#v3 jack thread 003
bprdmyers · 2 years
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@thenightmareofyourdrems​​ asked:  “ i’m not going anywhere.” ~ Jack
she had been impulsive. still reeling from a tension filled conversation-- or rather argument-- with ash following a mission. for whereas once they had been mirrors of each other, always in sync on missions, they hadn’t been since she’d requested their partnership dissolve even though it had been the last thing she truly wanted. this had marked the longest they’d ever gone without speaking to one another and their lack of an ability to seemingly work well together had nearly cost the success of the mission. by the time she had arrived back at headquarters, emotions had been at an all time high, her storming past agent sato and out of the building once she’d debriefed. georgie had wanted to be anywhere but there. wanted to be as far away from anything bprd, or with the title agent or paranormal as she could be. and so, she had formed what should have been the stupidest idea she could, in hindsight. there was only one person that she spent any decent amount of time with that met those criteria and the house would be free of parents. she also had no active assignments for that weekend. she’d sent the text before she could think about it. want to spend the weekend in new jersey? parents are away for the weekend. had she been more well-versed in well, subtext and normal social dynamics perhaps she’d have considered that a text like that could come off very differently than how she intended. however, she’s not. and so she awaits his answer as she drives toward her house, almost shocked when he responds in the affirmative. 
it’d taken time for him to get there from where ever he had been, no doubt making his excuses to the others he kept company with. she’d thought jack had mentioned not long before that danny had one more show planned before they’d part ways for a few months, let the eye come up with their next trick while they went underground for awhile. georgie and jack didn’t talk a lot about what he did with the horsemen but with the fact they often found themselves having to hide each other from either them or those georgie worked with, some things came up in conversation such as the reason jack’s hideout had switched locations again being in preparation for a new show. the time it took for him to get there served to be beneficial, since davina had to return for something she’d forgotten before being off on her way, georgie’s father having already left that morning. once jack had gotten there, the rest of the friday evening had fallen into a rather typical hang out for them, albeit, it happening inside a house rather than in a public setting and without the tension of worry that plagued them of someone finding out. sure it could be thrilling sometimes, but always being stressed just to spend time with someone, wasn’t good for anyone and them spending time together had started to become a regular thing. she’d forced him to watch the little mermaid despite their ages and his protests, compromising with letting him pick the second movie, they’d ordered a pizza, and she’d shown him to the guest room commenting that she’d have to clean it before her parents noticed it’d been used. and that’s when it had struck georgie that this was a little weird of a situation because firstly, they’d never hung out for more than a few hours at a time before, and secondly, her parents weren’t there and she’d invited a boy to spend the weekend in her house. wasn’t this what parent’s were afraid of when they went off on trips? well, that or their kid throwing a party. then again, it wasn’t as if there was anything to worry about. he was just taking over the guest room for a few days. 
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it’s a few hours later, with the moon filling the sky and georgie falling into a deeper sleep which finds trouble starting. it’s something georgie had failed to consider when she’d impulsively invited him over which had been an oversight on her part. or perhaps it had simply been her belief that she could somehow control something that was out of her control. that it wouldn’t be an issue because she didn’t have night terrors every night, even if nightmares plagued her on most of them. it begins with what sounds like thuds on the floor of her room, books and pictures falling off shelves as she tosses and turns in her sleep. then comes the muttering, which for it’s part couldn’t be heard through the wall shared with the guest room next to hers. but the glass of water she had on her nightstand shattering? that’d made a decent sound. then it’d paused for a few minutes until she’d begun to let out some strange combination of a scream and a cry that’s only partly muffled by her pillow that’s now drenched in sweat. it’s not a night terror at least. she’s not moving out of her bed or trying to open her door even if she is squirming in her sheets. she’s still like that when her door gets opened, it taking the use of her name and a forceful shake to awaken her. she lashes out immediately arms flailing at whoever was there with her to push them away from her, still not registering she’s awake. though, it’s not entirely effective and it only takes her a few more seconds to realize it’s jack making her freeze, a maelstrom of emotions playing across her face. she’s thankful she hadn’t unleashed her powers on him but it’s difficult for her process much else considering her body is still shaking and her face is still wet with tears. she takes a deep yet shaky breath, embarrassment still finding it’s away past her other emotions.  
“i’m sorry for waking you, i-- i’m fine you shoul--” go. he should go, out of her room where he can’t see her like this, vulnerable and unmasked. where he can’t see the way she’ll break down further the moment the door closes behind him as the memories she always tries to force away rage back into her until she eventually pushes them back down and remains awake for the rest of the night. except, he cuts her off, stating he isn’t leaving and georgie isn’t sure what to do with that because she’s never been in this situation before. her father knows about her dreams, comforts her when he can. but no one else has ever seen her like this and a part of her doesn’t want to be alone, even if that part battles with her pride and need to seem strong in front of others. “i-- ” she doesn’t know what to say, suddenly can’t form words in the way she wants to and so she quiets, refusing to make eye-contact and bringing her knees up to her chest as if it’s some form of armor that’ll shield him from seeing that she’s still crying even if she wants to force the tears to stop. 
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rebelthree · 2 years
@thenightmareofyourdrems​​ continued from x
how did you come back. he questions her and she has force a breath out of her lungs because it catches within her. she breathes in, holds it for a few beats, releases it slowly, holds her breath, repeats. she doesn’t answer him right away, just focuses on her breathing, on staying calm. and grounding herself in reality. she was in her room. in her house. and jack was there, he was hugging her back. she could feel him there, feel him trying to sooth her by rubbing her back. this was real. this wasn’t a distortion. “you’re going to--” she lets out a soft laugh over his shoulder, such a simple action. it doesn’t take away from the weight of everything upon her, from the anxiousness that is still within every fiber of her being but for just a moment a flicker of light breaks through the darkness. it shouldn’t be amusing, yet it’s the sheer absurdity of the statement that really does it. jack was a human with no powers other than his apparent ability to be empathetic with her. what was he going to do against a demon? and yet, the sentiment is still appreciated. “jack a demon would kill you. i don’t want you within a mile of a demon.” her voice is steadier now, less pauses. there’s a kind of strength returning to her even if her body still shakes. 
she pulls back then, not entirely, but enough to look at him, hands cautiously moving down his arms to find his again as if she’s hesitant in the action. they’ve never been this close before and it should feel strange but it doesn’t. then again, considering her present emotional state, she’s not sure she can truly ponder what is weird and what isn’t at the moment. she takes a breath in and then out, hands tightening upon his own. this is the hard part, isn’t it? any form of amusement she had now flowing out of her. “-- it wasn’t me that came back. it was.. but it wasn’t. i couldn’t stop-- i couldn’t fight anymore. i was so tired. i tried to fight. but--” she starts holding her breath again without realizing it, a kind of fear rising back through her. she lets herself lean forward, not quite into his chest but somewhat awkwardly into his lap as if she’s almost trying to curl into herself but his closeness prevents her from being able to do it. it should be more awkward than it is, but she’s too lost in her emotions to care. 
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“every happy memory i had. every good feeling, every good sensation i had ever experienced was warped into something dark and twisted and horrific when i was in that place. they told me i was gone for six months but.. but i--i lived in hellscape for three years. where everything light was dark, where only.. only terror and pain could thrive. where it could come together with-- one goal. to tear into me. to unmake me. to crush my will. to break me into pieces that it could manipulate. that would let it crawl into me and use me to wreak havoc.” she doesn’t intend to say as much as she does but once she starts talking it all spills out. and yet, there is so much she is not saying for how do you even quantify such a horror show? perhaps it surpassed what most human minds could truly comprehend. how she still had any sanity left was a wonder. it was the saving grace of her father’s love for her. she still holds so much back. 
“when it finally happened, he-- it, whatever you want to call him took root, it took control of me and when i came back it made me kill. oh god, i killed agents i’ve known my whole life. people that held me as a baby. i almost-- if my father hadn’t found a way to break through, to use our psychic link to bring me out for even a moment..” she begins to sit up again, slightly, though she’s not looking at him, her breathing is labored, hair falls into her face as tears fall again. makes her hair cling to her cheeks. she’s pulled her hands away from him so that they shake in front of her, she’s staring at them as if they drip with it. “--they were able to expel it from me but blood.. it’s on my hands.”
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