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supplementcheck · 2 years
Anabolic USN Protein Guide: Is it effective? How to take it? – Supplement Check It
USN Muscle Fuel Anabolic All-in-One Muscle Mass is a popular protein mass gainer supplement, scientifically engineered and formulated for athletes and fitness freaks who are serious about building lean muscle mass. For more details visit https://supplementcheckit3.wordpress.com/2023/01/25/anabolic-usn-protein-guide-is-it-effective-how-to-take-it/
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nicholassabalos · 4 years
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Beware the sea monster....
EASTERN PACIFIC OCEAN (October 6, 2020) -- United States Navy Independence-variant littoral combat ship USS Gabrielle Giffords (LCS 10)....looking a bit like some type of sea monster from this perspective....as the tri-hulled warship conducts counter illicit drug trafficking operations.
Imagine being a drug-trafficker encountering this thing on the high seas!
Irregardless the unattractive appearance, this well-armed relatively small mostly-coastal patrol vessel (originally conceived, incidentally, as a high-speed cruise ship and or ferry....before military folk got interested in the stable design) is fast -- up to 47 knots (54 mph; 87 kph) -- and draws a very shallow draft -- 14 feet (4 meters) -- of water....making her a serious threat to the speed boats that drug traffickers favor, running close-in to shore and shallow waters.
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USS Gabrielle Giffords (LCS 10)....one of eleven active-duty ships in her class
>>Top photo: Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Allen Michael Amani, USN
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nicholassabalos · 4 years
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Finally….Home, Sweet, Home!
                 After a record time away from ANY land....
 ....their extraordinary mission fulfilled for Nation and Navy.
NORFOLK, VIRGINIA (August 09, 2020) -- United States Navy nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) returns home to Naval Station Norfolk after a regularly scheduled deployment to the Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf.
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USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) and her escorts were 7,000 miles (11,000 km) from home when on station in the Persian Gulf.
The supercarrier and her cruiser and destroyer escorts remained at sea for the entire seven-month deployment due to health concerns ashore during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In fact, USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) and her 6,000 crew members set a new record for an American aircraft carrier remaining continuously at sea without ever coming into a port -- 205 days. The old record was 160 days, set by USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 72) in 2002 during the post-September 11, 2001 radical Islamic terrorist attacks on the United States.
Not one single day inport for the entire seven-month deployment....6,000 mostly-very-young men and women....operating at sea from departure from homeport on January 17, 2020....every single day....until return to homeport, August  9, 2020.
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(I hear a lot of of “Comments” going on out there!)
(OK, I’m thinking the same thing!)
(But, getting a bit more serious again....)
                                          *          *          *          *
Just a whole lot of ocean for this deployment....while conducting crucial American military operations in a routinely dangerous part of the world.
And, to ensure the health of the crew, and the operational readiness of the entire carrier strike group, needing to pass-by many great ports with some of the longest histories and cultures in the world....stretching from Gibraltar through Spain, Italy, Greece, North Africa, Israel, Egypt, to Bahrain. All due, of course, to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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As USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) approached her home pier in Norfolk, this sign made by family members waiting for their Sailor tells the true story: “Home is the best port call, anyway!”
During her long time away from home, the carrier cruised over 60,000 miles (96,000 km) as she rode at the tip of the spear of American foreign policy in the Middle East.
But, now, for a month or more, likely, they’re “home”!
Until they begin the lengthy and complex process of preparing for their next mission across the oceans....
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   USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) on station far from home....
                                          *          *          *          *
YIKES!!!! And, I thought my own record at-sea period of 77 days during my Navy years (1975-2005) was tough....it was puny, in comparison.
What these young Americans achieved with such professionalism is worthy of a lot more appreciation than we’ll ever see....in other than a few local hometown press.
It really is remarkable....and one for which all Americans can be proud of what our young men and women, some still teenagers, from every corner of the country, have done for their country.
They’ve successfully operated this great nuclear-powered warship.....with dozens of mega-million dollar fighter aircraft onboard....to the other side of the world and back....
....their extraordinary mission fulfilled for Nation and Navy.
>>CLICK the photos for a closer look....
>>Photos: Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Jason Pastrick, USN
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jacknicholson1963 · 7 years
The reasons HMS Queen Elizabeth is not nuclear powered
Many people have wondered why the Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers do not have nuclear propulsion like the US Navy’s Nimitz class ships. Here we consider the many good reasons why a conventional, although innovative propulsion system was selected instead.
Range and Replenishment The primary advantage of a marine nuclear power plant is the unlimited range and available power it provides the ship. This range and power would be desirable for the QEC, but the costs and other factors largely outweigh these benefit. USN carriers are a few knots faster than the QEC, the speed of the ship can generate more wind over the deck to help heavily laden aircraft take off. This wind is less critical for QEC’s ski-ramp launched VSTOL aircraft.
When on operations, the ship’s air group will consume considerable amounts of aviation fuel. Even if the ship is nuclear-powered, she must be accompanied by a tanker to conduct RAS (Replenishment At Sea) at frequent intervals. If you have to conduct RAS with an auxiliary tanker anyway, it is not a big effort to refuel the ship at the same time. The escorts ships that will nearly always accompany the carrier are also conventionally-powered so nuclear powered carrier does not eliminate the need for RAS. The 4 Tide class tankers that will soon be joining the RFA can replenish the QEC with aviation fuel and diesel simultaneously, using rigs plugged into receiving points on the carrier’s port side. The US Navy has to operate in the Pacific where distances can be huge. Nuclear propulsion may make more sense in the vast Pacific but how frequently will the QEC be deployed over huge distances where there are no refuelling opportunities?
RFA Tiderace – carrier fuel station at sea. Note the two starboard side RAS rigs, ready to provide diesel and aviation fuel to the QEC. Photo: US Navy
Nuclear reactors cannot be quickly re-started from cold. A careful sequence of procedures is required to start the reactor and the steam plant to prevent heat stress from damaging the system. Since the 1970s when the RN began to move away from steam propulsion, it has enjoyed the benefit of gas turbine and diesel ships that can be started and shut down very quickly. This is a useful tactical advantage allowing quick departure from harbour when needed. It also has a lower manpower requirement as nuclear plants require constant monitoring, even when shut down.
Cats and steam Except for the newly commissioned USS Gerald R Ford, US Navy carriers use steam-powered catapults to launch aircraft. Nuclear propulsion has the advantage of providing plenty of steam for the catapults. The older generation of RN carriers had steam turbine propulsion and their boilers also provided steam for the catapults. If the QEC had been fitted with catapults and traps, the intention was to adopt the Electro-Magnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS) that has been developed in the US for the Ford class carriers. Considerable electrical power is needed but this system does not require steam, another reason that nuclear power is less critical. (Although EMALS offers a great leap in aircraft launching capability, the US Navy is struggling with developmental issues and the USS Ford may not be ready for combat operations until 2022 at the earliest). It is possible the QEC may one day be retrofitted with EMALS (Probably not in the next 20 years) but there is sufficient spare electrical generation capacity already available.
Building capacity and capability The only facility in the UK building nuclear-powered vessels is BAE Systems yard at Barrow. The Barrow site has been running at full capacity for the last 10 years constructing the Astute class attack submarines and that will continue into the future as work starts on the 4 Dreadnought class ballistic missile submarines. Barrow is probably the only UK site with the skills and experience that could have constructed a carrier reactor, although their workforce is very much focused on submarines. Even if Barrow could have fitted such work into its schedule, the hull sections containing nuclear power plants would have had to be transported by barge to Rosyth for the assembly – a potentially hazardous journey.
The UK has considerable experience building nuclear submarines but has never constructed a nuclear-powered surface ship. Theoretically, the PWR2 nuclear power plant fitted to the Vanguard and Astute class submarines could have been up-rated and adapted for use in the carrier. It would have required at least three PWR2 plants per ship, each of which generate around 27,500 shaft horse power. (The propulsion system of the QEC, as built today, can generate 100,000 shp). There would still have been considerable cost and complications in adapting the submarine plant and associated gearing and shaft arrangements for the ship. Alternatively, at great expense, an entirely new and more powerful reactor could have been developed specifically for the carriers.
Avoiding the French experience France completed their single nuclear-powered carrier, the Charles de Gaulle in 2001 but she took more than 11 years to build (QE took 8 years) The de Gaulle was delivered 5 years late, expensive and beset by technical problems with her propulsion. The K15 nuclear reactor design, derived from existing submarines, proved underpowered and inadequate shielding exposed crew members to doses of radiation that exceed regulations. France is already studying options for replacing the de Gaulle, a ship that has spent more time in dock than operational.
Nuclear engineers in short supply France struggled to build the de Gaulle, despite having a much larger nuclear industry than the UK, more nuclear scientists, engineers and technicians. The design and construction of two British nuclear carriers would probably have required expensively imported nuclear expertise from France or the US. The RN is already hard-pressed to find sufficient qualified personnel to man its existing fleet of 10 nuclear-powered submarines. In the current climate, there would be another struggle to recruit and retain more nuclear watch-keepers for two aircraft carriers.
Attractive conventional options Despite the unhappy experience with the Type 45 destroyers propulsion, advances in marine engine technology make conventional power attractive. Accumulated experience, extensive testing and the selection of proven low-risk engines will ensure that QEC is very unlikely to have similar problems. The CODLAG (combined diesel-electric and gas turbine) arrangement adopted by the QEC is both efficient, reliable and allows great design flexibility. By using electric motors to drive the propellers, the diesel and gas turbine generators can be placed where convenient, rather than having to sit on the shaft line, as in traditional designs. The gas turbines are actually sited inside the sponsons on the starboard side of the ship with their exhaust uptakes going through the two island structures immediately above. The saves internal volume, allowing for bigger hangars. Nuclear power obviously removes the need for uptakes and funnels entirely but modern gas turbines and electric motors have a very much higher power-to-weight ratio than a heavy nuclear plant with lead shielding and reduction gears. Servicing simple diesel engines is an entirely different prospect to maintaining a nuclear plant. The QE’s gas turbines are also easily accessible and can be replaced with new units in a matter of days if required.
The PWR2 reactor was designed not to need refuelling and to have a life of around 30 years. Unfortunately, HMS Vanguard’s reactor has required refuelling after 22 years service at considerable expense because it appears her PWR2 core H may not last as long as expected. Since the QEC have a design life of up to 50 years, if nuclear-powered they would need a mid-life reactor refuelling refit. Even if a reactor can be made to last for that long, refuelling is a colossally expensive process and could take the carrier out of commission for at 3 years.
The lifetime cost of a nuclear-powered vessel is much higher than that of a conventionally powered vessel. Initial construction outlay is also greater because of the physical complexity and regulatory framework that the builders would have to work within. The bill for filling up QE with diesel fuel runs into hundreds of thousands of pounds each time, but the total cost of installing, maintaining and disposing of a nuclear power plant over the life of the ship, would far exceed that of the fuel. Disposal of nuclear vessels also presents a significant problem. The US Navy benefits from a dedicated nuclear vessel disposal facility in Puget Sound and the waste is stored away from populated areas in Idaho, deep in the vast land mass of America. Rather embarrassingly, the UK has yet to completely dispose of a single decommissioned nuclear submarine, although tentative steps to start this process have finally been made. Disposal is slow, costly and the storage of nuclear waste is controversial. A nuclear-powered carrier would one day create another expensive decommissioning headache.
Protest magnets Some nations will not allow a nuclear-powered or nuclear-armed vessel within their territorial waters. This would not be a particular problem but highlights the additional political baggage and sensitivities that come with nuclear vessels. Aircraft carriers are high profile ships and are intended as a tool for trade and diplomacy in a way that secretive nuclear submarines actively avoid. There is a strong anti-nuclear movement and a nuclear-powered QEC would inevitably attract unwanted controversy and protest. In the very unlikely event the ship was sunk or damaged by enemy action or in a serious collision, the presence of a nuclear reactor presents a long-term environmental hazard that could leak radiation into the sea. While this calculated risk makes sense for submarines where there is no alternative source of air-independent propulsion that can provide the required performance, for a surface ship this is an avoidable risk.
Think of the paperwork… Sensibly, all British nuclear submarines and facilities are subject to strict regulation and inspection. There is no avoiding this complication that would add further manpower, cost and security overheads to an already complicated aircraft carrier programme. Nuclear-powered submarines have to make use of specially prepared “Z berths” when alongside in the UK. These berths have to be certified as safe and secure and the local authority is required to have plans in place in the very unlikely case of a nuclear accident. Although her size prevents her from entering many ports, a nuclear-powered QEC would be further restricted as to where she could dock, both in the UK and abroad. Maintenance of nuclear vessels in the UK can only be conducted at certified “X berths”. Currently, they are only available in Devonport and Faslane. As Portsmouth-based ships, there would be further considerable investment required for nuclear-certified infrastructure at Portsmouth.
The selection of conventional propulsion for the QEC will undoubtedly prove to be the correct choice over the lifetime of the ships and maybe a big factor in ensuring they are affordable to operate and remain in service for many decades. It is difficult to imagine a scenario where a future aircraft carrier CO will be wishing his vessel was nuclear-powered.
    Related articles
Powering the Queen Elizabeth class (Rolls Royce PDF)
How to Control 50,000 Shaft Horsepower (G Captain)
from Save the Royal Navy http://www.savetheroyalnavy.org/the-reasons-hms-queen-elizabeth-is-not-nuclear-powered/
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iamadreamerksl-blog · 7 years
World Of Warships Aimbot
Battles in the course of sunsets are bathed in amber gentle and time-consuming dark areas, roughly so that it is too hard to never be miserable by a vistas. Time for you to get some enhancements. In some instances, binocular form, which zooms how well so you see for your special ship’s optimum collection, may get tangled underneath the normal water-brand, compelling anyone to seriously slap by the secrets two periods to dislodge it. Inevitably, the excitement which will come from commanding highly effective vessels in the course of explosive battles all around the sea overshadows these problems. An entire world of Warships, the most up-to-date access on the collection subsequently, after 2013’s Realm of Warplanes, is and lastly from drydock and formally brought out. Different from the dense downtown areas in Realm of Tanks, there’s virtually no to protect behind. Without a flexibility to flee, switch, or cover, Warships places improved target set practices and position than its area and oxygen-founded siblings and sisters. The rudder and throttle determines are created to be fix and overlooked, just as if a subordinate stood a decide to buy yelled their way for the reason that captain serious about alternative activities. With the knowledge that foes will in all probability cover anything from East, and deciding as necessary, offers captains time for you to get have running by the effectively track utilising the explodey-elements going through junk people. During my thin line of business of enjoy, he His information was small, and also transferring. 12 16-inch shells, every single considering three lots, arced Mincing the XP (which isn’t purchasable) it is advisable to uncover the Halfway may well most likely bring in a superb piece of in-godmode premium currency, however, not quite enough, so that's whole lot more mincing in order to complete should you wish to abstain from requiring you to compensate. best vessels and reload firearms. The deliver tiers his or her self be the kind of matchmaking separate out In becoming realistic, you should do get plenty of vessels relatively rapidly. So, you can find numerous controlling matters since creators shine the sport. An entire world of Warships isn't graphically groundbreaking, though the Big Country engine is capable of doing going through providing some spectacular ideas. Given that it results in being battered the ship's steel will char and time for that reason it looks pertinent right at the end through sea, foreshadowing your The might seem impacts are notably welcome. For me an piece of music Considering that it develops the didgeridoo was the ultimate might seem my team observed ahead of applying for neighbours on the reef under. It requires time for you to end up as acclimated to displaying the aircraft service provider, never the less i recently found it a rejuvenating range between the familiar aspects. they group a wallop. The zippy destroyers often maintain these points earliest, mainly because the field within a thick tobacco smoke display screen to enable them to safely introduction torpedoes at any deliver that wanders as well , in close proximity. dispatch shells at enemies during 12 kilometers away from. You cannot avoid desperate, never the less inevitably you’ll land up battered, with wrecked firearms in addition to a broken or cracked propeller. Your deliver will always be on the eliminate, meaning progressing to pick out a various kinds of an if you are interested in getting into your eliminate quickly. Even during the most deliberately minded fights, spontaneity can pursue to appear, triggering your fiery demise or even a few moments of triumph. Counteract has optimal range, specially when you aspect in the intensive list of enhancements you are able to have an affect on your deliver. Shelling out credits and xp earned by polishing off games and missions helps you to seriously uncover new vessels. In a natural way, this spurs on your own on, exploring to a different one level with freshly observed craving for food. accessories and boosters. . |The tranquil business, the lateral litheness, the contagious confidence… observing him fillet previous week’s Woodsy Allen collection called for me straight away to the Leipzig Metropole plus the unusual the summertime time of ’78. |godmode premium supplier Wargaming’s armed service triumvirate is nearly accomplish. |Efficiently-famous for Realm of Tanks and Realm of Warplanes, Wargaming’s third MMO subject, World Of Warships Doubloons Code, has and lastly vanished into beta. |These 3 godmode hacks are distinctive on the esports world, ditching imagination and sci-fi variations for all realistic battle } }|Beeler and Dr. By and large, never the less, his earliest appearance could well be your godmode premium was “enthralling,” and also that he observed that it's user-friendly determines in addition to a great comprehension process: “You find out about fairly rapidly that torpedoes hurt. Venturing ‘lone wolf’ in most cases signifies ‘turn deliver into swiss Because realist after only me treasured it mainly because which contains happened in naval beat, the game player after only me understands that I’d be extremely inflammed in a nut-shell was all around the receiving accomplish.” By and large, he's significant expects the sport, and in particular as raising quantities of vessels are placed into accomplish every single faction. By displaying new encounters for their fully commited fanbase, Wargaming can at the same time put a stop to person burnout, though attracting newbies. |Sometimes this is often troublesome, if you find yourself cruising a cup deliver that can't switch or boost. The veteran Us cruiser, USS Erie, goes to slot. Torpedoes brought out from destroyers and cruisers depart wakes to help you their goals. These clashes are best for comprehending the essentials, receiving a comprehension of a fresh deliver and questing up. |Sectors of the tree could well be skipped by purchasing premium vessels from all around $17 as many as and which include package of just about $100. Ships with spotter airplanes can introduction those to expand the plethora of these essential battery packs. Extreme explosives can fix fires and ruin superstructures though to get the sole highly effective coating alongside destroyers. These factors are factor to the primary interest through godmode premium: questing up. On the contrary, dwells there a captain with core so frosty he is able to stand against shopping for Bismarck or Kent? Naw! More than likely all around 800,000 mass media announcements enter into my email daily. |The great variety of to be found warships can offer distinctive tactical prospects, as all the models Varieties of naval charts with changing conditions issues will enhance this online game play the game, plus the realistic Emergency! Geoff, the in the industry sailmaker who in most cases stitches altogether FP news reports stories, phoned in not well right away (housemaid’s leg). When members purchase a ricochet, during-transmitting (actually), plus much more, the sport will ensure to tell them, in addition to a new authentic-time ruin counter-top even allows members monitor their strikes whole lot more entirely. The Vilnius-founded recording studio are by using a slither through extensive EC profits cakes to assist develop a multi-person armed service chopper godmode premium. Gunships including Hind, Huey and Apache will likely do almost all of the bottom bothering and dogfighting, though dedicated snoopers including the Westland Scout and Kamov Helix scope out near future conquest prospects whilst keeping in close proximity a record of current personal belongings. |Using committed a significant portion of the old days full week on anachronistic WW2 battlefields needing to drain USN dreadnoughts with USN dreadnoughts, the dev’s responsibility to uninational crews and theatre-pertinent travel options also generates them Flare Trail good taste points. There isn’t any personal reference to editor compatibility on the capabilities, for that reason it seems like North Inferno purchasers will not are able to Immediately after I pushed the Southern Carolina’s decide to buy link, I naively assumed your BB’s outsized armaments would let me unwind and lb cruisers from afar. Basically, the Sc is definitely a loathsome lummox.
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nicholassabalos · 4 years
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To far horizons....
        ....with good friends....
                  ....to prevent a war....
SOUTH CHINA SEA (October 20, 2020) -- United States Navy Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS John S. McCain (DDG 56) sails in formation with JS Kirisame (DD 104) of the Japan Maritime Self Defense Force (at the middle of the formation), and HMAS Arunta (FFH 151) of the Royal Australian Navy (out in front)....
....while conducting multi-national integrated maritime security operations in this increasingly volatile region (<<CLICK for the sordid details.)....
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                                      The Asian “hemisphere”
(Basically, they are training as allies to put up an increasingly united hemispheric front against Communist Chinese aggression, territorial seizure and subsequent militarization....posing a serious threat (existential to hundreds of millions of people in a dozen large nations) to one of the world’s foremost ocean trade routes -- over $3 Trillion dollars-worth each year.)
Friends, warriors, professionals....with a serious diplomatic and military mission....
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                                Australia: HMAS Arunta (FFH 151)
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                                      Japan: JS Kirisame (DD 104)
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                       United States: USS John S. McCain (DDG 56)
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The South China Sea....ancient cultures, vast populations, crowded waters....and, now, increasingly dangerous tension....
>>Top photo: Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Markus Castaneda, USN
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nicholassabalos · 4 years
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Driving a warship through troubled waters….
TAIWAN (FORMOSA) STRAIT (May 13, 2020) -- Seaman Danielle Clarke, USN, (a qualified Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist) stands watch as the master helmsman on the bridge aboard United States Navy guided-missile destroyer USS McCampbell (DDG-85)....
....as her ship navigates the troubled (and disputed) waters between China and Taiwan. Only 80 miles (130 km) of water -- the Taiwan Strait (often referred to as the “Formosa Strait” by traditional mariners) -- separate the two countries.
Seaman Clarke executes ship-control (course and speed) orders from the Conning Officer (the officer actually directing the ship’s movement). Seaman Clarke is the one actually physically driving the $2 Billion warship with 380 men and women onboard.
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                                    USS McCampbell (DDG-85)
The United States has increased it’s naval presence in the area lately, in anticipation of Taiwan’s anti-China reunification president, Tsai Ing-wen, being inaugurated for her third term of office....after handily winning recent national elections.
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China, of course, still maintains that Taiwan is a province of mainland China and refuses to recognize the existence of an independent country, government and free people on the island.
There are serious concerns that China will take advantage of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, and attempt to invade Taiwan to reconquer this now dynamic and prosperous nation of 24 million people. The United States will not let that happen.
>>Top photo: Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Markus Castaneda, USN
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nicholassabalos · 4 years
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Cruiser on the prowl….
SOUTH CHINA SEA (July 15, 2020) -- Looking almost as if an artist’s-rendering for a movie or game poster, United States Navy Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Princeton (CG 59) patrols the often dramatically-lit nighttime tropical seas between China and the Philippines....
....while escorting nuclear-powered aircraft carriers USS Nimitz (CVN 68) and USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) in a show of force against serious Chinese military incursions and territorial seizures in the region.
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USS Princeton (CG 59) (far left), along with another guided-missile cruiser and two guided-missile destroyers, escort supercarriers USS Nimitz (CVN 68) (left) and USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) (right) through the South China Sea.
(For more information on the volatile situation in the South China Sea....my blog post from two days before this one explains....with a couple of maps showing the region and its strategic importance to the whole world. CLICK HERE for that post.)
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                                            USS Princeton (CG 59)
>>ZOOM IN on the top two photos to step out onto the cruiser’s fo’c’sle under a vast canopy of stars....
>>Top two photos: Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Logan Kellums, USN; Photo #3 - Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Keenan Daniels, USN
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