#weapons do not weep | colette proudheart
nyf-archive · 10 months
@a-crookedtouch asked | ‘ i won’t ever forgive them, but i still want them to beg for it. ’
"Oh, they will. I'll be there to make sure of it." Colette smirked a little bit as she looks to the map, her mapping tools laid about all around her as she planned their journey forwards. "So...we kill him and then what? Do you go back and become a Magistrate again? Do you take up his estate and run it as your own?" The blonde half-elf snickered at the thought, her quill now marking all the areas they had explored already.
The Goblin Camp, the Grove, and even that Hag's hut. She marked it with a big red X and a frowny face before she brushes the feather in her opposite hand, wondering what path they should take next. "I think it would be funny if Szaar Estate was suddenly renamed and people left wondering." Another wicked grin, crimson orbs flickering across the mp with confidence. Dusting it with a bit of drying powder, the amnesiac would stand, her head tilting up to him as she pictures him sitting in a proper desk.
"I can see it. You deserve to be in a position of power like that after all these years." The map rolls quickly in her hand before it's tied and stowed in her backpack. "But first, we should try to figure out how to get to through the Cursed Lands like Halsin told us. And deal with this...Absolute bullshit." Pun intended. Stretching up with a bit of a hum, Colette would look to the rest of their tents in camp, hands rubbing together as she comes up with a plan.
"Underdark or Mountain Path? Both seem quite risky. What the the Githyanki on one and possible murderous creatures below. All in all, sounds like we're going to do some damage." She welcomed his opinion; one of the only ones, really. Great minds think alike and all.
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nyf-archive · 11 months
@caelumangeli continued from x
The rogue looked to her companion as he doubled over, her brow quirked in curiosity. People like her? There was a bit of a laugh to that wording as she wipes the ichor from her blade off and into the dirt, counting the others to make sure everyone was caught up and safe from the surgery theater. Once the headcount was complete, she turned back to the azure haired male who was motioning in frustration, kicking the dirt, and making it known that he was very much so stressed out beyond belief.
"Well," Colette started softly as she moves over to him, "You are definitely allowed to be frustrated and feel all the ways you want to feel. No one is telling you not to." She pauses and pulls some strands of long-rotted guts that were stuck to the side of his armor. "People, like me, are just well used to this carnage and...chaos. The blighted lands are a bit out of my reach, but! We have the lute! That's one step closer, right?" The blonde grinned softly, head craned to the side as she stood up straight.
"I'm not saying to not have feelings about what's happened...but we survived. It's just a positivity thing. The world is a shit place, but if you can at least look for the light at the end of the tunnel, shit doesn't feel so bad."
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nyf-archive · 9 months
What kind of love are you?
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Love as Religion | Mollymauk
Devotion, that is the name of your love. Your love is an act of worship. Your love is like witnessing the birth of Venus, like seeing the sun come alive, or the stars fall. When you love, it is because you have found God in a lover. You have found the meaning of life itself in the heart of the one you adore. They are everything to you; they are your Maker, and you are their lamb, their flock, their first and holiest worshipper. When you fall in love, it is as a baptism. You are born anew, made a believer in the divinity of the one you love most. Being loved by you is an ascension; it is holy and golden. It is all-consuming, and all-faithful, loyal as the dog. You will never, ever bite back.
Love as the Dawn | Colette
Pastel, saccharine and hopeful, your love rises slow to greet the day. It tiptoes on doe feet and blossoms bit by bit, petal by petal. Love is new to you, isn’t it? A fresh discovery in a world you do not quite understand. Your love loves with bated breaths. Your love swoons and sighs and lingers under awnings. Your love romanticizes. Your love aches as tenderly as a bruise. You’re swollen with desire and idealizations. The perfect kiss, the perfect touch, the perfect partner in life. Your love is wide-eyed and innocent, naive and pristine and oh, so very easily breakable. Being loved by you is to be loved by a child, by a lamb, wooly-eyed and helpless. Oh. I really hope it lasts.
tagged by: @necromanticdancer taggging: @seeliecourt @apalestar @sunderdust @eritvita @lclthlcved @unluckystars @trevely4n @never-surrender @thegreatstrongbow and whoever else is seeing this!
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nyf-archive · 9 months
@unfortunatedarling asked | please… don’t go
"...fuck." The rogue pulled out her blades and looked to the devourers just across the way. She could tell that things were about to get very heated. First the crash and now this? Colette can feel the bubbling of her blood as it rose in anger. Fuck the nautiloid. Fuck the illithid. Fuck the memory loss! Damn it all to hell!
"Stay down, don't draw any attention to yourself." She speaks quickly before crouching and then launching at an inhuman speed towards the walking brains. She is a whirlwind of gore and rage. Her knives slice through hemisphere after hemisphere, taking down the little buggers quicker than they had a moment to process what was happening to them.
Taking a few ragged breaths after the viscera and blood was scattered about, Colette finds herself, ignoring the settled urge from deep in her soul as she looks back to the other escapee and walks slowly back to them.
"Are you injured...?" Her voice comes out as a growl unintended. Having taken a few hits from the walking weirdos, the girl looks around for any more possible fights to be had before her eyes turn back to the other. "Can you ambulate or do you need assistance?"
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nyf-archive · 8 months
@tadbitfooled asked | “ do you wanna talk about this, or be distracted, or left alone? “
"What is there to talk about?" The rogue looked up to the woman, her brow furrowed as she tries to clean the blood from her tunic. "If you don't want to be held accountable for whatever is wrong with me, then you should just stay in camp. Plausible deniability. I can't help it. I don't know what's wrong with me, Gwen, okay? Is that what you want me to say?" The girl sits back on her haunches before finally sitting back and onto her rear as she looks out to the river. "...I'm a fucking monster."
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nyf-archive · 9 months
what kind of herb are you?
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You leave an impression wherever you go. Your heart is so strong, so determined, so willing to go after whatever hole you see in the world, whatever wound you need to fix next. You're there. You're justice, hot red and pure gold, fairness incarnate, a paladin in shining armor come to protect and cleanse and heal and yet sometimes you wonder if you're the most corrupt, dirty being in the world, a fraud, a monster in hero's clothing. The world is so intense and you are so small, so fragile, and no matter how hard you try you're never good enough. You want to be good. You want to be good enough. You try so hard and yet the world is so dark and angry and cruel. Perfection is always just out of reach and you want things to be okay so bad you bleed with it. You just want things to be right, to be good, to be fair, but you don't know if they ever can be. If you can ever be.
tagged by: @apalestar tagging: @never-surrender @seeliecourt @intothewildsea @lclthlcved @necromanticdancer @eritvita @unfortunatedarling @shemurder @sunderdust and whoever else would like to do it!
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nyf-archive · 9 months
@apalestar looks about right after they emerge from the Crypt. He said he wanted that information, so that information he got xD despite all the bruises
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nyf-archive · 11 months
@savageurges asked | "what , am i supposed to be impressed?"
There is a dark chuckle under her breath. Strong, lithe legs lift herself from over the corpse as she turns to look at him, this look of death in her eyes as her gaze falls upon that of the tiefling.
"Do I look like my goal was to impress you? You don't look much impressive yourself, either, rosey." The blonde half elf would lean over and clean her knife off on the clothes of the drow she had just dropped, her fingers picking through his pockets in a deft and swift motion. "I don't even know who you are. You waltzed in here and thankfully distracted my target. An easy stick to the neck and now we're both free of a problem." Standing up once more, she held the small metal key that had been her quarry before shoving it into her bag.
"Unless you're here for them, I'd suggest legging it out of here. I wouldn't want to be you when the spider bitch turned cultist arrives to this mess." Colette turned her hands to her hair now, tying it up and into a tight ponytail in case this was about to turn into a fight or flight situation.
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nyf-archive · 9 months
@apalestar asked | A rare event occurred this evening. Only done when he thought everyone was asleep. The watch was his, and he thought himself alone. His fingers slipped beneath the edge of his underarmor. The garment lifted and pulled over his head. Discarded to the side to be replaced with a more comfortable ensemble for staying in camp.
The woman was feeling restless. A night where she was afraid that she would do something untoward. Ugh. She needed to go for a walk, to go kill a fuzzy little creature or something. Who knew. Something other than sit and stew or sleep and sleep walk. As she padded across the open field of their campsite, the woman yawned, hand over her mouth and partially obstructing her eyes, and when she lowers the silencing appendage, does she see a sight. Yup. That uh. That was what she was calling it.
No, she refuses to even allow her thoughts to wander where they want to wander as they did one other time before. No. No no. It's not happening. Until it is happening, and she is flustered.
Immediately does a bright red color find her cheeks. Annoyance, embarrassment, anger; all the emotions she could feel were felt in one big whirlwind. She felt like this was violating some sort of privacy. Her arms wrapped around her head, eyes glued to the ground as she walks past him, mumbling something of 'excuse me' as she walks towards the water, likely to go drown herself from embarrassment.
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nyf-archive · 9 months
@apalestar asked | He heard her mutterings about the heat of the sun. The idea came to him on a whim. He crept over while she in thought. Coiled his arms about her chest and pulled her close. His body cold in comparison to their surroundings. Without fresh blood in his veins, his body produced not even a meager amount of warmth. To irritate her further, he did this in full view of their traveling companions. “Better darling? We wouldn’t want the weather to do you in, would we?”
The heat of the sun was unfuckingbearable. With the rage still sweltering in her chest, having found out further about all of the things everyone has been hiding from her, Colette felt absolutely enraged as of late. It was just getting to her at this point. They were about to head to the crèche next, but they had stopped for the night. The heat was making her more irritable than normal. She had said something to Halsin in passing and he had offered a remedy, but she was currently thinking about other ways to help herself. She wanted to go slink into a pond or something. That may hel-
A shrill sound of surprise sprung from her lips as the arms wrapped around her from behind, pulling her close to the spawns chest. The entirety of her back was flush against his chest, the window of her tunic leaving her exposed to the chill of his body. Her hands grasp at his arms tightly, almost doubling over to try and escape the cold chill not only on her partially exposed abdomen, but also the the strip of her back from shoulders to waist. She can see that the party has looked away from this interaction as if they would be called voyeurs in the next few moments.
“Y-You fucking bastard…!” Colette squeaks. The embarrassment hits her, next, her face breaking out into a hot blush as she claps her hands over her eyes, hiding herself from his gaze. That wasn’t going to do her any good. She relaxes, momentarily, in his embrace, leaning back in and against his chest, but not enough to where he could let go and let her fall. But she notices, in that moment of doubting his hold on her, that her blood has significantly cooled. Letting out a shaky breath, the elf looks at him from over her shoulder and glares at him.
“Are you so proud of yourself?”
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nyf-archive · 9 months
@sunderdust asked | [ lingering ] a long, slow kiss filled with emotion and desire
How had they ended up this way? Was her memory lapsing again? Was this something beyond her control? Her father's doing for not following instructions? There was no weapon in her hand, no blood about them, but she was wrapped up in him. He held her so delicately in his hands. Colette felt as though she could melt. There is emotion that pricks at her eyes, fear that tears in her chest, but oh gods does she want to be enveloped by him. She couldn't stop herself now. She didn't want to.
This should end.
His name was on her lips, barely a whisper. What should have been a rejection, was more like a prayer. There is a quiver to her breath as he kisses her, finally tastes him upon her tongue. This was bliss. Ecstasy. Salvation. Something she knew would satiate the disgusting hunger deep within her chest. All of these thoughts in her brain were shooed away as his arms wrap more firmly around her.
His personal perfume fills her senses. The feeling of his lips dragging against hers, pressing for more and exploring further. She can feel the heat of his breath every time he pulls away or when he searches for air. Her senses heightened to feel every languid draw of his hands against her body. Her hands are frozen against him, petrified that they may end up around his throat in the next moment
But there was an overwhelming need to be desired by him, to feel wanted by someone for something other than the bloodlust within her bones. She didn't feel like bhaal's daughter in his arms. She was just Colette. There is more conflict in her brain. Was this just a moment? Something that would be forgotten by the morning?
That was for morning to decide. Right now, she wanted to enjoy this...whatever this was. So she leans closer, allows for her nose to brush his, reciprocates the desire for his closeness as one hand tangles in those beautiful pitch locks while the other grips his tunic for purchase, grounding herself to this moment.
If this was to be the last moment of her own autonomy, then so be it.
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nyf-archive · 10 months
@tisfortreasure asked | ‘you are an absolutely stunning, murderous little creature’
Looking over her shoulder to the elf, Colette smirks a bit and shrugs a bit. "You're not incorrect." Turning now to face Ansa, the blonde woman would tilt her head in curiosity. "How kind of you to notice. I try very hard with the work that I do." A soft bit of laughter now, fingers tapping along her thighs as she thinks, mind seeming thousands of miles away, but present at the same time.
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nyf-archive · 8 months
( not BIK owning my anons ) gives Colette a book about denial being a river in Egypt.
Colette narrows her eyes at the book and then up at the grey cloak and frowns.
“What the fuck is this? What is Egypt and why is a stage of grief the name of a river? I have so many questions.”
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nyf-archive · 8 months
A small smirk was all she got before he pulled her against himself. Hands settled on her ass while he kissed her.
She was fully expecting something other than this. There is a soft sound of surprise as he pulls her close. Colette is definitely not disappointed by this unsuspected kiss, but she is suspicious. Her arms wrap around his shoulders, kissing him languidly in return, hands dancing through those beautiful snowy trusses.
“My, my. Have I done something so to deserve such sweetness?” She purred softly against his lips, her nose brushing along his with a sly smirk
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nyf-archive · 8 months
( Colette ) He offered her a freshly baked cinnamon bun he may or may not have obtained legally with a smirk on his lips. "May I?" She knew very well what he was asking. Her wrist after she sampled the delicious treat.
It was exhausting doing all this running around the city. She had just sat down to take a moment for herself when she heard the footsteps approaching. Cracking an eye open, she looks up to the bun that was offered out to her and couldn’t help the incredulous laughter that followed after. “You’re as subtle as a giant in a crowd of gnomes.” Colette grinned and snagged it from him. Taking a few bites, she shook her head and sighed heavily.
“Not even a moment to let it digest, hmm?” A crooked smile given as she removes her glove and rolled up her sleeve to expose the precious veins within her wrist and offered it up to him. “You’re incorrigible, you know?”
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nyf-archive · 8 months
( from this, crack ) "What? Gale's not your partner. I am." He furrowed his brows.
She looks back to yell at Gale from across the table. It was going to be somewhere along the lines of 'if I'm supposed to be your partner, stop talking about Mystra!' But Astarion interrupted her just as she was about to blurt it out. Very slowly, Colette turns her head and looks at him with her own furrowed brow.
"...could you please repeat that one more time for me. I didn't quite catch that." A perplexed, shit eating look is slowly spreading across her face as she sits back in her seat, now, arm thrown over the back as she stares at him. "Oh. You're my partner. What happened to us being a little tryst, hmm?" She was definitely intrigued, now.
"My partner. Hmm. Well then." She laughs a little to herself and takes his goblet of vinegar wine and sips on it. "Alright, then. Karlach, you're my witness." The rogue grins a bit more as the tiefling in the back cheers like the groupie she is, blazing a bit more than she intended to as Colette crosses one leg over the other and grins a little bit to herself. Well. Maybe she should've done this from the start.
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