#v//I Never Fear The Rise And Fall Cause Now I Know Where I Belong (Shattered Glass Legato Bluesummers)
fatedstrands · 1 year
The Weapon And The Angel ||@forgivenpunishment||
No Man's Land. Gunsmoke. The Drowned Rock.
The planet had many names over the three centuries that humans have wandered it's rippling surface. Plants had long since thrived in the waters, tended to by the personification of the planet named Zazie in accordance with their promise to a now gone Independent. Even with him gone, the harmonious unity of the species continued on.
Across the surface were floating specs of human civilization, any land swiftly consumed by the largest cities, a grand tangle of life that reached to the heavens. Smaller sects of human life drifted along their anchor points, their Plants happily circling around, unfurled and alive, thriving in this strange world.
It is by one of these smaller fragments of humanity that a hybrid moves, scrubbing at a Plant Sister before laughing beneath the waves, turning to scrub the sea beast that had nudged him, guiding the creature on to turn back to his half-kin. The sky cracked, turning six gold rings up, eyeing the vibrant flash before something crashed to the surface.
This was usually a bad sign, long limbs grabbing at his frame before he shook off the chilled form. The hybrid cut through the water towards the sinking shape, curiosity clear in the indigo framed face as wings flared slowly, easing his movement as he neared. Four arms unfolded, reaching forth to touch the figure, the six foot beast's horned head tipping to the side.
It was a human. Or at least, he looked human. His energy was strange, thrumming off his form with the dull pulse of a heart, or so it felt. Gold peers from beneath a glowing pink halo, swirling lines wrapping over his form, tangling beneath treated fabrics revealing he'd once been human, long since forgotten to the ocean.
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fatedsinners · 1 year
Continued from Here \\ @metamorphopsia
The apostle hadn't intended to show his displeasure, the truly intimate nature of the whole night having soured especially when Nick decided to snicker in his ear. It took everything in him, and a look at the vibrant mirth of the Plant, to not kill the man or break bones. And so he had sulked, shying away from people and isolating himself in the hopes he'd bleed into the background. But blue always found him, no matter where he hid. The dance was offered and he'd tried to decline, trying to sink further into the crowd, but the few extra shots of something he'd been given by Nicholas as a sort of apology for upsetting him won out. When cold digits ensnared his wrist, he relented to the pull.
He found himself falling into step with ease. Even with the sensual rolls and tucks of the dance tangling alongside the inebriation, he managed to keep pace as they moved as if of a single mind. He forgot his woes, the evening fading into a blissful haze around them whilst he relished in the close proximity to the Divine. The kiss was not what he'd expected. It wasn't a dare, it wasn't prompted by anything other than either the other noting his displeasure, or his desire to kiss the assistant. Whatever the reason, his eyes fluttered shut, a soft whine leaving his throat as he pressed back into it. Dazed as he was from the drink, his hands still found purchase in the other's hair and clinging to his blue jacket. Still so close from the dance with bodies moving freely around them in the throws of delight he found himself in true heaven. It ended too soon, chasing for a moment before eyes cracked open, staring for a heartbeat before he buried his face in the other's throat. "You wanted seasoning, Scales deserved it." he had indeed thrown salt on the bug for the millionth time now, a playful thing he knew he'd get slapped with seaweed for another day. For now, he wanted nothing more than to remain close, swaying in the other's arms as if to slow dance, despite the upbeat techno blaze pulsing around them. If only for a moment so he can bask in the proximity, head turning to drink in the alcohol tinted scent of the Plant. "The game is rigged."
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fatedstrands · 1 year
As Above So Below \\@metamorphopsia\\
Wind ripped past his form as he rushed to keep trail with the Plant, their Solar Surfers cutting through the air without pause leaving behind nothing but a smear of light in their wake. They'd been given a tip from one of his Strands of another Eye of Michael experimentation facility. This one, however was using children. It wasn't often they'd heard news of this, but he'd seen the way blue eyes sharpened and shoulders tensed. It wouldn't take a genius to see the way his savior had barely retained His rage.
Thus they'd moved out as fast as they could, pushing themselves through the chilled night. Reaching the facility when the sun had reached its crest was both a blessing and a horrid curse. Breaking over the outer edge of the structure, they could immediately hear the screams of horror drowned by the violent cracks of gun shots. From the edge of his eyes he'd witnessed living metal lash out as he himself snapped down into the streets towards the dock. From his waist he unlatched the chain, letting it trail down his thigh before falling free. His body reeled back on the surfer, heel digging into the technology to snap the sail down. The small jet of the board activated as he twisted his body in the air, metal wrapped palm skittering along the ground, sparking as smooth metal rammed into the head of one armed male, hover jets blasting the man right off the docks and into the water. He moved, the board snapping into the ground, mechanical legs snapping down to ram into stone, locking it in place and releasing the rider. Gold gleamed like a beast in the night, eyes focused on one man who turned to his allies, screaming in terror as he pulled the trigger of his rifle, ripping into three more before the barrel turns on himself. He stands, his body between the damned and the innocent, a wall of protection that didn't even flinch as guns aimed to his frame. A firm kick and the board activated the solar sail, blocking the barrage of bullets from both his body and those he now stood charge over. Teeth grit as words slipped from his lips; "May the Gods have mercy on your mangled soul, your life reborn into one of suffering so you shall find penance for your sins." The metal chain slipped from his hand, the incense burner rattling as if a beast ready for war. The moment there's a break in the onslaught he burst forth, gripping the metal to swing it forth, arching the bulbus end to strike one, ducking to slide into another, throwing them down to their back. His body moved, fluid and smooth, like a well trained weapon, striking life down whilst minimizing his own ability use lest he drain himself. What none had expected, in amidst the fray, was the wildlife leaping in. Water broke, right as the apostle threw a body over the edge. When next he focused, teeth flashed towards his frame, talons arcing through the air towards his body. The horrendous beast was not native, another abomination forged by cruelty lunged for his life. He ducked the first swipe, though the second threw him to the ground, striking his head upon stone and stunning him. The world slowed to a trickle as his ears rang. Lights blared through his vision, barely seeing the child scream and reach for him from her mothers arms, terror marring her delicate little features. Rage consumed him then, bursting from where he'd been, barely cast aside from another monstrous paw that broke earth. The beast turned on him, snarling as he sneered, two monsters face to face. So dazed as he was, he'd missed the second beast barreling towards him. He couldn't even find it in his awareness to yell when teeth found his shoulder, the smaller maw wrenching him from the platform only to fling him like he was nothing more than a frisbee for fun. In moments, the world crashed around him, caving in rapidly upon it's sudden embrace. He sunk, breath escaping his lips for a moment only to be sealed with what remnants he had left. Crimson coiled in the clear water in ribbons as he drifted further down, vision glossing in and sharpening out from the head injury. Blood pooled on his tongue, clogging his throat until he coughed up what precious air he had left, making him spasm in the water as his lungs soon burned with acrid sea. Frantic desperation soon had clawed from him what little he had left of thought as he twitched in his decent, fighting for control of his unresponsive limbs. He'd slipped up, and this was his penance.
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fatedstrands · 1 year
A Sea Of Confusion [And I'll Keep You Up] \\@crucifixedsin\\
Movement was swift as he darted to the facility, cutting through the city without pause. Nicholas should have been ahead, but the sudden dark smear in the sky brought a fear in the veins of the devoted. Gold eyes had only seen such a horror once prior, not quite like this, but the crackling static of power had him on edge. Legs pumped without pause, eyes sharp as he ducked and dodged past each tangled mass of streets, striking soldiers of the twisted sect down as he went. Each drop of an Eye of Michael was met with the firm click of his heeled shoes as finally he broke through the maze into the heart of the chaos. Eyes snapped ahead, taking in everything within the breath of space he had. The blonde's hand was around the Undertaker's throat, tendrils of sea vine tying the man to the metal, tangling around his frame and dangled him over the open dock between them. Twisted lips curled as blue met gold. "You'll have to do. Let's see what matters more, friendship, or vengeance." the words are low from the blonde, special only for the human straining in his hold, turning to look at the other, eyes gleaming. "I sort of hope he lets you die." and with those words cast to the wolf, the Plant released both the weapon and the human. Golden eyes narrow against the smug stare of blue as time slowed, ticking by with the agonizingly slow beat of a human heart, lungs arching. He doesn't think, doesn't pause as heels dig into stone, throwing his body into a sprint towards the water where bubbles frothed at the surface. The occultist steadies his mind, taking a deep breath; And he plunged deep into the water, breaking the surface with force, golden eyes vibrant, gleaming within the depths as he cut through the chilled water. His only goal was steadily sinking, but determination didn't halt his actions, pushing on even as his scarred eye was revealed, glowing lines blooming on usually covered flesh. He reached out, fingers stretching only to snap around the wretched vines tying human flesh to the dead weight. He grunted out precious air, twisting with a force he hadn't meant to exert to try and halt the plunge into the unforgiving abyss. He prayed he made the right choice.
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fatedstrands · 1 year
Why the hell are you people licking the damn cube filled with barely stable matter? The eldritch form of the hybrid swears he's going to go black being around these people.
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fatedstrands · 1 year
For the whisper ask meme (shattered glass leggy);
Nai holds him gently, tenderly, his voice an oddly cold tint by his ear as he speaks to Legato. Not wanting him to know who it was yet but speaking regardless.
"I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. How perfect you are. You are the only human that truly matters in this world, the only being worth keeping alive when all else faces exstinction. I would end all of everything for you, if you asked me."
He pauses, contemplating his next words.
"Perhaps I am the worshipper of you now." \\@metamorphopsia\\ The devout had been curious as to why Sister Maria had asked him to blindfold himself before she left. He trusted her, had known her since they were both terrifyingly young, and so he'd done just that and simply waited. He'd heard the door, heard movement near and his head shifted, revealing his eyes veiled to the world. He had suspicions of who'd approached, and the welcoming chill confirmed his thoughts and eased any and all fears. The sweet messenger shuddered beneath the cold breath, eyes widening beneath the mask as he forced hands to curl into his pant legs, lets they reach for the other. He listened even as his breath caught in his chest, catching on vocals to the tune of a whine as cloth caught the saline solution form his eyes. The other thought so much of him. Was this a confession of emotion, or something entirely different? The final words break his control of his hands, fingers gingerly rising to hold the other's jacket. Brows curled up, confusion and uncertainty sinking into his flesh. Lips parted upon next breath, subsequently drinking in that ever sweet and soothing scent of the other's frame. "Nai." The simple plea of the other's name spoke volumes to his heart, spilling from the rim his adoration and love for the Divinity above, even if nerves held him by the throat, silencing the rest he'd desperately wished to say. I have always belonged to you and no one else. you are my purpose for living, my reasons to smile, my hope in a world that rather me dead.
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fatedstrands · 1 year
(Morning) rises on a land reborn from the ashes 'Neath the heavens To sunset, blood-red skies tranquil after the storm Blessed shadow
Turning, wending, always night follows day The sun will shine again Walk on, never look back Through you, we live…
Tales of loss and fire and faith Every word on our hearts engraved In the dark, you will not stray Forge ahead till the end we pray
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fatedstrands · 1 year
For the beat and the broken For the lost and forsaken Let us never surrender Now we rise unto the Call
(For the beat and the broken) Chains that we are breaking Fate that we are awaiting We will rise unto the Call (Rise unto the Call)
For the Glory and the Fall
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fatedsinners · 1 year
Nai at first is drawn to the confessional, wanting to confess his shameful lust filled glances towards his love. While they were together, it still felt so inappropriate to share after him in such a way-
But then, the sweet scent of... Something caught his nose. He follows along, the scent alluring and intriging all at once as he slips into the altar room and closes the door behind him, so focused on the scent he hadn't noted just where it was coming from.
"...Ah. I-I'm sorry? I can come back another time?" {@metamorphopsia has entered the Altar Room}
Legato was hunched, it had been a few rounds of the burning heat, crawling onto the altar and falling into the plush seat atop the space. It is there beneath the shimmering light of the stained glass window that the source of the sweet scent was found.
He's on his knees, chest pressed into the soft surface, hips canting up as sweat glistened on his skin. He's moaning into the pale blue pillow, fingers buried deep into his body, frantically chasing the pleasure in the hopes it would end.
It takes him a moment, shifting to take in air before he notices the other. The scent of his love burned his veins, scorching soft purple toned lines on his skin, twisting them a rosy pink as he jolted forward.
"Ah- N-Nai. Please." I don't know what's happening. It won't cease. Words were silenced and replaced with broken whimpers as he writhes beneath the pleasure, having already marred his skin several times in his attempts to soothe it all.
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fatedstrands · 1 year
"Alright, enough drowning practice today. Sit and breathe." Zazie's been trying to help him learn to breathe underwater all day, but it isn't working, so they force legato to sit on shore and sit in his lap to make sure he isn't going anywhere for a long while.
The devout shudders, staring at his fingers as they tremor through the waves of his mind from the repeated filling of his lungs. If anything, he'd gotten better at holding his breath and moving, but not the breathing part. "I can keep going. I almost had it." he could feel... Something had changed. Surely that meant he was close. Right? When the other took their place on his legs, the male simply sighed and relented, knowing the other was just as stubborn as him, especially when his lungs writhed and forced him to cough up sea water.
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fatedstrands · 1 year
The Faith and the Fighter lighting up the streets, singing for the damned. Confessing to the choir, bury every beast and we are Born Again. The blood runs over me but not the cavalry. I am alone in everything I see, do you believe? The thunder sounds and I hear the call, The underground is the fire below My enemies and I can never seem to get up to find the hope.
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