#ute chop
morguemaw · 2 years
Glitchy say you take doodle requests!
Can you draw Angie? It's been a while >:>
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Ahh, i decided that i wanted to add abit more to his design. Adding more hair fluff helped <333 I also really love his all pink fit so i happily drew him in that :3c Ngl i even thought of abit of lore to also help flesh out his character !! [ as im still trying to lean further from him being too Angel Dust like ] And so far i had a idea he is a dead spider who became a cupid/love letter deliverer :D It was also to make alot of his stuff heart themed because heart themed items are always SO cute?? Some close ups of details i liked;
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I'm gonna go to bed and get up earlier tomorrow to do all the shit I didn't do this evening. That sure sounds like it won't go terribly wrong
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robin33r · 5 months
Uhh warning this gets p detail-e
Warning for just mainly getting in detail w abusive relationships
Tired of pretending saurtis / tauram would've been healthy ngl. They are fr eachothers nightmares in the best way possible "Sam's insane and looney" okay but idk if you realized it was TAURTIS who was unhinged first. HE encourages Sam's shenanigans too. He influences it so so much.
I've seen people say Sam took after Yuki by resorting his problems using violence however.. Taurtis even at the start of the series suggested violence even for sam to use violence to get love. He tells Sam that he should be doing "chop chop" to make Sookie love him and he even thought it was too far at the time. I feel like now that's partially influencing his behavior in the reboot and how he's spreading the ideals onto his friends just like how taurtis influenced him subtly.
Now this isn't saying taurtis doesn't care and is only tryna negatively influence Sam. Taurtis cares about Sam but they're both codependent and they both reflect off of eachother, however Sam's a LOT more dependent and reflects off of taurtis much more than he does to Sam. Sam physically needs taurtis, almost like a dog and it's owner.
Sam and taurtis both have normalized unhinged thoughts that for ANY normal person would find it intrusive. They've straight up bathed in eachothers blood fir fun and normalized it. To anyone who thinks their love would be gentle and romantic I HEAVILY doubt that realistically it'd be that. They'd be the triple C's, cannibalism, confinement, and codepdency. They'd hurt eachother for the ballistic fun of it and ngl I even forget how often those two fight or hit eachother. They'd probably even carve out little shapes off if eachother even if it's immature, why? Because they can! There's no "gentle talking" with them, it's straight to the point and sometimes even mockery, if it isn't it's stern. They both love so roughly they almost *cant* be gentle, neither of them wanted to be either, they're just there for the fun and sake of it. Taurtis can be just as sadistic if not MORE sadistic than Sam sometimes even and ngl it's such an underrated thought of how much of a little shit he is.
Sam copied so much of previous behaviors from Yuki and Taurtis and it's so funny to me how the impact is so obviously hard. Sam would give taurtis EVERYTHING if jt meant to be with him, dead or alive. That desire could even probably lead Sam into grabbing his dead body and finding ways to bring it back alive/delude himself into believing the body. Most of the time he was unstable it was because of taurtis not being there and he's canonly always uneasy without taurtis, in which this could DEFINITELY Influence his behavior in the reboot.
The way he acts in the reboot is definitely twisted as ro how he normally acts without taurtis or when he's seemingly unstable and he pushes those ideals onto coolment and sometimes even owl. He's physically unable to handle himself holding the memories of what he had with taurtis yet not having him around. The absolute pain kf losing your favorite person and then having tk restart at the same place where hell went down and when things went down. Good lord only knows he probably hallucinates taurtis ' voice
This is a bit of a stretch but because of how little those two take eachothers mental health, injuries and pain seriously I'd even argue that hell maybe they'd even encourage ut and/or do it together or just laugh awkwardly st it. At MOST is the fact that taurtis did seem genuinely concerned at Sam's alcoholism but I don't know. This is just a huge stretch but god I love saurtis/tauram I sure wish toxic and doomed yaoi was real.
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lostfirefly · 1 month
Bugust. Day 25. "Rain." Buggy x OC (I'm not sure about the quality of my stories, but this prompt is like a personal challenge, haha. Plus, this's my way to distract myself from the reality)
Catherine sat comfortably in her favorite chair, gazing out the window as the rain pattered softly against the glass. The cozy warmth of the mug in her hands, filled with rich, creamy hot chocolate, was a welcome contrast to the gloomy, overcast day outside. The rhythmic sound of the raindrops and the muffled ambiance of the world beyond her window created a soothing, almost meditative atmosphere. Catherine's eyes followed the movements of a familiar figure hurrying down the sidewalk - it was Buggy, scurrying home, no doubt eager to escape the dreariness of the weather.
"My blue-haired love!!!" She squealed and, wrapped in a shark pyjama run to meet him, putting on the hood.
"Damn, it's cold and rainy out there." Buggy grumbled as he opened the door.
"My Buggy Bear!!!" Catherine happily waved her flipper.
He burst out laughing. "Hi, Cathie Shark! I brought your favorite chocolates, bu-u-ut before I give them to you, I would like to see your beautiful face."
Catherine squealed, stomping around happily and removing the plush head from her pajamas.
"That's better! Hi!" Buggy came closer, leaned over and kissed her cheek.
"What are you doing? You're all wet!!" Catherine squealed, covering her head again. "Don't touch me until you've got some dry clothes. No, no, no!"
"Oh, my princess is not pleased." Buggy chuckled and went into the bedroom.
Catherine followed him, asking how his day was going. She leaned against the door jamb, watching as Buggy began to remove his wet t-shirt and stood before her in his pants.
"Like what you see?" Buggy winked, noticing her gaze.
"What? No! I mean, of course, yes. I just.. I was wondering.. Can I ask?" Catherine flicked her fins.
"Sure." Buggy took off his pants and looked at Catherine. "I bet you're all red under your shark pyjama right now."
"You're disgusting, Buggy! So.. Why you don't get weak in the rain? Or in the shower?" Catherine came closer and gently ran her fin down his back. "So in a river, lake, or sea you sink like a stone, but you can walk in the rain. That's weird. Why is that?"
"How should I know, I didn't make the rules for this fucking devil fruit." Buggy sighed.
"It's not fucking devil fruit." Catherine hugged him from behind with her flippers. "This chop chop thing made you cool." She placed her head on his back. "You're cold. Cathie Shark wants to keep her beloved clown warm. I made hot chocolate. I just got pizza and hot dogs. You want chocolate and hot dogs?"
"Do we have marshmallows?"
"Of course we do, my love." Catherine stroked his head.
"Damn you, Catherine Mitchell. I'm a big, scary man, and you got me addicted to hot chocolate and marshmallows. What have you done to me?"
"Don't grumble, my big, scary man. Put your shirt and pants on, stop seducing me and take me to the kitchen."
Buggy sighed, pulled his t-shirt on, and padded back. Catherine squealed and jumped on top of him, kissing him on the cheek and asking him to carry her into the kitchen.
"Thank you, my hero!" Smack.
"Will you ever stop doing that, woman?" Buggy rolled his eyes and carefully to throw Catherine off himself.
"No!" Smack. "I want, and I kiss you." Smack. Smack.
Catherine jumped off and ran to make him hot chocolate. The rich, comforting aroma began to fill the kitchen, a welcoming contrast to the chilly, wet weather raging outside. Glancing up at the window, Catherine watched as the raindrops steadily increased in size and frequency, cascading down the glass in thick, heavy rivulets. 
"The rain intensified. I'm glad you're home." Catherine put a glass of hot chocolate with marshmallows on the table. "I don't want you to get hurt. Beca--" Catherine noticed Buggy start to laugh. "What so funny, clown? I'm serious! I'm worried about you!"
"I can't be serious with you while you're in this fucking thing. Have you seen yourself from the outside?" Buggy poked Catherine with his finger gently. "Nothing's going to happen to me because of the rain." He sipped his chocolate. "Wow, it's delicious. What's in it?"
Catherine took off her shark hood and sat down on the chair. "My mom used to put some star anis and a little cinnamon in the chocolate. I was at the market today and bought it. I'm thinking of my parents a lot this month." Catherine exhaled. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be. I'm.. Kinda.. Well.. I'm interested in hearing, you know, stories about.. you know...when you have a family." Buggy signed heavily.
"I hate it when you say that, my love." Catherine started stroking his hair. "You have a family. It's small, and it's just me, but you have family now." She listened to the sounds of the rain. "Do you hear it? It's gotten even stronger. You know, the rain reminds me of a story. When my parents were still dating, mom was thinking of breaking up with dad. I don't know the exact reason, to be honest, she never talked about it. So they're standing at the bus stop in the pouring rain and mom told him that it's not going to work out. Dad suggested her try to start over, but she walked away. She almost broke daddy's heart. But mom came back to him two days later because she found the jewelry box he made for her at home. Dad had clumsily scratched the phrase "now and forever" into the lids." Catherine exhaled. "That box was decorated with a lilac tree on top. And when they made up, the first thing mom did was make him hot chocolate."
"With star anise?" Buggy ate one marshmallow.
"No, she put that in later." Catherine chuckled. "You know, when I was a kid, I thought hot chocolate was a bitter drink, so my mom started putting anise in it. And I started liking it. It's kind of our family drink." Catherine placed her head on Buggy's shoulder. "I sometimes think, what if they hadn't gotten back together? I can't imagine how dad felt at the time when mom wanted to break up with him. Can you imagine? A man who seemed hopeful to you leaves you in the rain."
"Yeah, I can imagine." Buggy sipped his chocolate and sighed.
Catherine thought for a second and kept her gaze on him. "Oh my god! I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry! I didn't mean to!"
"I'm sorry." Catherine immediately hugged Buggy's arm. "It still hurts, doesn't it?" She said quietly and took his hand. "Honestly, I want to rip his heart out."
"Do it in that shark pyjama, please. I'd love to see it." Buggy chuckled and sipped the chocolate again. "I'm fine. Really."
Catherine hugged his arm tightly. "You know, I would never leave you in the rain. Even if I'm standing in these shark pajamas, soaking wet."
"Don't say that, cotton candy." Buggy wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "There's a lot of things that happen in life. A more successful man will come along and take you away."
"But you're going to chase this man away?" Catherine looked up at him. "I don't want to go anywhere. Can I stay with you? Please!"
"I don't mind. We have fun together. I don't even talk about sex. I'm good at this, right?" Buggy laughed and kissed her head.
"I hate you! You know how to ruin a romantic moment, pervert." Catherine gently slapped him on the shoulder.
"Cathie-pie." He said quietly.
"What, my Buggy Bear?"
"Do we have pancakes?"
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sukimas · 1 year
Oh my god, it's even worse. Daily Mail article so like. Grain of salt. But I have so many questions.
-carbon fiber: why. A material famous for failing suddenly and with little warning under compression or impact (unless you do extensive UT inspection for delamination after every trip). Unless it's just resin with chopped cf infill in which case they mean 'plastic'. At least use fiberglass or something with slightly more ductility. Or better yet: metal!
-off the shelf CCTV cameras? Not typically rated for titanic depths?
-starlink? How, under that much water.
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I have got to assume that it uses Starlink to communicate when it's above water? There is no way radio waves are getting through even more than like. A hundred meters of water. And that's ultra-low-frequency ones, too, not Wi-Fi which is halfway to being microwaves.
WHY? You have zero reason to care about lightness! You're going in the fucking ocean! That's the only reason to use carbon fiber over Ti! It makes sense why they didn't weld it now, though- there's nothing to fucking weld. Well now I'm definitely on team "catastrophic pressure failure event" rather than electrical failure or anything like that. Off the shelf CCTV at least isn't required for life but good lord. I can't imagine the CO2 scrubbing system is any good, either.
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dualityvn · 1 year
One question for UT Tenebris, please. if it bothers me I apologize >n<
"Tenebris, thank you for accepting my proposal and I'm glad we have an agreement, if you don't mind, can I ask you what life is like in the forest?"
Seriously, sorry if I sent it again and edited…
"It's good when your kind isn't chopping it down or throwing their garbage around." - UT!Tenebris
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jj-gold-falcon · 1 year
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Next up on the UT / DR Chopping Block would Be Undyne the Undying, and Kris. Both of which I’m very proud of. I had drawn Sketches of Kris before, but with the final design I wanted to make them look somewhat distinct from Frisk, and Chara, just as I felt  it would make more sense to my brain. 
Undyne’s Design, like Mettaton Neo would be an effort to streamline and make the powered up form of a character even cooler than it was. I’d say I did pretty good.
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latinthusiast · 29 days
Lucan (7.617-631) on mourning and civil war
It's a shame to have devoted tears to the funeral of the world, innumerable deaths, and for someone following the deaths one by one to ask: through whose organs the death-bearing wound will have exited, who tramples the innards spilled on the ground, who, dying, his face turned away, will have expelled the sword sent down into his jaws, who collapses once struck, who will have rested while the limbs fall, what men will send weapons through the chest or whom the spear will have pinned to the fields, what blood will have burst through the air with veins forced open, and fall into the weapons of his own enemy, who will chop the chest of his brother and, so that he can despoil a known man’s corpse, toss far away the cut off head, who would destroy the face of his parent and with too great rage prove for those watching that the man whose throat he slits is not his father. No death is worthy of its own lament, and we are free from mourning no man.
inpendisse pudet lacrimas in funere mundi mortibus innumeris, ac singula fata sequentem quaerere letiferum per cuius uiscera uolnus exierit, quis fusa solo uitalia calcet,                  620 ore quis aduerso demissum faucibus ensem expulerit moriens anima, quis corruat ictus, quis steterit dum membra cadunt, qui pectore tela transmittant aut quos campis adfixerit hasta, quis cruor emissis perruperit aera uenis                   625 inque hostis cadat arma sui, quis pectora fratris caedat et, ut notum possit spoliare cadauer, abscisum longe mittat caput, ora parentis quis laceret nimiaque probet spectantibus ira quem iugulat non esse patrem. mors nulla querella                  630 digna sua est, nullosque hominum lugere uacamus.
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okamirayne · 2 months
Hello lovely author, I have a question if you don't mind me asking (if you do mind then feel free to ignore this) from what I recall we only ever read the scene where Naoki and Genma were captured by Shuken from Genma's POV, so I've been wondering how did Shikamaru get from where Genma hid him to where Naoki and Genma were in that scene? Like did Shikamaru just wonder on by, was Kurayami looking for Shuken to finish the game or was he found by those chimaera/hybrid people.
Now onto my rave review.
I have no words to express how much I love your work. I have sentences and scenes that are carved into my brain. Naruto has alot of dark themes but ultimately has a hopeful tone so I really like the darker tone you've created for this universe and how you don't shy away the darker topics. But what I love most is how distinct and real ALL the characters feel (I don't normally like OC in fanfics but I got invested in all of yours), they feel so lived in and how you write the relationships between the characters is just👨‍🍳💋(I absolutely adore Neji and Kiba's dynamic and lack of chemistry).
I found it interesting that Shikamaru is kinda like a bridge between Naruto and Sasuke's traumas (Neji's pointed out similarities in HHU, the whole Orochimaru/Shuken thing and they've have all been hurt in some way by Konoha, Uchiha Massacre; System of lies -despite the good intentions- etc).
Chapter 10 was wild. The mental link reveal had me reeling for all the angst potential it holds. I wonder if that is how Naruto will find out about NejiShika🤔(if he does). None of the rookie13 are aware of their relationship, right? Wouldn't that be a fun reaction. I'm really loving the flashback scenes and Naruto's POV. I'm rooting for him to get his validation about the Kusa mission especially after he got dismissed by the other rookie12 in UTS (I find it funny how Sakura uses medical jargon to keep Naruto from suspecting anything but thats an instant tell).
Thank you for all the hard work you've put in to bring us readers this amazing story💕
Hello my dear Rave Review Anon, 💕
Firstly, I welcome your question, so thanks for taking the time! I'll do my best to answer. I appreciate your patience with me getting round to responding to you. 🙏🏼
[...] from what I recall we only ever read the scene where Naoki and Genma were captured by Shuken from Genma's POV, so I've been wondering how did Shikamaru get from where Genma hid him to where Naoki and Genma were in that scene? Like did Shikamaru just wonder on by, was Kurayami looking for Shuken to finish the game or was he found by those chimaera/hybrid people.
This is an excellent question which addresses a decision I regret making when it came to editing UtS. I chopped a whole heck of a lot of stuff out. I can add clarity here, in lieu of writing a chapter (maybe slipping it into a flashback might work better). You are correct in that Kurayami did his whole hostile takeover at that point and was the one who led Shikamaru back to where Shuken was holding Genma and Naoki. It would've been a semi fugue state in which Shikamaru operated, which is why he holds no memory of it. This is why it was told from Genma's limited POV. In order to fully write it, it would need to be told from Kurayami's perspective, and his full-on emergence came towards the latter end of UtS, where he was focused on annihilating Shuken, rather than reliving his memories. Shikamaru's flashbacks often came with big ass blanks in his head, due to the alter switch.
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Simply put: Shikamaru woke up in a fugue state, was directed by Kurayami, ended up locating Genma and Naoki and losing his shit when seeing Shuken. Kurayami semi-disabled Shuken, at which point Naoki moved to shut Kurayami down and seal up Shikamaru's mind, getting a knife in the back (courtesey of batshit still-live-and-stabbing Shuken) for his efforts. Genma picked up Shikamaru and he and Naoki had to hightail it the hell outta there - which sadly resulted in Naoki succumbing to his injuries (as far as Genma knew) and telling Genma to go on without him. Shikamaru's little wander into the lion's den was experienced through Genma's POV, which is why there were blanks. It would need to be Shuken or Kurayami's POV to get the full picture and I regret not adding a different POV lens to that scene; though there's always room for flashbacks from Kurayami's perspective (or possibly Shikamaru's given that he'd integrated Kurayami by the end of UtS). I hope this answers your question, luv? Forgive the confusion, I appreciate it would've left question marks hanging. God knows Genma was WTF'ing his way through that experience.
I have no words to express how much I love your work.
And I fail royally when it comes to expressing how much I love that you love my insanity, you glorious reviewer.💜🫶🏼💜
Naruto has alot of dark themes but ultimately has a hopeful tone so I really like the darker tone you've created for this universe and how you don't shy away the darker topics.
Thank you, my luv, I am dastardly like that and I appreciate that the darker themes and tone don't make you go running for the hills. I have big love for you being in the trenches with these characters. Everyone has their comfort zones, and I am distinctively shit at giving much warning other than the bare-minimum kind of tags (habit of being an ffnet creature rather than an AO3 one). My human wiring is tangled up in the veins of these issues, and while that's sometimes gotten me flak, I will always tell the story that wants to be told and hope I do it justice.
But what I love most is how distinct and real ALL the characters feel (I don't normally like OC in fanfics but I got invested in all of yours), they feel so lived in and how you write the relationships between the characters is just👨‍🍳💋(I absolutely adore Neji and Kiba's dynamic and lack of chemistry).
Ah, damn. 🥹💖 I am so, so touched, chuffed, and ridiculously thrilled that you felt invested in my OCs. Though I've joked about interpretive dance being my only way to express my gratitude, I have no moves which wouldn't result in dislocation and hospitalisation. So please just know the feels are doing insane little flips and fancy twirls inside my writer's heart. 💖
Ha! Neji and Kiba.
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Yes, well...chalk and cheese, oil and water...the list goes on...so does Kiba's insufferable ribbing. 😅
I found it interesting that Shikamaru is kinda like a bridge between Naruto and Sasuke's traumas (Neji's pointed out similarities in HHU, the whole Orochimaru/Shuken thing and they've have all been hurt in some way by Konoha, Uchiha Massacre; System of lies -despite the good intentions- etc).
Very true, luv. Those parallels are spot on.
Chapter 10 was wild. The mental link reveal had me reeling for all the angst potential it holds. I wonder if that is how Naruto will find out about NejiShika🤔(if he does). None of the rookie13 are aware of their relationship, right? Wouldn't that be a fun reaction.
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*grins* Yes indeed. Sometimes I'm surprised by how much a character does or doesn't know and sometimes it only ever comes as I write. *waggles eyebrows*
I'm really loving the flashback scenes and Naruto's POV. I'm rooting for him to get his validation about the Kusa mission especially after he got dismissed by the other rookie12 in UTS (I find it funny how Sakura uses medical jargon to keep Naruto from suspecting anything but thats an instant tell).
Aw! I'm glad you're enjoying them. It's a whole new experience being in Naruto's POV. Especially when he's hurting.
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I'm so glad I watched Shippuden from start to finish...that was a marathon worth investing in. And yes, precisely. He's more clued in than he lets on...or realises on a conscious level. It feels very reactive, visceral, and instinctive with Naruto. So different to writing Shikamaru, Neji, and other cerebral or controlled characters.
Thank you for all the hard work you've put in to bring us readers this amazing story💕
And thank you in return for being so kind and supportive as to give me this beautiful exchange via your feedback. It's the payoff that keeps me persisting when I'm getting hamstringed by burnout or low motivation. I appreciate it so damn much. You reviewers are precious. I salute you, dear Rave Review Anon, and I thank you again for making the time to reach out in solidarity and support - it matters in ways I can't express❤️💜❤️
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"What do you mean you can't?" the gruff man was chopping wood for the fireplace outside in the yard as the woman nagged him to be driven to Argyle, Canada.
"I'm going crazy. I have no leads." she lied, sitting on the trunk of the truck.
"It has nothing to do with Father's Day?" 
"Is there such a thing as Father's Day?"  
"You know that time of the year when you get sweet and quiet?" 
"In December? Sorry, I took you for Santa Claus."
Bobby put the instrument down on the ground and rubbed his forehead to wipe away the sweat, satisfied that he was back to his former life and turning his "Don't lie to me, it's useless" gaze to her.
"It could be a coincidence. The point is what do I do with these?" he asked, pulling out of his pocket two cards with "Joni Mitchell," his favorite singer, written in large letters.
"Idiot." he mumbled with a huge smile on his lips. "Explain the case to me."
"Actually I think it's a werewolf and I have some idea where it is. Are we leaving this afternoon? I filled up and that's your weekend bag." he pointed to a brown duffel bag in the trunk of the Mustang. "It's tomorrow night. We'll work and then relax. I've taken two rooms at Lord's Refuge, across the street." she concluded, challenging herself not to retreat to a manhole for the shame of openly showing affection.
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leopoldainter · 5 months
MT ad hesdphoke on bt but also let them warm upuj yesill
Behisb de sill is still lcbo office wht gutv gu so cat fioos. Posibkey Leopold de cheer o but t so much team let's go we can smoke in the car.
I just drive over them oh
It's a side murder ono
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Yea, I used tool fucking daria across the way we are cool.
Lights out
World did it first.
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Oooo go girol
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Ok we go back
Look at the shoes leave the shoes
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How will they know where ot find cooky is westair up stare
Sad stair it's lisa
Upstairs a baby
Orninab a nitty excited woo
You are judging a music video on the side it seems what are qualifications
Falls forever
Just wanted to say how scared we were to find a flaming homeless guy walk into the house
It's ok we re still shoot today tulip dude did and tdeath do us part.
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But no crime
And so we gave the gerbils some tobacco supplies
They don't fly vac
To vet
I know she's trying to confuse
She can also get fights with her husband
I fugjt a mirror want
It aaud kills me
Uh not like thisli..
Sum jumpers
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Let me see if I can got one south park or ko
She panics one second
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Echuol deVille
She was perverted to begun wit, I break nose with the fist.
Tries his han hw
Looks archdiocese
Your not holding anythinf
What's he doing
He's eating the TV dinner promjsed it's true I kept that jujitsu fresh somNtlown delafGrass chop chop, just like dehbarvar sees just as on tv yellow stokRed stcik
Well NBC makes front playing seem complixatwd
I did have to veukd a workignt cheese grater, have yoy seen the how many pedophiles are jn the pools
I vroyg NY kid,
Hey baby I love
Me to
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Gum gumygum
Splash,the word see
It's a nuke, just one nobody was poisione
Can t get uk off miLan
Venice istik toOilt path through. Almonds be al by side its aparaglause. I have a chessboard to.
I used to wear an ugly pair of pardtdoBtgocal lens
Lease Uplaut.
It's andy
Dudtitddtu I think thwre might be a train missing or in desun that's a mcdonad strait intofireHoly shit Mt Hius
O it happened
It's a cartoon look.woah that's tbe den lift
I can stop
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The stage!
I said that too loud
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I thought I was stepping on your dmfi collides with cka. Stopped the names ideology game.
It's batman sibZtd
It reel
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Sait sat, so much to commercial
It's kmhjoeg I lave to spai
He can do it
What's the big deal you know he works in enteraubmebt
Yeah yoye just not like ours,
I could work from home.e, more
Oh. Well
I thought you wanted to sell paper, from a phone more.
You oeoeple are jsyt frienda
.. yeah wee is ross
He am I donr woah
Someone's is bam.bam.
I just stau away feo. Focus
Because your hideaso look it's jersey shore
If I have to ve stuck to only paiten. Watch out
That's som kin of cou in ot soe.thig labplery lwr pery
O acary ooo funny did you catch that
My hair caught on fir Uh eyeuhl wana a lol
Saturn shoes upstairs that's a more.aless not nort.h.la es de la bal I'd stEIIIIIJhg with them for not any reason but som shtal duty free shtortr.dm.s.d it's a post office for letter Ken y
It's a bust
Dis ay is no poop but look
Yeah we can
Dumb. Vedob. A dumb
A traib
Or some
Dud you get dat
Ibwond if tdeisdeday dar dey say hey R not you du to dud who did kill are mighty fin o I wan
And shen maybe you forgot your like aha aha arcadio ф smawhainsHalloween it's all a scam
They did not gi to Valhalla its som cracker juk blip on manhatab
N then yehurw like bit so just do yoh Whistle thibkg I don't know how she do a Spanish gaslight
Steaj stwk
A small o yeah go ahead
There s a way to mej to de a bid goof ga.e
Well I do t
Like thir aritus cftavce.
And a bug accidentally dide when we pushed to hard on it and it died
Get me cind yu one eye bubble pot. Whoa
, but. In case ecolo sok kds a.. margarine it's acanthus
That one did have a cat I was expecting compabt someone tell me you heard the kne w that dic is a gub
That was a jok
That one has som e for break
Awookie walks into the compilers
I ... don't know how yoy can't tell but how do they jot move.
Yxqm wrong lever cronk
ASMr let's. Smooth things down with a little jumbled a cape is also a garment but there was a time we had and under buter the mega under buter never seen underbutrt come any furth bu loke his hand
Just opium try some y ea o j ah I do here
Thanks must
Et det Ross oh sheit we chose again
I am swiss
Where's the jeunes dela galze
Glah ses
I'm saying imbdian you're deijk
Welcome to penguin publishing
Bum figths
Yrah beacue he never manages to be there Forman, Donna's a drunk. And a flooze
Shu see
Kitty dumb ass
Ruggh la dundnd
Home aginq
On th floor agaiin
Family style.
And GT
No jeeps
Walk fuck
My pe
Tro purse
How did
I get
Richard Gertes ooo
Yay, ivki more kessage. Kissinfm
Yay I can see again
Let me show to yoy ail wala be, I have mainekt more chunks of cubqn gallon tp sourcreme
Its alwo gor a lemeon sprizr but
Who understands thka guys he's always just up high to low
I'll be obama in thus on
We can no t be bothered to
That's whya
Well then you come up
Oh wait I did
The dor
But yet. Dexterity
Not a sidekick
Ita ggole img.
Made it up, by downloqd berety stray from bla jel Ata wai
I keil
Wen there's a tike period we get a gain cut,
She was trying to upset you, it thought yoih were a journalist, did you see what heppd with Christian andadDec
I was in the interview movie
Ots liu
Co ras
That's it
Nobody was poisoned
I teuned the volume all the way off because I forgot that it does sound like some kind d of ca4tdd blender
Buy a new, they did not learn from nes. How'd dumbler get allara delmurcu I wanna re.ember one thing for when we get vak
Y ouknk
Former fork
Table flip. O my got I gathered vals
It s axe
And perfume
And keys
And zip
Ah waist bound, asecond shot clasp to d and walks off oh
The wals have eyes
I heard they would you sonkf a but he read my resentment. Vehicles testy tiny kids all kcer my backyard
Iu cr
I'm al
It's the 1000 hot. Well I like dubstep
It's too close to move
Good keep tight well br ight a tu d Ascari. I Glyde been from tbien to nascar
On vas
Va r.a.
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mikanlardyclinic · 8 months
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Casually hide salad around the hospital just to scare the other girls like a cucumber and a cat
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"HYAAA!! "
Oh wow.. It seems the empress has found one and chopped it in half with an axe...
"w..who's to blame for this! I specifically asked no greens that weren't triple deep fried first!"
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"hnngh g..groosh.. G..get ut awaay!!.. W..wheresh mah lard shake and caake... Im washing away..."
The poor model doesn't even remember what it is.. But she just knows its yucky and it isn't her delicious sweetened lard..
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"ahh.. Ah.. T..thank g..god.. S..shumentin h..healthy.. Scarf chomp! ~"
The lardy priestess gorged in the salad as fast as she could.. And couldn't stop herself with that.. She continued eating her usual amount of big bang burgers.. And a small salad..
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"huff.. Hnngh.. G..gross.. N..nursee.. P..pleaseee get it awaayy..."
The ex gymnast looked about to cry as she covered her mouth with her massive meaty arms..
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davy-zeppeli · 1 year
i want a french bob SO BAD!!1!1 i think im just gonna fuckin ut it before my buzzcut anniversary because i cant just let my hair air dry with a mullet i look like an idiot !!111!!
If you're gonna chop it all off anyway, why not! I'm tempted to get the old Damon Albarn cut again but I may wait until August...
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corpsoir · 2 years
Hi!!! I've been following you for awhile and I think you're pretty chill. Hope studies are going alright n that ur fever isn't too heavy. As for random asks to pass time. Got any favourite meals?
aaahh thank you!! studies are rough but i think i'll get there. i had planned on trying to finish my thesis now ut since im so dizzy and weird from being sick i can barely focus on anything hsjkghsdkj its fine though i'll manage! and fever has gone down so yay!
OHHH favourite meals.... well i love swedish food of course, its just so comforting to me, i think my favourites are mashed potatoes and meatballs or swedish bolognese :3 also a big fan of soup!! potato and leek soup.... yum. OH OH OH everyone should try making swedish christmas meatballs actually. its allspice and cloves and mustard in them. i sometimes put finely chopped kale in them too. agh gotta make it for dinner later
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Bacon ipsum dolor amet spare ribs kevin ut ipsum laborum. Boudin rump corned beef consequat officia kielbasa dolor turducken dolore picanha magna aliqua non. Bacon ullamco sed, sirloin flank velit cillum in turkey labore qui ground round prosciutto minim laboris. Eu ham hock pork belly qui anim bresaola, nisi tri-tip pariatur culpa rump. Filet mignon fugiat doner nulla tail flank burgdoggen consectetur pastrami beef ribs in ut ipsum. Chicken andouille aute, biltong ad commodo porchetta doner. Tempor swine biltong nostrud, prosciutto laborum duis cupim pork chop pariatur shoulder ut landjaeger.
Quis excepteur frankfurter enim. Landjaeger duis pancetta fatback beef, reprehenderit tempor shoulder cupim nostrud picanha capicola quis commodo anim. Bacon irure chislic veniam magna, andouille labore ground round buffalo. Culpa ball tip adipisicing t-bone laborum jerky reprehenderit buffalo et. Commodo pork chop id tenderloin, rump tri-tip ham ut pastrami deserunt. Officia ut commodo ham et strip steak beef prosciutto shank leberkas aliqua cupidatat chicken consectetur sint.
Ut beef proident landjaeger meatball capicola ea sed. Filet mignon dolor dolore nisi. Ground round sirloin sint ut shoulder consectetur excepteur pariatur ball tip porchetta veniam anim aliquip. Turducken cillum frankfurter, tenderloin nulla filet mignon venison dolore.
Hamburger esse pork nisi chicken strip steak ea venison in nostrud ut irure ipsum sint. Capicola pork pork loin spare ribs, dolore andouille ut pancetta tempor consequat alcatra in. Chuck alcatra excepteur in short ribs ut flank. Tongue sunt filet mignon meatloaf chuck do pig. Pork belly aliquip turkey sed pork chop. Non ad ut ham hock in reprehenderit short loin turducken landjaeger quis adipisicing. Mollit corned beef shank irure, excepteur consectetur meatball ut turducken eu bacon nostrud filet mignon.
Nulla cow pork chop in drumstick strip steak prosciutto chicken. Ullamco tempor enim elit pariatur. Strip steak quis beef ribs, bresaola velit esse pork chop pancetta tenderloin beef aliqua picanha. In excepteur reprehenderit burgdoggen deserunt spare ribs alcatra pork belly lorem ham hock short ribs turducken sed shoulder. Laborum aute consectetur do, sirloin tempor dolore eiusmod velit dolore short ribs rump shoulder. Id sint sausage, qui cillum lorem sirloin aliquip veniam in cupim capicola.
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rainydaydriversclub · 2 years
i spent way too long fiddling with the idea that you could turn a first gen previa into a 24 hours of lemons weapon by simply cutting the entire roof off above the window sills and have a sweet low profile, mid engine AWD racing car but there are a ton of issues and it really didnt go too well. see below.
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draft one was just chop it off, move the radiator to the back and make the hood a windscreen, but there lies the issue of being able to see more than 10 degrees to the right of left. not gonna work.
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draft two was slightly more practical: cut it all off, then hinge it down from the front bumper to make a super sleek aero machine. technically it would work, even the door lines up nicely, but the amount of custom work required to make it look like this would be in the 10s of thousands. not viable. 
im sure there is a way to make a low profile previa, but im gonna say that this is just not it. (and yes the criteria is that it needs to be super low profile, no previa ute conversions thankyou)
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