#( ✕ — cosmic oddities | headcanons )
timelessxmemories · 2 months
So. First off ‘G-Man’ is more of a job title in my headcanon and there are many of them, it’s short for ‘guidance manager’ and can refer to any higher being responsible for a specific part of the multiverse.
If we’re talking about the HL G-Man specifically, I usually refer to him as ‘G'’ for short, but you will also see me call him ‘the Unknown’ or, affectionately, ‘Starman’. He transcends gender and uses any pronouns.
He is a five-dimensional cosmic superbeing who embodies the existential concept of, well, the Unknown. He’s everything unexplained and unexplainable, encapsulated in a transcendental lifeform who exists beyond time and space. You can call him a god if you really want to, but he doesn’t like the term that much, he things it makes him sound too overwhelming. He belongs to a group of beings similar to himself known as the ‘Overseers of Our Worlds’, most of whom came into existence around the dawn of linear time and whose job it is to create and maintain three-dimensional universes. The beings Overseers refer to as ‘their Employers’ are the fundamental forces of the Multiverse, sometimes colloquially called ‘The Powers That Be’.
Despite being of unimaginable vastness and power, G’ can only exert so much control over universes he did not create before they collapse under the strain of his influence, so when he has to work inside one, he usually does so through minor ‘nudges’ and by recruiting three-dimensional beings inside those universes, his ‘employees’. His mission in the HL universe is to essentially reset our resident tyrannical alien empire, the Combine, in development, liberating every species they enslaved and reverting them to a point where they can learn to innovate on their own.
While he initially viewed humans as simply the best species to set this complex plan in motion, he grew to harbour a deep affection for all of humanity over the course of his mission despite being orders of magnitude greater than anything they can comprehend, falling in love with their ingenuity and curiosity about the world around them. Basically, he loves you. Also he is meta-aware and knows other beings experience the HL universe through video games, so he also does a lot of gameplay-ish things like resetting the player/protagonist whenever they die!
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gmanwhore · 10 months
Saw a post about how Gordon only got through what happened in the games because G’ was assisting him and… I think I only partially agree.
I headcanon that G’ was definitely responsible for the progression of the games. He played the role the level designers did on a meta level to ensure Gordon slowly learns to fight, starting with simpler enemies and progressing to more complex and dangerous confrontations, nudging reality in subtle ways to give his potential hire (and later employee) all the tools he needs to get the hang of surviving in the environment he was thrust into. I also like attributing many other little meta things to our mutual friend, such as the items in crates in HL2 corresponding to what the player is more in need of as soon as you break them open and, of course, loading a save after death being G’ reversing time to give Gordon another chance.
BUT. I also think everything else from that point on was Gordon’s own doing, no further Greater interference necessary. We have to remember that G’ is canonically restricted in what he is allowed to do despite his immense power, much like if Valve were to remove every enemy from the game, there wouldn’t be much of a game to play. He can put the pieces in place for Gordon to succeed, but it’s Gordon who needs to pull it off and actually lead the timeline in the direction G’ needs it to go. G’ hired Gordon for a reason, clearly he did things that impressed him that he may not have originally intended. Gordon is not a fighter, but he is very much a problem-solver, and while G’ cannot eliminate the problems before Gordon without breaking reality, he absolutely can give him any missing pieces he may need and watch him solve the problems by himself.
In other words: did Valve balance the Half-Life games in such a way that victory is not only achievable, but the expected eventual outcome? Yes. Is the completion of the game still the player’s own achievement? Also yes.
Did a certain cosmic being pull a string or two to make sure his favourite human is equipped to deal with all the dangers that come his way? Most likely! Did Gordon Freeman more than prove himself a clever and adaptable fighter even in circumstances beyond his control? Absolutely.
(Oddity will not shut up about the relationship between G’ and the protagonists as an extended metaphor for the relationship between Valve and the player base)
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eflen-n-reegee · 1 year
Caregiver Eglantine Price and Emelius Browne Headcanons (Bedknobs and Broomsticks)
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Although Miss Price doesn’t consider herself a “true witch”, she does still occasionally perform magic. (Mr. Brown has helped her recover some of her spells.) This includes flying a broom, which she is willing to help you learn.
(She is also quite willing to turn you into a rabbit when you misbehave, which is actually a pretty fun punishment.)
Although Mr. Brown has discovered his own magical capabilities, he prefers to stick with his parlor tricks. Why? Because he always manages to make you laugh at his act.
Whether you travel by magic or by Miss Price’s motorbike , Mr. Brown is able to find a second-hand sale in every town. Street fairs, garage sales, thrift shops; he can always locate one. (And he always finds a few oddities to give you.)
Miss Price eats very healthily, and insists you do the same. Mr. Brown, on the other hand, is less particular. Between the two of them, you get a good mix of foods.
Cosmic Creepers is not a particularly friendly cat, but if you feed him a bit of meat, he’ll allow you to pet him.
Mr. Brown loves to put on magic shows with you playing the role of his more talented assistant. He’s an excellent showman and makes performing fun for even the most stage-frightened.
Miss Price tends to be very serious, which can be both a good and bad trait. One of the more positive aspects of this is, she does not condescend to you. Whatever age you’re regressed to, she will treat you with the respect she’d show another adult.
(And she’s not serious ALL the time; she enjoys dancing, and will quite willingly be distracted from her work to dance with you.)
Although he tries to downplay it, Mr. Brown loves that you trust him to be one of your caregivers. All he’s ever wanted is to be truly needed by someone else, and now that you rely on him, he’s determined to never let you down.
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liikeglitterandgcld · 5 years
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tagged by: stole it from @maryarkham bc magic
tagging: @moonlitsummoner / @broadswordandpistol / @bookwurme / @verumcure / @shimmerfang-impact / @praeteritus-memories [ noctis ], and anyone else who wants to steal it
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downinmybeastheart · 3 years
🍳 Pinned post [read, don’t reblog!]
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About || Tags || Links
HTML by @walnutcookie , desktop sidebar icon made in @severedhead ‘s picrew
Hi I’m yet another reblog-heavy miscellaneous tumblr account that’s just kind of around. I do like to post headcanons here sometimes tho.
I don’t have an elaborate about but I like bugs and sea creatures. I also enjoy various internet oddities and anything I can use as trivia.
@daemonvision is my side account for cartoons (and animation as a whole), @surveillance-0011 is for video games and @w0rm-w00d is my extremely neglected account for cosmic horror and my ocs.
I don’t really have a DNI either I just block people I don’t like. HOWEVER!! I won’t stand for any creepy or bigoted behavior. I would also prefer not to be followed by accounts that are just like. 100% nsfw/kink content
Sooo as long as you’re a decent person with some common sense you are welcome here!! Enjoy your stay.
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hiccanna-tidbits · 3 years
5, 6, 7 & 8 for OTP asks with Hiccanna!!
Soulmate AU: Who is eager to meet their soulmate? Who absolutely does not want to meet their soulmate?
Anna, hopeless romantic and “true love” fanatic that she is, is incredibly down to meet her soulmate. One of her biggest fears is being inherently unlovable and that no one will ever love her for who she is (parents dying and sister shunning you has to leave some abandonment issues babyyyy), so she takes a lot of comfort in the idea of a soulmate--at least one person is basically certain to love her, right?
Hiccup, meanwhile, is apathetic at best and annoyed by the idea of a higher power dictating who his girlfriend is at worst. Unlike Anna, he doesn’t really fear no one will ever really love him for who he is--rather, he just accepts it as fact. Growing up with no friends and an emotionally-distant father, Hiccup came to believe that he was never going to feel the kind of deep, boundless love he’d seen between other people--and he made his peace with it. Being a more introverted scientist and inventor-type, Hiccup tends to spend a lot of time alone anyways and believes (maybe not fully accurately) that he prefers it that way. Besides, the logician in him thinks the whole “magic cosmic soulmate” thing is probably bullshit, and he just can’t figure out how something like soulmates could ever be backed or supported by modern science. Ultimately, Hiccup figures he’s going to date who he’s going to date (if he can even find any girls who are interested, that is), and he really couldn’t care less what the stars have to say about it.
When Hiccup and Anna do finally meet, and eventually start dating (knowing how shy and awkward they’d both be about confessing, it would take months to years after them meeting to actually get together, even in a goddamn soulmate AU), it isn’t revealed that they’re soulmates right away. Maybe it’s revealed by their hearts glowing a certain color when they first realize they’re in love with the other person? Idk. 
When Anna finds out they’re soulmates, she’s absolutely stoked. Like the girl probably runs around their home for a solid 15 minutes planning a soulmate reveal party or something. Hiccup, meanwhile, is just kind of like “Oh! Neat!” and then immediately goes back to whatever he was doing XD
Anna is a bit hurt that Hiccup is so, ah...unconcerned about them being literally destined to be together. She’s mainly worried that it means that he doesn’t like...cherish their connection enough and whatnot. After he picks up on the fact that she’s kind of upset about his definitive lack of a strong reaction to the whole thing, he explains to her that he didn’t really care because he’d 100% date Anna whether or not she was his soulmate. Saying their souls were deeply connected was basically just putting a formal title on what he already knew.
And Anna has to take a minute, because honestly? Hiccup confidently saying he’d be with her in any reality, even one where he risks angering cosmic forces to do so, is actually much more romantic than them being supposedly “fated for each other” since the beginning.
Single parent AU: Which one is the single parent? (Alt. if they’re both single parents: Which one is open to starting a new relationship from the start? Which one is never planning on finding love again… Until they meet the other and are instantly smitten?)
I think I’ll have Zephyr and Nuffink be the single parent kids because I Just Think They’re Neat! That, and I honestly can’t bear to make lovechildren for Anna with anyone but Hiccup XD (those of you who know me will know making Krist/anna lovechildren in any context is RIGHT OUT).
So in this AU things didn’t work out with Astrid and Hiccup is pretty heartbroken over it :( I imagine she ultimately left him because she wasn’t really feeling the spark anymore, and they have joint custody of the kids. Meanwhile, Hiccup and Anna were neighbors growing up, and were pretty close friends as kids until Anna moved away and they lost touch. She eventually comes back to their hometown as an adult, and she and Hiccup reconnect. They’re also both like “ah shit, my old buddy got HOT” XD
I actually think Anna and Zephyr would really hit it off, mainly because Anna sees a lot of what she loves the most about Hiccup in Zephyr. Zephyr has Hiccup’s anxiety, cynicism, inventive streak, overall social awkwardness--and because Anna knows Hiccup so well and knows how to best accommodate all of his quirks and oddities, it’s not hard for her to extrapolate how best to befriend a younger version of him XD Zephyr, meanwhile, has had trouble befriending kids her age due to her bluntness and general “nerdiness,” so she’s always happy to find someone who accepts her unconditionally and takes a genuine interest in her wacky inventions--even if it’s her dad’s new girlfriend, who by all accounts should be a weird person for her to get close to XD Zephyr also devours science books like they’re going out of style, and is very pleased that Anna is more than happy to listen to her ramble on and on about random science trivia. Zeph still loves her biological mom, for sure, but she starts thinking of Anna as a second mom. She brags to all the kids at school that she has two moms, which leaves them very confused and wondering if Astrid ended up marrying another woman after she divorced Hiccup (which, to be fair, wouldn’t be entirely out of character).
Nuffink, meanwhile, is a little more unsure about the whole situation, if mainly because I headcanon him as a bit of a mama’s boy. He doesn’t dislike Anna so much as he’s just...wary of her, and doesn’t know how to feel about his dad falling in love with someone who isn’t his mom. He also can’t help but feel out-of-place when he, Zephyr, Hiccup, and Anna go out on “family outings” because he kind of looks like he doesn’t belong. With her reddish-brown hair, her blue eyes, her aundance of freckles, and her fondness for wearing twin braids, Zephyr could definitely pass as Anna’s daughter (I’ve even seen Anna used as an older version of Zephyr in video edits, which is hilariously ironic). Although Nuffink has his dad’s eyes, he very much has his biological mom’s hair and doesn’t look like he’s related to Anna at all.
I think what helps them finally bond is that they both have a love of combat! Nuffink definitely does some kind of martial arts or fencing training if he can access it, and Anna is more than happy to teach him some swordplay and spar with him if he wants! Because Sword Anna is best Anna, fight me. Nuffink is also open-minded enough that hey, if his cool big sister likes someone that much, she can’t be that bad. Hiccup is just...continually super impressed with how much Anna knows about fighting--and it makes him fall all the more in love with her, because he loves that in a woman XD Once Nuffink warms up to Anna, he’s constantly trying to impress her ith how tough he is--mostly shown by him ramming his head into walls. Poor Anna worries about Nuffink a lot XD
I imagine there’s a little bit of tension between Anna and Astrid in this AU. Not really because Astrid resents Hiccup moving on--she’s actually pretty happy for Hiccup that he found someone better suited for him than her--but more because she worries Anna is trying to replace her as the kids’ “true mom” XD Anna, meanwhile, can’t help but resent Astrid a little for breaking Hiccup’s heart and doesn’t get why they kids can’t just have two moms! The more people who love them, the better, right???
I don’t imagine Anna and Hiccup having any biological kids in this AU, because I think two stepkids would be plenty for Anna! Of course, since Zephyr and Nuffink are Hiccup’s, she loves them with all her being and tries to be the best stepmom she can be. But I think having more than two kids would stress Anna’s ADHD ass the fuck out, and she doesn’t strike me as the sort of person who would feel a need to have biological kids with Hiccup if she already had Nuffink and Zephyr to parent. Our girl is perfectly happy adopting!
Doctor AU: Which one is the longsuffering doctor? Which one is the patient?
Hiccup is the long-suffering doctor, although not entirely by choice. Often he wonders if being a doctor is actually what he wanted, but his dad was like “WELL SON! YOU’RE SMART, SO YOU GOTTA BE A DOCTOR SO YOU MAKE BIG BUCKS!” (I’m headcanoning in this AU Stoick is a professional athlete of some kind, and has made BANK since he was young. He can’t really conceive of his son NOT pursuing a well-paid profession). Hiccup doesn’t really want to disappoint his rather intimidating dad, so he goes along with it.
It’s not that he dislikes it, when all is said and done. He does care about people and wants to help them, although he hides it underneath about 10 layers of snark. Still, it’s stressful and thankless work, and often he worries about whether he took the right path. Too late to pursue something else now, he supposes.
Then he meets Anna, rushed to the ICU with a collection of third-degree electrical burns. She tried to plug all of her Christmas light strings into the same power strip, and uh...it did not go well. Hiccup is there monitoring her vitals when she wakes up, and she just kind of wearily sighs and admits to him that living on her own wasn’t nearly as fun or exciting as she thought it would be. As it turned out, Anna had insisted she could be trusted with putting up her apartment’s holiday decorations, and she very much should not have been.
Anna ends up having to stay a couple weeks. She needs a small skin graft (yeah, she fucked herself up THAT bad), and then needs a bit of time for the surgery wounds to heal. Hiccup is assigned to do checkups on her regularly, and starts to look forward to it. Her perky disposition (despite being stuck in the hospital with burn wounds) is contagious, and she never fails to make him laugh after a long, draining shift. As stressful as his job is, Anna becomes his one respite.
He has to admit, it’s nice to have at least one thing to look forward to.
Hiccup is a little sad to see Anna go. Of course, bumbling, socially awkward foot-in-mouth fool that he is, he doesn’t have the courage to ask for her number so they can keep in touch. That would, uh...probably be unprofessional or something. Besides, it would probably crush his heart and soul if she was weirded out by his soft spot for her so like...maybe best not to even open himself up to the possibility.
Then, not two weeks later, Anna shows up at the hospital again--this time having broken three bones in a hiking accident. Apparently she got too excited about a particularly nice view, and toppled right off the top of a very steep bluff. He, once again, takes on her care, and is delighted (albeit guiltily) to have her back. He, once again, has something to make work not suck as much!
Oddly enough, this turns out to be the first of many hiking accidents. Anna comes in next month claiming to have nearly burned her arm off in a rogue campfire, and then again the next month claiming to have been mauled by a bear (although Hiccup is pretty sure those bleeding gashes were just left by a very big dog, and Anna is too embarrassed to admit it). Odder still, Hiccup distinctly remembers talking to Anna during her first hospital stay about how much he loved hiking and the outdoors, and now all of her new string of injuries just happen to be hiking-related. He can’t help but be baffled about how her insurance even covers all of this, but apparently having a family lineage distantly related to Norwegian royalty has its perks.
On roughly her 7th hospital stay, Hiccup finally gathers up the courage to ask Anna for her number, if only because he figures it would be nice for them to see each other without Anna having to nearly get herself killed first every time XD
Bodyguard AU: Who is the bodyguard? Who are they protecting? Which one is secretly pining for the other?
What if Anna was sent to bodyguard Hiccup in an AU where Arendelle is a lot more militaristic???
Basically what I'm thinking is that this is in an alternate timeline, Hiccup didn't injure Toothless's tail when he shot him down. The beginning of HTTYD plays out the same, but Toothless can still fly and just yeets off after Hiccup frees him, supposedly never to be seen again. However, this still leads Hiccup to believe he may not be dragon-fighting material after all. The poor boy still yearns to find a way to prove his worth to Berk, though.
As Hiccup gets older, his strength doesn't really improve, and it becomes clear to Stoick that he's always going to be pretty scrawny. Because of this, he's hesitant to put Hiccup in dragon training for the sake of his son's own safety--and hey, Hiccup seems to have lost interest in dragon-fighting anyhow, so it's not like Hiccup will fight him on it. Nonetheless, the dragon raids are getting worse, and Stoick worries about Hiccup being able to protect himself at all. Knowing most of the older villagers are busy with dragon-fighting and other jobs, and honestly doubting any of the village's teenagers would protect Hiccup if push came to shove, Stoick sends out an appeal of sorts to neighboring villages and kingdoms requesting a bodyguard for his skinny disaster of a son.
Back in Arendelle, shut-in princess Anna is surprised yet intrigued when a messenger from the Viking village of Berk shows up at Elsa's coronation. In a timeline where Hans and Anna don’t have their chance encounter, Hans sets his wooing sights on the newly-crowned Queen Elsa (and fails), and no push ends up being strong enough to make Elsa lose control of her powers at the ceremony. Anna, however, still feels hurt by her sister’s seemingly reasonless rebuke earlier in the evening and finds herself aching to explore the world outside her castle and be close with someone--anyone--again.
When the Viking messenger requests a bodyguard for the Chief of Berk’s son, Anna is quick to volunteer. The messenger scoffs at first, but to his surprise, the soft-looking princess isn’t entirely unqualified. She filled many of her long, empty childhood hours training with the Arendelle guard, and her swordplay is admirable. To prove her worth, Anna faces off with one of the Berkian warriors in a duel--and holds her own shockingly well. While Queen Elsa is hesitant to let her sister run off to a faraway nation, Anna vehemently insists that Arendelle doesn’t need two monarchs, and this will be great for diplomatic relations in the long run. Of course, she also longs to explore and get away from the place she’s been trapped her entire life, but Elsa doesn’t need to know that part.
When Anna arrives in Arendelle, Hiccup has absolutely no idea what to make of his new bodyguard. On the one hand, a girl who’s good with a sword is hot, and he’s long since given up on Astrid anyways. On the other hand, Hiccup is definitely irked that his dad sees him as so weak and incapable that he’s the only Viking in the village who needs a full-on bodyguard, and he hates feeling like he’s being babied and coddled (not that this is Anna’s fault). Still, his bodyguard is essentially the only person who’s ever seemed to actually want to be friends with him in...well, his whole life, and honestly? He’ll take it.
Anna, meanwhile, still aching for love and connections of really any kind, is nigh-instantly smitten. His brains, his creativity, his constant snide jokes, his snark-coated good heart, his weird, messy hairdo--all of it has an 18-year-old Anna completely over the moon. Hiccup, feeling hopeless in the world of romance after being rejected by Astrid, is honestly just relieved to finally have a friend--to the point that it doesn’t even occur to him that Anna’s a girlfriend option.
Not long after she arrives in Berk, Anna is put into dragon training to prepare for raids. She does a bit of training of her own with Hiccup, teaching him some swordplay to try and boost his confidence. It’s not hard to tell that he has mixed feelings about having to have a protector, and Anna hopes that by teaching him some basic fighting skills he can at least feel a little better if he’s ever in a situation where she isn’t there to defend him.
As she gets deeper into her dragon training, Anna asks Hiccup why he never gave dragon training a go. Granted, him being as physically small as he is would be a disadvantage, but he could still learn to hold his own decently well using speed and stealth. It would help him be able to protect himself, if nothing else. Hiccup seems very reluctant to talk about the whole subject, but he says Anna needs to trust that he knows he can’t kill dragons. He tends to give the shortest answers possible to her questions, and nigh-instantly changes the subject. When Anna presses too much, he gets snippy.
As they get closer, Hiccup finally opens up to Anna about the time he shot down a Night Fury and couldn’t bring himself to make the final kill. He admits to cutting the creature free, and how the dragon nearly killed him--only to spare Hiccup just as Hiccup had spared him. “I saw more than just a ruthless killer when I looked into that dragon’s eye,” Hiccup tells her. “I saw myself. I think there’s so much more to them than anyone knows, but...you’re the only person I feel like would actually give me the benefit of the doubt on that.”
During the next raid, Anna pays closer attention to the dragons than before. She watches how they interact with the villagers, and notice that they never seem to go out of their way to go after people. They only fight Vikings when Vikings initiate, and the dragons’ main concern always seems to be taking sheep and fish. Left to their own devices, they don’t seem to want to hurt anyone.
Unfortunately, Anna standing off to the side and trying to watch what all the dragons are doing leaves her distracted--and vulnerable. She’s not prepared for a camouflaged changewing to melt out of the wall behind her, whipping around and backing her into a corner. Anna grabs for her sword but can hardly move, frozen in terror as the massive dragon stares her down.
She holds up an arm, bracing herself for a wall of fire, but none comes. There’s a swish of wings and a gust of wind blows her back. When she looks up, the dragon is gone.
It would’ve been beyond easy for the dragon to kill her. The creature clearly saw her--could have taken advantage in her moment of frozen stupor and burned her to a crisp. And yet...the dragon spared her. Just like the Night Fury had spared Hiccup.
Anna realizes Hiccup might be onto something.
Together, Hiccup and Anna decide they’re going to get to the bottom of what dragons are really like--and why they’re stealing the village’s food. While claiming to go out for “battle practice,” Hiccup and Anna track down dragons and study them in secret--observing them, writing about them, seeing how they behave and how they interact with one another. They’re surprised by what they see: left to their own devices, dragons are good-natured and compassionate, and they take care of their own. Strangely, they never seem to feed the stolen food to their young. Hiccup predicts they’re not actually keeping it for themselves, and taking it somewhere nigh unreachable for humans. For what actual purpose is anyone’s guess.
Anna starts using the info she gathers observing dragons with Hiccup in dragon-training. She finds ways to sooth them and calm them down in the ring by using things they seem to enjoy in the wild. Scented grass, bits of fish, soft touches, slow, gentle movements. The village marvels at her newfound skills, and can’t help but wonder where she developed such a knack for controlling dragons despite spending basically all her time around “Stoick’s little runt.” She couldn’t be training with him, of all people...could she? Astrid, for one, is definitely none too pleased about her spot at the top of the class being threatened.
Meanwhile, Anna and Hiccup can’t help but grow fond of the dragons they watch. They start becoming more bold, and leaving snacks of trout and mutton for the scaled creatures. Anna is delighted when the food ends up attracting none other than what she’s pretty sure is the same changewing who spared her, as well as a curious snaptrapper. She’s never gotten to see a snaptrapper up close before, and is completely undeterred by the triple-jawed four heads. Rather, she is far more preoccupied with coming up with the perfect name for each head.
“Omigod, he’s so PRETTY! And he smells like CHOCOLATE!”
“...you know they probably emit that scent to lure in prey so they can slice it in three, right?”
With each new meal, the local dragons grow more and more comfortable with Hiccup and Anna. After a while, the changewing and the snaptrapper even let Anna touch their noses. Anna falls in love with watching the changewing seem to melt around the forest as she camouflages, and rolling in the mud with the snaptrapper after a summer storm. Hiccup starts catching what seems to be glimpses of the Night Fury he freed, and it appears that the curious creature has come back to investigate him.
The Night Fury appears more and more, drawn in by Hiccup’s trout feast. Hiccup notices the dragon’s wing is injured, likely shot by someone from the village. Although he’s not completely helpless, he’s having trouble. Hiccup sets to work on his most daring project yet--making a “brace” of sorts that can mend the ripped wing.
When Hiccup and Anna attempt to distract the Night Fury long enough to climb up and put the wing brace on, something unexpected happens. The dragon shoots up to the sky, both unwitting passengers clinging onto his tail for dear life.
Once they get their bearings and clamber up to his back, the Night Fury (who Hiccup has nicknamed “Toothless” for his retractable teeth) takes them on a flight through the clouds. Unable to help herself, Anna laces her arms around Hiccup’s waist--if only so she can supposedly “hold on better.”
Hiccup, of course, still doesn’t get it.
The flight takes a sinister turn when Toothless takes them to the dragon nest, and Hiccup finally gets his answer about where all of the villages food has been going--to their queen. Unsure what to do or how to free their new friends from the Red Death, Hiccup and Anna promise each other one thing or sure--none of the rest of Berk can know about the dragon nest. If they attack it, it spells disaster for both dragons and Vikings--not to mention the question of how they got there is sure to dig up their secret dragon-related activities as of late.
With each dragon raid, Anna finds herself more and more reluctant to fight dragons--especially now that she knows what’s actually going on. She only does the bare minimum to protect the food and the village, never going out of her way to attack a dragon or landing a killing blow (although by this point, she’d definitely be skilled enough to). During one particularly intense raid, Anna is finding it harder and harder to fend dragons off without doing lethal damage. While driving out a particularly tenacious monstrous nightmare, Anna happens upon the same changewing she’s befriended in the forest, limping to safety.
It would be incredibly easy to finish the dragon off, but Anna refuses. The dragon knows she’s beat, and so Anna lets her leave without so much as a swing of the princess’s sword.
Unfortunately, Astrid sees.
After the raid, Astrid storms up to Anna and chews her out in front of the whole village, yelling about how weak she was to not go for a dragon kill when she had the chance. It turns out Astrid’s also been noticing Anna going intentionally easy on the dragons, and how much the Arendelle princess seems to hold back when fighting him. Astrid knows it’s not physical incompetence, or a lack of skill--she’s seen Anna subdue plenty of dragons in training.
No, it seems to be the princess’s heart that’s weak. Her kingdom must be nothing but a bunch of bleeding-hearted morons, and she’ll never be tough enough to really belong in Berk.
As he watches Astrid yell and the Berkians all turn to sneer at the scene, Hiccup feels a sudden rush of protectiveness for his friend. Tears are starting to form in the corners of her eyes, and something gives in him seeing her subjected to the very ostracization that left him completely alone for so many years.
He walks up beside Anna, and suddenly he’s shouting like he’s never quite had the courage to before.
“You’re wrong, Astrid! You’re all wrong!”
Before long, he’s spilling everything--how dragons are intelligent and caring creatures, how they’re only stealing food to feed a ruthless queen, how he’s sure humans have killed far more dragons than vice versa. The village stares, horrified. When Stoick storms forward, Hiccup and Anna know it’s nothing good.
Stoick is disgusted. The very bodyguard he had brought all the way out to Berk to give his son strength did nothing but fill Hiccup’s head with softness and dangerous lies. He banishes Anna, warning her never to set foot in Berk or speak to his son again.
Hiccup will not have it. He says if Anna’s leaving, he’s coming with her. He’s made his choice, and he’s standing by the only person who ever really treated him with unconditional love and kindness.
“Fine,” Stoick says simply. “We’ll be rid of two traitors, then.”
Cast out from Berk, Hiccup and Anna find themselves with a new mission: Find the nest before the rest of Berk does, and take out the Red Death once and for all.
With the help of Toothless, the Changewing (who Anna has nicknamed “Flicker”), and the Snaptrapper (whose heads Anna have very creatively named Leafy, Greeny, Spiky, and Badbreath. It’s beyond Hiccup how she tells all of them apart, but she’s very adamant about which is which.), they find the dragon hive again, and attempt the impossible--attacking the queen. It seems hopeless at first, but once more and more malcontented dragons see what they’re doing, they join in and rebel.
It’s a tough fight, but the two humans and the revolting dragons come out on top. Not before the Red Death has one last hurrah, though--letting out a final, massive blast of fire that knocks Hiccup askew and sends him tumbling down into the flames. Toothless, Flicker, Anna, and the Snaptrapper dive after, and are quickly engulfed in red and orange.
Meanwhile, the Berkians have sent out ships following Hiccup, Anna, and their dragons, guessing the nest is where they were headed. By the time they get there, the fight is over--and Stoick and Gobber just manage to catch a glimpse of Hiccup plummeting into the flames.
Anna screams Hiccup’s name until the smoke burns her throat so much she can’t anymore. She remembers swooping underneath him and just managing to grab hold of his limp body before everything goes dark.
When she comes to later, it’s still dark--but she feels something soft and warm in her arms, and feels scales pressed against her back. Her arm is searing with pain, but she barely notices it as her eyes adjust to the darkness. Hiccup is curled up against her--groaning, but alive.
Not sure she’ll ever get another chance, she puts a hand on his cheek and finally tells him the truth. “I love you.”
He opens his eyes and looks, gaze shocked until a slow realization washes over him. He smiles. “I love you, too.”
They both pass out, still wrapped up in each other.
When the flames clear, Stoick sees what looks like a pile of dragons, all pressed together with their wings folded in. Slowly, they lift their wings to reveal two humans--charred in places, but alive.
Wracked with guilt, Stoick realizes he was wrong. Hiccup’s new bodyguard helped his son become stronger and braver than the chief of Berk ever imagined.
It turns out taking down the queen saved the dragons and the humans, and thanks to Hiccup, Anna, and their dragon friends, Berk will never have to worry about dragon raids again.
It turns out Hiccup’s leg and Anna’s arm didn’t quite make it out of the fire. Luckily, Gobber has always been handy at prosthetics--and Hiccup manages to make a fairly dextrous and functional metal hand for Anna. Anna is utterly delighted with how cool it looks.
After the whole Red Death incident, it’s decided that Hiccup is probably competent enough that he doesn’t need his own bodyguard anymore. Nonetheless, Anna is welcome to stay in Berk as long as she likes. And with new dragon friends and an incredibly cute new boyfriend, she’s not going anywhere anytime soon!
This is in reference to this post! I’ve already done these questions for Moanida. Theoretically still willing to do any questions I haven’t yet for Hiccanna and Moanida, although these were exhausting to write out so I might not give as long of answers XD
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Name: Nathan Meyers Faceclaim: Bill Skarsgard Gender & Pronouns: Cis-Male & He/Him Age: 24 Occupation: Freelance photographer Species: Untriggered werewolf Affiliation: N/A
+ Observant, Adaptive, Resolute - Unpredictable, Guarded, Sarcastic 
The world is unkind to people, it offers little without a struggle. Nathan discovered that nearly from the start of his life when he was born the second youngest out of what would end up being a brood of four children, to a father with intense, blinding ambitions and a mother so entirely disconnected from normality that she claimed him to be some terrible curse on the family. There was nothing extraordinary about his birth beyond that it fell on the same night as the bloodiest the pack had seen in generations, but it was no accident or attack, no, it was simply the time of rites. They were an unsettling line, his mother's, laced with a strange madness and ancient ties to magic through centuries prior dealings with dark witches. Blood and violence, strange happenings and an air of unnatural things ran through the very existence of the group. To have a wolf born at the cusp of their rites though must have been a sign of damnation. 
His father thought it nonsense but as time passed and it seemed that bad luck and terrible things kept befalling them some began to wonder if there was truth to it. Eventually it spread into nearly endless arguments between his parents, more miserable than the cold shoulder he received from many of the pack. 
Nobody was surprised when she was simply gone one day, taking with her the murmurs about strange dreams and terrible monsters, the glint of fear in the corners of her eyes. Perhaps everyone was caught off guard that she took her youngest child as well, and being only seven at the time left Nathan blaming himself for the loss of both his mother and sister. Everyone else blamed him too, not only for that but seemingly everything that happened. His only escape from it was his brothers, they at least looked after him, a stark contrast to their father who was always scrutinizing and tense with anger over his plans falling short. The man was a con artist at best, a liar at worst, and poured his energy into pushing his sons to make a name for themselves to give the rest of the family a higher standing. 
Nathan only found disinterest in the politics and macabre practices of the pack, a lack of desire for a place among people who speculated behind his back and called him a mongrel and a demon to his face; it was little wonder that as he grew older he refused the idea entirely of spilling the blood that would trigger his genetics. Not only that, but on some level he could not escape the words of his mother and the worry that, perhaps, there was something wrong with him that might reach the breaking point with that first change. It was why his father considered him an outright failure but he had grown numb to the man's snarling expectations and fallen into the sort of indifference that had plagued his mother before her mind had begun to slip. 
It was a sudden turn of luck for the better, a random bet that actually paid off, that brought the family into unexpected wealth only a few years after being split. Finally able to leave behind that place, they cut ties and left the shadow of the Appalachian hills for the distractions of a bigger city. For a time things were good, his father was nearly kind and the pressure that had always suffocated Nathan was eased, but it didn't last long. The money did, yes, and growing up without want of anything was a stark contrast but when his father once again approached the idea of Nathan taking a more active role in a pack things between the two turned cold with the argument. It was different though, that time, his brothers were too often busy then in the city chasing their own vices and lives to give him a place to retreat to. He distanced himself in other ways but lived every day with the reprimanding presence of his father and the constant demands, he practically longed for nothing more than just to be free of the man. Everything made him some disappointment, somehow, it was all just one compounded sum of things he had to listen to lectures over constantly.With the stress came a subtle unravel in his mind, shadowy dreams and hints that, perhaps, he had inherited the madness of his mother and her blood. 
The first chance he got he left, put California behind him and all thoughts of wolves, his family and everything else. 
A handful of years found him traveling, picking up freelance jobs as he went and falling back on his personal wealth gleaned off the family bank accounts over time, trying to step outside the claws of what had been. He did it too well, perhaps, he had only just finished a job in a sleepy little town called Aurora when he heard from his eldest brother for the first time in years. He hadn't been shocked by the news because something had been nagging in the back of his mind for weeks, the death of his father, but surely even hating the man hadn't been enough to tip the cosmic scales towards his end, had it?
The funeral had been a blur he barely recalls, and his return to that small town felt like where he needed to be to chase away those old demons, or perhaps come face to face with them. 
Yes, he is very tall, (6′4″) and one would think that a positive but Nathan lacks some coordination and chances are if there is something to trip over or hit his head on he very likely will do so. He once sprained his ankle walking down the stairs and that’s a good indication of how little he can be trusted when it comes to anything remotely more graceful than sitting in a chair. Even that he doesn’t do right, long limbs and such, never seems to be a good way to fold them out of the way.
He’s fascinated by things that many would deem dark or unsettling and always has been. There’s something about it that stems back to his childhood growing up amid whispered rituals and surrounded by the sort of trinkets associated more with darker magic than most werewolves venture around but he does see the allure in oddities and always seems to collect them whenever he settles one place for long. Same as his photography, it often showcases decay and the appeal of the darker side of life if left to his choice in subject matter. He is a product of his past in some ways, that eeriness that surrounded his life in those years is a part of him. Now, the obsession with campy and gory horror movies might just be him being weird, but he binge watches them and finds them hilarious.  
Nathan has always been an extremely aware person, partly developed from a childhood of constant study of people around him in that attempt to fit in. It’s one of the reasons he’s such a good photographer, he tends to notice details that others miss. He reads body language very well and is very rarely caught off guard once he’s taken in his surroundings. It’s a very underrated skill actually, his eye for the unconventionally useful and the small details lends itself to discovering things often overlooked and understanding people better than they might be comfortable with at times.
Added into the long list of things his father enjoyed pointing out as areas where he fell short of his expectations Nathan discovered the man was of the opinion that his coming out as gay in his latter teens also didn’t fit into the family plans. That was one fight Nathan avoided though, remaining private about his sexuality for years aside from his brothers knowing, on some level it took him a long time to come to terms with such a literal part of who he was being something his father couldn’t accept.
He does have range of emotional intensity that is all over the place but rather introverted. Nine times out of ten he is far more ruffled by things than he allows others to see, masking it over with bored distance more often than not because the alternative is letting those emotions rule him and the danger in it is how little control he feels in those situations. His anger is red-hot, his pain over things deep-rooted and while he savors what emotions have to offer him because he’s always looking for something that feels real, it’s rare that he expresses anything with even a fraction of the depth he feels behind it.
Absolutely blunt at times, sarcastic enough to where most anything might come out of his mouth, easily distracted and a slew of other negative traits to go along with it, Nathan is by no means perfect nor does he intend to be. He finds perfection utterly dull, having grown up in the bubble of his father striving for it as a point of impressing others, he chases vices and desires recklessly because he refuses to exist short of the extremes it takes for him to shake off the emotional dust that is always trying to suffocate him.
Under the surface Nathan does suffer from some degree of personality and dissociation disorder. He’s never sought medical attention for it but he is at a much higher risk of mental breakdown and mood swings along with it. Oddly depression being a common issue for many people with those range of disorders as well isn’t one he is afflicted with; he doesn’t see much to get depressed over with his otherwise fairly nihilistic beliefs that things happen the way they do and there is a cycle to better and worse that people simply go through.
Nathan doesn’t bond too well with people, unless he does. There is seemingly no reason as to why some people earn his loyalty deeply and his friendship without question and others never get a chance to get anywhere close to the idea. He seeks out people for various reasons, never the same reason for more than one person and he fills in the spots with those who hold a specific meaning to him. No two people will ever be the same to Nathan, no two will ever be important for the same reason, but very few stick around him long enough to find a place and he’s come to accept that as just the way of the world.
He admits, sometimes with an amusement over the fact that borders unhealthy, that he has screwed up a great many things in his life and will continue to no doubt do so. While he could easily be an excellent liar he saves that skill for when he wants something and is rather honest about himself to others, and he expects the same. The world is hollow enough, he has no time for people who are. His words come off badly, yes, maybe he says things with too much of an edge now and then but he offers people something that is far more valuable than most realize; indifference to their faults. In the end nobody is anything more than a collection of disasters and he delights in learning the details rather than looking for the shiny parts.
[Family] Mother
Leah Meyers (Unknown location. NPC) Nathan has an uneasy view of his mother, what he remembers of her at least. She was very devoted to her pack and within it shared a great deal of delusions. After she left them he struggled with feeling it was his fault for a long time, as he grew up he saw that was less the case but instead the anxiety remains now that he knows a great deal of her issues were with mental illness and maybe even something supernatural to it as well. Seeing some of that in himself is incredibly unnerving for him and always in the back of his mind. 
Jacob Meyers (Deceased) It isn’t that Nathan hated him, exactly, he just found him an overbearing misery to be around.. Being the youngest of the boys he was usually the one left home alone with his father and suffered a large share of his anger and sharp comments, his seeming lack of direction was another tense point between them that never settled well. He hasn’t come to terms fully with the idea of him being dead but it’s more from the sense of guilt of being absent during the years of decline in health for Jacob. He might have managed to make peace with his father some day but time ran out long before Nathan was ready to even try.
(Currently Unknown. Open Connections if anyone wants to play them - just DM/contact me) Nathan has two older brothers and one younger sister. Of them he hasn’t even seen his sister since she was small and likely she doesn’t remember any of them unless their mother made a point to tell her about the family. His brothers he’s been on fairly good terms with even though they have different personalities than his own. His oldest brother specifically is the one he’s run to for support on occasion but the two tend to argue and have a difficult time seeing eye to eye on most things. In the past year there has been more of a strained relationship between the three of them though with Nathan’s all but disappearing and lack of involvement in their father’s life as the man was dying.
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pines-troz · 7 years
New Middle Name
**Ford used to associate family with high expectations, selfishness, betrayal, and mistrust. But over the course of that fateful summer, Ford learned many valuable lessons from Dipper, Mabel and Stan; that teamwork would accomplish the most difficult of tasks, how trust should be given to those who earned it, and that second chances are possible in this world.
Now he wants nothing more than to show his family his gratitude for them.
Based on a headcanon of mine that I shared on tumblr with @a-million-chromatic-dreams**
April 11, 2013
Aboard the Stan O’War II gently sailed the cold waters of the Northern Pacific Ocean. Stan and Ford Pines recently completed their supernatural mission on the Arctic Ocean. They come across a threatening Kraken, some buried treasure and no babes (much to Stanley’s dismay). The two brothers had finished traversing the Bering Strait and were a day’s trip away from Nome, Alaska, which was the perfect place to stock up on supplies.
Since there was a low amount of food on the ship, the seafaring brothers had to make do with what little food they had in the cabin for dinner. Stan indulged himself with a tub of ice cream, while Ford was rummaging through the cabinets for something to satisfy his sweet tooth.  
The twins were glad to have gone on their dream trip together. They were able to make up for forty years of cold shoulders, betrayal and separation of a terrifyingly cosmic scale. Though Ford and Stan learned to make up during the end of the world, it would only make sense that they would continue to mend their relationship by embarking on an abnormal expedition.
That’s not to say that their time sailing the world was a walk in the park. Both brothers had their fair share of bad days on the boat. Stan would be revisited by painful memories of his years on the run from the authorities. Other times it would be during the ten-plus years spent as a homeless grifter, a hapless prisoner, or a desperate man trying to fend himself from the vicious men he owed money to. Ford was also haunted by his past. Most of the time it was the horrific abuse Bill Cipher had inflicted on him after refusing to open the portal. But there were instances in which both men remembered a dark figure that loomed over their childhoods: their father Filbrick Pines.
To say that their Pa was a stoic man would be a massive understatement. Filbrick was the type of man who rarely smiled and was never amused by sentimentality. Hidden behind his dark sunglasses were the eyes, constantly on watch for any misstep Stan and Ford would make. He also cast Stanley out on the streets and threw an already packed duffle bag at him, banning him from the Pines household before the poor teen had the chance to complete high school. The disgruntled father also channeled his disappointment into Ford, who expected their son to make millions after completing college. When Ford decided to pursue a career in studying anomalies, Filbrick was angry with his son’s decision and the two never spoke since.
Worst of all, his father would always be attached to Ford by namesake. When Ford and Stan were born, their father had lazily named both of their sons Stan, mainly because the couple never planned to have raise twins in addition to their older son Shermie. In addition, the man had the ego to insert his name as the middle name of the eldest twin.
“Aren’t you a sight for sore eye! Stanford Filbrick Pines! My old pal!!”
Ford shuddered. The old man refused to revisit those horrible memories again. He needed to find a way to take his mind off of his past.
Shuffling through a couple empty boxes of crackers, he noticed a crumpled bag of jellybeans. Ford immediately retrieved the bag of his favorite candy from the cabinet and closed the door. The researcher inspected the item within the palms of his six-fingered hands. A close glance at the crinkled bag of sweets sent his mind back in time...
The summer sun shone on the grassy hill near the outskirts of Gravity Falls. Ford had brought his nephew Dipper near the town border to answer his biggest question: why the heck are there so many weird things in Gravity Falls is a magnet for all things weird. The scientist took out a handful of the jellybeans from the bag, including an oddly-formed one, and threw them down the hill. As the normal beans tumbled down the hill without issue, the deformed bean bounced upwards by the force-field surrounding the town.
Ford turned to his nephew, whose eyes widened with curiosity and fascination at the bizarre oddity. The boy had realized that Gravity Falls was a magnet that attracted all things strange and unusual. Everything from gnomes and leprecorns to people like Dipper and Ford, born with unusual anomalies such as weird birthmarks and polydactyly.
Ford put his hand on his nephew’s shoulder and smiled. “You and I are some of the strangest beans this town has ever seen, Dipper.”
“Mason,” The boy blurted out. He was shocked by what came out of his mouth. After a moment of silence he looked up to his great uncle and repeated what he said.
“My real name is Mason. Dipper is just a nickname. But everyone got used to it, and now it feels too late to tell everyone the truth.” He explained with an almost apologetic look on his face before casting his eyes downwards. “And it’s kind of a dumb name anyway. Don’t tell anyone.”
Ford was in awe by Dipper’s admission. He didn’t know what compelled the boy to tell him of all people the truth of his birth name. But the researcher’s heart swelled upon realizing that his nephew, the one person whom Ford held great admiration for and trusted the most had decided to confide in him.
Ford beamed at his nephew while gently tousling his hair. “Your secret’s safe with me, Mason.” He told Dipper. “And I think it’s a great name. The Masons are a great secret society, you know.”
Dipper gazed at his uncle and smiled. Seeing the look of joy on Dipper’s face made Ford realize how much his nephew had come to love him, something he had not received in an awfully long time. Not since his days with Jheselbraum the Unswerving had someone given him the trust and compassion he desperately needed.
Ford would forever be grateful for Dipper’s presence and companionship.
A warm smile appeared on his face.
Ford had learned to utilize his deformity as calling card, a badge of honor he could proudly showcase to the world. When Ford returned to Gravity Falls from the Nightmare Realm, he learned to become more comfortable with his polydactyly. Mabel complimented him on his fingers when she introduced herself. Dipper also looked past his physical flaw as the two spent time together. After Ford reclaimed his three journals, he read Dipper’s entries in his third book and was surprised to learn that his nephew’s nickname stemmed from his unusual birthmark.
Ford used to associate family with high expectations, selfishness, betrayal, and mistrust. But over the course of that fateful summer, Ford learned many valuable lessons from Dipper, Mabel and Stan; that teamwork would accomplish the most difficult of tasks, how trust should be given to those who earned it, and that second chances are possible in this world.
Now he wants nothing more than to show his family his gratitude for them.
“Earth to Ford!”
The researcher spun around to find his brother smirking at him while clutching onto his tub of ice cream. “Whatcha thinkin’ about?”
Ford looked over at Stan. “I’ve been reminiscing over the summer.”
Stan put his ice cream on the table and approached his twin, placing a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Thinkin’ about the kids again?”
Ford gave his twin a knowing smile. “Every day.”
“Same here.” Stan agreed, smiling at the shared sentiment.
The researcher pushed his glasses upwards as he continued to speak. “But I’ve also been thinking about changing my middle name.”
“Really? You gonna change it to Isaac Newton or some other nerd name?” Stan joked. “At least then it would be a step up from Filbrick.”
“No, no.” He dismissed with a wave of his hand. Ford then placed his hands behind his back, his face softened. “I want my middle name to be Mason.”
Stanley’s eyes lit up. He had not heard that name in a while. Back in September, a while after Dipper and Mabel left Gravity Falls, Stan found an aged photograph in his wallet of his younger self holding two precious twins with a tearful smile. One look at the picture created a spark in his mind, reeling back to the day the niblings were born. He broke from his trance and ran to Ford. Stan showed his brother the picture and told him everything he could remember of that day;  Mabel punching the doctor in the jaw, Dipper cheating death after the umbilical cord was removed from his neck, how Stan was able to hold the precious twins before Shermie had the chance. He also told Ford how the twins were named Mabel and Mason so that they were even more special. From that day on Stan would never allow himself to forget that special day.  
Stanley looked to Ford and chuckled. “You actually have a great idea for once poindexter.”
Ford rolled his eyes before giving his brother a wry smile. “So you think Mason would be a good alternative.”
Stan lifted up his arm and playfully pulled Ford close to him. “I think it’s a great middle name Ford!”
Ford gratefully smiled back at his brother.
Mabel and Dipper were mindlessly watching a rerun of Cash Wheel at home when they heard a small buzzing sound. They looked around the room only to realize that it came from Mabel’s cell phone.
“Hello?” Mabel answered.
“Well hello Mabel dear.” Ford warmly replied on the other line. “How are things back home?”
The girl was surprised to hear her Grunkle's voice. Normally the Pines had set up their long video chats over the weekend, but it was a pleasant surprise that Ford had called on a Thursday.  
“Things are going well.” Mabel happily answered. “Dipper and I have been busy with school and all of the clubs we go to. I’ve been enjoying Art Club and Model U.N., and I’m sure Dipper will tell you all of the stuff he’s been up to with Band and Gaming Club.”
“All of that sounds wonderful sweetheart.” Ford said.
“We’ve also been thinking about you and Grunkle Stan a lot.”
Ford’s heart swelled. “I’m touched to hear that from you. Stanley and I are always thinking about you and your brother.”
“D’aww, Grunkle Ford…” Mabel cooed. She looked over at her brother and decided that he should have a turn speaking with their Grunkle. “Oh, you can talk with Dipper now if you want. I gotta finish working on my sweater for one of my friends.”
“Okay, well I enjoy hearing your voice again dear.”
“Love you Grunkle Ford!”
“I love you too Mabel.”
“Alright, here’s Dip-Dop!!” Mabel announced as she passed her phone to her brother.
The teen held the pink phone against his ear and spoke up. “Hey Grunkle Ford!”
“Greetings my boy.” Ford answered. “So Mabel informed me that you’re busy with school.”
“Yeah, I’ve got a truckload of stuff goin’ on, but I’m glad to have Mabel around during my down time.”
“Yes, having a sibling you can count on is always a blessing indeed.” Ford agreed. “So Dipper, I wanted to speak to you about something important.”
Dipper’s ears perked up and he went into the kitchen to better hear what Ford had to say. “Alright, you’ve piqued my interest.”
“So I’ve been thinking during my down time with Stan on the boat.”
“Careful Grunkle Ford, I heard that’s a dangerous pastime.” Dipper joked.
The researcher chuckled at his nephew’s jest. “Stan would tell me the same thing.” Ford laughed. He cleared his throat before getting back on topic. “But as I told Mabel, you and your sister are always on our minds. You kids showed a foolish old man such as myself how important family is...and I have another confession to make.”
Dipper cupped the cellphone closer to his ear to better listen what his Grunkle had to say.
“My original middle name was Filbrick, after my father...”
Dipper cringed. From what Stan had told him and Mabel last summer, great-grandpa Filbrick Pines was anything but great. “That’s...that’s awful.”
“I know, which is precisely why I’m going to change my middle name when Stan and I return to Oregon.”
“Really?” Dipper asked.
The teen imagined that Ford would probably decide to have his new middle name based on one of his idols in the scientific field, like Nikola Tesla or Carl Sagan.
“So I’ve decided to change my middle name to Mason.” Ford announced.
Dipper’s eyes grew wide. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
When Ford heard the silence from the other end, he was afraid that he had reopened an old scar by planning to adopt the boy’s name as part of his own. Ford ushered an explanation. “I know that you’re sensitive over the name, but I wanted to ask for your permission before doing so. If you don’t want me to, I completely understand.”
Dipper remained speechless. His great uncle, the man he looked up to last summer, wanted his middle name to match as his nephew’s true name.
On the other end, Ford began to feel anxious. Perhaps Dipper’s birth name was a sore subject for the boy and was too uncomfortable with his uncle using it as his middle name.
“Dipper? Did I upset you?”
“No, no. Not at all.” Dipper admitted. He let out a joyful laugh as tears of joy ran down his face. “I’m honored...I’m absolutely honored that you would do that Grunkle Ford.”
Ford heard his nephew’s voice cracking with such raw emotion. The researcher wished he could magically teleport to Piedmont so he could give his nephew the biggest hug imaginable.
“I want my middle name to reflect the love I have for this family. To do away with the past and move forward with the people I can trust. And I feel changing my middle name to Mason best reflects that.”
Dipper’s smile grew wider after hearing his great uncle’s explanation. “I’m happy for you Grunkle Ford. Mabel and I will absolutely support your decision.”
Ford smiled. “Thank you my boy.”
Back in the living room, Mabel overheard her brother’s sniffling. She dropped her knitting items and immediately got up to check on Dipper. The teen was about to approach her twin when she noticed that he was still on the phone with Ford. After impatiently waiting for some time, Dipper bid Ford good-bye before ending the call. Mabel carefully walked over towards where Dipper stood as he wiped away his tears.
“Is everything okay bro-bro?” Mabel asked quietly.
“Yeah, everything’s great actually.” Dipper replied with a reassuring smile. “Ford wants to change his middle name to Mason. Mabel, he wants my name to be his middle name!”
Mabel shrieked ecstatically before wrapping her arms around Dipper. The boy laughed joyfully as he accepted his sister’s embrace.
June 1, 2013
Stan stood outside of the Mystery Shack as a beat-up pickup truck rolled down the dirt road. When the vehicle parked outside the tourist trap, all four doors immediately flung open as Dipper, Mabel, Soos and Wendy emerged from the car. The four young people noticed Stan standing by the steps.
Dipper and Mabel ran towards Stan as they tackled the old man into a playful hug. After sharing their first embrace of the summer, Stan and the twins slowly got up from the ground.
“Where’s Grunkle Ford?” Mabel inquired.
“I’m here.”
Dipper and Mabel turned to see Ford stepping outside the Mystery Shack in an almost dramatic flair.
“Allow me to reintroduce myself.” He announced with a soft baritone. “My name is Stanford Mason Pines.”
The twins graciously beamed at their great uncle. Ford sprinted towards Dipper and Mabel, scooped them into his arms and lifted them up in the air. The young twins laughed as they returned the warm embrace.
The love Ford felt for his family had truly changed him for the better.
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markoftheasphodel · 7 years
For the Ӝ gender, sexuality, romance headcanon meme.
Oh boy. Here we go with Part II of Pretty Boy Knights With Sugar-and-Ice Personalities and Questionable Love Lives. Part I, Lukas, can be found here. I make a couple of references to FE15 but don’t cite the details.
This. Gets. Long. Because I feel the need to justify everything.
So. With Finn we have the challenge of dealing with a character who actually got a lot of text & development for the SNES era instead of a couple of lines, a death quote, and a character ending. We have two full games with copious screen time in each, artbook scribbles, a short story, and snippets of creator headcanon. It’s the troublesome middle ground between minor SNES characters and the fully-developed but self-contained characters of, say, FE8 or FE15, because it’s like getting handed a couple of boxes of puzzle pieces and you might have to invoke the “alternate time lines and EVERYTHING is canon!” angle from FE13&14.
gender: I still think @runespoor7​ hit the nail on the g-damn head with “dmab knight” and if you really, really want to say dfab then point out Nanna’s adopted and Finn is as smooth-cheeked at 34 as he is at 15. (I don’t recommend this because then you gotta explain why he goes as far in presenting male as he does and the argument starts devouring its own tail IMO, but I wanted to point it out). But the long and short of it is, Finn’s identity is tied to his societal role, not his gender. He’s clearly been affected by the toxic patriarchy of Jugdral, but there’s something… weird… about it all.
sexuality: I’ll just say on the front end that it’s entirely plausible that in the mind of his creators, Finn never got with anyone, and that if he didn’t exist in the context of Fire Emblem: HetFest Baby Factory 1.0, we’d be having a different conversation on him. He’s not favored to win over any of the Gen1 ladies; he has not a single lovers’ conversation with them and in fact has event conversations only with Quan (who showers him with praise and presents but we’ll get to that). Skip chronologically to Leonster’s Fall and this does not in any way appear to be a young man who’s had a romance with Lachesis or any other noble lady, nor is this on his list of priorities. He’s this earnest, awkward kid who perturbs his One Close Friend with laughing/crying jags and his priorities vacillate between taking care of Baby Leif and, um, getting himself killed. There’s a LOT of weird going on here. Skip ahead to FE5 and its vague allegations about neglecting Lachesis. Skip to Gen2 of FE4, where he is left out of the HetFest. Skip to the FE5 character ending where he… wanders around in the desert for reasons unknown.
Of course he might be looking for what’s left of Quan, the lord who treated him so very well and who spoke of Finn with his dying breath, and who is clearly the titanic figure at the center of Finn’s psyche given how his life pretty much revolves around fulfilling Quan’s dreams and avenging Quan’s death. Given it takes him 17+ years that is some dedication.
(Seventeen. Years.)
Then again, there’s the moment wherein he learns that his One Close Friend, Glade, has not in fact been dead for the last decade. Finn forgets himself and lets out an “I have to see him!” at odds with everything else in his character… which gets him an earful regarding his cold treatment of women.
Oh yes, women. By some cosmic irony, the Gen1 character who seems least interested in women nets serial cohabitation with some of the most beautiful ladies in Jugdral after everyone else is dead. The multi-year relationship with Lachesis ended on a real bad note while the three-year co-parenting adventure with Eyvel seems to have been very positive and marked by a distinct lack of communication about deep and personal things.
Oh, and yes, he’s an icebox. Basically the fall of Leonster fucked him up and the change to his emotional expression was so profound a literal three-year-old (Leif) could pick up on it. Unlike Lukas, he doesn’t appear to be particularly self-aware about how he comes across and seems genuinely surprised when Selphina rebukes him for being cold to Lachesis. [ETA: Heroes!Finn appears to be self-aware on at least some level of his emotional problems.]
I don’t think this guy is straight. As with Lukas, IMO it’s just a matter of what not-straight category you want to put him in, and I personally say “bi” because I do enjoy shipping him with Lachesis and Eyvel and would prefer not to have those ships be an actual bad-faith exercise. If I were not personally invested in shipping him with a couple of fine ladies I would probably have a more restrictive answer. Again, the original context of Finn’s existence as a character is HetFest Baby Factory 1.0, and that skews things IMO but can’t completely erase the… oddities. It’s very hard to say he’s just “too young” to be chatting up ladies in Gen1 (hello Dew) and “too old” in Gen2 (hello Oifey). TL;DR I say bisexual with his relationships affected by icebox behavior and if y’all want to argue something else there is plenty and I mean PLENTY to work with.
Also you know those dom/sub graphs? Yeah he is swimming in the bottom of the Sub Zone. No arguments.
romantic: this is much easier. Biromantic, because in spite of how not-favored he is to pair with ladies in Gen1, if you did pair him with Edain or Ayra you get a scene in Chapter 7 where he refers to the lady in question with the word “ai” for love. Even if there’s a lot of embellishment of memories of a few months from half a lifetime ago, Finn thinks he loved them. There’s also the scene in FE5 where he surprises Eyvel by waxing romantic over the memory of a certain blonde archer. There’s ALSO that scene in FE4 if you paired him with Raquesis wherein Nanna asks the “But if you loved her, then why didn’t you?” sort of question and he doesn’t answer. He gets called out on his failings with Raquesis in both games and refuses to provide a defense. But he thinks he loved women, at least those particular women.
I’m pretty damn sure he loved Quan more. He carried a torch for the guy for the next twenty years.
[ETA: After seeing him in Heroes I don’t think any other interpretation beyond “He loved Quan more than basically anything” makes any sense.]
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littlebundleofbolts · 7 years
The other night I woke up at 4:30 and couldn't go back to sleep, so I just spent the last two hours coming up with plots and I blame you.
sdfjsdjkf !!xD
Be warned this might get long.
Again I like messing with worlds, so I'm terrible at human aus because I can never keep it simple. Usually it ends up with me picking a specific region and timeframe and going with it. My fav thing at the moment is steampunk because despite the impracticality, I like gears and moving mechanisms.
Anyway, with Cybertron I like to take the fantasy approach and mix it with cosmic technology. That's how I started coming up with a human au, and for what ever reason, I was thinking about whether or not to add dragons and other creatures, and that got me thinking about Game of thrones. (Weird since I stopped watching after the first season) I was thinking about a human LS in a Chinese inspired land and trying to come up with an alternative to the target master au. So obviously, I thought about Danni and her forced marriage to the chief beefy guy whose name I've long since firgotten. Then the story started evolving into a forced marriage between LS and warrior Cyclonus.
The set up being that LS is a seer in training who has become of age and because of some conflict between her home, Cybertron and the rival country/town whatever, Unicron, she's been chosen to be a peace keeping gift (her backstory is that she hails from a small village and is a bit of an oddity because her parents owned a tavern that she worked in. Her feet were never bound as a child, which was the style in this set timeframe, because she needed to help run the tavern and make deliveries. This is considered shameful, that they needed a daughter to do manual labour and let her ran around. Her seer abilities were discovered in her teen years, where she was taken to the capital to be taught how to predict the future. She's not very good at it though, only able to see the immediate future and only in flashes. This makes her the weakest and the perfect student to be given as a gift to the Unicronians.
Cyclonus is a Unicronian and proud soldier, based on an unnamed part of India (I don't know you Headcanon for him so I didn't want to assume). He has tattoos, longish hair like the other men who are in Cybertron to accept the gift, but the one she will be given to will be decided through battle. No one actually cares about the Seer, they just want to battle for the honour of being the best champion by their leader, and for better or for worse, Cyclonus takes part.
He wins, obviously, and LS becomes his bride. Neither party is happy with the arrangement, but much to her shock, Cyclonus does not take her and instead sleeps in a separate room. He takes her home the next day and they have this sexless marriage where Cyclonus does not acknowledge her, but provides for her as his duty. He doesn't even speak her language and she slowly learns his through the housekeeper who teaches her about his culture (she can't actually pronounce his name because if how low and deep the accent is and ends up calling him Cyclone for the longest time).
The rest gets a bit blurry, but LS slowly learns more about his country, the landscape and how things differ between climates, social customs, magic and their technology. Cyclonus is away a lot though and is barely around when he is. LS might just be an ornament to him who he gives a weekly allowance to. They have a few bonding moments but it's still awkward. In fact, the fact Cyclonus has yet to take her spreads like wildfire and quickly becomes a public secret. I can't remember if the supporting cast was based on anybot in particular, but everyone is curious about the tiny ginger haired girl who walks the streets and couldn't lift a sword to save her life.
She eventually makes some friends. One in the form of a young warrior with a handsome, kind face. LS likes him even though by this cultures standards, Cyclonus is a far better prize. They go out together a lot, which quickly spreads the rumour that Cyclonus is really neglecting his duties as a husband. He finds out when he comes back from another trip and is furious. He finds the warrior and is ready to kill him for disrespecting him by touching his wife, his property. And he actually assaults LS, angry that she was stupid enough to have a lover and not be discreet about it, tarnishing her honour and by extension his.
And that is the story of how I spent an hour and a half coming up with a fantasy sci-fi Cybertron, with middle and eastern Asia inspired landscapes, beautiful clothing that look gorgeous on our muses and quickly turned it into a drama TV sitcom because I needed to know what a human targestmaster au would look like.
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liikeglitterandgcld · 5 years
TAG 9 PEOPLE YOU’D LIKE TO GET TO KNOW BETTER. repost, do not reblog !!
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TOP 3 FAVORITE SHIPS [ for this blog I guess??? ] :
Noctis x Yuna
Noctis x Aria [ all oc x canon deserves respect ]
Sophie x Crablettes All my muses x happiness 
LIPSTICK OR CHAPSTICK :  Chapstick LAST SONG: RichaadEB’s cover of  Corridors of Time from Chrono Trigger LAST MOVIE: John Wick 3. [ tho i guess partially The Phantom Menace but I wasn’t paying attention to it? So meh ] CURRENTLY READING: slowly reading through Long Story Short, Jun Eishima that adds more lore to Nier Automata. And yes, it’s  that Jun Eishima who wrote DotF
TAGGED BY:  @dragoonxdive​ TAGGING: @verumcure​ , @isaaccecilbryant​, @moonlitsummoner​, @rogueoracle​, @shimmerfang-impact​ , @broadswordandpistol​ , and honestly, steal it, don’t care
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liikeglitterandgcld · 5 years
1ST RULE: tag muses you would like to know better. 2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true for your muse.
Tagged by: @dragoonxdive & @moonlitsummoner thank chu!
MUSE: Noctis Lucis Caelum FC: n/a OCCUPATION: Prince/King/Former King/Savior/Fisherman? It’s his dream AGE: 20-30+ (verse dependent) SEXUALITY:  Bisexual PRONOUNS:  he/him
I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship (verse dependent)
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know (verse dependent)
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close to my school
My parents are still together
I have/had at least one sibling
I live in the United States
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CD’s
I share my room with someone (verse dependent)
I have break-danced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least 2 languages
tagging: steal it~
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liikeglitterandgcld · 5 years
Muse Things!
TAGGED BY: @dragoonxdive (thank chu!) 1ST RULE: tag some muses you would like to know better: @moonlit-summoner // @verumcure // @lightwithinthenightsky // @broadswordandpistol // @mgicunleashed (Iris) // @lunarvowed (any tales of muses) // @princexcharmless // @ufemew-wexub // & you! feel free to steal
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true for your muse.
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CHARACTER NAME: Noctis Lucis Caelum
I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined* (loosely + verse dependent)
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week* 
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close to my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the United States
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CD’s
I share my room with someone
I have break-danced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least 2 languages
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liikeglitterandgcld · 5 years
Types of People - Flowers
Repost don’t Reblog
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Bold what applies to your muse.
Daisy: Wears their heart on their sleeve. Soft voice. Minimalistic clothing. Laying in a field of tall grass. Walking barefoot. Puts other people’s happiness above their own.
Bellflower: Very consistent friend. Happy face with sad eyes. Careful touches. Hiding a blush. Light giggles. Makes friends easily. Knows how to make you smile.
Protea: Proud. Big gestures. African heritage. Blushes easily. Tries to look tough but is really just a big softie. Content where they are. Doesn’t love easily, but always deeply.
Moonflower: Knowing smiles. Doesn’t open up easily. Late night. Tired eyes. Soft skin. Not as innocent as they seem. Loose clothing.
Bleeding Heart: Hopeless romantic. Still laughs at dirty jokes. Believes they can change the world. Caring looks. Dyed hair. Kisses on the cheek.
Sunflower: Big smiles. Always looking for the positive. Lots of friends. Warm afternoons. Basking in the sun. Stares off into space a lot. Sitting in comfortable silence.
Dandelion: Wishing for the impossible. Shooting stars. Light breezes through their hair. White clothing. Whispered secrets. Far off looks. Kind eyes.
tagged: stole it
tagging: steal it. don’t care.
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liikeglitterandgcld · 5 years
👙for noctis
Sinday Headcanons || ACCEPTING
👙 - do they have some particularly weird kink?
within his relationship with @moonlit-summoner‘s Yuna……... yeah. turns at out… he has an insemination k///in////k. i mean it’s not the worst or the weirdest, but for him it is. They’re probably another or two that I’m missing? 
Actually besides the insemination thing, this is specific to them, but they both have a thing for restricting their hands. Touch is their aesthetic. They can be always found touching each other—not just like…. explicit, but also like hugs, cuddles, spooning, etc. The lack of touch in their sexy time sessions amplifies their need to do so and that gets them off. Combine that, dirty talk from both and the insemination makes a completely and utterly satisfy wife~
In all seriousness, his insemination k///nk developed over time the longer he’s been with Yuna. To be honest… they both prefer it……………
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liikeglitterandgcld · 6 years
What Primal Source are you?
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Dark Magic
Primal Sources have their limits -- you prefer DARK MAGIC. You’re a pragmatist at heart, willing to bend or even break the rules. With creativity and ambition as your greatest strengths, you know you can achieve anything with a clever mind and the right resources. Others might describe you as volatile, but you know that you’re the most level-headed of them all, despite your frustration when things don’t go according to plan. It may mean getting your hands dirty or having others turn against you, but you’re determined to accomplish your goals, even if you have to do it alone.
tagged by: @forsaken--lullaby (thank chu!)
tagging: @voxlilium (prompto), @moonlit-summoner, @devilburdened (dante), @princexcharmless, @broadswordandpistol, @noctisisms, @lunarvowed (any tales of muse)
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