#v: fractured infinite
risenwings · 7 months
@ask-smokescreen liked x for a Shattered Glass starter!!
Skywarp frowns, and twitches his wings uncertainly, but doesn't flee-- he can handle one Autobot-- though he's still gonna ping for backup.
"... Who are you?" More importantly, what the frag had he just flown through?
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appoarsin · 11 months
Rate My Drip
My shit after day 1 of Season 5 Reckoning
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Mark VII Security
Mark V [B] Medic
Yoroi Konoe Shidan (Honour Guard)
Rakshasa Headhunter
Eaglestrike Shock Drop Trooper
Mirage IIC / ODST
Chimera Hunter-Killer
Neon Genesis Hazmatgelion
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silvercap · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Authors
Thank you @thebrandywine for the tag!! :))
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly just Resident Evil, haha, but I've dabbled in a couple other things over the years... nothing else currently, though!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I. My lone Genshin fic 😭😭 at 935 kudos (holy shit!!)
II. Ripping at the Seams with 670
III. *metal pipe sound effect* with 301
IV. Fracture with 290
V. Day 18: Ache with 253!
5. Do you respond to comments?
As much as possible!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
You tell me: is there more angst when older Leon dies, or when re2 rookie Leon does? Personally, I'm leaning on the rookie, but 'do you believe' has the added Hunnigan and Chris angst haha
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
you're my lover is just straight up Nivannedy fluff and sweetness :)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Haven't yet, thankfully!
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
Sometimes 😭 usually it's more of a plot relevant thing than anything else, because smut isn't always my jam--but there are exceptions!! I'm writing a crack ship re5 thing asjdjds and sometimes I do like writing scenes that involve a little sexy time, but I don't think I'd ever write it as a standalone pwp sort of thing haha
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
No...? I mean, I have a Blade Runner au on the backburner of my infinite stove, but I've never put different characters together in a true crossover. Wrote the beginning of an Eragon + Percy Jackson + something I can't remember, when I was in like. 7th grade? But that's long gone and nothing ever came of it asdjdjs
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Hopefully not... 👁️👁️
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Thought about it! It hasn't happened haha, but I'm open to the idea
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I'll be honest... ships are kind of cute adorable plot devices to me. I don't really have a favorite per se, but I do tend to prefer Chreon, Metaltango, and Nivannedy! I like Clairejill and I'm pretty invested in Ada/Hunnigan right now hehe but none of them really stands out as the OTP, y'know?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Not sure! I tend to jump around and abandon and revive things a lot, so it's honestly just up in the air. I'm loath to put one on the chopping block, but I have my doubts about this one (OG!) re4 fic where Leon passes out during the cabin fight
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've been told that I have a very visceral writing style by several people, and I do often get compliments on how well I've made something feel real/captured a specific feeling! Which is a huge compliment you guys are so nice 🥺 and I do like to think that I'm good at descriptive writing!! I see things very clearly in my head and it's gratifying to know I'm getting it across fully :)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I tend to go at it without figuring out where I'm going, first. Plots are held together with a dab of white glue and some fraying string, and I often worry that I'm not putting scenes together coherently. I can do all the technical stuff just fine, but I really struggle with pacing and character motivations and foreshadowing and background etc, which I think is why I tend to write shorter fics!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It's rarely worth it, unless there's some sort of narrative significance or I get to use my Latin knowledge for some silly villain 😭
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Bungou Stray Dogs!
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I've always been partial to Fracture
Tagging- @fonulyn, @colesabi, @lightenupcowboy, @sunhatllama, @resident-rats, and anyone else who I forgot or wants to participate! <3
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The Infinite Divide: A Study on Horcruxes and Souls in the Harry Potter Universe
This is a meta on the nature of the soul in the Harry Potter universe. You can read below or on AO3. Any and all feedback most welcome! Meta below, or again, read on AO3.
The integrity of the soul is one of the cornerstones of the Harry Potter universe (henceforth HPU). Harry’s intact soul is able to resist total possession by Voldemort during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries; Voldemort’s fractured soul leads to his downfall. This work centers on the magic of Horcruxes as presented in the HPU. It necessarily delves into the nature of the soul, its integrity, and how the creation of the Horcrux destabilizes - but does not diminish - the integrity of the soul. 
That is, I propose a theory of the soul that cannot be reduced numerically, but rather an infinite soul, that, when divided through the creation of a Horcrux (or several, in the case of Lord Voldemort), becomes less stable but is not reduced in its capacity. Instead, the soul’s essentialnature - that of animating a human person and imbuing that person with the capacity for meaning and relationships - is weakened. This weakening - the reduction of functional humanity - is what renders the Horcrux-creator unstable. Terms will be discussed next.
Preliminary Terms
We begin with the soul itself. What do we mean by the soul? Within the context of the HPU, the soul seems to serve two purposes: first, it animates the physical, human body,[i] such that the human body can engage in a life filled with meaning, and second, it is the vehicle for engaging in interpersonal relationships. Without a soul, the human body is but a mechanical shell. The soul imbues the human body with the capacity to pursue or enjoy meaningful activities: even in the case of the Longbottoms, who were tortured to insanity, it is assumed their souls are intact and capable of engaging with the world around them (though not without limitations).[ii]
The soul allows one to dream, desire, and engage in the world. Thus, I propose that the soulless, physical human body is incapable of functioning without the essential animation required for a) pursuing a life filled with meaning and b) interpersonal interaction. This leads us to the next point: the soul allows one to engage in mutual interpersonal relationships, particularly familial, fraternal, and/or romantic ones.[iii]
The importance of relationships is another crucial part of the HPU: Harry’s relationship with his friends brings him ‘back’ from the limbo of King’s Cross. It is his relationships that allow him to fight Voldemort off. His relationships continue to save him; Voldemort’s relationships with others are neither familial nor friendly, and this lack of mutually giving relationships further alienates him from functional humanity.[iv]
These personal relationships are independent of life or death. A ghost is an imprint of a body, animated by a soul left behind, who engages with living beings and other ghosts. A soul that has gone onto the afterlife appears to engage in relationships with others in the afterlife and can, when circumstances are sufficient, interact with the living. The soul that animates a living human body is capable of interaction with the living and the dead, but the relationship with the dead is rare. The ‘typical’ human person in the HPU has their body animated by their soul, and when the soul leaves the body, it enters a plane to which we as readers can only imagine.[v]
Because the soul is capable of interaction between the living and the dead, I suggest it is infinite, or, at the very least unending upon its creation. Canon gives no indication as to whether a soul pre-exists before birth. Given the work’s religious themes, borne out of a largely Christian tradition, I propose the simple explanation: the body is imbued with a soul at some point between conception and birth, and, once imbued, has either a finite end at death or an infinite fate beyond death. I suggest the latter, given canon’s tentative exploration of the afterlife, as given by the scene at the cemetery in Little Hangleton, the presence of ghosts, and Harry’s experience at King’s Cross in The Deathly Hallows. 
For this work, we will define the soul as the animating force required for living human beings to participate in mutual interpersonal relationships and engage in a life filled with meaning. When the soul is healthy and intact, it is able to engage in both planes of meaning and relationship. This, then, is what I term as functional humanity. When one is wholly unable to engage in a life filled with meaning and participate in interpersonal relationships, their functional humanity suffers. The person becomes less human and therefore more unstable. 
Let us move onto the Horcrux. The Horcrux, in the HPU, is an object in which a magical person has concealed a part of their soul for safekeeping. The Horcrux presents a slew of concerns: first, it is considered highly unnatural, ’Dark’ magic to split the soul. The intact soul is meant to stay this way. Second, it’s crucial to recall that in the HPU, Horcrux creation is made possible through murder, or the intentional act of taking the life of an innocent person.[vi]
Canon suggests that the committing of a crime distorts one’s soul; through murder, it becomes possible to distort the soul further by splitting it. The person who chooses to create a Horcrux - or several, in the case of Lord Voldemort - knowingly or unknowingly destabilizes their soul. As the soul is meant to be intact and whole, as a single entity, a person becomes unstable. This instability - and its relation to the soul - will be the subject of the next part of this work.
The ‘Infinite’ Soul and Limited Scientific Analogies
Canon asserts that the soul becomes unstable as a result of Horcrux creation. Instability is the consequence of Dark, unnatural magic and actions. This raises one of the central questions of this work: what makes Voldemort’s soul unstable after creating multiple Horcruxes? Is the instability a result of the soul’s reduction in potency or strength, as with dilution or numerical decreasing, or is it instability brought about through reduced functionality (meaning, do we get a smaller percentage of Voldemort with each horcrux creation, or do we get the same ‘proportion’ of Voldemort)? 
I argue for the latter - the soul’s instability is a consequence of the willful, malicious, and methodical destruction of human functionality. We get the same infinite ‘amount’ of Voldemort’s soul per Horcrux, but with each split, the soul becomes more volatile in one sense without reducing its magical capacity or potency. This is the question we answer next: how does the splitting of the soul result in reduced functionality without reducing potency?
Put in simpler terms, why is Voldemort still 100% Voldemort, no matter where and how his soul is split? Moreover, why is his soul increasingly unstable without affecting his magical ability? 
Analogies will be helpful in our understanding.[vii]
We move onto our first analogy: mathematics. How many numbers are there between one and three? On its face, one or two. But consider decimals now – 1.01, 1.0001, 1.00001, and so on. It results that between one and three there are, in fact, an infinite number of numbers. Yet, if I ask you what three minus one is, you’ll tell me it’s simply two. If there is an infinity of numbers between zero and one, one and two, and two and three, but I take one away from three, there is still an infinite amount of numbers between zero and one and one and two. The infiniteness has not disappeared; it has been reduced but it remains infinite.
So it is with the infinite soul. The soul remains infinite while intact. When the soul is split, the soul is still infinite – like the gap of numbers between zero and one or one and two – but the infiniteness remains. I take one away from three, and the sum is two. Yet, because of decimals, there is still an infinite number between each integer. 
Under this model, each Horcrux is still an infinite ‘piece’ of soul, albeit reduced from the whole, yet retaining its infinitude. The ‘infinitude,’ or the magic, is what is not lost or reduced when the soul is split. The total functionality is reduced, as the difference between one integer and another.
Particle Physics
We continue with particle physics, or more specifically, a carbon-12 atom. Carbon-12 is the most common isotope or ‘flavor’ of carbon available. Carbon-12 is also remarkably stable – and wants to stay that way. Stable atoms do not like to be split (and in the case of carbon-12, there’s no human way to split it without changing it first, which will be described shortly).
Carbon-12 contains six neutrons, six protons, and six electrons. What makes the atom carbon is the number of protons within it; it is the neutrons that determines the isotope. Thus carbon-14 has eight neutrons and six protons and carbon-12 has six neutrons and six protons. 
When outside the atom, the neutrons, protons, and electrons are heavier than within the atom itself. The reason for this discrepancy: energy is required to bind the neutrons and protons together to create the atom’s nucleus. Mass from the neutrons and protons is converted to energy, which binds the nucleus. (For those unaware or have forgotten, matter and energy can be neither created nor destroyed, but can be transferred from one state to the other; see Einstein’s theory of relativity [e.g. E=mc^2].)
The atom is held together by both its smaller components and the energy that binds it. The neutrons and protons are bound together in a nucleus and electrons move around it, as they are drawn to the nucleus. The forces uniting these components are stable and want to stay together; thus, carbon-12 is extremely resistant to splitting, and it is what we will liken the soul to. 
Consider, for a moment, any atom being split. It is possible—and indeed common—for atoms to split and splinter. Elements that are radioactive, and therefore unstable, want to split to become stable. Elements that are stable want to stay stable, such as carbon-12. 
Certain atoms are more difficult (if not impossible, in human hands) to split; when they do split, the consequences are variable. 
For the purposes of this work, we will not consider a soul splitting as an everyday occurrence (again, remember these are imperfect analogies). Instead, we will focus our attention on the soul splitting as an intentional, directed splitting of an atom that ought not to split under unnatural circumstances, such as a stable carbon-12 atom.[viii]
A carbon-12 atom can be split in one of two ways. The first way is humanly possible: to break apart the carbon-12 atom, it must be changed to an unstable isotope, such as carbon-14. That isotope is unstable and will want to split to become stable. The other way is not humanly possible (that we are aware of): to break apart a carbon-12 atom, which would change it to other elements, the carbon atom would have to be ‘struck’ in a particle accelerator at the right angle, with the right amount of energy, and with the right material to break it apart. To my knowledge this is theoretical only; carbon-12 is very stable and changing it to another carbon isotope is the best (and only) means to break it apart.
Let us return to the horcrux and the soul. Suppose that the soul is a carbon-12 atom, stable and content as it is. To change it, we must add two neutrons to make it carbon-14. It is then radioactive, willing to change to become stable. In the process of splitting, it decays, leaving evidence of radioactive decay. 
We know little of the process of creating a horcrux, outside a requisite murder, which is considered evil and unnatural. Murder enables the creation of the horcrux. Let us then liken murder to adding two neutrons to the carbon-12 atom, making it carbon-14. The murder makes the soul unstable, and perhaps, like naturally occurring carbon-14, the atom will change on its own to become stable. 
However, we can assume that the process of creating a horcrux is more involved and intentional than simple, cold-blooded murder. This is where we add the element of magic—the spell, curse, or force that the wizard casts to conceal a part of their soul within another object. 
Recall that for carbon to be carbon, it requires six protons. Imagine the murder as the element that adds the two neutrons to the carbon-12 (stable soul). Now imagine the spell or curse that the wizard casts as the process of splitting the soul. For both the original piece of soul (Voldemort) and the piece of soul in the horcrux to be stable carbon-12 atoms, splitting the carbon-14 perfectly into two carbon-12 atoms is impossible – not without taking more protons and neutrons to the ‘unfinished’ piece.
Let me rephrase this. Suppose you have a carbon-12 atom (the intact soul) and add two neutrons to it (the evil act of murder). You have a carbon-14 atom and wish to split it because it is unstable. You hit the carbon-14 atom with energy in a particular way (the spell or curse of horcrux creation), and the carbon-14 atom splits. 
It does not split evenly. Perhaps, for the purposes of our discussion, three protons go in one direction and three in the other. Three protons means you have lithium, not carbon. What are you to do to get more protons to ensure you have carbon?
This is what I suggest as another part of the process of horcrux creation—the protons must be cannibalized from another source. I suggest not literal cannibalism on behalf of the wizard creating a horcrux (although, as repulsive as the thought is, I do not put it past the wizard who willingly murders for their own self-interest), but perhaps spiritual cannibalism.
That is, when the wizard murders and casts the curse to create a horcrux, it takes away part of the life of the innocent person to “seal” the wizard’s soul to the object. This is but a theory, of course, but it does give some credence to Voldemort’s insistence that he kill Harry to make his final horcrux. 
In the process of this cannibalism—or vampirism, if you will—the ‘protons’ or life/spirit force of another ‘restabilizes’ the carbon-14/carbon-12 that was split. 
However, this does not solve the matter of the unstable soul. Why, if the horcrux and Voldemort both have ‘carbon-12’ or intact souls, would there be instability?
Remember that for a carbon atom to be carbon, it requires six protons. When the carbon-14 atom splits and Voldemort ‘finds’ protons to keep his soul stable, there is the possibility that what was originally in the carbon-14 (or his soul) is unevenly split. The number of neutrons may be unequal and results in two different carbon isotopes. 
It is still carbon (a soul), but no longer carbon-12 (a stable soul). This unstable soul, while functionally carbon, is not stable. An unstable atom is radioactive: this means instability both for the atom and the atoms around it.
In short, when Voldemort creates a horcrux and splits his soul, the ‘essence’ of the soul remains the same, while its stability is in danger. This instability goes beyond itself and affects others.
We shall explore this further in the following section. 
Electricity and Magnetism
Let us consider a third analogy: electricity and magnetism. As with previous sections, we must define terms before we can continue.
Imagine a charged particle in motion (CPM). Think of it as a single dot that is thrown across an empty room. When the charged particle moves, it creates both an electric field and a magnetic field around it. We will continue with our example of carbon-12; though a carbon-12 atom is not itself charged, the nucleus is. Consider the nucleus of the carbon-12 atom as the dot or CPM that is thrown across an empty room and creates an electro-magnetic field. 
The CPM creates two planes: electric and magnetic. Where there is a CPM, there is both an electric field and a magnetic field. Let us suppose that the electric field is the physical plane in which the soul operates, in which the body is animated and interacts in a world of meaning, dreams, and desires. Let us then suppose that the magnetic field is the relational plane in which the soul operates, in which the soul is capable of interpersonal relationships, both with the living and the dead. 
Suppose that we have our soul (the stable carbon-12 atom), add neutrons to it (a murder, changing it to carbon-14), and split it (the curse of horcrux creation). We take the life of another (protons) and ‘stabilize’ our soul in two pieces (two carbon atoms with uneven numbers of neutrons), with radioactivity (the carbon atoms are no longer stable carbon-12). 
In the process of splitting the atom or soul, we release energy (this is a very simple, rudimentary understanding of what nuclear fission is). Suppose, for the purposes of our study, that the energy sends the two atoms or soul pieces in opposite directions. Consider these pieces as CPMs; they go off in their own trajectory and create their own electromagnetic fields. 
Because they are radioactive, their electromagnetic fields are dangerous. Radioactive particles (think neutrons, for our purposes) seek new homes/atoms in an effort for radioactive, unstable atoms to become stable. But remember – when neutrons are added to atoms’ nuclei, they create unstable isotopes. In the process of decay, or the process of trying to become stable, the isotopes can replace healthy isotopes in a healthy body to radioactive, cancer-causing ones.[ix]
Unsurprisingly, CPMs do not move in empty rooms or vacuums. CPMs can interact with each other, thus bringing together their electromagnetic fields with varying results.[x]
We will return to horcruxes, as enough has been said on CPMs and their fields. Imagine the pieces of soul, or radioactive CPMs, going in different directions (the physical body versus the object in which a piece of the soul has been concealed). While these CPMs are going in two different directions, there are other CPMs or souls coming and going alongside them.
Imagine all these charged particles in motion as souls engaging with each other. Our inner hopes and dreams intersect with our meaningful relationships. When we are stable (and this is an imperfect analogy, but bear with me), our fields ebb and flow accordingly.
Take the unstable soul of Voldemort, like an atom struggling for stability and undergoing radioactive decay. As the pieces of his soul struggle for stability, releasing radioactive material around him, that radioactivity affects those around him.
The radioactivity poisons others, affects their functionality, both in terms of self-determination and engaging in meaningful interpersonal relationships. This is rather evident in the case of the horcruxes; the diary possesses Ginny and isolates her from friends and family. The locket drives Harry, Ron, and Hermione into their own versions of despair and loneliness. 
The darkness and evil that Lord Voldemort has brought into the world is parasitic, vampiric, cannibalistic. It feeds off others, incapable of returning anything but evil while yearning for stability. This is due not only to the soul being fundamentally built to be intact, but to be animating a living human being, rather than an inanimate object.
What might this mean for the long-term stability of the horcrux? If we imagine the horcrux – and Voldemort himself – as unstable pieces of soul, yearning for stability, it might be hundreds, if not thousands of years until stability is reached, if ever. (This is not unlike the length of time it takes for radioactivity to cease-as an example, the Chernobyl exclusion zone, after the catastrophe in 1986, will not be fit for human habitation for upwards to 20,000 years).[xi]
In my estimation, the healthy, stable soul is meant to engage in life-giving human function: pursuit of dreams and meaningful activity and mutual interpersonal relationships, with relationships as perhaps the more important of these two facets.
This leads us to our conclusion.
If the soul is unable to properly live or die, as pieces of metal cannot engage in genuine human relationships, the soul continues to be unstable. It is a full soul, infinite and reduced; it is a full soul, like carbon with too many neutrons; it is a full soul, capable of affecting others, but it is a dysfunctional soul, a broken soul, separated from its place of belonging.
In the HPU, the human soul belongs in the human body until death, the next great adventure. Without being able to truly live or die, with repeated broken relationships and evil, it is unsurprising that Voldemort is described as having an unstable soul by the time he reaches Harry Potter.
And, when the Killing Curse backfires on Voldemort, the fragmented soul, seeking stability, latches onto the most stable entity: the orphaned infant, who grows up to have love and relationships that save him from total destruction.
This is the magic of Harry Potter: the power of love that returns good for evil and safeguards one’s humanity. 
[i] Allow me a moment to digress to discuss Animagi, Maledicti, and werewolves (among other magical creatures). Animagi are human beings who, through magical means, have the ability to transform into a particular animal form at will. In essence they are human beings with a magical ability. Thus, an Animagus does not lose their soul when they transform. A Maledictus, meanwhile, is a human being who, through a blood curse, becomes prisoner to their animal form and ‘forgets’ their humanity (see Nagini). It is possible that a Maledictus loses their soul when the process is complete, or the soul remains intact but ‘hidden,’ making it impossible for the human within the Maledictus body to engage in meaningful interpersonal relationships and pursue a life filled with meaning. In the case of Voldemort and Nagini-as-horcrux, it is unknown if there are two souls dwelling within one physical body, or if the soul of Nagini, once-fully-human, is no longer animating the snake’s body. As in the Fantastic Beasts franchise (FB) Nagini is able to transform at will and retain her sensibilities, I suggest the Maledictus does retain their soul until death, though limited due to the nature they have assumed for the rest of their days. As for werewolves and other magical creatures, though outside the scope of this work, we can extrapolate that the more ‘human’ the creature, the likelier it is that they have souls identical to full human persons; as an example, Remus Lupin’s soul is intact and what prevents him from assuming its full human capability at the full moon is the curse of lycanthropy. Wolfsbane Potion allows him to retain control of his human mind (and the soul that animates it).
[ii] The case of the Longbottoms, and later, Gilderoy Lockhart, suggests that there is a concept of wizards with intellectual disabilities, whether caused by magical accidents or perhaps, magical neurodivergence. Like many points in this work, it is outside the aim to develop these ideas further. I add this point to not only suggest, but emphatically assert, that persons with severe intellectual disabilities are included in my understanding of what it means to live a life filled with meaning, even if it is not within their capabilities to easily communicate what brings them meaning. Comments and questions on this particular issue are more than welcome.
[iii] Without the soul, this animating force, the human person cannot participate in social behavior. The need for meaningful social interaction is hardly unusual, given modern psychology; a person without a soul or animation cannot be in relationship with others. A life without relationships, particularly in early childhood, is emotionally and developmentally devastating.
[iv] We must address Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. This work, which is considered canonical by the author of the original series, poses a curious problem for Voldemort and relationships. In short, the original author claims that Voldemort has a child, Delphini, with Bellatrix Lestrange, which suggests a sexual relationship with Lestrange and a paternal relationship with Delphini. It is possible (and in my opinion, highly likely) that if such relationships existed, they were not filled with genuine human emotion. Bellatrix was the means to an end - a child - and the child itself was a means to an end as well. In the ‘other’ future that CC presents, Delphini is at Voldemort’s right-hand side, ruling over the wizarding world. I suggest that even in this context, for Voldemort’s character to remain consistent with his upbringing, Delphini remains a tool. I believe Voldemort is capable of certain fondness for his most devoted followers, such as Bellatrix (he exhibits some reaction upon her death in DH), but I believe it is a step too far to consider this a loving relationship, or even a relationship that is life-fulfilling or life-sustaining. Delphini and Bellatrix represent the lengths to which Voldemort will go for unquestioning devotion and loyalty, but they are certainly not his loved ones, or relations in the sense that bring out his humanity in its fullness.
[v] My fledgling series “The Death of” explores some possibilities within the wizarding afterlife. It is one interpretation of many; I recommend FloreatCastellum’s Vetus Amicus as another interpretation, told from the perspective of the character ‘Death.’ There is an indication in canon that the afterlife is a place, state of mind, or plane of existence, though as with many concepts in canon, it is underdeveloped and merits further consideration. It is outside the scope of this work to investigate the wizarding afterlife; recommendations for works that do explore this aspect of the HPU are most welcome in comments.
[vi] Though we are not privy to the details beyond the requisite murder, it is possible other Dark magic is involved in horcrux creation.
[vii] Bear in mind that analogies are imperfect, especially when considering an infinite entity. The human brain is literally incapable of processing infinites and thus any attempt at reducing the infinite to the finite will result in imperfections and error. Blame language and the finiteness of the human mind. 
[viii] When I initially formulated this idea, I considered an electron or proton. A proton can be split into quarks, which doesn’t quite solve the issue of intentional splitting. An electron cannot be split into further elements (as far as we are aware), and as the results of such a split cannot be observed out of supposed impossibility, I must work with the original idea of a split atom. 
[ix] Consider the use of iodine pills in reducing the risk of developing thyroid cancer. Iodine is a necessary element in the function of the healthy thyroid. Without iodine, the thyroid ceases to function normally. Imagine a nuclear disaster (such as the Chernobyl explosion of 1986), in which radioactive isotopes of iodine are released into the air. These radioactive isotopes can replace the isotopes that are supposed to be inside the human body. This distortion will destroy the function of the thyroid (and DNA), which can lead to cancer. Iodine pills can be taken to reduce the risk by flooding the body with the necessary kind of iodine for healthy thyroid function. For further reading, see this article.  
[x] NASA has excellent graphics to understand how these fields/waves are formed. I strongly recommend reading this article for further learning. 
[xi] For an explanation of this figure, please see this article.
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qserasera · 1 year
hi i'm finally back. writing meme questions please: 19, 23, 32 as well, and 36
wahhhh im finally here to answer these friend!! questions from this writing meme here. 19.Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going? o v o this is a tough one...man. i suppose mine would be one of those typical bookworm-since-i-could-read turned beginning writer pipeline....i have vague memories of making like. stapled together picture books with my own writing in them since i was six years old possibly!!! hahaha.
went thru the whole run of fic-writing during the rlly rough years of middle school-ft-high school etc.
still writing fic now (with some pieces actually going. over. 10k!!! unbelievable), with some attempts at original writing here and there (true) (intention is there)( ; v ; everything is a work in progress and that's okay!!) 23.Describe the physical environment in which you write. Be as detailed as possible. Tell me what’s around you as you work. Paint me a picture. long desk which makes a satisfying knocking sound if u thump your palms against it...looks like it's made of fake pine. surface covered in assortment of scattered pens, neatly stashed headphones, filed-away recipes for meals, and cute stationary paper. in the right corner, a reassuringly chunky radio clock (ft the kind in a studio ghibli film set) blinks red as the hours change.
32. What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
novel quote: this TGCF quote which strikes me in the kokoro every time for obvious reasons!!: “to me, the one basking in infinite glory is you; the one fallen from grace is also you. what matters is you, and not the state of you.”
fic quote: ok so this is from a natsume yuujinchou fic ft my very talented friend @defeateddetectives and yes. it is. under 1k. bUT NO LESS INCREDIBLY DEVASTATING!!!!!
this entire scene is basically between matoba seiji and nanase, after matoba is irate from a clan talk about marriage:
Briefly, she wonders if this target practice had always been more than it appeared to the untrained eye, wonders if he pictures the mark to be his heart with the belief that practice made perfect after all...
A beat later, she asks. "What do you want, Seiji?" It is the wrong question. His stillness fractures for a moment and his hair comes undone from its loose tie atop his head when he shakes it violently once. "Do not play games with me," he nearly snarls. "I want this house to survive and you know this."
He does not say: The rest is irrelevant.
in case you were wondering what the irrelevant thing was....he was thinking about natori shuuichi The Repression......the doomed feeling of Power and Devotion to his duty forcing him to crush down any softer sentimental feelings of his own, choosing Survival over love!!!....the archery as a metaphor for him striking at his own heart. exquisite work!!!! 36.They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice…what do you Know? oooh i did answer this one time here, but i don't mind having a second try at this!!
hmmmmm....i think one thing either my beta reader or one of my other readers mentioned was how the ships i tend to favor have a really....natural intimate dynamic when i end up writing them in a fic?? or they have an implicit understanding of each other, and they respond and react to that accordingly without having it pointed out explicitly in-text. which kind of gives the atmosphere a 'romance-without-being-rated-as-romantic' feel.
i accept it as a compliment but im not sure how i do it though....maybe it's the influence of a constant stream of cdramas? im thinking of that one fic i wrote where childe had a long journey, and zhongli, being thoughtful of him took a seat near the corner of a table that was the coldest spot and blocked the wind from where childe was sitting and he doesn't comment on it and the fic....doesn't linger on it especially! zhongli just does it!! love expressed as....an act of care?? or something??? i don't know what it shows that i know but it's something ; w ;
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wallacejwriting · 2 years
Hi!! Happy WBW from @magic-is-something-we-create!!
I was looking through your WIP list, and Tairkyda from City of Fractured Dreams caught my eye - what's keeping the island/city afloat? Is it magic, technology, or a blend? Are there other cities/places like it in that world, or is it one of a kind?
And you mentioned in the synopsis the idea of Topside and Underside - is the island more like a chunk of ground that was lifted with the city itself, with sewer systems and undercity attached, or was the whole thing constructed with the intent to float? Like a really big ship with people living in the maintenance hold??
(Also, I'd love to be added to the taglist if you have one for that WIP!! It sounds really cool!!)
I hope you have a lovely rest of your day!!
!!! ;-; You're so sweet.
So every single land form in that world floats. Not just Tairkyda. The planet's surface is infinite ocean on all sides with terrifying depths in some places. There's places shallow enough to stand in, if you're willing to be up to your hips, in a handful of places at low tide, but that's it.
So the island is a literal floating island. The surface, like we see walking around, and then tonnes and tonnes of rock and dirt and sediment and plant matter and ore and all sorts of stuff beneath it. Like tearing a land form out of the ground and lifting, getting all the dirt and rocks underneath. Literal islands in the sky, undersides and all. Some islands are much shallower than others, but Tairkyda is a fairly deep island.
No one knows why they float. There's been many studies over the world, but no one can figure out why. Best guess is that it's the same thing that creates the magic polyhedral dice and the literal river of souls and fog that winds its way around the planet every year. But as far as everyone knows, this is how things have always been. It's not technology though, and it's not on purpose. To everyone in this world, the floating islands are totally normal, like how tectonic plates are normal for us.
Topside is the surface of Tairkyda, so everywhere that gets the sun. Underside is literally beneath Topside, with Topside's infrastructure of piping and sewers being the literal roof of the top level of Underside. Underside is carved out from the sides of the island, creating tiers of docks and living space where only those living on the very edges get sunlight. It exists due to overpopulation of the island, increasing class differences, increasing police presence, and the tendencies for the lost and the isolated to go carve out their own spaces.
It is like a bunch of people living in the maintenance hold, though. That is definitely a big part of the vibe of Underside.
And yes I will add you! Oh my goodness thank you! (I love Ehlverse so much & I'm v excited about Millenium Saga)
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
WoW patch 10.1.5 will fix one of Dragonflight’s big issues
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The introduction of World of Wacraft Dragonflight saw a whole slew of changes to the MMORPG‘s UI. While the new grid-based system made it much easier to lock your hotbars into the perfect position, the choice to grayscale the micro menu (the one in the bottom right) didn’t prove particularly popular. Blizzard has heard the feedback, though, and is adding a splash of color in WoW patch 10.1.5. Fractures in Time is headlined by a new spec for the draconic Dracthyr Evoker, as well as a new megadungeon in the form of Dawn of the Infinite. There are changes to Warlocks, there’s Dragonriding in Kalimdor, but, most importantly, there are changes to the UI. Bear with me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VQB5xFItOA While I praised a lot of the latest expansion’s content in my WoW Dragonflight review, one of the things I very quickly grew to dislike was the change to the micro menu – the one located in the bottom right. Once upon a time it was colorful and eye-catching, but in an attempt to modernize the menu Blizzard seeped the color out of the icons, instead turning them a murky gray-brown. It always struck me as an odd choice, given the brown hue that a lot of the Dragon Isles zones have – with even more barren, bronze areas making up vast swathes of the WoW map. From an accessibility standpoint, the switch seemed like more of a step backward than anything else. Thankfully, Blizzard has heard our feedback and is adding a splash of colorful life back into the micro menu. As spotted by one eagle-eyed fan, the new Dragonflight icons are still there, but the menu now has color again. The golden ‘!’ is back, alongside the red ‘?,’ and honestly, I am so, so pleased. And I’m not the only one. “Millions. Millions times better,” writes one player, while another comments “that’s actually quite nice…” and I agree. I like the new Dragonflight icons, and seeing them brought back to life with a fresh lick of paint. While it’s a minor feature, the UI changes did put some players off of playing the latest expansion, so if this adjustment is right up your alley, make sure you check out our WoW Dragonflight tier list to help you create a new main. We also have a list of the best WoW addons, which are an absolute must-have. Read the full article
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⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 The Waves 11 VST Crack With bit support, faster scanning, faster loading, and faster processing, Wαves Version 9 opens up new dimensions. You want good, stable plugins, not shaky cracks. We pride ourselves on the care and effort we put into testing our software, so it can run smoothly over. REFERENCE: Buck, O., Thompson, R. B., and Rehbein, D. K., "Using Acoustic Waves for the Characterization of Closed Fatigue Cracks," Mechanics of Fatigue. 22 (Win) Download Here. Waves 13 Bundle Crack are happy to announce a new version of the Waves plugins, Waves V Upgrade to V11 to make your sessions. SHALLOW CRACK FRACTURE MECHANICS, Cambridge, UK TOUGHNESS TESTS AND APPLICATIONS September PAPER 35 Emission and reflections of surface waves. This time corresponds to the interaction of waves emanating from opposing crack tips for a line crack or neighboring points for a pennyshaped crack. distance between the crack and the sensor can be easily calculated. There are several types of AE waves related to rail crack, and these could be. Waves Plugins Crack is revolutionary computer software that enables consumers to set soundtrack layouts of choice. Waves 11 Full Bundle Crack is Waves V11, the latest version of our plugins, has just been released. Upgrade to V11 to make your sessions. waves crack reddit. Waves 14 windows crack New Plugin Waves Harmony Available Waves 14 Complete v14 download Improved loading times for plugins, presets. Tag: how to install waves crack reddit. Waves v13 Complete Windows Crack & Torrent Download · Audio Plugin · Mac · Windows. The scattering of Rayleigh waves by a two-dimensional sub-surface crack, which is perpendicular to the free surface of an elastic half-space. The problem of the diffraction of normally indicent longitudinal and antiplane shear waves on a Griffith crack located in an infinite, isotropic elastic. Waves License Center (WLC) is the central point for your licenses. Waves License Center Crack Download For Windows Waves License Center Version 10 Crack. Wind, Waves, Tide and Weather Forecast for The Crack, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Daylight for Surfing, Windsurfing and Kitesurfing: - stress waves, C. numerical algorithms. INTRODUCTION. When a crack propagates through a region of locally heterogeneous critical fracture energy, its front must. In this paper the propagation of a crack due to shear waves in a medium having monoclinic symmetry is investigated. The stress intensity factor at the crac. The scattering of polarized harmonic shear waves by a sharp crack of finite length under antiplane strain is considered. Use is made of integral transforms. The results are valid only for small concentrations of cracks. Explicit expressions, correct to lowest order in the ratio of the crack size to a wavelength, are.
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waves-crack-20 · 1 year
Propagation of a crack due to shear waves in a medium of monoclinic type | SpringerLink
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 The Waves 11 VST Crack With bit support, faster scanning, faster loading, and faster processing, Wαves Version 9 opens up new dimensions. You want good, stable plugins, not shaky cracks. We pride ourselves on the care and effort we put into testing our software, so it can run smoothly over. REFERENCE: Buck, O., Thompson, R. B., and Rehbein, D. K., "Using Acoustic Waves for the Characterization of Closed Fatigue Cracks," Mechanics of Fatigue. 22 (Win) Download Here. Waves 13 Bundle Crack are happy to announce a new version of the Waves plugins, Waves V Upgrade to V11 to make your sessions. SHALLOW CRACK FRACTURE MECHANICS, Cambridge, UK TOUGHNESS TESTS AND APPLICATIONS September PAPER 35 Emission and reflections of surface waves. This time corresponds to the interaction of waves emanating from opposing crack tips for a line crack or neighboring points for a pennyshaped crack. distance between the crack and the sensor can be easily calculated. There are several types of AE waves related to rail crack, and these could be. Waves Plugins Crack is revolutionary computer software that enables consumers to set soundtrack layouts of choice. Waves 11 Full Bundle Crack is Waves V11, the latest version of our plugins, has just been released. Upgrade to V11 to make your sessions. waves crack reddit. Waves 14 windows crack New Plugin Waves Harmony Available Waves 14 Complete v14 download Improved loading times for plugins, presets. Tag: how to install waves crack reddit. Waves v13 Complete Windows Crack & Torrent Download · Audio Plugin · Mac · Windows. The scattering of Rayleigh waves by a two-dimensional sub-surface crack, which is perpendicular to the free surface of an elastic half-space. The problem of the diffraction of normally indicent longitudinal and antiplane shear waves on a Griffith crack located in an infinite, isotropic elastic. Waves License Center (WLC) is the central point for your licenses. Waves License Center Crack Download For Windows Waves License Center Version 10 Crack. Wind, Waves, Tide and Weather Forecast for The Crack, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Daylight for Surfing, Windsurfing and Kitesurfing: - stress waves, C. numerical algorithms. INTRODUCTION. When a crack propagates through a region of locally heterogeneous critical fracture energy, its front must. In this paper the propagation of a crack due to shear waves in a medium having monoclinic symmetry is investigated. The stress intensity factor at the crac. The scattering of polarized harmonic shear waves by a sharp crack of finite length under antiplane strain is considered. Use is made of integral transforms. The results are valid only for small concentrations of cracks. Explicit expressions, correct to lowest order in the ratio of the crack size to a wavelength, are.
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⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 The Waves 11 VST Crack With bit support, faster scanning, faster loading, and faster processing, Wαves Version 9 opens up new dimensions. You want good, stable plugins, not shaky cracks. We pride ourselves on the care and effort we put into testing our software, so it can run smoothly over. REFERENCE: Buck, O., Thompson, R. B., and Rehbein, D. K., "Using Acoustic Waves for the Characterization of Closed Fatigue Cracks," Mechanics of Fatigue. 22 (Win) Download Here. Waves 13 Bundle Crack are happy to announce a new version of the Waves plugins, Waves V Upgrade to V11 to make your sessions. SHALLOW CRACK FRACTURE MECHANICS, Cambridge, UK TOUGHNESS TESTS AND APPLICATIONS September PAPER 35 Emission and reflections of surface waves. This time corresponds to the interaction of waves emanating from opposing crack tips for a line crack or neighboring points for a pennyshaped crack. distance between the crack and the sensor can be easily calculated. There are several types of AE waves related to rail crack, and these could be. Waves Plugins Crack is revolutionary computer software that enables consumers to set soundtrack layouts of choice. Waves 11 Full Bundle Crack is Waves V11, the latest version of our plugins, has just been released. Upgrade to V11 to make your sessions. waves crack reddit. Waves 14 windows crack New Plugin Waves Harmony Available Waves 14 Complete v14 download Improved loading times for plugins, presets. Tag: how to install waves crack reddit. Waves v13 Complete Windows Crack & Torrent Download · Audio Plugin · Mac · Windows. The scattering of Rayleigh waves by a two-dimensional sub-surface crack, which is perpendicular to the free surface of an elastic half-space. The problem of the diffraction of normally indicent longitudinal and antiplane shear waves on a Griffith crack located in an infinite, isotropic elastic. Waves License Center (WLC) is the central point for your licenses. Waves License Center Crack Download For Windows Waves License Center Version 10 Crack. Wind, Waves, Tide and Weather Forecast for The Crack, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Daylight for Surfing, Windsurfing and Kitesurfing: - stress waves, C. numerical algorithms. INTRODUCTION. When a crack propagates through a region of locally heterogeneous critical fracture energy, its front must. In this paper the propagation of a crack due to shear waves in a medium having monoclinic symmetry is investigated. The stress intensity factor at the crac. The scattering of polarized harmonic shear waves by a sharp crack of finite length under antiplane strain is considered. Use is made of integral transforms. The results are valid only for small concentrations of cracks. Explicit expressions, correct to lowest order in the ratio of the crack size to a wavelength, are.
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Propagation of a crack due to shear waves in a medium of monoclinic type | SpringerLink
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⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 The Waves 11 VST Crack With bit support, faster scanning, faster loading, and faster processing, Wαves Version 9 opens up new dimensions. You want good, stable plugins, not shaky cracks. We pride ourselves on the care and effort we put into testing our software, so it can run smoothly over. REFERENCE: Buck, O., Thompson, R. B., and Rehbein, D. K., "Using Acoustic Waves for the Characterization of Closed Fatigue Cracks," Mechanics of Fatigue. 22 (Win) Download Here. Waves 13 Bundle Crack are happy to announce a new version of the Waves plugins, Waves V Upgrade to V11 to make your sessions. SHALLOW CRACK FRACTURE MECHANICS, Cambridge, UK TOUGHNESS TESTS AND APPLICATIONS September PAPER 35 Emission and reflections of surface waves. This time corresponds to the interaction of waves emanating from opposing crack tips for a line crack or neighboring points for a pennyshaped crack. distance between the crack and the sensor can be easily calculated. There are several types of AE waves related to rail crack, and these could be. Waves Plugins Crack is revolutionary computer software that enables consumers to set soundtrack layouts of choice. Waves 11 Full Bundle Crack is Waves V11, the latest version of our plugins, has just been released. Upgrade to V11 to make your sessions. waves crack reddit. Waves 14 windows crack New Plugin Waves Harmony Available Waves 14 Complete v14 download Improved loading times for plugins, presets. Tag: how to install waves crack reddit. Waves v13 Complete Windows Crack & Torrent Download · Audio Plugin · Mac · Windows. The scattering of Rayleigh waves by a two-dimensional sub-surface crack, which is perpendicular to the free surface of an elastic half-space. The problem of the diffraction of normally indicent longitudinal and antiplane shear waves on a Griffith crack located in an infinite, isotropic elastic. Waves License Center (WLC) is the central point for your licenses. Waves License Center Crack Download For Windows Waves License Center Version 10 Crack. Wind, Waves, Tide and Weather Forecast for The Crack, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Daylight for Surfing, Windsurfing and Kitesurfing: - stress waves, C. numerical algorithms. INTRODUCTION. When a crack propagates through a region of locally heterogeneous critical fracture energy, its front must. In this paper the propagation of a crack due to shear waves in a medium having monoclinic symmetry is investigated. The stress intensity factor at the crac. The scattering of polarized harmonic shear waves by a sharp crack of finite length under antiplane strain is considered. Use is made of integral transforms. The results are valid only for small concentrations of cracks. Explicit expressions, correct to lowest order in the ratio of the crack size to a wavelength, are.
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Propagation of a crack due to shear waves in a medium of monoclinic type | SpringerLink
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⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 The Waves 11 VST Crack With bit support, faster scanning, faster loading, and faster processing, Wαves Version 9 opens up new dimensions. You want good, stable plugins, not shaky cracks. We pride ourselves on the care and effort we put into testing our software, so it can run smoothly over. REFERENCE: Buck, O., Thompson, R. B., and Rehbein, D. K., "Using Acoustic Waves for the Characterization of Closed Fatigue Cracks," Mechanics of Fatigue. 22 (Win) Download Here. Waves 13 Bundle Crack are happy to announce a new version of the Waves plugins, Waves V Upgrade to V11 to make your sessions. SHALLOW CRACK FRACTURE MECHANICS, Cambridge, UK TOUGHNESS TESTS AND APPLICATIONS September PAPER 35 Emission and reflections of surface waves. This time corresponds to the interaction of waves emanating from opposing crack tips for a line crack or neighboring points for a pennyshaped crack. distance between the crack and the sensor can be easily calculated. There are several types of AE waves related to rail crack, and these could be. Waves Plugins Crack is revolutionary computer software that enables consumers to set soundtrack layouts of choice. Waves 11 Full Bundle Crack is Waves V11, the latest version of our plugins, has just been released. Upgrade to V11 to make your sessions. waves crack reddit. Waves 14 windows crack New Plugin Waves Harmony Available Waves 14 Complete v14 download Improved loading times for plugins, presets. Tag: how to install waves crack reddit. Waves v13 Complete Windows Crack & Torrent Download · Audio Plugin · Mac · Windows. The scattering of Rayleigh waves by a two-dimensional sub-surface crack, which is perpendicular to the free surface of an elastic half-space. The problem of the diffraction of normally indicent longitudinal and antiplane shear waves on a Griffith crack located in an infinite, isotropic elastic. Waves License Center (WLC) is the central point for your licenses. Waves License Center Crack Download For Windows Waves License Center Version 10 Crack. Wind, Waves, Tide and Weather Forecast for The Crack, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Daylight for Surfing, Windsurfing and Kitesurfing: - stress waves, C. numerical algorithms. INTRODUCTION. When a crack propagates through a region of locally heterogeneous critical fracture energy, its front must. In this paper the propagation of a crack due to shear waves in a medium having monoclinic symmetry is investigated. The stress intensity factor at the crac. The scattering of polarized harmonic shear waves by a sharp crack of finite length under antiplane strain is considered. Use is made of integral transforms. The results are valid only for small concentrations of cracks. Explicit expressions, correct to lowest order in the ratio of the crack size to a wavelength, are.
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Propagation of a crack due to shear waves in a medium of monoclinic type | SpringerLink
Wind, Waves, Tide and Weather Forecast for The Crack | Wisuki
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waves-crack-t9 · 1 year
10 Reasons Not to Pirate Waves Plugins | Waves
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 The Waves 11 VST Crack With bit support, faster scanning, faster loading, and faster processing, Wαves Version 9 opens up new dimensions. You want good, stable plugins, not shaky cracks. We pride ourselves on the care and effort we put into testing our software, so it can run smoothly over. REFERENCE: Buck, O., Thompson, R. B., and Rehbein, D. K., "Using Acoustic Waves for the Characterization of Closed Fatigue Cracks," Mechanics of Fatigue. 22 (Win) Download Here. Waves 13 Bundle Crack are happy to announce a new version of the Waves plugins, Waves V Upgrade to V11 to make your sessions. SHALLOW CRACK FRACTURE MECHANICS, Cambridge, UK TOUGHNESS TESTS AND APPLICATIONS September PAPER 35 Emission and reflections of surface waves. This time corresponds to the interaction of waves emanating from opposing crack tips for a line crack or neighboring points for a pennyshaped crack. distance between the crack and the sensor can be easily calculated. There are several types of AE waves related to rail crack, and these could be. Waves Plugins Crack is revolutionary computer software that enables consumers to set soundtrack layouts of choice. Waves 11 Full Bundle Crack is Waves V11, the latest version of our plugins, has just been released. Upgrade to V11 to make your sessions. waves crack reddit. Waves 14 windows crack New Plugin Waves Harmony Available Waves 14 Complete v14 download Improved loading times for plugins, presets. Tag: how to install waves crack reddit. Waves v13 Complete Windows Crack & Torrent Download · Audio Plugin · Mac · Windows. The scattering of Rayleigh waves by a two-dimensional sub-surface crack, which is perpendicular to the free surface of an elastic half-space. The problem of the diffraction of normally indicent longitudinal and antiplane shear waves on a Griffith crack located in an infinite, isotropic elastic. Waves License Center (WLC) is the central point for your licenses. Waves License Center Crack Download For Windows Waves License Center Version 10 Crack. Wind, Waves, Tide and Weather Forecast for The Crack, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Daylight for Surfing, Windsurfing and Kitesurfing: - stress waves, C. numerical algorithms. INTRODUCTION. When a crack propagates through a region of locally heterogeneous critical fracture energy, its front must. In this paper the propagation of a crack due to shear waves in a medium having monoclinic symmetry is investigated. The stress intensity factor at the crac. The scattering of polarized harmonic shear waves by a sharp crack of finite length under antiplane strain is considered. Use is made of integral transforms. The results are valid only for small concentrations of cracks. Explicit expressions, correct to lowest order in the ratio of the crack size to a wavelength, are.
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10 Reasons Not to Pirate Waves Plugins | Waves
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Propagation of a crack due to shear waves in a medium of monoclinic type | SpringerLink
Wind, Waves, Tide and Weather Forecast for The Crack | Wisuki
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