#valorant killjoy x reader scenario
love your work! could you please write something anout the agents saying “i love you” for the first time to the fem! reader while in a relationship? w/ sova chamber, reyna, skye, & killjoy plz????
I’m so flattered that you love my works! Hope you enjoy this!
~Admin Hurricane
Warnings: none
Word Count: 250+ in Sova’s, 150+ in everyone else’s
Genre: fluff, established relationship
Pairing(s): Sova x F!Reader, Chamber x F!Reader, Reyna x F!Reader, Skye x F!Reader, Killjoy x F!Reader
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The first time he utters the words, “I love you,” and directs it at you was when the two of you were on a duo mission together on Icebox. You’re badly outnumbered, with you badly wounded and Sova with a few scratches here and there. It seems as though your chances at victory are slim. With a grim expression on his face, Sova’s grip tightens on his vandal as he gazes over at you and presses a hand to your cheek. “I love you,” was all he said, his voice gentle as he stood up and ran off. You cried out his name weakly, reaching for him, but wincing in pain as you grabbed at your side, sharp pain ripping through you every time you moved. You could hear the sounds of gunfire, muffled yelling in the distance alerting you of the fight that ensued. You shut your eyes fearful for Sova. A few more shots of rapid fire can be heard and then…silence. Your heart clenches in your chest as you poke your head out from the left side of Yellow, searching for any signs that Sova was dead. Shuffling footsteps to your right, alert you of a presence nearby. You grab your gun, preparing to shoot at whoever decided to sneak up on you. But it’s only Sova, albeit a little bloody and battered but for the most part, he’s come out unscathed. He drops his gun, pulling you into a hug, his warm embrace contrasting the bitter cold of Icebox. 
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Chamber often uses flowery words to express how he’s feeling. When he genuinely tells you, “I love you,” for the first time it’s when the two of you are in his workshop. Both of you are doing your own thing, with Chamber working on new weapon designs and you sitting on a stool, leaning against his desk, your brows furrowed as you furiously tore through the new book you bought. Chamber looks up for a moment, but in that brief moment, he’s mesmerized by you. He finds it adorable how your face is all scrunched up as you focus in on your book, some stray strands of hair hanging over your eyes. Somehow he just can’t take his eyes off of you. You absentmindedly brush it away, continuing with what you were doing, but the strands of hair stubbornly fell back down into your eyes. Chamber chuckles lightly brushing your hair behind your ear, his gaze softening as he looked at you. You jolted out of your trance, looking at him curiously, an eyebrow cocked up, as if you were questioning him. “Y/N,” Chamber cleared his throat, “I love you.” 
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When Reyna first tells you, “I love you,” it’s definitely a spur of the moment, type of thing. Reyna’s words are quick and fleeting, blink and you might miss it. You almost have to ask her to say it again when she says it in passing to you after an intense training session in the training room. “I love you, corazón~” she hums to you, wrapping her hand in yours. “Come again?” you blink in confusion, unsure of if you heard her right, a faint blush on your face. She laughed softly from your reaction, reaching over to lift your chin so that you were looking right at her, “I said, I love you, hm?” You try to sputter out a response, completely caught off guard and flustered by her words. You bury your face in your hands, the back of your neck heating up, and you’re sure the tips of your ears are flushed as well. 
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Skye’s “I love you,” may seem absentminded at first, but she means every word that she says. She’s down to earth and doesn’t beat around the bush when it comes to speaking her mind. Though the two of you are already together, you can’t help the pounding of your heart as she earnestly grabs at your hand, flashes you a bright smile and utters the three words you were hoping to hear. “I love you,” falls easily from her lips as she presses a kiss to your cheek, before pressing soft kisses to your hand, then to your knuckles, then your fingertips. You press your free hand to your face, looking away, embarrassed(in a good way) by her show of affection. “I love you so, so much,” she continues, leaning in and wrapping an arm around your waist, pulling you in close. The sunlight that streamed through the broken roof of the Range dappled her face, highlighting the faint freckles on her face.
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The two of you are playing League when you hear Killjoy mutter a quiet, “I love you,” through party vc. You don’t think she’s being serious because when she said it, it was right after you saved her ass from being killed from behind. There’s a brief moment of silence between the two of you as you continue gaming, focused on the task at hand. “Uh hello? I love you, Y/N,” you hear her say once more, but louder this time, “I’m being serious y’know, I don’t just say it to anyone,” she laughed, her laughter reverberating softly. You stop, trying to process her words, “Are you saying that just to mess with me?” you scoff. “No of course not, why would I mess with you when we’re literally on the verge of winning,” she said. You could tell she was smiling as she spoke, but decided to leave it be, trying to stifle the grin that was trying to worm it’s way onto your face.
Reminder that my requests are closed for the time being! However, when I reopen them again, be sure to send something my way if you’re interested! Requesting Rules are here!
Want more of my writing? Be sure to check out my masterlist. Wanna know what else I’ll write for? Here you go!
Thanks for reading and have a lovely day!
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kanaesparadise · 2 years
Valorant Agents Jealousy Levels
Type: Headcanons/Fluff
Warnings: Some threats, cursing, zapping things, insecurities (idk is this a warning?? Maybe can trigger smthng)
Characters: Jett, Killjoy, Skye, Neon, Fade, Chamber, Yoru
Pronouns: They/Them
Jett - 8/10
"Hello! I'm jealous, what's your name?" type.
Even though she has no intention of keeping you to herself, seeing other people make you laugh gets on her nerves.
How can they make you happy like her? Isn't she enough for you?
Did they have to talk to you all the time? Couldn't they find another friend?
She knows that you're the perfect thing in the world but you're in love with her, right????
She wants to take you away from that person as soon as possible but she cannot do anything unless you are uncomfortable.
She's the secret insecure girlfriend, trust me.
She feels terrible when she sees you talking and joking with someone else closely.
Of course she knows that you love her, but she can't help her insecurities.
But if someone was flirting with you in a way that made you uncomfortable, she would have no reason to feel insecure. She got a reason to beat them up.
She would come up to you quickly and get between you and the person who made you uncomfortable.
"It's not nice to meet you at all, if you want to ask anything you can ask me 'cause you're bothering them. And I really don't like that."
A very protective girlfriend, she can't stand anyone bothering you.
Killjoy - 3/10
"I don't have time for that, have fun." type.
It doesn't bother her that you talk or spend more time with others because she gets pretty busy.
She also thinks it would be selfish if she wanted to keep you by her side all the time while she was working.
However, if you spend time with others when she needs love and attention, she will not say anything, but will feel your absence.
If she needs you to be with her, she'll snuggle and distract you while you talking with your friends.
"You can talk to them later, I missed you."
If she notices someone flirting in a way that makes you uncomfortable, she won't be angry but find it ridiculous.
It's pretty obvious that you didn't like these trash pick-up lines, why would someone who wanted you keep doing things you didn't like? It's not a way to get you!
She wouldn't just watch though, it was child's play for her to drive away someone who was bothering you.
While the other person was talking to you, she would hold your hand and drive you away.
She shows them that she didn't care about what they're doing, she can take you somewhere whenever she want.
If they have a courage to shout behind you, Killjoy's turret would appear in front of them, marking them as enemies.
"Don't worry, they weren't got any severe wound. Just a few scratches~"
Skye - 2/10
"Did you have fun with them? Then, that's good!" type.
Skye is someone who can get along pretty well with your friends, I'm sure they'll love her and respect her.
She loves seeing you smile so she don't have any problem with them, you can have fun with anybody who you trust!
She can even take them for a walk in the mountains if they want.
If she wanted to spend time alone with you, she would playfully tell the person next to you that she have to pick you up for very very important thing!
What? Quality times with your lover is really important thing! Don't underestimate these things please!
"Sorry to interrupt but I have to pick you up for a while (Y/N). I think it will not be a problem for you. Right, mate?"
Other than that, if someone was flirting in a way that made you uncomfortable, she definitely wouldn't like it.
At first, she only warns them verbally. After all, nobody wants a fight in the public, right?
Are they ignore her and keep bothering you? Now I guess they want a fight with this nature girl!
"I suggest you get away from them or I'll have no hesitation in ruining that pretty face of yours."
Try to calm her down because she's not saying these words to scare them!
Neon - 5/10
"I'm not jealous, I just don't trust them." type.
She really doesn't trust your friends. It doesn't matter what kind of person they are.
When Neon meets a friend of yours for the first time, She may not get along well with your friends because she is a very outspoken person.
If she doesn't like any of their features, she won't be very nice to your friend.
Your friend's speech style, appearance, voice, behavior... can be anything. If she didn't like them, she can't be polite to them.
She cares a lot about how they treat you. She won't stay silent when something bad is said to you, even if it's a joke.
"If you think you can do better than them, I insist you to try."
Someone make you uncomfortable around her? Is this a joke? Are they trying to die?
She may complain about her inability to control her powers, but she thinks it can be useful at times like these.
So please stop her or she'll gonna zap them with no hesitation.
"I don't want to hurt you, I want to hurt them! How can they dare to act you like that!?"
Any disrespect to the person Neon loves will not be forgiven. They can try her if they want to get zapped that badly.
Fade - 3/10
"Have fun. If you looking for me, I'm here." type.
She's usually don't care about your friend activities.
BUT please don't forget about her too, she doesn't want you to forget her from spending too much time with your friends.
She never talk about this, but it gets easier after a while to understand that she is upset.
She doesn't want to seem selfish, she's very loyal to you, so she knows you'll treat her with the same loyalty.
She loves listening to you tell her what you did with your friends during the day when you get home.
"You look pretty happy, balım (honey in turkish), what did you do today?"
If someone is talking or acting in a way that makes you uncomfortable, it's something that will bother her too.
She already knows that you are loyal to her, so she doesn't care at first.
But things change completely if she realizes that you're just uncomfortable with it and you can't push that person away.
She's coming to be their nightmare!
"Should I torture you or you're just gonna run away?"
She's already a scary woman with her everything so that's too easy for her. You're completely safe with her <3
Chamber - 3/10
"You're going out? That's good, I'm a little busy here." type
He's like Fade, he don't care about your friends and your friend activities.
But he wants to be your number one priority.
If you have scheduled a date with him, but later say that you promised to go somewhere with your friends, he will not like it at all.
You had to do it to your friends, not him!
He cares about his quality time with you so he woldn't let anybody to distract you.
"Please ignore them for this night, ma chérie (darling in french). You're with me right now."
Is someone bothering you? In a few seconds, the guards would have taken that person away from you.
Chamber doesn't like to get his hands dirty for those who will waste his time, it's more elegant to play by the rules.
"Don't worry, ma chérie. They won't be able to approach you again, I promise."
Yoru - 10/10
"Why should I share you? They can find a new friend." type.
Don't get me wrong; he's just a jealous, not a restrictive one. Of course you can do anything with your friends.
Buuut he didn't likes them at all.
Most of the time, Yoru is the cause of misunderstandings.
It's not about your friends, he didn't like to see another agent with you too but he's not talking about that.
Like Chamber, he wants to be your number one priority no matter what happens.
He always has an excuse to keep you around so be prepared!
HATES to admit that he's jealous. You can't never him hear to say that he's jealous.
"Totally bullshit! I'm not jealous! Are you lose your mind? Why would I be!?"
I don't know Yoru, why would you be?
He's already a jealousy type, he can't stand if he sees that someone bothers you in a bad way.
It's just a toy for him to get his nerves for a while.
Just like a punching bag.
Please stop him or he will start a big physical fight in public.
"I was looking for a someone to fight. Good to see you, asshole!"
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agentgumsh0e · 2 years
could you please do the same you did for the younger sister-like agent but for an older sister-like one? they were really good.
being protocol's "older sibling"
word count: 540+
warnings: none
notes: the agents are sorted into categories based on how i thought they would act (you can talk about how i did in the comments), some have special headcanons, some don't
congrats! (regardless of your age) you're the older sibling in the protocol family! :)
younger siblings who can take care of themselves: brimstone, sage, viper, omen, yoru, sova, skye, cypher, reyna, kay/o, fade (basically everyone who acts their age)
self-explanatory. they don't quite need your wisdom or direction since they operate fine by themselves (though yoru is a special case), but if you check in on them, they'll probably check in on you too. do these people really count as your younger siblings though?
younger siblings who are lowkey distant: viper, yoru, omen, reyna
for one reason or another, these people are distant. viper and reyna are reluctant to ask for your help because they want to be independent and in charge of their own problems, you have to get really close to omen for him to open up, and yoru is too prideful to frequently rely on you.
younger siblings who look to you for guidance: sova, yoru, neon, jett, astra, kay/o, killjoy, fade
no matter how mature they may be already, they still want your advice on some matters.
grudgingly, yoru would admit that he wants your advice on certain things.
killjoy, neon, and jett are always people to look up to their older siblings.
being the watcher of the cosmos gets stressful at times. though you may not know what astra is talking about exactly, she comes to you for guidance.
sova is always one to look for wisdom since he wants to improve himself. fade is somewhat the same and has some emotional baggage that she could use some help with.
kay/o needs help with all his emerging ‘human' emotions and his traumatic memories from another timeline.
younger siblings who are, well, younger siblings: phoenix, jett, raze, neon
also self-explanatory. these agents are immature. they do a lot of stupid stuff and cannot go unchecked. do not give in to them (or do, if you're that kind of older sibling).
these guys also kind of fit into the ‘make them eat lunch’ category, but more because you have to look after them and ensure that the kitchen is not burned down. that or they're too busy playing games or the like to eat.
younger siblings who are pain in the asses in a different way: breach, raze, chamber, yoru
chamber is great to pick on since…i mean, have you looked at him and how he acts? he's trying too hard to impress you and everyone else. you gotta watch raze and breach to make sure they're not doing anything illegal for the fifth time this week. and yoru’s sneaking (more like teleporting) out again. you can't really do much about that.
younger siblings who you would make eat lunch because they skipped it: cypher, omen, viper, fade, killjoy
when i said that some of these people can take care of themselves, it doesn't mean they do it well. they probably neglect themselves and their own needs, so regardless if they want your help, they're going to get it.
cypher and killjoy are tech nerds who need to get a breath of fresh air away from their machinery. viper is the same with her lab.
omen and fade say that they don't need sleep. they do. and some therapy.
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swiftyangx12 · 1 year
“Pot”luck, anyone? [Valorant SNL Parody #3]
[Synopsis]: I think Raze brought more than Bolinhos for the Valorant Potluck.
Gender Neutral Reader
[Warning]: Drugging
[A/N]: I just love Simu Liu and his acting skills.
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[Emergency Services, 8:37 p.m]
[Y/N]: *At their part-time job as a 911 operator*
[Phone rings.]
[Y/N]: 9-1-1, what’s your emergency?
Killjoy: Uh, yes. Hi. I think I might be dead.
[Y/N]: Wait. Killjoy? You think you’re dead?
Killjoy: Uh, yes. I’m at the VP potluck and I think Raze added something in her share of food. I think it’s THC and I think I O.Ded and now I’m dying or I believe myself to be dead. So can you send the hospital to here, please?
[Y/N]: Okay, KJ, you cannot O.D. on marijuana.
Killjoy: No, but I did because when I breathe, the air goes down into my stomach like food. Not like breathing air. So I believe I’m dying. Will I be like this forever, [Y/N]?
Raze: Hey babe! Who are ya callin’? *Grabs Killjoy’s phone* What’s up?
[Y/N]: Hi Raze, this is 9-1–1 Emergency Services, and it’s me, [Y/N].
Raze: Oops. Sorry, [Y/N]. Me and the others are just chilling and eating everything. I also made Bolinhos for everyone to try which has a little secret inside.
Killjoy: You tell them I’m dead?
Raze: We’re fine and alive! Just loosening up some of the agents. See ya soon!
[Y/N]: See you soon. *Ends call*
[Phone rings.]
[Y/N]: 9-1-1, what’s your emergency?
Sova: Yes, hello. My name is Sasha Novikov and I am dead.
[Y/N]: Sova?! Don’t tell you consumed Raze’s food.
Sova: Yes, you must come here, but I’m not where time is. Will you still be able to come here even though I’m not where time is?
[Y/N]: Now, Sova, I promise you. You’re fine and you are where time is. Did you learn what was in her food?
Sova: Raze whispered to me. It’s weed…
[Y/N]: Have you ever smoke marijuana or ingested cannabis related substances before?
Sova: Yeah, once when Fade gave me these gummy worms a few months back.
[Y/N]: Okay, the weed of today is much stronger and that’s why you’re having this reaction. Also directly from the source is stronger as well.
Sova: Oh, are you mad at me?
[Y/N]: No, Sova. Is there someone who’s more mellow that I can speak to?
Sova: Oh yes, Agent Jett is right here.
Jett: *Takes the phone* Yes~
[Y/N]: Hi, Jett. Are you okay?
Jett: Yes, I was, but I’m dead now.
[Y/N]: Great. Okay, you too.
Jett: Does everyone know we’re high? Do people know?
[Y/N]: I do.
Jett: Oooh my god. You guys, everyone knows. *Ends call*
[Y/N]: Pfft. Raze needs to stop drugging people.
[Phone rings.]
[Y/N]: Hello, 9-1-1, what’s your emergency?
Sova: Yes, are you still mad at me?
[Y/N]: I never was, Sova.
Sova: Okay, well…Could you please send the hospital to here, please?
[Y/N]: Sova, I never done this in my 2 years as a 9-1-1 operator, but I’m hanging up on you. Good night. *Ends call*
[Phone rings.]
[Y/N]: Yes?
Phoenix: Yes, hello? Is this 9-9-9?
[Y/N]: Jamie? This is 9-1-1.
Phoenix: Splendid. Uh send every ambulance in the world to me, please?
[Y/N]: *Irritated now* Did you eat Raze’s food at the VP potluck, too?
Phoenix: Yes, and my head feels burning hot, but if I cool it off, my ideas and memories will escape. I need help with this. Come now. Thank you. Good bye. *Ends call*
[Y/N]: Oh my god. I’m gonna have a word with Raze on this one for wasting my damn time.
[Phone rings.]
[Y/N]: 9-1-1, what’s your emergency?
Raze: Hey [Y/N]!
[Y/N]: Let me guess. You’re dead. You know, I can’t keep taking these calls from you all. There are real emergencies we need to deal with.
Raze: Well, I got one for ya. We thought it would be a good idea to use Phoenix’s fiery head to toast marshmallows, but he was laying belly down under the table and caught the table cloth on fire. The whole kitchen is on fire. Classic stoner move! Hahahaha!
[Y/N]: What the fuck?! Get Varun to put out the fire! *Works on their computer to delete the recording of the 9-1-1 calls*
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[Reblogs helps creators and creates for more content]
[Tagged]: @hhurric4ne @luckyowl @l0serloki @monin1ca
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astolary · 2 years
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( Synopsis ) The hymns of paradise intertwined me with your beautiful existence. It’s gorgeously disgusting.
( Author’s Note ) Part 2 will contain the remaining agents + Fade!  — I am so sorry for Breach’s header because Riot didn’t make a cinematic with him yet so I had to use the one from Fade’s trailer :’D
( Pairings ) Separate! Astra, Breach, Brimstone, Chamber, Cypher, Jett, Killjoy, Kay/o, and Omen! x GN! Reader.
( Word Count ) 1.8k words // EDITED!
( 1 ) anak, buhok mo! — means “child, your hair!” in Filipino.
( 2 ) I am not a saging. Di ako pritong saba. — means “I am not a banana. I am not a fried banana.” in Filipino.
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[ star chosen: if your soulmate is listening to music you can faintly hear it too, the louder it is the closer the both of you are . ]
ASTRA sang whenever she felt the need to lift the atmosphere. Are teammates fighting childishly over nonsense? Nah, she got you fam, she’s been singing in the shower half the morning for a reason! Most of the music she listens to is the genre that she feels at the moment, that way it can be a form of communication between the both of you! If she felt calm, lofi music would be the playlist of the day. Did she feel expensive? Let her pull up some tunes from the internet. Homesick? Traditional music that hailed from her homeland. 
I can see Astra being the type who is perfectly chill with the types of music you listen to. Music is an international language that should be respected by all! The hours and dedication that are composed into one piece, mwah. 
Astra would probably ask her fellow friends if they're familiar with the music you were listening to so that she can get some hints about where you were from or what you liked. Little did she know you did the same.
Ah, Ghana music. Maybe that’s where they’re from?
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[ star chosen: figuring out who your soulmate is by touching them . ]
BREACH sometimes wondered what it was like to touch with hands. What did pillows feel like? I mean yeah, it was comfy for the head, but Raze said they felt like clouds. Since hands are one of the more sensitive parts of human anatomy, surely they must feel softer. Was it easier to type into his phone? Was it easier to massage his back?
If he had to figure out his soulmate by touch, maybe he accidentally stepped on their foot? Maybe they crash into each other for some cliché reason? Hopefully, you can understand Breach. He’s already lost so much but gained so much more. He learned to make a name for himself. He certainly hopes you're up to the task of dealing with him. If you hate him? He’ll hate you too. If you're up to getting to know each other, just give him a moment.
Relationships were fleeting. The fleeing rays of the morning sunlight were so close to his grasp, that they could slip away from him. With his dangerous job and background, please just give him some time. Lmao what if he accidentally broke Sova's bow so Sova slapped his face then
To whoever I’m going to give my heart to in the future, hold it gently as I hold yours.
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[ star chosen: there’s a journal that allows them to write back and forth with their soulmate . ]
The internet was one of BRIMSTONE’S many weaknesses. Too many buttons, and too many things to remember. That was why he was glad he could talk to you through the pen and paper, the good old-fashioned way. He could write down all his worries to you without having to disclose any potential information the public and his enemies may take advantage of. It was just Brimstone writing down in a journal. Hacking? Nope, you’d have to steal his journal first. And he knew you recognized his handwriting, so it was all safe.
Some days, he would draw the burgers he and Killjoy grilled together. Other times, he would preserve flowers he picked up from other countries and place them as a bookmark to where the both of you last left off. Sometimes, it would even be him asking questions he found embarrassing to ask his subordinates.
Given the time zone differences, if there were any, he’s grateful to you. Maybe it won’t be a romantic soulmate relationship, but just a best friend soulmate relationship. His friend would be proud.
I just hope I can lift some of their burdens.
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[ star chosen: anything you draw/write on your skin appears on your soulmate . ]
When CHAMBER was younger, every single day the both of you would write to each other. He would write on his arms what he would learn during the day, and for some reason, you would draw on your forehead to tease him. You both didn’t mind. It was a daily routine.
But then radianite was introduced. His views on humanity changed. He stopped writing to you. You were confused, did you draw something that offended him? Multiple apologies were written on his arms. So, to ignore them, he decided to tattoo them. Every part of his body that was once a fragment of a beautiful memory, was hidden away by streaks of gold.
The universe has ways of toying with feelings. And just when he taught he finally forgot you, your stupid and funny innuendoes tucked away down Niagara Falls, you reappeared once more.
Haha loser we’re stuck together till we’re old and wrinkly >:)
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[ star chosen: your heart beats your soulmate's name in morse code . ]
CYPHER was a man of many talents. Especially all the skills he picked up during his time as an information broker. The morse code was something Cypher found especially useful. A form of communication without the need for coding or speaking? Count him in.
Sage came to him one time after a mission. “Your heartbeat never changes, Cypher. It scares me.” Sage expressed to him. “Whether you come back after a journey of thrill, or if you're in a situation where your heart is supposed to palpitate in shock, it remains the same.”
Cypher thought back to this moment from time to time. Maybe, just maybe, that was his soulmate's name.
Amir El Amari. Amir El Amari. That name is forever engraved on your mind. You did not survive the morse code classes you were enrolled in just to forget your soulmate's name.
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[ star chosen: there's a counter on your arm that tallies the number of times you passed by your soulmate . ]
JETT was fast. One of the fastest in the world. And sometimes, she tends to take this aspect to her advantage. Which means speed running through the grocery store, speed-running through her chores, and speed-running through all the things she's too lazy to do. No, she's practicing how to control her powers more efficiently!
“Wow, you sure passed your soulmate a damn amount of times, wind girl.” Yoru glanced at her bicep. “Huh? What do you mean?” Jett thought she didn't even have a soulmate in the first place. “Idiot, the marks on your bicep are a tally.” Oh.
To her horror and dismay, she passed by you 620 times. You were joking, right? Of course, you were, you were playing with her.
Nah, and tell the girl who passed by me 620 times she's my soulmate? Where's the fun in that?
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[ star chosen: there's a timer on your wrist that counts down until you meet your soulmate for the first time . ]
Negative. It was negative years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds, until KAY/O would meet you. A robot with a soulmate? Bless his creator who generously gave him one. But how would you react to him? Will you be disgusted by him? Instead of warmth and smiles, you would be greeted by a walking online encyclopedia and metal.
Later, disaster struck. There was no time for romance. The clock that was usually displayed on the corner of his wrist was long forgotten by him.
Kill All Your Opponents. He was mankind’s last savior. Foolish mortals, can’t radiants and humans live in peace? With the last solution, he traveled back in time. The clock displayed on his wrist started moving rapidly. Malfunctioning. Malfunctioning. Automatic reset triggered.
And when Kay/o arrived at the destined timeline? 1 week. He will meet you in 1 week.
Uh, I have a feeling my soulmate is old as fuck.
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[ star chosen: whenever you lost something, it somehow always ends up with your soulmate . ]
The young German engineer KILLJOY was a bright woman, but she could be ignorant. Her room was pristine and organized, everywhere placed in drawers and cabinets so that she could find it. But her mind? A beautiful mess. Ideas were popping out from nowhere, left and right. There were machines and blueprints she could make, but there was no more coffee. Why, cruel world?
Your brain will never match the same pace as Killjoy’s, which you immediately figured out. You forgot where you placed your wallet? Some random math equation would pop into your head just when you think you already said farewell to mathematics.
You lost your things, she lost what she was thinking about. So now papers and video game consoles were piled up in her “random” drawer, while you were thinking about how to make a robot to defy gravity in space by making gravity happen in space.
Wait, I thought my soulmate was like an engineer or something, when did gravity come into the picture? Oh, wait, physics, oh, ok.
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[ star chosen: if you dye your hair, your soulmate's hair color changes too . ]
"NEON, (1) anak, buhok mo!" 
Neon raised an eyebrow as to why her mom was pointing at her hair. Her hair was the same? Maybe it's just the bed hair. She glanced at the vanity mirror across her room. Oh my gosh, why is her hair yellow.
No, no no no no no. She can't show up to practice like this. (2) I am not a saging. Di ako pritong saba. 
Why, did you pick the color of a freaking Faber castell yellow highlighter? Is there something wrong with you?
“Ma! I’m going to the hair salon!” Neon brought the matter to her own hands. Blue. Any color would have been so much better than sunshine yellow. 90% of her hair was bleached blue, 10% bleached yellow. And of course, it was fair, you did it without her permission!
Thank goodness my soulmate has a better sense of style than me.
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[ star chosen: the outline of your shadow is your soulmate . ]
After everything that transpired, OMEN was quite literally a shadow. A slight ribbon of relief slipped through Sage and Viper when it sank in. They didn't ruin everything for Omen, he still had his soulmate. His supposed other half. The supposed light in his darkness which would grab his hands from the pits of the endless dark. Lmao so there's a literal shadow as your shadow.
After Omen's physical form was long gone, your shadow would hide along with his, creating a fuzzled yet extraordinary figure of the both of you side by side. To his co-workers, it was just a shadow, but he saw yours as clear as day.
Friends and family shrieked once the form of your soulmate's shadow changed. What was that behind you?
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astolary 2022 — do not edit, repost, or translate.
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♡〜request: Since you want Valorant requests, here we go! May I ask a making-out scenario with Cypher and Sova separately. Thank you~ Love your writings btw😘😍- @runeterrankhaleesi​〜♡
Cypher and Sova x gender neutral reader
Thank you! In the middle of this I didn't know how to say "stick your tongue in his mouth" in a less weird way.
Requested: Yes
Warnings: making out, swearing
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"Hey." You're chilling in the common area of HQ, a living room and small kitchen combo, when Cypher strolls on in. You're not quite sure why he's here, 'cause usually he's in his workshop either working or spying on people, and you haven't called for him either.
"Hey." You greet back. You suppose he's grabbing a snack, so you don't move to put away your book.
"(y/n)." He doesn't speak like he usually does, which is to say energetically. Curious, you glance up. Before you can say anything, Cypher makes himself comfy on your lap. Perhaps he wanted to sit and talk with you, though it's rare at this time of day and in this room. Mind you, there’s enough space on the couch for him to sit elsewhere. He takes your book from your hands, sticking the bookmark in the page and putting it on the bedside table.
"Something the matter?" You suspect something's wrong, what's wrong you don't know.
"I'm bored!" He exclaims, finally in his usual tone. You let out a visible sigh of relief which Cypher doesn't take notice of. "Everybody's on a mission except for Omen and he doesn't give me any information! There's only so much to do around here when there's no one to spy on!" As devastating and whiny his words are, you don't feel as if he's all that dejected.
"And I assume you've got an idea?"
He nods eagerly. He pulls back his mask and gives you a cheeky grin. You're stunned for a second - you rarely see Cypher without his mask - because boy, is he beautiful.
"Let's make out."
It takes a few minutes for you to process what he just said, but when you do, you sputter about for something to say. "What? Aamir, I.." Not like you haven't kissed or even done something more before, but in here? "Right here?"
Cypher nods, letting out a mischievous laugh. "Why not?"
"Somebody could see you without your mask." Cypher is a private man, his face is private information. "Omen has a tendency to hide in the shadows."
"Omen is Omen, he won't say a thing." Even if that logic sounds bad, it's true. Unless he's feeling mischievous, which usually he isn't. "Besides, I put silent tripwires everywhere. I know where everyone steps, except when the radiants use their powers for transportation, for some reason. And they usually don't."
Cypher lets out an eager giggle. "Thank you, love." 
He brings you in for a kiss, hands cupping your cheeks and tugging at your bottom lip already. He kisses you with all his might, running out of breath quickly. He pulls back with a disappointed pout, though it's his mistake, not yours. "Eager?" You raise a brow, watching him take a deep breath.
"What does it look like?" He says with sass. Before you can retort, he leans in again. He kisses you slightly open mouthed, allowing you to use your tongue. He moans and sucks on it. 
Your hands trail down from his waist to his hips slowly, bringing shivers down his spine. "(y/n).." Cypher breathes out, pulling back from your kiss. "God, I love you."
You chuckle, "Love you too." You bring him back into a kiss with your hand. Unfortunately for him, he wanted it to stay on his hips. He gets very preoccupied with your kisses, but he prefers your hands on his hips or somewhere lower. He brings your hand back to his hip. Much to his dismay, you hook your hands together at his tailbone. He has a feeling you know what you're doing.
"Lower." Cypher pulls back from your kiss, moving forward slightly so that he hovers a bit over your lap.
"Hmm?" You hum in feigned confusion, teasingly tapping your fingers against his lower back.
"Lower." He repeats, expecting you to get the hint. He doesn't want to beg or ask just yet, those are reserved for other things.
You raise a brow, "Lower what?"
He groans in frustration, now assured that you're playing with him. "Your hands."
"My ass, where else?" It's clear in his tone that his patience has run out.
"Mkay, mkay." You chuckle, moving your hands under his coat and where he wants them. You play with his plump ass through the rough fabric of his pants, smiling at his low groans. "Like that?"
"Yeah." He breathes shakily, closing his eyes in content. “Like that.”
Deciding you want to hear more of his beautiful moans, you kiss down his jaw, hoping he gets the hint. He does, removing his coat and giving you a freer reign over his body. He leaves it to drape over his shoulders, though, covering your frame as well. After all, it’s a lot of unnecessary extra fabric that he calls it style. 
You kiss over his neck, nipping here and there to tease him. He loves being marked, even if no one will even see the hickeys, since they’re covered with his coat. You kiss right above his Adam's apple before biting that same spot, prompting a groan from his lips. “Fuck.” He mutters, which makes you snicker. You continue to kiss and bite until you hear a small beep coming from.. somewhere you don’t know.
“The team has arrived at the hanger.” Cypher states with a sigh. He gives you a cheeky smile, but leans away from you. “This was fun.”
“Mhm.” You lean forward to place a kiss on Cypher’s nose before he can mask it. He pulls you in for a proper kiss on the lips, which lasts until you hear another beep. He doesn’t explain what that one means, and you have a feeling he doesn’t intend to, though he seems in a bit of a rush.
He places his mask and hat over his head, just in time for Sage and Yoru to walk into the room. They’re both probably looking for some nourishment after a tough mission, leaving Brimstone to the paperwork aftermath. Sage will most likely not stay long to bring Brimstone some food too, Yoru is here for food and entertainment.
“Hello.” Sage greets. She looks at you once and doesn’t spare you a second glance. You and Cypher were both recruited before she was, and she’s gotten used to your overly touchy relationship.
“Hey.” You greet a small bit awkwardly. If it was only Sage you wouldn’t mind, but Yoru was your newest agent; He’s not quite used to it as she is, in fact, he’s somehow avoided your lovey-dovey PDA moments unintentionally.
“Hello.” Cypher greets enthusiastically.
Yoru looks up from his phone to greet you. As much of an emo edgy teen he is, Brimstone taught him respect, enough to greet people and say thank you without a roll of his eyes. Before he can, however, his eyes widen a small bit at the sight of you. Sage glances at him and shakes her head with a laugh, turning back towards the kitchen.
“You’re…” He trails off, though you know what he meant to say. The both of you nod and Yoru’s mouth pulls into a grimace.
Sage glances over again. “You’re going to have to get used to it. PDA is nonexistent for them.”
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“Goodmorning, love.” Sova greets from the counter of the breakfast bar, tea cup in hand. He leans against it rather than sitting at it, which is a bit strange until you spot the dish drying rack. Looks like he was just on his way out.
“Goodmorning.” You greet with a smile. While you crave going back to sleep in the morning, Sova is enough to give you a small boost of energy. 
Just then, you catch a whiff of coffee, making you raise an eyebrow. You and Sova are the only ones awake this early in the morning, so the only explanation is Sova made coffee for you… either that or Killjoy made coffee. Then again, she has her own energy drinks in her room so you don’t know why she wouldn’t get those. “Is that coffee I smell?”
“Yea.” Sova smiles, handing you your cup of coffee from behind him.
You trap him against the counter as you sip the coffee. “Thanks, love.” 
Sova’s face flushes at the use of a pet name - despite the fact he’d called you the same thing just a few minutes earlier - and your newfound position. Even so, he doesn’t move to push you away. “No problem.”
You put your cup aside along with his, which makes him tilt his head in curiosity. It washes away when you give him a morning kiss, a thank you kiss, and a few more meaningless kisses. Sova reciprocates every single one of them, albeit a little sheepishly. “Something the matter?” You ask between kisses.
“No.” He nearly stutters.
“Then?” You ask, pulling him up to sit on the counter, hoping there’s nothing else behind him; luckily, there isn’t. He flushes a bright red, though instinctively spreading his legs for you to stand between them.
“Well, this.” He gestures vaguely towards the two of you.
Your hands find their place on his hips, “And what’s this?” You know full well what he means, but it’s always fun to tease Sova. He’s easily flustered and way too cute for his own good.
“Making out.”
“Who said this was making out?” You stop kissing him, which means Sova can finally catch a breath. “Haven’t even used tongue yet.”
“I know but–” You cut him off with a kiss.
“You and I are the only ones here right now. Brim and Sage are in their offices, everybody else is sleeping.” Your reasoning is sound, but Sova can’t help but doubt it. He’s not one for PDA. Although he makes his exceptions at times, making out is definitely not something you should be doing in ‘public’.
Instead of giving you a ‘fine’ or ‘okay’, he sighs and pulls you in for a kiss. You smile into the kiss, which he takes note of.
He doesn’t understand how you take pride in kissing his face off.
Your lips dance slow and sensual. Sova tugs at your bottom lip hungrily and his legs wrap around your waist to pull you closer, as if he hadn’t been questioning you earlier. You kiss him as if he were delicate, though he's far from it. His hands cup your cheeks, they emanate a warmth that contrasts against the cold of HQ’s incessant AC.
He moans when your tongue prods his lips open, sucking on it when it enters his. Your hands find his long hair, and god, do you love it. He treats it well; consequently, it’s soft and wonderful to thread through. Not to mention it smells like flowers, which you can smell still smell a few feet away. You play with it, tugging it and wrapping a lock around your finger every so often. The tugging evokes short, low groans from his throat along with the occasional curse. 
“Shit.” He whispers softly against your lips, causing you to pull back a bit to chuckle.
You tug his hair again, “Do you like that?”
Sova bites his lip, “Yeah.” 
Almost immediately, he pulls you in for another kiss. It’s a quick, eager kiss before he pulls back again. The feeling of its eagerness had put you off, you’d expected more of them. That’s why you were a little shocked when he pulled back to nibble on your ear. “Mark me.”
“Mmh” You hum in pleasure. The sheer seductive and possessive nature his tone held was enough to make you shiver.
He moves his hair and cowl off his shoulders to give you more access to his neck. Your hands trail to his thighs to keep your steady; whilst you’d lost the feeling of his hair, you took more joy in making your love known with marks.
Your kisses are enough to make him groan, so imagine what biting might do. You nip the spots before biting, licking each mark. When you feel as though you’ve marked him plenty, you move back a little to admire your work. You basically purr at the sight, which makes Sova laugh. 
Before either of you can say anything, Omen seems to have emerged from the shadows. “People are coming.”
The both of you jump at Omen’s sudden arrival. Sova quickly adjusts his cowl to cover the hickeys while you turn to your resident spooky ghost boy. “How long have you been here?”
He seems to shrug, “Didn’t see much but I’d figured you might like a warning.”
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runeterrankhaleesi · 3 years
hello! may i request for a cypher x female agent reader oneshot where the reader has astraphobia (fear of lightning) and cannot sleep alone during a thunderstorm so she goes to cypher’s room. cypher makes fun of her at first but after realizing that she’s actually afraid, he’s quick to comfort her and welcome her in his arms? thank you so much!! 💚💚
[A/N: Hello, my darling, how are you? I’ve seen this before in another Valorant blog so I guess I’ll have to spice it up a little bit. Thank you for the green hearts, I appreciate it. Thank you for making a request. You may ask again for more.]
Scenario of Cypher with a Female Agent s/o who has Astraphobia
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     You trembled in fear as you hid beneath your blankets. A lightning flashed on your window, followed by a booming thunder that had you draw back deeper into the comfort of your bed. You hated this, you hated thunderstorms and everything about it. Only little girls and boys fear lightning, not grown adults!
     The sky was pitch black dark, while it was still calm, you made a run for Cypher’s lab. You knew he was up at this late of hour-along with Killjoy and Viper-you bumped into his chest and just laid your head there, wounding your arms tight around his torso.
     “You’re here in my lab, because...?” Cypher drawled, asking the reason of your sudden appearance. You clutched his shirt, your hands balling into fists as you whispered why. Then he laughed. Actually laughed. “This is hilarious!” Cypher threw his head back in laughter. Then you spotted another lightning, followed by another crack of thunder, you whimpered, snuggling into Cypher more. “Are you really afraid?” You nodded meekly. You felt Aamir’s arm wrap around you, “Alright, I’m sorry.” His maskless face gave him the opportunity to kiss the top of your head, “But you don’t have to be afraid. I’m right here.”
✨~Requests are open!~✨
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kanaesparadise · 2 years
hello! i really love your scenarios, you have an incredibly creative mind!
could i ask for some kiss headcanons for the valorant girls? any/all are fine, but if i had to choose i would say fade and neon!
Valorant Female Agents Kissing Headcanons
Type: Headcanons/Fluff
Pronounce: They/Them
Characters: Neon, Fade, Jett, Killjoy, Reyna
Warnings: I just mentioned about heated kiss in Reyna's part. Other than that; nothing, it's a safe content!
A/N: I'm so glad you like my content! I'm trying to accept all requests I think I can write, I hope you have fun reading this too!
I don't think Neon has had any romantic relationships before you, so she'll be a little shy about kissing you at first.
If she manages to convince herself that it's okay for her to kiss you, she'll get used to it quickly.
She actually likes kissing you a lot, though she will only prefer short pecks if you two are not alone.
She just like "Hi babe" and peck on your lips then goes away for do something different.
She likes long kisses when you two are alone. She also learns pretty fast for someone with first-time experience!
I can say that she kisses more evenly balanced to other agents. She have neither too rough nor too soft kisses.
Although she has a lively personality, she likes to be slow towards you, so she doesn't have a rush when she kisses you.
I don't think her lips are overly soft, but you can feel like you're getting a taste of something sweet when you kiss her.
She didn't know where to put her hands at first, but her favorites are usually hugging your waist or grabbing your cheek with her one hand.
At first I might rate her kisses as 6/10 but as time goes on I think it will be 8/10.
Now, I wanna kiss her more.
Fade may have had several romantic relationships during her high school years. They could be a girl or a boy, I have no idea. But I don't think she has more than two relationships.
So she has more or less an idea of what it's like to kiss someone.
Before she was with you, she had no idea that she liked kissing someone so much.
As someone who won't hesitate to take the first step towards you, don't be surprised if she suddenly gets too close to you.
She can kiss you anywhere, she doesn't really care what other people think about her.
She also likes pecks like Neon, but uses it less than her.
Fade is generally a patient woman, so despite her tough appearance, I think her kisses will be gentle and passionate.
She usually prefers to wrap one arm around your waist and gently hold your chin while kissing you. I think she likes to hold your chin quite a bit.
Look, Fade's lips are one of the best I've seen in this game, if I kissed her I think I'd probably end up with average soft lips.
They look neither too hard nor too soft and I have absolutely no problem with that.
I think Fade's lips will taste like Turkish coffee and Turkish delight in different aromas. She likes to consume both, so you can get the bitter coffee flavor and sweet toffee flavor together while kissing her.
I think you will have a 9/10 kissing session, considering that you will have a pretty good experience with Fade.
She's definitely the one I'm sure is the most experienced and gifted at kissing on this list.
She knows how to use her lips perfectly and her hands always on the right place. Like HOW???
She knows how to heat the things between two of you.
She may have pulled you into a heated kiss before you understand what's going on, you have to be careful!
If you have no idea about kissing, don't worry! This woman knows quite well how to guide you perfectly.
Also, she does not have a problem with an inexperienced person, I can say that she will enjoy guiding you as she wishes.
If you're experienced and want to take the first step towards her, Reyna will like your self-confidence too much.
Be careful with the war you start because she will respond with double your aggression!
Reyna's kisses are very self-confident too, so I suggest you be ready for rough and sudden kisses.
However, it usually changes according to her mood.
Reyna's lips are also in a pretty good class for me. I think her skin is tighter compared to others, so her lips might be tougher compared to Fade and Neon.
When you kiss Reyna, I don't think you can easily understand what she ate. She takes great care to keep her mouth fresh and clean. 'Cause she loves to kiss you. So you will most likely get a fresh mint flavor. It could be her toothpaste or the mint candy she ate.
So in short, your kissing experience with her would definitely be 10 out of 10.
Might be the agent with the best lips I've ever seen. When I first saw her, the first thing that caught my attention was definitely her lips. She absolutely has a gorgeous lips. Lucky girl
She had no previous experience but she never saw it as a problem.
As a busy woman, she always has some time to kiss you. If she didn't have time, then she can create some time for it.
She doesn't have much time to rest, but when she does, she'll love it when you kiss her.
While she is resting, she prefers lazy and more attentive kisses, but short and more careless kisses do the trick when she's taking care of her business.
She usually prefers to wrap her arms around your neck or to grasp your cheeks with her hands.
She's not afraid of others, in fact, she didn't have any idea what they think of you two. She has too much work to consider the opinion of others.
She had heard several times that Phoenix was making fun of the two of you as lovebirds. She simply told him that "At least there is someone I could kiss in front of the others. Unlike you, fireboy."
It was quite enough for Phoenix, trust me.
As I said before; Killjoy is the agent with the most beautiful lips I've ever seen.
Her lips look pretty plump, and I'm sure they're pretty soft too.
It will be difficult enough for you to pay attention to how attentive the kiss is while kissing her, even if she has no previous experience.
If you can get anything other than the taste of coffee while kissing her, it will be a miracle for sure.
After considering all my thoughts, I think you will get an 8/10 or 9/10 experience despite Killjoy's inexperience.
I think Jett is pretty inexperienced in this kind of thing. So no matter how self-confident she tried to look, at the end of the day she would be scared because she had no clue about kissing.
She still wanted to kiss you so badly that she had to ask the other agents how to do it.
I think Jett is definitely addicted to little kisses like pecks. She loves to leave gentle and short kisses on your lips, including every part of your face.
If she somehow convinces herself that she can really kiss you, after the first time she will like it and want to kiss you all the time.
She doesn't care where you are or who you are with. If she wants to kiss you, she will.
As much as she likes short kisses, she also likes long kisses a lot. I would say that her kisses are little messy, though.
She even laughs often while kissing you.
She likes to grasp your cheeks with her hands or to clasp her hand with yours. It doesn't matter for her, she just wants to be close with you.
Her lips are not that plumpy, but I can say that they are looking quite soft.
You won't get any flavor while kissing Jett, maybe it's like a cake or a sweet treat, but it doesn't happen very often.
But I'm sure you'll feel somehow fresh and airy even if you're pretty close with her.
In short, while kissing Jett is a very fun and cute experience, she's not that good of a kisser. So I think Jett would be 6/10 or 7/10.
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Hi! I hope you are doing well. Could i plase ask for neon, killjoy and raze with an s/o who really likes to cook? Thank you!
Valorant women mmmmm shjdfkjsdf, I would gladly get girlbossed by them <3
Hi nonny I'm doing well thanks for asking! I’ll be happy to oblige with this request, I hope that you like this!
~Admin Hurricane
Warnings: possibly OOC Raze? I haven’t written for her before sadge :(
Word Count: 150 + in Neon and Raze’s, 100+ in Killjoy’s,
Genre: fluff
Pairing(s): Neon x GN!Reader, Killjoy x GN!Reader, Raze x GN!Reader
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She’s a big foodie! Believe me when I say that she’ll eat whatever you cook.
She’ll definitely try and get you to learn some Filipino dishes so she can introduce you to her culture and heritage lol.
Filipino food is very distinct seeing as it’s a combination of sweet, sour, and savory flavors. So you definitely have fun experimenting with new food and trying to make it taste the best that it can
When Neon is homesick, you take pity on her and end up making her favorite street foods to try and cheer her up, just a taste of home <3
When you’re cooking, she’ll kind of just come up from behind you and hug you from behind. Obviously she doesn’t do it too fast otherwise she might startle you.
If you’re not an agent of the Protocol she’ll try and keep you away from her work, but every once in a while, she’ll bring Sage and Jett by so they can try your amazing cooking hehe
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She lives like a broke college student what can I say, you’re always scolding her for living off of Red Bull and instant noodles.
You often have to drag her away from her lab and her work to get her to sit down and properly eat a real meal for once
Even then, she’s always tinkering with something on her laptop to which you’re just like, bruh
You definitely have to implement a no technology rule to get her to stop working lol
If you can’t get her away from her lab, you’ll leave a plate of warm food on one of the counters away from her workspace and attach a note to her turret so she’ll see it when she looks up.
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Raze also lives like a broke college student but probably not to the extent that Killjoy does.
She does enjoy her food tho! She’d love to take you to Brazil one day to show you the sights.
You absolutely ban her from the kitchen because of that one time you were making dinner and the stove nearly blew up in your face, you guys had to get a new one after that. Her bringing her Boombot in is absolutely a no cause you’re terrified that one day you’ll just be vibing in the kitchen and it’ll just blow up at your feet.
She definitely puts on some tunes for you to jam to while you work your magic as she lurks about behind you, hoping to snatch a bite or two when you’re not looking. (You tell her not to do that cause the food might not be ready but you still let her be your first taste tester lol)
She’s tried cooking for you before! It didn’t end very well and resulted in you taking over and with her assisting lol, she wanted to do something nice for you, but next time!
Reminder that my requests are open! Be sure to send something my way if you’re interested! Requesting Rules are here!
Want more of my writing? Be sure to check out my masterlist. Wanna know what else I’ll write for? Here you go!
Thanks for reading and have a lovely day!
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Hey hey!
Can I request something cute and fluffy for Killjoy? 👉👈(if you write for her)
Like the reader (gn or fem is both fine by me) desperately trying to confess to her but every time they talk to her they just become a hot mess ;;
If u don't wanna write this for any reason just ignore it!! But thank u in advance<3
I too, am gay for Valorant women.
But fr Killjoy is so cool aaa. I hope you like this!
~Admin Hurricane
Warnings: none
Word Count: 200+
Genre: fluff
Pairing(s): Killjoy x GN!Reader
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Who wouldn’t admire Killjoy? She’s confident in what she does and she’s super big brain, literally one of the brains of operations behind the VP
This brought up the problem of you crushing on her, and when I say you had a crush on her that’s a bit of an understatement, because whenever you see her you just turn into a blushing mess, unsure of what you want to say
A lot of your confession attempts have gone awry, mainly because you take one step into Killjoy’s workshop then immediately turn around and walk away because you forget what you wanna tell her
more under the cut!
Raze and Jett are totally your wingwomen and set you and Killjoy up in some rather awkward situations with you fumbling over your words and Killjoy just being general confused over what’s happening.
You finally ended up confessing your feelings to Killjoy when you couldn’t take the weird tension between you guys anymore, and just ended up blurting out what you wanted to say, before realizing what you did, panicked, and just bolted
Killjoy found you later sulking in your room, but then comforted you, telling you that she feels the same way
Cue you awkwardly holding her hand while her turret runs around in the background lol
If you guys are a cliche trope then you’re literally the definition of “totally deserving of love and affection but they get flustered easily + confident and adoring” lol
Reminder that my requests are open! Be sure to send something my way if you’re interested! Requesting Rules are here!
Want more of my writing? Be sure to check out my masterlist. Wanna know what else I’ll write for? Here you go!
Thanks for reading and have a lovely day!
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kanaesparadise · 2 years
Valorant Agents Reactions to You Making Them a Flower Crown
Characters: Chamber, Cypher, Yoru, Omen, Neon, Jett, Killjoy
Type/Genre: Headcanons/Fluff
Warnings: None
Pronounce: There's no pronouns, everybody can read!
Chamber doesn't have much time to enjoy nature or activities like that, so I think he would be happy if you made him a flower crown.
He looks at what you are doing while you are making a flower crown for him, but does not comment. He thinks you're going to give it to Jett or someone else.
If you leave a flower crown on his head while he is working, he will not react at first and prefer to look at you sideways.
After a while he takes the crown from his head and stares for a while because he didn't know what you put on his head.
"I didn't know you were doing this for me."
Even though he didn't show his reaction to you much, he would find it quite sweet on the inside.
"Merci chérie. J'aime bien."
I'm sorry if you don't speak french but he will only say in french that he likes the crown you made.
He does not hesitate to go to the others with a flower crown on his head. He even teases Yoru for not having someone to make a flower crown for him.
"Unfortunately, you have no one to give you such things, Yoru."
As much as Cypher loves to work, he can finish a few important tasks ahead of time so he can spend time with you.
When he sees that you have made a flower crown, he will sit next to you and begin to do it with you.
He's pretty good at doing this!
He finds every gift you make yourself very precious so he can wear the flower crown you put on his hat all day, provided you wear the crown he made.
Congratulations, you now have a matching accessory with him!
"You look pretty cute, darling. If you wear the crown all day, I won't take off mine too."
Omen usually does not approach the plants so as not to harm them unintentionally.
He still loved to watch you make a flower crown. But he didn't think you would give it to him.
If you can convince him that he won't harm the flowers, he will do it with you!
Since he knows how to knit, he can easily learn how to make a flower crown.
If you give him a flower crown that you made yourself and ask him to wear it on his head, he will be quite happy.
Still, he finds it surprising that you're giving him such a lively gift, as he sees himself as a terrifying creature.
"I didn't expect you to give me such a beautiful gift, thank you. Of course I can wear this."
He would be too happy to care what others think of him.
He is very careful not to damage the crown and constantly checks it.
Please give him more gifts like this, because no one else does.
Yoru will make fun of you at first, just as he makes fun of Skye.
"Why do you keep playing with those bits of grass?"
Still, deep down he would wonder what you were trying to do and would watch you.
When you tried to make a crown of colorful flowers and put it on his head, he would try to run away from you, as if disgusted.
"Are you really going to put that grass in my hair and mess it up?"
If you try to leave him disappointed or angry, he will stop you from leaving and agree to take the crown.
Even though he didn't want to go to the others, he would spend the whole day with that crown on his head, so as not to upset you.
"Don't try to say a word about it, Phoenix, or I'll kill you."
Killjoy is surrounded by mechanical devices and technological gadgets all day, so she almost forgets what nature or flowers look like.
She'll probably notice you too late while you're busy making a flower crown.
When she finally decided to take a break, she saw you tying a few flowers together, but because you were so focused, she would quietly walk away so as not to be distract you.
She probably fell asleep somewhere while you were making the crown, so if you leave the flower crown on her desk while she sleeps, she can take it from there.
When she wakes up at a random time and sees the flower crown you made, it wouldn't be too hard for her to realize that you made it.
She would spend the day taking off her hat and carrying the flower crown you made on her head for that day.
She would be quite happy looking at herself in the mirror wearing the crown you made.
She would stop you at the first place she saw you, thank you and ask if it suits her.
"Hey hey (Y/N)! I didn't know you could make something so beautiful out of those flowers, especially I didn't expect you to give it to me. Thank you! By the way… does it look good on me?"
Neon didn't know who will you give that crown but when she saw that you made a crown out of flowers, the idea of ​​making a crown for you sounds good to her.
However, she didn't know how, so she had to ask Skye for help.
After a few tries, she and Skye somehow managed to make you a flower crown.
Due to her shyness, she will come to you quickly, trying not to be seen by others.
When she came to you with a flower crown in her hand, she was frozen for a while as both of you were faced with flower crowns in your hands, but she was finally able to hand you the crown.
"I... I thought it would look good on you. It's okay if you don't want to wear it."
The shy smile on her face when you took the crown she gave and put it on your head would be worth seeing.
Also, if you put the crown in your hand on her head, she will be very emotional.
"If you did it for someone else, you don't have to give it to me!"
As hard as it may be to convince you that you made the crown for her, once she is convinced she will overwhelm you with her love.
"You're the sweetest and most considerate person I've ever seen. No I'm not exaggerating, what about other people to me? After all, they're not considerate of me."
As soon as she saw you making a flower crown, she would drop everything and come to your side.
"Hey! Can I make one for you?"
Although she says this she doesn't know how to do a flower crown so you will have to teach her.
Although she tries to do what you say, she is not very good at handicrafts, so do not be surprised if she can't.
Still, by doing the best she could, she would have succeeded in giving you a flower crown.
She will be quite embarrassed if you give her a flower crown that you made yourself. She also leaves her hair free for that day only.
"The crown you made definitely looks better than the one I made."
Normally, Jett is the last person to say such a sentence. So if Jett said something like that, she probably thought you wouldn't like the crown she made.
If you can convince her that you really like the crown she made, she will go back to normal pretty quickly.
"Hah, I already knew you liked it. After all, you can pretty much understand what's good, that's why we're together anyway!"
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astolary · 2 years
Hiya, could I request a cypher x reader on a beach trip ? Maybe fooling around in the sea and getting cyphers workhaohlic ass out of his workshop for once? Thanks!
Your cypher hcs are so cute! I loved them :3
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( Synopsis ) How Raze and Killjoy went from screaming at your front door to revealing the surprise beach trip they planned for you and your lover was, unexpected.
( Pairing ) Cypher x GN! Agent Reader
( Content Warnings ) Fluff and crack.
( Authors Note ) 1.5k+ words // NOT EDITED! 
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You awkwardly shifted on Cypher's lap as he buried his head into the back of your neck, mumbling curses in his native language as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
"My rose," He trailed off, lifting his head up with the speed of light, eyes piercing into yours (with love.) "How did this happen?"
Laughing awkwardly, you turned your head away from his eyes traveling around the autopilot helicopter you both were currently in. Navy blue clear skies painted the air, the sun shining brightly as ever. Both of your luggage were still lying on the ground, Cypher's hat and coat beside the both of you after he checked around the area for any cameras. He's still wearing his mask though.
Your lips formed a thin line, wondering how to explain the situation to him.
"Surprise...?" You trailed off, body language tense. "We're going on a beach vacation in Morocco, the country you were born... in?"
"... Excuse me, can you repeat that again?"
The digital screen on the wall of your room streamed light onto your room, your head buried under the pearl sheets of your bed. A few cushioned pillows on the floor, and your hair tangled in knots when you barely even moved around in your sleep. Blissfully unaware of the surroundings and ultimately, reality, you drifted to a dreamland where nobody could disturb your inner peace. Free from all the worries and responsibilities you were chained to.
Or so you thought.
The voices of Killjoy and Raze screaming at your door alerted you, forcing you to hobble over despite tripping on your own feet.
Leaning all your weight on the door in an attempt to regain your balance, you pushed the door open, accidentally bumping the two best friends in the process.
“AND GOOD MORNING TO YOU TOO!" Raze screamed in delight seeing someone respond to their screams. "Is your boyfriend in there?” Raze asked, ignoring what just happened. She grabbed Killjoy’s hand to bring her up while looking over your shoulder, scanning your room in search of the person who destroyed her precious creation.
“Cypher? He hasn’t been in my room for about a week, and no matter how many times I’d knock (or barge) into his room, he’d tag me (lovingly) with his camera and even set up some tripwires on the corridor toward his room.” You frowned, answering her question about his whereabouts.
His absence unsettled you, and with Brimstone sending you out on an unusual amount of missions, your energy started draining out quickly. Cypher was the only reason you would get big amounts of energy whenever you thought of him. He was the only reason you would go to sleep with sweet dreams and wake up just to see his face.
“Eh? So is that why there were so many tripwires in the corridors?” Killjoy said, “I honestly thought he was trying to outsmart us by setting up a distraction, then he would just run towards your room to hide. Was there something wrong with my calculations or something?” She frowned. You were about to reassure the genius agent until her mood shot up to the air, happiness evident in her aura.
She made that terrifying face she usually makes whenever she comes up with an idea that’s brilliant in her eyes.
"No, no, don’t you don't get it! Whenever Cypher gets knocked out, his utility always shuts down in case someone ever tries to steal and replicate his inventions!" Killjoy trailed off with a grin, dragging you along with her. Raze's screams filled up the usually silent corridor as she excitedly agreed to her best friend's ideas. 
"Sooooooooo :D"
“No, absolutely not.” You furiously shook your head in desperate attempts to stop her scheming.
“Too late! We asked permission from Brimstone to drive you guys to Morocco in the helicopter!” Raze exclaimed excitedly, shoving a heavy bag into your arms.
Barely comprehending what was happening, the two agents dragged you outside as the cool breeze hit your skin. A contrast to the weather you and your boyfriend were about to experience in a few hours. “Wait can you at least explain what's going to happen-”
“Ok, so all you have to do is drag him to the helicopter and enjoy your beach vacation!”
“Of course! We figured you wouldn’t have the heart to knock him out, so we did one hour ago! He just regained consciousness a few minutes ago and is currently screaming outside the helicopter as we speak." Killjoy explained, her mind moving faster than her mouth.
"Enjoy your vacation!" The girls screamed in unison as they locked you out of the protocol.
Your mind went blank as you stood out in the open like a lost puppy. Focusing on the sight in front of you, your mind registered Cypher sitting on the rough ground as he stared back at you with equal confusion.
"And that's what happened," Your grin was strained, the helicopter announcing you both would land at your destination in a few minutes.
Cypher breathed through his nose in amusement, chuckling heartily under his breath. He pushed two buttons beneath his chin to remove his mask, charismatic features being revealed.
"Well," Your loving partner in crime started, pecking your neck to reassure you he wasn't mad. "Time is never wasted when I'm with you, I'll let it slide this once."
With all the events leading to now, the both of you walked together outside the hotel you both would be staying in. He wrapped his arm around your hips to pull you closer, lips grazing your cheeks. A scarf covered his face since he was wanted even in his home country.
"Love, why are you wanted in so many countries?"
"What better way to start crime than the place you were born in, My rose." Cypher laughed teasingly, hugging you.
You rolled your eyes at his childishness, the heat already getting to you. Grabbing his hand, you dragged him to the direction of the beach in eyesight, giving him a beautiful smile that he fell in love with all over again.
"Let's go, let's go! I want to see how the beaches look!"
"Alright, alright."
The beaches in Morocco were downright gorgeous, with golden rays of the sunlight caressing the waves creating a soft light touching the calm waters. The birds soar through the sky signaling a day, their wings constantly flapping up and down in the most graceful ways possible.
The sand was a delicate shade of pearl gold, a difference from all the other beaches you've been to in your childhood that usually had trash littered around. Seashells of all kinds, shapes, and colors washed by the shore, digging themselves in the soft grainy sand as treasures to foreigners. The beach stretched alongside the pristine ocean, trinkets from the deep ocean floor scattered around the island with large palm trees providing shade for those who enjoy the shade.
Cypher groaned in relief as the two of you entered a cave you found, providing somewhat privacy for the both of you.
He threw all the bags you asked him to carry on the way here, and placed all his weight onto your body causing you both to fall on the sand.
Laughter erupted from Cypher and you as he smirked lazily, resting his head above your beating heart. He relished the warmth you provided as he stretched his body.
Widening your eyes in surprise, you laughed even harder as you heard his bones cracking. 
"It's not my fault you decided to bring your whole room." He retorted in an attempt to save his dignity.
The silliness died down as the peace around the both of you relieved the tension. Your bags were still on the ground, it was just the two of you in your own little world.
Playing with your significant other's hair, you started rolling both of your bodies towards the shore.
"What are you doing?"
Silence met his question.
"Please don't drag us to the shore."
And then you dragged him to the shore. Yes, just him. Not you.
With all your strength, you threw him into the water as you stood up and quickly ran for your life.
The sound of water splashing and Cypher choking on the salty water could be heard, half of his body wet and his now drenched scarf covering his face. Disbelief was evident in his features as your figure got smaller and smaller.
Getting to his senses, he quickly stood up and caught up with you, throwing you this time to the shore.
Mischievousness could be seen in his eyes as he caged you with his arms.
"Oh, you'll pay for that."
The rest of the day was filled with joy, the burden of the world on both of your shoulders gone for a moment to relax and be together.
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astolary 2022 — do not edit, repost, or translate.
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hello can i request hdcs of valorant agents jett , phoenix , killjoy , neon , and viper with a s/o radiant who can like blood bend ? basically they can turn blood into solid weapons and have blood butterfly wings ? if this is too gory i apologize .
thanks !
Hi nonny! I’ll be more than happy to do this request! Hope you like it!!
~Admin Hurricane
Warnings: mentions of blood, slightly gory
Word Count: 200+ in Jett’s, 100+ in Phoenix’s, 100+ in Killjoy’s, 100+ in Neon’s, 100+ in Viper’s
Genre: fluff
Pairing(s): Jett x GN!Reader, Phoenix x GN!Reader, Killjoy x GN!Reader, Neon x GN!Reader, Viper x GN!Reader
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If she’s being honest, you actually freaked her out when you first bloodbent your enemies, quickly cutting them down and stopping them in their tracks. Bending them over to your will and forcing them to their feet. Barely flinching when you got hurt and in turn using your blood as weapons, carving them and shaping them as you pleased. There were times when she questioned whether you were human or not.
Of course she loves you, but she would be lying if you didn’t scare the shit out of her sometimes. She makes you promise to refrain from using your ability unless absolutely necessary because she may be young but she’s not dumb enough to not know that hurting yourself over and over again and losing blood because of it is detrimental to your wellbeing.
She specifically asks Brim if she could be paired up with you on missions because she has this fear of you overexerting yourself and just bleeding out. More than once she’s woken up from nightmares of seeing you collapsing to the floor and dying in her arms, but when she wakes up and sees you sleeping peacefully next to her she’s reassured that the two of you at the very least can live in the moment for the time being without being worried about if you’ll die tomorrow.
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He brushed off your bloodbending ability until he actually saw it in action and witnessed it with his own eyes. He just stood there, jaw dropped in shock as he watched all of his and well rather, your enemies crumple to the ground in pain, completely immobile
He immediately rushes over, to pull you into a hug, wrapping his arms around you from behind. He presses his face against the back of your neck, and you pause, briefly losing control over your victims adversaries as you take note of Phoenix pressed up against you. 
“Y/N..” you hear him murmur, as he clings to you tightly, refusing to let you go. The poor souls that were being controlled by you take that time to scramble away. 
He doesn’t want you to lose your humanity, luckily for you, he’s there to keep you grounded.
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“So tell me again how your abilities work? Fascinating! What Brim? Why are you rubbing your temples like that?” 
Killjoy is no stranger experimenting and trying new things, and she’s all for things like the scientific method, but she shudders whenever she sees you working with your abilities.
She tries to help you with your bloodbending by giving you tech that’ll let you know when your iron levels are low or something like that
She’s not squeamish per say, but she does get uncomfortable when she sees your enemies writhing on the ground, unable to do anything. So in turn, you end up toning it down, after all you’d do anything for her <3
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Like Jett, she’s also scared of you and what you can do, but she doesn’t let it show as obviously. She loves you yes, but she also knows the importance of restraint and not letting yourself get caught up in your radiant abilities. 
She wears suppressors herself,  so she does her best to help keep you in check in case you ever lose control. Her worst fear is literally losing control of her powers and she doesn’t want the same to happen to you if you happen to be overcome by bloodlust. 
She’ll go out of her way to get some vitamins to help you so that you don’t become anemic and she ensures that you eat a good amount of food and drink enough water in the scenario that you don’t put a cap on your ability and just use it recklessly.
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She’s no stranger to bloody and gory stuff, she used to be a doctor. She’s intrigued by your ability and how it functions. Before the two of you got together she would have experimented on you to see the extent of your abilities if she could if it wasn’t for Brim stopping her. 
She gets an odd sense of satisfaction seeing your enemies contort in pain, and turns a blind eye, focusing on defusing the spike instead.
She actually gives you new ideas for what you could craft with your bloodbending
Viper finds it the funniest thing in the world to see you terrorizing the duelists.
Reminder that my requests are closed for the time being! However, when I reopen them again, be sure to send something my way if you’re interested! Requesting Rules are here!
Want more of my writing? Be sure to check out my masterlist. Wanna know what else I’ll write for? Here you go!
Thanks for reading and have a lovely day!
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astolary · 2 years
friends to lovers with chamber where he's so damn in love with you but won't allow himself to believe that you actually have feelings for him back,,, and at some fancy event you two go to you end up out on the balcony and you kiss him and he's like "why would you do that you don't love me you shouldn't do stuff like that" and you're just like "you absolute moron i've been in love with you for years now shut up and kiss me" and so you do and are happy and also partners in crime :3
just a thought dump btw, not a request <3
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( Synopsis ) The Valorant Protocol's yearly banquet was right around the corner, much to your displeasure Brimstone forced you to attend. Again. Maybe it won't be so bad?
( Author's Note ) ll do a Lil scenario about this, also I’m clearing out my drafts and requests so that I can start posting for Genshin ^^ 
( Pairing ) Chamber x GN! Agent Reader
( Content Warnings ) Woman flirting at you, fluff.
( Word Count ) 0.5k+ words // NOT EDITED!
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Awkwardly giving a strained smile to a woman in front of you who was too close for your liking, you glanced around the luxurious venue that probably cost more than your life savings.
Aureate chandeliers hung flamboyantly from the ceiling, the lights bouncing off the walls delicately as they reflected pearls and gems. Marble tables and velvet chairs occupied the massive area, delicacies from all around the world prepared for this evening's dinner.
The Valorant Protocol was hosting another one of their banquets at the beginning of the year for more possible investors, something all of you dreaded. Much to your dismay, despite being the one who’s usually able to successfully convince some investors, Brimstone encouraged you to join, seeing as you were the most successful one on every occasion.
"So," The woman cooed, bringing her glass of wine to the tip of her lips. "Would you like to get to know each other more? We can have a chat at a café nearby after this event." She eyed your fidgety figure, enjoying how uncomfortable she was making you at the moment.
"Actually," A voice interrupted, "They have plans after this. Being a part of our company can be quite, occupying."
Immediately recognizing the voice, you relaxed knowing the entire situation could be resolved peacefully. Chamber wrapped his arm around your shoulders and guided you away from the woman.
You sighed in relief, glancing at Chamber in gratitude. "Thank you for saving me, as usual."
He smirked at you in amusement, "As usual?"
"You know what I'm talking about!" You defended yourself, flailing your arms above your head as Chamber guided you up the spiral stairs hugging the walls. He chuckled, pushing the intricate door for you which led to a balcony. "Since we're usually paired with each other all the time, you know?"
"That's only because you were the only one who tolerated me." He used his wits against you.
"Shut up!"
The cool breeze touched both of your skins, the balcony a view of the invited guests who preferred to stay outside. Jett and Killjoy could be seen sneaking some food into containers they brought, Skye shaking her head in disappointment but doing nothing to stop them.
Casually kissing his cheek, Chamber froze at the unexpected action while you wrapped his arms around your waist. Leaning your forearms against the balcony fences, you internally screamed at your actions. 
If he returned your feelings, your dignity was saved! You could finally give your heart to someone with no hesitation. If he didn’t return your feelings, you won’t be moving on from this impulsive action for a while.
“...May I ask why you did that?”
“It’s cause I looooove you,” You dragged on, feeling heat rise to his cheeks.
“You know relationships shouldn’t be made within the protocol. I believed you weren’t even interested in me,” Chamber spoke, wondering whether or not he was drugged.
“Was I really sending different signals?” You wondered out loud, passively teasing him.
“Non, non, you misunderstood.” 
“Then where’s my I love you back kiss?”
You were going to be the death of him.
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astolary 2022 — do not edit, repost, or translate.
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runeterrankhaleesi · 3 years
[Valorant] The Library Section 2
[A/N: These are the collection of fics and hcs I like. I made these because I would like to reread these again. Feel free to read them.]
Agents reaction when you compliment them by @limitless-imagination
The agents reaction with PDA by @code-name-wraith
Highschool Stereotypes by @code-name-wraith
Christmas scenario with the whole squad by @breaddaerb
Christmas traditions by @code-name-wraith
General and Romantic Autumn Headcanons by @limitless-imagination
What pisses the agents off by @the-last-millenial-disaster
The agents with pets by @limitless-imagination
Agents playing paintball by @blood-gasm
Breach and Killjoy Headcanons by @breaddaerb
Agents reaction when you compliment them by @limitless-imagination
Sova, Cypher, and Omen with a gamer s/o by @limitless-imagination
Cypher and Omen on a mission with their s/o by @code-name-wraith
(with a little gore) Omen rescuing his s/o from being kidnapped by @code-name-wraith
Omen with a sadistic and slightly insane s/o by @code-name-wraith
The agents reaction with PDA by @code-name-wraith
Highschool Stereotypes by @code-name-wraith
Omen’s personality by @code-name-wraith
Omen x reader with Omen on the verge of death by @code-name-wraith
Christmas headcanons with Omen by @code-name-wraith
Christmas scenario with the whole squad by @breaddaerb
Omen, Sova, Cypher with a reader who is scared of thunder by @theywillcower
(NSFW) Cypher and Omen Headcanons by @theywillcower
Christmas traditions by @code-name-wraith
General and Romantic Autumn Headcanons by @limitless-imagination
Omen with a matching ugly christmas sweater with the reader by @theywillcower
Decorating with Cypher and Omen by @limitless-imagination
What pisses the agents off by @the-last-millenial-disaster
The agents with pets by @limitless-imagination
Agents playing paintball by @blood-gasm
Cypher and Omen around their crush by @theywillcower​
Cuddling with Omen and Cypher Headcanons by @a-valorant-effort
Agents reaction when you compliment them by @limitless-imagination
Sova and Phoenix with a shy female reader hcs by @code-name-wraith
The agents reaction with PDA by @code-name-wraith
Highschool Stereotypes by @code-name-wraith
Christmas scenario with the whole squad by @breaddaerb
Christmas traditions by @code-name-wraith
The agents with pets by @limitless-imagination
What pisses the agents off by @the-last-millenial-disaster
Agents playing paintball by @blood-gasm
Phoenix x Yoru hcs by @breaddaerb
Agents reaction when you compliment them by @limitless-imagination
Jett, Omen, Raze, Sage, Sova, Viper x gender neutral reader (platonic) by @fabricated-misslieness
The agents reaction with PDA by @code-name-wraith
Highschool Stereotypes by @code-name-wraith
Christmas scenario with the whole squad by @breaddaerb
Christmas traditions by @code-name-wraith
The agents with pets by @limitless-imagination
What pisses the agents off by @the-last-millenial-disaster
Agents playing paintball by @blood-gasm
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