cybermuses · 6 months
status: open! @valpostart location: casablanca blooms & coffee
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it had been a while since salem left the house, she'd been recluse lately for a couple reasons. she was finally to the point where being home was starting to get old and she needed to get out of her head and be around other people. after spending some time out and about (which included spending money on things she didn't need at secondhand style) she found herself at casablanca blooms and coffee. what was supposed to be a quick coffee run turned into an hour of her being scribbling in her journal at one of the empty tables. "if you wanna join me you can, i really could use the company." she said with a smile to the familiar face a few feet away.
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hereforevr · 6 months
⸺ location wherever's convenient and semi-quiet ( @valpostart )
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"i'm gonna start writing these kids' names on every piece of paper before i give it to them, i swear." it's mumbled mostly to herself, shaking her head as she flips through the stack of assignments in front of her. you would think that after hearing the same reminder to write your name on your work for so many years, that one would learn by the time they were a teenager. out of the ones that do have names, most of them are ... difficult to read. to put it nicely. and while she's gotten fairly good at deciphering messy handwriting, every once in a while someone throws her through a loop. she turns to her companion, named papers in hand, "you wanna try taking a wild guess what any of these say?" if she sounds exhausted, it's because she is. "i'm pretty sure there's an e in there somewhere. that's all i got."
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citrine444 · 7 months
⠀♡⠀ status: open! ⠀♡ ⠀location ⌲ quilpué neighborhood
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the midday sun bathes abril's legs as she stretches them outwards, seated in front of one of the townhouses in her neighborhood. the rhythmic scratch of her pencil against her sketchbook was drowned out by the sound of birds and chatter from passing neighbors. abril had been practicing her portraits for weeks for a rather 'particular' client at caos tattoo. the criticism she received on her sketch's uneven eyes was enough for her to want to leak his credit card information, but she was determined to prove him wrong. in search of a muse, her eyes scan her surroundings. someone enters her peripheral, their interesting features catching abril's attention. "perfect," she whispers. as her muse begins to shift their body, she calls out to them. "could you take a couple steps to the left? the light isn't quite doing justice to your features right there," she calls out, gesturing her hand to indicate the desired direction for the shift
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9iovanni · 6 months
who: vanni && open ! @valpostart where: casablanca blooms & coffee
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admittedly, being a florist was much more difficult than vanni had ever thought it could be. every day felt like some sort of crazy fever dream where he'd relive his first day on the job - having nothing to do until, seemingly out of nowhere, everything and everyone needed his attention. today was no different.
for whatever reason, their recent shipment hadn't been delivered around the back. instead, the delivery truck had pulled up to the front and it was vanni’s job to bring it all inside. vanni had been going in and out of the front door with various boxes in his hand without problem because he had propped the door open. however, one customer had closed the door behind them while vanni was still outside. now, he was in an odd predicament where he was awkwardly trying to open the door with his arms full of boxes stacked so high up that it obscured his vision.
he heard footsteps approaching, and vanni asked from behind the boxes he held, "hi, sorry to bother you, but can you open the door for me, please?"
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bvlladonnas · 6 months
open / @valpostart where / on the ferris wheel at da festival
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she regrets ever going on this ferris wheel. or trying to be outgoing and going on it with someone she didn't know very well. it was fun, until the big metal death circle came to a grinding halt when they let one person off and just ... never started back up again. ximena's breathing is still even but her nerves show in the way she wrings her hands together, cringing away from the edge of the gondola. of course they ended up at the top, " um — wow, we're really high up, aren't we ? " a pause, " we won't die up here, right ? i think i just figured out i have a fear of heights. "
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driftwccds · 3 months
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏────────────────────
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OPEN  starter  (  @valpostart  ) location  :  golden  beach  street
-ˋˏ ‏‏‎ ‎꒰ ‏‏‎ 🪐 ‏‏‎ ‎꒱‏‏‎ ‎ ──‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎"  okay,  look,  i'll  go  over  it  one  more  time.  "  sade  doesn't  mean  to  lose  her  patience,  but  sometimes  she  forgets  that  she's  been  up  on  these  eight  wheels  most  of  her  life.  she  doesn't  remember  that one time when  she  was  four years  old  and  got  her  first  pair,  fell  flat  on  her  face,  chipped a tooth and  then  cried  every  time  she  saw  them  for  a  month and a half  !  now  she  makes  it  look  easy  as  she  comes  to  a  halt  in  front  of  the  person, toes dipping forward into the stoppers.  as  she  speaks,  she  mimics  the  movements  they're  supposed  to  be  doing.  "  arms  out  on  either  side.  legs  slightly  bent  at  the  knees.  keep  your  back  up  and  straight.  if  you  can't  follow  those  instructions  then  i  genuinely  don't  really  know  where  we  go  from  here  babes.  "
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scmantic · 2 months
for @valpostart where? el mercado
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"they are having an incredible deal on garlic scapes." he tells the person closest to him, picking up one of them and inspecting it, "i've had them before, but never cooked with them," adem explains, voice going up an octave in excitement over the prospect of learning how to cook them, "i think you can make pesto out of them? or use them instead of scallions or asparagus? oh, or as a side?" he stops, humming, "emine is being really stubborn about green stuff lately, though. apparently eight-year-olds don't love vegetables. do you think i can stick these in butter or a cheese?"
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hecticlife · 3 months
leon walks into the coffee shop to get some much-needed fuel for the day. he's back in valpo and this time he has set his mind to finishing the album he was working on the last time he was here. even though he was just in seattle, his hometown, being back in his godmother's apartment in viña del mar feels like being back home again. everything had been so draining back with his family. he can breathe and relax again. leon takes off his hat and runs a hand through his hair before spotting a familiar face sitting on one of the tables. "aye," he chuckles, "i didn't think i'd run into you again."
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hunterdavis · 6 months
status: open @valpostart
where: plantas atlas
feeling like his apartment needed some livening up, hunter found himself in a plant store. surprisingly, the houseplants they currently had were still alive, despite being watered irregularly. he wasn't good with that, remembering to water them, but he did his best.
today, they were browsing through the succulents, taking an interest in the variety. from what he knew most of them could go longer without water, so they might be a good choice for him. "so...they aren't all cacti? like i know there's different types of succulents but i thought they grew in the desert. am i wrong?"
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belamcandas · 8 months
status: open ! where: wherever it's convenient !
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when iris had first gotten here it was hard for her to settle, eventually she had landed on the alley cats, and saw a problem that needed to be fixed. so, then, she set up a schedule. it seemed like so long ago now since her first TNR, and she's feeling pretty good about this next batch of cats. she has a tote bag full of their favourite food as well as some medical supplies for a couple of the elder cats that were worrying her. by the time she sets up shop the cats are already eating in their corners, she fixes up the beds that she had laid and sets little cat treats in the corners while getting the flea treatment on an unlucky cat. there's a very small black cat that rubs against her knee, she picks it up gently and holds it in her arms and smiles. "hello mr. cosmo," she ruffles the cat behind the ears, "i think you'd make someone very happy someday you know," she says, turning her head and smiling at the person walking back. iris had never been very good at socialising with humans -- animals had always been her safe place. "don't mind me," iris says awkwardly, rolling her eyes at herself, shaking her head. the cat meows and she gives one last gentle squeeze before putting him down. "i do often speak to cats as if they're tiny humans, yes," she eventually clarifies. in her opinion, they're much better company.
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pcrdidcs · 2 months
( open ! ) starter location -> jardín botánico, foraging with the foodies club.
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crouching down in front of a winter bush of unidentifiable berries, right beside a clump of oddly shaped, white mushrooms, hiyori sets her chin in her hands. "i'm a little concerned," she starts, "that the berries are poisonous and the mushrooms will transform us into monsters that the government will then hunt us down to experiment on." she sighs. "this is all i've got," she says, showing the other her pretty woven basket, laid with a checkered cloth, on top of which were a handful of leaves and flowers. she's surprised there's life at all in the cold chilean winter, but she's not surprised as how she was daydreaming in the middle of the explanation of what was okay to forage and what should be left alone. "i feel like i'm going to fail the pop quiz," she remarks. "what did you get?"
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cybermuses · 7 months
status: open @valpostart location: cerro barrón street market
"i love this place, i absolutely love it." salem said enthusiastically to the other while holding up her bag of treasures. she'd spent most of the morning at the street market shopping around for things to put in her temporary place in viña del mar to make it feel a little more like a home to her. to no surprise though she mostly purchased jewelry and a few articles of clothing for herself. "i know i'm probably going overboard and i look like such a fucking tourist but i'm a sucker for hand made things. why aren't you as excited as i am?" she said slightly offended the other wasn't sharing her excitement.
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saccharineflesh · 2 months
Starter: Open [4 cap] @valpostart Location: Parque Cultural
Myeong broke off from her new cast in search of a moderately secluded spot she could light up at without disturbing any of the others practicing at the park. She’s just landed her first role since moving here, and although the part was small she was determined to give the performance all of herself which is why she chose to come along with the main cast to practice and help with scenes. Tedious work for someone with no more than three scenes in an hour long play, but the more face she showed the more familiar she could become with the already established cast and crew. If anyone dropped out or got fired at any moment, Mimi would be more than ready to snatch the part without a hitch.
It was a good thing she didn’t need the money at the moment. Thomas had offered to pay for all of her expenses in exchange for one weekend a month in a country of his choosing. Not much unlike their previous arrangement, except that this time she had zero obligations. Made the entire move out to Valparaiso that much more fun. Mimi could focus on familiarizing herself with the area and meeting new people which she was more than excited for. The place was beautiful, and so lovely that it reminded her a lot of New York but much less dirty. Only a month and some change into her move here and already she has found a great number of people to pass the time with on the weekends.
Mimi found a spot beneath a tree, not far enough away where she couldn’t see and hear the performers practice but enough so that her half a blunt wouldn’t blow at them. There was a shred of decency in her afterall. “Fuck. Me.” She cursed, realizing she’d forgotten to grab a lighter or had somehow misplaced it and she looked around before walking towards the closest person to her. “Got a light?” She asked, raising the blunt between her fingers.
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bvlladonnas · 6 months
open / @valpostart location / the main stage, watching our girl, jennifer
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" ... she's not very good, is she ? " oliver's tone is observational, eyes gazing upon the stage with more curiosity than anything else. he's almost kind of confused — he swears she was good, at a point. but the more he listens to her voice the more he thinks that he should drink more wine and also find a more fun activity, " i thought she was good. i had the biggest crush on her when i was younger, so — rose-colored glasses, maybe ? hm. "
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driftwccds · 4 months
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OPEN starter ( @valpostart ) location : el jardín
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-ˋˏ ꒰ 🐚 ꒱ ── rohan  didn't  mean  to  get  trapped  here.  he  was  just  walking  by,  and  the  greenery  and  commotion  enticed  him  in ;  and then he was talking to  the  old,  retired  lady  who  seems  to  be  the  defacto  leader  who was  both  sweet  and  demanding  and  before  he  knew  it  he  was  up  to  his  elbows  in  potting  soil──  something  about  burying  some  of  the  more  delicate  plants  for  the  incoming  colder  months.  he  runs  his  forearm  along  his  brow,  accidentally  dragging  dirt  along  his  face,  before  turning  to  the  person  beside  him.  with  a  lowered  voice  so  he  doesn't  get  caught,  he  glances  over  his  shoulder  in  her  direction,  "  hey,  do  you  know  how  long  everyone  usually  sticks  around  for  ?  "  he  questions,  before  holding  his  hands  up  in  small  surrender,  "  not  that  i'm  in  any  rush  but  i──  this  has  to  pack  up  eventually,  right  ?  "  
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scmantic · 5 months
for @valpostart location: casa dragones
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he hardly looks up from his phone when the door opens but at least turns down the music (the This is Dua Lipa spotify playlist), greeting, "welcome in. let me know if there's anything i can help ya find." of course, he would love more than anything if the guest did not need help looking for something, but he thinks it's probably the correct thing to say. "i think we're runnin' some sorta bogo deal on comics." he says with the confidence of chad danforth of high school musical fame trying to dance for the first time. omar considers, briefly, that maybe he should have read the text birdie sent him this morning concerning opening.
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