#valka delahunt
littlesnowarrow · 6 years
Snow's lock screen, home screen, and last song
Yo! First meme I can actually answer to in less than a day! Ok, so precious @pikapeppa tagged me in this. Thanks love 💙
Lock screen pic by me (I haven't changed it in a year?), Home screen art by the most talented @uriellactaea.
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Tagging forward @uriellactaea, @slothquisitor, @missragdoll84, @lechatrouge673, @rhetoricalrogue, @alittlestarling if you want to play! And everyone else is welcome too ^^
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scottishvix · 6 years
299 Days 1: An Explosive Meeting
A few of you asked, so here is session 1 of our D&D campaign 299 Days (I don’t know why it’s called that, you’ll have to ask the DM). So many thanks to @littlesnowarrow, @rhetoricalrogue, and @alittlestarling for creating Valka, Brie, and Meera to play with Elenia. Thank you to @uriellactaea for the wonderful portrait of Elenia. Biggest thanks of all to @novamm66 for creating this sandbox for us to play in and guiding us through it.
Purl is a small seaport, basically a hub or switching point. Boats come in and boats go out. There isn’t much land transport. The town is small, a village really. There’s a general store, a fishing fleet, and about 20 houses. There are two inns in town; the classier inn is The Clipper and the commoner inn is The Sailor’s Anchor.
Purl is where the adventure started.
Briel Morningstride, a half-orc cleric and blacksmith, arrived in Purl travelling with Magistrate Martin Kirkoff as his bodyguard on the road. He took up lodging in The Clipper, telling Brie that he wouldn’t need her until it was time for him to leave again. Until then, she was free to do as she liked, including making her own accommodation arrangements.
Valka Delahunt, an elven Druid, and Meera, a human Paladin, arrived in Purl on the same boat. Valka ran off to sleep on the beach as soon as it docked. Meera, noticing the elf seemed twitchy and troubled on their voyage, followed to ask if she was okay.
“Yes.” Valka’s answer, was short and sweet. She barely looked at the human checking on her.
“Would you like a drink? Maybe a meal?” Meera tried again.
This time Valka looked at her. “If you’re paying, yes.”
“Oh.” That hadn’t quite been what Meera had meant. “Um… sure.”
Valka quickly stuffed the few belongings she had unpacked back into her bag and the pair headed back up the beach.
Elenia Oceanweaver, a half-elf Bard, was performing on her lyre at The Sailor’s Anchor. She wasn’t on her game but she got a meal and a corner of the kitchen to sleep in exchange. It was far poorer accommodation than she was used to, but she supposed it was better than nothing. She should have thought about grabbing more money before leaving home, but life was more expensive than she had anticipated.
Brie, Meera, and Valka all arrived at The Sailor’s Anchor to eat. Valka and Meera talked over their meals. Well, Meera talked and Valka said as little as she thought she could get away with, given that the stranger had bought her a meal. Valka was on a personal quest and wanted to see a sea storm. Meera was on a quest to raise money for her Temple.
Brie, sitting at the next table, overheard them talking and turned her chair to ask Meera about her money raising. Meera explained that she came from the Temple of Helm, who is the God of Protection. The Temple was in need of repair and the priests had sent her out to try and raise funds to pay for it.
Valka snorted quietly to herself. “He can’t be a very good god if he can’t protect his own Temple.”
Brie ignored the elf. “Here,” she told Meera, passing her a silver. “I’m a cleric of Chauntea myself.”
As they talked, Elenia continued to play, improving as she warmed up, fingers flying over her silver lyre. A couple of patrons tossed her 10 copper in tips, and she flashed them a smile, green eyes peering out from dark lashes.
Brie called the innkeeper over and asked her whether there were any blacksmithing jobs in the area.
The woman considered for a moment “None in town, dear, but there might be something at the shipyard.”
Meera gazed curiously at her new companion. “How can a cleric also be a smith?”
Brie smiled warmly. “I was taught by my Da. I’m only an apprentice but I could do with the work while I’m here.”
As they discussed their lack of travel experience. Brie noticed that Meera was very naïve and looked around to see if anyone less kind had noticed she was a potential target. She also offered to share a room with both Meera and Valka. Meera happily accepted but Valka declined, saying she would sleep on the beach.
The inn started shutting down early. Brie asked the innkeeper if this was normal. The innkeeper said yes because people are back at work tomorrow. Brie and Meera rented a room to share. Elenia bedded down in the kitchen nook. Valka found a large flat rock on the beach where she could meditate.
Something woke Brie in the early hours of the morning. There was no noise but something felt off. She lay quietly and listened but couldn’t figure out what was wrong. She crept downstairs to see if she could find out what it was. A fog has rolled in but she couldn’t otherwise see anything.
At the same time, a little further down the bay, something pulled Valka out of her trance. A fog had rolled in and she felt something was wrong. She could hear an unsettling clicking coming from town. She packed up her camp, pulled out her dagger, and snuck towards the town.
Brie opened the tavern door and the fog rolled in. It felt weird, clammy, and icky. She quickly closed the door, shutting out the foul night air.  
As Valka entered town, a couple of boats and warehouses exploded. The whole town was awake in an instant. Meera grabbed her sword and shield and ran downstairs in her nightgown. Brie ran back up to grab her mace and ran back down. Elenia rolled out of bed, grabbing her dagger and dashed into the main room.
Valka seeing fire, her greatest fear, turned and ran straight into an intangible wall. It knocked her out cold.
Elenia met Meera in the main room of the inn. The innkeeper had already blown through and the front door was wide open.
“Is this normal?” Meera asked.
“Do I look like I’m from here,” Elenia replied. “I don’t fucking know!”
Meera and Brie ran out of the door together. Elenia followed more cautiously, peering out the door. All she could see was moving shadows and smoke.
As Meera reached the middle of the street, she saw an armoured skeleton run a woman through and zombies roaming the town. Brie couldn’t quite make out what was happening through the smoke but did see Meera freaking out, so she knew it wasn’t good.
The skeleton turned to Meera and struck her with a rusty sword, cutting her. Meera swung back with her sword but missed. Elenia saw this and used her Vicious Mockery enchantment to shout, “You smell like a corpse that’s rolled in shite!” psychically damaging it. Brie ran up and walloped it with her mace.
Meera heard the nearby screaming stop and as she dodged another blow from the skeleton shouted towards Brie, “There’s more coming!” She swung back at the skeleton, killing it.
As she crept closer, Elenia saw the slash wound on Meera and sang, “And when you get that feeling, you need Bardic healing,” healing Meera and inspiring Brie.
Brie ran up to a pair of approaching zombies and hit the closest one with her mace, injuring it. Meera swung for the other one, hurting it. Brie’s zombie swung its shiv at her and missed her but Meera wasn’t so lucky and reared back in pain from the zombie’s attack. Elenia concentrated and cast her Bane enchantment on them.
Brie swung again at the shiv-carrying zombie, making it hurt. Meera swung and missed again. Both zombies swung and missed. Elenia laughed at them and cast Vicious Mockery, asking the zombie attacking Brie, “How does it feel to always be the ugliest person in the room?” Brie used the distraction to strike the zombie and kill it.
Meera struck the other zombie hard, really hurting it. It swung and missed her but ignored Elenia trying to mock it. Brie also swung at it, killing it, but it stayed standing. Meera sliced through it, knocking it flat.
Brie suddenly remembered her boss, Magistrate Kirkoff and ran to The Clipper, where he had been staying. Meera and Elenia followed her. By the time they arrived the place was in chaos. The upper floor was in flames and there were a lot of zombies filling the courtyard. Brie saw the Magistrate fighting a well-armoured, well put-together skeleton-like creature with burning eyes. The Magistrate was fighting well but was overwhelmed by the creature and Brie cried out as she watched him run-through.
The Thing he was fighting turned and looked at the three women. Everything went black.
Brie woke up in a small 8x8 cell, stripped of everything but her nightgown. She tested the door but it was locked.
Valka woke next, hearing the rattling of bars.
Elenia woke up and looked at her surroundings. “Well, this is shit,” she commented.
“No kidding,” Valka retorted from across the way.
“Owww, my head,” groaned Meera as she woke.
As they all started complaining about their circumstances, Elenia leaned as far forward as she could in her cell. She could see the door at the end of the hall. There was torchlight flickering under the door but no noise.
Brie kicked her lock, making it shake. She asked if anyone could weaken the lock. Valka said she had an idea. Elenia inspired Valka and she cast Frostbite on her lock. She tried to kick it but she wasn’t striping enough. Brie continued kicking at hers until it broke. Meera tried to kick hers but, still disoriented from blacking out, only succeeded in falling over.  Valka tried to freeze her lock again but missed, giving herself an ice burn.
Brie, now freedom helped Valka get her door open, then went to help Meera open hers as she was still kicking at it. Valka moved over to Elenia, freezing her lock. She called Brie over, and the half-orc gave it a kick, freeing the Bard. With one final kick, Meera got her cell door open.
Valka moved to the main door and peeked round it to see stairs and another door. She wanted to leave but the rest of the group wanted to see if their stuff was in the other room. Elenia snuck over and peeked in. Their things weren’t in there but there were other weapons and armour. They all armed and dressed themselves and prepared to see where they were.
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littlesnowarrow · 6 years
OC Info Meme
Hey! Big thanks to @pikapeppa for tagging me on this. Everyone who wants to play is very welcome to do so :D
I’ll be doing this for Valka, my D&D Wood Elf Druid, just because I haven’t posted much content about her other than the aesthetic stuff.
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Fantastic art by the most talented @uriellactaea <3
Full name: Valka Delahunt
Gender: Female
Sexuality: TBD
Pronouns: She/hers
Family: She had parents once. But a couple of magical lesbian SPOILERS raised her.
Birthplace: Somewhere in the Chondalwoods
Job(s): Troublemaker
Phobias: Fire, halflings
Guilty pleasures: covering her body with dirt (those are not tattoos!), having fun with mushrooms
Hobbies: making fun of Elenia, looking out for squirrels, jumping on tables or any kind of higher ground available, learn more!
Morality alignment: Chaotic Neutral/Good
Sins:  lust / gluttony / pride / envy / wrath / sloth
Virtues:  charity / diligence / humility/ kindness / patience / justice
T H I S   O R   T H A T
introvert / extrovert / in between
organized / disorganized / in between
close-minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / restless / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / flexible
empathetic / unempathetic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
OTP: None (yet?)
Acceptable ships: None
BroTP: None (yet)
NOTP: None
The poor lass hasn’t met that much people yet!
You can also find more about her if you follow this link!
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littlesnowarrow · 6 years
How do your OCs drive?
In A Modern AU, what are your OC’s like as drivers?
I saw this from @lechatrouge673 and @rhetoricalrogue and since I’m bored waiting for the next train (I wrote this at 6am #killme)...
I’ll tag a couple people and see if they want to play! No pressure as always! @scottishvix @novamm66 @alittlestarling @pikapeppa @missragdoll84
Skadi Mahariel
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Evie Hawke
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Eira Lavellan
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Valka Delahunt
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