#v being a dad when he never had one <3 creating a home with q when he grew up without one <3 <3
amongthezinnias · 1 year
So do yall think Wang Mu is an only child?
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jeannedarcprice · 6 years
Alphabet Meme
I was tagged by @humblydefiant 💋💋💋 Thanks sweetie!
Surrey, UK
C-current time?
D-drink I last had?
Yuzu Mojito in a Japanese izakaya in Vancouver!
E-easiest person to talk to?
My sister @ludi-ling; best friend, confidant, life goals and art/fanfic cheerleader I could ever have!
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F-favorite song?
It’s ALWAYS changing! Right now it’s ‘Valkyries’ from the God of War soundtrack.
OK, now it's 'Visions of Gideon' by Sufjan Stevens, from the Call Me By Your Name soundtrack. (The feels😢 I have channeled it into a scene in Red & Rookie)
G-grossest memory?
When I was in Hong Kong on holiday some insect bit me just under my lip and when I got back home I had to get it lanced. I remember being able to see a ton of puss and blood coming out in my peripheral vision. Then my dad joked that I looked like Mick Jagger after!
H-horror yes or horror no?
I love horror. Not all out gore though. I love playing horror games because I get really involved in the thrill of being scared.
So sad Silent Hills got cancelled. I would have simultaneously loved it and filled my pants through every single moment of that game!
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I-in love?
Not right now, but do fictional characters count cos I have a whole lot of love for how much Gil and Scott love each other...?
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J-jealous of people?
Always! Particularly those that create too. If I get a cold sweat when I see someone’s new post I know I’m jealous of their work, in a good way though. It always inspires me and makes me want to improve!
K-knife preference?
Any knife that get delicious food into my mouth at optimal speed!
L-love at first sight?
Never happened. Love happens when you get to know someone, whether it’s platonic or romantic.
M-middle name?
Wing Yan (I’m half Chinese)
N-number of siblings?
2. ‘Little Big sis’ and ‘Big baby bro’
O-one wish?
Find all the things that make me happy before I peace out!
P-person I last called?
My mum, to check on my pet rabbit because she wasn’t feeling well.
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Q-questions I’m always asked?
“Can I speak to Jim?”
No you can’t. He doesn’t work here anymore. And even if he did you wouldn’t be able to talk to him.
“Shouldn’t you be asleep?” 😂 @dipsykoo
Yes. But I’ll go to sleep when I’ve draw/written this Gilder thing.
R-reason to smile?
So many! Mainly a beautiful family, awesome friends and a perfect art muse. The perfect job eludes me though.
S-song I last sang?
ROSIER by Luna Sea in karaoke!
T-time I woke up?
Today? 7:45 am. This is not my standard awake time. Depending on if I’m working or not, I wake up anytime between 6:50 am and 12 noon.
U-underwear colour?
Black. Always black. Unless they’re batman undies, in which case there will be grey and yellow involved.
V-vacation destination?
I’m in Vancouver visiting a friend right now!
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Gamescom in Cologne, Germany in August (waiting for delicious E3 annoucements), then Witcher School in Poland for a 3 day LARP! All with my bestest buddy @sketchvicious 💕
W-worst habit?
I bite (read ‘maul’) the skin around my fingernails. It’s a terrible OCD...nothing stops it. Not drawing, or gaming, or driving!
There was no Y so have a random fact about me
I talk in my sleep. I say really weird things like “Have you got the tranquilisers out?”, and I’ve had full blown conversations with myself in Japanese.
Tagging @sketchvicious @jupiter235 @ludi-ling @winddidchange @one-irradiated-muppet and anyone else who wants to play. I’d like to get to know my Tumblr mutuals/followers!
I know some of you have been tagged already by humbles but;
@dipsykoo @shotce @dinah-myles @imbiowaresbitch @tessa1972 @excaryder
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divinitykittty · 5 years
Get to know Kit
It’s the question(s) on nobody’s mind: who is divinity kittty?
Well let me just start by saying I have A LOT of time on my hands, like too much, like enough to find and fill all of this out for no other reason than because I felt like it. & with that being said, here’s some light public self reflection; hope it’s as good for you guys as it was for me!
1.    Full Name
Im gonna stick with “Divinity Kittty” but you can call me Kit, Kittty or Divinity.
2.    Zodiac sign
Gemini sun Aries Moon
3.    3 fears
dying with regrets, dying unfulfilled, living as a slave or vegetable.
4.    3 things I love
warm desserts served with icecream, debates and/or theory discussions, new experiences
5.    My best friend
is it wrong to say, myself ...?
6.    Last song I listened to
Changes / A$AP Rocky
7.    4 turn ons
sense of humor, witty come backs, strong/toned back/shoulder, intimacy that isn’t awkward or asking for something, that V line cut thing people get sometimes
8.    4 turn offs
bad breath and body odor in general! being mean to animals, being mean to servers and people who are just doing their jobs, greasy skin/hair, cowboy boots.
9.    How many tattoos/piercings
I currently have 8 piercings and 9 tattoos. Actually just took out 2 rings though (not sure if ill put them back in before they close), and working on getting another tattoo or 2 soon... so ask me again in about a month lol.
10.  The reason I joined tumblr
I joined tumblr like forever ago when it was fresh and new, immediately fell into the hole because I was a big dr.who, supernatural fan... didn’t really decide to actually “run my blog” until recently, because I just feel like it’s a cool platform to like be vulnerable and be myself without worrying about like local bs or anyone texting me or seeing me in public wondering “what was that post about.” Also, like I said, I’ve been here a while kind of just lurking in the shadows of my main acct, so I feel comfortable being myself here. Everyones weird and intellectual, it’s cool.
11.  How I feel right now
Satisfied. I just had 2 black bean burgers and some homemade fries so.. can’t complain really.
12.  Something I really really want
To RV or renovate a camper or van and just explore a couple parts of america before headed into south america via mexico+panama, into brazil for carnival, and then as far down as i can make it before catching a plane to (Australia first, and then) the East. Never to return!
13.  Current relationship status
Dating a cishet man.. pray for me.
14.  Meaning behind my URL
Honestly, it’s nothing really that deep. I’d say I relate to the feline community, domestically house cats, but also panthers and lions. I also practice divination in the form of Tarot and Astrology.... I Am a Divine Feline. Divinity Kittty. the 3 Ts represent Trinity - which closely relates to perfection or completion. I also Love the number 3, for creation and manifestation (Trinity again). Idk, I guess it was that deep after all, lol
15.  Favorite movies
Ok so it’s somewhere between spirited away and Princess Mononoke... but also like maybe Bug or Teeth... Breakfast at tiffany’s too though, and Heathers.. Have to mention fight club of course, for the culture. and Cloud Atlas!!!! oh man. Apocolypto?? like hello! I don’t know, I’ve seen so many great movies. I really enjoy watching film actually.
16.  Favorite songs
Really depends what mood I’m in but right now F Q-C and Spiral by Wilough are both greatttt on soundcloud. Never skip.
17.  Favorite bands
I don’t listen to many bands anymore but I’d say maybe Tame Impala if he counts, or Cigarettes after sex.. the beatles will always hold a place in my heart too. And muse... and coldplay oh god. Sorry mom!
18.  3 things that upset me
People who don’t pay attention when I’m trying to share or express something, bills, capitalism in general.
19.  3 things that make me happy
helping/being useful, holding hands, inside jokes
20.  Relationship with my parents
My dad kind of tries, but its one of those “too little too late” kind of deals. My mom is great, a bit negative and anxious, but my biggest regret is maybe I’m not expressing as much Love as I’d like to sometimes, due to my own traumas. I love her, I’m just a very casual lover. We try though.
21.  My pets
At my mom’s theres 2 wiener dogs, Mocha and Lulu who sleep in my room when I’m there. My bf and I also care for a Pit named Nomu, a cat named Ashes, and her fresh little month old cubs who don’t all have names yet but theres 5 of them... for adoption btw. Please.
22.  Do I smoke or drink?
Social drinker, I don’t really just like sit at home and drink for fun but I like going out for a drink and some dancing every now and then. Or wine nights. I don’t smoke... cigarettes.. haha ;)
23.  Celebrity crushes
Donald Glover. Scott Mescudi. Beyonce & Rihanna (duh). Jaden Smith. Willow Smith. 
24.  What I did yesterday
Yesterday I made some sales, hung out with my boyfriend, saw my cousin who’s in from out of town, and pretty much just vibed for the rest of the night.
25.  Something I’m talented at
Movement. I don’t know if that’s a real talent, but why wouldn’t it be. I’m really good at moving my body, like dancing, yoga, posture, flexibility, balance... I just like to move.
26.  Number of kids I want
One day, maybe like 2. Really I only want 1 but I’d have 2 just so they won’t be lonely growing up.
27.  3 habits I have
If I’m not careful I can easily spend an entire day in bed, I smoke at least 1 spliff almost every day.. especially before bed, spending more than I should.
28.  A lie I’ve told
The most recent lie I told was actually today, to my boss.. hear me out though, I just got this new job & she scheduled me but never gave me a log in for the schedules, so she calls me 2 hrs before my shift (opening) and I was just like oh yea “ I have to pick up my cousin at the airport so I can only come for like an hour while you find a replacement.” mind you my cousin got in yesterday... and she drove.. but whatever, I got a free day lol.
29.  Something I fantasize about
Civil and/or Spiritual Revolution, my role in the war+the new world
30.  My idea of the perfect date
Something outside, preferably in the sun and grass. Some kind of activity, either a game or like something where we get to create but also get to know each other better. Maybe some art or music is involved some how... last date I went on we kayaked out to a little private island and tripped half a tab, that was pretty perfect.
31.  Something currently worrying me
MONEY! omg, I’m a broke ass college kid man. And im not even in school right now, can you imagine the distress. I need my bills paid, and fast!
32.  Something that’s constantly on my mind
How I can be better than I’ve been.
33.  A photo of myself
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This is the most recent (quality) photo I have of myself, except my hairs black now... hi.
0 notes
boystownbirdie · 7 years
Are you an inexperienced or inconsistent Game of Thrones viewer? Are you not quite sure who all of these people are and why you should care about them or their hairstyles? I present to you… New Phone, Who Dis?  A guide to the major characters of Game of Thrones, season 7, brought to you by the same blerg that brought you, LET ME WATCH TV 4 U? 
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For each character we’ll be answering the following questions: WHO DIS? Who are their still-alive allies (best budz)? Will he/she win the game of thrones? Will he/she survive the next 11 episodes? I’ll start with a quick n’ dirty guide to the big 3 families and then get into individuals… 
Before we start, SPOILER ALERT,  OBVI. Let’s go!
The Starks
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Members: Mom (Catelyn) and Dad (Ned) are both dead, so you don’t need to know much about them except that Ned died at the end of season 1 and Catelyn died at that “red wedding” people are always talking about. They had 5 kids: Robb (also died at the red wedding), Sansa (alive!), Arya (also alive!), Bran (wow also alive!), and Rickon (RIP). There’s also Jon Snow aka Bae who was raised as “Ned Stark’s bastard” but was recently confirmed to be the son of Ned’s sister Lyanna and Rhaegar Targaryen, so he’s actually Ned’s nephew and is a sort of Stark-Targaryen mix. For ease of reading, I’ll refer to him as Ned’s son for the rest of this post since this is knowledge that you and I and Bran have but Bae doesn’t even know yet.
Hobbies: Giant wolves, talking about winter, suppressing their feelings, following the rules, dying and coming back to life (well mostly just Bae), living at Winterfell (their home base)
The Lannisters
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Members: At this point it’s just 3 adult siblings and get this, THEY’RE ALL ALIVE. Which is truly shocking. There’s Cersei (aka Queen Pixie Cut or QPC), her twin bro/lover Jaime, and their little bro Tyrion (who, despite his heritage is definitely not #teamLannister). QPC and her bro pro-created and had 3 kids together, that she pretended to be the children of her hubby, King Robert Baratheon. Sadly her kids and former hubby are all no longer with us.
Hobbies: Incest, drinking wine, lions I guess?, being rich, killing people who threaten to reveal their secrets or get in their way
The Targaryens
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Members: Daenerys (aka Khaleesi) is the only real, legit one who is still alive THAT WE KNOW OF. Jon Snow (Bae) is technically her brother’s son and therefore a Targaryen but he doesn’t know that yet. The only other legit Targaryen we met in the series was her brother Viserys who was THE WORST and got his face burned off.
Hobbies: Dragons, fire, being in-flammable (is that a word?), traditionally they were also into incest but Khaleesi hasn’t gotten into that yet
***Important takeaway: At this point, most of the characters are either #teamBae (Stark), #teamQPC (Lannister), or #teamKhaleesi (Targaryen)**
Now let’s jump into our characters!
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DIS IS: Jon Snow aka Bae aka King of the North aka (former) High Commander of the Nightswatch aka Lord Snow/ King Crow/ The White Wolf. He is famously moody but he is a legit kind, respectful, and open-minded person who is a skilled warrior. He also was stabbed to death by a bunch of his friends at the celibacy-training-academy but then came back to life when an evil witch lady did a spell, TG. Follow up Q- Why is he “Bae?” Because look at that face, duh. But also he is generally pretty #woke and v sensual, esp in season 3 when he meets his lover and breaks his vows of celibacy to tap dat. Said lover famously repeats the phrase “you know nothing, Jon Snow,” but turns out HE DOES KNOW SOME STUFF. Talkin’ bout sex stuff.
Best budz? His besties are Sam, currently studying to be a maester (doctor/historian/librarian/bed-pan-cleaner) and his giant wolf named Ghost. He’s also got his half-sis Sansa on his side as well as No-Knuckles (a nice old dude with some leadership experience), Lady Mormont (the most badass 11 year old you’ve ever met), and a bunch of other “Great Northern Houses” who proclaimed him King of the North. He’s also pals with a bunch of “wildlings” who are people who were born North of the ice wall as well as the current “Nightswatch” dudes who he left in charge when he headed to Winterfell.
Will he win the game of thrones?  Maybe? He’s the only current leader who seems as concerned as he should be about the white walkers (giant army of ice zombies who are LOVING this winter weather). Plus he’s a decent guy (chill dude, likes to hang out) AND he’s got that Targaryen and Stark background so he’s got some legit claims to the throne.
Will he survive the next 11 episodes? I think yes. Again, he already died and came back to life so I doubt that will happen again.
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DIS IS: Sansa Stark, current Queen of Winterfell (I guess?) former fiancee of Joffrey (now dead), former wife of Tyrion, former wife of Ramsay Bolton (he was evil and she had his dogs eat him) and second oldest legit Stark kid. She used to be obsessed with #fashun and Joffrey but then he turned out to be insane in the membrane and she’s spent the past 5 years being tortured, raped, and traded around by dudes until she reunited with her half-bro, Bae. Now she is much more practical and less trusting and as we’ve seen in the past 2 eps, not always on the same page with Bae.
Best budz? Brienne of Tarth aka Ladyknight is sworn to protect her, as is her squire, Pod. She was pals with Theon (previously-traumatized Theon) because he helped her escape evil Ramsay and I guess she’s friends with Littlefinger who is one of the said dudes who’s been trading her around. Littlefinger is apparently in lurve with her but also WAY OLDER and also used to be in lurve with her mom which is super creepy.
Will she win the game of thrones? Unlikely. She doesn’t really seem to want to be in charge of anything at the moment, but that could change.
Will she survive the next 11 episodes? Doubt it. She’s already been through a lot and while I’d love to see her happy and safe and living her #bestlife, I kind of doubt she will survive to the end because she’s been hangin’ by a thread for awhile.
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DIS IS: Arya Stark aka “A Girl” aka Arry aka former intern at the face-swapping-assassin-training academy turned rogue assassin. She recently reconnected with her roots and it seems like she’ll be heading home to see her sis and half-bro in Winterfell. She’s a skilled swords-woman and has never been into anything traditionally feminine. She was briefly blind and before that was a captive of “The Hound” who hoped to trade her for some $$ but ended up escaping from him. Most recently, she killed Walder Frey (a powerful old dude who was pals with the Lannisters) and then poisoned like 100 of his friends and family.
Best budz? Before they were separated, she and Bae were very close (not in an incest way, tho) and she has a friend named Hot Pie who’s a great local chef #eatlocal. She and her sis Sansa were never very close because of their vast differences, but I’m pretty sure they’ll be happy to see one another alive. She made friends with this dude Gendry who is secretly the bastard son of Cersei’s ex-hubby but she hasn’t seen him in awhile. 
Will she win the game of thrones? Doubtful. Again, she’s showed no ambition to lead but has shown great skill as a fighter. My guess is she will end up as a knight or some other type of warrior/fighter/guardian.
Will she survive the next 11 episodes? I’m gonna say yes. She is VERY HARD TO KILL even for trained assassins. 
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DIS IS: Bran Stark aka the NEW AND IMPROVED three-eyed-raven, youngest living Stark kid (presumed dead by many), paraplegic but what he lacks in mobility he makes up for in ability to see into and affect events in the past and enter the brains of animals and other humans. He’s been up North of the ice-wall for awhile but as of season 7 ep 1, is safe with the nightswatch at the wall and likely headed to see his fam at Winterfell. He’s the only person (that we know of) who knows the truth about Bae’s parentage.
Best budz? His best bud is Meera, a very badass chick who helps him get around/survive. He also met and be-friended Bae’s friend Sam a few seasons ago and also briefly reunited with his uncle who is now some sort of ice-zombie-human-hybrid who helped him and Meera survive up North. 
Will he win the game of thrones? Naw. More than likely he’ll be important in the war against the ice-zombies since he has tons of experience with them, but he’s unlikely to lead. 
Will he survive the next 11 episodes? I think so.  Again, his ability to see and potentially affect past events will be super important so I’m thinking people will continue to work hard to protect him.
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DIS IS: Tyrion Lannister aka the Imp aka Hand of Queen to Daenerys Targaryen (aka Khaleesi) aka former husband to Sansa Stark, former lover of Shae, former Hand of the King to Joffrey.  He loves to drink and read books so he knows a lot of shit but also can be a sloppy, cynical mess. He hates his sister (the feeling is mutual) but has some amount of love and respect for his brother, Jamie. He was in love with Shae but she betrayed him and got with his dad so he killed them both. In his defense, they testified against him which led him to be sentenced to death. After that he left Lannister-life behind to meet up with Khaleesi and co. He’s been able to show off his strategizing-skills as well as knowledge of military maneuvers in his current role.
Best budz? He’s friends with Khaleesi and her crew, as well as this dude Varys (aka Sleevey) who brought him to Khaleesi in the first place. Again, he and his bro Jamie have a complicated relationship but in the past they’ve gotten along. He’s also friends with this dude named Bronn, who, last we checked was working for Jamie. And there’s his former squire, Pod, now works for Ladyknight and famously saved his life during an important battle.
Will he win the game of thrones? He really could. He’s shown great leadership skills and the ability to learn from past mistakes. He’s not too idealistic or unwilling to compromise which are also important in this world.
Will he survive the next 11 episodes? I’m gonna say yes. He’s an important character since he’s a Lannister who is #teamKhaleesi and who has befriended 2 of the Stark peeps, meaning he’s a bridge between these 3 warring groups. I’d bet on him lasting until the end.
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DIS IS: Cersei Lannister aka Queen Pixie Cut aka QPC aka Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and current sitter on the “Iron Throne” which is what everyone is always jones-ing to sit on. She recently blew up an entire church full of people (and probably most people within a ½ mile radius too) because they were gettin’ on her nerds. She is intelligent but cruel and recently got a terrible haircut against her will and had to walk naked through the streets. She used to have 3 kids: Joffrey who was also cruel and was poisoned (she blamed Tyrion but it was actually Littlefinger and Grandma Tyrell’s fauly), Myrcella who was nice but also got poisoned (this time by the Sand Snakes/ Dornish Queen lady) and Tommen who jumped out a window after the church explosion.
Best budz? Her bro/lover Jaime is pretty much her bestie and the only person she can really trust at this point. She also likes the current “Maester” who notably is into human experimentation and brought back “The Mountain” (a giant bodyguard/fighter dude who is The Hound’s brother) from the dead a few seasons ago. Now he is basically a giant zombie-hybrid and she likes him too because he kills and tortures people for her.
Will she win the game of thrones? Doubtful. She went to this fortune-teller-lady when she was young that said she’d have 3 kids who would all die young (which came true) and that she’d be overthrown by a younger and more beautiful queen and be killed by her younger brother. Most people think that this younger hawtie kween is Khaleesi but fortunes can be wrong!
Will she survive the next 11 episodes? Again, doubtful due to the prophecy. If it’s true, either Jaime or Tyrion (since both are technically younger than her) could kill her in the next 11 eps. Tyrion is the more likely candidate but who knows! (George RRRRR Martin, that’s who )
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DIS IS: Ser Jaime Lannister aka The Kingslayer aka Oathbreaker aka QPC’s brother/lover aka the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. He’s a tricky character since he loves his sister a lot but also seems to have a stronger grip on reality. He is a great fighter but got a hand chopped off in like season 2 and has been a embarrassed about it ever since. He’s the de facto leader of the Lannister army and has shown great skill in battle and manipulation of his enemy. He famously killed the “Mad King” by stabbing him in the back, earning the kingslayer/oathbreaker nicknames.
Best budz? His sister, obvi. And he has been a fan of his brother in the past although right now they’re on opposite sides. He also got set up with Bronn on a friend-date by his bro Tyrion. He and Brienne (aka Ladyknight) are also one of the many #unlikelyfriendships the show has had and she’s now #teamStark. 
Will he win the game of thrones? Probably not. He doesn’t really seem to have any leadership ambition, so I’d say no. He may be standing next to whoever wins, though.
Will she survive the next 11 episodes? Probably. He’s hard to kill and has connections to each of the warring factions at this point. I can see him turning on his sis and changing sides which would make him an asset and therefore likely to #stayalive #hamilton.
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DIS IS: Daenerys Targaryen aka Khaleesi aka Myhssa aka The Unburnt aka Mother of Dragons aka Breaker of Chains aka Queen of Mereen aka Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and Heir to the Iron Throne. Her dad was called “the Mad King” because he loved to burn people alive (just like QPC!) and she was shipped to the east part of the world right after she was born so she wouldn’t get killed by the Lannisters and Co. She’s spent the last 6 seasons working her way across the eastern continent, first marrying a hawtie horse-king dude who later died from an infected wound, having a stillborn son with him, and then she “gave birth” to 3 dragons at the end of season 1. I know what you’re thinking, PEOPLE CAN’T BIRTH DRAGONS. True. Basically she had 3 petrified dragon eggs and after the loss of her husband and child, she walked into a great funeral pyre and came out later with 3 bb dragons who came from those petrified eggs. She cannot be burned by fire at all, which is pretty kewl. She also set free thousands of slaves and then ruled a kingdom out east called Mereen for awhile. Now she is finally back in the West after all this time to reclaim the throne. She is very intelligent, fierce, but also thoughtful and well-loved.
Best budz? Her translator/bestie is Missandei with the good hair. She’s also pals with Tyrion (who is her “hand” or basically Vice President), Greyworm (the leader of this army of soldiers who she set free but who decided to keep being loyal to her anyway), Grandma Tyrell (whose family got burned up in QPC’s fire last season), Previously-Traumatized Theon and his sister Yara (who is the leader of the Greyjoy fleet of ships), the Sand Queen lady (Queen of Dorne/ mother of the “sand snakes”), Sleevey (Varys- an advisor who used to work for the Lannisters but defected) and last but not least, her old pal Stoney who is currently getting amateur surgery for stoney-skin-disease by Sam (Bae’s bestie). PHEW. She’s got a lot of pals.
Will she win the game of thrones? MAYBE? She would be a great leader and has overcome every obstacle thus far. But if George RRRR Martin has taught us anything, it’s that #youcantalwaysgetwhatyouwant and also no one is immortal, really. But she’s got a good chance.
Will she survive the next 11 episodes? Probably! Again, she can’t be killed by fire and she’s got a lot of people around her who would do anything to protect her.
Those are all of our major characters! I could do a supporting-cast character breakdown if that would be helpful, just let me know. Thanks for reading and tell your friends!! 
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