#ute kanngiesser
dustedmagazine · 3 years
Jennifer Allum / John Butcher / Ute Kanngiesser / Eddie Prévost — Sounds of Assembly (Meenna)
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Photo by Stewart Morgan  
Sounds of Assembly by Jennifer Allum / John Butcher / Ute Kanngiesser / Eddie Prevost
When music is improvised, philosophy matters. While contrasting conceptions can lead to some intriguing contests of sound and will, it can also lead to dialogues of the deaf. And while complete agreement can lead to music short on spark, a consensus about what’s important can ensure that the music makes some sort of sense. The quartet that made Sounds of Assembly works in the area of philosophical commonality, and makes from it a sound world well worth settling into.
Violinist Jennifer Allum and cellist Ute Kanngiesser first made each other’s acquaintance when they both were members of percussionist Eddie Prévost’s weekly improvisation workshop; each has recorded with him, and they also have made a duo album for his Matchless imprint. Prévost has written at length about the ethics, aesthetics and practice of improvised music, and it is fair to say that the two string players share with him a readiness to engage with what others play. Tenor and soprano saxophonist John Butcher brings an instantly recognizable instrumental voice, but also a commitment to apply that personal vocabulary in ways that keep the music developing. Butcher has played with Prévost both in and outside of AMM, which has been dealing with such concerns since the mid-1960s; they are partners in the search to find new things to do with what you know. 
This session was originally recorded in 2013 in order to provide material for Stewart Morgan’s portrait, Eddie Prévost’s Blood, but you’ll hear a lot more material on this CD than made it into the film. The music expresses at length what Prévost says in the film’s first minutes. The musicians come together with a shared intention that creates a ritualistic atmosphere, one in which collective intention and focused attention conspire to invest each sound, however brief or quiet, with a sense of significance. Prévost teaches his workshop participants to work, not from a received vocabulary of training or instrumental history, but from a readiness to find something new, and a further willingness to share that with whoever is listening. Of course, it’s pretty much impossible for people who have decades of experience to forget everything they know, but they can seek to prioritize the collective creation over displays of personal accomplishment. In this setting, Prévost and Butcher could easily dominate by dint of volume, and there are moments where their textured, elongated tones are much louder that the unamplified, acoustic strings. But even in those moments, the pluck of string and the knock of wood invests the music with a charge of significance-investing energy. Whether they combine like layers of fabric or flint and steel, each player influences the music’s essence; to enter into such action, either as a player, an audience member, or a person spending time with the recording, is to become part of the shared listening experience. 
Bill Meyer
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bushdog · 2 years
Jennifer Allum: violin John Butcher: saxophones Ute Kanngiesser: cello Eddie Prévost: percussion
(via Sounds of Assembly | Jennifer Allum / John Butcher / Ute Kanngiesser / Eddie Prevost | Meenna)
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grundik · 3 years
Tuesday 19 October 2021 | 8pm (7:30pm doors)
Iklektik, London
ТЕПЛОТА make their IKLECTIK debut, following a sold-out show at Cafe OTO in the summer. Ute Kanngiesser opens with solo music for cello.
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circletemple · 4 years
Wrap the shimmering veil around you
Welcome to my yearly roundup. 2019. Things have grown exponentially since I started documenting in 2016. The last year has been a wild journey. I kept busy by singing in two choirs (Musarc and Cafe Oto Experimental choir) recording and playing live solo and with United Bible Studies, and by contributing to the Year In The Country releases again. I revived my first music project, Phonofiction, and recorded with my partner Zosia.
Music has been such a conduit, it’s introduced me to so many cool people and new friends, it’s allowed me to experience transcendent moments and to create. I feel lucky. Thanks to everyone along the way.
Also, the musical community has been a great open minded place of light in these times of darkening, may it continue.
Let music be your shimmering veil*.
*(shimmering veil; cloaks you in a veil, providing a chance for creatures attacking you to be less hateful towards you)
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1. Unknown Heretic - Live at Control Voltage, The Railway, Southend ( Enshrine all Tears/Utterance 220/Unpierced by Human Thought/Be Damned The Consequences ) 24th January
2. Musarc at Artefact festival, STUK, Leuven ( Tape Music/Gestalt Minimal ) 3rd March
https://musarc.org/events/concerts/stuk-artefact-2019/ https://www.stuk.be/en/program/af19-artefact-audiostories-by-stuk-het-nieuwstedelijk
3. The Straw Bear Band - The Drowning of Mardale Green ( The Quietened Village reissue, A Year In The Country A016TQN/A016TQVDL ) 8th March
4. Sarah Davachi at Cafe Oto with the Cafe Oto Experimental Choir ( If it pleased me to appear to you wrapped in this drapery ) 17th March
5. Steve Potter - Performance at Birmingham Conservatoire ( Hamhanded, as Greek chorus ) 19th March
6. Musarc - Performance at Exposure, Milton Court ( Help With Adverbs ) 22nd March
7. Annea Lockwood at Cafe Oto with the Cafe Oto Experimental Choir ( Water and Memory ) 7th April
8. Circle/Temple - Golden Frequencies Ratio NTS Guest mix 13th April
9. Steve Potter - Performance at York University ( Hamhanded, as Greek chorus ) 24th April
10. Steve Potter - Performance at Guildhall London ( Hamhanded, as Greek chorus ) 29th April
11. Cafe Oto Choir supporting the Francis Plagne Band at The Old Dentist, London ( Ambee Dagheets, Dimna Juda, The Times Are Hard, Raggle Taggle Gypsies, Hey Ho Anybody Home ) 10th May
12. Cafe Oto Experimental Choir with Brigitte Hart at Cafe Oto ( Psitherism by Helen Frosi ) 23rd May
13. Improvisation Workshop with David Toop at Royal Festival Hall 1st June
14. Phonofiction - Xylem Flow ( The Watchers, A Year In The Country A017TWDL/A017TWN ) 7th June
15. Cafe Oto Experimental Choir with Ute Kanngiesser and The Creaking Breeze Ensemble at Cafe Oto; small random humming ( Fossil Flow ) 7th June
https://www.cafeoto.co.uk/events/nathaniel-mackey-creaking-breeze-ensemble/ https://youtu.be/UwU9CyWIAAM
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16. Beyond The Fray Vocal workshop with Eartheater and participation in Fracture Patterns concert, her collaboration with Semiconductor at MK Gallery 14th June
17. United Bible Studies at Weirdshire, Babar Cafe Hereford ( Divining Movements part 1 - Invocation One: Zawn Susurration/The Shore That Fears The Sea/Poison Beer/The Swaying Bridge/No Sacred Burial/Flourishing Thyme At Deadman’s Grave/Invocation Two: The Clamor Codex. Divining Movements part 2 - On Silbury Hill/Lightning With Stag In Its Glare/Full Moon Gathering At Handsworth/A Whole Wood With Its Roots On Fire/Old Legra On Sea/Invocation Three: Liturgical Mysteries/Blessed Is Albion. Encore - The House Of The Rising Sun/Across The Blackened Fields ) 27th June
18. United Bible Studies at Old Fisherman’s Chapel, The Leigh Folk Festival ( Divining Movements part 1 - Invocation One: Zawn Susurration/The Shore That Fears The Sea/Poison Beer/The Swaying Bridge/No Sacred Burial/Flourishing Thyme At Deadman’s Grave/Invocation Two: The Clamor Codex. Divining Movements part 2 - On Silbury Hill/Lightning With Stag In Its Glare/Full Moon Gathering At Handsworth/A Whole Wood With Its Roots On Fire/Old Legra On Sea/Invocation Three: Liturgical Mysteries/Blessed Is Albion. ) 30th Jun
19. David Colohan (Bare Ruined Choir) at Old Fisherman’s Chapel, The Leigh Folk Festival ( The Forest Mouth ) 30th Jun
20. Musarc’s Le Marteau Sans Maitre - Midsummer Concert at Whitechapel Bell Foundry ( Steve Potter-Council System/Natasha Zielazinski-Murmuration/Lin Chiwei-Calligraph/Heleen Van Haegenborgh-Material Affordance/Greta Eacott-Gestalt Minimal/Amina Abbas Nazari-What you will watch and hear/Ruta Vitkauskaite-Azykhantropean Tunes/James Luff-Plain Ten,/William Byrd- from Mass for Four Voices, Kyrie, Sanctus, Agnus Dei ) 6th July
21. Robert Sunday-The Huntsman’s Sweeter Relative; Co-write, duo track with Robert Sunday from his Archive Vol 2: 2006-2010 uploaded 22nd Jul
22. Musarc at the BBC Proms, Battersea Arts Centre ( Neil Luck - Namesaying, Any’s Responses ) July 27th
https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m00075dt https://www.theguardian.com/music/2019/jul/28/proms-at-battersea-arts-centre-review-cevanne-horrocks-new-music
23. United Bible Studies - Cave Hill Ascension ( Sleeve Design and singing on Bless Us and Break Us With Mystery Upon Mystery, Pariah Child LP011 ) Aug 1st
http://www.pariahchild.co.uk/united-bible-studies-cave-hill-ascension-lp-in-production-now-test-pressings-approved/ https://united-bible-studies.bandcamp.com/album/cave-hill-ascension http://www.pennyblackmusic.co.uk/MagSitePages/Review/11380/R/United-Bible-Studies-LP-Cave-Hill-Ascension?fbclid=IwAR35PxHwt7d35vUyUIBaaT2q5T6DKhJJ66K0c_YEPqREnP1XvSdtg856bCU
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24. Oto Choir with WIDT at Supernormal festival ( Improvisation ) Aug 4th
https://www.instagram.com/p/B0x_Q-lBicC/?igshid=1ra8x6w2algns https://thequietus.com/articles/26873-widt-interview
25. Dom Cooper - What Has Been Uncovered Is Evil ( Echoes and Reverberations, A Year In The Country AYITC13ERDR ) Aug 16th
26. Junkshop Jukebox ping pong live on SFOB radio with Paul Collier Nov 5th
27. United Bible Studies interview PennyBlackMusic Nov 7th
28. David Colohan - At The Mouth Of All Rivers; vocals on this track (The Shoreside Visitation, Digital release ) Nov 21st
29. Oto Choir perform Aine O’Dwyer’s Tracker Action Mimes Nov 23rd
30. Dom Cooper and Zosia Sztykowski - Summonings ( The Quietened Journey, A Year In The Country AYITC14TQJ  ) Dec 6th
31. Circle/Temple live at Open oscillator San Diego 31 ( OP1 and vocal improv ) Dec 4th
32. Circle/Temple live at Modular on the spot San Diego ( shared system modular and vocal improv )  Dec 7th
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michaelspeers · 5 years
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womencreativemusic · 6 years
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Ute Kanngiesser, Germany
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