boxofwildthings · 8 years
Shopping for gluten free food got me like
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boxofwildthings · 8 years
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15 places gluten may be lurking....check out the blog Box of Wild Things for more deets on gluten free living.
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boxofwildthings · 8 years
What’s the Deal with Gluten Free Cheerios
I can’t deny the little bit of excitement I felt when I first heard the whisperings of gluten free Cheerios.
I never miss breakfast, especially now that I’m growing a baby inside me, and eating cereal is not something I do on the regular. I usually opt for something a little more nutritional and higher in protein like eggs and avocado or my favorite 5 ingredient protein packed pancake.
But when “The one and only (gluten free) Cheerios” were finally released last year, I took the plunge and bought a box (family sized…don’t judge).
Even with the dreaded risk of cross contamination that typically comes with these sort of product releases I found it hard to resist a throwback classic from my childhood.
Shortly after, General Mills released an apology to the gluten free community for the contamination of a production facility in Lodi, California facility lead to the recall of certain Cheerios products.
Luckily, I got my cereal fix and remained unscathed and even though I’ve traded in the 1% milk from my childhood for an unsweetened almond/coconut blend, I was not let down by the lightly sweetened flavor of my giant bowl of Gluten Free Honey Nut Cheerios.
I’ll end this post by saying that I appreciate the transparency and communication offered by General Mills but honestly I have not been willing to take the risk again…even though it was very satisfying.
This content was originally published at http://boxofwildthings.com/2015/08/01/whats-deal-gluten-free-cheerios/
For more info on gluten free living visit www.boxofwildthings.com
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boxofwildthings · 8 years
How to Host a Gluten Free Gender Reveal Party
I was committed to keeping our baby’s gender a surprise to us and everyone until delivery day, or so I thought…
Overall, I consider myself to be a relatively private person and always felt that parties or any event in which we expect others to celebrate all the wonderful things in our own live’s seems to be a bit ostentatious.  I’ve also never expected anyone to care about my humble little life. Which is probably why I’ve only ever thrown myself one birthday party in my adult life and afterwards swore to never do it again.
In my mind, throwing a gender reveal part seemed to fit right up there with throwing myself a birthday party.
Game-Day Decision By the time my 20 week ultrasound rolled around, we were both so wishy washy on whether or not to find out the gender of our baby. But, after an hour of watching our baby on the monitor and seeing how much it had grown, we knew we couldn’t wait. We made the game-day decision to find out the gender of the baby together, then and there.
But now we knew and how could we keep it a secret until the baby was here?!
#Mission Impossible.
It was inevitable, we were going to have to reveal the gender to our family’s some how.
Enter My Super Small, Low-Key, Gluten Free Gender Reveal Party It was last minute, totally rushed, completely bare-bones but also exciting and, in the end, totally worth it!
We kept things really simple and uncomplicated, just our parents, siblings and some other close family members. After all, having a baby is probably one of the most incredible experiences so why wouldn’t you want to share it with you family and/or closest friends?
My husband painted a little sign and picked up some beer and wine. I hung a banner, made some gluten free gender reveal cupcakes using Betty Crocker’s Gluten Free Vanilla Cake Box Mix, and threw together a quick and easy bbq dinner menu.
The gluten free cupcakes were super easy. Just follow the recipe on the box.
Once the cupcakes were cool, I cored and filled them with blue frosting (we’re having a boy!!). I added blue food coloring to my basic bitch vanilla frosting. I learned how to core and fill the gluten free cupcakes with here.
Then I frosted the outside with basic bitch vanilla frosting and topped with some fun multi-colored sprinkles.
Ultimately, deciding whether to share the gender of your baby or carry the secret until full term is an extremely personal decision. What ever you decide is the right answer for you and there’s no need to question it.Oh, but I do highly recommend Betty Crocker Gluten Free Vanilla Cupcake mix!
This content was originally published at http://boxofwildthings.com/2016/04/16/super-small-low-key-and-gluten-free-gender-reveal-party/
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boxofwildthings · 8 years
What’s the Deal with Gluten Reduced Beer?
In the world of beer there are two types of beer available to the gluten free community: gluten-free and gluten-reduced.
While traditional beer is brewed with ingredients that contain gluten (i.e. hops, malted barley or wheat), gluten-free beer is made from ingredients that are 100-percent gluten free like sorghum, millet or rice.
Gluten-reduced beers are made with traditional gluten-containing ingredients but are “crafted” to reduce gluten. The process involves the use of an enzyme that actually breaks down the gluten.
Though gluten-reduced beers meet the international gluten-free standard of containing less than 20 parts per million of gluten, they don’t meet FDA standards that allow them to be labeled gluten-free.
Based on a requirement of the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Alcohol and Tobacco Tax & Trade Bureau (TTB) gluten-reduced products may include one of the following statements on their label:
“Product fermented from grains containing gluten and [processed or treated or crafted] to remove gluten. The gluten content of this product cannot be verified, and this product may contain gluten.” “This product was distilled from grains containing gluten, which removed some or all of the gluten. The gluten content of this product cannot be verified, and this product may contain gluten.” Associated Risks of Gluten-Reduced Beer Reactions due to the consumption of gluten-reduced beer are not consistent but some have been reported. I personally have not had a reaction to the gluten-reduced beers I’ve tried (Omission/ Estrella).
As long as brewers are transparent with their processes and upfront in their gluten messaging, the individual decision to try gluten reduced beer can be based on some level of informed decision making. If your still unsure about trying gluten-reduced beer, check out the results from this Gluten-reduced beer survey conducted by the Celiac Support Association.
Gluten-Reduced Beer List If you want to “roll the dice”  here are a few to try:
Estrella Damn Daura
Stone Delicious IPA
Glütiny pale ale
Glütiny golden ale
New Belgium Pale Ale
This content was originally published at http://boxofwildthings.com/2016/05/25/whats-deal-gluten-reduced-beer/.
For more tips on gluten free living visit www.boxofwildthings.com
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boxofwildthings · 8 years
Are French Fries Gluten Free?
One of the most common questions I get asked about gluten free dining is, “Are french fries gluten free?” The answer is not as simple as you may think.
French fries most definitely should be gluten free, after all they are made of potato, an ingredient that is naturally gluten free. However, there are a couple factors that can make french fries off limits:
Are they coated, battered or pre-formed? How are they fried? Tips for Playing it Safe Ordering fries from a place that makes other fried food means there is always the risk of cross-contamination. Fortunately you can protect yourself by asking the right questions.
Start by asking your sever outright if the french fries are gluten-free. If you get a blank stare assume the worst and order the garden salad. If your server says they are gluten-free, give yourself one more line of defense and ask if the establishment uses a dedicated fryer for gluten free items. The answer to this question, if you trust it, will help you determine if the fries are in fact gluten free.
Some restaurants and/or pre-formed brands may coat their fries with a batter that contains gluten – apparently it enhances their crispiness. If you’re buying frozen french fries from the grocery store, always check the package for a certified gluten-free label.
You might not want to hear it but the best way to make sure your fries are gluten free is to make them yourself. Check out my gluten free sweet potato fries recipe here.
This content was originally published on http://boxofwildthings.com/2016/02/20/french-fries-gluten-free/.
For more useful tips and guides on gluten free living visit www.boxofwildthings.com 
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boxofwildthings · 8 years
15 Places Gluten May Be Lurking
Gluten free living can feel a lot like living with constant paranoia- I’m always reading and re-reading labels, skeptically asking a million questions even developing conspiracy theories of cross contamination.
Luckily, over the years I’ve learned a lot about where gluten might be lurking, waiting to strike fear in the hearts of glutards everywhere. Check out this list of 15 unexpected places to find gluten:
Frozen preformed hamburger patties, sausages, meatballs may contain wheat based fillers.
Imitation crab meat – often used in sushi, i.e. California rolls.
Veggie burgers-may contain wheat flour or breadcrumbs as combining agents.
Sauces & Gravy – often times the thickening agent used in a sauce or gravy is wheat flour, also most creamy sauces are made with a roux.
Salad Dressing- You should be safe with olive oil and vinegar (as long as it’s not malt vinegar) at home but what about all the wonderful options in the dressings aisle or restaurant menu? Some dressings are pre-made with gluten to thicken them up.  Beware.  Read the label and continue to reread the labels every time you buy to make sure ingredients didn’t change.
Marinades –  many marinades are soy sauce based which can contain gluten, not to mention seasonings that may contain gluten. The easiest thing to do is make your own!
BBQ Sauce – the basic ingredients may be gluten free but always read the packaging.
Chips – some flavor seasonings contain malt vinegar or wheat starch
Soy sauce – Most brands are made with wheat, look for gluten-free soy sauce or naturally gluten-free tamari
Deli meats and cheese – processed meats may contain gluten, I recommend Board’s Head Brand for quality and reliability.
Eggs (when served at a restaurant) – some food establishments like IHOP actually put buttermilk pancake batter in their eggs/ omelets to make them fluffier.
Communion wafers – we’re not even safe in church!
Rice mixes – though rice itself is gluten free, packaged rice mixes can contain seasonings with ingredients that contain gluten like barley malt.
Salad toppings like candied nuts  – the sugary candy coating can contain gluten
French fries – cross contamination can occur from the frier or they may be covered in a flour coating to increase crispiness.
This content was originally posted at http://boxofwildthings.com/2016/05/26/15-places-gluten-may-hiding/ 
For more helpful tips and guides on gluten free living visit www.boxofwildthings.com 
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boxofwildthings · 8 years
In my not so gluten free dreams
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boxofwildthings · 9 years
5 Ways Being Grateful Will Make You Happier
5 Ways Being Grateful Will Make You Happier
This post is dedicated to A & J <3
Being grateful –it doesn’t take a lot of time, it’s free and it makes you feel good.
Sometimes things don’t work out the way you thought they would and sometimes they work out better than you thought. No matter the scenario there’s always a reason to be grateful.
The ritual of acknowledging all that we are grateful for brings positive vibes and happiness. It may…
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boxofwildthings · 9 years
Style Guide: Ga-Ga For Gingham
Style Guide: Ga-Ga For Gingham
The simple and distinct design of gingham has secured it a place among the classics like herringbone, hound’s tooth, argyle and plaid. If you haven’t noticed, the fashion industry does a lot of re-makes on the classics.
Check out these gingham throwbacks:
Purchasing well-made clothing in classic silhouettes or classic textile designs is always a great way to get the biggest bang for your buck!
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boxofwildthings · 10 years
Raspberry Butter Will Revolutionize Your Morning
Raspberry Butter Will Revolutionize Your Morning
I love watching cooking shows and coming up with healthy ways to modify the recipes into gluten free friendly versions. I actually saw the Barefoot Contessa make raspberry butter on one of her early pilot season episodes. She was baking fresh scones for a posh Sunday brunch in the Hamptons and blew my mind with this simple and colorful way of dressing up her butter.
I love little details the that!
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boxofwildthings · 10 years
Gluten Free Organic Spinach Rollatini
Gluten Free Organic Spinach Rollatini
Having a gluten free diet can sometimes make you feel like your life is all about sacrificing the foods you love, like Italian food! But with 10 years of gluten free living under my belt, I’ve learned a few tricks for making healthy gluten free alternatives like this amazing recipe for gluten free spinach rollatinis.
Don’t be scared! It’s not as hard as it sounds, I promise.
This recipe yields 8…
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boxofwildthings · 10 years
Going "Deep" With Chemical Free Skin Care
Going “Deep” With Chemical Free Skin Care
True Story: A friend of mine was breaking out with severe redness and rashes all over her hands and her skin from a lotion that contains methylisothiazolinone (MI). It took her months to figure out what was actually causing this reaction in the first place. She continued to use her daily moisturizer and continued to suffer not realizing it was the lotion causing the issue. Before coming to the…
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boxofwildthings · 10 years
These Simple Ingredients Make The Ultimate Pancake!
These Simple Ingredients Make The Ultimate Pancake!
I’m always looking for healthy ways to start my day off right, so when some good friends of mine shared this recipe with me I jumped all over it! This ultimate pancake is lean, clean, protein packed and gluten-free.  Needless to say it’s become a staple breakfast at my house ever since. I’ve made some modifications over time but this breakfast fuels my body and keeps me going without the pangs of…
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boxofwildthings · 10 years
A Lemon a Day Keeps the Doctor Away?
A Lemon a Day Keeps the Doctor Away?
Well not quite, but lemons are definitely crammed with nutrients and healthy benefits for your body. You may be putting lemon in your water as a way to add a little flavor but you are actually doing a whole lot more for your body than you realize.
Here are 3 major benefits from drinking lemon water:
Lemon water detoxifies your body by knocking toxins loose from your digestive tract, which…
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boxofwildthings · 10 years
The Best Eyebrow Styling Technique EVER!!!!
The Best Eyebrow Styling Technique EVER!!!!
Ok, so anyone who knows me (C) knows I have a small obsession with my eyebrows, and more specifically figuring out the right shape for my face.
In the past when I was tweezing I found it challenging to keep a perfect shape and not over pluck in the wrong areas. SO MANY TIMES I would look in the mirror when I was done tweezing and think I looked like a total mental patient.
All I have to say is…
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boxofwildthings · 10 years
The Most Versatile Item That Needs to be in Your Home
The Most Versatile Item That Needs to be in Your Home
As we have mentioned in previous posts, a big goal for us gals at Box of Wild Things is to live a more natural lifestyle. Trying to eradicate chemicals from our lives is a full-time job but in all our trials and tribulations there has been one knight in shining armor, BAKING SODA.
Here are 10 ways to use baking soda as a natural remedy in your lives. All tried, tested and approved by yours truly.
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