#v: stuck on cloud 9 (pizza tower au)
pcrfumebcttles · 5 months
Thank whatever gods were listening. Allison hears the nearly silent croak, and makes a beeline in that direction, still holding her wife's hand.
Please be in one piece. Please! Don't you be in shambles like Hazel was too!
....Well, he was in one piece....
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Her voice was barely above a whisper as she rounded the corner. Meeting him eye to eye made her heart drop. It was like he was looking right through her. A thousand yard stare that she was all too familiar with...
"Pino...It's-It's Allison. Please just tell me you're okay..."
Her hand slowly drew away from Daisy as she took a single step closer. She didn't want to scare him, but she was so scared for him. She wanted to wrap her arms around him and hug him, but that's the last thing he needs right now.
"We...We gotta leave... It's not safe here...."
That thing... It could still be here. Even if it was beaten in the end, who knows if this is just a brief pause before it came back for round two... She can only hope that if Noisette was still alive, she was safe and with Noise. Right now she has her own priorities.
@lultimagoccia [ XXXXXX ]
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hollow-port · 8 months
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[Like this post for a starter with Allison's Pizza Tower AU]
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pcrfumebcttles · 9 days
Snow White
Allison lets out a long, exaggerated sigh as she leaves the shower, wrapping her hair in a bonnet, throwing on her robe, and preparing the kettle. She didn't take a look at first, as she'd prefer when it's a bit drier. Right now, she needs some tea...
After a good 10 minutes of waiting, she takes a breath and heads to the bathroom. Slipping off the bonnet, she cringes at the few white curls and feathers breaking free. No. This is gonna be good for you. You'll look fine. you'll look...
... Ethereal.
She just yanks the bonnet off all at once, and it was like a deer in headlights. She couldn't stop staring at how good she looked! In fact...
With a snap of her fingers, her glamour disappears, revealing her glamour and golden eyes. This felt right. She feels right. She finally feels like... herself.
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"Heh.... Lookin' good, Allison~"
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pcrfumebcttles · 7 months
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@crvptd asked: ❛ You're joking, right? ❜ It's pizza time!
"Do I look like I'm foolin'!?"
Allison holds her bat firm in her hands, peaking around the corner. No sight of... whatever the hell that thing was. Hopefully she scared it off, but she'll be walking her staff to their cars tonight....
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"It looked just like Peppino!! I don't know if it was a changeling or some kinda demon, but whatever it was, it wasn't friendly, I'll tell you that!"
The bite mark on her arm was proof enough of that.
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pcrfumebcttles · 6 months
"I just wanted to check on--"
Oh no.
Allison could feel tears well up in her eyes just looking at him. She's a doctor. She's no stranger to seeing people like this, but knowing what just happened last night... it hits difference. Not only that... she knows that look. She knows it very well. She's seen it in the mirror too many times to count.
But she quickly switched into her doctor mode, upon seeing the grizzly injury.
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"Peppino. Hun? Just stay still for me please, I need to treat that before it gets infected."
She spoke in her softest but sternest tone, slowly reaching into her bag to get her med kit.
"Is your bathroom nearby? I don't wanna get all this blood on your counter."
[ XXX ] @lultimagoccia
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pcrfumebcttles · 8 months
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"Never met a pizzard before."
She's met her fair share of spell casters and witches that weaved their magic into food, but no one associated with that damn tower... she seems nice.
"Any who. what herbs do you happen to have?"
@lncanting liked for a starter!
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pcrfumebcttles · 8 months
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"Goodness! I didn't expect to see you in here!"
The talk of the town. The man that took on an entire tower to save his pizzeria. Now he was here in her little slice of heaven. Hopefully he tips well.
"What can I get for ya, friend? A drink? A bandage?"
@funiculiholiday liked for a starter! (For Peppino!)
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pcrfumebcttles · 3 months
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"I saw it and I knew I had to get it... It has your name written all over it!!"
Allison giggles, handing out for him to take. She has a similar one at home so she didn't need another one! However, she did know a certain italian chef that would love to have it!
[ XXX ] @lultimagoccia
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pcrfumebcttles · 10 days
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"Welp. It's that time once again."
Allison sighs, grabbing the dye from her medicine cabinet and running shower. She noticed that a few white feathers and hairs were starting to peak out of her curls again. She really needs to make a longer lasting dye....
However, before the brush reaches her hair, she pauses. She looks herself in the mirror and starts... pondering. Why is she doing this again?
"You don't want people think you're aging poorly, love. You have a reputation as The Conway daughter after all."
Those words. His words. Even to this day they stung like knives. So few people have seen her natural hair color... Was she really dying her hair this for herself?
"...No. I can't do this... But, I can at least try."
As she stands she desposes of the dye and grabs the clarifying shampoo. She really wants the old her back, she'll have to take her back.
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pcrfumebcttles · 8 months
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"It's not easy, doin' what I do. One day I'll just be servin' bourbon, the next I could be saving someone's life."
Another drag from her cigarette. One of the rare, peaceful nights where she can enjoy the stars with some tobacco and a flask.
"Wouldn't give it up for the world, though. I'm in much better place now than I was back then. You can really get used to this kinda quiet."
@pzfr liked for a starter!
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pcrfumebcttles · 2 months
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"My mother was...strict with the toys I played with as a little girl. When I played with dolls, if it wasn't a stuffed animal or black doll, She wasn't buying it."
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"And boy do I thank her for it~"
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pcrfumebcttles · 2 months
tfw the nice witch you're friends with and get all your lavendure from help create a bunch of clones of your other friend that are made of dough and have an identity crisis
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pcrfumebcttles · 8 months
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"Slow down there, Paisano. Don't wanna be callin' a cab to get you home."
She playfully snorts, watching the chef throw back his drink. Don't get her wrong. She loves a good paying costumer, but she cares more about a patron's well-being than her pocket book. All that booze can lead to trouble. Still, he seems only a bit buzzed. Guess the guy can hold his liquor.
@lultimagoccia liked for a starter!
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pcrfumebcttles · 4 months
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"It's pride month, so that means my wife has every intention of making me bawl like a baby with gay love poems."
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pcrfumebcttles · 4 months
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"Oh. I'd love to be a mama... I was considering adopting in a few years! The thing that I could teach them, just the idea of making them happy! Makes my heart swell! I'd give my whole world to my babies."
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pcrfumebcttles · 5 months
A shriek, they felt like they were flung back when.....
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""Wh-What the fuck?! Where--"
Allison shoots up, looking around to find a shred of Hazel, Theo, Peppino, fucking anyone!! Thankfully, Daisy was still by her side. Her wife's arms around her calmed her ever fragile nerves, as she glances up. Through her tears she can see a window, familiar posters, a hallway and.... wait....
"Are we....? NTV studios?"
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"It's okay baby! It's okay...! I got you...!"
The married couple stood, Allison leaning on Daisy as her knees threatened to buckle. On second thought, maybe Daisy will save that scolding for later... much much later.
"How did we get back here?"
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"I don't know, but come on! We gotta find Peppino and Hazel!"
Allison tightly grips onto Daisy's hand before dashing down the hallway, all the while, calling out for Peppino and Hazel.
Hazel.... Please be okay. Please...
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