks it must be dark magic.  Then two books later we have this passage:
Her part was mostly fetching, scrambling up ladders to find the herbs and leaves the waif required. "Sweetsleep is the gentlest of poisons," the waif told her, as she was grinding some with a mortar and pestle. "A few grains will slow a pounding heart and stop a hand from shaking, and make a man feel calm and strong. A pinch will grant a night of deep and dreamless sleep. Three pinches will produce that sleep that does not end. The taste is very sweet, so it is best used in cakes and pies and honeyed wines. Here, you can smell the sweetness." She let her have a whiff, then sent her up the ladders to find a red glass bottle. "This is a crueler poison, but tasteless and odorless, hence easier to hide. The tears of Lys, men call it. Dissolved in wine or water, it eats at a man's bowels and belly, and kills as a sickness of those parts. Smell." Arya sniffed, and smelled nothing. The waif put the tears to one side and opened a fat stone jar. "This paste is spiced with basilisk blood. It will give cooked flesh a savory smell, but if eaten it produces violent madness, in beasts as well as men. A mouse will attack a lion after a taste of basilisk blood."
Arya chewed her lip. "Would it work on dogs?"
"On any animal with warm blood." The waif slapped her.  (Cat of the Canals AFFC)
Two books later Arya manages to solve this mystery on how Jaqen killed Weese.  Not only does this show her critical thinking and deduction skills, but it really shows how aware she is of the things around her.  She doesn’t ignore unpleasant truths.  She accepts the reality and even when that reality doesn’t make sense to her, she tries to make it make sense with fact and reason instead of ignoring those ugly and confusing things.  One may say that this isn’t remarkable because it took Arya two books to figure it out, but that’s a dumb argument, because it wasn’t up until this moment that she knew of the existence of basilisk blood.  However, once she knew she connected the pieces fairly rapidly.  Actually extraordinarily rapidly considering Arya is 10 at the time of Weese’s death and Arya is 11 in AFFC, so a whole year and some change is in between the death and the discovery.  Arya also wasn’t wrong to assume that dark magic was a part of it, considering the Faceless Men are a magical guild that obviously uses blood magic, something she didn’t yet know about Jaqen when she first suspected it considering Jaqen hadn’t revealed his face changing to her yet at this point.
Arya is incredibly smart.  She also has great critical thinking and deduction and observational skills for a 9-12 year old.  Dismissing Arya’s intelligence and critical thinking skills is a disservice to her character, especially considering there are a lot of examples in the books showcasing these characteristics from her.
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mitfloya · 7 months
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English is not my first language, any grammatical faults or mistakes can be attributed to that, I'll try my best to keep improving my writing skill (because I'm a perfectionist freak)
Since I am a multifandom blog, you still have to check which ones I will write and don't, go ahead and check on my pinned post.
As a newcomer to this platform, I kindly request your support by reblogging my posts. Please refrain from spamming likes, as it may prevent my content from reaching a wider audience. II appreciate the assistance of those who have already shown their support. Thank you in advance >ᴗ
If you are a minor, I want to make it clear that I will not entertain any requests or content that contains suggestive themes. it will be disregarded and deleted from my inbox.
I want to make it clear that I do not accept or fulfill any requests for NSFW content. Do not ask in my DMs either, I will never write any of that for you personally either.
I am not your mother or therapist, do not trauma dump my inbox or Dms, you can do so by request but don't go into details. If you need to discuss your problems, please do so responsibly and kindly refrain talking about your problems to strangers and be safe in the internet, especially for minors!
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I want to make it clear that I do not entertain any form of playing the victim or engage with individuals who lack common sense or a proper understanding of biology. Get your head straight by learning what is right and wrong, develop critical thinking skills, and distinguish between opinions and proven facts.
I am open to creating content that includes yandere themes and suggestive elements. However, this content is intended for mature audiences only, meaning above legal age or 18. If you are a minor, do not interact or reading any of that content.
Do not rush me to write, be patient babes or the goodies ain't gonna come out perfect or done. I have tons of activities outside of this blog that are more important.
I am a slow writer, I only write for fun. However, there may be lucky ones where I get to finish some requests in just a few days (read: it can happen only once or twice in a month).
Please specifiy on your requests, it would be great if you give me any prompts/anything to work with. But refrain going too detailed as I am not capable of working on such challenging task, I only see requests as suggestions.
That means I will not take every single requests, I am not required to. Do not even attempt to threaten me, you wouldn't be getting anything other than you're just desperate and embarassing person I've ever met.
I will be taking the ones that have potential and interesting, no hard feelings.
Ask your requests politely and refrain being overly demanding, unless you're asking for a hard block.
Do not use any of my headcanons for any of use, even if you ask politely please just make your own headcanons -_-
LISTS OF THINGS I DON'T WRITE: Detailed suicide/eating disorder/self-harm, hardcore nsfw, hardcore yandere themes, pedophilia, incest (stepcest is still incest), infidelity, questionable age gap, bdsm, male x male, sexualizing characters that doesn't have or haven't aged up in their respective fandoms, cnon/dubcon/ncon, bestiality, necrophilia, vore.
Grey Area: past suicide/eating disorder/self-harm/sexual assaults meantions.
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Property of @mitfloya
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schoolsnearme · 1 year
The Perks of Failing: How Your Mistakes Can In Fact, Make You Stronger
Best School in HSR Layout
Everyone encounters failure at some time in life because it is a normal aspect of existence. Failure can be a challenging and terrible experience, whether it involves failing an exam, not securing a job, or suffering a personal setback. Failure can be difficult, but it can also provide an excellent opportunity for learning. In actuality, failures and setbacks have often led to the greatest victories in history. Here are a few advantages of failing and how you can become stronger by learning from mistakes:
Developing Resilience
The ability to develop resilience is one of failure’s most important advantages. Failure forces us to face our errors, consider what did go wrong, and come up with solutions to make things better in the future. Although this journey can be challenging and uncomfortable, it can also be powerful. We can build the resilience necessary to overcome obstacles and setbacks in the future by reflecting on our errors and making improvements.
Practicing a Growth Mindset
Failure also has the advantage of fostering a growth attitude. We are compelled to face our inadequacies and limitations when we suffer failure. This might be a humiliating situation, but it can also be a chance for improvement. We can cultivate the growth attitude required for long-term success by accepting failure as an opportunity of learning and work to improve.
Learning from Mistakes
The ability to learn from failures is perhaps the most apparent advantage of failure. Failure forces us to look at what went wrong and find opportunities for improvement. Although this process of thought and examination can be challenging, it can also be quite beneficial. By reflecting on our failures, we can acquire the abilities and information required for success and prevent repeating the same errors in the future.
Encouraging Innovation
Failing can also foster creativity. We are compelled to think outside the box and come up with fresh solutions to issues when we encounter setbacks or failures. Breakthroughs and novel discoveries may result from this process of exploration and creativity that would not have been feasible without failure.
Fostering Resilience in Times of Adversity
And finally, experiencing failure can help develop resiliency in the face of difficulty. We are compelled to think outside the box and come up with fresh solutions to issues when we encounter setbacks or failures. Breakthroughs and novel discoveries may result from this process of exploration and creativity which wouldn’t have been feasible without failure.
So how can we take what we’ve learned from failure and apply it to our favor? The following advice:
Accept Failure as a Learning Opportunity
Accepting failure as a teaching opportunity is the first step in learning from it. Try to reframe failure as a chance to grow and learn rather than as a bad experience. You can approach future problems with a more upbeat and resilient perspective by accepting failure as a learning experience.
Recognize What Went Wrong
Finding the problem is the next step. It can be appealing to place the blame for our failure on outside events or other individuals. But it’s critical to acknowledge our shortcomings and pinpoint the particulars that contributed to the failure. Although it might be challenging, self-reflection and analysis are crucial for learning and development.
Build a Plan for Improvement
It’s crucial to create a plan for improvements once you’ve determined what went wrong. To do this, you might have to learn new skills, alter how you approach a challenge or look for more assistance or resources. You can use failure as a launching pad to success by creating an improvement plan.
Seek Feedback
Finally, it’s critical to get other people’s opinions. This can be difficult since it might force us to face our flaws and vulnerabilities. Nonetheless, other people’s opinions can be immensely helpful.
At MS Dhoni Global School, we encourage students to put into perspective their failures at different aspects of life as opportunities for growth and further improvements. Both our academic and co-curricular activity staff make sure that our students don’t view their failures as discouragement. Rather, we push them to see failure as minor roadblocks that can be overcome with effortful pivots in the right direction.
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harishjagtani123 · 2 years
Six Practices That Help Creativity In Business – Mr. Harish Jagtani
In this fast-moving digital age, being successful in business does not mean being bigger or working harder than your competitors. Today, success goes to people who can come up with creative solutions to critical issues. For instance, Airbnb came up with innovative stay options for travelers and earnings for homeowners, while Uber gave us a new and easy convenience choice and a career option for youngsters
Most leaders today are aware of the best practices for mission-critical tasks in any business, but only a handful are familiar with what nurturing and promoting creativity requires. Here are a few ways that entrepreneurs can adopt to make themselves, along with their companies, more creative…
Gather New Ideas
Looking for new and innovative ideas from your areas of interest whenever you get time will help you think creatively. Talk to your friends and read prolifically. Try to know about the new things that are happening around you. You can take a break once in a while to relax and stay updated. Brainstorming can be highly effective. Gather members from diverse teams because several brains can produce more novel ideas than just one. But also remember that wrong kind of diversity can be damaging. To be most effective, teams should have people of differing skills, talents and backgrounds, but with similar values and a common goal.
Reduce Pressures
We are all aware about the old saying, ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’. But that does not mean one would be creative only one is up against a wall. In fact, research shows deadlines make people less creative. We may, at times, be forced to be creative at the last minute, but we are at our creative best in a relaxed environment and when we are not under a gun to deliver results fast.
Have a Positive Mindset
One good way to be creative is to simply change your mindset. Feed positive thoughts to your mind by talking to yourself. Say such things as, “I can do this”, or “I’ll accept good ideas that anyone can come up with”. Repeating these positive thoughts will fill you with creative inspiration that will help you resolve pressing issues.
Change the Locale
Entrepreneurs may ask what values idea-generating sessions can bring. But we feel it is these that spur creativity, especially when held off-site, such as on weekends. Just changing the physical location and environment can significantly help improve creativity. Moving out of familiar walls helps individuals get out of their regular thought patterns for effective brainstorming.
Embrace Failure
Research also shows that one of the best connections between creativity and corporate culture is the way individuals treat failure. Basically, creative people must feel safe to come up with new approaches and to try them out.
Organize & Be Active
We have been told millions of times by our mothers to clean our rooms and, today, there are endless numbers of sites on de-cluttering our lives. It is a belief that, by keeping your surroundings clean and by de-cluttering your life, you can keep your mind clean for positive and creative ideas to flow when needed. At the same time, exercising and keeping your body fit stimulates your brain. Physical activities, like running, walking in a park or the neighbourhood, doing yoga, or even freehand exercises, can inspire new and creative thought patterns. There are people who use their yoga or exercise time to take a break from work and find motivation.
About the Author
Mr. Harish Jagtani, a philanthropist, visionary, businessman of Indian origin, currently based in Democratic Republic of Congo for more than 20 years now, is one of the most reputed business owners in the Indian diaspora as well as the entire expat business community in DRC. The business house caters to multiple domains, including but not limited to Domestic as well as International Air Cargo, real Estate and infrastructure development, healthcare, hospitality as well as CSR.
Coming from humble beginnings from Jaipur, Rajasthan, Mr. Harish Jagtani has come a long way in building this conglomerate with a strong and clear vision, sheer dedication and grit. Starting with a small job in sales, Mr. Harish Jagtani today is a proud and righteous owner of a fleet of airplanes and multiple businesses that cater to the basic and advanced needs of the people of Dem. Rep. of Congo in different sectors
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drsohinisastri · 2 years
Negative Traits of Each Zodiac Sign
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 According to the top astrologer in Kolkata, Some zodiac signs like to think of themselves as innocent and perfect in every way but the truth is that they can be anything but.
Sure, when they're at their best, they're charming and witty, but they have a habit of doing things that grind the gears of even their closest friends and loved ones.
So brace yourself, because today I'll be discussing the indicators' negative characteristics!
Aries might become so engrossed in their own frenetic and fast-paced lifestyle that they become irritated by those who can't keep up. They want everything, and they want it now, and they might be irritable when it comes to acquiring it.
When confronted with incompetence, their tempers can be notoriously short, and they've been known to erupt on occasion. When they are certain that they are correct, they can be as obstinate as a mule!
The Taurus is recognised for being a diligent worker who is prepared to put in long hours in order to succeed. They can, however, fall into the trap of continually trying to 'keep up with the Joneses' and stressing over material items that don't really matter.
If they don't force themselves to take a break from time to time, they can burn themselves out and possibly have a nervous breakdown. Money is fantastic and all, but preserving sanity requires balance!
Gemini is a brilliant sign, but they can be a little too clever for their own good at times. They understand how to use people and situations to their advantage and are frighteningly skilled at deception.
If you get on their bad side, be aware that their mind games will drive you nuts.
It's a well-known fact that people born under the sign of Cancer are emotional.
When they are unhappy, however, they can take the term "emotional outburst" to a whole new level by becoming irritable and crabby to the point where they are practically terrible to be around.
When they're having a particularly bad day, it's better to leave them alone for a time so they can figure it out.
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Leo personalities frequently have a lot of big ideas and visions in their heads about what they want to achieve, and they may be bossy and demanding in their quest of making those aspirations a reality.
They can also have a hard time accepting criticism, even when it's meant to be constructive, and they have a hard time relinquishing control when they want to be in charge according to the best astrologer in Delhi.
The Virgo is a perfectionist by nature, and as a result, they might come across as pedantic and critical. They can't tolerate it when things are done half-heartedly, and they can be severe when it comes to criticising shoddy work.
They have a tendency to hold everyone around them to a high level that isn't always achievable. They only need to relax and regulate their expectations from time to time.
Libras are so brilliant and charming that if they want to, they can easily pull the wool over someone's eyes. They're also so convincing that they could easily persuade someone to sign their soul over to them.
They usually attempt to utilise their abilities for good, but when someone wrongs them, they may find it difficult to resist the urge to retaliate when they least expect it.
Scorpio is the type of person who, depending on whether they like you or not, can be the nicest or the meanest.
If they have an issue with you, they can become violent very quickly, and those who dare to cross them will quickly find how keen the scorpion's claws can be.
They're also known to be a little obsessive and have a hard time letting go of previous grudges and complaints. They must learn to move on from time to time.
The Sagittarius personality prefers to communicate whatever is on their mind, regardless of how frank or direct it is. While some may find this honesty refreshing, others may find it to be too much, and they may be insulted by what they perceive to be the Sagittarius' insensitivity.
They're also not the most patient sign in the zodiac, and they can easily become frustrated when faced with delays or when others slow them down.
Capricorns like to think of themselves as sceptical realists, yet their demeanour can come across as negative to others.
People can become irritated when Capricorn dismisses their "stupid ideas," and as a result, they can become bitter and resentful. It's not that Capricorn intends to alienate others; it's just that they have a low tolerance for foolishness.
When you say 'go,' Aquarius isn't exactly an open book that reveals their secrets. Trying to coax knowledge out of someone when they don't want to talk about something can be like drawing blood from a stone.
They're prone to erecting emotional barriers, which can irritate their friends and loved ones, but the Aquarius personality simply has to work things out in their own time.
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The dreamy condition in which Pisces frequently finds themselves might lead to complete indecisiveness when it comes to making important judgments.
They can struggle so hard to keep their thoughts in order on some days that they frequently lose things, forget things, and are generally a scatterbrain.
 The top astrologer in India suggested,they can also get caught up in negative thought patterns, so they must be careful not to fall into the trap of continuously feeling sorry for themselves and instead focus on the positive aspects of their lives!
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hotgirltarot · 3 years
Pick A Card: How will You be Impacted the Rest of 2021?
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Hello Baddies! We hope you're ready, because it's time for another Pick A Card! This time we are looking into what the rest of 2021 has in store for you, and more precisely what will impact you in this second half of the year. Choose your pile down below and read what the rest of 2021 has in store for you! Remember to have fun with it and take what resonate and leave what doesn't! Tips are accepted and appreciated at $DejaWash19. We accept Paypal as well! Pile 1: Amazonite (Cloud) Pile 2: Labradorite (Turtle) Pile 3: Clear Quartz (Pyramid) Pile 4: Pink Halite (Cluster)
Pile 1: Amazonite (Cloud)
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Hello pile 1! There are a few minor changes coming to you the rest of 2021 but most of them require you to be calm, gentle and let spirit be your guide. All your changes will make you a better person and are for the better. We are here to warn you of a problem, either now or in the next few months that will come from you making a poor choice or decision. At the time, you may not have known it was a poor decision and it will create some conflict for you. You will want to try to defend yourself, be a little stubborn and refuse to compromise. However, your Spirit Guides want you to remain calm and grounded in your communication. You will gain respect of others and find common ground that is pleasing to you if you do. Remember that understanding others and their needs will be more powerful at this time than putting your own first. If you do that, you will be rewarded tenfold. This next half of the year, the change needs to happen within yourself and how you externalize and/or deal with negativity. there might have been people or a significant other that has wronged you in the past, something that affected you deeply. It is time to let those feelings go and forgive if you can. If you are not ready for forgiveness, allowing those feelings to be processed and let go of will do you a lot of good. It is time to be the bigger person if this is someone that acted immaturely or unfairly towards you. This rest of 2021, you will be able to have a healthier relationship with yourself and others and recognize the signs and red flags when it comes to emotional issues.
Spirit is warning you to listen to your intuition and pick your battles carefully. Some situations and people in your life are not as they appear to be, trust your instincts to see past the illusion... Think before you act, don't be impulsive when it comes to conflicts, and be careful of your words. Some of you are going to be challenged by insecurities and repressed emotions as they will resurface by the end of the year that you will have to heal before moving into 2022. There is a strong focus on starting new traditions and doing things on your own for the rest of 2021. Luck is on your side and a big change is coming into your life, a positive change. The path to this change will not be an easy one as the Universe has to prepare you for it. Spirit is encouraging you on healing past issues and move past your fears and anxiety. You will need to be confident and have faith in your own abilities when this change comes into your life. Your guides and Angels are assisting and protecting you. All the answers you have are positive as long as you take the courage to make the change and work on yourself. Be more positive and make sure to write a gratitude list. If things are getting too stressful and you are having a hard time coping with your emotions make sure to write them out it will be easier for you to deal with.
Pile 2: Labradorite (Turtle)
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Hi Pile 2! This pile has a hard time staying on the path. You are letting external forces, your fears, and anxiety sway you away from your path easily. Spirit is encouraging you to stand up for what you want/believe in. Be strong-willed and maintain control of your own life. The Universe may be challenging you right now to see if you will give up easily. Don’t lose sight of the end goal, stay focused, and trust your intuition. There are a lot of blessings coming to you and this phase will not last forever. Trust the divine timing, be self-aware, take control of your own life, and don't expect others to do everything for you. You have all the answers. There is a strong focus on physical appearance and not enough on inner beauty, don't forget that beauty is internal as well as external.
The big change coming for you this year is consistency. You have projects, ideas, and goals, but it's all something that stays in the abstract. It is time to get back to the drawing bord and set up a plan because this remainder of the year is the time to materialize them! You are the type of person that gets discouraged easily in front of setbacks or go into these funks where you feel low vibrational. Now, you will start to understand that consistency is key, regardless of obstacles. When you keep at it and get back up or don't stop in front of obstacles, the options are limitless! Your happiness is a result of being one with Spirit’s plan for your life. Remember, all your hard work and commitment will pay off and are reciprocated by the universe. Hold your vision of the future, avoid stagnation, and have faith. You will discover this new side of yourself that can achieve whatever it wants when you put your mind to it. If there is clutter around you, or people that only bring you down, it is time to get rid of them! We only put our best foot forward from now on, and we bring with us only the people that want to see us thrive and give constructive criticism. By the end of the year, you will be in a happy place, feeling joy and contentment and a sense of fulfillment. Also, there is possibly new love coming in! You will get to know someone and build a solid foundation for a potential long-term commitment ♥
Pile 3: Clear Quartz (Pyramid)
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The first half of the year may have felt chaotic, be externally (situations around you), or internally (within you/chaotic thoughts and emotions). You may be in a situation where you don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel or where you have so many options you don’t know which one to pick.
Spirit wants you to surrender and trust the universe right now. Don't be scared of the unknown and dare to take action. There is a person in your life who could be a friend, family member, or lover who is not treating you well or giving you what you want/need in a relationship, and they will never do it. You need to get away from this situation. Stop and look at how many things you have accomplished in the past, and you will continue to do so in the future. Celebrate yourself! In the next months, you will be living your happy ever after and can look forward to your plans/ projects being successful. If you have been away from family, friends, or in a long-distance relationship you can expect to reunite with them by the end of the year. Don't give up and keep working hard, stay committed to your plans. The effort you are putting in right now will pay off and lead to great rewards. Even if now you feel like it's getting hard and the stress is taking over, don't give up. You are so close to achieving success! Your Spirit Guides and Angels are assisting and working things out for you at the moment. You might not have all the facts and all the tools yet, but you are still in a good position. Don't give up! The skills and lessons you are learning now will help you moving forward in life. You will come from this experience smarter and with more self-confidence from achieving your dreams. Do things that keep you motivated, meditate more and make sure your mental health is taken care of.
A major theme of the rest of the year will be for you to take a leap of faith and step out of your comfort zone. You need to face a fear and get over it. You are supported by your guides, and you will be taken care of in difficult times. Stand on your own two feet and know that you can take on anything that comes to you. While you may be in chaos and conflict right now, know that success is assured. Another change coming for you is peace. Peace of mind, in your current situation, and sorting things out. You will get into the flow of life in general. You should remember to always meditate, today and everyday, as it will help calm the turbulence around you. Also, you may have a reconciliation with an old friend or lover. We are here to remind you to make time for friendship. Let the people around you know how much they matter to you. Also, there is a new stream of money or abundance coming to you. This will flourish by the end of the year, making you more secure and rewarded.
Pile 4: Pink Halite (Cluster)
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This Pile is inherently strong-willed and confident in yourself, what you do, and what you believe in. However, we see this pile is feeling burnt out and has a lot of responsibilities in their life atm. You are feeling stressed and there is a huge weight on your shoulders right now that is making your feel stuck. Don't let delays in your life make you lose focus from your goal. You are getting a little called out Pile 4 for being a little lazy. You may be trying to get rewards without putting the work in. There is a new cycle coming for you, a beginning of renewed confidence and energy. You are ready to do you and go after your goals. Know that your dreams can come true! Your life has the potential for profound transformation by the end of the year. Keep manifesting, keep demanding your desires from the Universe because Spirit is ready to support you and give you what you want as soon as you start putting in the work and stop making excuses. There is a strong female figure in your life who will protect you and help you overcome your problems. Be open to receiving constructive criticism from people in your life and listen to it. Be more open-minded and willing to change for your own good. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it from your friend, family, and Spirit Guides! Asking people for help can be a big step for some of you in your emotional and spiritual growth. Make sure you are looking for affection in the right places some people won't give it to you no matter how hard you try to please them. You're not for everyone! Embrace your weirdness and accept yourself for who you are. Work on self-love, spend some time with yourself, and enjoy your own company. Don't stop working on yourself! Now is a thrilling time of epiphanies, inspired ideas and innovation. New experiences are coming your way, be ready for change. Luck is on your side! Keep being optimistic, tap into your spirituality and have faith! For some of you, there is a romantic vibe in this reading. If you are involved with someone that where things have never evolved into romantic territory, this might be a sign that things will move to the next level. Or it could be someone completely new, a new romantic interest where things start off more physical. Explore, examine and do not fear the changes that may come, for Spirit wants to shower you with love, success and abundance that you hope to experience. Also, you may embark on a new career/job or promotion by the end of the year. Expect the unexpected for the rest of 2021! Gifts given, new romance, secret admirers and new experiences to name a few. However, be careful in money matters. Try not to indulge too much and go overboard when you are in a period of happiness.
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Jean-Luc Picard is a person with the Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging personality traits. He is a thoughtful tactician that loves perfecting the details of life, applying creativity and rationality to everything he do. His inner world is often a private, complex one. It can be lonely at the top, seen as his personality type is one of the rarest, and he knows it all too well. Picard can be both the boldest of dreamers and the bitterest of pessimists. Believing that, through willpower and intelligence, he can achieve even the most challenging of goals.
Strengths :
᪥ Rational – Picard prides himself on his minds. To him, nearly any situation can become an opportunity to expand his knowledge and hone his rational thinking skills. Thanks to this mindset, Jean-Luc can devise inventive solutions to even the most arduous of problems.
᪥ Curious – Jean-Luc is open to new ideas as long as those ideas are rational and evidence-based, that is. Sceptical by nature, he is especially drawn to offbeat or contrarian points of view. He is open to changing his own opinions when proven them wrong.
᪥ Informed – Few people are as devoted as Picard to forming rational, evidence-based opinions. Rather than hunches or half-baked assumptions, he bases his conclusions on research and analysis.
᪥ Independent – To Picard, conformity is synonymous with mediocrity. Creative and self-motivated, Jean- Luc strives to do things his own way. He can imagine few things more frustrating than allowing rules or conventions to stand in the way .
Weaknesses :
᪥ Dismissive of Emotions – Picard, is rationality king. But emotional context often matters more to him than he cares to admit. He can get impatient with anyone who seems to value feelings more than facts. Unfortunately, ignoring emotion is his bias.
᪥ Overly Critical – Jean-Luc tends to have a great deal of self-control, particularly when it comes to thoughts and feelings. When people in his life fail to match his level of restraint, Picard can become scathingly critical. But this criticism is often unfair, based on arbitrary standards rather than a full understanding of human nature.
᪥ Combative – Picard hate blindly following anything without understanding why. This includes restrictions and the authority figures who impose him. He can get caught up in arguing about useless rules and regulations, but sometimes these battles are distractions from more important matters.
᪥ Romantically Clueless – Jean-Luc relentless rationality can lead him to be frustrated by romance. Especially in the early stages any relationship, he may struggle to understand what’s going on and how to behave. And if his relationships fall apart for reasons he don’t understand, he can become cynical about matters of the heart, even questioning the importance of love and connection.
Conclusion :
Armed with powerful intellects and strategic minds, Architects (INTJs) can outmanoeuvre obstacles that seem unbeatable to most. But their strengths, when misunderstood, can turn into weaknesses – and keep them from reaching their full potential.
Those misunderstandings end here. What you have read so far is just an introduction – we have a great deal more to tell you about the Architect personality type.
In reading through this personality profile, you probably hit a tipping point. You went from trademark Architect scepticism to “Huh…” to “Wait, what?” You may even be a little uncomfortable, because you’re not used to being understood, even by the people closest to you.
Chances are you’ve accepted this as part of who you are and maybe even grown proud of it. But embracing that disconnect isn’t a requirement for Architects. It’s a misused defence mechanism, leading you down a lonely, inefficient path. Gaining insight into yourself and others is so much more rewarding – and effective.
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On Loki (or I take too long to get to the point but I promise it’s a good one)
So, I saw someone on my dash claiming that people shipping Loki/Sylvie were invalidating genderfluid people and that anyone who disagreed with them or continued to ship it was “ignoring the voices of genderfluid people.”
Let me get this out of the way, I really don’t give a shit whether you’re okay with Loki/Sylvie. Literally could not care less. And while some of the points I’m going to go over while dismantling this person’s argument overlap with the reasons I personally don’t have a problem with it, that is not what this post is about. We will not be having an argument about whether “selfcest” is okay on this blog. I do not care whether or not you’re into that.
But, as another genderfluid person, their argument made no sense and the fact that they were lambasting anyone who pointed that out as being fluidphobic pissed me off, so I’m going to use it as an example of something I’ve been wanting to talk about for a while. And to be clear, people can feel how they feel personally and I’m not saying anyone should go tell this person that how they personally feel is wrong, but feelings are often irrational and if they’re going to claim that something is invalidating to genderfluid people as a whole, there needs to be some logic there.
On Loki and genderfluidity
Making the point I want to make requires me to explain the thought processes a non-genderfluid person could use to dissect this argument.
This person’s argument was that shipping Loki and Sylvie invalidated genderfluid people because it reinforces the stereotype that a genderfluid people become a different person when their gender changes. Here’s why that doesn’t make sense to me:
There’s actually no evidence right now that Loki and Sylvie even are different versions of the same person.
Even if they are different versions of the same person, they’re two distinct characters as opposed to “our” Loki as a man and “our” Loki as a woman.
As far as I’m aware, that is not actually even a widespread stereotype about genderfluid people. This was literally the first time I’d ever heard of that idea.
Starting with #1, we don’t know enough about Sylvie or any of the other Lokis’ origins to know whether they have any kind of genetic relationship. For all we know, the Odinsons adopted a completely different kid in each of these universes. The different ages and races of the variants suggest something like this (unless they all turn out to be a shapeshifted Tom Hiddleston, in which case we’ll have other, more important things to talk about). My point here is that we just don’t have enough information to know whether they’re different spins on the same person or completely different people altogether. Sylvie also might not even end up being a Loki. There’s all kind of people in Marvel pretending to be other people. All I’m saying is that you have to make a lot of assumptions to get to “they are different versions of the same person” in the first place. A non-genderfluid person is just as capable of recognizing that as a genderfluid person is.
To address #2, we’ll accept for a moment that all the different Lokis are different versions of the same person. Even if that’s true, the characters are not one person who’s gender fluctuates or changes like a gender fluid person’s does. They’re two separate characters with different genders, one of whom has been confirmed as genderfluid. If we accept that treating these characters like two different people invalidates genderfluid people--which again, I strongly disagree with--then it’s not shipping them together that’s invalidating. It’s the fact that they interact at all. Romantic relationships are not the only kind of relationships that require multiple participants. This would also imply that any story where parents from one universe adopt a son and the same parents from a different universe adopt a daughter would invalidate genderfluid people if the narrative acknowledges them as different people.
Finally, a character being two versions of the same person has never stopped fandom from shipping them regardless of gender (see: the Onceler, the Doctor, mirror-verse Star Trek characters), so trying to make this into something that’s only happening because they’re different genders is kind of ridiculous, and once you lose that, you lose the connection to genderfluidity. Again, you don’t have to be genderfluid to recognize that there’s a difference between two characters with different genders and one genderfluid person.
#3 is the only point that I’ll acknowledge is easier to understand if you’re genderfluid. Genderfluid people are just more likely to know what the stereotypes are. That said, if you’ve been involved in conversations about queerness in media for years and someone is telling you a character reinforces a stereotype you’ve never heard of before, run a google search! See if you can find anyone other than this one person discussing it! To double-check myself, I ran a search on genderfluid stereotypes and didn’t find any mention of the idea that a genderfluid person becomes a different person when their gender changes.
Now, it’s entirely possible that someone in the OP’s life does have that misconception. That doesn’t mean it’s a widespread negative stereotype that media or fandom have a responsibility to avoid. The Half of It probably reinforces somebody’s mom’s idea that lesbians can only be friends with boys, but that doesn’t actually mean there’s anything wrong with it. It’s impossible to avoid every potential misconception, especially since we have no way of knowing what all of them are. The OP may very well legitimately feel invalidated by the whole thing, but that doesn’t make it invalidating to the group at large (and it also doesn’t make it objectively wrong).
So what’s my actual point?
You know all those posts starting to go around about how “listening to marginalized voices” doesn’t actually mean “take everything every marginalized person you come across says as the gospel truth,” how that’s actually dehumanizing and forces marginalized people to do all the work for you, and at some point you actually have to use your own critical thinking skills to decide what you believe in? Every time I look through the notes of those posts, there’s tons of people going “I don’t know how tho” or “I’m afraid to be wrong.”
This is a simple example of why it’s important (another example is all the people who were mislead into attacking artists over various lesbian flag designs in 2018-19), and hopefully this post is an okay explanation of how to get started.
Start with what you know. These are the points we started with here. You may recognize some of them from other common bad arguments floating around:
This argument is premised on an issue I’ve never heard of despite being in a position to know about it. -> “I’ve been in and out of nonbinary spaces and helping run a blog about queer representation in media for years and I’ve never heard of anyone thinking genderfluid people become a different person when their gender changes. I did some research and it doesn’t look like anyone else has heard of it either.”
This concept doesn’t mean what this person is saying it means. -> “The OP is saying a ship between two different characters is fluidphobic because they have different genders. That doesn’t make sense.”
This person is relying on assumptions without evidence that they’re accurate. -> “This argument relies on Sylvie being (1) a Loki, and (2) a different version of ‘our’ Loki. Either of these things could easily not be true.”
This position is internally inconsistent. -> “How does shipping two characters imply that you think of them as different people in a way that, for example, referring to them as brother and sister doesn’t?”
This position conflicts with information you know to be true independently. -> “The OP is claiming that shipping two characters means you think of them as different people but I’ve personally witnessed multiple popular fandoms spring up around shipping a character with themselves,” and “This argument relies on a widespread willingness to accept that a person can have multiple personalities, but people with DID (at least in the US) actually struggle with a widespread perception among both laypeople and psychologists that multiple personalities don’t exist.”
Following this logic to its natural conclusion leads you to a position that’s ridiculous -> “If treating Loki and Sylvie like two distinct people is fluidphobic, that means any story where a family adopts a son in one universe and a daughter in the other is fluidphobic unless they’re treated by the narrative and fandom like the same person” and “If treating genetically identical people of different genders as distinct people is fluidphobic, wouldn’t that also make Orphan Black fluidphobic for treating the clone who was a trans man like a distinct character, since he’s not the same gender as the others?”
This person is making proclamations about how other people think and feel without evidence. -> “The OP is assuming everyone who ships Loki/Sylvie must be taking the position that they’re distinct people because OP personally would never ship anyone with themselves.”
This person is generalizing how they feel about something to how everyone feels. -> “OP leapt to the conclusion that shipping Loki/Sylvie invalidates genderfluid people in general because it hits on their own insecurities as a genderfluid person.”
This person is throwing accusations and ad hominem attacks instead of engaging with legitimate counterpoints. -> “Multiple people pointed out that the OP was relying on several assumptions that might be wrong. Instead of responding to this point, the OP called them ‘weirdos’ and accused them of ‘speaking over genderfluid people.’” (This is not the same thing as making a post and then not engaging with the notes at all. That’s a legitimate choice.)
There is a motive to mislead the reader. -> “The point OP is making isn’t actually about genderfluid people and is in fact, ‘You’re a bad person for shipping Loki/Sylvie.’ Not liking the ship seems like a clear ulterior motive to make this argument, and I’ve definitely seen fandoms weaponize representation issues during ship wars before.”
That’s a lot of flags! All of these are reasons you should be skeptical of an argument and seek out other points of view or other people with the same point of view who are willing to address these concerns, but the last two are major red flags that, combined with any yellow flags, signal the person you’re listening to is not speaking in good faith and is not a good source of information. 
Listening to marginalized voices means making an effort to seek out the perspectives of marginalized people on issues that affect them and taking those perspectives into account in shaping your own opinion. It does not mean taking every post made by anyone who is (or says they are--people lie on the internet) x identity as the gospel truth and never doing any thinking of your own. Hopefully these tips will help all of you prevent yourselves from getting dragged into and used as a mouthpiece for positions that make no sense after a few minutes of thought.
Edit: Apparently Loki is canonically genderfluid now?? Anyway, I think I got all the references to him not being genderfluid removed. Sylvie may or may not be but we’re not getting into that here.
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Free encyclopedias on the web would define love as a range of strong and positive emotional and mental states, from the most sublime virtue or good habit, the deepest interpersonal affection, to the simplest pleasure. But come and think of it, love is not an instinct. Love is a skill. And when we say skill, it needs to be learned. A skill that the society refuses to consider as a skill. We are meant to always follow our feelings. And if you keep following your feelings, you will certainly always commit big mistakes in your life. Who wants that? No one wants that. No one wants to end up with the wrong person. Nobody wants to feel like they have been sentenced to life imprisonment by marrying the wrong person.
Unfortunately, it is primarily because people tend to idealize love just like what fairy tale movies try to project on our screens ─ an image of a perfect love where there’s a king and queen living in a castle that is bound to have a happily ever after. But in real life, that’s definitely not always the case. Love is more than just a feeling or a mutual chemistry. It is to love someone with charity and generosity in interpreting someone’s behavior; a constant recognition of ambivalence between the good and bad traits that exist in human nature. Hence, while growing up, we tend to associate an ideal partner to the idea of a good person we have created in our minds from an unconscious attempt of assessing our parents and separating their nice and unpleasant characteristics. Then, we’ll make a pretty long list of good traits that we’re looking for, only the good ones of course. But by doing so, we tend to neglect the mere fact that bad traits are also included in the package. The truth is, a ‘perfect person’ don’t and never exist and is more like a conceptual theory postulated by blind hopeless romantics.
None of us are perfect and we don’t need be perfect to love and be loved. The demand for perfection will lead you to only one thing ─ loneliness. So, one should not find a perfect person to be happy but a perfect person to suffered with in a familiar way that will help you define what genuine happiness really means. Because whether we like it or not, at some point in our lives, everyone will hurt us and all we need is to find someone worthy of the pain that is intertwined with loving. You cannot have perfection and company at the same time because to be in a company with another is negotiating imperfection every day.
Meanwhile, sulking seems to be a reflection of people’s desire to be understood by another individual. Because that’s how love was taught and how we think love should be ─  filled with understanding. That’s right but on its own detriment that’s also the reason why when a person doesn’t understand us, we get disappointed, sad or in rage. We shouldn’t expect someone to read our minds and do something that we wanted them to do for us then invalidate their feelings when they don’t act a certain way that we wanted them to behave. Love requires open communication and a cycle of giving and getting; not only an absolute selfless act of kindness towards another being. Because without communication only endless catastrophe awaits.
On the other hand,  it is also crucial to take note that love is not all about gifting someone all sorts of nice things that you could offer, although it’s considered as one of many love languages out there. On top of all of that, to love is to be a teacher and a learner. ‘If-you-love-me, you-should-accept-all-of-me’ line should be stigmatized as a sign of true love. True love is not just about accepting the way your lover is. It is accepting the truth that love has a role of transforming one another to become the best version of themselves to maintain a healthy relationship. Having said that, it’s a little ticklish but one should learn how to accept the fact that when someone tells you something about yourself, they’re not attacking you. They’re trying to make you a better person and we don’t normally believe that because it hurts our pride to actually take a look inside ourselves to find the truth…that the other person wants to educate us and it isn’t a criticism. Criticism is merely a wrong word to apply to a much nobler idea which is to try to make us better but we tend to reject this idea very strongly. Not unless it’s nothing but a below the belt statement or an insult in disguised of a joke, well then stand your ground. But sometimes you have to bear in mind that an angry person is not always what they see to appear, some of them are secretly and deeply sad pessimists. And this only further emphasizes someone’s need to hone behavioral interpretative skill in order to love properly.
Incompatibility, we are all incompatible but it’s the work of love to make us graciously accommodate each other and each other’s incompatibilities. Therefore, incompatibility is an achievement of love; it’s true love that make us gradually accept the need to be compatible.
We all have types. And we can’t probably change our types. Many of us might have certain types who are going to cause us real problems. They may be too distant, arrogant or going to torture us in some way. And your friends would casually say, cut him/her out of your life he\she’s not good for you. Realistically speaking, you cannot manage your type, let’s take that for granted but there’s an achievement here as well. It is to change how you characteristically respond to your tricky type. Most of us have formed how we respond to our tricky types in early childhood. For instance, we have a distant parent which matches to a distant lover…when we were very young, we respond to that distant parent by attention-seeking…we rattled and banged. And now we’re adults we rattle and bang in our own way. And we think it’s going to help but it doesn’t. It creates a vicious cycle that won’t get us anywhere. It is open to us to have a more mature response to the challenges that the types of people that you’re attracted are going to pose for us. And that’s an immense achievement. One thing that we can do is to recognize the inability to compromise ─ one of the shameful things that we have to admit… “This is my partner, I’ve compromised…in choosing them I’ve compromised.” “Why you’ve compromised?” “Well, I’m not that attractive myself. I’ve got lots of problems. I’m a bit naughty. Frankly, I can’t pull anyone better but they’re very nice…they’re okay.” Now, you would think loser, but that’s not true. Compromise is noble. We compromise in every area of life and there’s no reason why we shouldn’t compromise in our love life. Maybe some parents are just sticking around for the children…good! And we’ll say, “Oh, they’re just sticking around for the children.” That’s a wonderful reason to stick around, for what else they’re going to stick around. Let’s look benevolently in the art of compromise as a massive achievement in life.
Notably, a Danish Philosopher Soren Kierkegaard had a wonderful outburst where he basically said, of course you’re going to marry the wrong person and make the wrong decisions in a whole row of areas. And the reason why you’re going to do this is because you’re a human. Therefore, do not berate yourself for doing what humans do. This is what he said, “Marry, and you will regret it; don’t marry, you will also regret it; marry or don’t marry, you will regret it either way. Laugh at the world’s foolishness, you will regret it; weep over it, you will regret that too; laugh at the world’s foolishness or weep over it, you will regret both. Believe a woman, you will regret it; believe her not, you will also regret it… Hang yourself, you will regret it; do not hang yourself, and you will regret that too; hang yourself or don’t hang yourself, you’ll regret it either way; whether you hang yourself or do not hang yourself, you will regret both. This, gentlemen, is the essence of all philosophy.”
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sunritual · 3 years
Robots don’t need to be sentient to destroy us.
Navy mock neck long sleeves big orange and little white stripe on tube cage sides
A veritcal line stretch waistband
Cross cross and straps back
Square high neck
Scarlet polka dots around can light blue text and beach image as front
Blue stroke red inside square, blue triangle rainbow with eye and funky font
Y either know a particular topic or not , but it’s hard to pin down intelligence on one category
Cream background , ice cream pink script name kinda bev hills hotel script looking ish
Move your mouth in a differ way
Supersonic vibrating butt cleaner
Half magenta half red violet a blue teacup in the center with white floral frills thick serif font
Pink background am orange flower in a vase white present ribbon n red as a table
An app that familiarizes people with science - through experimental learning ― hands on experiences that make it seem less top down and authoritarian , and more like a set of steps that we take, things that anyone can do to get closer with nature and the world
A social media philosophy app - teaches what others said and gives people a chance to express their views , postulate, argue, etc gadfly? How would be avoid a shit show, how can we make social media more humanitarian. how can we care about people while also expressing deeply held ideas , how can we encourage users to examine their deeply held ideas without alienating them. How can we discourage hatred and abuse and groupthink with design? How do we slow people down and encourage them to recognize the human behind the screen. Street epistemology? Socratic dialogue?
Socrates - asking questions. Breaking it down to bits. Deeply understanding their argument. Asking about different possibilities and circumstances. Take vast assumptions and show scenarios that make go against them.
Build fact checking into apps
Narrative self vs experiential
Walks you through steps of the sciefitifc method and encourages you to explain how you feel each step actually helped you- then walks you through a scientist doing the same for their reasarch
Republicans only want to be free in the specific ways that benefit corporations
Are Christians more willing to support the death pen early because they already believe in the cruel and overstepping punishment of hell?
Where did the idea come from that you need to remain impartial when trying to persuade
The idea that there is someone in a similar but different dwelling, hearing similar but different sounds and feeling similar but different feelings is wild
We synthesize sets of traits, and particular actions in a super biased culturally constructed way
With the way we see things as humans- we categorize things into groups that aren’t really reaaal ― paratheletic groups
I just want the people and jobs that benefit society
Connection to nietzsches Dionysian art and eckheart tolle/Taoism
No matter your personality, there is probably a part of the world that you would fit in with naturally.
An ordinary girl is selected as one of the representatives of earth in the first meeting of various alien species after one advanced planet discovered and United 10. Confused as to why she was chosen, she goes on her journey meeting
Wha ba Bada da da da da dada he’s a wha ba ba dadada as a matter of fact it’s not my fault if you came up here thinking that you would win
Wanting to break boundaries and rules for the sake those who are hurt by the rules
You are imagining the best case scenario of the life you want to have and experience Ming the reality of the life you so have.
Yes her drips cosmetics line to students i. Class
Chez it people can goldfish people
Your personality flows where a system needs it to go to maintain balance
Ah you fucking saw a tik Tok about that didn’t you
Coincidence and intention are two sides of a tapestry, my lord. You may find one more agreeable to look at, but you cannot say one is true and the other is false.””
Clay busts with abstract art and philosophical musings (throws up)
Do a sketch a day
What if someone ran for president as an impression of a famous person
Full stemmed flowers, wiggly text creeping behind
Balloons of various sizes and cooors holding people and things
Kelly green cream hot pink black
Green outline one pink air brush cream background black marks
Emdr applebees , bat mitzvah toasts Amitals bat mitzvah , Fiona - i like her better just kidding ,
We tend to learn words by synonyms and not definitions
A bully who takes a kids lunch money everyday all through out high school and secretly puts it in a Roth IRA and presents it to them at graduation
Set up drum set
When it comes to something we have no knowledge of or evidence or proof being certain is the most illogical thing you can be
Getting a degree in philosophy is the not going to college of going to college
It ain’t what they call you it’s what you answer to
You don’t just get to jump from bright moment to bright moment - part of the job is the frustrating ones and the climb to get to be actually good. It’s gonna be bad in the beginning but it’s a measure of how dedicated you are to your craft. Frustration is the process.
You have to decide whit shit sandwjicj you prefer - everything is gonna suck some of the time but if you pick your dream you’ll have those bright moments and at least that shit sammie will be worth it - the bad parts of job you have no interest in don’t add up to anything. If you love what you do you will accept the downsides.
People are like tape. Going through the world collecting bits and pieces of things but none of those things are really them . We can identi ft with them and create with them but we can also escape from them.
I wonder what all these people think about being alive
Curiosity makes everything play. It invites exploration. It makes me see opportunities everywhere makes everything new
Bias to action. Try things. Get your hands dirty, fail Fortean and find what works. Remaining nimble and constantly rethinking
Reframe the problem. Step back, re-examine the problem, examine biases and be open to new solutions
Clay matches clay fire
The differences and similarities between us
Looking back, historical events seem bound to happen, but a few small events could’ve stopped them. Thinking diffently.
“They became revolutionaries despite themselves”
Artists way workbook design
I’m at Eton having to walk around to quell the feeling of being so exited about the future and my possibilities and so sure of success and beauty and magic and love and adventure. I’m going to make beautiful pictures I’m going. To tear down the status quo I’m going g to make people feel like they have on antigravity. I’m so a part of it i made it. I’m a muse I’m it omg I’m so exited - listening to John Denver
Joy is just a thing that he was raised on love is just a way to live and die.
The only thing that made Abe Lincoln Abe Lincoln (tm) was doing what Abe Lincoln (tm) did. The actions that he took made him a hero in history. There was nothing i ate in him that made his great, his actions did. Whatever help inate qualities may have gave him in terms of doing the actions that made him what he was could be negated by pma and doing the damn work to get yourself to where you need to be. Believing it so makes you inclined to take the actions that improve your skills and get to to the point where you can do the things it takes to be who you want to be.
Little vases
I feel like we’ve become addicted to finding things wrong with what people say. Silence the critic. It’s fine. Most people have the best intentions. It’s not that serious. The group you are offended for likely aren’t mad anyway. There is way more you can do - they don’t care about picking the right term
I wanted a very simple menu that could maximize customization options in The shortest amount of time possible for a very fast paced food truck. The system allows the customers to design their own grilled cheese sandwich but ideally would save time by not requiring each guest to decide which cheese and which bread from a long line of choices.
I feel I’m so afraid of being dunning Krueger that i tell myself i am terrible at everything no matter what i actually think about my abilities. You can just say your a beginner you don’t have to say you suck. Plus thinking you suck doesn’t make you any better, honestly worse. You don’t have to rate your abilities just focus on the future, make sure your doing baby steps and make sure they are the right baby steps
Chives ward off insects
Loving thebsunlightttttyt!!
I don’t think music is really something that needs to be critiqued for me ― it’s more about feeling it’s about magic and truth and light or darkness. Getting whatever needs to be out out. it all serves a purpose and is for an audience , if your not in that audience then there’s no need to comment
I have to is weird backwards idea that it’s Nobel to be like you know what I’m not good at this imma bow out. But that is so wrong you have to struggle through it. Pike how i feel like my thoughts are more concise then my writing. There’s no glory in not trying to improve that. You have to awkawardly write until you can beautifully write.
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feste-the-jester · 4 years
Do you know what’s fun?
Picking the blog of someone you don’t like, and seeing how far you can twist things to make it fit the BITE model -criteria to identify a cult. GREAT fun. All you need is a bit of creativity and a total disregard for accuracy. Don’t believe me? Let’s have a try and see how we do! The Bite model can be found here, with many thanks to the Fool for bringing it to my attention.
I. Behavior control:
6. Manipulation and deprivation of sleep.
The Fool lives in Australia and most of his readers are in a different time zone. This means that every time he starts publishing numerous posts about the latest drama, his followers are likely to get absorbed in it, depriving themselves of sleep and becoming more susceptible to his interpretation of things.
9. Major time spent with group indoctrination and rituals and/or self indoctrination including the Internet.
Each time the Fool decides on a new “sin”/aberrant behavior that the “enemy” is guilty of, he will publish many posts repeating the same assertion. Frequent repetition of the core message is a well known indoctrination technique. Many of the Fool’s followers are likely spending an inordinate amount of time on his blog, judging by the speed and frequency that “likes” from the same people appear.
10. Permission required for major decisions.
The Fool often receives and publishes asks, asking him for permission to create a blog similar to his, asking if it’s ok to follow or interact with Simon Alkenmayer, whether they or their friends are safe etc.
11. Thoughts, feelings, and activities (of self and others) reported to superiors.
Readers inform the Fool of what is happening on Simon and Kristina’s blog, report (often mistakenly, rarely, if ever, corrected) what Simon has said or done, both on tumblr and on other social media, such as Twitter. They also contact the Fool to report on their own thoughts and reactions to Simon.
12. Rewards and punishments used to modify behaviors, both positive and negative.
Readers who agree with the Fool and mirror his opinions are rewarded with sympathy (for their negative experience) and by having their intellect and critical thinking skills praised. Anyone who disagrees is deemed to be naive, immature, indoctrinated by Simon, incapable of logic etc. Indeed, the whole continued existence of the Fool’s blog is arguably a form of punishment for Simon “threatening him” with legal action back when the blog was first created. This communicates to members what kind of retribution they may expect if they cross the leader’s boundaries.
13. Discourage individualism, encourage group-think.
Any reports confirming the Fool’s assertions about Simon are immediately welcomed, believed, and adopted into the canon. Dissenting voices are “sent by Simon”, “haven’t read or understood the Fool’s arguments” or have been “manipulated.” The Fool does not acknowledge that it is possible for an intelligent, reasonable and objective adult to read his arguments and disagree with him.
14. Impose rigid rules and regulations.
Such as not answering asks that are not formatted to his liking, and he “can’t be bothered to read”.
16. Threaten harm to family and friends.
The Fool will publicly assert that he has never threatened anyone. However he has gone out of his way to connect Kristina to Simon, who is portrayed as “the enemy”. Several people, including this Jester, have been warned by friends to be careful of attracting the Fool’s and followers’ ire.
18. Instill dependency and obedience.
Readers expect the Fool to tell them which of Simon’s behaviors are problematic. Anyone who disagrees is likely to be accused of the same. (“If you think this isn’t racist, then you are also racist” etc.)
II. Information control:
1. Deception:
a. Deliberately withhold information.
Such as selective quoting, neglecting to withdraw statements that have been proven wrong, and not acknowledging any outside posts that don’t fit with the narrative.
b. Distort information to make it more acceptable.
Such as selective quoting, ignoring context and applying his own interpretation to things said by the “outsiders”.
c. Systematically lie to the cult members.
For example repeating that Kristina accused him of physically setting a fire on her drive.
2. Minimize or discourage access to non-cult sources of information, including:
a. Internet, TV, radio, books, articles, newspapers, magazines, other media.
Frequent repetition of how “unreadable” Simon’s books are, or how “long and ranting” his posts are can be seen as discouraging his followers from accessing them and forming their own opinion.
b. Critical information.
Any posts sharing positive experiences involving Simon are either ignored or discounted.
d. Keep members busy so they don’t have time to think and investigate.
Every time one of the Fool’s theories on Simon’s misdeeds is disproven, the Fool quickly moves on to a new accusation, keeping his followers from going back and reconsidering his previous posts.
4. Encourage spying on other members
b. Report deviant thoughts, feelings and actions to leadership.
The Fool often receives and publishes third party reports on Simon’s posts and behavior, inside and outside of tumblr. These are not fact-checked, but are welcomed and encouraged.
c. Ensure that individual behavior is monitored by group.
The Fool often receives and publishes third party reports on Simon’s posts and behavior, inside and outside of tumblr. These are not fact-checked, but are welcomed and encouraged.
5. Extensive use of cult-generated information and propaganda, including:
b. Misquoting statements or using them out of context from non-cult sources.
The Fool will often misquote Simon, and those misquotes will go on to be repeated with frequency by him and his followers.
III. Thought control:
1. Require members to internalize the group’s doctrine as truth.
a. Adopting the group's ‘map of reality’ as reality
If you don’t believe the Fool to be right, you are illogical, brainwashed or “reaching.” Frequent use of phrases such as “Obviously,” “We all know” etc reinforces this.
Everyone the Fool interacts with must acknowledge that what he is doing is critique, despite all evidence to the contrary.
b. Instill black and white thinking
Simon is “a bad person.” Everything he does must be seen and interpreted through this lense, which is reinforced frequently. The Fool often writes or publishes that Simon is “a bad person,” “a garbage person”, “an asshole” and similar descriptors.
c. Decide between good vs. evil
The Fool gets to determine what is good and what is evil. Simon is evil, and must be called out at every opportunity. The Fool and his followers are good, so any slurs, lies or offensive statements they make are excused and covered up.
d. Organize people into us vs. them (insiders vs. outsiders)
The Fool’s followers are intelligent, “have brains” and would never endanger anyone. The Fool trusts them to handle things appropriately. Simon’s followers are simple, impressionable, a mob. The Fool does not trust them to report their own experience, and their judgement is compromised by definition.
2. Change person’s name and identity.
The Fool calls Simon “Si”, “Krimon” and “Kristina”. Anonymous visitors to his ask box are encouraged to choose a “code name” to protect them from the evil Simon.
3. Use of loaded language and clichés which constrict knowledge, stop critical thoughts and reduce complexities into platitudinous buzz words.
Using loaded terms such as “misappropriation”, “grooming” to describe Simon’s actions and descriptions such as “critique” for his own writing help the Fool elicit the reaction he wants from his followers.
6. Memories are manipulated and false memories are created.
For example an influx of Anonymous asks that somehow suddenly realised years later that Simon behaved badly towards them, even if they didn’t think that way back then.
8. Rejection of rational analysis, critical thinking, constructive criticism.
The Fool has blocked people for disagreeing with him. He frequently shuts down polite questions and uses sarcasm to avoid answering. Despite not affording Simon the same luxury, the Fool expects his readers to “take his word about what he meant” with a post, even if the messenger is politely explaining how it came across.
9. Forbid critical questions about leader, doctrine, or policy allowed.
For example saying that he will “not publish any asks defending antisemitism. Even if that’s not what you think you are doing.” In effect, if you disagree with the Fool’s interpretation of Simon’s behavior as antisemitic, then you are defending antisemitism. No dissent allowed.
10. Labeling alternative belief systems as illegitimate, evil, or not useful.
No one possibly believes Simon is an actual monster, and if they do, they are unable of critical thought.
11. Instill new “map of reality”.
Commenting on someone’s art, mocking them, calling them names, is “literary critique”. Attempts to answer to accusations are “rants”. Asking someone if the possibility of legal consequences bothers them is “threatening” and “becoming irrationally angry”. And so on...
IV. Emotional control:
1. Manipulate and narrow the range of feelings – some emotions and/or needs are deemed as evil, wrong or selfish.
Simon’s feelings are not even real, according to the Fool. Simon could not possibly be affected by the Fool’s actions. He is not real and has no feelings. Instead, he is only capable of “ranting”, “manipulating” and “doing things for attention”. Any concerns brought to the Fool about how his actions are affecting Simon, are answered with “You need to remember he’s not a real person”.
3. Make the person feel that problems are always their own fault, never the leader’s or the group’s fault.
If Simon or his readers are upset, it’s their fault for looking at the blog. If anyone’s reputation is damaged as a result of claims the Fool makes about them, it’s on them. The Fool is free to make any comments he sees fit, with no consequences.
4. Promote feelings of guilt or unworthiness, such as
b. You are not living up to your potential
Being part of Simon’s group means you are allowing yourself to be manipulated and brainwashed. You can not reach your full potential unless you renounce Simon.
c. Your family is deficient
Your “found family” of gentle readers is deficient.
d. Your past is suspect
Your past experiences are not proof of anything. Bad things may have been happening in Simon’s space, and you may have been part of them.
e. Your affiliations are unwise
You are choosing to affiliate yourself with someone bad. And you are unable to tell he is lying to you.
f. Your thoughts, feelings, actions are irrelevant or selfish
If you share your thoughts, feelings or actions to defend Simon, it doesn’t prove anything, and by defending him you are harming others.
5. Instill fear, such as fear of:
b. The outside world
c. Enemies
The Fool makes sure to repeat often enough that readers might be targeted by Simon and his followers. He curates that expectation and then reinforces it by publishing Anons who agree.
8. Phobia indoctrination: inculcating irrational fears about leaving the group or questioning the leader’s authority.
Not so much fears of leaving the Fool’s group, as much as cultivating fears of leaving/going against Simon’s group. The Fool’s group is presented as a safe haven.
d. Never a legitimate reason to leave; those who leave are weak, undisciplined, unspiritual, worldly, brainwashed by family or counselor, or seduced by money, sex, or rock and roll.
Those who don’t embrace the Fool’s blog and choose to remain with Simon are weak-minded, brainwashed, unable to reason, or bad by association. There can be no legitimate reason to like Simon.
e. Threats of harm to ex-member and family.
No explicit threats are made, but seeing the treatment of Kristina Meister is implicitly threatening.
See? Of course all this is just an exercise -a thought experiment. But it’s about as well-argued as the Fool’s original analysis. (Which is to say, neither deserves to be taken seriously.)
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brindaneer · 3 years
“Brinda: I love Superhero films. Marvel, DC and of course, our very own Krrish!
Neer: umm…I really can’t watch anything from the entire genre except Krrish!”
This is an appropriate example of a typical conversation regarding ‘superhero’ ventures between us. Shocked? What?! We already told you that our opinions varied at times! Oh! Ok! Shocked about the fact that Neer does not like the Marvel and DC universe? Well, yeah! Neer can be a bit ‘weird’ about certain things 😝! Don’t worry! Brinda loves them all❤️... However, what really matters is that both of us absolutely adore our first Indian superhero, Krrish; the reason for that is not Hrithik Roshan alone although he obviously is the primary source of our attraction.
MR. Rakesh Roshan! What a man! The sheer courage that must have been required to even dream of making a film about an Indian Superhero, all those years ago, is rare to find; it makes us salute the possessor, Mr. Rakesh Roshan again and again. At some point, fed up with relentless struggle, many among us have probably thought of giving up on our dreams. Let us take a lesson from this man and aspire for great things without worrying about the results. Only then can we achieve that which is largely perceived to be unattainable.
Technically superb with high quality VFX and cinematographically fabulous, Krrish possessed all ingredients that are usually required to make a commercially successful superhero venture. Yet, in a hypothetical SWOT analysis of the film, its numero uno strength would definitely have to be the script. We realize this must remind you of the blog on Koi Mil Gaya but please excuse us for sounding repetitive. It is not our fault that Mr. Rakesh Roshan places utmost importance on the script of a film. No, we are not saying it is his either. In fact, it is quite the reverse. Mr. Roshan’s astuteness in coming up with a crisp script with the help of a very talented team of writers is undoubtedly his best quality and that, in turn, enhances his abilities as a director, thereby making the end product not only saleable but also worthy of critical acclaim. Therefore, not surprisingly, Krrish had a sound and very believable storyline, which ultimately is the most essential element of any film. So, lets just delve into it right away!
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Krrish is all about Krishna, Rohit’s son, who has inherited special powers from his father, the very ones that Jaadoo had gifted lovingly to Rohit years back in ‘Koi Mil Gaya’. Unfortunately, Rohit and Nisha are no longer alive, having died a few years after we had last seen them (😭😭). Scared of exposing her super heroic grandson to the world, Sonia Mehra leaves Kasauli and retires to an obscure but beautiful little place somewhere in the Himalayan countryside. Krishna’s face is an exact replica of Rohit’s but otherwise he is quite different from what his father used to be at this age. Krishna has superpowers that allow him to leap across mountains, fall into a gorge from the top of a high peak and yet escape unhurt, climb mountains faster than any other living being, and run faster than a horse! He is also a lonely young boy, desperate for companionship and exposure to the vast exciting world he has been kept away from. Despite harbouring a grievance towards his ‘Daadi’ for this confinement, Krishna loves her too much to be really offended. Her world revolves around him and he is very aware of it. Yet, he cannot let go of his boredom in the sleepy little hamlet he has been forced to dwell in! What a tragic irony! The very powers that had once enabled Rohit to be largely accepted within the so-called mainstream society have now chained his son, keeping him forcibly hidden from the rest of the world.
However, destiny obviously has other plans, and Krishna meets Priya (Priyanka Chopra) who is visiting India with her friend Honey from Singapore and are in his neighbourhood with an adventure group. For him, it is love at first sight. For Priya, he is initially a mystery and eventually a friend. The parallel between Krishna and Priya’s story and that of Rohit and Nisha is worth mentioning in this context. Nisha had also considered Rohit just a friend for a long time until she fell in love with him.
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Despite his grandmother’s restrictions, Krishna’s powers are revealed (somewhat deliberately by the man himself) in front of Priya and Honey, who are naturally awestruck. The scenes where they and their companions mistake the superhuman Krishna as supernatural and are convinced that he is the ghost of Ramcharan provide some very effective comedy to keep the audience engaged.
After spending some lovely moments together, and getting acquainted with Krishna’s grandmother, Priya leaves, much to Krishna’s disappointment. Having grown up far from the madding crowd, away from the complexities of urbanism, Krishna is still innocent to a degree that is rare to find in the contemporary world. Priya is aware of his feelings but she does not reciprocate them despite genuinely liking him. However, that does not deter her from luring him to Singapore with false proclamations of love just so that Honey and she may save their jobs by showing off his unique skills in a television show. Quite a diabolical plan! Naturally, we were developing acrimonious feelings for Priya at this point when we first watched the film, and we are sure, so were you! However, keeping aside our concern for the ever-lovable Krishna for a while, how refreshing was it to see a flawed heroine for a change? We are definitely not suggesting that this was the first portrayal of such a female in Hindi cinema, but Bollywood had most diligently followed the tradition of glorifying female lead characters up to a very long time, and it was not completely out of fashion in the late 2000s. In fact, it is still frequently observed in television shows that are highly influenced by obsolete Bollywood themes. How many heroines can you name off the top of your head who were selfish and unsympathetic in mainstream commercial films during that decade? Yes, definitely more than what used to be in the 60s, 70s and 80s, but still not too many. Just close your eyes for a moment and think of the number of films where the ‘hero’ has faked love for the heroine due to selfish reasons (to win a bet with friends, to satisfy his own ego, for the sake of his job, etc). If you can think of such films far more easily than the ones where heroines have made similar mistakes, we have made our point. Please do not get us wrong; we are definitely not advocating such behaviour. However, our society has normalized the concept of a ‘virtuous’ female to such a massive extent that sometimes people forget we are human beings, made of the same flesh and blood as men, and capable of making similar mistakes and sins. We do not intend this blog to be a discourse on feminism by any means; yet somehow this discussion seems very relevant here.
Moving on, Krishna is elated to find that his feelings are reciprocated and wants to go to Singapore at the earliest to get permission from Priya’s mom for their marriage. However, his daadi has severe objections in this regard. The scene where Krishna lashes out in anger and accuses her of selfishly wanting to keep him to herself is one of the best enacted scenes of the movie. But more on that later. Heartbroken by her grandson’s accusations, Sonia Mehra finally reveals the reason for her apparently irrational fear, and in the process, we get to see our very own Rohit once again, although in flashback.
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After Jadoo had given Rohit his powers back, he became widely known in the scientific community due to his research works, eventually attracting the attention of internationally renowned scientist, Dr. Siddhanth Arya (Naseeruddin Shah). Dr. Arya wanted to collaborate with Rohit and build a computer that could predict the future, thereby saving the world from catastrophes. To that end, Rohit moved temporarily to Singapore and worked day and night in Dr. Arya’s research laboratory. Nisha, who was pregnant at the time, was being taken care of by Rohit’s mother. The day Nisha was hospitalized for delivering the baby, Sonia Mehra called Rohit who anxiously told her that he was coming back because his powers had been used for wrong purposes. The next day, she received news of his death in a lab accident. Nisha could not bear this shock and passed away a few days later, leaving little Krishna as Sonia’s only reason for existence.
Convinced that Rohit’s death was not a mere accident, Sonia decided to keep her gifted grandchild away from prying eyes so that the same people did not try and use his powers for evil as well.
This revelation naturally mellows the agitated Krishna down and he feels guilty for having hurled harsh allegations at the person who is actually his protector and saviour; more so because she not only agrees to let him travel to Singapore but also ushers the best possible blessing upon him by giving him Rohit’s coat. On his part, Krishna promises that he is going to keep his powers hidden from all. However, that’s easier said than done, as he soon finds out. Although he manages to ruin Priya and Honey’s attempts to showcase his skills for a show, it becomes impossible for him to keep quiet when a circus tent catches fire in front of his eyes and children are trapped inside. As he dons a common mask and wears his father’s coat inside out as a cape, Krishna becomes Krrish, a superhero who does not think twice before jumping into fire to save the entrapped. The name is a shortened version of his real one and he uses it as a pseudonym so that he may keep his promise to his grandmother. However, when has truth remained hidden? As they say in Bollywood, ‘sach ko to ek na ek din saamne aana hee hoga’! Priya, who has now actually fallen for Krishna (who wouldn’t?) comes face to face with him as he emerges out of the burning tent, carrying a child in his arms. Since he is all masked up, and the surrounding is filled with smoke, she only sees his intense greenish grey eyes, and quite logically draws the conclusion that he is none other than her very own Krishna. Smart girl! Who else has those gorgeous pair of eyes in the world? Nevertheless, Krishna’s promise to his grandmother is worth more to him than admitting the truth to Priya, and he ruins all her attempts to make him confess including getting deliberately beaten up by goons to prove that he is not the superhero she thinks him to be. He also gives his identity willingly to Christian, a young man in need of money for his wheelchair-bound little sister; a pair he had already helped before by collecting money through a stunt show on the streets (a particularly touching scene).
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Just when everything seems rosy in Krishna and Priya’s life, he gets to know about Priya’s lie after a chance conversation with her supposedly sick mother on phone. Priya had hitherto avoided their meeting on the pretext of her mother being sick but the latter herself exposes that lie unknowingly and Krishna is stunned by the disclosure. Hurt and angry with Priya’s betrayal, Krishna decides to leave Singapore immediately. Meanwhile, Priya comes across a clip in her own video recording of that night at the circus and realizes that her initial intuition about Krishna being Krrish was right all along. Elated, she tells the truth to Honey and also confesses her true love for him, all the while unaware that her past lies are about to haunt her soon. She also gives the tape to Honey to show it to their boss, this time not for the sake of their jobs but also for Krishna’s fame. When she comes to meet Krishna and reveals what she has discovered and then done, he lashes out at her in probably one of the best scenes of the film. His every word is justified, and she is repentant. However, Priya crosses the line when she rebukes his grandmother and throws the same allegations at her that Krishna himself had once. Furious, Krishna reveals the reason behind Sonia’s overprotectiveness to her and starts for the airport, leaving an utterly ashamed and heart broken Priya behind.
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We are now in the last leg of the film. Reenter Dr. Arya, who is definitely not what he seemed like! He too is wearing a mask like Krishna, the only difference being in their intentions. Krishna has put the mask on to save the innocent while Dr. Arya wants to destroy them. He is a power-crazed egomaniac who has already rebuilt that computer from Rohit’s lab notes so that he can effectively play the role of God. And surprise surprise! To fulfill his purpose, he has kept Rohit alive. Well, barely alive at least! What actually happened all those years back was that Rohit had successfully built the computer that could foresee the future. During his time in the laboratory, he had formed a deep camaraderie with Dr. Arya’s head of security and after Rohit had finished building the computer, his friend wanted him to foresee the gender of his unborn child through it. The computer correctly predicted Krishna’s birth but it also foresaw Rohit’s death on the very day his son was born. After further exploration, Rohit realized that Dr. Arya was going to kill him so that no one else knew how to operate that computer. Shocked and distraught, he understood that he had been used. That was when he had received the call from his mother and informed her about his decision of coming back. Before leaving Singapore forever, Rohit decided to ruin Dr. Arya’s evil plans by destroying the computer he had toiled over for months., and he was partly successful. Although he managed to destroy the computer, Dr. Arya caught him before he could leave. But for the Chief Security Officer, Rohit would surely have been killed. That honest man who had genuinely become fond of Rohit saved him by reminding Dr. Arya about the password to the computer- Rohit’s handprint and retina. Dr. Arya who had already hatched the plan of rebuilding the computer kept the latter’s heart beating. But just that. This story is narrated in the present times by Dr. Arya’s Chief Security Officer to Priya who brings him to the airport and stops Krishna from leaving. Meanwhile Dr. Arya has already seen his own future in the computer. Any guesses? He has seen his death at the hands of a masked man! Of course, the man is none other than Krishna or Krrish himself. Eager to destroy every threat to his existence, Dr. Arya promptly kills Christian, the guy who had taken up Krrish’s identity at Krishna’s behest. However, when has anyone ever escaped destiny? Even Dr. Arya doesn’t! Krishna in complete superhero mode leaps across tall buildings and finally defeats his nemesis (The insanely dedicated Hrithik Roshan who performed every stunt by himself escaped a near fatal experience when a cable snapped during a stunt! As fans we are both amazed and concerned about this man’s immense humility and absolute submission to his craft. We just hope and pray that he takes care of his health since it is more important than anything else). Before dying, Dr Arya asks why Krrish wants his death. In a terrific cinematic moment, Krishna takes off his mask and reveals his face. The shock and realization on Dr. Arya’s face is evident as he breathes his last. Finally, everything turns out fine as Krishna comes home to his daadi with not just Priya but Rohit (who has now recovered sufficiently and is back to his old self) too. The film ends on a positive note with Jaadoo’s spacecraft peeping through the clouds once again as Rohit plays that same old tune which had beckoned the former and his companions to earth in the first place.
Now that we have recounted the story, a few much needed words about the actors- Rekha ji was once again at her best in the film, effortlessly slipping into the role of Krishna’s grandmother. Hrithik and her chemistry was as fabulous here as it was in ‘Koi Mil Gaya’. Priyanka was her charming self as usual. Undoubtedly, she is one of the most natural actors in Bollywood, and this film was no exception. The easy, playful chemistry that Hrithik and she shared was one of the major highlights of ‘Krrish’. What do we say about Naseeruddin Shah? Well, probably it is better to say nothing because it might be redundant. Finally, praising Hrithik Roshan is also becoming repetitive in these blogs. So, we have decided to stop it henceforth! Just kidding! At least in this life, it is utterly impossible! Brilliant in every frame, Hrithik aced the role of a superhero like only he could, his body language being as flawless as his expressions; actions as perfect as emotions. The moment when Krishna met Rohit was a proof of this man’s immense versatility and talent. Who would think that someone that perfect as Rohit could also be equally superlative as a superhero or vice versa? The scenes where Krishna lost his temper with his daadi and Priya were also among the best moments in the film. Hrithik is always so natural at portraying rage, but he never goes overboard with it. But then, isn’t that true for every emotion in the book?
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Krrish 3, the third project in the franchise continued Krrish’s saga and Rohit’s story with a vitality that characterized both its predecessors. The film featured Hrithik in a full-fledged double role and pitched him against Vivek Oberoi as Kaal who was a far tougher villain to destroy than Dr. Arya. Kaal was the quintessential supervillain, at times even more ‘powerful’ than the hero himself but ultimately destined to lose as good always triumphed over evil. In fact, this is the message that pervaded throughout all the three films- ‘Koi Mil Gaya’, ‘Krrish’ and ‘Krrish 3’. It was only natural that Hrithik’s terrific performance simultaneously as Rohit and Krrish grabbed a lot of eyeballs and went a long way in making the film a massive box-office success. It broke major box-office records and set new ones. However, Vivek Oberoi also deserves special mention in this context. His portrayal of Kaal with an optimal mix of cunning, intelligence, and cruelty earned major brownie points from the audience and definitely contributed to the mammoth success of the film. We finally lost Rohit forever in Krrish 3 and as tragic as the moment was, Hrithik’s performance was so good that we still watch it frequently despite the pain involved. Then again, Hrithik usually has that kind of impact on the audience every time he performs. Krrish was able to destroy Kaal at the end, thereby proving yet again that no matter how challenging times were, with goodness in heart and genuineness in intentions, any evil could be defeated. The assertion ‘Hum sab mein Krrish hai’ has never seemed more important than the present times. Let us all truly believe in it. We can and we will defeat this virus by our individual as well as collective efforts. So please #MaskUpIndia and #GetVaccinated. How uncanny that the plot of Krrish 3 actually revolved around a virus and vaccines! Just like Rohit and Krrish were able to defeat that virus, let us have faith in our real-life superheroes too.
P.S: At the end, Krishna and Priya had a son who also seemed to have inherited his dad’s superheroic powers. So, is there any chance of daddy Krrish in the fourth venture? Fingers crossed for that 😊😊
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bumblebee-moreno · 4 years
I just wanna make a quick post about interacting with kids, because people on here seem to not know how kids work. (quick note before I start though: this is all spoken from my experience in working with kids--I do not have children of my own. I volunteer every year at an elementary school, working closely with younger kids who are struggling with learning certain subjects but don’t necessarily qualify for special ed (COVID has put a pause on this but I fully intent to resume as soon as it is safe to do so.) I am also a facilitator for a support group through a nonprofit--I’m part of the team in charge of facilitating the middle school group (ages 11/12-14). I didn’t really want to make this post because a lot of people get offended by these viewpoints, but the more I observe how kids are being treated by the adults in their life, the more I realise I need to say something.)
***I encourage you to reblog and add your own thoughts: I want to have an open discussion about this. 
Ok, first of all: Kids are a LOT smarter than you think they are. 
The problem is, they don’t know how to communicate and apply this yet. Calling them dumb and treating them as if they have nothing to offer conversations doesn’t support their development at all; in fact, it is one of the easiest ways to discourage a kid. This doesn’t mean turn off your filter and talk to kids the same way you’d talk to your friends. It just means, genuinely listen to their perspective and allow them to be part of intelligent conversations. Kids can’t learn responsible, mature ways to communicate if you don’t give them the opportunity to try it. 
One city in Colorado did a project that got kids involved in city development. In fact, this project was so successful that they are still continuing it! The classroom I volunteer in did a project inspired by this a few years ago. The first grade classroom was tasked with creating a city that could be applicable to real life. Their only restrictions were that they had to include four things: recreation, housing, jobs, and education. How they did that and what else they included was up to them. They were allowed to be as creative as they’d like. 
The teacher, other volunteer and I expected the city they made to be something out of a fantasy world. What we saw, though, was absolutely incredible. 
The kids created a detailed park complete with a pond for wildlife, a pool for recreation, walking trails, parking, wheelchair ramps, disability accessible bathrooms, community gardens, playgrounds designed specifically for younger kids, and another for older ones. They included apartment buildings and bus stations. They added traffic lights to intersections and lowered speed limits nearby their school. They made several large public schools, as well as a college (which they insisted, unprompted, was low-income accessible. They made a hospital and a fire station. 
Their instructions were only to create a city with only four boxes to check. They weren’t required to do any more than build the layout of it. But when we asked them to give us a tour of their city, they not only told us what each building was: they described laws that protected minorities. They told us about what roles people would have in their city, including the roles of kids.
No, it wasn’t to the great detail and precision that an adult could. Yes, there were many holes in their creation that would cause problems in the real world. They obviously weren’t thinking in terms of budget or government restrictions. But in a way, that made their ideas so much better. They weren’t tied down by the expectations adults had. They added features that we’ve been fighting for for years, such as basic accessibility, both physical and financial (such as their insistence about free college education).
Kids’ lack of experience doesn’t make them stupid. In fact, I believe it’s part of what makes them so smart. They observe the world around them and aren’t seeing things in terms of criticism and limits. They see something that needs to change, and they aren’t afraid to come up with creative ideas to make that change.
Talking at kids doesn’t do shit.
Telling a kid to do something or not to do it is probably the quickest way to encourage them to do the exact opposite.
But you know what I’ve found works almost every time? TWO WAY CONVERSATIONS!
Saying “don’t talk to people like that” is a very easy way to not change behaviour. Rather, help them understand why they shouldn’t talk a certain way. 
When working with young children, I usually start off with saying “When you said [x], my feelings were hurt because...” And then they usually figure it out for themselves that they said the wrong thing. 
This works so much better because:
1) the kid doesn’t get defensive. When you scold them for misbehaving, they quickly learn to guard themselves from that. When you can calmly explain to them what was wrong about that situation, they’re less likely to try to protect themselves from your words: because they won’t need to.
2) They learn exactly what was wrong about what they said. When you just tell them they’re wrong but refuse to talk to them about how or why they did something hurtful, they can’t always take it the right way. When a kid says “you look dirty” and you tell them that’s rude, they don’t understand why. In their heads, that may have been them trying to say you have mud smeared on your pants, or you have food spilled on your shirt: they may have just been trying to help you. When you explain to them exactly what about that statement was hurtful, and perhaps offer a kinder way to say it, they’ll recognise their mistake much quicker and remember it better.
3) They’ll learn how to express their own feelings in a much more healthy way. Kids learn from their surroundings. When you snap at them for making a mistake, you teach them to do the same. Then, later on down the road, you may hurt their feelings, and they may lash out at you. When you teach them to communicate more openly, they’ll learn how to address their problems in a productive manner.
4) It gives them the opportunity to problem solve. When you say “this hurt because” instead of “you’re wrong”, it allows them to come to the conclusion that they made a mistake on their own. It’s basically the child-equivalent of providing someone with sources to try to disprove them. Except when it’s taught from a young age, they’ll learn to accept the criticism instead of attack it.
On a related note, when you see a problem coming up repeatedly, or a child is growing upset about something: Share your feelings about the situation, ask them to share theirs, and then help them come up with solutions.  
Mistakes are healthy
Stopping a young person from making a mistake isn’t always helpful. Obviously, if they’re about to hurt themselves or others, stop them. But if it’s a little mistake, let them make it. And then talk to them about it. Help them come up with ways to first fix this mistake and then to avoid making the mistake again in the future.
It conveys the message of “you’re human and mistakes are normal: I’m here for you.” instead of the message of “You can’t do anything right, just let me do it for you.”
You can’t learn and grow as a person if you’re never allowed to put yourself out there and make mistakes. Give young people the chance to try things themselves: but make it clear you’re here for them when they need support. 
Listen to them.
This piggybacks off of a lot of what I said above, but listening to kids is important. 
When a teenager says they need help, it’s far more effective to ask them how you can help them than it is to tell them why they’re struggling and then refuse to help them solve it. I can’t tell you how many kids I’ve had reach out to me saying they feel alone because of this. They’ll come to me saying that they went to their parent to say they feel depressed (or even are on the brink of hurting themselves in some way), only to be met with “well you should think about how I feel” or “you’re just being dramatic.”
When a kid says something hurt them, LISTEN TO THEM. Kids’ feelings are every bit as complex as those of an adult. You don’t turn 18 and suddenly have a real brain with real emotions. You have that your whole life; humanity doesn’t come with age. experience based decisions do.
And, spoiler alert: kids know themselves better than you do. No, this doesn’t mean when your 11 year old refuses to eat vegetables or brush their teeth, you can shrug and say “well they know themselves best”. This means when they try to share how they’re feeling (ESPECIALLY when they’re sharing a feeling about something you did), listen to them and try to compromise when it’s reasonable to do so. If you hurt their feelings--apologise. If they feel like they deserve more freedom, offer up ideas for how they can earn your trust. 
TL;DR: Kids aren’t brainless creatures you can ignore and wonder why they aren’t becoming functional adults. They don’t lack intelligence: they lack a method to communicate that intelligence
Treating kids like adults (in an age-appropriate way) gives them the opportunity to learn the skills needed to act like adults when they’re thrown into the real world. You can’t treat them like they’re dumb their whole life and then ask why they’re not succeeding.
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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(未定事件簿) EVENT!「午夜华章」 [Tears of Themis] EVENT: Symphony of the Night Translations (Chapter 1-01: Prologue)
*Tears of Themis Masterlist  *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *The tracking tag for ALL Event Stories will go under: #Tears of an Event *(y/n) is your name when in direct referral; otherwise referred to as MC. *Presenting: 10 pages of prologue content (cracks fingers)
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Location: Detective Agency
The winter sun shone into Xia Yan’s office, but I couldn’t feel even the slightest bit of warmth from it.
Now, Xia Yan was beside me with a frown on his face as we both stared intently at what he was holding in his hand…
???: Listen well, Great Detective and partner… This will be your last chance.
A voice that had been processed by a voice-changer came from the strange box that he held within his palm, holding absolutely no trace of emotion at all.
???: If you cannot help me complete this commission of mine by finding the missing hacker within the specified time limit…
???: I will immediately launch an attack on the Big Data Lab, which will paralyze Stellis City’s entire network.
The voice cut off here, ending spontaneously, leaving me facing Xia Yan, who had a look of utter seriousness on his face.
Xia Yan had received a commission last evening. The Client came oddly in the form of a box, and the details of the commission were all also transmitted to him through the very same box itself. Knowing how I loved puzzles, Xia Yan had invited me to investigate it together with him. But who knew that this commission also came with a threat.
The Big Data Lab would come under fire if we failed to complete the commission… The Client had repeatedly emphasized on that point without providing us with any other explanation. 
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Xia Yan: Since you’ve already come to us with a commission, then how about you tell us about everything clearly? Who exactly is this hacker you’re searching for…?
Bzzt, bzzt―—
The phone that I had left on the table buzzed to life. Seeing the Caller ID flashing upon the screen, Xia Yan stopped questioning the box.
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MC: Lu Jinghe? Didn’t he say that he had a whole day of meetings with the Board of Directors? Why is he suddenly calling now…?
Xia Yan: ...I have a bad feeling about this. In any case, let’s answer his call first.
I nodded and answered the call.
Lu Jinghe: (Y/n), I heard yesterday that you were going to the Detective Agency to play. Are you still there now?
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MC: I am. Did something happen?
Lu Jinghe: Could you pass the phone to Xia Yan?
He wants to talk to Xia Yan? I paused for a moment, looking towards the guy in question.
Xia Yan nodded, signaling for me to put the call on speaker.
Xia Yan: Lu Jinghe, has there been any problems with the Big Data Lab recently?
Lu Jinghe: What a direct question. Looks like you do know something about this after all.
Lu Jinghe: The Big Data Lab has been harassed by hackers a couple of times recently. The engineers there have just warded off another attack just now.
Xia Yan: Why are you looking for me? Is it because you feel like I’ve done something similar, and thus, being the first one on your list of suspected people?
Lu Jinghe: ...If you absolutely have to put it that way, well, you’re not exactly wrong either.
Lu Jinghe: But, what I’m more worried about is the fact that this isn’t an attack by just a single person, but rather, an organized large-scale attack.
Lu Jinghe: If this is the case, then we can only rely on the personnel currently stationed there. But I’m afraid it’ll be hard to ward them off with just that amount of manpower.
Lu Jinghe: So, I was thinking of asking you for some recommendations of experts in this field. Even better if they’re open to external contracts.
Xia Yan: So that’s how it really is after all… If I’m not guessing wrongly, I think that this has something to do with the current commission I’m undertaking.
Xia Yan: This matter involves the entire Stellis City Network, and it’s not something that any one of us can handle on our own.
Xia Yan: Can we call a full NXX Member Meeting at once? I’ll explain everything then. 
Lu Jinghe: Yes. You and (Y/n) head to the Base first, I’ll notify the other two.
Ending the call, Xia Yan’s gaze fell to the box by his hand once more, his expression solemn.
MC: Xia Yan, does this mean that something serious has happened for you to be calling everyone together to investigate this?
Xia Yan: Yes. Even though everything still looks peaceful now, I have a hunch that…
Xia Yan: This commission that was headed by a threat must be much more complicated than we think it is.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
One hour later, at NXX’s Base.
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Location: NXX Base’s Meeting Room
Mo Yi: So? The Client oddly came to you in the form of a box that cannot be pried open and even threatened the one who’s taking on the job for them, all just to find a single missing person?
Xia Yan: The Client has repeatedly emphasized on the fact that this matter cannot be let known to the public. I suspect the missing hacker must have come upon something dangerous.
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Lu Jinghe: No matter how dangerous it might be, they should have been prepared for some leaks to happen when requesting for outside help. Using the Big Data Lab as a threat is just too unreasonable…
Zuo Ran: How serious were the attacks on the Big Data Lab so far?
Lu Jinghe: Even I can’t explain this properly, myself. But I’ve found a helper who’s very good at this aspect of things, so it’ll be more reliable to let him do all the explaining.
Saying so, he booted up NXX Base’s computer.
After inputting in a series of commands, he turned on the projection device, and a figure slowly formed before us.
MC: Huh? Aren’t you…
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Chu Dai: Hello, I am Chu Dai, the Big Data Lab’s exclusive AI. I'm pleased to be of service to you.
I was stunned for a while at seeing the AI boy who I only saw on my phone, the one who loved leaving interesting evaluations on encyclopedia entries, appearing before my very eyes.
MC: You’re Chu Dai?
Chu Dai: I am! I can always talk to you like this if you prefer this form of mine more~
Lu Jinghe: Chu Dai, report on the current status of the hacker attacks on the Big Data Lab.
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Chu Dai’s expression turned sullen upon the mention of the “hacker attacks”.
Chu Dai: Yes, leave it to me to explain that.
Chu Dai: Ever since last month, the Big Data Lab has been facing small-scale attacks every few days. Fortunately, they all seemed to be just testing the waters, so no real harm was done.
Chu Dai: The hackers launched yet another attack this morning. And the engineers think that they may be just buying time to analyze the Firewalls.
Chu Dai: Chu Dai has been pushing back the hacker's parsing progress, but Chu Dai thinks that they've already completed it.
Chu Dai: If there's another attack, the Firewall will have a higher than 90% chance of being broken through…
Xia Yan: This Client who's looking for a missing hacker's actually also a highly skilled hacker themselves.
Xia Yan: Based on my understanding of the warning that the Client had sent, I suspect that what the Big Data Lab has been subjected to are just pre-emptive attacks.
Lu Jinghe: You mean, he deliberately pushed the cracking process to a critical point, only to force you to complete the Commission?
Xia Yan: I'm afraid so. These attacks are simply to prove that he has the capabilities to take down the Big Data Lab.
Xia Yan: In my opinion, I think that the best way to resolve this incident would be to track down the Client before they can launch a next attack.
Mo Yi: Which mean, you intend on accepting this commission?
Zuo Ran: Buying time by accepting the commission, and then conducting reverse-tracking to locate the signal from where it was originally sent from would also be a plausible method.
Lu Jinghe: What's your stand on this, (Y/n)?
Everyone turned to look at me at his question.
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⊳ Choice: Accept commission
MC: I think it'll be better if we accept this commission too.
MC: I think it's better for us to play along with the other side's tune first, until we get a full grasp of the situation. This way, we might also be able to find more clues along with our investigations.
Mo Yi: Nothing ventured, nothing gained… that's a very interesting way of thinking.
Mo Yi: I'll be very happy to accompany you, if that is your decision.
Xia Yan: Yup, I'm of the same mind too. You can rest assured on the problem of safety if we're going to be working together.
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⊳ Choice: Refuse commission
MC: Logically speaking, I think that we should accept it… but personally, I still think that we should look into it a little more.
MC: We’re unable to identify the true motives of the person we’re up against at this current moment in time. And if finding the missing person’s just a guise...
Zuo Ran: So, you’re worried about what the other party’s motives are. Truth to be told, I’ve also thought about that.
Zuo Ran: But this is also the only option we have that allows us to obtain more clues. Rest assured; I’ll be accompanying you.
Lu Jinghe: And you have me too! Leave your safety to me; still worried about it, Big Sister?
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Chu Dai: Yep, yep! Chu Dai will also follow the hacker's signal to its source and provide all of you with support! 
Xia Yan showed everyone the box that the Client had sent by placing it atop the table.
Xia Yan: This is what the Client sent. I tried to pry it open yesterday but found that it's a complicated piece of electronic equipment that cannot be disassembled at will.
Lu Jinghe: ...It's not a bomb or anything along those lines, right?
Chu Dai: No, but it should be a device that requires special commands to open. Can you connect it to the computer? Let me try opening it.
Xia Yan connected the box to the computer with a USB cable. The projection of Chu Dai temporarily disappeared to focus on analyzing the box. We waited for about ten minutes before the box on the table snapped open with a click, opening from the gap in its center.
Lu Jinghe: Whoa! It's open?
His voice had only just faded before Chu Dai's own rang from the computer's speakers.
Chu Dai: This box is called the "Vespers' Box" —— And this is the data that the creator has placed within it.
Chu Dai: Oh yes, by the way, there's a special program installed into the "Vespers' Box" which records the first person who boots it up.
Chu Dai: But Chu Dai is definite that it won't pose any threat to anyone! So, please feel free to investigate it to your heart's content!
Everyone exchanged looks with each other, leaving Xia Yan to pick up the box. After confirming that there were really no problems with the box, he handed it to me.
Xia Yan: I see that you've been so curious about this box for a long time now, so how about you lead everyone on the investigation of this thing?
MC: Me? Are you sure about that?
I looked around, only to meet everyone's trusting eyes.
MC: Alright then… Let me check this out!
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅
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MC: I just have to open the box from here, right?
Xia Yan: Yup, just flip both sides open.
Zuo Ran: Be careful while opening it since there's a delicate device inside.
MC: I won't handle it roughly… you really should have a little more faith in me, Lawyer Zuo.
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Zuo Ran: ……
Zuo Ran: What I meant was...be careful not to scratch your hands from the small, intricate parts of the device.
MC: S-Sure…
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅
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MC: Nine screens? Is it used to display different parts of the commission?
Mo Yi: Perhaps it has something to do with it's name of the "Vespers' Box"...? Unless, maybe it's really a commission from an undead?
Lu Jinghe: Well… don't you think this is shaped a little similar to cosmetic products and the like that girls use…?
MC: Cosmetic products for girls…? You don't look the type to be that knowledgeable about it.
Lu Jinghe: Hehe— Of course I'll pay attention to something that might be a potential present for you one day!
Chu Dai: Everyone, I've already activated the program within the "Vespers' Box". You can activate the screen to light it up by tapping on it again so please try it out!
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅
MC: Whoa… how beautiful!
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Mo Yi: ...It can be regarded as an Art Masterpiece.
Chu Dai: The contents being shown on the screen are the instructions for your investigations. I'm still analyzing it so please wait for a moment.
Zuo Ran: Only one screen has been lit while the others are locked and marked by a serial number… Are these all steps dictated by the Client themselves?
MC: Looks like we can only play along with them until we manage to find them…
Lu Jinghe: Let's first discuss the countermeasures we're going to be taking while waiting for Chu Dai to decrypt it.
Xia Yan: Yup. We have to listen to what everyone thinks of this before deciding whether or not to participate in this Case.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅
We temporarily put the "Vespers' Box" aside since Chu Dai was still parsing the encrypted content on the screen.
Lu Jinghe: Let me share my opinion first. I cannot ignore it now, since this matter concerns the Big Data Lab.
Xia Yan: This person approached me by name and even threatened the Network Security of Stellis City, so I can't stand by and do nothing about it either.
Lu Jinghe: ...So you're saying that you want to settle this together too, don't you?
Xia Yan: This was originally a matter that the Client entrusted to me alone.
MC: ……
Don't we all investigate cases together all the time anyway? Why do the two of you have to be so…
MC: Then...how about we all solve it together?
Xia Yan: You want to participate too? But I'm afraid it'll affect your job…
Zuo Ran: Priorities are priorities. This issue of the "Vespers' Box" involves the Information Security of Stellis City as a whole, and thus, cannot be ignored.
Zuo Ran: (Y/n), I can give you a vacation to let you focus on this matter at hand. I will lend my aid as well.
MC: What…? Are you sure?
MC: Thank you, Lawyer Zuo!
Lu Jinghe: I knew that things would eventually turn out like this…
Mo Yi: We're all members of the same team, so it's not good to be leaving teammates behind and act on your own accord, correct?
MC: Are you joining us too Dr. Mo?
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Mo Yi: Of course. I'll naturally accompany you to face this challenge that you've undertaken.
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Lu Jinghe: Acting cool even in a time like this…?
Zuo Ran: How much longer till Chu Dai decrypts the tasks?
Chu Dai: Mission completed! Everyone, you can now check the tasks on the screen of the "Vespers' Box"!
Chu Dai made a re-appearance before us again as a projection after completing the decryption process.
Chu Dai: The Client has made nine task groups and will probably be giving us clues and hints on where to investigate after completing them.
Chu Dai: Actively complete the tasks set out by the Client, and you should be able to see what his true motives are soon enough!
Lu Jinghe: Complete tasks to get hints…? Does he think of this as a game?
Xia Yan: A hacker's code is unique, each to its own, like a fingerprint. It'll come a long way in helping us identify the Client if we can crack his method of compiling source codes.
Xia Yan: I'll be cooped up here most of the time from now on, using what resources we have at hand to crack the codes. I hope Chu Dai can assist me with that.
Xia Yan: This way, I can also provide remote support if the Big Data Lab faces threat again.
Lu Jinghe: No problem. I've already notified the Big Data Lab to leave enough Memory Space for Chu Dai to work with for this Case.
Chu Dai: Yup! Chu Dai's daily serviceable functions won't be affected at all, so feel free to use me to assist you in your investigations!
I felt a surge of relief upon seeing them settle the arrangements without a hitch.
MC: Please don't hesitate to tell me if there's anything I can help with! I'm still on vacation, so I my time's more flexible now.
All eyes on the floor turned to me right after the words left my mouth, making me feel oddly embarrassed out of nowhere.
MC: Don't...Don't look at me like that. I might not know much about hackers, but I'm still able to run around doing errands and investigations for clues…
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Xia Yan: Actually, there's this one other important thing that only you can do. Sorry, I kept forgetting to tell you about it.
Under my curious gaze, Xia Yan took a deep breath before speaking slowly.
Xia Yan: I hope you'll take custody of the "Vespers' Box" and lead this investigation.
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MC: !!!
Xia Yan: I know that this is a little risky. It was I, who received the commission, and I shouldn't have involved others who didn't have anything to do with it…
Xia Yan: But I have to stay at the Base most of the time to analyze the codes, so I had to find someone who would be able to take on the task and carry out the investigations out in the field much more conveniently.
Zuo Ran: This is too dangerous. We do not know of the reason behind the hacker's disappearance and have no way of identifying who we're up against.
Mo Yi: But her safety will be guaranteed so long as there's always someone by her side, yes?
Mo Yi smiled at me.
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Mo Yi: My recent schedule is somewhat free, so I can accompany you if that's any reassurance.
MC: Huh? But wouldn't I be troubling you way too much…?
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Lu Jinghe: Trouble or no trouble, I wouldn't trust someone who only wakes at 9AM to protect you.
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Xia Yan: Same.
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Zuo Ran: Mo Yi, I hope you'd consider the feasibility of your suggestion before putting it forth.
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Mo Yi: ......
Zuo Ran: All four of us have a fixed range of activities we are involved in; be it work or investigation...
Zuo Ran: So how about we take turns to accompany her based on whose workplace is the closest when the tasks get triggered?
Zuo Ran: The "Vespers' Box" will be stored in NXX's Base after completing the daily tasks every day. This way, there'll be no need to be afraid of being tracked.
Lu Jinghe: Yes, that's certainly a good idea.
Xia Yan: I won't be careless when it comes to the problem of her safety. I'll also track and monitor her location in real time when she's out through the GPS signal beamed from her mobile.
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Mo Yi: Alright. This is certainly the most efficient method we've come up with.
Chu Dai: So... have all of you decided the course of action you’ll be taking?
Chu Dai, who had been watching us all this time, seemed to have finally found an opportunity to interrupt us.
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Chu Dai: Oh! Looks like you've all talked it out! (Y/n) has a very good work record! I'm sure she'll have absolutely no problem at all leading the investigation!
MC: Haha, thank you for the compliments, Chu Dai!
Chu Dai: Then next, I will be explaining the functions of the "Vespers' Box" that I've analyzed.
Chu Dai: All members of NXX, please listen carefully, for you'll be using these eventually in consequent investigations!
Everyone nodded, gathering where I was to listen to his explanation.
A heavy sense of responsibility weighed on my heart as I held the "Vespers' Box" in my hands.
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MC: (Please rest assured, all of you who have placed your deep trust in me…)
MC: (I'll definitely complete this commission and find out the true colors of this mysterious Client of ours!)
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
Next Part: (NXX Group Chat: Big Data Lab)
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hiddendreamer67 · 5 years
“Do you ever feel like you don’t belong?” For the au where the Sides shift sizes?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Finale (here!)
In a world where the sides shrink or grow based on their emotions/egos, Logan is still holed away in his room at a few inches tall. The others are finally let in and do their best to help the micro-soft nerd.
October Prompt #15: Control
 I think this is the final part of shrinking-sides! Check out more of my writing at @hiddendreamerwriting!
Logan hid his flinch well, attempting to retain at least a small amount of his composure as his perceptively gigantic fellow sides creaked open the door, Roman being the first to show himself. It was intimidating to say the least, and certainly far worse than the sensation of being overpowered by the size of his bedroom alone.
“Wow, you’re so small.” Roman stated obviously.
“I’m well aware of my stature, Roman.” Logan huffed, his cheeks blazing as he turned away from their prying eyes. 
“Yes, well, no need to get huffy, Microsoft Nerd.” Roman gave a huff of his own. Patton peeked around Roman, letting out a soft gasp.
“Oh my goodness you’re absolutely adorable.” Patton spoke softly, clearly trying (and failing) to keep from being overheard. Logan’s cheeks reddened further, the current littlest member of Thomas’ subconscious quickly feeling the situation slip further out of his control as they entered the premises.
“This is bad.” Virgil let out a hiss of breath through his teeth, coming in behind Patton and suddenly Logan was beginning to feel very outnumbered. “Logan. What the hell.” 
“Language.” Patton gently smacked him. “And Logan… what happened, kiddo?”
“Ah….” Logan’s statement trailed off. How was he meant to explain that he had lost control of his emotions? He was logic, and rationality. Logan shouldn’t be influenced by petty feelings; it was positively embarrassing. It proved that Logan was incapable of performing even his most basic of functions. Perhaps he was not necessary at all, and Thomas would become a more effective human system without his involvement-
Logan flinched, startled out of his wits as the other three sides simultaneously bumped their heads on the ceiling, forcing all involved parties to duck at an awkward angle.
“...ow.” Virgil winced, ducking lower to rub at his neck. “Don’t do that again.”
Logan clenched his hands at his sides, frustrated that his struggles had become so transparent. “I am not doing so intentionally.”
“Oh sweetie, we know.” Patton gave him a pitying look, kneeling down in front of Logan and yet still towering over the shrunken individual. “Here, let me help-”
“No!” Logan hastily rejected the offer, backpedaling away from the approaching hand. “I don’t- I’m not in need of assistance.” 
“And that’s why you’re the size of my hand?” Virgil slumped to the ground on Logan’s right, holding up his palm for emphasis. “Oh wait, smaller, because thanks to you we can’t stop growing.”
There was a thump, and Logan quickly turned his head to see Roman had taken up residence sitting on his left. The three giants were encasing him, leaving Logan feeling trapped and cornered. He bit his lip, looking up to Roman and waiting for the quip he was certain would come at any moment. 
Roman tilted his head, an uncharacteristically thoughtful expression on his face. “...Do you ever feel like you don’t belong?”
“Roman!” Patton gasped, a disappointed look crossing his features. "You're not reacting quite like I thought you would. I expect better from a charming prince like you.”
“Yeah, what the hell, princey?” Virgil hissed, and this time he wasn’t corrected for his language. “We already know he can shrink, no need to make it worse.”
“That- that’s not what I meant!” Roman looked off put by everyone’s critics. “I was making a point, you know.”
Logan frowned, not expecting the insult to be so blatant. “Are you implying that this mindset is logical?”
“No, no no no!” Roman groaned, wiping his hand down his face. “I’m trying to empathize with you here, why does no one get that? I’ll have you all recall I’m the one who’s been in this situation before.”
“Yes, and you handled that spectacularly.” Virgil rolled his eyes. 
“We can just do and say the same things again!” Patton said, his eyes shining with determination. “Logan, you are amazing and smart and we love you!”
Nothing happened.
“Uh…” Virgil shifted, looking uneasy. “I dunno, try harder?”
“Please will you let me cuddle you?” Patton whined, reaching for Logan again who ducked out of the way.
“Absolutely not!” Logan insisted. “I will not be handled like… like…”
“Like a helpless doll?” Roman offered.
The room went quiet, and Logan took a moment to reconsider the way Roman was acting. “...yes.” Logan agreed finally. 
Roman nodded. “You feel like you’re nothing. Like you don’t matter, and it doesn’t matter if we tell you you’re wrong because then it’s just going to hurt more because you were wrong and Logic’s never wrong, is he?”
The other two sides looked at Roman with puzzled expressions. Meanwhile Logan’s own jaw dropped, concerned at Roman’s new apparent skill in telepathy. “How... how were you aware of these thoughts?”
“Because they’re true.” Virgil butt in, looking to Roman for reassurance that he was indeed in on the plan and not about to make everything worse. With a nod from Roman, he continued. “If a side really mattered they wouldn’t shrink.”
“Falsehood.” Logan frowned, gesturing to Roman. “Creativity is an essential part of Thomas’ personality.”
“And so is Logic.” Patton insisted. “Logan, we need you.”
“That is not factually accurate.” Logan began to pace back and forth. “I could easily be replaced-”
“By who?” Roman scoffed. “I operate in a realm of fantasy, Patton’s head is in the clouds, and Virgil, well his line of reasoning puts us over the edge of the Yankovic curve.”
“Yerkes-Dodson curve.” Logan corrected. 
“Why does Thomas need any of us?” Virgil shrugged. “We’re not real. It just means Thomas is insane, and by the looks of things in desperate need of some therapy.”
“Virgil, don’t say such things!” Patton scolded.
“Indeed.” Logan agreed, shooting Virgil a look over the edge of his glasses. “It is quite a common coping mechanism for humans to envision manifestations of themselves as leaders for certain necessary functions. At this point we’ve become so ingrained in his subconscious that a separation from our existence could be detrimental.”
“So what you’re saying, Little L, is that we exist?” Roman questioned. 
“In a manner of speaking, yes.” Logan nodded.
“But we’re not people.” Virgil crossed his arms. “We don’t have emotions.”
“You know that statement is illogical.” Logan rolled his eyes. “Patton is quite literally the embodiment of emotions.”
“I think he meant we all have emotions.” Roman supplied gently.
Patton’s mouth formed a perfect ‘o’, finally catching on. 
“I...suppose that our existence has evolved beyond our mere functions, as evidenced by our names, most strongly exhibited in Virgil.” Logan rationalized. “If that is truly the case, it’s possible that, yes, several of us may experience something that is equivalent to human emotions from time to time-”
“Logan.” Patton interrupted gently, wringing his hands together. “It’s… it’s okay for you to have feelings, kiddo.” 
Logan paused his pacing, looking down at his feet. “...I am aware that you hold that opinion.”
“Oh come on, we were so close!” Roman groaned. “We were so close! Why can’t you just accept our help?”
“I should not require help.” Logan answered. “Rationality should be able to control emotions.”
“And what about Logan?” Roman argued. “I mean you already said you’re more than your functions now.”
“I still need to be in control to perform admirably.” Logan continued to insist, sitting down. 
“Bullshit.” (“Language.”) Virgil gave Patton a glare to tell him now was not the time for censoring. “Logan, are emotions logical?”
“Absolutely not.” Logan answered immediately. “They are complicated and illogical and infuriating.”
“And if they’re illogical, then why would a person who’s the embodiment of logic be able to handle them alone?” Virgil waved his hand slowly, urging Logan to catch on.
“Emotions are my realm, kiddo.” Patton reminded him. “Wouldn’t it make sense to accept our help?”
“Yes, indeed!” Roman clapped his hands, gleeful that things were going according to plan. “And certainly you should be able to tell when we’re telling you facts, like the fact that even if you’re a stick in the mud Thomas still needs you.”
Thomas still needs you. “I suppose there is some truth to what you’re saying.” Logan nodded thoughtfully, a hopeful warmth blooming in his chest.
“Logan, even when you’re a clueless moron, you’re still the one who wrangles the rest of us morons together.” Virgil smirked.
“You’re the smartest Einstein we’ve got!” Roman tacked on.
“Inaccurate, but appreciated.” Logan allowed a small smile to grow on his features. 
“You’re going to be okay.” Patton assured him.
Logan’s leg bumped something. He looked up, finding Patton to be at eye level, and realized that in his daze he had grown back to his original size.
“Thank you.” Logan glanced to the sides, expecting to see at least one person giving him a knowing or condescending look. Instead all three faces were warm, gentle. Welcoming. “All of you.”
Patton squealed, launching himself at Logan. “Group hug!” 
The others were quick to follow suit, tackling the nerd to the ground with ease. Despite their increased proximity, Logan found the action unintimidating this time. Instead their presence comforted him, grounding him in his ability to facilitate his duties with ease and reassuring him that they would be willing to assist him in any future emotional endeavors. 
Logan considered their odd behavior upon entering his room. Rather than smother him with kindness and lord over their superiority on this topic that was so new to Logan, the others had granted him the opportunity to come to the right conclusions enough. 
“Thank you.” Logan said again, finding that he couldn’t say it enough.
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