sovereigntism · 7 months
bat!cosmo is waiting to be picked up ~ 🖤
Random IC ♥
The CEO heiress doesn't quite recognize the bat, not sure if they should honestly, but it's just so cute! A little melted feeling comes across King's heart. They're absolutely smitten with this little bat in front of them. An adoring puppy look comes across their face and they reach down, gently scooping the little bat up. It wasn't unusual to find an animal oddly endeared to King's presence, and still- they were incredibly careful with him.
"And who might you be, my cute little one~ You're so sweet."
Their deep voice was warm, as they gently moved him to one hand, so they could push their hair out of their face, wanting to look at him without their long bangs in the way. Shocking bright blue eyes stared down at the little bat, a thumb shifting and fingers moving across him to gently pet behind his little ear, careful to not alarm him and get themselves injured. They knew a lot about caring for bats, but their hands weren't injured and hopefully they wouldn't have to go to the hospital... Still! He was just so cute! It was a he, right? That'd be rude to check... Was he the bat type to purr when comfortable? Blue eyes stared in wonder and excitement, careful and petting just under his little fuzzy jaw.
"You're so cute~. Have you cast a spell on me, little bat?" Kinda wanna take him home~ Aah, why are bats so cute~
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rensake-blog · 10 months
🎁 B >
spotify wrapped has arrived. send me a number from 1-100 for a starter based on that song, or a lyric from it, or send a 🎁 for me to shuffle. [Accepting.]
87 - Kerosene - Rachel Lorin - "Kerosene is half as cheap as therapy" "Now that's what I call irony"
King ran their fingers through their ink colored hair, brushing strands from their eyes to see easier in the depth of the night. Their arm had begun to ache in the past hour, and they couldn't tell if it was a warning or just a phantom sensation. King dropped their left arm down as they breathed in the crisp chill of the air. It was cold, likely the fault of the boy? man? ... the person, that had approached them. Why were they here again? Their head hurt, it was a little troublesome to remember things on so little sleep. Oh yeah... The smell of kerosene filled their nose and they remembered what they were doing there. They gave a toothy smile, teeth sharp, but their voice betrayed the weariness of their soul.
"Did you know- Kerosene is half as cheap as therapy? ... Now that's what I call irony."
The traveler's eyes were crystal blue, reflective and pained. Intense sleep bags laid under their eyes, and a match was unlit in their right hand. As they uttered the word irony, the match was struck and immediately flicked forward into a pile soaked in kerosene, igniting with a sputter then a sudden roar. The pile held what appeared to be piles of paper, a box of little nick-knacks, and a stuffed toy along with a winter scarf. They stood near the fire that quickly turned into an angry fueled blaze in front of them, not flinching away from the scalding heat that threatened to burn them along with the pile of items they were burning away.
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sovereigntism · 8 months
"This is getting ridiculous." Exasperated, Klaus was coming forward in line. If he let this carry on for too much longer, he was going to be late for work. And he'll be damned if he had to explain he was late because of a muffin and a coffee. "Just bypass the pin. Click the red X if you can't remember it."
"This is getting ridiculous."
[meme] [original] - accepting as long as the first link works.
Blue eyes cast back, dark eyebrow raised into messy long bangs. Impatience. They could get it, that didn't mean they liked it. A snarky grin crossed their blue painted lips and they turned to the stranger. Fingers tapped the pin code in without looking at the pad, but instead maintaining eye contact with the man in his wheelchair.
"I was discussing something with the barista. If you're in a rush, perhaps you shouldn't stop for snacks on your commute, sir."
The machine pinged with a confirmed payment and King turned back, giving a respectful bow to the barista and murmured to them,
"Thank you for the directions, I was unfamiliar with the area." "Oh- you're welcome!"
And they turned to the man that had interrupted them and smiled a sharp smile, it looked sweet to anyone looking but to Klaus, the receiver, it was a sharp smile of someone with a darker story than he likely could fathom.
"And thank you sir, for reminding me that I could press the X to skip it and cause problems for my bank and this small establishment. I'll be sure to menace more people on my travels as per your considerate reminder."
The phrasing was polite, but the words were sharp and clearly stating that his frustration was misplaced. If he wanted to be frustrated at King, King could give him plenty reason to be frustrated at them. King reached in their bag of treats they acquired and tore into a pastry with their teeth, stalking off out the door, pausing outside of the exit to look around and gather their wits on the directions they received moments earlier.
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sovereigntism · 8 months
Fingers curled around the hilt of the sword, death gripping the hilt against the guard.
It was just a dream. Just a dream. Nothing more. Breathe in. Slow. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Breathe out. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Again... You can come down from this... She's gone. They're gone. It's done. You can't feel the grip of death anymore. That life is over. You're okay. It's gonna be okay...
King's thumb lifted to go over the guard of the sword, intruding close to the blade but not intending to go further. Just to touch nearby, the reach of their thumb grounding them, not intending to graze the blade. They reached for their bow and full quiver at their desk, planning to go outside and shoot some arrows into their target in the yard. It was cold, the chill of the weather on their thin pajamas would wake them up, and ground them to this reality.
Existence was hard, when you considered if your life was merely a story written out for another's interest. But King knew, much like how many other's in their worlds, lived very real lives- even if they were written by people in her own world- that they were still very real people. Just like she was. So maybe she was a character in someone's story, she could only hope that her true end wouldn't come anytime soon.
An arrow fired, solidly missing the target. King made a sound that was likely intended to be a tch but it came out more like kck, in which case they may as well have just said the English word kick as a sound effect instead. Another arrow, lined up, and shot just as haphazardly. But it was less of a careless shot and more of a take my feelings with you shot, the chill of the snow settling into their skin, cold and soggy. This shot swished clear over the top of the target, clattering off of the fence behind the target. King frowned, and pulled another three more arrows out, hands cluttered with them, King lined shot after shot, firing as quick as they could draw the string back. Angry, frustrated, cold, dead, everything ached and didn't. It was a sick nauseating feeling, and King's only way to know how to get rid of these feelings was to fight something, but it was an inane hour of 04:06 in the morning hours, and King was not about to call up their mother for a sparring session. So firing arrows in the dead of winter into a distant target was the best they could do in the moment.
Soon they felt... aware. And a little less like someone was hunting them through the dark of the night. Their heart had slowed down to manageable pace, and their mind was no longer trying to tell them to look over their shoulder. Finally, enough to sleep again. Maybe insomnia would be a generous mistress and leave King be for the night. Perhaps morning would be more accurate, since they could see the sky lightening in preparation for the sunrise...
"Hahh... I should get inside..."
The clock flashed at their desk, notifying them it was 06:34 when they set their weapons down to rest.
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sovereigntism · 9 months
Satori my love,
I long to tell you how much I love you. This love and the way it filled my heart... Slowly, like coffee brewing in the morning while you slumbered silently in the sunbeams. Steadily, like the build up of snow outside the window. Quietly, like my footsteps as I step forth, hesitant to wake you from such a gentle sleep. But when I realized I was in love... It was like the way your eyes flashed open when I touched your cheek, chilled by my cold hands. Sudden and filled with shock.
I long to let you know, just how much I ache for you. For now, I'll settle for your disapproving laughter as I reach forth to touch you again and again- stealing any warmth and joy you'll give me with my trembling hands. Savoring every blissful moment you'll give to this terrified and damned soul.
I'll hold this secret deep inside, cradling my feelings tightly. They're so deep and overflowing inside of me, like the coffee in our mugs, the sensation of adoration and giving pouring from me like vapors through the air. I'm afraid you'll notice before I'm ready to tell you. I'm not scared to admit it, I'll whisper it to the night, scream it to the skies, anything you ask- but I am scared to be the one to tell you. I'd rather you discover it in the way I treasure your most intimate moments. The soft breath as you warm your hands in the chill of winter air. The way the snow melts against your warm cheeks in soft dewdrops.
I long for you. Even now, after you're gone. I long for you. The blood never quite washed from my hands, I still feel it deep in my skin. The sound of your last words to me haunt my mind. Lilting in and out of my brain at the worst of times. I still wake up, turn over, and expect to hold you only to be met with the empty coldness of the bed.
I think one day I'll be okay. One day it won't hurt to see blue eyes across the room, or glimpse white hair in the middle of the street... But just like every love, you'll always be irreplaceable. I don't ever want to forget that feeling of love from you. But I know you'll forgive me if one day I move forward with my life. I love you.
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sovereigntism · 9 months
Slender fingers curled around a soft rosy cheek, scarred sensitive palms rubbing across soft skin in a gentle touch. Tears swelled in blue eyes, pooling onto dark lashes and teasing to spill down pale cheeks. King's eyes were soft, longing, filled with anguish and pain, laced with love like an addict on drugs. Their touch was gentle, afraid, fingers soft and cool against warm skin. Their hand pushed forward, caressing shock white hair, soft and delicate, like they were afraid the other would vanish if the touch was too fast.
"I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough."
Laughter echoed in the air, it felt like summer sunshine on King's skin, synesthesia making the vision all the more real and tragic. The sound was forgiving, but it felt damning to them. The laughter was a haunting sound- one that would pain them for all of eternity. King reached forward, knowing very well the more they pulled at the image before them, the further it would unravel. The ache was a yawning void inside them though, and the sleepless nights were catching up, so the sensible choice of remaining at a distance from the woman was... Not a viable option. They grasped for white strands of hair, intending to pull the woman in to feel the warmth of her skin against their cooled skin, lips parting to kiss the other's cheek. In moment, everything fizzled away, like vapors vanishing into the atmosphere. Tears rolled hot across cold skin, feeling hot enough to burn, but only leaving behind tear tracks down their cheeks. It felt like the ocean swelled from within King's soul, rending every word from their lips into an indecipherable sob. It ached something fierce inside, and all King was left with was the knowledge that the beautiful face was merely an apparition of their memories. Memories that one day would be consumed by the passage of time, leaving them alone with an ache that they could never again place.
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sovereigntism · 9 months
Tag Dump
#ooc.godhelpusall #ic.butthatsjustatheory #queue.karmabites
#asks.answeringyourprayers #selfpromo.wevibin #promo.lookit #memes.thesearethejokes #musings.mumblebumblebee #aes.weebwonderland #headcanon.powerofgodandanime #dashcom.youshouldbewatching
#ships.r.youaremyworld #ships.f.ivegotyourback #ships.e.wannawatchyouburn
#spicy.pillowtalk #cw.darksubjects
#sinday.godsinswithus #munday.behindthecurtains #selfies.paparazzi #cosplay.godinsheepsclothing
#spoiler.fandom #trigger.triggername #thread.threadname #firstwordoftheirurl.charactername - Multimuse interaction tagging.
#v.kingofcurses #v.familyforgedinflames #v.heroesneedsupporttoo #v.dragonseyes #v.magicismonstrous #v.theseawillsetyoufree #v.wewillbefree #v.kidsshouldhavefun #v.thecatalyst #v.errorstatuscode1005
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sovereigntism · 9 months
[@whiskeysmulti from x]
His voice felt like walking through the tall grass off off a rural road in an eerie town, still and quiet, but in just an unsettling enough way that the hairs rose on the back of their neck. King had heard this tone in people that their mother warned them about, to be careful around some people she had meetings with... But the feeling was less of a snake in the grass sensation that King got with those men, and more of the grass brushing their fingers around this man, a soft tickling sensation, the threat lingering, but not yet tripped upon. King could take a hint, even if they spoke without thinking often enough they could recognize when they overstepped something. And they definitely overstepped with this man by flirting as their first introduction. Damn them and their habit of speaking before they thought things through. Quickly they raised their palms up, revealing their hands to be empty, their attire too form fitting to be hiding guns. Unless you consider their toned figure to be guns, those arms could pack a punch behind them if they flexed. They at least had the decency to look embarrassed about their actions, a sheepish smile on their lips as they tried to appear non threatening, hands up and a light pink hue dusting their cheeks as they spoke.
"Just a fool who spoke withou' thinkin', after seein' a pretty face in the streets. No harm intended." They paused, then shoved their hands into their empty tight pockets before continuing, "I go by King. 'm not from around here, and I'm looking for someone to help me find my way. I got money if tha's any consolation, but if it ain't... I got stories I sup'ose?"
Their English sounded southern, like they were from the southern states like Texas or Louisiana, but they didn't carry themself like they were American, if one could even deduce such a thing within the first three minutes of speaking with someone. Their own accent on their ears felt much like an arm slung over their shoulders and being shoved forward, the lazy sort of friendliness that came with being overly casual with someone. At least, that's how it felt to them when they spoke. After speaking, they waited patiently for his reaction or response, hoping they hadn't absolutely ruined everything by opening their mouth without thinking.
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sovereigntism · 9 months
"Happy New Year, King." Ash kissed her as he sat his glass of wine down.
Prompted Ask via ♥ing a post.
King was tipping back some hard cider, the taste of apples refreshing on their tongue, and the warmth of the beer flooding their cheeks. They smelled the wine, a river of amber drifting into their vision, before they felt and heard his presence. Her lips parted to return the greeting, cheeks brightening with the alcohol in her system. But as his lips brushed hers, King blushed a crimson hue. She had flirted with him upon their first meeting, but still- A kiss? The tradition was supposed to bring luck in love... They laughed lightly, nerves bundled up like a firework ready to go off at any moment. They forced the nerves down, tongue darting out to taste their own lips after the kiss. Wine. She wasn't fond of it, but somehow it suited him and wore off her aversion to the taste. Their voice felt heavy in their throat, but his was always refreshing to hear, a smile curled their lips and they sighed softly, almost wistful. They wanted to hear him speak again, anything honestly, and so their mouth ran before their thoughts caught up, alcohol slowing their mild reservations of flirting with him. They wouldn't be offended if he didn't take them seriously or if he rejected them, they just wanted to hear him again.
"Happy New Year, Ash. Have any special plans? Or can I occupy your time for the night?"
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