#ux body wash review
marjanbaby01 · 2 years
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Dr. Teal's Ultra Moisturizing Body Wash Relax and Relief with Eucalyptus Spearmint, 24 Fluid Ounce...(Under $10)
More info. and Get it CLICK the below link:
TO GET<<Dr. Teal's Ultra Moisturizing Body Wash>>
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jihyechoi-capstone · 2 years
Design & Usability testings
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Based on the edited user flow, I created another design.
I focused on the things down below
Create a routine & task button that is available for all pages
More accessible and more straightforward ways to create a task (use voice, photo, typing)
Routine recommendations for the senior users (that is helpful for them to have prosperous life - based on their personal data)
Suggest a healthier life routine for seniors
Senior-friendly UX writing
Research Behind this design
American adults over the age of 65, who wake up early before 7 am and spend 15 hours each day physically and mentally active, have better memory and thinking skills and less symptoms of depression than their peers, a study found. Based on the research papers of the University of Pittsburgh researchers recently published in JAMA Psychiatry, a journal of the American Medical Association, the health medicine webzine ‘Health Day’ reported on the 16th (local time).
Study lead Steven Smagula, a psychiatrist at the University of Pittsburgh, said that while it cannot be concluded that an active lifestyle prevents mental decline or depression, it is highly likely that the relationship will run side-by-side. In other words, older adults who were depressed or had impaired memory and thinking were more likely to have irregular sleeping habits and spent less time going out. On the other hand, older adults who set a regular sleep schedule and stay active physically and mentally while awake were both physically and mentally healthy.
The researchers found that daily activity patterns were associated with cognitive and mental health, even when other factors such as the participant's age, race and education level were accounted for. Professor Smagula explained that “activity is the pillar of health” and that “activity” is a broad concept that includes physical, mental and social stimuli. This includes running errands, taking walks, playing games with grandchildren, and spending time with friends.
Ian Neal, a gerontologist at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) who reviewed the paper, said, "It's just a correlation, not a causal relationship," about the relationship between waking up early and spending more active time. He also emphasized that living an active life is important for the health of the elderly.
He also said that activity doesn't just mean exercise, "finding an activity you like and finding friends you want to be with is the key," he said. This includes a variety of mental activities, including conversation.
Possible Routines that can be suggested for senior in this app
[Pain Relief Stretch]
leg stretch
arm stretch
-wrist stretch
[Healthy skin]
10-minute shower
washing your face in the morning
apply sunscreen
washing your face in the evening
[Self-care routine]
take a walk
meditate in the morning
make nutritious breakfast
take a lower-body bathing
try making a new dish for dinner
buying and placing flowers in your home
drinking tea in the morning
avoid eating unhealthy foods throughout the day
[Book Reading Routine]
Read unread books from your favourite authors
Read one of last year's bestsellers
Get book recommendations from friends
Read one of the books that have been filmed
Read one of those books you don't usually read
Reading books published 10 years before you were born
Read history books from your favourite period
Re-read your favourite book
Reading a book based on a true story
[Photo-taking routine]
take a selfie
take cloud pictures
tale fruit pictures
take flower pictures
take a photo of what you like
take sunset photo
take a picture of something blue
take a picture of something green
take a picture of something pink/purple
Usability testing
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Rose Jang (61)
David Choi (72)
Yeon-su Jang (64)
Noeline Curtis (68)
Derrill Curtis (74)
To reveal friction points and confusing experiences.
To test product concept with my target audience
To identify issues with the product
Testing setup
Overview your day
Find your weekly report
Complete an entire task from start to finish (create a task, create a routine - various methods could apply)
Use suggested message
[Post-test questions]
How would you describe this product to someone?
What was your favourite aspect of the product?
What was the most confusing part of the test?
Would you continue using this product?
Would you recommend this product to a friend or other family members?
Most of the participants understood the core premise and overall concept of this product.
90% of participants (4 participants out of 5) enjoyed the concept and the overall experience of using the product.
One of the participants experienced difficulty using this product.
3 participants out of 5 successfully completed all tasks related to the overall concept of the product.
-> Overall, the user testing was successful. I was worried about the font size since I got lots of comments about the font size being too small for the elderly from my classmates, but it worked smoothly after I adjusted the sizes. I found that it doesn't have to be extra large-large for my target users as long as they have the option to change it whenever they want to.
Even though the test was successful, I should consider that
The sample size may not be representative of all people that may use the product.
While moderation began with a set agenda, questions and tasks administered varied from participant to participant. 
Next step
Finish the interaction for the prototype
Include materials for users to access all videos, photos, and recordings.
Edit detailed designs
0 notes
PSA: Respect the peach!
It is funny how we as society have sexually objectified a piece of fruit. Every one, or everything in this case, is at risk of being sexually exploited. Although having this modern-day connotation of a peach representing a human’s behind led to a informative and relative concept for an Ad Council campaign that is based off a blue law in Virginia.
For project five in web design, we were required to select a blue law and establish an Ad Council campaign that would entail a series of three web banners/billboards and a responsive website for both desktop and mobile devices. For me as a designer, I want to make an impact on my audience and usually that forces me to think of legit situations (or potentially real situations) in which there is an understanding that engages and hopefully leaves a lasting impression. I initially selected the blue law: In Indiana, no one may catch a fish with their bare hands. I had this whole idea of cleanliness and sanitation that revolves around handing washing and preparing food. Being in the restaurant industry I saw the connection, but after peer reviews I was the only one still seeing the connection. After some time thinking about what feedback I had received and researching more into the initial blue law, I realized it was a bit far-fetched and really would have been a harder concept to create a campaign with. So I went back and did some more research of blue laws.
“In Virginia, a man may face 60 days in jail for patting a woman’s derriere.”
At last, I found my blue law. Happy with my decision and thinking about how appropriate it was with the #MeToo Movement that has taken over 2017-2018 (and rightfully so!), I was plague with a new dilemma. How to keep it relative without using the actual #MeToo Movement. I knew it would have the connection, I mean how could it not?, but I wanted and needed it to be my own in a sense. That is when a crucial part of feedback was given to me, are we going to see the peach emoji? Bam! I had an audience and I had a subject to tie everything together. 
My audience would be female teens to young adults, more specifically college students; the age in which everyone has grown up with technology and use it more than any other age group. My purpose to promote awareness of cyber harassment, along with sexual harassment and how it is just as pertinent as physical harassment. I wanted a clean layout for both my billboards and website; catchy, attractive, and informative.
I believe I achieved a successful, attractive cohesive look for my campaign. When I think of the age that I wanted to reach, I think of less is more. I believe that with the constant, chaotic everyday world everyone is living in, we have a developed a smaller attention span and we are intrigued by short and quick informative bits; something quick that provides the most vital massage. With that I wanted plentiful white space and easy, quick reads that are catchy, yet informative. 
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Image + Text
For my billboard/web banners, I wanted a clean design with crisp colors that would pop against any city background in a public space. Thankfully the beautiful, crisp colors of the peach popped so nicely against a white background. I wanted to tie in the illustration aspect of the emoji into the actual peach, which is why I created a vector drawing of a leaf to be attached to the real peach image. It hindsight, it may have only been needed for the image-dominant banner, but I enjoy having it on both peach images.
Mobile Website:
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Other Resources
Desktop Website:
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Other Resources
For my website, I wanted the same cleanliness and white space to be mimic from the banners into my overall website design. This was rather hard to achieve with the mobile website as there is hardly in space to begin with. So having to begin with the mobile portion of this campaign was smart in order to make sure I am providing the proper proportions for such a small screen. The desktop website was simple once everything from the mobile website was decided. It had me thinking maybe there is too much white space; but I don’t think there is too much white space as my banners had the same amount of white space and that was what made it so clean and crisp looking.
After presenting my campaign to the class, I was very pleased with the positive feedback I received. Especially since my audience is the age of my classmates. To hear that everyone really enjoyed my vision and supported/understood the purpose, was beyond satisfying. There was a few mentions of the body copy of the mobile site needing to be larger; I totally agree. I think that was a constant struggle throughout the entire project, as I mentioned before with having such a small canvas/screen to begin with. Even through testing the prototype on my smartphone, I still never got a confident feel on the body copy. It is definitely an adjustment I’ll make.
I really enjoyed this project; it was a great beginning to see different components to an entire campaign (or project) in which you must assure everything is cohesive in purpose and design. This project and the previous project have really made me enjoyed learning more about UX design, especially knowing how much this is just the beginning of the technological advances that will be made in my lifetime. We’ve already come so far (well, since I’m older than the rest of the classmates and have seen the beginning of the internet and where we are now), that knowing and continuing my learning about UX/UI design is so important for staying compatible as a graphic designer amongst such creative and innovative designers in the world. The crazy thing is how there is just so much more to learn, too! Looks like my summer plans have just been made. 
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