#v; faded memories; new beginnings (human!guizhong)
dutybcrne · 9 months
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         "Why do I feel...like I'm forgetting something important-"
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dutybcrne · 1 year
Guiying cannot listen to tales of the great Rex Lapis without tearing up. She has no idea why it is so, it just happens. They well up and spill over without warning, particularly when it comes to those about his exploits during and after the Archon War. She tends to leave as soon as the waterworks start, to spare everyone else the worries and herself having to cobble together some explanation.
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dutybcrne · 1 year
v; faded memories; new beginnings (human!guizhong)
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At her death in the Archon War, Guizhong used the last of her strength to allow her part of her soul to cleave from its whole and be granted the chance for reincarnation. As much as she'd tried to make it seem as though she had made peace with her demise, in truth, she was not yet ready to leave her precious people and friends behind. This was the best, most desperate way she could ensure herself a little more time with them even if she had been unsure if it would work.
Even if it did mean forfeiting her memories. But hey, if that's what it took to have this second chance, by all means. Perhaps she may be lucky enough to meet and love them all again one day.
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Her life began in the outskirts of Qingce village.
At least, that's what she could remember most clearly, her first true vivid memory as a young child wandering the area.
Named Guiying, the elderly couple who ultimately found her raised her among the other children in the village. She possessed an exceptional talent in mechanics and invention, notable even early on in her life. Thus, it became what she took up doing when she was old enough to seek work and help the others in the village with whatever fixes they needed. She spent a lot of her time at home in the workshop built for her, tinkering away and making new creations to sell or gift her fellow villagers.
Other than that, she would also make trips to the Wangshu Inn to properly sell her creations and services there ( and sometimes along the way if she happened to be lucky enough ), though never straying further than that place. When asked why, she would simply smile and say she didn't want to go too far from home.
In truth, while she genuinely did feel uneasy at the thought of parting from her family, it was mostly because the few times she dared venture into the Guili Plains, she would be plagued by visions ( or were they memories? ) and horrid headaches brought on by the ensuing surge of them. Though, admittedly, the same would sometimes happen at the Wangshu Inn, particularly at night when she would stay longer to complete repairs or finish up selling her creations and network with the merchants that showed up there. She has no idea why this happens, but for the longest time could not bear to brave it all and seek to head out for Liyue Harbor, even when she could no doubt find better opportunities there. Even when she herself felt such longing to go there, after catching glimpses of the city through paintings brought by merchants.
Eventually, after confiding the truth to them, her family would encourage her to try, anyways. That perhaps this is a sort of test she must face, perhaps due to her past life, and in enduring it, would find all the more success after surpassing it all. The thought had her growing determined to do just that, determined to brave those visions and reach the place her heart so yearned for.
Still, as Guiying had thought, the journey to Liyue Harbor was arduous, and she was indeed plagued by vision after vision along the way through the Guili plains. Of people, perhaps friends, and longing, of battles and chaos, it varied greatly whenever they struck. The merchant she tagged along with to make things easier even wound up abandoning her along the way, right near what was once the Guili Assembly. He had thought her cursed by the gods, and after she'd had a particularly harrowing glimpse at what appeared to be her own demise, even Guiying found that notion hard to deny. But even with no travel companion and protection, Guiying would continue forwards, determination to see her journey through in spite of pain what every day would bring her, in body and mind alike.
In encountering hilichurls and Treasure Hoarders along the way, in sometimes being lead astray by the visions filling her head ( why did they keep leading her back to the ruins of the Guili Assembly? ), but she strove her best to keep moving. She wasn't too much of a fighter, save what experience she'd gotten in previous journeys, but with her strategies and swiftness, she would manage. She would manage, in stealing potions and a crossbow from Treasure Hoarders, and arrows off her defeated enemies for her own benefit. Sometimes things went off without a hitch, sometimes she wound up taking a bit of a beating before having to retreat, and sometimes what visions she saw would even begin ease to things she could merely stop and let go on before continuing, rather than chase after or run from. But in any case, she would continue to survive and press onward, growing more and more eager to reach her destination.
Eventually though, even determination and her clever plans would not be enough to see her through alone. Her body would end up giving out just before reaching a village along the way, passing out as a result of many a sleepless night and everything she'd been dealt along the way. Luckily for her, the Millelith who'd seen her there were kind enough to bring her there and let the people care for her, even leaving with her all the possessions she'd managed to keep along the way, too.
Once recovered and she'd given the last of her Mora to repay the kind man who'd looked after her, Guiying would set off once more for Liyue Harbor, now closer than ever and without any dangers to slow her travels. And without the odd flashes of those visions to hinder her, as well, to her relief.
At long last, she was finally here, and she couldn't be happier. While saddened some of the things she'd brought had been taken by the merchant when he'd cast her away or had gotten lost along the way, Guiying was still determined to do her best to find success here. To live up to her family's hope and wish for her. She'd already faced her toughest trial in getting here, right? No doubt, everything would be smooth sailing for her, from here on out.
Especially with the gleaming Geo Vision she now possessed.
As for where her path may go from there...perhaps for now, she may pester the blacksmith for some work while she got her bearings in the city. A man of brawn like that could use some good, fresh ideas and she could use a guy who had the strength to help out with certain projects in mind her own couldn't handle alone. Yeah, that sounded pretty good.
Somehow, the idea seems almost wonderfully familiar to her.
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