#v. old bold soldier . mha
burdenedreverence · 6 months
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"I did not, come this far, to die now."
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burdenedreverance · 2 years
“I’m only thirty.” The man grimaces for a moment, his lips drawing in a line. He looked back at the past decade of his life, and it leaves much to be desired. He shifts his eyes from her to the distance for a moment, then to her. 
“Seems the world is short on heroes right now. Never really pictured myself as one but the worlds needs ‘em.”
Something doesn’t sit well with the number of them quitting to him.
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burdenedreverance · 2 years
He watched the siren lights in the distance from behind the tape, his hands within his overcoat pocket. He looked like he had that tired sort of look about him, a long face that added years to his actual age. He'd seen too much in his thirty years to not have that look about him when watching an ambulance leave a scene. The only difference was he used to be on the other side of the tape, with those who had badges conducting an investigation.
Times had changed though. Now he was a foreigner in a land that was both familiar and distant to him. That was already. He would unearth the secrets that laid hidden beneath the rotten surface of society, peeling back the darkness. He hated the idea of... what society was currently. Turning blind eyes to the corruption beneath the surface. It sickened him. Maybe that was why he choose the path he did.
A hand would reach into his pocket to reveal a notebook, only to find his pen missing. A frown came onto his lips as he looked to his side, the sound of writing and mumbling caught his attention. A kid, a teen? Young adult? Maybe. It was hard to tell his age. Writing.
"Hey, kid. Got an extra pen?"
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burdenedreverance · 1 year
ღ (Rumi)
Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Aesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
"She has my thanks for her recommendation regarding when I first started out. Though, I can't help but feel there was some misunderstanding regarding my reason for hero work. Perhaps, one day we might rectify that."
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burdenedreverance · 2 years
❛ the war is always going badly. ❜
"That's the nature of war."
He stares down at his hand for a moment, watching the metal creases which form his skin. The ability to morph his skin into metal, any metal, and control the attributes of the metal is something which took years to master. It is a difficult quirk that has given him no amount of strife since he has taken up being a hero, at an older age none the less. He was playing catch up when it came to this hero stuff.
But when it came to the dark reality of the world, he was not. He had seen the dark depravity of heroes and villains alike. Those fairweather patriots which would quit in the hardest of times. He has seen the villain kill and go free to kill again. The world is nothing but a series of paradoxes, to which the most cynical of minds would proclaim nothing mattered.
Hayden was not a cynic. Even single action taken place now, and in the near future, mattered more than anything else.
"War is cruelty. It cannot be described in polite terms, to wage it upon your people. They brought this war to us. I had no hand in making this war but I will make more sacrifices today than any to see it drawn to a conclusion. I will make it as cruel as possible, to bring it to a speedy conclusion."
It is harsh words. He does not appeal to higher causes or idealistic virtues. He instead focuses on the truth, and speaks it bluntly. He is a soldier, or at least was. The war would always go badly due to the losses on both sides. A protracted conflict would do that. So if he must whip the enemy until they beg for surrender, and show no quarter, then he would do so. Only once they have prostrated themselves in submission, will he stop.
"I will not compromise on this."
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burdenedreverance · 2 years
An overwhelming sense of danger seemed to run through his spine, like a current of electricity which set his senses alight. He was currently kneeling in an alleyway, his gloved fingers soaked in a sticky crimson. His thumb, index, and middle finger together as he examined the pool of blood which held no body anywhere in sight. A strange occurrence which spoke to more sinister dealings. The moment he felt the sense of dread pass over him, he acted. And it was good he did.
His back turned into a shining reflective metal; the sound of breaking metal would be heard as sprung to the left. His foot smashing into the ground as he turned around, a hand shooting outward towards the face of whoever had snuck up on him. Metallic fingers would grip their lower jaw, his arm pushing outward to shove them against the wall to hold them in place. Emerald irises going to look them in the eye, his foreign features now apparent. His face unshaven with the barest of facial hair having formed, his cold irises that of an experienced killer… no. Soldier.
"What do you think you're doing?" The baritone questioned, as metal spread from his hand to slowly encase his body. The formerly reflective metal which covered his skin would slowly begin to darken, into an obsidian color. A deep black which seemed to blend with the shadows of the alley. Quite unherolike.
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burdenedreverance · 2 years
bnha: Hayden & heroism
He never intended to become a hero.
Before all else one must remember that Hayden never sought this path, it was only by the prompting of an impossible question that pushed him to become one at such a late age. He always regarded himself more as a public servant type, a quiet worker who was happy enough to deal with the gritty side that comes after hero work. Heroes, those caped crusaders, seemed in a realm of mythological figures who served as idols to the masses.
And good for them. The people needed hope, they needed those modern gods. It gave a spark of inspiration to the people that he approved of.
But when they started dropping like flies in mass or abandoning the people when they were needed the most, it unsettled him. People whom were supposed to be the bulwark against the dark. He supposed he could understand it, all of them were people after all. Yet it left a bad taste in his mouth. He would've never become a hero with that alone, it wasn't until the incident that it became a gnawing obsession in his mind.
Now he walks among the heroes, feeling the least heroic of all. An outcast, an old man by the standards of hero culture. Yet, he answered the call. That counter for something he liked to think. It was big shoes to fill, a legacy that extended past him. What being a hero meant to Hayden, was venturing where others feared to go. Standing against the terror, charging into it knowing you might not come back. Or at least if you did, changed.
Yeah, when put like that he supposed he could also be a hero.
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burdenedreverance · 2 years
verses update; mha
v. old bold soldier . mha - A former interpol agent and American soldier, Desmond Hayden is a newly sidekick/apprenticing hero. Having witnessed a villainous act that claimed the life of the villain and multiple bystanders, he was compelled to investigate what drove them to do what they did. In doing this it led him to one conclusion: to become a hero in Japan. 
A thirty-year-old man entering the hero business is a bit of late bloomer. But his dogged determination and unyielding pursuit of truth has helped him, as he competes to uncover a nasty truth. 
He is known as ‘New Colossus’ the titan hero. 
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burdenedreverance · 2 years
v. a blade forged by will . gotei
Desmond Hayden first joined the Gotei under Eleventh Division, expressing great aptitude for Zanjutsu and all forms of melee combat. However, his intense loyalty and stalwart attitude made him a prime candidate for First Division which he was transferred to by recommendation some years later. It is in this division he excelled, progressing as a Shinigami and seated member.
Years: 1869 - 1900
v. the mask forged by injustice . rogue shinigami
At some point in his history, Hayden is confronted by a choice. To act against his own belief or to act against the orders of Central 46. Being a stalwart believer in the Gotei he tried to explain his actions, but when met by what he regards as injustice it hardened his heart. In this part of his timeline, he flees the Gotei a renegade to the only place where he might be safe from their eyes. Hueco Mundo. This choice over the years has a profound effect on his soul, as he meditates and fights for survival he grows. He becomes something more than a Shinigami, and something less, all at the same time.
Years: 1900 - post bleach
v. turn forward the pendulum . older
This verse is a bit up in the air. It reflects an older Hayden who is nearing or has met the end of his story. Generally used as a means of reflection on his past actions and relationships.
v. we all just wanna laugh . ooc
OOC content, sometimes we all just need to have our muses act wacky!
v. Chippin in . cyberpunk
Desmond ‘Specter’ Hayden is a Night City Solo, having returned to Night City after a stint in the New United States of America (NUSA) army during the unification wars. Disillusioned by the prospect of fighting the government, or Corporations, he arrived in Night City with the intention to sell the skills he acquired during the war.
He sports some serious military hardware, some acquired during his time in the army and other he acquired during his time in Night City. What is truly remarkable is high tolerance to Cybernetics, showcasing an extreme aptitude and affinity for them without succumbing to the negative effects associated with highly cyberized individuals.
What it means to be an Edgerunner is to walk that fine line between life and death. Sanity and insanity. Hero and villain. For Hayden he doesn’t feel alive unless he’s knee deep into the shit, be it crossing paths with Militech or pissing off the local Gangoons. Doesn’t matter to him, because at the end of the day; he’s already a Specter.
Died a long time ago. He’s just waiting for time to catch up.
v. a new age man . modern.
Desmond Hayden is a man fresh out of the military, seeking to make his way in life. Struggling with demons acquired during war, the man stands at the precipice of change.  
v. an oath of vengeance .wh40k
An astartes apart of the Luna Wolves, he survived the ISTVAAN III drop-site massacre. Having sworn an oath of vengeance upon the traitors, his mind straddles the edge of madness and clarity. He has seen what he must do, and he shudders awaiting his fair.
On the blood of his fallen battle-brothers, Captain Desmond Hayden has made an oath.
v. old bold soldier . mha
A former interpol agent and American soldier, Desmond Hayden is a newly sidekick/apprenticing hero. Having witnessed a villainous act that claimed the life of the villain and multiple bystanders, he was compelled to investigate what drove them to do what they did. In doing this it led him to one conclusion: to become a hero in Japan.
A thirty-year-old man entering the hero business is a bit of late bloomer. But his dogged determination and unyielding pursuit of truth has helped him, as he competes to uncover a nasty truth.
He is known as ‘Monolith’ the titan hero.
v. for whom the bell tolls . chainsawman
CASEFILE: 086 'Hayden'
Subject was found in REDACTED with total memory loss. Initial findings presumed subject to be a Fiend but upon further inspection Subject appears to bare resemblance to REDACTED. Subject was easily secured exhibiting a confused state and offered medical aide within a secured facility (see appendix A.) Interviews conducted by REDACTED deemed the Subject potentially useful to public interests. Subject has been assigned to the Public Safety Devil Hunters Wherein Subject excelled in training, indicating some type of prior service.
Conclusion: It is this Agent's recommendation that Subject henceforth known as 'Hayden' enter a probationary period with the Organization. His unique circumstances present a unique opportunity to the Agency, it is important we do not allow some other nefarious force to influence him.
UPDATE XXXX: Subject is believed to be a devil-human. His contract is with REDACTED.
v. weaponized wrath . jjk
It doesn't matter if you dip a toe into the abyss, or drop in both feet swinging, once you've been touched by it there is no return. The same can be said for Desmond Hayden, a civilian once unwittingly thrown into the deep end only to discover the madness which awaited him. Cursed energy while concentrated in Japan is not exclusive to it, in such unstable and war torn lands a curse could easily manifest. He was unlucky enough to witness a cursed event overseas, leaving far too many questions and so little answers. For such a time he felt the grips of insanity on the edge of his mind, doggedly searching out any thing which might have explained what he saw.
In the course of human events it led him to Japan. If he had submerged a toe into the abyss, now he was thrown face first into it. It was in Japan made contact with those known as Sorcerers. A connection that went deeper than mere acquaintances. The blood of a sorcerer ran through his veins, on his mother's side none the less. Such was his reason for seeing curses, and upon deeper inspection an innate technique. His time as a civilian was over. Now he walks a strange life, tied to the Sorcerer Society and often at odds with them.
Even after two years, he is still considered a C Grade sorcerer. Regardless of any potential, or actual ability.
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burdenedreverence · 1 year
v. a blade forged by will . gotei
Desmond Hayden first joined the Gotei under Eleventh Division, expressing great aptitude for Zanjutsu and all forms of melee combat. However, his intense loyalty and stalwart attitude made him a prime candidate for First Division which he was transferred to by recommendation some years later. It is in this division he excelled, progressing as a Shinigami and seated member.
Years: 1869 - 1900
v. the mask forged by injustice . rogue shinigami
At some point in his history, Hayden is confronted by a choice. To act against his own belief or to act against the orders of Central 46. Being a stalwart believer in the Gotei he tried to explain his actions, but when met by what he regards as injustice it hardened his heart. In this part of his timeline, he flees the Gotei a renegade to the only place where he might be safe from their eyes. Hueco Mundo. This choice over the years has a profound effect on his soul, as he meditates and fights for survival he grows. He becomes something more than a Shinigami, and something less, all at the same time.
Years: 1900 - post bleach
v. turn forward the pendulum . older
This verse is a bit up in the air. It reflects an older Hayden who is nearing or has met the end of his story. Generally used as a means of reflection on his past actions and relationships.
v. we all just wanna laugh . ooc
OOC content, sometimes we all just need to have our muses act wacky!
v. Chippin in . cyberpunk
Desmond ‘Specter’ Hayden is a Night City Solo, having returned to Night City after a stint in the New United States of America (NUSA) army during the unification wars. Disillusioned by the prospect of fighting the government, or Corporations, he arrived in Night City with the intention to sell the skills he acquired during the war.
He sports some serious military hardware, some acquired during his time in the army and other he acquired during his time in Night City. What is truly remarkable is high tolerance to Cybernetics, showcasing an extreme aptitude and affinity for them without succumbing to the negative effects associated with highly cyberized individuals.
What it means to be an Edgerunner is to walk that fine line between life and death. Sanity and insanity. Hero and villain. For Hayden he doesn’t feel alive unless he’s knee deep into the shit, be it crossing paths with Militech or pissing off the local Gangoons. Doesn’t matter to him, because at the end of the day; he’s already a Specter.
Died a long time ago. He’s just waiting for time to catch up.
v. a new age man . modern.
Desmond Hayden is a man fresh out of the military, seeking to make his way in life. Struggling with demons acquired during war, the man stands at the precipice of change.  
v. an oath of vengeance .wh40k
An astartes apart of the Luna Wolves, he survived the ISTVAAN III drop-site massacre. Having sworn an oath of vengeance upon the traitors, his mind straddles the edge of madness and clarity. He has seen what he must do, and he shudders awaiting his fair.
On the blood of his fallen battle-brothers, Captain Desmond Hayden has made an oath.
v. old bold soldier . mha
A former interpol agent and American soldier, Desmond Hayden is a newly sidekick/apprenticing hero. Having witnessed a villainous act that claimed the life of the villain and multiple bystanders, he was compelled to investigate what drove them to do what they did. In doing this it led him to one conclusion: to become a hero in Japan.
A thirty-year-old man entering the hero business is a bit of late bloomer. But his dogged determination and unyielding pursuit of truth has helped him, as he competes to uncover a nasty truth.
He is known as ‘New Colossus’ the titan hero.
v. for whom the bell tolls . chainsawman
CASEFILE: 086 ‘Hayden’
Subject was found in REDACTED with total memory loss. Initial findings presumed subject to be a Fiend but upon further inspection Subject appears to bare resemblance to REDACTED. Subject was easily secured exhibiting a confused state and offered medical aide within a secured facility (see appendix A.) Interviews conducted by REDACTED deemed the Subject potentially useful to public interests. Subject has been assigned to the Public Safety Devil Hunters Wherein Subject excelled in training, indicating some type of prior service.
Conclusion: It is this Agent’s recommendation that Subject henceforth known as ’Hayden’ enter a probationary period with the Organization. His unique circumstances present a unique opportunity to the Agency, it is important we do not allow some other nefarious force to influence him.
UPDATE XXXX: Subject is believed to be a devil-human. His contract is with REDACTED.
v. weaponized wrath . jjk
It doesn’t matter if you dip a toe into the abyss, or drop in both feet swinging, once you’ve been touched by it there is no return. The same can be said for Desmond Hayden, a civilian once unwittingly thrown into the deep end only to discover the madness which awaited him. Cursed energy while concentrated in Japan is not exclusive to it, in such unstable and war torn lands a curse could easily manifest. He was unlucky enough to witness a cursed event overseas, leaving far too many questions and so little answers. For such a time he felt the grips of insanity on the edge of his mind, doggedly searching out any thing which might have explained what he saw.
In the course of human events it led him to Japan. If he had submerged a toe into the abyss, now he was thrown face first into it. It was in Japan made contact with those known as Sorcerers. A connection that went deeper than mere acquaintances. The blood of a sorcerer ran through his veins, on his mother’s side none the less. Such was his reason for seeing curses, and upon deeper inspection an innate technique. His time as a civilian was over. Now he walks a strange life, tied to the Sorcerer Society and often at odds with them.
Even after two years, he is still considered a Grade 3 Sorcerer. Regardless of any potential, or actual ability.
v. SOLDIERs Never Die They Just Fade Away . FFVII
Desmond Hayden didn't dream of joining soldier as a young man, he never intended to be anything more than a carpenter to carry on his family legacy. That was until a stroke of misfortune, an unlucky occurrence, left his family indebted and destitute. It was at this low point of his life that his eyes turned to Shinra and the opportunity to turn his fate around, and with it his family. As fate would have it he proved to be a match for the SOLDIER program, a capacity for physical violence and mental fortitude led to him quickly being inducted into their ranks. He never bought into the propaganda or the idea of honor, for him this was merely a means to make ends meet. While not a cynic at heart it would be wholly unfaithable to say he had no higher calling than secure a privileged living for his mother and father, seeing it as a debt which needed to be paid back. He might have continued like this for years, if he didn't begin to have his doubts about the things he was doing. A quiet professional and stalwart soldier led to him being promoted through the ranks until he was a 1st Class Soldier. It wouldn't be wrong to say that he never denied an order, he doubt those in charge would have thought himself capable of it. But he was capable of it. Where he might have lacked in moral courage, his parents provided pivotal. In his most private moments confiding to them they remarked in horror at him, placing into perspective all he had done. The price he has paid for his fortune, was not worth it. This revelation was a turning point for the man. He abandoned Shinra, abandoned his name. Until he makes right that which cannot be easily fixed. 
v. swashbuckling bravado . one piece
As long as Hayden can remember, he's been at sea.
Joining the Marines at the age of 9 wasn't something he particularly intended to do, but it happened none the less. Without parents to care for him and very little prospects in life, watching the coming and goings of Marine vessals from his small town instilled some sense of wanderlust into the young boy. So he soon found himself serving as a cabin boy, gradually finding himself in misadventures at sea. He recalls many of times he's suffered lashings for his 'insubordinate' and 'insolent' nature. But throughout those years he met good friends, learned quickly the dangers of sailor life, and had instilled into him a sense of morality.
He was of course assigned to many ships throughout his fifteen years of service, eventually reaching the (in his own words) esteemed rank of Master Chief Petty Officer, having been slated for promotion to ensign. That was until 'the incident.' Having gained a reputation as something of a fighting officer and bellicose sailor he was given command of a boarding action to subdue some upstart pirates, something he's done more than once. The action went well but the following events after the action are something of contention.
Hayden claimed that the commanding officer of his ship ordered the unjust execution of the Pirates, and the Commanding Officer claimed Hayden harbored sympathies for Pirates. But what isn't up for debate is that in a heated argument Hayden struck his Commander laying them flat out on the deck of the ship much to the shock of all present. Assault a superior officer was a punishment that good as well signed away his career, and rather than be imprisoned he jumped overboard. A watery death was better than a life imprisoned. Except he didn't die. He washed ashore, a wanted man.
Fifteen years given to the Marines, and nothing to show for it. Makes for an almost romantic adventure, eh?
v. holding back the night . resident evil
Born in 1978, Hayden would joined the United States Army in 1996 as an 18X candidate. Upon successful completion of selection he was transfered to SOCOM in 1998. While he was not present for Raccoon city, he felt the after math of it. One might say he stepped into the role of the operators that was lost during the massacre that was Raccoon city. It was rather sour luck for him to be placed into the numerous teams being formed to combat Umbrella and Bio-Terrorism as a whole.
After a few years, Hayden was firmly within the ranks of SOCOM as an 'expert' on bio-terrorism. That is to say he just had survived enough encounters from the late 90s to the early 2000s to be one of the more knowledgeable soldiers on it. For this he was fast tracked, promoting to Staff Sergeant by 2004. He is currently the acting team leader for 1st SFOD-D.
v. colossus of Rhodes . arknights
Some might remember the Watchtower 22 incident, some might not. The fact of the matter was it set the precedent for... visitors to the strange world of Arknights.
Desmond Hayden could have never imagined that strange black rock he found in the sands of Saudi Arabia would have transported him to another world, he could've never predicted that it would have reacted to his spiritual nature, and he certainly couldn't have predicted being wrapped up in the affairs of a world on the bring of destruction. But those where the circumstances he found himself in. A shinigami walking in a strange land full of strange animal-like people. But despite it's strangeness, it reminded him of his old life. The same biases, the same anger, the same wars.
When he found Rhode Island and heard of their mission, he pledged his blade to them. Perhaps his skills might be some use to them. He always needed a good cause to fight for. And maybe, once the war is won, he might return home.
v. with great power . spider-verse
He wanted to be a pilot.
He was a stupid college kid studying aeronautical science in hopes of joining the Air Force and flying fighter jets. Because it sounded cool. Because his favorite film was Top Gun. An athlete. Quiet and focused. Head down. Just a poor kid who had enough spirit to make it in a world where superheroes and villains existed. In this tired old story of a spider and a boy, he just happened to fit the bill. See in this verse a Spider Man existed already, and he was pretty good at job. But much like other universes someone always coveted that power, this time it just happened to be the Government.
The details of the project don't so much matter as much as what it did. They kidnapped him. Took him from his home just because his genome fit the match. Strapped him into a chair and experimented on him. He could never forget that black and red spider, the bite. The surgeries. The pain. The rage.
What they created was a Spider-Man. Or at least as close as they could get. He was unique, growing still. Evolving. He was just a kid, who gave blood a few times at blood drives, now being turned into a weapon. Of course they messed up along the way, gave him the chance to escape. He took it, did some things he ain't proud of. Those first nights alone hurt, barely able to control his powers. Spider Man, the real Spider Man, found him. Helped him. In ways Hayden can't begin to repay. He wouldn't say Peter was a mentor, because he isn't. But he's a friend. A rival when the time is called for.
But who is Hayden? He's still figuring that out. Right now, he's just Spider Man. And in due time, he'll right the wrong done to him.
v. ironside . gundam
Desmond 'Ironside' Hayden is what is colloquially known as a 'lifer.' He would've joined the military regardless if a war broke out or not, it was civic duty in his eyes, and he would honor the Republic. Of course he was serving The Republic when it became the Principality, he didn't concern himself with the specifics during the war. He was too focused on fighting a war that he felt right, and just. His opinion of such would change over time.
A talent mobile suit pilot, a patriot, and a bleeding heart never make for a good combination. And yet he still somehow pulls through.
v. somewhere between salvation and sin . armored core
The full writeup here.
v. a burnished heart . runeterra
Once a cavalryman in the Dauntless Vanguard, he no longer serves any institution or man save his own conscience. Desmond Hayden served honorably Demacia asking for neither renown nor gold for his services, the honor to serve was enough. But there comes a time when a man must question all that he is, and all that he will be.
At an un-named battlefield, at a forgotten space in time, Hayden experienced loss so profound it rattled his core. He was an adequate fighter, in truth he was well on his way to becoming someone of note. But that all ceased when he requested dismissal paperwork, a request for honorable discharge.
It was granted.
Now, Hayden wanders Runeterra experiencing a world that is both infuriating and beautiful to him. In lands he had never thought to visit, he witnesses a thousand injustices. But in those same lands he bares strange people and customs, enthralling in their own right. The bleeding heart that he is, cannot help, but get wrapped up in the affairs of others.
He is a warrior, a soldier. His heart cannot know peace for too long. But at least this way, he chooses to whom he fights for and why. The world is confusing to him, as are the people within it. Yet, there is no greater calling than falling his conscious.
He can be found anywhere, doing anything. Wherever there are people in need, he answers in his own way.
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