#valentebuary 2024
leasstories · 5 months
Being Rockstar Eddie Munson’s girlfriend
Eddie Munson x gn!reader
@noneknxws ‘s VALENTEBUARY
DAY 5: Free day
No Trigger Warning
WC: ≈1K
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You’ve been dating Eddie since senior year. As soon as you both graduated in 1986, Eddie got an opportunity, a label offered to sign Corroded Coffin. That’s something he cannot say no to and you even pushed him toward that path. Now the magazine name you ‘Rockstar Eddie Munson’s girlfriend’.
But there are downsides to be a rockstar’s girlfriend. First of all, you often feel insecure when girls throw themselves at your boyfriend. You trust him, of course you trust him, but you don’t trust them, besides you have a very poor self-image even though Eddie has been nothing but reassuring about it. Another problem is the paparazzi, wherever you go, even alone, photos of you get taken. Another downside is when Eddie is on tour. Even though Eddie earns enough money to cover the both of you, you decided to have a job. You wanted your own money, you wanted to be independent. But having a job means you cannot always come on tour with Eddie, and you miss him, a lot. You also both have really different jobs and sometimes it makes you overthink. You wonder if he wouldn’t be happier with someone who is in the entertainment industry as well. But one of the worse downsides is that Eddie is almost always busy. It’s really hard for the both of you to have free time together, just the two of you. It’s hard to plan a date night or to even just stay at home and chill.
You are currently in the kitchen, cooking dinner when Eddie comes into the apartment, all excited. You tell yourself that he is that excited because of the new song they are recording, or because he has had a new tour planned. You weren’t expecting at all the words that comes out from his mouth.
“Baby,” Eddie says, wrapping his arms around your midsection while you keep cooking.
“It was a good day Eds?” You ask, chuckling at his excitement.
“Mmh,” He answers, pausing before speaking again. “But not as good as tomorrow.”
“What happens tomorrow?” You ask confused, while putting the cut tomatoes in a bowl.
“I have a free day.” Eddie says. “and I know it’s your day off.” Eddie says while kissing your neck.
You mix the tomatoes with the salad and mozzarella and smile. “Really?” you ask, your eyes sparkling at the idea of spending the day with your boyfriend.
Eddie nods while kissing your cheek.
The next day, your boyfriend wakes you up with breakfast in bed. He went to your favorite coffee shop, ordered your usual as well as some pastries. As soon as he put the breakfast down, Eddie stripped out of his clothes and went back to bed with you. You ate breakfast while cuddling and kissing, like two lazy teenagers. Once the breakfast was over Eddie insisted that you stayed in bed a little bit longer and you ended up dozing off in Eddie’s arms until noon.
At noon, Eddie gently wakes you up and you kiss him softly before asking. “What time is it?”
“Noon baby, get dressed for lunch, we are going at Gino’s.” Gino’s is the pizza place right around the corner. You know the boss and he always put the two of you at the most hidden table to avoid curious fans or paparazzi.
“Why did you let me sleep that much baby… I feel like I’ve ruined our day…” you whine.
“You didn’t ruin anything baby, I swear” he tells you gently before kissing your forehead.
You both put your clothes up and go to Gino’s. Obviously, on the way there some paparazzi take pictures of the two of you, but Eddie, always the gentleman, shields you from them. As soon as you’re in the familiar place that is Gino’s, you finally can breathe.
“Ciao amici!” Gino, the boss, tells us.
“Hi Gino, is our usual table available?” Eddie asks.
“Si! Follow me!” Gino says, leading the both of you to your usual table.
“The usual?” Gino asks.
Eddie and you both nod and Gino disappear into the kitchen.
“I missed those kinds of days.” You confess, breaking the silence.
“Me too.” Eddie says. “I’ll do my best to have more of those. I know how hard it is on you, I know it because I miss you just as much.”
“I’ll try to take my days off during your next tour, so I can come for a bit.” You speak.
“It would be the dream baby. I’d love for you to discover the world by my side. I know how it is important for you to be independent and work, but know that the day you want to stop, I’ll pay everything for the both of us baby. It’s no problem for me.” Eddie tells you.
Gino pits yours and Eddie’s usual in front of you and you start digging in.
“I know Eddie.” You answer while Gino left. “I’m going to try to work less hours if it’s possible, so when you are in town, I can be with you more.” You say.
“I’d love that babe.” Eddie answers.
The both of you keep eating your meal, laughing like you used to when you were in high-school. During those days, you feel like teenagers all over again, forgetting about your responsibilities and jobs.
Despite Eddie’s protests, you pay for both of your meals. After Gino’s you decide to take a walk in the closest park. You walk hand in hand. It is calm and the two of you just live the moment, not even talking, which is a rare occurrence for Eddie. You just enjoy the moment, you enjoy each other’s company.
After your little walk, the two of you went back home and took a hot bath together. Eddie loves blowing bubbles on you, and you find it so endearing. After your shower, you cooked your dinner together and enjoyed it.
Eddie’s day off was a small parenthesis in your busy lives, but you both know that with a little bit of work on both ends, those days can happen more often.
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noneknxws · 5 months
whejehjrhr woah baking and silliness!!! and more redbeetle stuff on my profile
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leasstories · 4 months
Your Eddie
Eddie Munson x gn!reader
No Trigger Warning
@noneknxws ‘s VALENTEBUARY
DAY 12: Letters
WC: 0.4K
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You woke up this morning to a letter on your bedside table, Eddie, who fell asleep at yours is nowhere to be found. You start worrying. Maybe Eddie decided to leave you. Or maybe you snored too much, and it was a love breaker for him. Because, yes, it was the first night the two of you spent together. You stir and take the envelop. It’s a black one with your name written on it. With Eddie’s handwriting. You look at it puzzled, before opening it.
My love,
I’m writing this letter while you are asleep. You look so peaceful right next to me. I do not know how to tell you this out loud, so I decided to write it. I love you, I love you so much and I’m sorry I’ve never said it out loud. You are so pretty, prettier than my guitar, prettier than my favorite set of dice. I do not know what I did to deserve you. I want to thank you for always cheering on me during band practice or at The Hideout, I want to thank you for the all the dates you’ve organized (and I’m sorry I suck at organizing dates.) I know you deserve better, I do, but I’m selfish and I want you to stay mine. Please, stay mine. Thank you for tending at my wounds when Steve brought me at your place in March. You do not realize how much you mean to me. You are my world. I am sorry I am always cautious and afraid in this relationship. But you are the best thing that ever happened to me, and I don’t want to lose you. I never want to lose you. You highlight my days. You’re so funny and cute, but you are also so goddamn gorgeous. I love your perfume; I love your eyes and your hair. I love how soft your skin is and I really love hugging you. I love kissing you and I’ll never get enough of it. So please, my love, will you be my date for Valentine’s day? (Yes I know I said I didn’t celebrate Valentine’s day but you made me change my mind.)
Your Eddie
Once you finished reading the letter you start tearing up. You don’t even know why he is asking; the answer is yes. It’ll always be yes. Eddie is your present and your future. To you, he is the love of your life.
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leasstories · 5 months
Sweets, this is for you
Eddie Munson x gn!reader
@noneknxws ‘s VALENTEBUARY
DAY 3: Sharing music
No Trigger Warning
WC: ≈0.5K
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Eddie mysteriously invited you to his trailer, he didn’t say the reason. “To hang out” he just said. But you know your boyfriend like the back of your hand, and you know he prepared something. You’re in front of your wardrobe not knowing what to wear. Every time you are going to spend time with your boyfriend you are like a giddy schoolgirl. You settle on a black Dio shirt, black jeans and one of Eddie’s hoodies. You are going to Eddie’s trailer by foot, so you plug your headphones into your Walkman, put the mixtape Eddie’s made for you inside and put your headphones on. Then you sit on the ground, put your Dr Martens on and lace them. You leave your house and walk toward the trailer park.
After 20 minutes of walking, you knock on Eddie’s door.
“Gimme a sec” You hear Eddie say as well as some scrambling behind the door.
Eddie opens the door, his hair in disarray, a Black Metallica shirt on as well as sweatpants. As soon as he sees you, his face lights up. He takes your face in his large palms and kisses your lips softly.
“Hey” you say, in a daze.
“Hey Sweets” Eddie answers, smiling.
“What did you plan for us?” You ask, always curious.
“I have a surprise for you. It’s going to take place in my room.” Eddie tells you; he seems nervous.
Your smile grows bigger. “A surprise? For little ol’ me?” You ask, both taken aback and teasing him.
“Oh shush. You know I can’t help but prepare surprises for my beautiful, wonderful, smart partner.” Eddie says smiling.
He leads you to his bedroom and sits you on the bed before taking his guitar, Sweetheart, off of the wall.
“What are you doing?” You ask.
Eddie starts playing the chords to see if the guitar is in tune, once it is, Eddie looks at you in the eyes before saying.
“Sweets, this is for you.” Eddie says before playing the first few chords of a song you can’t recognize.
When Eddie starts to sing, you realize it is an original song, an original song he wrote for you. Mid-song, your eyes start tearing up. Eddie’s eyes never leave your face while he plays. He is trying to send his message across, and it works because once he finishes playing tears are rolling down your cheeks. Eddie put his guitar down and wrap his arms around you, whispering in your ear. “what did you think?”
“It was so beautiful Eddie.” You say, your eyes still full of tears.
“I wrote this song for you, that’s what I think of you Sweets, that’s how I love you.” Eddie confesses. Even with you, he was rarely vulnerable, but in the safe space that is his room, Eddie did give you his heart on a silver platter. Playing this song for you is a big deal for Eddie, and you know it.
“I love you so much Eddie” You tell him before kissing him passionately. “Thank you so much.” You tell him after reluctantly parting from the kiss.
“I’m glad you loved it Sweets.” Eddie says, taking a tape out of his pocket. I recorded it for you earlier today.” Eddie says handing you the tape.
You throw yourself at Eddie and hug him tightly repeating “Thank you, thank you, thank you” all over again.
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leasstories · 5 months
You worth conforming
Eddie Munson x gn!reader
No Trigger Warning
@noneknxws ‘s VALENTEBUARY
DAY 11: Flowers
WC: 0.4K
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Eddie is a non-conformist, but there is something that Eddie loves more than being non-conformist: you. And for you, it wouldn’t hurt to conform occasionally. Like today. Today is your one-year anniversary as a couple. Yes, you did start dating three days before Valentine’s day 1987. So, this morning, Eddie got up early. He put on a band-tee, his classic ripped jeans, his leather jacket, and a battle vest. He silently closed the door, in order to not wake you up. He started his van and drove to the closest flower-shop in town.
When Eddie comes into the store, he looks around him, not knowing what flowers to buy. They are all pretty and he doesn’t know which ones you would like more.
“Hello sir,” Says the florist “How can I help you today?”
Eddie anxiously bites his thumb. “I want to buy flowers for my partner. It’s our one-year anniversary… But I don’t know what to buy.” Eddie says, still looking all around him.
“Mmh, I see.” says the lady “What about a floral arrangement?” she asks.
“What is that?” Eddie asks curiously.
“It’s when we put different flowers in the bouquet, it usually is personalized. You can choose as many flowers as you want, the ones you think your partner loves more.”
“Okay.” Eddie says taking a deep breath.
The lady and Eddie spend almost an hour making the floral arrangement. They choose different roses, some sunflowers because Eddie knows you love them. He also added flowers with different colors because he wants this bouquet to be grandiose. You deserve grandiose.
Eddie pays for the flowers and goes back to his van. He starts the engine and drives toward your shared trailer. He climbs out of the car, careful not to damage the flowers. Once he is home, he puts them in a vase, he walks silently towards your bedside table and put the flowers there. While you are still sleeping, Eddie makes breakfast. Eggs and Bacon (mainly because it is one of the only things he can cook.) He then puts the breakfast on a platter and goes to the bedroom to wake you up with kisses.
You open your eyes to Eddie kissing your cheeks, you sleepily smile at him before saying.
“Happy one-year baby.”
“Happy one-year anniversary.” He says putting the platter in between the two of you. He then shows you the vase and speaks. “This is for you.”
You smile. “Oh my god Eddie, they are beautiful.” You say kissing your boyfriend’s lips.
Eddie smiles and kisses your nose “Not as much as you.” He says smiling.
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leasstories · 5 months
For the Love of Chocolate
Eddie Munson x gn!reader
No Trigger Warning
@noneknxws ‘s VALENTEBUARY
DAY 10: those Valentine candies
WC: ≈0.6K
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You’ve been talking about some Valentine’s Day candies for weeks on end now and Eddie have been searching for them everywhere in Hawkins Indiana but no luck, those candies do not exist, at least not in Hawkins. But Eddie is determined, this is your first Valentine’s Day as a couple and it is the first time ever, he has a lover on Valentine’s Day, so Eddie wants it to be perfect. Perfect for you. Perfect like you. And for it to be perfect Eddie needs to find those chocolates with a heart shape form and a red package. And if he won’t find them in Hawkins then Eddie will go to Indianapolis.
That’s exactly what Eddie is currently doing, driving to Indianapolis to find those Valentine’s Day candies you’ve been talking about for weeks on ends. He wants to find the candies that match your detailed description and as Eddie has learned during the past few days it won’t be easy. But if he could Eddie would give you the moon and the stars, which means Eddie will find those candies at all costs.
Eddie parks in front of a small chocolate factory in a town between Indianapolis and Hawkins. Eddie gets out of his van and anxiously walks towards the chocolate factory. He comes in, the bell on the door ringing to signal his arrival. Eddie stops in front of the counter, where an old lady greets him.
“Hi darling,” she says. “What can I do for you?”
“Hi Madam,” Eddie answers. “I’m looking for those chocolate candies. My girlfriend described them as heart shaped, she said they were milk chocolates wrapped in pink paper.” Eddie describes.
“Oh dear,” the seller says, looking apologetically at Eddie. “We don’t have them here, but I know they have them in Indianapolis, in a Chocolate factory called ‘For the love of Chocolate’.” She tells Eddie.
“Thank you so much!” Eddie tells her. “Have a great day!” He says, excited to know where to find those chocolates.
“Your partner is lucky.” The old lady says smiling. “Good luck.” She adds before Eddie steps out of the shop.
Eddie climbs back in his van and drives to Indianapolis, not stopping once. After  driving throughout the city, Eddie finally finds the chocolate factory, he parks, get out of the car and enter the shop entitled For the Love of Chocolate.
The chocolate factory is huge and a lot of chocolates are on display, once Eddie finally spotted the one you have described to him, he tells the lady at the counter that he wants those, pays and drives back to Hawkins.
When you go back from work, you’re greeted by your boyfriend’s cheeky grin. You wonder why Eddie’s so happy to see you. You give a chaste kiss on Eddie’s lips before taking your coat and shoes off.
While you do so, Eddie disappears into the kitchen, he takes the bag containing those chocolates he looked for in half of Indiana (okay maybe he is exaggerating but still, he went to Indianapolis to find them!!). He hands you the bag and you look at him puzzled but carefully takes the bag from his hands.
Once you open the bag, you can’t hide the squeal that leaves your lips.
“Oh my god Eddie…” You say, your eyes tearing up. “Where did you find them?” You ask, knowing well that no store in Hawkins sells them.
“That’s a secret.” Eddie says before kissing your forehead.
“Thank you so so much.” You say, wrapping your arms around Eddie’s neck and softly kissing his lips.
Eddie didn’t even imagine that such a simple gesture would bring stars to your eyes, but now that it did, Eddie tells himself that he would do it all over again.
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leasstories · 5 months
Perfect timing
Eddie Munson x gn!reader
@noneknxws ‘s VALENTEBUARY
DAY 8: showing up when needed the most
No Trigger Warning
WC: 0.5K
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Eddie’s van has been a mess lately, it starts one time out of two, and obviously, his precious van decided not to start when he was going to go home from work and not the other way around.
Eddie sigh, he just wants one thing, going home to his partner and now this is going to be delayed because of his precious but annoying van. But in his misfortune Eddie was lucky because he just saw your car park right next to his van. It wasn’t planned, you didn’t tell Eddie that you would come by to his workplace, but you had decided to as soon as you headed off of work, as you missed your precious metalhead too much. You and Eddie both open your respective car doors simultaneously and meet in between the two cars. Eddie hugs you tight.
“Hi baby, watcha doing here?” He asks.
“Missed you two much.” You say, muffled by his chest.
Eddie chuckle. “I’m so lucky you’re here” he says.
You raise your head confused. “Lucky?” You ask puzzled.
“Yes, My van decided not to start…” Eddie says, embarrassed. “If you weren’t here, I would have had to walk home.”
“You should change that van Eddie…” You say.
“First of all, I love my precious van, second of all we do not have the money baby…” Eddie answers.
“I have the money baby, I could buy you a new one.”
Eddie kisses your forehead. “I know you could, but it is too much my love.”
“No, it’s not, I want you to return to me in one piece Eds” You say, seriously.
“Let’s talk about it at home, ‘kay?” Eddie asks.
You nod and open your passenger door for him, you then climb on the driver’s seat and start the ignition.
“You really showed up with the perfect timing baby.” Eddie says, appreciatively.
“I knew my baby needed rescuing.” You joke.
Eddie laugh, a full belly laugh. Once his laugh has died down, he says seriously. “Marry me?”
You turn your head so violently that you could have given yourself a whiplash. “What?” You ask.
“Oh lord, I promise I have the ring and I didn’t plan on asking you like that but it is true baby, you always have my back. And I love you so much, there is no one else I’d wanna marry. No one else I’d want to share my life with. So please, Marry me?”
Tears are starting to stream down your face. “Yes,” you answer keeping your eyes on the road.
“Yes I’ll marry you.” You add.
“Park the car on the side.” Eddie says.
“Why?” You ask.
“I wanna kiss my fiancé.” Eddies simply  answers.
You park the car, unbuckle your seatbelt and turn toward Eddie. He cups your face in his two large palms and kisses you passionately.
“I love you,” He says.
“I love you too.” You answer, smiling, your lips still close. And with that, Eddie kisses you a second time. And here’s how Eddie Munson asked you to marry him, during a car ride. Eddie knows you are his other half, he loves you unconditionally and you are always the
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99 notes · View notes
leasstories · 5 months
Eddie Munson x gn!reader
@noneknxws ‘s VALENTEBUARY
DAY 7: Simple yet sweet gestures
No Trigger Warning
WC: 0.5K
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Eddie saw how tired you have been lately. He knows the people at your workplace count on you too much and that’s why he decided to use his day off to make life he easier for you.
You’re coming home from another long shift. Everyone at your workplace just keeps asking you things or even to do things, this added onto your own work is becoming too much. When you sit on your car, you remember all the tasks you must do. You don’t even dream that Eddie did any tasks, you know his job as a mechanic is tiring and he usually uses his days off to rest. You slap on your wheel several times; frustrated tears leave your eyes. You get a grip on yourself and calm down, before driving to your shared apartment with your boyfriend. You park and take your sweet time gathering your stuff and climbing the stairs to the third floor. But when you open the door, you start crying.
The first thing you notice is how the apartment smells nice. Then you notice that Eddie cleaned up. Once your boyfriend appears, you see that he holds a single rose in his hands. You run to him and hug him tight. Once you part Eddie hands you the rose and smiles.
“Thank you for cleaning up, and…” you take a breath. “And for the rose.”
“Also did the laundry, but that’s irrelevant, follow me to the bedroom.” Eddie says.
You raise an eyebrow, wondering what Eddie planned.
Eddie rolls his eyes. “Not for that.” He says leading you to the bedroom.
When you come in, the first thing you notice is that the bed has been made, it is not in the same mess that you left it this morning. Then, you notice the rose petals on the bed and the oil situated on the bedside table.
“Lay down on your tummy Sweetheart.” Eddie tells you softly.
You do not think twice and obey Eddie’s command. Eddie straddles your back raises your shirt and starts massaging you. He hears your moans and feel your muscles relax.
“Thank you, Eddie,” you say in a sleepy voice. “’t was much needed.”
Eddie keeps massaging you for a good thirty minutes, and when he stops, he realizes that you’ve fallen asleep. Eddie delicately climbs off of the bed, and take this as his cue to make dinner.
Once you wake up from your small nap, you can smell pesto, you drag your tired limbs to the kitchen, and you find Eddie cooking pasta with pesto. He smiles big once he sees you.
“I don’t know what I did to deserve you.” You say, hugging Eddie from behind and putting your head on his shoulder.
“You always do everything, at home and at work, I thought it would be nice for you to not have to do anything for once.”
“Thank you so much Eddie.” You say softly.
“And I realized how much you do at home baby, I promise I’ll do more tasks.” Eddie says turning to kiss forehead.
“You don’t have to.” You say.
“No, I don’t, but I want to. I hate seeing my baby tired.” Eddie says kissing your cheek.
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leasstories · 5 months
How’s my baby?
Eddie Munson x gn!reader
@noneknxws ‘s VALENTEBUARY
DAY 9: sick day
No Trigger Warning
WC: 0.5K
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You are rarely sick, but this year, February didn’t spare you. You are so sad to be sick so close to Valentine’s day, you hoped you would have a cute date with your silly metalhead, but no, now you are most likely going to spend Valentine’s day in bed. You started getting sick at work, they even sent you home. You’ve never been sent home before. As soon as you arrived, you crashed on the bed and fell asleep, not even taking off your coat nor shoes.
Eddie is surprised when he comes home to find the door unlocked, you are supposed to be at work for another hour. Maybe you got out early, Eddie tells himself. He steps into your shared trailer calling your name but to no avail. Eddie starts to worry and walk toward the bedroom to find you fast asleep on the bed, your shoes still at your feet and your coat still on you. Eddie walk silently toward the end of the bed and takes your shoes off, and then he tries to delicately take your coat off. When you move, he is scared he woke you up. But he did not. Eddie runs to the kitchen to get some Ginger Ale, he puts it on your bedside table alongside a glass of water and some Tylenol for your potential headache. Eddie touches your forehead and sees how burning you are.
“My poor baby…” he coos before going back to the kitchen.
Eddie is not a good cook, you are always the one cooking to avoid him burning the trailer down. Eddie knows how to make soup though, and he knows it could help you get better. Eddie makes some soup and put it in a bowl. He lets it cool down for a moment and goes back to the bedroom, he lays down next to you and put your head on his lap, caressing your hair.
A few moments later, you start stirring.
“Hey” Eddie says with a smile.
“Hi” you say, your voice groggy from sleeping.
“How’s my baby?” Eddie asks.
“Sick” you mutter before coughing.
“I’m so sorry baby…” Eddie says still caressing your hair.
Eddie takes the Ginger Ale from the bedside table and hands it to you. “Take little sips baby, I’m sure it will help.”
You obey Eddie’s command and once you’re done he is giving you some water and a pill of Tylenol, you take it as well and sit up.
“’m sorry baby… it’ll ruin our valentine’s day…” you tell him sadly.
“Not at all baby, we are going to do everything in our power so you’re better for Valentine’s day, and if you aren’t? Will spend it at home and make sure it is still the best one so far.”  Eddie says confidently before getting up.
You nod in answer. Eddie goes to the kitchen and take the bowl of soup. He feeds you some soup and coos every time you eat, praising you and telling you how much of a good girl you are. Once you’re done, Eddie takes you in his arms and cradle you to his chest.
Eddie was right, you were all better for Valentine’s day and spent the best one so far.
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leasstories · 5 months
Cute baking
Eddie Munson x gn!reader
@noneknxws ‘s VALENTEBUARY
DAY 1: Baking
No Trigger Warning
WC: ≈0.8K
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You just got home from work, hands full of grocery bags, you thought Eddie still would be at work by the time you arrived home, but you were wrong. As soon as he hears you, Eddie comes joining you at the door, he takes the bags from your hands and raise an eyebrow.
“We’re having a party?” He asks.
“Oh no” you wave around the bags. “I wanted to bake something for you.”
“And to what I owe this pleasure?” Eddie asks.
“Well I love you, it should be enough.” You answer.
“Okay then, we’re going to bake together because I love you as well.” Eddie says, kissing your temple.
“Please don’t make a mess of the kitchen.” You say, mocking a wince.
“No promises.” Eddie says while putting the bags down on the counter. “What are we doing?” Eddie asks.
“Heart shape biscuits. The book said it was simple, I bought all the ingredients.” You tell Eddie.
“Mmh” Eddie says, looking at you intently.
“Can you get the ingredients out while I go look for the utensils?” I ask.
Eddie nods and takes the ingredients out, commenting each one of them. You roll your eyes each time, but you’re still fondly listening to Eddie. You love him, even though Eddie often acts like a child, you love him with all your heart, and that’s what those biscuits were supposed to proof.
Once you took the utensils out, you preheat the oven. Once you turn around, Eddie is done with taking the ingredients out, you put on an apron and hand one out to Eddie.
“I’m not putting that on.” Eddie states.
“Stop being a child Ed, your clothes are gonna end up full of flour if you don’t put this on.”
Eddie sigh and reluctantly put on the apron, it was your grandma’s so not really Eddie coded. You cackle once he put it on.
“Stop laughing!” Eddie says pouting.
You kiss his cheek before answering. “You look like the father to my future kids.” You say smiling and proud of your cheesy line.
Eddie blushes and answer “and you look like the mother to mines.”
Eddie brushes his nose against yours before kissing you.
“Okay let’s start Loverboy.” You say, knowing that if you keep being affectionate like this those cookies will never be baked.
“Okay so put the margarine, sugar, eggs and vanilla in a large mixing bowl.” You tell Eddie.
While Eddie focuses on putting the ingredients into the bowl, you sneak behind him and hug him from behind. You couldn’t help when you saw your boyfriend’s tongue poking out as he focused. Eddie lets out a content hum when you wrap your hands around his midsection.
Then, you delicately take the bowl from his hand and start beating the mixture lightly. Eddie can’t help but put his finger in the mix and bop your nose with his mixture covered finger.
“You’ve got something on your nose.” He says while lovingly looking at you.
You snort before answering. “You’re a dork.”
“But I’m yours.” He answers before licking your nose and then softly pecking your lips.
You and Eddie keeps baking while being playful, which results in the both of you laughing, covered in flour and biscuit dough, but in this moment, you don’t care, you just enjoy baking with your boyfriend.
Then arrives the moment to make the heart shapes. You take out the heart-shaped cookie cutters you just bought and ask Eddie to roll out the dough, which he does.
You give one cookie cutter to Eddie, and you both start creating the heart-shaped cookies.
Then, out of the blue Eddie blurts out “Thank you.”
You look at him puzzled. “What for?” You ask.
“For making memories with me. For being my girlfriend, and my best friend. Thank you for everything. Those memories mean everything to me.” Eddie tells you, feeling emotional.
You put down your cookie cutter and walk the short distance towards him. “You don’t need to thank me Eds. I love you; I love making new memories with you.” You tell him earnestly before kissing him softly on the lips.
Once all of the cookies are made, you put them in the oven and sigh when you see the mess you both made in the kitchen.
“Let me clean it all up babe.” Eddie tells you while guiding you to the couch. “You just sit there and stat pretty.” Eddie says kissing your forehead.
When the oven rings and you go to take out the cookies, your kitchen looks as clean as ever. You kiss Eddie’s lips as a silent thank you and take the cookies out. You give one to Eddie and take one for yourself.
“To us” Eddie says holding his cookie up. “To us” You answer, clinking your cookie with Ed
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leasstories · 4 months
You’re in love with your best friend
Eddie Munson x bestfriend!reader
No Trigger Warning
@noneknxws ‘s VALENTEBUARY
DAY 13: Confessions
WC: 0.5K
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Eddie and you have been best friends since he moved to Hawkins. You were a grade below him before he had to redo his senior year. You’ve been best friends but the two of you hide a huge secret to the other: you’re in love with your best friend. And Valentine’s day approaching makes it harder for you to hide your feelings for Eddie. You’re looking for more affection, hugging Eddie as soon as you can, and Eddie catch you dreamily staring at him more than once. But Eddie thinks nothing of it. Because if his feelings were reciprocated you would have told him, right?
“Eddie?” You ask, one afternoon. You and Eddie are sat in his bedroom and Eddie tunes his guitar while you draw.
“Yes Sweets?” Eddie answers.
“I was wondering… uh… as we’re both single… maybe… uh… we could spend Valentine’s day… I don’t know… together?” you ask hesitantly. You’ve never been so nervous to ask Eddie something but asking your crush to spend Valentine’s day with you, even if it’s just as friends is nerve wracking.
“Yeah of course!” Eddie says, grinning from ear to ear. Eddie tells himself that he should confess, and why not doing it now. Because if it does it now, and your feelings are reciprocated, then you won’t spend Valentine’s day as friends, but as lovers. But if they aren’t, then Eddie might lose you…
Eddie takes a deep breath. “Sweets?” he asks.
You hum in response.
Eddie sits crisscross right in front of you, he takes your hand in his big, callused ones.
“I have to be honest with you Sweets,” Eddie starts, anxiously fidgeting with your fingers.
“Yes?” you ask, quietly, afraid of whet Eddie might tell you.
“You know… we’ve been best friends since forever, but since I was 16… I’ve felt more than friendship for you, I’ve realized that I love you. I love you more than a friend.” Eddie says, but as soon as he raises his head to see your reaction he panics. Your eyes are welling up with tears.
“Sweets… don’t cry… you don’t have to-“ but you cut Eddie off with a kiss on the cheek, the salt of your tears falling on his chin.
“I love you more than a friend too Eddie… it has been years. I was just so scared to lose my best friend that I stayed quiet.” You say before leaving a kiss on Eddie’s other cheek.
“We’re two idiots,” Eddie says chuckling.
“Two idiots in love,” You answer giggling.
And that’s how, one day before Valentine’s day, you found your Valentine. Sometimes, love is right in front of you, and you don’t see it. Eddie loves you, and you love him and that’s all that matters for the two of you. The next say, you are going to spend your first Valentine’s day as a couple.
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leasstories · 5 months
Eddie hates romcoms but he loves you
Eddie Munson x gn!reader
@noneknxws ‘s VALENTEBUARY
DAY 6: Cheesy hallmark romcom movies
No Trigger Warning
WC: 0.5K
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One thing to know about Eddie Munson is that he hates cheesy romcom, but another thing to know about Eddie is that he would do anything for you. That’s how Eddie Munson ended up in this movie theater, watching Moonstruck, an arm around your shoulders. Eddie hates every second of the movie, that’s why, he spends the movie talking to you. Commenting – no sorry - criticizing each cheesy scene. He basically talks to you during the entire movie. If it was anyone else, you would have been bothered by it. But it is Eddie Munson, and you are conscious of the effort he made to come see the movie with you. You know how it is everything Eddie despises, but you wanted to be like a normal couple for once, and as valentine’s day is approaching, you suggested to go see this new romcom in theaters. You were afraid Eddie would say no, but how could he say no to those eyes he loves so much. Eddie could never deny those eyes. Once in a while, you feed Eddie with Popcorn, yes Eddie loves when you feed him. Those moments in which you feed him are the only ones where you can focus on the movie. Once the credits start rolling, Eddie let out a huge sigh of relief and you chuckle at that.
“What’s so funny Sweets?” He asks.
“Nothing, nothing” You say giggling.
Eddie makes grabby hands at you, meaning, he is going to tickle you and you giggle even more.
“Spill the beans Sweets!” Eddie says using his Dungeon Master voice.
“It’s just funny how you sighed at the end of the movie.” You say while gathering your stuff.
Eddie gathers his stuff as well and chuckle.
“I am sorry to break it to you Sweets, but this movie was awful.” Eddie says in all faux-seriousness.
“And unrealistic, who still lives at their parents at 37!” Eddie adds.
“uh… maybe a widow?” You ask.
“Oh God Sweets if I ever die-” Eddie starts but you cut him off by slapping his chest.
“Don’t talk like this Eddie!” You whine. Since you almost lost Eddie in the Upside Down a year ago, it is your worst fear, and you hate when Eddie jokes about it.
Eddie takes you in his arms. “I’m sorry Sweets, I promise a long and happy life awaits us.” He says kissing the crown of your head.
You lean into Eddie’s touch and leave the movie theater hand in hand. On the way to the closest diner, Eddie talks your ears off about everything wrong with the movie and you hum, or chuckle. You know better than contradicting your boyfriend when he is in a passionate rant.
Onve you arrive at the diner, Eddie, always the gentleman, opens the door for you.
“You’re so cheesy you know.” You tell him.
“Shush.” He answers.
Yes Eddie Munson might hate romcoms but he acts like he is inside one with you. Because Eddie Munson loves you.
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leasstories · 5 months
Go back to bed Eddie
Eddie Munson x gn!reader
@noneknxws ‘s VALENTEBUARY
DAY 4: Breakfast in bed (kinda)
No Trigger Warning
WC: 0.5K
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We are a Wednesday morning, meaning, yesterday Eddie had a set at the Hideout. That is why, you decided to be at this trailer early this morning. You arrived at the same time as Wayne.
“Hi Sweetpea” Wayne tells you in his usual gruff voice.
“Hi Mister Munson” You tell him all energized.
“Told ya, you can call me Wayne. My boy’s asleep though, you can wait inside if you want. Can’t promise he’ll wake up soon.” Wayne tells you.
“Truth be told I knew he’d be asleep, I just wanted to make some breakfast for him, that’s why I’m here early. I’ll keep some food for you as well.” You tell Wayne.
“You don’t have to ya know.” Wayne tells you while taking some coffee from the pot.
“I want to.” You answer while putting your grocery bag on their kitchen counter. “I’ll try to be as silent as I can.”
“’m not a light sleeper, don’t you worry about me.” Wayne says while unfolding the convertible sofa.
While Wayne goes to sleep, you start preparing breakfast for Eddie. You prepared pancakes with slices of strawberries. You put some fancy Maple Syrup on the pancakes. Then you prepare Eddie’s coffee. Once the pancakes are ready, you prepare a plate of Eggs and Bacon for Eddie before making your own cup of coffee. As it’s still early, you don’t go wake Eddie up yet. Instead, you sit on a stool by the counter and nurse your coffee while flipping through one of Eddie’s magazine. You’re so engrossed in what you’re reading that you forget your coffee, but most of all, you don’t see Eddie emerging from the bedroom. You yelp when you feel arms around your waist.
“Sorry Sweets didn’t mean to scare ya” Eddie tells you.
“Go back to bed Eddie…” you say disappointed that he got up before you had the time to bring his breakfast to his bed.
“Are you coming?” he asks, smirking.
“In a sec, I promise. Now shoo!” you say.
You balance Eddie’s breakfast in your arms and bring it to his bed.
“Here’s a breakfast in bed for my rockstar.” You say putting everything down and kiss Eddie’s forehead.
Eddie looks at you, surprised. “Oh, thank you my love” He tells you before pecking your lips.
Eddie started digging into his breakfast as if he hadn’t had food in days and his hums and moans of content show you how much he appreciates it. Once he’s done, you bring everything to the sink and then you go back to bed, into Eddie’s embrace.
“Thank you so much Sweets. No one ever did that for me” Eddie confesses.
“Then I am going to have to do it more often!” You say playfully but nonetheless meaning it.
“you really don’t have to Sweets. Having you by my side is enough.” Eddie says, smiling.
“I love you so much” You tell him.
“I love you too” Eddie says while hugging you tighter.
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leasstories · 4 months
We deserve love
Eddie Munson x fem!reader
No Trigger Warning
@noneknxws ‘s VALENTEBUARY
DAY 14: Date/hanging out
WC:  0.6K
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February 14th 1987,
You’ve been pinning over Eddie Munson ever since you met him at the hospital. The two of you met each other’s at the cafeteria. One day, Eddie sat at your table and eating lunch together became a habit. You got out of the hospital before Eddie but you’ve never stopped visiting him, even on the days you didn’t have an appointment. And that’s what led up to today. Eddie asked you out for Valentine’s day, telling you that you were a warrior queen (that’s his nickname for you), and you deserved a break. You accepted, throughout those months at the hospital and then visiting him, you developed feelings for Eddie, romantic ones at that. And that’s why, you are now sat at your vanity, trying to find the perfect earrings to match your outfit.
As you just finished brushing your hair, your doorbell ring. You rush to the door and open it, smiling big. Eddie is on the other side, shyly holding a bouquet of flowers.
“Hi warrior queen,” Eddie says shyly and less loudly than he usually talks.
“Hi,” you answer smiling big.
“Those are… for you” Eddie says, shyly holding the bouquet out to you.
You blush and take the flowers, leading Eddie to the kitchen. You put the flowers in a vase.
You then put your shoes on and shyly ask. “Where are we going?”
“Umm, that’s a surprise.” Eddie says sheepishly.
You leave your house and Eddie leads you to his van. Always the gentleman, he opens the passenger door of his van for you and help you climb in, he then climbs and drives toward Enzo’s.
Eddie helps you get out of his van. Once you’re on solid ground he asks.
“Can I hold your hand?” he asks.
You shyly nod. Hand in hand, Eddie and you enter Enzo’s. One of the waitresses lead you to a table. You are sitting face to face.
“You didn’t have to bring me there, a diner would have been fine” You say, smiling softly at Eddie.
“You deserve better than a shitty diner,” Eddie says matter-of-factly. “Besides, it’s my pleasure.”
“Thank you,” you say blushing.
A few minutes later, the waitress take your orders and leave.
“There is something I need to tell you,” Eddie says while taking your hand in his.
You nod, looking at his perfect brown eyes.
Eddie clears his throat. “You know, ever since we’ve met, I’ve liked you. I like you more than a friend should. That is why I invited you tonight. Maybe you thought it was because I didn’t want to spend Valentine’s day alone but that’s not it. Before you I was never the romantic, but you brought out this side of me, I’m grateful that I met you, Warrior Queen. And I don’t regret what happened to me because it brought me to you. Please Sweetheart, will you be my girlfriend?” Eddie asks.
You’re taken aback by Eddie’s speech. Halfway through Eddie’s speech your become teary hide. You do not immediately answer, which worries Eddie. Your mouth open and closes several times before words finally leave your mouth.
“Yes,” you start. “Yes Eddie, I want to be your girlfriend.” You answer.
Eddie raises your joint hands and places the softest kiss ever on the back of your hand.
Eddie and you decided to share your meals and once you finished eating Eddie brought you to his trailer. The two of you spent the night cuddling on the couch and enjoying this newfound relationship.
Who would have guessed that being at the hospital can bring out good things?
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leasstories · 5 months
You’ve noticed me?
Eddie Munson x gn!reader
@noneknxws ‘s VALENTEBUARY
DAY 2: Volunteer work together
No Trigger Warning
WC: ≈ 0.7K
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Since the earthquake, the entire Hawkins community that wasn’t injured started volunteering. The volunteering still keeps going even though it has been 4 months. You’ve been volunteering every single day since the earthquake. You’re like that, you love helping. Your duty is mostly to take care of injured people who couldn’t go to the hospital and you’re also on food duty most days. You did not expect Eddie Munson to be volunteering and paired with you when you set foot at Hawkins High Gymnasium this morning. For two reasons: the first one being Eddie Munson and the second one being his long stay at the hospital. But here you are, coaching him through the tasks. One thing to know about you is that you’ve had a huge crush on Eddie Munson since Junior High, you are one year younger than him and shared class with him during his second senior year. You never acted on your crush though.
It's hard for you to focus with Eddie next to you. Eddie is talkative and it makes it harder for you to handle your crush on him.
“You know how to make P&J sandwiches?” you ask Eddie.
“Yes?” he says like a question.
“It should be the easiest task to do given your current state. Steve told me you can’t stay up for long. You’ll be stuck with me though.” You say fidgeting.
Eddie mistakes your fidgeting for fear of him. “It’s no big deal if you want the Freak somewhere else. I can stand.”
“I don’t think you are a freak, and I never believed you killed those kids. You’re a nerd not a murderer.” You say in one breath.
Eddie puts his hand at the small of your back. “Hey… Breathe Sweetheart.”
The nickname awakes a swarm of butterfly in your stomach.
“Sorry…” You speak.
“Nothing to apologize for. Let’s make those sandwiches.” Eddie says.
Eddie and you silently make P&J sandwiches until Eddie blurts out. “You’re still in Hawkins, you didn’t go to uni?” he asks.
You look down at your feet. “I have to take care of my grandma. Couldn’t leave her behind.” You shrug.
“You know I have always admired and loved how selfless you are.” Eddie confesses.
“Oh” You say blushing.
“Why were you so adamant on me knowing you never thought I was guilty?” Eddie asks, curious.
“Oh… It’s just… I hate how people have always been judging you ever since the murders started… It was so unfair Eddie.” You say, actually pissed at this close-minded town.
“Why is it so important to you though?” Eddie keeps pushing, he’s also had a crush on you for years, but you have no idea about it. Eddie suspects your crush though and he hopes he isn’t wrong.
“Because I know you better than you think Eddie. I know you’re a good person. Yes you might be a drug dealer but once I heard you tell your friend Dougie about how it was because at least you knew your drugs were “safe”. And that’s when I was hundred percent sure that you were a good person.”  You teel him while making P&J sandwiches.
“You’ve noticed me?” Eddie asks both content and even though deep down he knows you have a crush on him, it is hard to believe for him that you actually paid attention to him.
“Of course, Eddie.” You say stopping mid sandwich to put your hand on his. “Ever since Junior High.” You shyly confess.
“I’ve noticed you too.” He says covering your hand with his.
You smile, knowing exactly what he meant by that, so you blurt out “Wanna hang out sometime?”
As soon as the words leave your mouth, you are shocked by what you just asked Eddie, you start getting anxious about his answer, but he cuts your train of thoughts.
“Like a date?” Eddie asks.
“If you want it to be.” You answer.
“A date it is.” Eddie says.
And that’s how, in Hawkins High gymnasium, a year after you graduated, your story with Eddie Munson stated.
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leasstories · 8 months
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Welcome to my blog !
My name is Lea, I’m 22 and you might know me as @witchwolflea
I created this blog to share my writing ! I mostly write about Eddie Munson !
Do I take requests ? Of course ! Do not hesitate to submit your requests in the “Let’s talk” box if you have any !
Will I create a taglist ? Yes ! To be added do not hesitate to tell me on the “Let’s talk” box as well! Just mention if you only wanna be tagged for Eddie stories or all my future stories !
Can everyone read my stories ? I’ll put trigger warnings at the top of each stories talking about sensitive topics !
Where else can you find me? All my socials here
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Eddie one shots: Masterlist here
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Christmas Drabbles 2023 : masterlist here
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Our love story : masterlist here
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Valentebuary 2024: masterlist here
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Letters to Eddie Munson: Masterlist here
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