#v; tbt.
countercharmda · 3 months
instead of saying I love you the normal way pj is gonna take a heavy hit for ren <3 enjoy some angst with comfort
He was a bloody idiot. It was an easy thought to focus on as Serendipity lead ‘Alavor’ through the streets of the city, trying to find any inn that would take them without question. Some bribery later, and the prince had his bodyguard propped against the tub, a basin of water by his side as he tended to unnecessary wounds.
“ You’re a bloody idiot, “ the prince said aloud, wringing out the cloth. “ I hope you know that. “
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blkcnt · 3 months
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“ 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 and your fancy little glasses—certainly would be a shame if someone stole them, huh~? ” / @summurs.
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ciiobanu · 11 months
@zoophagist liked for a starter.
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" Mr. Renfield - I presume ?"
His voice was steady, his eyes fixed on the other man. The new Patriarch's clawed fingers tapped absentmindedly on the railing, appearing much like a cat assessing a new situation with newfound curiosity.
It had been five months since his ascension. Five months which had ( in his mind ) been many many years in the making. Yet- a leader's work is never done, nor is it a wise decision not to greet your guests upon their arrival. So he did - as he had been taught - descending the stairs fully after a long moment of faux contemplation.
A smile spread across his face, not quite reaching his eyes ( yet ).
" Please, do tell me- How was your journey?"
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artistmarchalius · 8 months
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Broppy Capture AU, where Branch didn’t confess after World Tour, but a love confession when all hope seems lost is just what they need to free themselves from Velvet and Veneer.
A version without text can be found under the cut.
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kalopsic-lagomorph · 8 months
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widowshill · 5 months
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— But it's almost midnight. — Oh, that's the point! At the stroke of twelve, he turns into Dracula. C'mon, Vicki – he won't bite.
pose ref.
#dark shadows 1966#victoria winters#roger collins#➤ roger collins & victoria winters. ┊ pain sometimes precedes pleasure,miss winters.#vamp roger au tbt#➤ roger collins. ┊ I and my ghosts want a drink.#➤ victoria winters. ┊ because she’s lost and lonely. because she looks in shadows.#➤ edits & art. ┊ the evans cottage art gallery.#art.#i always feel a little apprehensive about putting r/v things in the general tags bc i know that's not everyone's cup of tea but.#if r/v squicks you out and you don't have me blocked idk why lmakldfgfg. that's what we do here.#well! did you know that the moonflower is a highly poisonous and psychoactive flower that belongs to the nightshade family#and can cause respiratory depression arrhythmias fever delirium hallucinations psychosis and death if taken internally.#and they are night-blooming and pollinated by sphinx moths. much to think about.#scenes from the vamp roger au that i've been plotting with tortie and have only posted like one thing about but. anyway.#should be making violent love to you behind a palm tree etc. but the moonflowers in liz's greenhouse will have to do.#yeah yeah yeah we've all heard about his more famous triangular cousin but what about the real collins vampire huh.#who was here in 1966 draining years off another man's life. who spent ten years in a coffin (augusta) and came back wrong.#who knows nothing but a habitual; driving; consuming thirst.#who feeds on the youth and innocence of his governess – of his sister's hospitality – of the shelter of the collins blood.#who prefers; instead of living; to bury himself in the collins tomb.#who creates not biological sons but makes other men into monsters just like him.#also lou was really hot as a vampire for 0.5 seconds in hods.
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radiomurdeer · 6 months
@lilitophidian gets a starter cause the vibes are good.
Grief had a way of changing people. Alastor's mother had died, and with her the music and joy of life. Maybe if it had been a more peaceful death, he could have accepted it. An illness or injury that would give him time to come to terms.
But murder?
No, she'd been stolen from him, and Alastor couldn't let that stand.
He stood at a crossroads. Quite literally a turning point in his life, even as he laid out his offerings in the center of the empty road. it wasn't the first time someone had summoned a ruler of Hell here, and it wouldn't be he last. Alastor had no intentions on calling the Devil though. Laid out on a cloth of deep red, he set out each item carefully. Rose petals, cinnamon, silvery mugwort, and a glass cup in red. Next to them was a bottle of the nicest wine he could get his hands on - if he was lucky it hadn't been cut with water, but it was the Prohibition, he'd have to hope it'd still be accepted. The last thing recommended was animal blood, but that felt -- lesser. Alastor was young enough in his occult studies that he hadn't yet learned caution. Hadn't yet learned what a high price could be demanded and extracted when things when wrong, when the advice of those who'd come before wasn't followed. He didn't have a silver dagger, all he had was a kitchen knife, well loved and well used, and his own blood.
The words of the ritual came out haltingly, unfamiliar and strange, leaving a tingle on his tongue. Words of power as he sliced a shallow cut on the heel of his palm to let it drip down into the red glass.
Plip, plip, plop.
Now all that was left was to wait, and hope his entreaties had been heard.
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apoapsis · 1 year
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my homework assignment from sigma stan university...
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oathwilled · 6 months
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' You look so biteable today. ' ( MODERN BECAUSE ) @oathfcrged / shut up i have the talking stick
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This  has  all  been  kind  of  a  whirlwind,  but  not  an  unwelcome  one.  They’ve  met  up  a  handful  of  times  now  — he’s  easy-going  with  sex,  sure,  and  maybe  at  the  beginning  that’s  all  it  was.  But  beyond  that  there’s  a  kind  of  natural  magnetism  he  can’t  quite  deny,  either,  and  it’s  been  nice  to  have  evenings  off  with  someone  rather  than  an  empty  house  or  strangers  at  a  bar.  
"  Only  today?  "  He  grins,  and  it’s  teasing.  "  What  makes  today  so  different?  Is  it  'cause  I  shaved?  "  Which  —— he  did,  sort  of.  Trimmed,  more  like.  His  beard  grows  wild,  thick,  and  unruly  terribly  fast,  and  so  he’s  in  the  habit  of  trimming  it  down  a  lot  now  and  then  — which  says  something,  because  it’s  still  thick  enough.  
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"  Or,  "  and  some  exaggerated  consideration,  "  is  that  just  your  way  of  sayin’  you  wanna?  "  Brows  incline,  and  he  grins.  "  Just  not  too  hard,  I’m  sensitive.  "  —— which  is  said  more  like  a  challenge  than  truth,  but,  well.  He’s  him.  
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knockin’ on heaven’s door (feat. ~eyebrows~ for @aprylynn)
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smilemuse · 7 months
he has everything going for him: good looks, popularity, grades, student council vice president, & the fangirls to boot. there are times when yoshida wishes he were invisible, blending into the background with ease. however, this was a different task instead one that the teacher had entrusted him with. yoshida's not sure how someone can have that low of a gpa, but he's trying not to be too judgmental.  ❛ are you even paying attention? ❜ he chimes in as he looks at the other boy. everything about him screamed like he was ready to drop out.
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purple bangs fray into the edges of his vision but he makes the moment to sit down across from him. they aren't equals by any means & he can feel the stares of the rest of the students. there whispers are birds chirping.  ❛ denji, what are you actually looking at?❜ this time a smile threatens the frays of his mouth, he sees the peep of a magazine from the textbook.  ❛ i'll put it in the shredder. ❜
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countercharmda · 9 months
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There's nothing quite as bad as the chill. Despite running hot, Serendipity's always despised cold days such as this. They make him want to stay inside and do absolutely nothing all day. Very few things could get him out and about -- including a shopping trip such as this one.
" Are you cold? " asks @lunaerising , as Caleb -- the one he'd asked to join him a few days ago. Serendipity blinks at the wizard, and was about to protest before he watched the other start to shrug off his coat. " Here - take my jacket. "
It was no small offer, the tiefling knew. With a soft nod, he accepts, and offers a small smile as he does so. The jacket is warm and heavy on his shoulders, like a well needed hug. " Thank you. Maybe I can find myself a new winter coat while we're out, " he says. " Seems I've misplaced my own... "
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blkcnt · 3 months
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“ 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐓—wonder woman? don't tell me the entire justice league is in town. little too much hero for my tastes. ” / @am4zon.
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kaminarikokyu · 2 months
@whirling-fangs / from here!
" nice just means nice, inosuke, " comes her response. she's a little jealous, to be quite honest. inosuke was a beauty under that damn mask, how one guy could be that effortlessly pretty she would never understand.
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twirling some of the strands of hair on her finger, she tilts her head to the side. " is that how it is? " she asks. she ... kinda understands that. thinking the face you had wasn't your real self, well, who else could understand that so well?
" ... it means that much to you huh? " it makes her regret a few the times she's poked fun at it. " ...it's a good mask. " the compliment is near silent, but she means every word.
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artistmarchalius · 8 months
can you tell us more about broppy capture au?
Sure! Here’s a little somethin’ somethin’:
So, Branch didn’t confess his feelings to Poppy at the end of Word Tour, he felt like it needed to be its own thing and that Poppy deserved to be in the moment after saving the world. He thought there’d be plenty of time to confess later. They still have a good connection though now that they’re better at communicating.
They’re out in the hot air balloon on another adventure when a strong wind knocks them off course towards the woods near the base of Mount Rageous and they get stuck in a tree. They aren’t able to shift the balloon on their own so when they see Velvet and Veneer (who are out hunting for Trolls to use) they ask them for help, but instead V&V capture them.
V&V now have a Troll to use each (His and Hers Trolls) and because Velvet is more trigger happy with the spray bottle, Poppy deteriorates quicker than Branch.
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imperitvs · 3 months
@championsofthegate liked this post for a starter (Alistair!)
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"So, you hail from Baldurs Gate?" Osian inquired during a meal at the camp one evening. "For all we know, we could have bumped into each other previously. I've lived in Rivington, and visited Baldurs Gate very frequently, over the last decade." Though this small talk wasn't really what Osian was here for.
"I hear you're looking to return to your mentor... I can understand the rush. I have family in Rivington. My niece especially... I do hope she's alright..."
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