#valentina u were sick for this
gamerbearmira · 2 years
Poison mirabel au (snippet 2)
Julieta pulled mirabel into a hug before anything else could happen. Mirabel hugged her back, she actualy had some strength! Julieta didn't let the tears fall but it was obvious to everyone who saw her. Mirabel hid her face in her mother neck like when she was little. The family hugged her. Dolores and isabella looked to eachother. Fear flashed in their eyes. They went upstairs" she isn't meant together better yet, if she is then I have to get married" isabella exclaimed pulling her hair. They had their backs to the door. "And then he's not gonna be able to see me, maybs we poison her again?" dolores whispered....thunder boomed and they turned around in an instant. Pepa stood there and she looked angry. "Isabella rojas madrigal, dolores valentina madrigal, get downstairs. Now" she said the last word with sheer anger making the girls scurry downstairs. "Pepa what's wrong?" Alma asked her middle child as she was clenching her fists and the cloud was nearly pitch black, mirabel was sleeping upstairs by this point. "Tell them what you girls did" pepa snarled. The girls froze. "Or ill tell them what I heard" pepa added. Dolores tensed. "Dolores tell u-" camilo was cut off. "Me and isabella didn't want isabella to marry mariano since she doesn't love him I do so when mirabel was asleep we put a type of plant on her food and it makes the person who ate it sick, we thought it meant just sleeping alot and being sick, sick but then it got realy bad so we thought it was good at the time them we realised she might die and we felt realy bad" dolores sajd quickly. They shrunk under the families glare. They watched as luisa gripped julieta's shoulder just as she was about to hurt them. "Mamá, we can't hurt them" luisa glared at the two "we won't go to their level" shee said, anger encased their tones. "Y...you poisoned my daughtsr" agustín asked and luisa gripped his shoulder aswell. "I won't hit them" he said and luisa let go. Alma walked to them. She withdrew her hand from her pocket and before anyone could blink isabella had been slapped. Hard. She had tears in her eyes"your her hermana, your meant to be there for her and to look out for her. And you poisoned her?"she asked and dolores knew she was gonna be hit next. She went to run but casita didn't let her. "And you" alma hit dolores. "I'm disappointed, your both adults. If you didn't want to marry mariano or did... you should've spoke, Mirabel is fifteen, she's nearly half your age. You knew she was already sick when she was born and you made her experience it again?" She asked, "your not deserving of her love" the two dipped their heads to be hit by a book each. They looked to see mirabel by the top of the stairs. She was holding the railing with one hand and glaring at the two, sadness and anger was what they saw." You...you poisoned me?" She asked them "w we didn't think you'd find out!"they exclaimed as she went down the stairs "YOU WERE GONNA HIDE THE FACT YOU NEARLY KILLED ME!?" She yelled making her cousin cover her ears "WHY DIDNT YOU JUST SAY THAT YOU DIDNT WANT TK MARRY HIM AND YOU DID INSTEAD OF NEARLY KILLING ME!"She yelled "mira" isabella reached her hand but mirabel stepped back "I've been on that bed for weeks, and you were glad?" She was shaking with anger. "I...." she looked to them " I'm scared of you, I'm afriad to be looking at you now, I'm afraid your gonna hurt me again, but I'm still doing it" she said "I'm feeling horrible, because of you,I felt like dying was easier because of you.but thwy" she looked to the rest of the family "is the reason I kept fighting, they are the reason I woke up, because I knew they'd be hurt if they came in to see my desd body laying on the bed because you two killed me" she said, tears in her eyes. She looked at the two as If they were the only ones there "I hate you both"
Alma was Fr like you might not get them but I will 💀💀 as she should though. We gotta start drawing the line somewhere, positioning someone over something you couldn’t talked about? Yeah no, that’s. Outta pocket. And by yo own blood??? That’s cold fool 😭😭 me personally, I think the Madrigals are being. Mighty generous because my anger issues would never let that kinda thing slide. Never. Mfs should have had a lot more done, they lucky asl ☠️
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vintagedolan · 4 years
mixtape | track one
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| masterlist | faceclaims | playlist |
Six. There were six different lines, tiny plastic tubes that hung down from the side of the bed, making the shape of a U in the air. Too many, but still, one less than yesterday.
“Is it alive?”
“Is it a vegetable?”
“That’s oddly specific.”
“But is it a vegetable though?”
“Aw shit.”
Indiana looked up from her hands then, brows furrowing at the small figure who had huddled herself under the thin cotton covers. You’d think, with how expensive hospital bills were that they could at least afford a real fucking blanket for their patients. Especially the kids.  
“C’mon now, watch the language.” She said. It was a half-hearted reprimand at best.
“You told me I could curse!”
“I told you that you could curse about your meds, there’s a difference.”
“Bullshit. I should be able to curse about anything I want to.”
“Bekah.” It was her mom voice – an instinct.
“Indiana.” The younger girl mimicked the tone as best she could.
There was a beat of silence then – well, as silent as a hospital room ever could get, that is. The monotonous song of machinery beeps, the muffled car horns outside on the streets, and nurses footsteps outside never truly faded.
“If the nurses hear you cursing in here they’re gonna say I’m a bad influence.” It was almost time for rounds and meds, 7pm on the dot - they’d be there any minute.
“Speak of the devil,” Bekah grumbled, eyes flitting to the door that was swinging open, the nurse bumping against it, her cart hitting the walls right on schedule.
“Hi miss Bekah, how’re we feeling this evening?”
Indiana threw her a look, the kind she imagined her mom would give if she were there. Bekah sunk back into the pillow, rolling her eyes.
“-very. Shivery. It’s cold in here.”
She earned a thumbs up for that one and a wink that made her smile.
The nurse – Jennifer, Indiana realized – was as sweet as ever. She was one of the nicer ones, always let things slide, always let her stay 30 minutes after visiting hours if she really wanted to.
“That’s probably just the meds from earlier darling, they always make you a bit chilly.”
“Can’t wait to take more.” Bekah sighed, wiggling up in the bed and moving her shirt down, her collarbone prominent under her dark skin. Next to it sat a small bulge, surrounded by medical tape, two small tubes peeking out from underneath. They’d done a good job at making it subtle, unnoticeable if you weren’t looking for it – Indiana’s mom’s port had never looked like that. She wondered if it was because the technology had improved in four years, or if they were just more careful about it when the patient was young.
Because it’s okay for an adult to have cancer, but a kid? That’s where we draw the fuckin’ line.
“Is it food?”
“What?” Jennifer asked, quirking an eyebrow as she continued to hang the bags on the IV pole.
“None of your business. Indiana, is it a food?”
“Now now,” Jennifer tutted.
“No, it’s not a food.” Indiana sighed, knowing better than to try and keep Bekah’s attitude in check. That was a battle she’d lose before it began. “Keep trying.”
She paused while the nurse took her time in getting her meds set and ready, attaching them to her port. She didn’t even flinch at the needle, the brown skin of her forehead as smooth and perfect as ever, not a worry line in sight. The game picked up as soon as Jennifer walked back out of the room.
“Is it something you- something you wear?” That was always the first sign that the meds entered her system – the ‘brain fog’ as she called it. Bekah sucked in a deep breath, her seemingly tiny chest rising up as she tried to settle herself. 
Indiana’s eyes flickered over to the IV bag – the clear liquid looked harmless enough as it dripped down. She knew it was anything but – just Bekah’s hair was enough to attest to that. She wore it in a wrap mostly these days, but she’d seen what was underneath. Her beautiful curls had started to fall out only a few weeks prior, and it was only a matter of time before they were gone completely. If she had to guess from what she’d seen when she fixed the knot of her wrap, the last of it would be gone after today.
“Yes, it’s something you wear.”
“So it’s clothes.”
“Not necessarily. You wear other things,” she explained, scooting her chair a bit closer to the bedside, reaching a hand out.
In the three years that Indiana had known Bekah, she was always amazed at how strong she was. It had impressed her from the first time she’d mustered up the courage to sign up for the volunteer program at the hospital two blocks away from her college apartment. Bekah was twelve then, a spunky young girl with big headphones over her ears and thick rubber bracelets on her thin wrists.
“Stop looking at me like that,” was what she’d chosen as an introduction. She’d looked up at Indiana with accusatory eyes, wide and dark and annoyed in the middle of the overly colorful pediatric wing hallway.
“Like what?”
“Like I have cancer. Don’t treat me like I’m sick and I won’t act like it. Capeesh?”
She’d only been able to swallow and nod, somewhat embarrassed but mostly just in awe.
So, when Indiana got matched with her as her ‘buddy’, she tried her hardest to do as she’d agreed to. Or at least, she did her best to be subtle about it. She could sneak in her moments of worry at times like this, when Bekah’s eyes were scrunched closed and she didn’t bat away the hand holding hers.
“Damn. The BBJ is not making me feel very BB esque today,” she grumbled, breathing deep in through her nose. Indiana’s other hand inched towards the bedpan resting on the table – the nausea usually kicked in right about now, and her deep breathing was always a tell that her stomach was churning. BBJ stood for ‘Bad Bitch Juice’ which was just the fun term for chemo that Bekah had come up with during one of her rotations a few years back. The nurses hated it, gave Indiana dirty looks when she let her say it around them.
“Bed pan at the ready,” Indiana reassured her, making sure it was in reach in case it got to be too much.
“Just keep playing the game, it’ll distract me. What do I know so far?”
“It’s not alive, it’s not a vegetable or a food, you can wear it but it’s not clothes.”
Indiana shook her head, doing everything to avoid reacting to the way Bekah was squeezing her hand. It was so tight that she felt her bones were probably touching each other in a way they weren’t meant to.
“Do you wear it on your head?”
“I mean… technically?”
“That’s a cop out answer.”
“Don’t dwell on it, just keep going.”
She saw it coming before it happened – the turn of Bekah’s face, the way her body jolted just barely. It’s a good thing it wasn’t her first time, or she wouldn’t have gotten the bedpan under her fast enough to catch her vomit. She held her breath, tried not to listen to the sounds of retching so she didn’t get sick herself, holding steady until Bekah’s stomach was empty and she’s laid back against the pillows, exhausted. Indiana followed the motions, got up and walked to the bathroom, dumped the contents down the toilet and flushed it, left the plastic basin on the floor for the nurses to get later and washed her hands. By the time she made it back to the side of the bed, Bekah’s eyes were closed.
There were three marked stages of a chemo session with Bekah: the ‘this doesn’t affect me’ phase, the puke phase, and finally, the sleep phase, which seemed to be fast approaching. Even with her eyes closed she felt Indiana join her at her bedside, and she sighed in defeat.
“What was it? I don’t wanna ask more questions.”
“That’s two things, you cheated.”
She could have argued, but you just don’t argue with a kid with cancer if you don’t have to. It’s an unspoken rule.
“You’re right. You win.”
Bekah seemed content enough with that, but her eyebrows scrunched up again like they always did when she was focusing.
“Where do you get earrings in your teeth?”
“Earrings in teeth… there was a guy… yesterday… earrings.”
Indiana just held her hand as she rambled, drifting off as she turned her head into her pillow. Not that she knew personally, but she’d never seen anyone be comfortable during a chemo treatment. But there was a peace that took over when their body decided that it was too much to handle in the realm of consciousness and they drifted off into their dreams.
So she was happy to look at the bed after she picked up her backpack and see that Bekah’s was asleep. She closed the door on her way out, moved to the nurse’s desk to sign out like she always did. The nurses always smiled at her, sitting back there in their colorful scrubs and big headbands. This time, it was Valentina who beamed up at her.
“Indiana, honey, how’s school going?”
“It’s going.” It’s killing me. “Just one semester left to go!”
“Don’t you overwork yourself now, we need you around here,” she threw a wink with her long lashes, opening her mouth to say something else before her phone rang. “You have a good one honey, we’ll see you next week.” Valentina picked it up, another call to another room for another sick kid.
 With as many times as Indiana had made the walk, she was pretty sure she could do it with her eyes closed. Straight, past the forest murals, press the button on the left to open the doors. Then it was the ocean hallway on the left- the blues were peaceful, little sea turtles and fish floating on the walls. At the end, by the jellyfish, was the last door of the pediatric wing. Somehow, it always felt colder past that point, inside the ‘real hospital’. The nurse’s scrubs were plain blue there, the walls taupe and bland with paintings of trees and lakes instead of Winnie the Pooh and Dory. Indiana’s shoes squeaked against the polished floor on her way to the elevator, picking up her pace. She didn’t like this part. It was too familiar, too many memories of walking down the same hallway for much different reasons. Past that it was down two floors, out and to the right to get to the front doors.
As soon as she walked out into the New York city street, it was a breath of fresh air; if you could ever consider city air fresh. Still, she always preferred the smell of exhaust and cigarettes over the bleach that stung her nose inside the hospital. And if she sniffed hard enough and the wind was right, she swore she could smell Jet’s Coffee all the way from the small store that resided three blocks down the road. 
Want anything from Jet’s? She texted Charlie, hoping for a quick response from her sister as she hurried down the sidewalk, pulling her shirt sleeves down over her hands in a bid to ward off the brisk late September air.
Nah, Devin’s making dinner. Should be done by the time you get here. 
Also, where tf is your strainer?
Bottom cabinet by the oven, she answered, shaking her head.
It wasn’t that she didn’t love her sister. She did, with her whole heart. The same went for her sweet almost-brother-in-law Devin- they were both supportive pillars in her life, always there with a listening ear, a warm hug, or life advice.
But god damn did she miss having her apartment to herself sometimes. The peace that came over her when she walked into her cozy apartment, saw the rest of Chelsea through the high windows, her view over the river? Unmatched. It was still there - the fog over the river in the cool autumn mornings, the bustling streets of people wrapped up in their coats - but now, her sister was there too, catching her at the door with the latest story of the day before she could even let out a breath. Charlie could never understand how her younger sister wanted to live alone in college, wanted a place to herself ever since she even knew it was an option. Indiana was the opposite of her in a lot of ways- the older of the two was a social butterfly of sorts who always surrounded herself with people, with loud voices and louder personalities that could keep up with her. She was wild - dropped out of college after her first semester, spent her last dime on a camera so she could grow a photography business from the ground up.
Their mom always said that Indiana was the calm to Charlie’s storm, her little angel who hardly ever cried, who just fit into the family like a perfect final puzzle piece, completing the picture. The puzzle was long forgotten now, disassembled in a box in the attic somewhere collecting dust over the last five years. She didn’t have to wonder if it would make her mom sad - she knew that it would be devastating for her if she were still there to see what had become of the Cross clan.
“There she is, the myth, the legend, thee Indiana Jamie Cross!” 
Caught up in her mind, Indiana didn’t even realize that her autopilot route home had taken her all the way into the door of Jet’s, and she found herself in the familiar lobby when she came to. The walls were charcoal gray, with the delicate little single-line white flowers painted on them that she remembered them putting up a few years ago, back when she worked there. Her old manager, Patrick, beamed at her from behind the counter, wide smile framed out by his ever growing hair.
“What’s she gonna get today, wait don’t tell me, don’t tell me. Today is a… caramel macchiato with one less pump of vanilla? Hot?” He mused, raising his eyebrows in question.
“Oatmilk, then yes, you got it.”
“Of course I was gonna give you oatmilk, what do I look like, an amateur?” He scoffed, shaking his head as she went to reach for her wallet. “It’s on the house today.”
“You can’t give me my coffee on the house every time Patrick, it’s bad for business.” 
“It’s my business, so shush and go wait at the end of the bar like a good customer,” he rolled his eyes, sending the scribbled cup down the line. She rolled her eyes and dropped a few one’s in the tip jar before she went over to her favorite chair, the big blue one by the windows where she could people watch while she waited. She always wondered what people did in small towns while they waited for things, without the bustling streets outside full of people in their own little worlds. 
Her phone buzzed in her lap. Marty. 
Hey girlie, are you busy tomorrow? We’ve got a new orientee who needs the run down, and nobody does it better than you! 
Marty’s speciality was buttering people up. Which explained why Buddies had over 200 volunteers like Indiana - with Marty in charge, it was hard to say no, even if she had planned on spending a chilled out day tomorrow with her sister and Devin.
Fine by me, just let me know what time
Awesome. He didn’t give me a specific time so I’ll just give him your number if you’re good with that.
She sent back a thumbs up as her name was called at the counter, got her coffee and headed out the door.  It was another block to get to her apartment, and when she got there the elevator ride up to the 18th floor was almost as long as the walk. She didn’t mind though. It was her own little welcome home ritual that she’d grown fond of over the last few years of living there. 
As she predicted earlier, when she opened the door, her usually peaceful space was in a bit of chaos. There were four bowls out on the counter, measuring cups everywhere, two pans out in addition to whatever smelled so good in the oven.
“Don’t start Indy, I’m gonna clean it, I promise.” Charlie appeared around the corner, already on the defense of the look she knew she was going to get. It felt a lot like Indiana was the older sister despite the three years that Charlie had on her. 
“I didn’t say anything,” Indiana mumbled under her breath, clearing a small spot on the counter and hopping up.
“It’s all in your face,” Devin teased from in front of the oven. “Scootch, unless you want me to burn you with this casserole dish.” 
She grumbled and hopped down from her much too temporary spot so that he could open the oven, deciding it was probably best to leave the kitchen until everything was done. 
Her kitchen was the only ‘small’ part of her apartment. The rest was plenty big, and she was proud of all she had done over the years to make it her own. The living room was cozy, with a dark gray couch and a reasonable (Charlie would say excessive) amount of decorative pillows and blankets. The shelves on the wall had a few house plants - fake ones, of course, and picture frames that had moved with her each time she called a new place home. The white frame that contained an old picture of her and Charlie as babies, white-blonde hair wispy as they played on the swings in their backyard. The most recent addition was the rose gold frame, a picture of her, Devin and Charlie at their engagement last July in Zion National Park - she could practically feel the heat of the sun every time she looked at it. The last frame stood alone on the smaller shelf, a wooden frame with a small heart carved in the corner. Inside, a black and white picture of her and her mom. She was about one in it, in a little crewneck sweatshirt and tennis shoes, holding onto her mom’s hands as she walked, both of them beaming. She’d been told by so many people over the years that she had “Nicole’s smile”, and she tried her hardest to not cry nowadays if anyone ever mentioned it. 
“You know, our parents weren’t glassmakers, I can’t see through you,” Charlie grumbled from her spot on the couch, gesturing to the TV that her sister was blocking.
“You know, this is my house, you could just leave,” she countered, offering her fakest of smiles.
“You know, Dad pays the rent so it’s not technically yours.”
“Alright, dinner is ready, dinner is ready,” Devin called out, knowing that Charlie had already stepped one toe over the line, desperately trying to keep her from throwing herself fully over the edge.
Charlie popped up to her feet, unfazed by the glare that followed her all the way to the island as she went on to scoop out her pasta. 
Indiana didn’t have the energy to even think about her dad, much less talk about him. Kenneth Cross was a good father when she was little. He was attentive, taught her how to play basketball, how to ride her bike without training wheels. On a paper list, he checked off most of the dad boxes. And then his wife died, and he decided the time was nigh to abandon ship with very little regard for his 16 and 19 year old daughters. But if you asked him, he’d be sure to let you know that he took very good care of his kids, even put up his youngest in a nice New York apartment so she could go to school and not have to work a job. Taking care of things meant throwing money at them, whether it was at work or at home. His best, and only, sign of affection was the direct deposit that hit Indiana’s bank account on the 31st of every month. 
Needless to say, he was a sensitive subject.
She bit back the words she really wanted to spit out and made her way into the kitchen, grabbing her bowl a bit more aggressively than she needed to. As soon as she found her spot back on the counter she stabbed into the soft noodles and shoved them in her mouth, proceeding to burn the shit out of her tongue. 
Devin made small talk as best he could around the awkward tension - he was an only child, and anytime the two sisters fought he tried to fill in the void with anything he could. It always baffled him how the two of them could be pissed one moment, and then back to normal a few seconds later.
“Wanna go shopping tomorrow? And don’t say you have school shit, it’s a Sunday.” Charlie asked.
“A, I always have school shit, and B, I can’t anyways, I’ve got an orientation to do for Buddies.” 
“There’s no way you actually have that much school work to do, I think you’re just trying to avoid us,” she countered. 
“CJ she’s gonna be a doctor, that shit ain’t easy,” Devin piped up, eager to boost his almost sister-in-law up. Indy tried to ignore the little pang of jealousy she always felt when he called her sister that. Charlie Jo. CJ. She’d had her own fair share of nicknames over the years, shortened little versions of her name that everyone liked to use. But Devin was the only one who was allowed to call Charlie CJ, and there was something about the intimacy of it that had Indiana wishing someone was there to give her a cute nickname, just for them.
She held out until Charlie started in on the dishes that she promised to do and then she was headed to her room, social battery depleted. Despite her sister’s doubts, she did always have some form of school work that she could be working on, slowly chipping away at the constant stream of assignments and notes.  She liked to break it down into sections, tackling a certain class each night of the week. Saturdays were her ‘easy’ nights, reserved for reviewing her medical terminology notes and quizzing herself on new terms.
As nerdy as it seemed to anyone else, she actually found it fun. 10 year old her would have thought it was the coolest thing that she actually knew what choleodechojunostomy meant, though she was pretty sure she was never going to actually need to know. 
She was halfway through the abbreviations portion, stuck on the ‘G’ of esophagogastroduodenoscopy when her phone buzzed against her leg. She expected to see a text from Charlie asking her to join in on whatever movie they were watching in the living room, but instead she was met with a new number and an unfamiliar area code - 818. 
Probably spam. She left it alone, moving back to her cards, flipping between as she mumbled them quietly to herself.
“PRN. Pro re nata.”
“EEG. Electroencephalography. TIA”
“TIA. Transient-”
“Jesus,” she huffed, grabbing her phone and swiping it open to her texts, all from that same 818 number.
Hey, Marty gave me your number, I’m your new orientee :)
My name is Grayson btw, probably should have started with that 
She told me to figure out a time with you but I’m p flexible so just let me know
And idk how to get to the pediatric part of the hosp so if you could meet me somewhere else and show me how to get there that would be awesome
Why he couldn’t have sent it all in one text she had no idea, but at least he was nice. She typed back quickly.
Hey! I’m Indiana. We can meet by the front doors if that’s easier, how about 9:30?
She didn’t even have time to pick up her next flashcard before the typing bubble popped back up.
Early riser, I like it. 9:30 is chill, I’ll see you then. Have a good night :)
You too :), she answered, quickly saving his contact as ‘Grayson’ before putting her phone back down on her comforter and diving back into her flashcards. She had 200 more to get through by the end of the night, and all she really wanted to do was get under her covers and go to sleep. By the time she reached the end of the stack, the definitions were just as hard to understand as their latin based counterparts. As soon as she flipped over arthralgia to reveal joint pain, she was moving the pile to her desk, pulling on a t-shirt and curling up in bed.
Indiana had never been a breakfast eater. She was always too eager to get to school, occasionally running out the door with a granola bar in hand at most at her mom’s request. The trend continued as she got older, though now she used her morning coffee as sustenance for the first few hours of the day. Which was why she found herself walking right back through the glass doors of Jet’s again, a mere 12 hours after her last visit. It smelled like fresh beans and vanilla soy as soon as she made in over the threshold - a comforting smell, familiar and warm. Patrick beamed at her from behind the espresso bar. She couldn’t remember the last time he’d taken a day off.
“I’m paying today, no arguing,” she called out, giving him a serious look until he mouthed ‘fine’ at her over the bar. Satisfied, she pulled out her phone, surprised to see a text. Grayson.
I’m by the front doors on the left. I know im early so no rush :)
She checked the time at the top of her phone. 9:10.
I’m getting coffee and then I’ll be there
Her thumbs hovered over the keyboard, contemplating. Was it weird to buy coffee for someone you’d never met? She sent another text anyway.
Want anything?
The bubbles popped back up as she stepped up in line.
Biggest cup of the strongest stuff they’ve got please. I’ll shoot you a Venmo for it
She liked his response and slid her phone back in her pocket before she stepped up to the counter. The barista was a new face, someone that had been hired after she had left.
“What can I get started for you?”
“Can I do a 16 ounce vanilla oat milk latte and a 20 ounce dark roast please?”
“Absolutely, that’ll be-”
“Give her the drip for free,” Patrick interjected. “We don’t charge past employees for drip coffee.”
The barista looked a bit flustered but took the dark roast off anyways, quickly spouting off the total and taking the cash that Indiana handed her. She turned around and poured the dark roast, passing it over with a smile. An older man was sitting in the blue chair when Indiana made her way to the other end of the store, so she settled by the bar instead, watching Patrick pump syrup and steam milk in a bit of a sequenced dance. She missed being behind the bar sometimes, but not enough to justify going back and getting talked down to by shitty customers. 
He finished her latte in record time, only having a spare moment to blow her a kiss before he was right back to the next drink. She didn’t mind - the thought of Grayson waiting on her made her nervous. She tried to remind herself that she wasn’t running late. It wasn’t her fault that he liked to show up twenty minutes early to things and she only liked to show up ten minutes early. Ten minutes was reasonable and showed dedication - twenty was a bit excessive. 
The cups kept her hands warm for the three blocks to the hospital, her pace a bit quicker than usual. She kept her eyes peeled for someone who looked like a Grayson once she made it. A tall, lanky man passed by her, headed towards the doors, but he didn’t seem like he was looking for anyone. She remembered the text. Front doors, to the left.
Sure enough, there was someone sitting alone.
He took up about half of the bench, his shoulders broad under a charcoal gray sweater that went well with the olive green of his pants. He looked well put together - a bit intimidating, but nice enough to send someone a have a good night text. He looked like he could be a Grayson. He must have felt her watching him, because he lifted his eyes from his phone and looked directly at her, taking in the two coffee cups in her hands with a smile.
His voice was deep, a bit commanding. It made her hesitate for some reason, panic just barely. “Uh yeah, that’s me.” Stupid.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Grayson.”
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astarfilledsea · 5 years
@stanleeyuris​ asked: So since Henry stans Drag Race I decided to compile a list of his favorite queen every season. Decided by his personality (and my projection onto him lmao) He definitely loves comedy and look queens tho.
Season 1: he liked shannel, but overall found the season lackluster and a bit boring. Almost didn’t continue watching, but was forced to bc it gets better.
Season 2: Tatianna! Thought she was overall stunning and fun to watch.
Season 3: raja. Loved how fashion forward she was, loves her growth over the time.
Season 4: He thought willam was funny, but egotistical. Overall his favorite was Sharon Needles because of how much she stood out among other queens on the show previously.
All stars 1: he liked tammie bc she was funny and he appreciated how well aware she was of the edits and went out of her way to fuck them up and be confusing in untucked. His realistic win was Manila for her looks and popularity among fans.
Season 5: My boy Henry was a Jinx stan, he thought she was hysterical and also turned out amazing runways. He also liked Alaska and Alyssa, but overall was rooting for a Jinx crowning. Least favorite was Roxxxy Andrews.
Season 6: Adore Delano. He thought she was an overall nice person, funny, and she was fairly unique in her runways. Loved her growth over the years.
Season 7: TRIXIE AND KATYA. The two both brought such amazing things to the table especially Trixie in their looks and their friendship was sweet to watch. Katya’s dry sense of humor was right up his alley.
All stars 2: KATYA ALL THE WAY. Her growth from just a season prior was beautiful. Still thinks she was robbed, but wasn’t mad Alaska won. “Roxxxy should NOT have been in the top four.” But loves making fun of her read u wrote u verse.
Season 8: Kim Chi. Camp queen icon. Nice but also shady as fuck. Least favorite was Derrick Barry and Acid Betty thought they were unnecessarily rude at times, but he thought Acid brought sick looks to the runway.
Season 9: He was 100% a peppermint stan. He just gives off those vibes. Was disappointed Charlie was the first UK queen especially after the infamous “do something charlie” lip sync
All Stars 3: all though he loves Trixie he was rooting for shangela based on season performances she deserved the win, but he was happy when Trixie won.
Season 10: Miz Cracker. Funny, good looks, nice person overall.
All stars 4: Team Manila. Was devastated by Manila’s elimination. He also liked Valentina, but her delusion started annoying him as the season went on.
Season 11: Tie for Nina West and Shuga Cain. Both genuinely kind queens and drama free. Turned out AMAZING looks throughout the season. He’s definitely still bitter about Shuga’s elimination.
All stars 5: hasn’t happened yet but I’m willing to bet he’s rooting for Miz Cracker
K ANSWER: sorry it took me awhile to get to this, was out of town and no access to my pc. but i do want to say that you go you superb you for putting this together. very thought out. unfortunately i know very little of drag race for me to comment further but maybe someone wants to see this and can comment more than i can. thank you for the message though!
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starredlight · 6 years
My thoughts on the RuPaul’s Drag Race: All Stars 4 cast.
Okay, so i know i’m kinda late on this, but hey: better late than never. In this post i’m gonna talk about my thoughts about the All Stars 4 cast. What i expect from the queens, what i thought of them on their original season and since, and some more. I’m really excited about All Stars 4 because i feel like this is a strong cast and will definitely top All Stars 3.
Trinity The Tuck: If you haven’t guessed it already by my profile picture, i’m SO ready for miss Tuck to come back and murder the competition. I was a BIG fan of Trinity on Season 9, i thought she was hilarious and she was pretty much the only one who wasn’t always cute and sweet and all sisterhood, which i really liked. I really like Trinity’s style, anyone who knows me knows i’m a sucker for pageant drag, but i feel like Trinity keeps it modern and doesn’t always rely on that pageant look. Like the big hair, jewelry, etcetera. She keeps it fresh, which i really really love. She has such a fun personality and really suprised me in how good of an actress she can be. With her highlight being Mary Coont ofcourse, that shit was amazing. I’m extremely excited for Trinity, i’m rooting for her the most and i hope she wins!
Monique Heart: Well... our brown cow stunning queen is back! Monique is my second place as in who i’m rooting for the most, because she conquered my heart with her amazing bright personality and her loudness. I adore Monique, she is exactly what i want in a drag queen: loud, obnoxious and overall so fun to watch. I still believe she should have won the first challenge on Season 10, and i stand by it. Monique was very underrated on her season and i’m PRAYING that she wins atleast 1 challenge on All Stars, because she deserves it so much. I can’t wait to see what she is gonna do this season!
Naomi Smalls: If there was one girl who has been serving looks lately, it’s been Naomi. She is KILLING it at the visual game and has been delivering constantly. On season 8, i wasn’t necessarily the biggest fan of Naomi (not in the sense that i didn’t like her, there were just other people i was rooting for more). But i can’t deny that she is incredibly pretty and was serving look after look on the runway. Her paper look for the Book Ball AND her scarecrow look for the makeover were both amazing. I feel like Naomi has a big chance of winning, since she is an amazing visual queen, came top 3 on her season and is also not that bad at acting. She is definitely a huge threat and i’m excited to see what she is gonna deliver this season.
Valentina: I have been saying ever since the cast of All Stars 4 got ‘’leaked’’ on Reddit, that Valentina is gonna win. And i stand by it. Reason being is that she left the biggest impact on her season, has the biggest fanbase of all the contestants this year (however you could argue that Naomi does too, if you count Instagram followers). And plus, she has something to prove after the whole maskgate thing. I feel like she could have the best storyline on All Stars 4, and could very well end up winning. Now in terms of what i think of her: i like Valentina, i like her style, i like her ‘’dramatic’’ personality and i think she is absolutely gorgeous and really well-rounded for someone who hasn’t been doing drag for a long time. I think Valentina will be a huge threat for the other girls and i think she will make it very far!
Manila Luzon: The top 2 of season 3 was the closest top 2 in RuPaul’s Drag Race herstory. Raja and Manila pretty much performed the same all through-out the season, so it’s arguable that Manila, out of all the contestants ever, deserves a title and a crown the most. So when she was speculated (and later announced) to be on All Stars 4, i was extremely happy. I don’t care that was already on All Stars 1, cause let’s be honest here: that season was a hot boo boo mess and we all know it. I’m SO excited for Manila to come back. She has so much up her sleeve and is so talented in so many ways. She is campy, polished, glamarous, fun, weird, stupid and ridiculous all at the same time. She WILL BE a very big threat to the other girls, and i believe that Manila will make it very far and possibly even win. I’m so fricking excited for this bitch to kill us all.
Latrice Royale: I can’t think of anyone who doesn’t like Latrice. How can you not like her? We all know that she is the Oprah Winfrey of drag, it’s the truth. Latrice is hilarious, warm, sweet and so incredibly charismatic and charming. I could hear her laugh on a loop for 5 hours and i would still not get sick of it! I love Latrice. Same with Manila, she deserves another chance after that hot mess that was AS1. I think Latrice has all the qualities to make it far, but the only thing i’m concerned about is if she will stand her ground amongst the other competitors. This cast has a lot of strong queens, which makes me afraid that Latrice might fade in the background when it comes to the challenges. I hope i’m wrong, cause i really want her to make it far, so i’m curious to see what’s gonna happen!
Monét X Change: Our sponge queen is back! When Monét was speculated/announced for All Stars 4, i was not suprised at all. Monét was arguably one of the strongest queens on Season 10, and should atleast have won Breastworld or the Cher challenge. Now, i am gonna admit: i’m not THAT big of a fan of Monét. I don’t dislike her at all, but it’s just that i had other queens on Season 10 that i was rooting for more, and she kinda faded in the background for me a little bit. I was just always like: ‘Oh yeah, Monét is there too.’. Ofcourse i hope i get flabbergasted by Monét this season, and that she murders the competition and completely changes my opinion about her. Because she definitely deserves to go very far! And i think she will. She can act, she can sing, she can lip sync, she can dance. She has everything to make it to the top. Good luck Monét!
Gia Gunn: Gia is hilarious. Gia was THE catchphrase queen of Season 6. Good god, i love her. And she is looking absolutely S T U N N I N G these days. On the All Stars 4 press tour photos, she is pretty much the standout queen. I’m so proud of Gia for coming out as transgender and really owning who she is. I’m glad that her transitioning is going so well, i wish her nothing but good things. I definitely think Gia could be a potential dark horse. She has some things up her sleeve that we might not know about, and she might suprise us and actually win some challenges, who knows? I definitely think Gia is an interesting addition to this cast, and i’m excited to see what she is gonna bring.
Jasmine Masters: Y E S! YES. YES. I LOVE, no, i ADORE Jasmine. Her coming back is the right decision, because more Jasmine on my tv? HELL YES! Jasmine is so smart, so funny and so charismatic. She always says what she thinks and i love her for that. She is definitely the meme queen of RPDR and there is no other queen who deserves that title more than her. I’m excited to see what Jasmine is gonna bring. She was an early out on Season 7, and this is a very strong cast, so i’m kinda worried for her. But maybe we’ll get suprised and she’ll completely blow us away this season, who knows.
Farrah Moan: Now, without trying to come across as hateful: Farrah is the queen i’m least excited about. I’m happy for her that she is getting another chance to show what she has to offer, but i kinda feel like what we saw of Farrah on Season 9 was just all she had. She is pretty, has a good sense of style but i just kinda feel like that is it. She doesn’t really have comedic timing, is not a fantastic actress, she doesn’t sing, and her lipsyncs are only okay to me. I hope i’m proved wrong, but i kinda feel like Farrah will be an early out. But like i said, i’m happy for her she is getting another chance!
Okay wow, that were some long ass thoughts. If you made it this far, thank you so much, you’re awesome. Let me know what your thoughts are on the cast, and who are you rooting for the most?
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