inukag · 2 years
i just love how robin and cynthia go into SO MUCH interesting detail about every little topic/debate in the inuyasha community (especially inukag ones), when i can maybe do the same thing but i just wish the person im arguing with can just read my mind and feel all the mind crushing emotion i feel for inu and kagome and my argument, (of course) without like, having to speak. Because some things just cant be put into words man
@mustardyellowsunshine you got mail! Honestly the inukag fandom is so talented and smart we're lucky to have so many great meta/analysis 😊
You should totally share your thoughts on the series with us! I'm not a writer and I also feel like I don't explain my thoughts properly, lol. It would definitely be great if our emotions and thought could be translated to words easily! Sometimes I feel like we should have a podcast where we could just ramble about subjects related to Inuyasha for hours 😭
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inukag · 2 years
you know in ep 140, Akitoki Hojo declared his love for Kagome while they were battling Hoshiyomi, and when he did, Inu looked up in jealousy? I've read, Inu wasn't really jealous of Akitoki, he didn't see him as a particular love rival, because he was weak. Unlike Koga, who was strong, and able to protect Kagome, which Inu doesn't like. Still, Inu still dislikes Akitoki because it's kinda obvious he has something for Kagome. Is that why Inu was rude w him in those eps, he was jealous?
Well first off episode 140 is filler so maybe Sunrise didn't want to make Inuyasha too jealous because they knew Akitoki Hojo would most likely never be mentioned again? I haven't watched that episode in ages but if Inuyasha feels OOC it's probably because it's anime-only, lol.
But to be honest? I think the fandom tend to overexaggerate how "jealous" Inuyasha really is.
(warning: the rest of this post is very critical of koga so maybe don't read if you love him as a character)
Inuyasha has perfectly reasonable reasons to hate Koga and to want him away from Kagome: Koga is a mass murderer who let his wolves eat countless humans, who kidnapped Kagome, put her in danger and disrespected her.
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(He calls Inuyasha "inu koro" which means "dog shit" which is pretty much a slur)
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I love Kagome with all my heart but honestly defending Koga after all this is honestly one of the most incomprehensible thing she's done and I hate that she constantly stops Inuyasha from beating him up. I guess Kagome's flaw here is that she's just too nice and tries to see the good in even the worst people (I mean she did try to sympathize with Naraku of all people) but Inuyasha is completely right here, imo.
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I generally hate the way Rumiko wrote Koga and all the scenes he's in because he never gets a redemption arc but all the characters act like he's an okay dude because he's straight forward about the fact that he wants to be with Kagome?? And Inuyasha is portrayed as "jealous" for being annoyed at the fact that Kagome is nice to him despite all the horrible things he's done?? It's very bizarre to me, I feel like Miroku got more flack for groping women than Koga ever did for slaughtering countless innocent humans. I mean he indirectly killed Rin and that's never even addressed.
Or maybe I should say I hate the way Rumiko wrote "jealousy" when it comes to inukag because she did the same with Kikyo. She made Kikyo a vengeful revenant who tries to kill Kagome and Inuyasha and is generally awful to everyone, then Kikyo didn't get a redemption arc, everyone started acting like she's never done anything wrong and Kagome was portrayed as being a bad person for disliking her.
Anyway sorry, you didn't ask for a whole rant about this, lol. I think with Akitoki, Inuyasha can understand why Kagome would be nice and friendly with him because he's a generally harmless person so the thought of Kagome having feelings for him doesn't really cross his mind, whereas with Koga he doubts Kagome because her having feelings for him is the only way he can explain her defending & protecting him.
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