#vampire alanna mitsopolis
mlady-magnolia · 9 months
Hiii. Can you make a doodle of Vampire Alanna and her energetic Werewolf gf Grace pls <333
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“Woof woof woof woof” - Grace, probably
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femmeetart · 10 months
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Just a taste test omnomnom
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forlornmelody · 11 months
10 Fandoms: 10 Characters
Tagged by @neolithicprophet. 10 Fandoms?? Let's see if I can name 10, haha.
DC Comics: Rose Wilson. She's a badass. She's got daddy issues. She will literally rise from the dead whenever she feels like it. Oh, and she can see the future. In some instances, she's missing an eyeball. You never know quite what side she's on. I love her.
Mass Effect: Aria T'Loak. Morally grey crime boss who could step on me and I'd still commit war crimes for her.
LOTR: Samwise Fucking Gamgee: Gardener. Execellent cook. Will literally carry an evil ring for you, and even carry you when that doesn't work. 11/10
Nimona: Nimona herself. I'm a sucker for shapeshifters, especially ones that express my complicated feelings on gender.
Vampire Academy: Adrian Ivashkov. Classic royal vampire bad boy who secretly has a heart of gold. Still rooting for you, buddy.
The Good Place: Jason Mendoza. Literally no problem a molotov cocktail can't fix.
The House In the Cerulean Sea: Lucy: Imagine the antichrist. Now imagine him as a kiddo in a foster home for magical children. He can literally do the most terrifying things but all he needs is a hug and someone to tell him he's a good kid, and he's the most precious kiddo ever. I want to name my next cat after him.
Mission Impossible: Alanna Mitsopolis, aka The White Widow: Listen, this woman could paint a house and I'd watch every second. Probably would commit war crimes for her also. I have a type. Will definitely go back and watch MI: Fallout just to see more of her.
Hacks: Deborah Vance. Listen, I just started watching this show today, and I'm already in love with her. Deb is your classic starlet diva, with too much money and no idea what to do with herself outside of work.
Our Flag Means Death: Blackbeard. He has this hardass front that he puts on, but he's a sweetheart that really cares how others think of him. And I love him for that.
Tagging: @ferociousqueak, @rpgwrites, and @n0rmandysr1, if you want to play.
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astarlitsunflower · 6 years
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Like two(?) Weeks or something ago I told @darknessandterrorandkittens I would make them a surprise, and well, for other reasons writing was Just Not happening.
So! Since the mood as of late has Vampire and Werewolf AU's, I made some aesthetic boards for our Vamp!Ilsa Faust and Werewolf!Alanna Mitsopolis from Mission Impossible.
(also they're totes girlfriend's just fyi)
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readsfortunes · 6 years
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PERMANENT PLOTTING CALL, like this post if you’re interested in plotting with any of my muses and I’ll IM everyone <3 short descriptions with links are below the cut to help out as well, and the list will be updated if/as I make more muses. (mutuals only, and please specify which muse you’d like to plot with!!)
Sabine Beavoir aka Nightshade (fandomless cyberpunk oc)
Sabine is an assassin in a cyberpunk universe, which I am currently building. She was brought into this world by her mentor, who helped her years ago when she killed her father after he killed her mother and locked her and her sister in a room for three days. Sabine is very sadistic, she only does hired kills (lies, sometimes she strays from the path and does it purely for fun), but she really enjoys it. Verse-wise, I can work around to fit her into marvel or dc universes if needed, but anything that has a sci-fi atmosphere works.
Calliope Espinosa (fandomless vampire oc)
Callie’s a very powerful vampire. In the setting I created for her, she became the leader of an entire faction of vampires, and within that group she is called La Reina. She’s the owner of a vampire bar and cabaret, where all types of creatures are welcome as long as they respect her and her vamps. And the humans that come along are probably gonna turn into food. And yes, I will admit, she was heavily inspired by FDTD’s Kisa. She can fit in many different verses, anything works as long as she’s still a vampire.
Venus Von Spanx (fandomless drag queen oc)
Venus is a drag performer and dominatrix, owner and manager of a sex club called The Kink Machine (name probably to be changed). I still have a few details to work out about her, but it’s pretty simple, she’s a human oc that can fit many many verses.
Natalia Kaisekamp aka Personification of Lust (fandomless oc)
So Natalia has two verses that matter: one where she REALLY is the personification of sin, and one where experiments where done on her by what is called The Sin & Virtue project (also set in my cyberpunk universe). In this cyberpunk verse, she has no memory of her actual life, just memories that were implanted on her, they’ve made her believe she is the personification of Lust, just as they’ve done to the other people in this project, created for unknown purposes.
Václav Koller (Deus Ex franchise)
Václav is the owner of a bookstore called The Time Machine, which is actually a front for his real business: illegal underground augmentation clinic. He does neuroplastic surgery for people who still have augments (and the money to pay for this kind of stuff), but his clientele is mostly criminals.
Donovan (The Red Strings Club)
Donovan is a bartender and information broker, but for reasons yet unknown, he cannot leave his bar. His body also rejects modifications, and he’s one of the only humans who hasn’t had anything implanted or modified.
Nine Ball (Ocean’s 8)
Nine Ball is an amazing hacker, and currently owns her own bar, due to the money she gained from the heist. And……… I don’t know what else to say bc there’s not much about her in the movie and I’m a dumbass and don’t remember her real name. But I’ll work on this.
Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
(I follow the Survivor Timeline) Daughter of a wealthy archeologist, Lara grew up in a big house with a fascination for all things ancient and historical, dreaming of being like her dad one day. However, his incessant research into eternal life (due to the death of Lara’s mother, Amelia), drew him further and further into reclusion, causing Lara to rebel against him for many years. After his death, and recently out of college, Lara decided to look into her father’s research, going into places he had been or spoken about, which garnered her a few interesting adventures.
Mollymauk Tealeaf (critical role)
(quick disclaimer: i still haven’t totally caught up with campaign 2 and i haven’t finished campaign 1, sorry). Molly’s a bloodhunter tiefling with purple skin and horns as ostentatious as his wardrobe. After being found repeating the word empty over and over, Molly was taken in to the Fletching and Moondrop Travelling Carnival of Curiosities, with which he travelled for 2 years alongside Yasha before the two of them joined forces with some more outcasts and formed the Mighty Nein. I am still undecided if there will be a non-fantasy verse for Molly, but.... probably not, for now, it’s all DnD centered. (But I would love having some stuff set before the campaign btw!!)
Zia Rodriguez (Jurassic World)
Zia is a paleo-veterinarian, having always dreamt of working on the island, however that never came to be because the incident happened soon after she accepted an internship at the park. Eventually, she joined the DPG to help with their efforts, hoping to study the dinosaurs once they were rescued, and to one day be able to tell the world more about these creatures. 
The White Widow (Mission Impossible)
Alanna and her brother Zola are the children of Max Mitsopolis, a world-renowned arms dealer from whom they inherited the business. At some point, Max turned to using her illegally-obtained money for charitable purposes, something Alanna kept doing as well.
Bloody Mary (Fables / The Wolf Among Us)
A socipathic killer, Mary was the henchwoman for the Crooked Man before his death (verse based on choosing to kill the Crooked Man in TWAU). She left Fabletown for a while after getting severely injured by Bigby Wolf, hiding and plotting her next course of action. Mary’s back now, taking Crooked’s business for herself, intent on becoming a crime boss. Mundies call her Bloody Mary, an old legend that dares children to summon her in a bathroom mirror by repeating her name, and she visits all those who have the audacity of bothering her, teaching them a quite bloody lesson. 
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mlady-magnolia · 9 months
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The M:I Women but make it supernatural~
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