daybreakrising · 11 months
@lunaerising sent: you know, you’re getting weirder. (( shikamaru 2 kiba ))
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He's upside down, legs thrown over Akamaru's back where the nindog lays in the grass beside them. He's spent the last ten minutes entirely focused on balancing a stick on the end of his nose, his brows furrowed in deep concentration. The comment from the other shifts that focus, with an immediate and inevitable consequence.
The stick topples and smacks him in the face.
Luckily, Kiba's been hit in the face with worse. As the stick bounces away into the grass, he merely scrunches up his nose and slides his gaze sidelong to where Shikamaru lies - the right way up - next to him.
"Mm, am I weird, though, or are you just boring?" He shoots back, lips curving into a teasing grin. "All you wanna do is lie here looking at clouds. I gotta make my own fun."
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countercharmda · 1 year
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What is one to do when given the task of a noble death? Elminster's presence had been -- jarring, to say the least. The missive he carried had been even more so. The thought of losing the wizard -- his wizard -- to a supposedly honorable death had yet to leave Serendipity's mind. If the same was asked of him, would he follow through with it?
The sky above is an illusion; a pretty one, mind, but nonexistent. Still, it feels real as he sits under ribbons of lights and sparkling stars. He resists the urge to fill the silence with nonsense -- as he is wont to do -- and is glad that he does.
" You must know that you’re… " Serendipity watches @lunaerising , as Gale, as he winces before continuing. " That you’re very special to me. " There's no need to pry into his mind; when their gazes meet, the tiefling can see nothing but truth in the statement. No illusion, no bullshit. His chest tightens with the confession, his cheeks grow warm.
" You're very special to me, too, " Serendipity says, smile shy but genuine. He pauses for a short moment, before his fingers brush over Gale's. " Which is why I -- can't just sit and watch you throw yourself in front of danger like this. You're worth more than your sacrifice, you know. "
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winternever · 1 year
sleight of hand (( from xenk :eyes: ))
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if she's going to do this, she has to work fast. her dad's grumbled about xenk's unwavering morals, so she knows she has to pick this lock and get the box's contents into her pockets before @lunaerising notices --
she manages with ease ( natural 20 + 12 = 32 ) , tucking her prize into her secret inner jacket pocket and turning to face him with a smile just as xenk turns around. "sorry -- what were you saying? i stopped listening."
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seizedeath · 1 year
@lunaerising asked: there's a moment of peace, caleb reading a book as he watches jester paint out of the corner of his eye. " sometimes, i wonder why you- " and perhaps it was the serenity of the moment that made his thoughts turn to word, and he wishes he could pull them back immediately. a quick shake of his head. " ... nevermind. that was, ah, unimportant. "
well, if that wasn't a bruise begging to be poked! jester's actions pause entirely, her momentum skidding to a halt to make all of her ideas flee in favor of overthinking what caleb just didn't say. blinking at the canvas, jester wonders, for a moment, if he did that on purpose. her curiosity knows little bounds, something that the mighty nein was very familiar with. he should know better, her mother's voice starts to say before she blinks again, seeing the painting she likely won't finish today.
"well," she starts, setting the paintbrush in the water with a small clatter, "now i have to know."
standing, she walks calmly over to him, hands laced together in front of her, the picture of curious innocence. until she snatches the book out of his hands, clapping it shut with one hand before tossing it onto a nearby table out of caleb's reach. then, as close as she can get without sitting in his lap, jester plops down next to him in a flurry of skirts, keeping her hands still and her face calm as she flattens them down her lap. when she looks at him, finally, she looks deceptively at ease. "go on."
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unfogged-arc · 1 year
@lunaerising ♥️'d for moira! moira + gabriel.
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"Tell me, how is the pain lately?" It's the monthly check-up Moira has insisted upon, to continue getting data about Gabriel and his inflictions. She also makes sure he continues to be fit for duty, so to speak, though she does this with much of Talon's afflicted associates. "Better or worse than last month?"
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artaemisia · 2 years
@lunaerising as moira says, "look at this. this is beautiful!"
angela is close to tears with excitement and relief. seeing her life's work coming to life right in front of her is beyond her wildest dreams. for years she has poured over this research, finetuning and rewriting and scrapping the framework. now, here she is, watching it come to fruition right before her eyes.
she laughs—loud and exuberant—before a hand claps over her mouth briefly. turning to moira, the tears she was worried about line her eyes, but they don't yet fall. she doesn't even think as she leans up to press her lips to moira's, struck by the impulsivity of her sleep-deprived adrenaline high.
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chronal-anomaly · 9 months
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@lunaerising asked:
❛ don't even talk to me about this because i won't remember.❜ // gabe\
"Aw, that's no way to think about it!" Voice cheery, despite the tedium that Gabe was clearly experiencing. On the other hand, the history of the aircraft propeller and the complexities where somewhat of a fascinations to her, filled with long reach of man and his curiosity at what lies beyond. Her voice lilted with the wonder of a child, filled with the impossibility of the thing. From the first push-pedal flying machines to the sleek jets nearly invisible, Lena was obsessed with the freedom of it all.
This habit led to some conversations that dragged on and on, with participants that didn't really follow her same hyperfixations. Namely, the one that Gabe was trapped in now, where a simple question about a simple flight mechanic has devolved into a storied history of aerodynamics and air speed, and the conflicting forces on plane and pilot in the harshest conditions. If Lena remembered correctly, he had asked if it was possible, not how it was possible. But she was a runaway train, mind spitting out solutions and answers that required verbal considerations.
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"Okay, long story short? The shortest runway I could take is probably 76 meters, without trashing the craft or myself. But I would 'ave t' be solo in it, the extra weight would just set me back. Does that answer the question?"
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daybreakrising · 11 months
@lunaerising sent: so… we’ll talk later. (( hana to kiba :] ))
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Nothing has incited fear in Kiba's heart faster.
Well, that's not true. His mother terrifies him on the daily. But it's different when it comes from a sibling - an older sibling - and delivered in a tone he can't fully discern. Instantly, he's scouring his recent memories for something he's done (or not done) or said (or not said) that might warrant trouble.
Coming up empty, he has no choice but to face his sister, plastering on his most winning smile. "We will?" He laughs, only slightly nervously. "Uh, sure, okay. What... what about, again?" He looks to Akamaru at his side, but his canine pal seems as bewildered as he is. If a dog could shrug...
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countercharmda · 9 months
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There's nothing quite as bad as the chill. Despite running hot, Serendipity's always despised cold days such as this. They make him want to stay inside and do absolutely nothing all day. Very few things could get him out and about -- including a shopping trip such as this one.
" Are you cold? " asks @lunaerising , as Caleb -- the one he'd asked to join him a few days ago. Serendipity blinks at the wizard, and was about to protest before he watched the other start to shrug off his coat. " Here - take my jacket. "
It was no small offer, the tiefling knew. With a soft nod, he accepts, and offers a small smile as he does so. The jacket is warm and heavy on his shoulders, like a well needed hug. " Thank you. Maybe I can find myself a new winter coat while we're out, " he says. " Seems I've misplaced my own... "
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journcys-archived · 1 year
@lunaerising sent: can we stop and think about this rationally ? // maybe for wallace from maxie ? i cant think abt a. greater context but they're both in the same region and i miss u cat so JKFSJKFJSK
The blink that comes from Wallace is slow. Singular. He blinks again as he stares at the other man in almost near disbelief—though his emotions don’t really show it. “Think rationally? And how, pray tell, do you expect me to do that when you and your little rival had kidnapped my ancestor and their brother and tried to destroy the planet?”
The Kyogre secret was no secret to the teams—Wallace knew that. However, it was still frustrating. And even though he had no relation to Groudon, he felt for the earth deity when he saw the pain that Kyogre was in at the time. Arms cross over his chest—Wallace is exhausted.
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“Plead your case, I suppose. But I don’t think we’re going to be on the same page.”
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seizedeath · 1 year
@lunaerising asked: the moment was peaceful...quiet...serene, almost. a relaxing afternoon until - BITE. tiny, sharp teeth suddenly chomp down onto the tip of jester's tail. and there's frumpkin, staring up at her oh so innocently.
the thing with tails, jester will say to anyone who listens, is that they are very sensitive. the fact that she has made it through most of her life without truly injuring her getting her tail even more flattened has been a conscious effort. keeping it from dragging, up and away from from any harm while also not lifting up her skirts in an embarrassing way. 
all of that works fine, until she’s painting. then all of her little tricks to keep her tail safe ( and usually out of reach of mischievous kitties after she saw him go after molly’s tail more than once ) fall to the side. 
crouched on the floor painting a field of flowers in yasha’s room, jester is fully focused, only keeping an ear out for people footsteps, instead of kitty footsteps. 
shrieking, jester nearly ruins her painting, dropping the paintbrush when her hands fly up in defense, furiously looking around when her mind pinpoints where the pain is coming from. her eyes narrow at frumpkin as she snatches her tail back, glaring. “you’re lucky you’re cute,” she growls, “or i’d bite you back!” 
but her anger falls before that cute face, sighing loudly before she wrangles the cat into her arms, pressing loud, obnoxious kisses to the side of his face. “you’re stupid cute,” she grumbles into his fur. if his tail gets a little yellow paint in it before she’s able to rescue the brush from her lap, she won’t say anything of it. 
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shondearchive · 2 years
❛ there’s nothing you could have done. ❜ ( shikamaru to sarada )
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" with all due respect. may i go? " but it's too late, you already know that the liquid welling up behind your glasses can be seen. fat angry tears. the words taste like acid. you tried so hard. but the objective is complete. but at a terrible price.
you have never made friends easily. spilling into chocho and boruto's edges to find homes inside their friendships as opposed to finding your own. you had befriended someone on this mission. another young girl. a talented shinobi, lost to time to be carved into the monument.
the tomoe that had appeared in your eye from such an incident feels so. bitter? disgusting? low? like an ache in your chest. a constant company, an old enemy with it's arms wrapped around your torso. it had been completely preventable. there was plenty to be done.
dad doesn't talk to you much about your blood line. everything about them is classified. but it's moments like these you do wonder if the whispers of the uchiha estate being cursed aren't entirely accurate. perhaps it is every uchiha who is cursed. blighted by sharingan and family history shrouded in spilt blood.
maybe one day you'd be lucky enough to leave it behind.
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shondea · 2 years
❝ i do not need you to protect me. ❞   ( percy 2 vax! :) )
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      ❝ do you ever shut up! we love you! we don't want you to die! we're here for you! shut up and let us save yoU!  ❞
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chronal-anomaly · 10 months
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@lunaerising asked:
❛ what are you doing? what's wrong? ❜ // from gabe || Lost the prompt ( not accepting )
Eyes slitted shut, spine curved around the bright weak spot that dominated her chest. The technology is experimental, Winston promised, the team nodding along with him. It comes with the territory of being one-of-a-kind.
Today's side effects were just a reminder of that. The accelerator had cracked on a job earlier that week, with emergency repairs done in the field; for now, she was waiting for the design team to finish the more permanent fix. And for what it was worth, it was a decent repair - Lena had avoided the 4 day dip into the timeline and days where her hands passed uselessly through the doors and walls while others stared through her ghostly appearance.
In its stead, electrical shocks pulsed through her as the accelerator's power dripped out into her spine and along her fingers. They had been near constant all day, thrumming just beneath her skin, twitching fingers and jerking her legs beyond her control. Angela had ordered bedrest, but that had made the sensation worse, giving Lena nothing more than her twitching eyelids to focus on. At best, they were obnoxious. At worst, they were excruciating.
Lena hadn't felt it coming until it was already upon her, a trembling shock that coursed down her body, dancing along her bones and whiting out her vision. She had gone crashing to the floor with a choked scream, eyes clamped shut and limbs drawn around her. Spasms quaked her fingers, and her vision hadn't quite returned when Gabe approached.
"Just -" Her voice choked as muscles moved out of her control. "Accelerator - acting up. Waitin' for a part."
The worst of it was over, her body finally beginning to feel like hers again. Digits continued to shudder and shake on her own. Her vision remained tunneled, but more present than it was before. Progress.
"Just goin'..." Lena fought to catch her breath. "Gonna sit here for a minute. Try to catch my breath."
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adveanture · 2 years
      *      LUNAERISING      /      ft.   fearne      —      “      oh   dorian,   i   was   wondering   .   .   .      you   know,   you   orym   and   i   have   such   a   nice   time   sleeping   together   in   our   little   pile.      is   there   anyone   in   particular   in   the   bell’s   hells   you’d   want   to   invite   to   join   us?      ”         fearne   blinks   innocently   at   him,   but   her   stare   is   piercing.
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he   nearly   chokes   on   his   ale.         dorian   has   been   traveling   with   @lunaerising​​   for   months   now,   and   she   still   surprises   him.      the   bard’s   cheeks   flush   a   darker,   purpler   hue.      he   glances   around,   concerned   some   of   their   party   may   have   heard   fearne’s   pointed   musings.            “      i      —      fearne,   where   is   this   coming   from?      ”            he   questions   incredulously,   gripping   his   mug   quite   tightly.            “      i   .   .   .      i   suppose   if   any   of   them   needed   a   place   to   sleep,   of   course   i   wouldn’t   mind,   but      —      forgive   me,   but   i   don’t   think   that’s   what   you’re   asking,   is   it?      ”            in   a   panic,   he   thinks   of   dariax      —      but   dariax   isn’t   here,   so   fearne   can’t   mean   him   .   .   .      but   does   she   know?
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daybreakrising · 11 months
@lunaerising: your hair’s a mess. sit still. (( hana 2 kiba also :] ))
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Her words are met with a deadpan expression. His hair is always a mess. He can't even remember a time when it wasn't sticking up in every possible angle. He blames genetics - look at their mother's hair, for one thing. Hana obviously takes after their father. Probably. He doesn't really remember what he looks like.
"You're wasting your time." Asking him to sit still is also an exercise in vain - he's incapable of it. "Maybe I should grow it out, see if it behaves more when it's long." He doubts it. More likely, it'll just get even more uncontrollable. He tips his head back, peers at his sister's upside-down face. "What d'ya reckon?"
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