#valter skarsg��rd smut
ill-skillsgard · 6 years
Phoenix Rising, Part 5 - Valter Skarsgård
Title: Phoenix Rising
Description: The struggle for domination is paved with deceit and destructive lust as two enemies battle it out for control night after night.
Warning: 18+ swearing/mentions of rape/violence/femdom/DDLG leanings
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
"Oh my God," I heard Valter's deep groan couple with the rustling of sheets at my back. I opened my eyes only to be blinded by the sun pouring in through my window. I reached up and pulled the curtain over, effectively washing out the room in shadows. "Thank you," he said, voice hoarse. When I rolled over to look at him he had the backs of palms shoved into his eyes, rubbing furiously. "God, I'm so sorry." "Sorry?" I asked. He took his hands away from his eyes and peeked at me. I couldn't believe that he was still there, dressed in his jeans and a tank top with his hair all a mess. It was strange to smell another person in my bed. Strange but welcome. "Sorry for... Last night. Getting so wasted. That was dumb," he apologized. "It wasn't dumb," I laughed. "We had fun. You had a good night, that's all." Valter inhaled deeply through his nose and stared up at the ceiling. "I didn't... Did I act like an ass?" "A cute ass," I said to him. He wrinkled his nose and looked at me. "Shut up." "You were nothing but respectful," I assured. "Shit... What time is it?" He asked. "A little after nine-thirty," I told him. I watched his eyes grow big and he sat up in bed and groaned even harder. "Shit. I have work today. In half an hour. I'm never going to make it over there in time," He fretted. I watched as he lifted his arm and smelled himself. "Fuck. I'm a mess." "You'll be fine. Why don't you hop in my shower and I can drive you to work?" I offered. "Really?" He asked. I nodded my head and watched as he contemplated my suggestion as if he had another choice. He groaned again and laid back down. I caught a gust of his scent with the motion and I turned pink when I remembered our kiss the night before. I had inhaled that same scent and it stirred the adrenaline in my chest. "I don't want to go," he moaned. "Then don't. Call in sick." Valter shook his head, "I can't do that. Riley will get so fucking pissed at me. He'll know I'm just hungover from last night." "Riley drank a lot too. I'm sure he's in the same boat," I pointed out. "No... I'll go. Fuck. I don't really want to but... I probably should." "Well go on then. Get in the shower and I'll drive you. Go now. Otherwise, you're going to be very late." "Okay," he nodded. "Where's the washroom?" "Go left down the hallway," I said to him. Valter dragged himself out of my bed and I watched him the entire time, feeling slightly dejected to see him leave. Without him in my bed, I felt a curious sense of loneliness that I had never experienced before. When I heard the shower turn on I got myself out of bed and changed quickly before he had the chance to finish up and walk in on me partially naked. I went into the kitchen and started putting together something to eat for the both of us as well as a lunch for him to take with him since he would have no time to go home before work. As I went I heard the sounds of his activities; the squeak of the showerhead turning off, the opening of the bathroom door, his deep sighs of reluctance, the door to my bedroom closing and then reopening a couple minutes later. Then came the sound of his socked feet down the hallway. I looked through the pass-through and saw him raking his hand through the wet, darkened strands of his blonde hair. Seeing him appear from the hallway was another cause for contemplation. I had lived on my own for so long that it was peculiar to see anyone else walking the halls. "What are you doing?" He asked when he found me in the kitchen. I held out a glass of water and a painkiller for him and he accepted it but not without eying me up and down. "Thanks, mommy." I felt the blood rush out of my face as I watched him pop the pill into his mouth and drain the glass of water with a few quick bobs of his larynx. It made it even worse when I handed him the paper bag I had put snacks into for him because I had gone ahead and wrote his name on it with a sred marker. "Oh, gosh. What's this?" He looked inside and pulled out a banana. "You're going to need all that stuff if you don't want to feel like shit later on today," I told him before handing him a travel mug full of coffee. "Why are you the greatest?" He asked me, smirking while shaking his head as he put the fruit back into the bag and accepted the cup I held out for him. "I know what it's like to go to work with a hangover. So, I figured I would help you out a little. Just so your day doesn't suck." "It already sucks that I have to leave but... Thank you, Nix." "You're welcome. Now, get your shoes on. We have to go before you're super late." Valter shoved his feet into his sneakers and I couldn't help but notice how astoundingly large they were in comparison to mine. His height was already something I often marveled at but his shoes looked comical next to mine. He followed me out the door and continued down the path to my car, squinting in the sunlight. "I hate this!" He complained. "Hate what?" I asked. "The sun. I don't have sunglasses. My eyes are burning!" I scoffed at his whining as we both got into my car at the same time. He watched as I leaned over and opened the glove box to pull out the emergency pair of sunglasses I always kept stashed just in case. I tossed them on his lap and he looked down at them and then back at me with one eyebrow raised. "These are pink," he pointed out. "Wear them or not then!" I said with a shrug before shoving my car key into the ignition. Valter unfolded the arms of the sunglasses I had offered him and slipped them on, turning towards me with his lips pursed animatedly. "Do I look fly?" "So fly," I smiled. By the time I pulled into the parking lot Valter was only five minutes late. I pulled up right in front and parked so he could get out. He gathered up all of his things, looking down at them appreciatively and then at me with a smile on his lips that could not be ignored. "We kissed last night, didn't we?" He asked. I was caught off guard by his question but didn't react so as to alert him of my surprise that he had brought it up. "Yeah... We sure did." "I want to... If you want... We should hang out again and maybe not drink so much? We can rock some AOC or like... Anything." I nodded at him coolly, "yeah we definitely should." "Tonight?" He asked me. "Sure. I have nothing going on." "Well, now you do," Valter said with a wink. I bit the inside of my cheek and could only watch as he opened the passenger side door, got out, shut it and leaned down to wave at me through the window. Waving back as he set off towards the shop, I let out a breath that I had been clenching in my lungs since he had reminded me of the kiss we shared. Of course, I never forgot but I didn't expect him to bring it up. I didn't take off right away. I had to sit and stew in the aftermath of recent events. Events that were going to serve as stepping stones towards an ultimate goal. That little ringing of nervousness that trills through your whole body were what I was starting to feel as I sat there thinking about having kissed Valter not but twelve hours ago. A reel of the memory of us all drinking together and him being too drunk to call a cab played over and over and I don't know why I felt nervous but I just did. My guts were crawling and my heart started to quicken so much I felt like I was going to start having an anxiety attack. Breathing in deeply through my nose, I tried to expel all of the screaming thoughts of ways that I could fuck everything up. But I knew I hadn't fucked up. Not yet. All the pieces I needed were in place and the fact remained; I was going to have sex with Valter. It was inevitable. We had already set the tone. So why did I feel like it was all something I had just made up? It was hard for me to exist in my own head at that moment and I thought most definitely I would have an anxiety attack just as soon as I got home and started to clean from top to bottom obsessively and thoroughly. The thought of having to impress him was crushing and I cowered every time my phone went off in fear of seeing a message from him that might indicate he was going to change his mind. I showered and used my loofah to scour my skin, thinking back to a few hours prior when Valter had been naked in the very same place. Of course, I had witnessed nothing but it didn't stop me from picturing him and what he might have done while he was using my shower to wash. Though I had never seen him without clothes on, I pictured water running down his skin then remembered what he looked like with his hair all wet after he had come out into the kitchen smelling like my fancy organic, fair-trade, vegan and cruelty-free soap. It all lent so much to my imagination that I lost myself completely in thought until about seven PM when I finally received a message from Valter asking if I was still game to hang out. 
Still game to game with me tn?
Excitement crept into my chest and flickered there like a burning flame. It was almost time. I had stashed away my hard copy of Agents of Carnage so he wouldn't see it and ask why it was that I didn't want to play it with him. Instead, I hooked up all of my older consoles and dug out some stacks of other options. I knew it would be easy to convince him to play something that didn't involve me logging onto my gamertag in front of him. I still didn't want him to have a clue.
Yes. My place? I waited another fifteen minutes for his response and it drove me crazy every second I attended my phone.
Sure. I'll be there in a bit. The time I spent waiting for him to knock on my door was half an hour of pure agony. When he finally showed up I opened the door and felt weak in the limbs when he smiled down at me and raised his eyebrows with his hands clasped behind his back. "Sorry for taking so long," he said immediately as I let him by me through the door. "It's okay," I said. His body, as well as his smell, breezed past me and I started to feel that arousing intoxication hit me. He hadn't even spent more than a minute inside my house and I was already foaming at the lips. "How was work?" I asked him. "Oh, man!" he began to laugh and shake his head. I cocked my head at him in question, "What?" He followed me into the living room where I had just one lamp on beside the sofa and two controllers already plugged in and waiting to be picked up off the coffee table. "I guess we're going old school then?" He asked, smirking at the wired controllers sitting there for us. "Yeah, I felt in the mood to play something old school. You're cool with that?" I asked. "Of course. Whatever you want. It's your house," he said, accent ringing in my ears pleasantly. I started to salivate when we sat down. He smelled as though he had showered again or it was just his fresh black zip-up hoodie. His hair was all swept back and hidden underneath a backward baseball cap and I was kind of sad that I couldn't see it. His Scandinavian features had become a subject of my obsession. Blonde had never been the colour that I preferred but his hair was so lustrous and fell over in the effortlessly trendy way he wore it that I couldn't help but come to adore it. His lips, the ones I had kissed the night before were so full I could scantly pull my eyes from them when he spoke. "So wait, what were you going to tell me?" I asked him. "What was I going to tell you when?" "When you first got here. You said 'oh' when I asked you how work was." Valter nodded his head knowingly, a cocky smirk wiped over those luscious lips. "Oh, right. Yeah... Riley was pissed at me." "Really?" I asked. "You were only like five minutes late." "No," Valter shook his head. "He wasn't mad about that. It didn't help but... That's not what he was pissed about." "What was he pissed about?" He laughed uneasily like what he wanted to tell me wasn't something that was his right to tell. "Okay... If I tell you, you have to promise me not to say anything. I really don't want things to get complicated for you." "For me? Why would things get complicated for me?" Valter started to look a little worried. "I don't know. It could possibly make things weird for you. I mean, if you don't already know... Riley is in love with you." I rolled my eyes and snickered, "yeah, I kind of noticed." "Well... He found out last night that I went home with you and he was acting really weird about it." "It's none of his business, really." "That's what I told him," Valter assured. "I told him it didn't matter... That you just gave me a ride home." "Yeah. So, what's the big deal?" Valter laughed again as he looked at me. He was all smiles and they were contagious ones. He leaned back and rubbed his hands over his face for a moment to regain his composure. "Fuck... He kinda... Caught me in a lie." "What? What did you say? Tell me!" "So, I told him yeah, that you had dropped me off at home last night and that was that. But then he started... I don't know... I guess, laughing at me? Because I guess he also saw you drop me off this morning. So he thinks I slept with you and now he hates my guts." "But we didn't." "I know! I know... I told him that. Even though it's not his business. I told him that and he doesn't believe me. Not that I care but it's just that I don't want it to become an unpleasant environment for you at work." I shrugged my shoulders. "If I show up to work and he makes any questions about it then he has a harassment lawsuit on his hands so... If you're buddies with him, I would suggest telling him that." "Ruthless!" Valter laughed. "Always," I said slyly. "I didn't tell him I was coming back tonight to finish what we started though." "Oh!" I exclaimed. "Is that so? Is that what you think is going to happen?" Valter placed his controller back on the table before we had even made it through the first loading screen. He sicked those murky green eyes on me and I could feel the pressure in my veins go off the charts. "It's not what I think is going to happen. It's what I know is going to happen." Valter leaned closer to me and I couldn't deny him or myself the pleasure of kissing his lips again; those sumptuous pink lips that I had already heard all manner of filth spill from. The distinct smell of his was only made better by our proximity. Each second that we passed by kissing each other, a feeling of warmth spread from my chest and bloomed all over me like my body had been commandeered by a field of fiery flowers, bursting with pollen that carried along my limbs like glowing ashes to sizzle in my fingertips and toes. I placed my hand on his thigh and rubbed my thumb over the denim only slightly. He pulled away to stare down at where I was touching him, lips languorously hanging open after I too pulled away. He unzipped his black hoodie and pulled it off, getting comfortable before he pulled my hand and urged me to climb on top of his lap to sit. He looped his arms around my back and pulled my chest to his so he could deepen our kiss. Without pause, he took his hat off and set it beside the lamp on the side table. I could finally do what I had wanted to do for so long and let my fingers lightly scratch up the back of his neck to lace gently through his hair. Too many times I had watched him combing his own fingers through his strands and fantasized about what it would be like to do the same. Now that I was doing it, the feeling was just as satisfying as I thought it would be. Valter was soft all over, from his hands to his hair to his lips and all of the skin I could touch. Even his voice got soft when he spoke against my mouth and said, "Oh my god, Nix. Nixyyy." The only thing that wasn't soft about him was the erection I could feel growing inside of his jeans. I didn't cower at the feeling. Rather, I wheeled my hips in a slow circle to tease him more. "Oh, fuck... I'm hard. I'm really fucking hard." "How hard?" "I'm sure you can feel for yourself the answer to that question." "Yes, but I want you to say it. Tell me how hard you are." Valter blushed although his hands betrayed his bashful look by squeezing my hips and helping me rock into him. "I... I'm so hard, I could probably come just like this," he admitted. "Oh, well, we wouldn't want that? Don't want to ruin the fun by finishing too early," I slunk down from his lap and lowered myself to the floor, knees on the carpet and hands running up his thighs. He held his breath for a moment before letting it out of his pursed lips. "Oh, Jesus." I reached for the band of his jeans, locating the button quickly and opening it before tugging the zipper down. Valter raised his hips so I could pull them down while he simultaneously pulled his white shirt off over his head. When he was completely naked sitting on my couch another hot wave of arousal drowned all sense of the world around me. I didn't hear the TV in the background and I didn't worry myself the way I had worried all day before he came back. Seeing him in all his glory with his cock hard and upright, resting against his stomach was enough to make me feel silly that I had ever doubted myself. His thighs were thick with muscle and I couldn't help but rub them as I scooted further between them. He looked down at me with such lust burning on his face I could practically feel the heat from it. "Please don't make me sit here naked while you're down there fully clothed," he urged me. "Here... Let me level the playing field a little," I said as I peeled my own shirt off and tossed it aside. His eyes fell down to my bra and the moment he registered that there were breasts to be seen, his cock twitched a little and I took notice. "You want to see more?" I teased. "Maybe? I mean... Yeah. Not if you don't want to though." I reached behind my back and tugged at the hooks of my bra strap. I didn't know which inhuman entity to thank for granting me the ability to get it off the first try, but I was most definitely happy I didn't have to struggle with it before pulling it off my chest. "God, yes. You have gorgeous tits," he whispered. I stood up taller on my knees, grabbed his hands and planted them on my chest as he leaned over and kissed my lips again. I took the opportunity to encircle his shaft with one hand and began gently massaging it until small whimpers started to escape him. He pulled back so he could watch what it looked like when I stroked my grip over the head of his cock, eying the first drop of pre-cum that had squeezed its way out. "Nix... Holy shit. Please... Please, can you- Oh, fuck yes." The question didn't have to leave his mouth before I answered it by gliding the tip of my tongue over the clear little bubble of liquid arousal. "What's that?" I asked. "What would you like me to do?" Valter pressed his head into the back cushions of my couch and shook his head slowly with a laugh. "Oh... You're going to make me say it?" "Yes," I leered. "Fuck! Ugh... Okay. Jesus, do you have to look at me like that while your tongue is-?" I interrupted him by sucking the swollen head of his cock between my lips for just a moment. He bristled with pleasure and another little laugh left him as he adjusted his position by tilting his pelvis up, sinking further into the couch cushions. "So evil." "I just like to hear you ask. So go on baby boy... What do you want?" "I want that mouth on my cock," he said with a slight tone of command that made my nipples perk. "Yeah? I bet you do," I picked on him with my lips ghosting the underside of his shaft so all he could feel was my breath. "Oh my god, why do you have to torture me?" He asked, hand reaching down his torso to push at the base of his erection, guiding it to my puckered lips. "'Cause it's fun," I replied with a giggle before sinking down on his length once slowly and sensually and then once again a little bit faster, making a dramatic little popping noise as I rose my face to smile back up at him. Valter cursed over and over again the more I teased and once his vocabulary started to veer off in a Swedish direction the more satisfaction I got from it. Aside from the certainty that he was just as beautiful naked as I had imagined, the way his skin gleamed in the dull lamplight tantalized me and made me want even more to make him moan out loud. His lips blushed like a rose in Summer and he didn't know if he should watch me or not with his big dusky green eyes. I sucked as much of his length down the column of my throat as I possibly could and he writhed beneath me, hips shifting and body rippling with gooseflesh. With a gasp, he suddenly pulled away, sat up and eyed me seriously. "Get up." "What?" He urged me up to the couch and when I climbed atop the cushions he went immediately for my pants, pulling them open and off as quick as he possibly could. My panties went down with them and he looked up at me like what he had discovered beneath them was rarer and more precious than anything he had ever seen before. "Oh... Nix. Goddamn... That's... Your pussy is..." His voice was low, words drawing out in fat drops of hot lust. I kicked off my pants and underwear and lifted my knees up over my hips as he extended his middle finger like he was about to curse me. But there were no brazen maledictions leaving his mouth then. He was nothing but an indulgent plash and it was hard for me to remember him as the brash shit-talking asshole I had gotten to know before seeing the other side of the coin. I nearly felt too vulnerable laying sprawled out on the couch with his long middle finger spreading my opening, gently dipping in once or twice, moaning deeply in unison. He adjusted his position on the couch to better face me so he could work his finger in and out of me easier while he reached his other hand down to wrap around his cock. The pad of his thumb stretched up to gently circle my clit which had peeked out from my intense arousal seeing him enjoy entering me in such a juvenile, almost virtuous way. He was not innocent though and I knew that. I decided to reclaim the power from him and rocked up into a sitting position. Gripping his cock once more, I tugged on it as I rose up off the couch. His eyes glued to me, he followed my action and stood up. We walked naked down the corridor and I never once let go of his length as I guided him, using his manhood as a tether to pull him along by. He laughed uneasily as though he wasn't sure if he was being led to paradise or to his demise. When I finally got him on my bed I climbed on top of him and took a backward ride on his dick so he could watch me from behind for a little while. It wasn't until I heard whimpers leave his lips and felt him tug on my elbow that I caught the hint that he wanted to see more of me. Obliging him, I got off slowly, dramatically, making an opulent scene of letting him watch every last inch of his cock pull from my wettened opening. "Come... C'mere. Sit on my face," he beckoned me upward with two fingers and I gladly accepted the invitation. Smothering his face with my underside was something that poured a strong cocktail of self-consciousness and excitement down my throat. At first, I thought if I did what he'd asked and sat on his face, I might hurt him or cause him to suffocate but that didn't turn out to be the case. His hands shot up to squeeze my ass and the only things that disappeared were the sounds of him moaning and groaning under my taste. I could still see his eyes and the way his eyebrows knit together in succulent pleasure. To say I fucked him mercilessly would have been a statement of accuracy. I took what I wanted from him by riding his lap and letting his hands up to explore every curve of my form. He divulged his grievous pleasure in the form of curse words both English and Swedish. He purred like an engine and being on top of it wasn't without its rewards. Valter was enthusiastic, pliant and spirited while I fucked him into my mattress. He didn't fight me for dominance but his words were caked in filth. "Your pussy's so good. Feels so perfect around me... Fuck, I'm getting close." "Don't come yet," I said. He pouted up at me, eyes shining in question. "Please?" "No, baby. Not until I say," I gritted. "I... I can't wait... I have to." "Don't blow yet, dirty boy. I'm not done with this nice hard cock yet," Valter shook his head, swallowed hard and tried to look up at me without his eyes going out of focus. "I'll fuck you again. We'll fuck again and again but... I'm going to fucking come." "You want to come?" I asked him, hands planted on his broad chest. "Yes!" "Are you a good boy?" Valter mewled with a lack of graciousness, "Seriously?" I slowed my rocking and glared down at him until he took the hint that my authority over his body was not up for question. "Yes! Yes... I'm a good boy! Can I please come?" "Yeah, you are a good boy, aren't you? Letting me ride you... Letting me use your cock however I like." He must have been impressed by how forthcoming I was because he smirked like he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "I'll be your fucking throne, honey. You can sit on me whenever the fuck you want." "Oh, that's a very good boy!" "Yes, I'm a good boy. Please, Nix... I'm about to fucking bust. Kristus... Så bra." I quickened my pace on him, snapping my hips up and down, using his torso as my support while his hand snuck down to rub at my clit. "Yeah, you're gonna bust. You're going to come inside my pussy. Your cum is mine... Give it to me." I batted his hand away and took over rubbing myself off while he pushed his hips up into me harder than he had all night. I could tell by the way all his tendons flexed and his arms stiffened that an orgasm was about to rip through his body and find its way to coat my insides. I followed closely by my own hand and the visual spectacle that was the beautiful blonde man underneath me, panting for air and his sense of manliness back. Our climaxes mixed in a lovely, thick pool of brackish perfume and smeared all over our groins until neither of us could produce another drop. I collapsed on top of him and he wrapped his arms around me with an urgency I didn't expect. The pounding of our hearts could be felt between our chests like the organs were trying to escape to continue the battle. The afterglow lasted and lasted, turning from moist hotness to a calming lull. Valter snickered and guided me onto my side so we could lay facing each other with our heads on pillows. He was still dewy with sweat and pink all over like he had just come out of a particularly balmy shower. "That was... Wow. I wasn't really expecting that," he admitted. "I know," I answered. "I'm guessing you were?" I nodded. "Something kind of like that." "Well, it was... Fun?" He sounded skeptical still, as though everything I had just done to him was open to interpretation. "Was it fun for you?" I asked. "Yes." "Same here." Valter pushed my hair out of my face and scooted closer to me so he could press a dousing kiss to my lips. "Uh oh," he whispered when he pulled back an inch or two. "What?" "Things are going to get messy for us, aren't they?" I sighed but couldn't help but smile because the mess we were creating was just the thing I had been yearning for. "Maybe... I suppose we'll see." "You uh, still want to game?" He asked, quirking his eyebrows at me. "Oh, totally. I've been excited to kick your ass all day." Valter sat up in my bed and wobbled like he had drunk too much. "I think you already did but, bring it on. I'm down to get my ass whooped again by you, madame.
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