#v. i'll do what it takes ( versus xiii noctis )
liikeglitterandgcld · 5 years
She has a little wrapped box behind her back, a wide smile grows unto porcelain features as she approaches him. “Noct, I got something for you,” the wrapped present is revealed, adorned with a little red bow. “Happy birthday! I really hope you like it.” It was a adamantoise lore to go with his fishing rod, it was a rare piece that was hard to come across, but she knew he would like it. (for v13 noct, there’s more to come too 👀👀)
Aria you’re spoiling him~ 👀 || @verumcure​
He didn’t expect most to remember, let alone to buy him a gift. But as always, Aria surprises him once again.
His gaze darts to the gift in his hands. Then, back to her. A wide, excited smile stretching her lips reach her eyes. He blinks slowly. His lips part slightly. Unable to catch any words to voice his thanks && appreciation.
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“You got me something?” A bright hue of red stains his cheeks. “You didn’t have to do buy anything for me, but I appreciate it.”
Taking a gift out of her hands, he opens the box. Cobalt blue widen, stammering. An adamantoise lore?! He’s been looking for one for ages! Finding one is so rare! Super rare! Barely in stock. He almost had his chance to finally scoring his own. Even as far as ordering the last one in stock! If it wasn’t for the invasion of the nilfs and not delayed, he would have had one. But that doesn’t matter anymore.
Standing to his feet, he’s quick to embrace his petite lover, squeezing tight. Kisses peppered her cheek, && left endearing sentimental nothings in her auburn tresses.
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“When did you get it? Fuck it, where did you— screw it. The next time we pass by a lake, you have to come fishing with me.”
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liikeglitterandgcld · 5 years
gives him a kiss, gives him some more kisses, uh-oh she’s making out with him now. (for v13 noct ofc :’3c she misses the best bf)
this makeout was needed~
[ …. ]
Gentle at first, her kiss. Light & soft. It took him by surprise, but he gives in, instantly. The corners rose — a sign that he’s happy, relieved from her gesture. 
His back presses harder against his hotel room door, the more impassioned kisses are captured. Palms plant firm on her waist, sliding lower down her backside…
Though, the roof shielded them from the light rain passing through, it did little for what passing looks and red faces their heavy makeout session displayed.
( dumbass! get inside. now! )
He bumps into the doorknob. Oh yeah! They’re still outside! Heavy pants ghost her lips as he barely parts.
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“I missed you, too, but inside. Now.”
HEAVY EYE EMOJI // @verumcure
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liikeglitterandgcld · 5 years
“Run away with me.” ( @ v13 noct, 👀 eloping you say? )
Run away with me
Her voice played in an endless loop in his mind. Spoken soft, in the encroaching veil of nightfall. Under the glittering stars. Yet clear. Spoken for him and only to him.
Run away with me
Or maybe it’s his mind playing tricks. A deep seated wish that he dares to enact in daydreams. But it’s the soft feel of her palms, pressed firm on his cheeks that breaks through his doubts.
“Run away with me.”
                                   I want to…. More than anything.
Determination shines in russet hues, staring intently into royal blue. The corner of his lips quirks into a slight smile. Resting a hand on top of hers, he squeezes tight.
“Even if Etro has plans for me?” Seeing the dead. Often unable to distinguish the dreams and the waking realm. Receiving visions of a future, thanks to the chaos of the unseen realm. Guiding the souls to Etro’s gate. 
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“Are you sure?”
𝘶𝘯𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘥 || @verumcure
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liikeglitterandgcld · 5 years
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( * &. ━  LANA DEL REY BORN TO DIE LYRIC STARTERS || still accepting || @verumcure
Noctis replied with a short but exasperated sigh. Try to have fun? By the Six, was his outward appearance too stoic, glaring at any and everyone who dared looked at him, or at worse, lonely and sheltered?
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“We’re at the arcade. Do I look that sheltered to you?” 
A quick scan of the fairly large second floor. Rhythm games. Rail guns, UFO catchers... photo booths, racing games — that’s it! And he knew just the racing game to play. Noctis grabbed Aria by the hand, and led her to the row of racing games. Clearly a couple races in Mario Kart would do them good.
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“C’mon, Best two out of three.”
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liikeglitterandgcld · 5 years
@verumcure: nuzzles into his neck as he sleeps. (v13 noct ;;w;; hi I miss the beans) 
The shift in weight gently rouses him from the depths of his slumber. Cracking eyes open into slits, Noctis expects sunlight to blind him. Except, there isn’t. There’s no sunlight pouring through the curtains. The steady pelting of rain finally registers in his still sleep addled brain.
(it’s raining)
His eyes open wider. Adjusting to the gray darkness is easier to adjust to the sunlight, by a small margin. The shift in weight again garners his attention once more. Away from the window and he draws his sights to Aria, practically sleeping on top of him. 
He reaches for his phone. The blue light from his phone doesn’t blind him. So it must be early morning, as confirmed by his phone. Not as early as he thought, but not near 8 am hour. 
His cell slips between his fingers onto the mattress below. A sinewy arms encircles tighter around Aria’s middle. The other brushes stray strands away from tickling her nose.
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“Keep rubbing against me and you’re gonna burn a hole in my neck.” He jests, voice barely above a whisper, so he doesn’t wake her.
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liikeglitterandgcld · 5 years
she doesn’t dare to look at him as he’s being pulled away by MT’S, now becoming a traitor to not only the king, but the country she grew up in, her eyes remained at her hands. Giving away his location in exchange for protection of her family, guilty she was, but she doesn’t want to stand idly by anymore. A light flare of her nostrils, “ I’m sorry.. noctis, please understand why I had to do this.. “ (have some angst for v13 noct ;3;)
“TRAITOR!” shouted one of Glaives as they and several others were dragged away. Their power disabled. Unable to fight back.
Angered royal blue irises, tinted red as he glared at his lover—now ex by her betrayal. It wasn’t just him she betrayed. What they worked for, what they accomplished. Everything, gone. 
Shoving the MT’s off of him, he ran to her. The red gone from his eyes. Palms pressed down on her shoulders. The familiar feel of her now felt foreign.
“Why? Did Prompto put you up to this?”
Trust is such a fragile thing. Easy to break. Every time he remembers WHY not to place his trust in others, there’s always someone to slip through his defenses and lower his guard. Then the inevitable, eventual betrayal. Re-enforcing the lesson all over again. His life’s story. So why? Why can’t he stick his principles?
he doesn’t like being lonely
Yet no answer came from her. She didn’t dare to look at him. Her resistance, her hesitation—all it did was tore his heart apart. Piece by piece.
Before he can raise more questions, the MTs that fell rose, butted him in the back of his head. No kill orders. Not yet anyway. 
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His grip loosens, letting the MTs pull him away. “Was everything you said to me a lie then?”
Just as spoken words can give answers, so does silence. A light flare of nostrils as his glare falters. Why bother to fight back yet? Shaking his head, he sees still staring at her hands, fidgeting.
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“I hope it was worth it.”
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liikeglitterandgcld · 5 years
She crawls to his side & lays her head gently on his shoulder. A hand rests just above his heart, feeling it calmly beat against her palm. Peering up at the Prince, coral-tinted lips smile, letting a leg draped over his. There were so many things she wishes to tell him, yet doesn’t, out of respect of the quiet she experiences when they’re together. No souls yearning to be called home. Just their breaths & the beat of his heart. (Sends versus some much needed love & soft~ 💕)
A tease dances on his tongue, but with holds it, in favor of the quiet, comfortable silence enveloping them.
So many concerns rattle the prince’s mind. Souls that still needed to be called to Etro, and their chaos within. Most importantly, the revealing visions bestow upon by Etro some time ago. But those thoughts came to a halt the moment he feels her crawl to his side.
Glancing down, he buries his face into chocolate colored tresses. There’s a slight in ache in his shoulder. Maneuvering from beneath her, to wrap around her hip, pulling her closer to his frame. Just barely touching her thighs.
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“Comfy?” He asks, barely above a whisper.
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liikeglitterandgcld · 5 years
“This needs a tremendous act of faith on your part, but hear me out.” @Noctis
Fight Club (1999) Starters || ACCEPTING || @dragoonandspear
Raven brows narrowed upon his stoic visage. Noctis crosses his arms as the corners of his lips dipped. The hell does she think she is? Sure, she’s been helpful— when she wants to be. What does hired help from Nilfheim want to cooperate with a fugitive crowned prince thanks to the Nilfs?
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“You’re damn right it’s going to take a ‘tremendous act of faith’ if I’m going to believe you. So what d’you want?”
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liikeglitterandgcld · 5 years
Rosy Touch and Amethyst Calm! for v13 noct!
stonework headcanons || ACCEPTING
Rosy Touch: How do they show affection nonverbally? Are they likely to show affection with their words as well?
It takes Noctis a while to show affection in V13 verse. Once trust is mutually gain, affection starts off in small doses, for both nonverbally, then verbally. The latter more so, if he’s in a romantic relationship. The biggest clue is that he becomes less aloof and callous, little by little by his gestures over time. He’s scowling less just a tiny bit. He’s not annoyed by their presence. He becomes more and more talkative—it may lose the arrogant tone he has, depending. He becomes more relaxed, and so forth. The little things start to grow, more and more, until one realizes he’s actually is affectionate and caring, and not just a hard-headed person who keeps everyone at arm’s length.
He doesn’t realize himself most times, how much love and affection he has and is willing to give to.
Amethyst Calm: How do they usually sleep, in what position? Do they like plenty of pillows, blankets and/or plush toys?
Noctis is both a side sleeper and a stomach sleeper. When he sleeps on his stomach, he’s gonna knock out v soon. As far as pillow and blankets, two pillows at most. Bury him in blankets. Doesn’t matter the amount. He doesn’t fall asleep right away if he doesn’t have at least one, even in summer. ( though he has the A/C on blast. he’s screwed if the air conditioner doesn’t work. Camping has it’s own sets of problems ) With plush toys, he cant fall sleep right away if hoarding his side of the bed.
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liikeglitterandgcld · 5 years
@verumcure || from X
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“Mhmm,” The prince answered with a light hum. This was PEAK Noctis core. Physically having feline features that bore ears and tail, granted by a glamor item. And being more affectionate and more selfish and independent, napping in the sunlight with his significant other? 
Pale tiers curl into a soft smile from her kisses. Blinking slowly, he gazes up. Before nuzzles against her cheek.
“How was your day, though?”
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liikeglitterandgcld · 5 years
“If you complain that it’s hot one more time, I’m going to give you a reason to sweat.” (HERES SOME SMUG ARIA AJSHA for v13 noct)
sexual tension sentences || selectively accepting || @verumcure
“Ooooh~! such sass. I dare you,” Noctis taunted, “but if you haven’t noticed—”
standing at full height, his takes his shirt off, damp with sweat. curse his royal blood. who’s idea was to have BLACK AND GREY AND GOLD as his family’s royal signature colors. okay, gold by itself wasn’t the problem. minor. but black and grey? in etro’s name, he will find a way to go back in time and bitch slap the ruling king who decided this.
“it’s hot as fuck out.”
he sits back down, a frown creeps upon his visage. the fans barely help to replace the broken air conditioner. eying the brunette beside him, he watches her crawl on his lap, straddling his lap. the corner of his lips twitches to a smirk. oooh~ looks like aria WAS serious.
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“by all means shut me up.”
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liikeglitterandgcld · 5 years
gently smooches him. (for v13 noct ofc she just loves her bf ok ;v;)
give him all the smooches~ @verumcure
a tender smile births from all her affections, easing the prince’s wary heart, soothing away the anxiety bubbling underneath his stoic visage. aria knew just what to do calm him. one of many things he loves about her. 
royal blue locks with warm ruby irises. his palm rests on the small of her back as he brushes aside auburn tresses. a lone finger ghosts along her jawline, while the hand on her back pushes her flat on his chest.
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“you know to spoil me, don’t you?”
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liikeglitterandgcld · 5 years
the flower crown was woven by her own hands, blue and red petals fasten to the band so securely. Standing on her toes, she places it gently on his head, before dainty hands clamp together in front, beaming a smile. “ I made the flower crown for you noct, it looks so cute on you! “ ( for v13 noct ofc :’3)
A single push of an index finger angles the flower crown. With a heartfelt thanks, he places a quick, chaste kiss upon her cheek. At full height, digits slip between the spaces of her fingers, clasping with a light squeeze.
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“’Course it does. C’mon you need one, too.”
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liikeglitterandgcld · 6 years
“please forgive me.” (for Noctis, any verse, but also for the inbox call ♥)
3 little words || @moonlit-summoner || still accepting
He should’ve seen it coming. Another betrayal. Of course she would. What’s another person to lower his defenses and worm their way into his heart? Who’s next on the list huh? What’s the point in counting—believing, falling for someone—only for them to stab you in the back?! What good is it to depend on someone?!
                   it didn’t make the hurt less
                                            you only get used to it
“You–” The more he struggled—kicking, thrashing. “Promised!” The more electric shocks shot through him by the cuffs on his wrists. Rending his powers useless.
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Crimson red washed over ocean blue hues, breathing heavy. Glaring at her diminishing form as Nilfs dragged him by his arms to idle airship.
What good is it to depend on someone when all that’s given is heartache 
and empty promises 
and lies?
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liikeglitterandgcld · 5 years
"Noctis. Rest. You did well." Regis placed an ungloved hand on his son's feverish head, gently stroking Noctis's wet bangs. There was an attack. An attempted hit luckily it was forted; however, the attackers got in a lucky shot with a poison dart.
Pain wrecked his tiny body. Shivers and intense body aches rendered immobile most if not the nausea and vomiting. Nothing felt right. Either he was too hot or too cold, with no inbetween. It was he had the flu but worse.
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“……I did?” he said between wet coughs.
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liikeglitterandgcld · 5 years
💦🍬 (for v13 noct ;3)
sex + romance headcanons || accepting || @verumcrew
💦 At what age did my muse lose their virginity?
For Versus Noct, he lost his virginity at 17. It was with someone two years older. They worked at a part-time job where Noctis had sneaked into a club, during the summer, thanks to Prompto. Their “relationship” was a summer fling.
🍬 Is my muse a sub, dom, or switch?
Even though, he’s mostly a sub for Aria, winkwink he sees himself as a switch.
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