#using the new knowledge for something silly and lowstakes helps take the edge of fear off of it. helps make it his own
roughentumble · 7 months
also i think it'd be fun if some of the nogitsune rubbed off on stiles. not in a "he's dark and evil now" way but in a "an incomprehensible old spirit beamed its thoughts directly into his head" way, like maybe now he has a latent understanding of japanese, because that's what the nogitsune thought in. and he wasnt privy to its thoughts most of the time, and Understanding what was said was kind of just, forced into his brain, but the latent comprehension is still there. the nogitsune never told him the rules of go, but he still plays like a champ when the pieces dont make him break out into a cold sweat, because he simply Understood the rules. something about its presence forced the knowledge into the subconcious of his brain
he cant write or read japanese, and he's semi-crap at speaking it, but rough comprehension comes innately.
he should have knowledge with no source, further proof that for a while he was not himself and he was not in control
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