#valdaya smut
flodaya · 2 months
lmao what do i need to pull out the timdaya (or valdaya) smut fanfic again
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wetheoriginals · 1 year
What did channelxblue do 🫣
be a valdaya in a past life, shamelessly associate with granny regardless of everything she's done, and be the author of an extremely fucking weird tomdaya fanfictiom where there's even smut about people like harrison, tuwaine and darnell.
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ritebeforeyoureyes · 7 years
I Want You, I Need You
I am loving the opportunity to keep writing. I am also taking requests on which multi-chapter fic I should continue; Ransom or Favourite Star Season so, let me know if you have a preference.
This smutty Sunday piece was requested by pink7184. I hope you like it.
I Want You, I Need You
"Why are we having this argument right now?" Zendaya was yelling, her arms raised above her head in exasperation.
"We aren't arguing, we're meant to be having a conversation - like adults!" Zendaya hated that word - adults. The age gap between her and Val was one that made her feel insecure, even after years of dating. She was a legal adult who lived independently and yet in moments like these, she always felt like a child. Val didn't mean it, but whenever he was angry, he felt it was necessary to highlight just how old Zendaya was. It was all most a way to belittle her when things weren't going his way.
"I'm sorry I'm not as mature as you, Val." Zendaya snorted with a tinge of bitterness to her voice. "But, right now, we are having an argument, a pointless one at that."
"Pointless?" Val scoffed in response. He was now pacing the length of her living room, his legs taking large strides within the confined space. "You're asking me to sit there and watch whilst another guy fondles you in public and you think this is pointless?"
Val and Zendaya's heated exchange had originated with her Spider-Man: Homecoming 2 contract. As stated in her contract, Zendaya was legally obliged to do whatever her publicist asked of her and in this case, it was a publicity stunt that starred Tom Holland. The aim of the game was to utilise Tom and Zendaya's friendship to boost the hype surrounding the sequel that was quickly approaching its release date. Fans were intrigued to know about Tom and Zendaya's relationship which meant they were seemingly interested to see how their characters' romantic plot panned out in the highly anticipated movie. For sales, the idea was utter genius but for Val, it meant he couldn’t do or say anything as his secret girlfriend paraded around with another man on her arm.
"We are just hanging out! It's the same as the last movie. We just do some of the press releases together, pose for so much pictures - that's it!" Zendaya didn't understand why Val was getting so jealous. In fact, Zendaya thought his overreaction was preposterous. She didn't object to when he had to dance up close and personal with his ex-girlfriends. She sat in the audience and watched him rumba like the proud girlfriend she was. She didn't understand why he couldn't do the same for her.
"That's not it-" Before Val could begin to list all that was wrong with Zendaya's contracted obligation, a knock came at the door. The two suddenly went quiet before automatically turning towards the grandad clock that hung in Zendaya's living room. It was approaching 11pm and neither of them were expecting any visitors, especially at this hour. Zendaya got up off her spot on the couch and stalked towards the door, her eyes scanning past the security camera feed as she did. Within seconds, Zendaya's frown was turned upside down; the smile stretching across her lips as she pulled open her front door.
"Bella!" Zendaya hadn't seen the familiar redhead in months and her unexpected arrival was bittersweet. Zendaya desperately wanted to continue her heated debate with Val but she also wanted to relish in the presence of one of her dearest friends. "This is a surprise. How are you?"
"Hey, Z." Bella went in for a hug and the two met in the middle, their arms curling around each other instinctively. “Sorry for stopping by so suddenly but there are road closures up ahead and the storms are meant to come in tonight.” Zendaya nodded knowingly. It was the reason why Val was staying with Zendaya tonight. The two were meant to spend the following day together after Val had gotten some well-deserved rest. He had been in extensive rehearsals approaching the new season of Dancing with The Stars and truth be told, his partner wasn’t much of a dancer. Hence why Val had decided that a full night’s sleep would leave him refreshed and ready to spend time with his girl. However, weather reports had claimed the approach of the storm of the century and Val didn’t want to be stranded, without Zendaya, on his only day off. “Is it okay for me to crash here tonight?”
“Of course, it is, you goof.” Zendaya pulled open the door, inviting Bella inside her home.
“Oh, hey Val!” Bella’s eyes bulged open, mentally slapping herself. She knew Zendaya and Val were in a relationship and it hadn’t even crossed her mind that Zendaya would have company. “I’m sorry if I’m interrupting anything.” Bella cringed awkwardly, her hands ushering between the two.  
“Hey, Bella! Don’t be silly, you’re welcome to spend time with us whenever you want!” Val smiled courteously even though a nagging part of him wanted to say, ‘Yes, you are interrupting. Leave.’  He liked Bella, he really did, but she couldn’t have had worse timing. Val’s jealousy was bubbling within him aggressively, the idea of Zendaya being so comfortable with another man wasn’t sitting right with him. Val needed to talk this out with Zendaya and he needed to do it soon.
“If you guys don’t mind, is it okay for me to just head straight to bed?” Bella didn’t want to be a third wheel and honestly, Zendaya was doing her a massive favour by letting her stay; she didn’t want to impose any more than she already was.
“Aw, B,” Zendaya closed the door behind her and turned all her attention to Bella rather than grouchy old Val in the corner. “Hang with us! We can watch a movie or something.”  
“No, no, honestly, I am exhausted!” Bella faked a yawn and Zendaya just chuckled at her. She knew Bella well enough to know that she was purposefully trying to give Zendaya and Val their alone time. “I’m just going to call Matt and get some sleep.” Matt, or Blackbear as he was known to most, was Bella’s current boyfriend and just like Val and Zendaya, the two were pros at living out their long-distance relationship.
“You know where the spare bedroom is, right?” The question was more rhetorical, Bella had been over at Zendaya’s place plenty of times; it was practically a second home to her. “You head up and I’ll bring you blankets and … some tea?” An excited nod was given at the mention of tea. Zendaya wasn’t a whizz in the kitchen but one thing she could do right was tea. Bella made her way up the stairs and Zendaya brushed past Val in order to make Bella’s tea. Zendaya was looking at her feet as she walked past him and Val, he was staring directly at her. His hand caught her wrist as she stepped through the doorway and into the kitchen, halting her movements drastically.
“We have to talk about this.” Despite holding her temporarily captive, Val’s touch was gentle. His thumb was tracing light patterns into Zendaya’s skin making unintentional shivers run through her.
“Val,” Zendaya warned with a whisper. She didn’t want to do this in front Bella. She knew they’d start having a normal discussion that would lead back to what Bella had walked in on – a heated, and rather loud, argument. “Not now.”
“Yes, now.” Val was whispering also but his tone was still firm, authoritative. He was a Russian man with hot blood, there was no way he was going to downplay his girlfriend’s current situation. “I go back to work tomorrow and what, you’re free to go on all these dates with Tom? That’s not okay with me.”
“I am not going on dates, Val!” Zendaya felt like she was going in circles just constantly repeating herself. She didn’t know what to say or do for Val to believe her – to trust her. “I am just hanging out with a friend.”
“A friend who has feelings for you.” Zendaya was about to intervene but Val held his hand up, quietening her within seconds. “And don’t try to tell me he doesn’t having feelings. I see the way he looks at you, acts around you.” Val didn’t like to acknowledge the fact that Tom adored Zendaya. The boy couldn’t keep the smile off his face whenever in her presence and Val couldn’t blame him. “I know because it’s the way I look at you.” Zendaya was perfect; her looks, her kindness, her talent. Zendaya was the whole package, hence why Val felt so threatened. He didn’t like the idea of losing her. Zendaya was the only girl Val had ever fell so wholly in love with. The thought of her not being in his life wasn’t just heart-breaking, it was earth-shattering.
“Val, can we not talk about this now, please.” Zendaya shook her hand out of his hold and continued to make Bella’s tea. From the corner of her eye, she saw Val leave the room and she let out an audible sigh. She hated fighting with him. But, for now, Zendaya needed to distract herself with the hospitable arrival of Bella – she could talk to Val later. Zendaya prepped some jasmine tea on a tray full of snacks and made her way upstairs, a fluffy blanket tucked neatly under her arm. Zendaya paused outside Bella’s door, placing the tray on the floor before reaching over to knock.
However, Zendaya’s arm paused as she heard a soft moan come from inside.
“I miss you so much, Matty.” Bella’s voice was raspy and seductive and Zendaya simply stood frozen in her spot. She didn’t know why but her legs just wouldn’t let her move. A sense of curiosity was ignited within her and she stopped to listen. “I wish you were here, I wish you were the one touching me, playing with me.” There was a light lag in conversation, presumably where Blackbear responded to Bella on the phone and Zendaya felt a sensation bubble within the pits of her stomach. “Are you playing with yourself, huh? Thinking about me here … by myself.” Listening to Bella was turning an already angsty Zendaya on. She could hear Bella’s fumbling on the mattress accompanied by her moans and Zendaya had to try holding in one of her own.  With Val’s crazy rehearsal schedule and her Spiderman promotion tour, the couple spending time together was a rarity. With this entailed a prolonged period of no sex. And truth be told, she missed him … she missed him like crazy. She missed the movement of his hips, the throaty whispers into her ear, his rough yet simulatenously soft touch.
As if she had been zapped by a sudden force, Zendaya snapped out of her turned on haze, dropping Bella’s blanket beside the tray of food. She speedily made her way to her own bedroom, knowing that was where Val had made his way to earlier. She spotted him instantly, he was stood in front of the TV, his fingers fussing at the buttons on top.
“Stupid remote.” Val was mumbling to himself, his anger seemingly being taken out on the TV and its inability to function how he wanted it to. He was so focused on trying to get the TV to work that he hadn’t noticed Zendaya walk into the room. With her hormones still running a rage, Zendaya made her way to Val, her knees dropping before him. Val looked down at her suddenly, his eyes looking down at her widened doe ones. “Babe,” Val said, the uncertainty evident in his voice. “What are you doing?”
“I don’t want to fight anymore.” Zendaya played with the buckle of his trousers, desperately trying to get them undone. She grabbed at his length through his trousers and Val took a step back. He knew that sex wasn’t the answer to their problem; a discussion was. He placed his hands against her shoulders, forcing her up and back onto her feet again. A look of sadness – and rejection - floated across Zendaya’s features and Val tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. He let his hand travel leisurely down her face before he spoke.
“I want you-“ Val didn’t want Zendaya to think that he was rejecting her because the idea of her dropping to her knees and taking him was the hottest thing he had seen, ever. He adored her, in every sense of the matter and he wanted her to know that – fight or no fight. “But-“
“No buts, Val.” Zendaya pressed her chest against his tightly, their body heat intermingling. “I want you, no, I need you, right now.” And as she spoke Val knew he was putty in her hands. Her simple sentence of reassurance and the glazed over look in her eyes was enough of an indicator for Val to know that she was his. Regardless of Tom’s affection towards Zendaya, at the end of the night, she got into bed with Val. She told him she loved him, she made love to him and that was all that mattered.
Val’s hand progressed from Zendaya’s face down her body in admiration; her arm, to her breasts, her hips and then her thigh. Zendaya sucked in a breath as his fingers traced the smooth skin. His fingers inched closer and closer to her inner thigh, excusing her panties and finding their way inside her. Zendaya gasped, her eyes fluttering shut. “Val…” The sound of his name on her lips was ecstasy and enough to make Val move faster. He moved his fingers at an increased pace, his neck falling into the crook of her neck.
“I’m sorry, baby.” Val peppered kisses to her neck as she spoke. “I didn’t mean to get angry … I just I want to be the only man on earth who gets to adore you.” He was muttering into her neck whilst his fingers steadily moved in and out of her. Zendaya opened her mouth to respond but no words came out. She was gaping, like a fish out of water, the moans just ascending from the back of her throat. “I want to be the only man who gets to touch you, feel you.”
“You …” Zendaya’s moans were louder, her eyes still glued shut. She was captivated by Val’s touch: the way his stubble rubbed against her skin, the way his free hand cupped her hip. Zendaya knew she couldn’t use her voice to tell Val that he was only man for her so, she decided to use her body instead. She grabbed his face with her hands and pressed her lips against his, kissing him with a pent-up hunger. Her claw like fingernails pulled at his shirt, tugging it up and over his head in seconds. Then came her pleasurable torture. She scratched and tugged at his toned body, her whimpers soon drowning against his lips. Their mouths were pressed together tightly, both fighting for dominance. But as time passed and breathing became harder, Zendaya gave in. Val parted her lips with his tongue before tasting her mouth fully as she fell apart around his fingers. “Val!”
As Zendaya came down from her orgasm, they separated to catch their breath. Zendaya and Val took the opportunity to discard of all their clothing. The process was messy and clumsy; a depiction of how urgently they wanted one another.  Zendaya pushed Val back against the bed as soon as they were naked, her eyes devouring him before she inched up his body. She rubbed her fingers up and down his thighs teasingly, his body clearly tightening with the amount of tension he was currently experiencing.
“Don’t tease me, not right now.” Val grabbed at Zendaya’s hair, pulling her up his body. She smirked against his pouted lips before slowly straddling him, her body engulfing him fully. “Fuck.” The hiss left Val’s mouth in pleasure. He had missed this, being this close to her. They’d been apart for so long he had forgotten how good she felt.
Zendaya placed her hands flat against his chiselled chest as she began to rhythmically rock backwards and forwards. Val’s hands freely travelled her body; her arms, her stomach, her thighs, her perky little breasts. He gripped her firmly, massaging her breasts to the rhythm of their movements. “Baby, I’m so close.” Val’s head was flat against the bed.  
“Val … please … oh my god, please.” Val’s hands fell to her hips, all most guiding her so that he was effectively inside her more; deeper, harder. The two moaned each other’s names until they were effectively riding out their simultaneous orgasms – their argument completely forgotten.
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pink7184 · 7 years
Valdaya Fanfics??
Those of us who are still here yay!! I have a few new Ideas for fics. Hope you people don't mind a smut and nice mixed in. I hope this one person has not forgotten about my idea with Bella in a fic. Just let me know and I will give you my Ideas. Hope you don't mind writing some smut. 😉😉 Valdaya endgame thanks you guys 😊😊😊
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summerlove13me · 9 years
Naughty Language// Drabble
NOTE: Ok so I didn't have to go entirely ghost like I originally planned obviously because I've been still pretty active on here in the last week and a half but now I'm officially back until Dec 2nd then I go ghostish again for my final exam BUT anyway as promised today Nov 12th I started my Valdaya fic writing again! Yay me! I already have a Oneshot complete but I'm not sure when I'll post it hehe😈... But for right now here's a little somethin somethin... - inspired by Zendaya cussing on snap chat. Say it! Val said teasing her. Say what Val? "The cuss word you let slip today on snap chat baby please" he wined. "Val I can't", Zendaya said. "Fine" he deadpanned and kissed her lips with force. A few minuets later they were partaking in an intense makeout session whe Val lifted them both off the couch and headed to there bedroom. Val was kissing and sucking Z neck when he placed her down on their bed. Z was was starting to whimper and moan when Val decided to free her from her underwear. The moans of pleasure could be heard by Val as he went back to loving her neck and after a few minutes he decided to surprise he plunging into her warm wet Center with his fingers. Zendaya' s moans were growing Increasingly louder but the one word he wanted her to speak still wasn't being said despite his best efforts. In an act of desperation he finally makes quick work of his pants and boxers and plunges deep into her " come on baby say it he pleads as he thrusts harder and faster into her as she bites her lip to keep from that word escaping because she knows if she says it that means he wins and she doesn't want that. He is desperately fucking her now to the point where the bed is shaking and the headboard is banging hard against the wall. He's not sure how much longer he can hold on when she finally says it. Shit! VAL FUCK DONT STOP! She screams as he finishes pumping into her. " I got you baby he says as his own release takes over. As they lay in eachother's arms filled with contentment Val says "if that's what I have to do to get you to cuss more often consider it my pleasure".
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itsmejojo13 · 11 years
some beautiful person needs to write valdaya smut for sexy sundays?! Thats my favourite thing about this day lol
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summerlove13me · 9 years
For You For Us/// Oneshot - inspired by Mia and her crazy fabulous and slightly evil mind.  Love you Mia! xo. @miaalyse96
 Get out! Val said roughly as he barged into the bathroom where he knew he would find her soaking away her stress in the tub. Zendaya shot him a look and he could see that her eyes were on fire. The flames were burning bright in her beautiful brown orbs. He held out a towel for her as she stepped out of the tub in silence.  Val wrapped her up and picked her up and walked into the master bedroom that they shared at his place. He laid her down on the bed with care and unwrapped her from the towel around her. Val adjusted himself above her as he stared into her wild eyes and in swift motion he crashed into her. He kept going with no sign of mercy earning him moans of pleasure from Zendaya. You think... it was nice of you to bitch at me... about never being home via text and distracting me all day during rehearsal today?, Val said through pleasure filled grunts as he hovered over her and never broke eye contact with her once.
Zendaya couldn't muster up the words at the moment because of the amount of pleasure that was overwhelming her. Nn...no she said through heated breath. Then why did you do it he asked as he rolled into her. Zendaya was breathing heavily and then she said it softly, "because... I miss you". That was all it took for his heart to crumble and tears start to leak from his dark green orbs. He continued to pump into her but this time he said softly through his own pleasure filled grunts "come on baby...  come for me sweetheart please" and with one last hard thrust she came apart for him screaming his name to the heavens above. That was enough encouragement for him because a few minutes later he pressed his face against her cheek and finished with a loud grunt.
 They laid there like that for a few minutes trying to catch there breath and come down from the high."You know I love you and I do what I do for you and us and one day our future family". 
She looked up at him, smiled softly and said, "I know".     
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