#v: the dark urge | sv; astarion
nyf-archive · 10 months
@a-crookedtouch asked | ‘ i won’t ever forgive them, but i still want them to beg for it. ’
"Oh, they will. I'll be there to make sure of it." Colette smirked a little bit as she looks to the map, her mapping tools laid about all around her as she planned their journey forwards. "So...we kill him and then what? Do you go back and become a Magistrate again? Do you take up his estate and run it as your own?" The blonde half-elf snickered at the thought, her quill now marking all the areas they had explored already.
The Goblin Camp, the Grove, and even that Hag's hut. She marked it with a big red X and a frowny face before she brushes the feather in her opposite hand, wondering what path they should take next. "I think it would be funny if Szaar Estate was suddenly renamed and people left wondering." Another wicked grin, crimson orbs flickering across the mp with confidence. Dusting it with a bit of drying powder, the amnesiac would stand, her head tilting up to him as she pictures him sitting in a proper desk.
"I can see it. You deserve to be in a position of power like that after all these years." The map rolls quickly in her hand before it's tied and stowed in her backpack. "But first, we should try to figure out how to get to through the Cursed Lands like Halsin told us. And deal with this...Absolute bullshit." Pun intended. Stretching up with a bit of a hum, Colette would look to the rest of their tents in camp, hands rubbing together as she comes up with a plan.
"Underdark or Mountain Path? Both seem quite risky. What the the Githyanki on one and possible murderous creatures below. All in all, sounds like we're going to do some damage." She welcomed his opinion; one of the only ones, really. Great minds think alike and all.
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nyf-archive · 9 months
@apalestar asked | He heard her mutterings about the heat of the sun. The idea came to him on a whim. He crept over while she in thought. Coiled his arms about her chest and pulled her close. His body cold in comparison to their surroundings. Without fresh blood in his veins, his body produced not even a meager amount of warmth. To irritate her further, he did this in full view of their traveling companions. “Better darling? We wouldn’t want the weather to do you in, would we?”
The heat of the sun was unfuckingbearable. With the rage still sweltering in her chest, having found out further about all of the things everyone has been hiding from her, Colette felt absolutely enraged as of late. It was just getting to her at this point. They were about to head to the crèche next, but they had stopped for the night. The heat was making her more irritable than normal. She had said something to Halsin in passing and he had offered a remedy, but she was currently thinking about other ways to help herself. She wanted to go slink into a pond or something. That may hel-
A shrill sound of surprise sprung from her lips as the arms wrapped around her from behind, pulling her close to the spawns chest. The entirety of her back was flush against his chest, the window of her tunic leaving her exposed to the chill of his body. Her hands grasp at his arms tightly, almost doubling over to try and escape the cold chill not only on her partially exposed abdomen, but also the the strip of her back from shoulders to waist. She can see that the party has looked away from this interaction as if they would be called voyeurs in the next few moments.
“Y-You fucking bastard…!” Colette squeaks. The embarrassment hits her, next, her face breaking out into a hot blush as she claps her hands over her eyes, hiding herself from his gaze. That wasn’t going to do her any good. She relaxes, momentarily, in his embrace, leaning back in and against his chest, but not enough to where he could let go and let her fall. But she notices, in that moment of doubting his hold on her, that her blood has significantly cooled. Letting out a shaky breath, the elf looks at him from over her shoulder and glares at him.
“Are you so proud of yourself?”
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nyf-archive · 8 months
( Colette ) He offered her a freshly baked cinnamon bun he may or may not have obtained legally with a smirk on his lips. "May I?" She knew very well what he was asking. Her wrist after she sampled the delicious treat.
It was exhausting doing all this running around the city. She had just sat down to take a moment for herself when she heard the footsteps approaching. Cracking an eye open, she looks up to the bun that was offered out to her and couldn’t help the incredulous laughter that followed after. “You’re as subtle as a giant in a crowd of gnomes.” Colette grinned and snagged it from him. Taking a few bites, she shook her head and sighed heavily.
“Not even a moment to let it digest, hmm?” A crooked smile given as she removes her glove and rolled up her sleeve to expose the precious veins within her wrist and offered it up to him. “You’re incorrigible, you know?”
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nyf-archive · 8 months
( from this, crack ) "What? Gale's not your partner. I am." He furrowed his brows.
She looks back to yell at Gale from across the table. It was going to be somewhere along the lines of 'if I'm supposed to be your partner, stop talking about Mystra!' But Astarion interrupted her just as she was about to blurt it out. Very slowly, Colette turns her head and looks at him with her own furrowed brow.
"...could you please repeat that one more time for me. I didn't quite catch that." A perplexed, shit eating look is slowly spreading across her face as she sits back in her seat, now, arm thrown over the back as she stares at him. "Oh. You're my partner. What happened to us being a little tryst, hmm?" She was definitely intrigued, now.
"My partner. Hmm. Well then." She laughs a little to herself and takes his goblet of vinegar wine and sips on it. "Alright, then. Karlach, you're my witness." The rogue grins a bit more as the tiefling in the back cheers like the groupie she is, blazing a bit more than she intended to as Colette crosses one leg over the other and grins a little bit to herself. Well. Maybe she should've done this from the start.
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nyf-archive · 10 months
@apalestar asked | [INJURY]: after having been badly wounded themselves, the sender tries to reassure the frantic receiver by cupping their face and comforting them.
He had just been lying there, still as could be. Her hands shook with fear. The shock was evident in the young woman's features. There was blood everywhere. The Gur was dead and gone. Very dead. She thought that he had killed him, that he was gone for good. Colette swallowed hard as she looked to the scene before them. Gale and Lae'zel were discussing what to do in the background, seeing as though she was not all there in the moment and not capable of making a decision.
She had pulled the stake out, was ready to pour a potion down his gullet when he popped up like a spring daisy. And now his hand was upon her cheek, doing his best to comfort her. He was the one who was incapacitated. She should be the one making sure he was alright. Her hand grips his wrist, her eyes close as she tries to hold back the fear from spilling in the form of tears. No. She could not cry. He was fine. He was safe. She...no...he was okay.
"Y-You're an idiot..." Her voice quivers as she holds him tighter, her head turning into his touch further as to pull herself from the dark thoughts of the Urge within her blood. She had wanted to tear into the Gur, rip him limb from limb. Colette had wanted to let the slayer free. But she didn't. She couldn't. Else her friends would be at risk. And she didn't want to lose anyone else.
"Don't ever fucking do that again...wh-who the fuck gets that close to someone who knows their every weakness?!" She wanted to punch him, but that would do nothing. So she furrowed her brow and leaned into the touch again
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nyf-archive · 8 months
@apalestar asked | If she wanted to keep their relationship a secret, Colette had another thing coming. After she had taken to resting for the evening, Astarion sneaked over to her tent. Arranged a spare set of his pants partially inside and outside her temporary dwelling. The others are left to draw their own conclusions come morning.
It wasn't that she wanted it to be a secret, per say. Colette just didn't think it was anyone else's business who she decided to spend her intimate time with. That night she went to bed was one of those rare occasions where she was able to actually sleep without the fear of the bloodlust taking over her in the middle of the night. They had taken out almost all of the adversaries in the area, and the demon within her was satisfied. For now.
When she woke up, Colette noticed feet outside her tent and immediately furrowed her brow. Well. The pants explained it. Annoyance is clear on her face as she sees the spawn's pants deliberately placed and she snatches them up, whipping with everyone near the entrance of her tent with them; Karlach and Wyll were the main culprits who ran away snickering and howling like the hyenas they had murdered just days before.
Making her way to his tent, still wearing her sleeping gown, Colette balled the fabric up and threw them at him, hitting him square in the face to the point the legs flew backwards and wrapped across his shoulder.
"You are such a pain in the ass! Can I not have one thing to keep all to myself!?! Find your own dinner tonight you rotten little bat!"
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