#v. 「 verse • undecided. 」
mallfoii · 3 months
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The abandoned classroom nestled in the west wing of the castle had been long abandoned, before the war. As luck would have it, the entire wing was destitute and dilapidated, with parts of walls either missing or often crumbling down. It had been madness, all of it, most of all coming back here of all places. Draco was sure that he’d never see the castle again, never be welcomed back. Not that he had been now. It was ordered, a type of rehabilitation of sorts. But it was mostly cruelty, perhaps well deserved, but cruelty nonetheless.
With his new wand between long fingers, he conjured two small chess pieces, two knights who had been battling over the scratched-out surface of the wooden table. It was night, but the moon was bright enough that there was no need for light, and at least he found some comfort hiding away, like the coward he was, rather than being in the Slytherin common room or walking around corridors where he could be reminded of the damage that he took part in creating.
The tiny swords clashed and he watched with mild interest, content to spend a few more hours there before returning to his four-poster bed. But what little piece he had found would come crashing down as the door behind him creaked one, whatever hope he had that it was just the wind pushing them open had vanished as soon as he saw her standing there.
Probably one of the few people he had made sure to avoid at all costs. “ Granger. ” Greetings and a question. What was she doing there? Did she know he was there? Did she come to take her revenge? He’d deserve it. “ Why are you here? ”
[ lonely ] sender finds receiver alone in a dark room (for Hermione, please! @xbrightestwitch) / MEME - accepting!
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oathfcrged · 5 months
@stcllata : “Oh. Didn’t you get the memo? This is my favourite spot.” [ from theo. ]
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" I take it I am interrupting something then? " He needed a place to rest even if it was just for a few moments. After walking all day, out of choice on this occasion, his thighs ached and he only had half of his water left - after a short break he'd start his walk home.
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Even if it was this guy's favourite spot he didn't see anywhere else to sit - his mind was already made up so he sat and got himself comfortable. " It is polite to share and if I do not sign my legs will give way from underneath me. "
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luminescenc1e · 3 months
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“ I understand that I’m not perfect, there is a slight odor to me, hard to say what it is. ” It could be some dried blood from yesterday, it is also likely it was piss, considering that one of the guys he slashed through pissed himself. It was unfortunate, but also a fairly common occurrence. “ But I’m sure we could work together, make a team. Figure out a team name, maybe make some banners, create a Twitter account, be posted on famous birthdays. "
"We are all owned by Disney, and should really figure something out before they shelve us. I mean my god, they are making another Superman movie. Did anyone ask? Who watches that dude? He doesn’t even look that good in those tinny tiny tights. ” He was lying, those legs were to die for. “ So what do you say, you and me, Bonnie and Clyde? ”
@fallencrowns liked the #startercall ! accepting !!
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penvcnens · 4 months
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@infamousrake said: “i’m glad to see you’re resolved not to interfere.”
" interfere? " she says, turning to him with a smirk on her lips and an ironic quirk of her brow. " i'm devastated you think i might have considered it at all... " but of course she has. and she has every intention of doing precisely that. as an old friend, is it not her duty to help him find the ideal bride? to ensure that he secures perfect domestic bliss? surely, it would be unspeakably cruel to leave him floundering alone during his first season back in london... and if it so happens to provide her with an entertaining diversion in the meantime, there can be no harm in that...
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her smile turns sly and cat-like as she slips her arm through his. the sun is warm and the day mild - the perfect morning for promenading through the park before ambitious mamas. sure enough, their presence has been noted already. as a wealthy heiress, she is used to being at the center of the ton's attentions. today though, she is clearly an afterthought... " don't look so glum, your grace. frowning will age you terribly and then how shall you find an appealing mate? "
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valkyrjah · 5 months
she sits across from bella at the cafe. it's just across her bookstore, which means that there is no reason for her to also open a little cafe with her bookstore. but it's still a cute little plaza, with a plant nursery tucked in the side. the plaza gets enough foot traffic where gwyn isn't worried about her small bookshop getting lost in the large corporate world.
cappuccino sits in front of her, and later that night, she'll probably regret the caffeine when she's fighting for sleep. but that will be a problem for later. she tucks her legs underneath her, and props her chin in her hand, attentive as the sun creeps closer to the horizon and builds long shadows of the building.
he told me i'm better off, but i'm not. said @l0mb
gwyn hums, a musical note as she considers, before she drops her hand and straightens. she doesn't know what that's like, to love someone like that. but lose, that gwyn understands. is he why bella came here? but she doesn't ask that, feels that their friendship is still too new for her to be that curious.
"why do you think you're not better off?" she challenges, eyebrow raised in genuine curiosity. "i mean, look at what you're doing. you're living life for you, and not for some boy. and you shouldn't be expected to have it all figured out yet. "
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bxttxrflygem · 1 year
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" I hope lapis doesn't need sleep."
Yes she's blasting music. No she will not apologize.
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collidingxworlds · 1 year
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Send 📱 for five texts my muse didn't send yours, and one that they did || Accepting !
@omniishambles sent:📱for Will and Hannibal!
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Not Sent ✘ [text to: Hannibal] I'm so feeding you pizza one of these days. And you'll eat it all. Just wait and see. [text to: Hannibal] I ran into that lady who sells you fresh vegetables earlier. She asked me how my "husband" was doing. I almost said "Who??". ...It's still so weird. [text to: Hannibal] I still have nightmares...or maybe memories from a life that could have been. That tea cup had shattered for real and there was no fixing it. [text to: Hannibal] Honey? No. Darling? Even worse. Dear? Definitely nope. Not even considering baby or babe. ...why are pet names so hard and uncomfortable [text to: Hannibal] Abigail has been babbling about strangulation lately, but...I don't think she means attempted murder. Did you put her up to it?
Sent ✓ [text to: Hannibal] I caught Fish and Abigail trying to lure some poor guy over. Can you tell them to stop? They won't listen to me and the freezer is ready to explode.
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silverxwords · 1 year
@transfcrmcrs | Muse: Optimus Prime
  “You can’t do this...”
His optics focused on them, but he was in not a great position to really get out of the situation. He had been hurt pretty bad, servos creaking from the weight he was putting on one of his legs. They would have all given out, had he not the will to keep on standing. It was drastically fading though, as his consciousness kept going in and out with brief flashes. All he knew is that he needed to protect all the lives that he could, and if he fell now - it would be terrible for them.
"Yes, I can." Megatron growls, stalking forward; heavy Unicron-forged armor flares in irritation, rubble crunches under his pedes as he moves.
"Why is it always you getting into this sort of scrape?" He rumbles, then, and sharp-edged talons grip the nearest section of heavy rubble.
And heaves, dragging at least some of the weight off of his former foe.
"Don't your Autobots know anything about proper survey procedures?"
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aerynxsun · 9 months
" no. " don't be ridiculous, she nearly adds. but where crichton is concerned, that would be a waste of her breath. she hasn't looked up at him since he entered the maintenance bay, her focus instead on last minute adjustments to her prowler. from her place beneath it, she can see his shoes approaching. she grits her teeth. " for the hundredth time, we are not taking your module. i'd rather not die the moment their weapons systems detect us. " hers is the only rational idea. after all, the planet they're approaching is notoriously wary of outsiders. anything peacekeeper is bad enough - but completely unknown technology? a death sentence. after a few microts, she pushes out from beneath her ship and looks up at him at last, one dark brow raised - more than a little derision in her eyes. but even still, perhaps, a touch of fondness. " or would you prefer that we don't get the supplies we need - in service of your ego? "
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𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙲𝙰𝙻𝙻 -> @t1meaway
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realitymoves · 2 years
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FROM: @ofbloodandbulletsRE: ❝   i’m not really the advice type,  but i am damn good at coming up with distractions to forget the bullshit for a while.  ❞ STATUS: accepting
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     admittedly, the saving grace that came out of literal nowhere to help his ass hide was something of a shock.  those things didn’t happen to him.  in fact, life normally would’ve thrown him another division agent behind that door instead of the guardian angel he happened to find.  it was enough to keep him on edge, hidden behind a thankful smirk.  when life was going well that meant it was about to go real bad.  nick just needed to angle himself so he could land on his feet and roll with the punches.
     “ my dad used to be good at it, too, “ he said despite every alarm in his head telling him to walk right back out the door.  the few seconds out of the chase was enough to swerve directions.  he could be on the other side of town by now, packing up and thinking of a new place to hide.  but, fuck he was tired.  no one ever knew who he was until the wrong person did.  it was exhausting keeping up the pretenses and keeping everyone away with a ten foot pole.
     “ when my mom was sick he had this knack for just, “ nick shrugged.  slowly, the happy memory helped a smile develop.  they’d sit together on the floor and play a game or put a puzzle together.  no talk of division.  no talk of why she was sick or why they couldn’t go see her.  it was just stolen glances through a window in the middle of the night.  something about his dad’s energy just made it seem like she was right there with them, no matter what was happening.
     nick coughed to bring himself back to the present.  “ anyway, uh, i should probably start running the other way while they’re, “ he pointed in the last known direction of the men in suits.  “ or they might think to come knock on some doors. “
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dutybcund · 2 years
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“  may i have this dance?  ”    he offered her a polite bow. this would not have been his choice, were his fate up to him this evening. not that there was anything wrong with the girl, of course - he would simply rather be anywhere else besides dancing at yet another tedious ball, with the same tedious people. in that, he supposed, she did have one edge on the others: at the very least, her face was new.    “  miss...?  ”    he lifted a brow expectantly, waiting for her to supply her name.
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                                         @verreprincesse​ gets a generated starter!
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bellemcrte · 2 months
She just needs to get home, and once she does, she can stitch herself up like a champ and sleep off whatever insanity she'd been through. Small problem with the plan: the little lady may have lost a little more blood than she initially anticipated. Maybe, just maybe, she isn't entirely safe to get herself home. She isn't going to ask for help, though. That's stupid.
She's just taking a little break on her journey that's taking way too long. It will all be fine.
The voice is enough to perk her back up, ocean eyes lifting to blink once, twice. Lighter without all the blood, huh? Dena snorts, because drifting in and out of consciousness or not, a good joke is a good joke. "I can probably still walk, you know." She points out. "You don't have to help me, lighter or not. Besides, it's not that much blood. I was just taking a break on my way to patch it up."
Please ignore the idiot. She doesn't know how to ask for help nor accept it.
She guesses it could be worse. She could be getting dragged to a stranger by a stranger to patch her up. She isn't the most pleasant thing on earth when her side isn't seeping. She's downright insufferable when she's in any sort of pain. No one wanted that. A bottle of whiskey and a steady hand were just as good, and she'd already be dead if it were anything vital. What's one more scar to add to her collection?
@neverhangd said: ❛ thought you’d be lighter without all that blood. ❜
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penvcnens · 9 months
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if any confusion showed in her eyes, it was quickly hidden by a pointed look and a raised brow. she slowed her horse to a stop as she eyed the stranger. truly, strange seemed the only word possible to describe the man. " you were not, i hope, intending to be inconspicuous, sir... if so, i'm afraid i must be the bearer of some ill-tidings indeed, " she said dryly. firefly stamped impatiently beneath her, clearly as irritated as his mistress at being distracted from the thrill of the hunt. tossing her hair over her shoulder, caroline added, " as i do not recollect any peddlers amongst my uncle's illustrious guests, perhaps you would be so good as to explain your business on his land. " lips curved into a smirk. " i know i certainly look forward to the answer... "
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𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑪𝑨𝑳𝑳 --> @crazypaving
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valkyrjah · 5 months
copper hair is windblown, strands fighting to get free from the braid down her back, and pale cheeks are red, burnt from the wind. she leaves the pegasus behind her in the field to graze and drink and makes her way towards the house. she's still in her flight leathers, a shield in her arm with a quiver and bow at her back.
she could fly the pegasus with a saddle, but there is something wild and freeing in riding without one. it makes target practice harder and presents her with the challenge that she craves. gwyn stops at their armory by the stalls and leaves her shield and quiver there before searching for her high lady.
she follows the glow of her bracelet into the library to find her friend in the love seat, and she takes the intentional step on the floorboard that creeks just right as she enters the room. the smile she offers nesta is nothing short of affection, a love that is so familiar over the years. still likely smelling of wind and equine, she curls up in the space beside her high lady.
"i missed you on my ride today." // starter for @deathsconsort
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secondbcrn · 8 months
it was not until a shadow fell over the grass that he realized he'd been discovered - and that his hour of surreptitious sketching was at an end. stuffing his small sketchbook back into his breast pocket, he glanced up to see their hostess. his mother had been delighted to receive the invitation to lady blakeney's garden party, and so of course the rest of them had followed along dutifully in tow. but they had not been there half an hour before hyacinth and gregory had taken to scampering about the lawn like wildcats and eloise had retreated to the well-stocked library. for his own part, he'd made pleasant conversation until the picturesque prospect of the river called him to abandon colin at the buffet table and reach for his pencil. but maybe it was for the best that he'd been interrupted - he wasn't getting the effect of the light right anyway...
he smiled apologetically as he scrambled to his feet, hoping she hadn't taken too much notice of the way he'd been inelegantly sprawled across her lawn. " i promise i do not usually avoid company, " he said sheepishly. " i'm afraid your view was just too enticing to resist... "
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𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑪𝑨𝑳𝑳 -> @stjusts
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vigilantebullshit · 2 years
camera lens aims at the couple rendezvousing across the street, cheating spouse none the wiser as they climb into the backseat of a car that could likely give either of them tetanus. geez, even her old beat-up piece of shit had less rust on it. a few more camera clicks and she’d be home free. it’s a matter of developing the photos, slipping them into a manila envelope, and having them ready for her client come their appointment. she thinks maybe she should invest in a couple tissue boxes. or, maybe some plexiglass for her door.
sighing as she settles her camera into her lap and taking a swig out of her thermos, jones scoffs; “ you gonna hide out up there all day or are you gonna come down and say hello ? ”
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