#vampire post covid butters time!!!
vampyrebug-art · 2 years
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would you let a vampire sell you nfts, just curious
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cleolinda · 2 years
A sincere and important poll
I am trying to figure out what to write about aside from perfume; I would like to do that 1-2 times a week, and then we have the bread and butter posts, some kind of longterm commentary content. (This is difficult to plan while I have fallen sick, AGAIN, with a head cold, but we persevere.) You would be able to read posts a day early on, say, a $5 Patreon level--that's my plan, but they would show up here for free, for sure. Here is my question:
I have not been reading the Dracula or Dracula Daily tags, but before the pandemic, I had been doing tweet threads on each chapter of the book (I made it through three before getting covid). It seems to me that Dracula may be discoursed to death now. There are several things I love about it and would like to talk about, but Tumblr may be... saturated by now. My alternative is to pick up with the Varney the Vampire recaps I was doing even longer ago. (I would go to those after I finished Dracula anyway.) What do you think I should do? A vote for Dracula is a vote for both; a vote for Varney is "We have had enough Dracula, honestly just skip to that."
Finishing up some Twilight content is not a poll option because I will be doing that anyway, knock on wood.
Even if you're not interested, it would really help if you could reblog this for me; I'd like to find other Livejournal old timers.
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monriatitans · 3 months
Ta-Da! List: Tuesday, June 25th
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The image was made in Canva; check it out at the [referral] link here!
I share my “Ta-Da! List” every day so everyone gets a daily update and I have a reminder of what I’ve accomplished.
To learn more about “Ta-Da! Lists”, and other ADHD life hacks, check out @adhdjesse’s book Extra Focus: The Quick Start Guide to Adult ADHD.
- O&T: Opinions & Truth Blog - WGS: The Weekend Game Show - COTMQ: Cause of the Month Quote - BMAC: Buy Me a Coffee - TDL: Ta-Da! List
Ta-Da! List
✧ June 24th: - Medium: added pronouns to the profile
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ throughout the day: - kept emails manageable - loaded the dishwasher - filled out today’s TDL
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ on the mobile phone: - YouTube: watched Cinema Therapy’s video “Therapist Reacts: GODZILLA MINUS ONE” - WGS: used July’s COTMQs to create images using the Quotes Creator App
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ on the bedroom setup: - WGS: began the process of using July’s COTMQs to create post templates - Movies: watched “The Nightmare Before Christmas” - O&T: shared today’s TDL to the WGS Ko-fi
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ on the office setup: - Rumble: updated social media links - WGS: for July’s COTMQ posts, picked the quotes, added them to the posts, added a watermark to the COTMQs’ images; began scheduling Tumblr posts - O&T: added sections to the “July Wrap-Up” scheduled post; created all of the TDL Featured Images for July; shared today’s TDL to various social media - YouTube: rearranged the order of the “Featured” and “Links” sections; watched and/or listened to: 1. Robert Reich’s video “Why Trump Is Partnering With Christian Nationalists” and short “Shelby v Holder — How the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act” 2. Orion Kelly — That Autistic Guy’s video “Autism in Adults — 55 Hidden Signs” 3. Mom on the Spectrum’s short “Things that Can Dysregulate Autistic People PT 2 #audhd #autistic #momonthespectrum” 4. ContraPoints’ video “Twilight” 5. Philosophy Tube’s videos “What Are Rights? Duty & The Law”, “Should the Rich Help the Poor?”, “What Happens in a Philosopher’s Brain?”, and “Are Instagram & Photography Aesthetically Pointless? | ft. PBS Idea Channel” 6. PBS Idea Channel’s video “What is ~A E S T H E T I C~ Experience? | Idea Channel” 7. Jim Sterling’s videos “The Last Of Us Part I Has The Worst Graphics Of All Time”, “Bayonetta’s Payonetta”, “So The Bayonetta 3 Mess Got Messier”, “Overwatch 2: Blizzard’s Latest Travesty”, “Google Stadia R.I.P And L.O.L”, “Dunkey, Vampires, And Staying In One’s Lane”, “GTA: Garbage Takes Aplenty”, “The Industry’s Getting Unionized”, “Sonic Origins Is On Some Real Silly Bullsh*t”, “Welp, I Got Covid”, “Creative Abandoned: Why Sonic Has So Many Bad Games”, and “Loot Boxes, The Government, And EA’s Propaganda” 8. Upper Echelon’s video “‘Gaming Whales’ Secretly Funding Nuclear Research” - Gaming: played “Final Fantasy XIV”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ chores and miscellaneous: - Food: had coffee for breakfast; had grapes for lunch; heated up frozen chicken breasts and vegetables for dinner; had regular and Peanut Butter Oreos; had some Pizza Goldfish; had hot cocoa - Chores: started, then unloaded the dishwasher; checked the mail; cleaned the cast iron skillet
Well, these are all the updates I had for today! Thank you for reading!
May every decision you make be *in the spirit of fairness* and may the rest of your day *NOT go to $#!7*!
Enjoy what I do? Please consider supporting via Buy Me a Coffee (BMAC)! Like what you see and want to know when there’s more? Click here to subscribe for updates and/or hit the Follow button! This post contains affiliate links.
Watch MonriaTitans on Twitch, YouTube, and Rumble! For more about MonriaTitans, click here!
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thegeminisage · 3 years
birthday meta for the birthday boy <3
[this version of the meta is behind a cut. if you’d prefer the no-cut version, it’s here.]
a fun little fanon from Ye Olde Days of spn (when seasons 1-5 were airing) was that sam always had the absolute worst birthdays. a big part of this is because sam’s birthday is in may. supernatural tends to align itself with “real time,” meaning that they like to use either the date the episode was filmed or the date it aired as the in-universe date, even when two canon dates conflict each other. (they’re so intent on doing this that they pretended the gap years between s5 & s6 and s7 & s8 right out of existence - season openers also usually tend to pick up right after season finales in-universe but still somehow be set several months later.) that means sam’s birthday tends to line up with the airdates on either season finales or episodes right before the finales, which means that every time sam gets a year old, shit hits the fan. 
here’s a list of things that did happen or could have happened on some of sam's birthdays:
0-22: we don’t have much in the way as far as concrete dates go for preseries stuff, but it’s perfectly possible sam walked out all that bullshit the day he turned 18, even if i prefer to think he left at age 19 as that aligns rather tragically with some adam-related canon.
23: we don’t have any dates for the end of s1/opening of s2 either, but it’s likely that sam’s birthday took place between 1.20 (dead man’s blood) and 2.01 (in my time of dying). he could have been doing anything from hunting vampires to saving one of YED’s special children to almost shooting his possessed father to getting hit by a semi to using a ouija board to talk to his not-quite-dead brother.
24: here’s where the real fun starts >:) sam died in cold oak in 2.21 (all breaks loose pt 1) and in the episode he says he’s 23. but according to the lore (extra-canonical material), dean made the deal to bring him back on his 24th birthday...
25: ...which means that on his 25th birthday, he was forced to watch dean get dragged to hell...
25b: ...except that sam had TWO 25th birthdays, because mystery spot took place in february, and sam lived in an alternate timeline where dean stayed dead for 6 months, putting him well past may 2nd. which meant that the first time he turned 25, he was actually getting tortured by gabriel. while his brother was getting tortured (or torturing someone else) in hell.
26: 4.20 (the rapture) took place in very late april/very early may (the wiki says may 3, but that’s just a guess), and 4.21 (when the levee breaks) picks up immediately where it left off. so it’s not only plausible but EXTREMELY LIKELY that sam was locked up in the panic room suffering withdrawals when he turned 26, dude
26b: ...except that in 11.17 (safe house), bobby and rufus’s half of the episode presumably takes place at the same time during season 4, and he mentions sam and dean are in reno?? so you know they could have been doing that instead.
27: we have no hard and fast dates for the end of season 5, but it’s my personal headcanon that sam’s birthday took place during 5.22 (swan song), and he beat the devil and leapt into hell on the day he turned 27 - because at this point, why not. however, his birthday could also have taken place during either 5.20 (the devil you know) or 5.21 (two minutes to midnight), meaning he was reconfronting his old college pal who turned out to be a demon brady, or helping bobby and a human cas destroy the factory with the croatoan virus.
28: there’s a gap year between s5 and s6, so sam’s 28th birthday took place while he was soulless, hunting with the campbell family...
28b: ...except spn likes to say “a year passed” without adding one to the calendar, so sam ALSO had a 28th birthday during the airing of s6. there’s some conflicting information about s6′s timeline, so this could have happened anywhere from 6.18 (frontierland) to 6.21 (let it bleed). sam could have been doing anything from time traveling to fighting eve to grappling with cas going dark side to rescuing lisa and ben.
29: sam’s 29th birthday almost definitely took place during 7.20 (the girl with the dungeons and dragons tattoo), during which he met charlie. in case you’ve forgotten, that was actually a great day for him - in a moment of true little brother antics and justifiable homophobia, he got to laugh at dean gay flirting with the security guard.
30: there was another gap year between s7 and s8, which means that sam spent the big three-oh with amelia richardson while dean and cas were in purgatory. he got to have a picnic!
30b: ...but since spn ignores gap years, sam ALSO had a 30th birthday during s8 (a big season for him). there isn’t an exact date for the episodes leading up to the finale, which takes place in late may, after sam’s birthday, so his birthday could have taken place in either 8.21 (the great escapist), where he nearly died of his trial-induced fever and confessed to dean that he always felt unclean, or during 8.22 (clip show), where he met sarah blake again after nearly a decade, only to have her die right in front of him.
31: the s9 timeline is pretty vague, but the best guess for this one is 9.18 (meta fiction), in which sam finally gets to confront gadreel, the angel who possessed him and killed kevin with his hands
32: the s10 timeline is also short on dates, so sam’s birthday could have taken place anywhere between 10.16 (paint it black) and 10.21 (dark dynasty). a few possible things sam could have been doing: dealing with a hunt involving soulless people, helping cas and bobby break metatron out of heaven’s prison, catching up with charlie and giving rowena the book of the damned, battling the cursed werther house (don’t click that unless you’ve seen the episode, the twist is TOO good), reuniting claire with her mom, or building charlie’s pyre.
33: the last quarter or so of s11 happens really quickly sequentially, every episode picking up soon after the last one left off, which means that sam’s birthday either took place at the very end of the season or the beginning of s12. it’s most likely he turned 33 either the day dean saved the sun and sam himself got shot and kidnapped by toni bevell, or a few days later when he was being held captive and tortured in her basement.
34: unfortunately, sam’s 34th birthday almost definitely took place during 12.21 (there’s something about mary). i was really hoping it’d be 12.22 so he could be kicking the bmol’s asses, learning lucifer was back, and hugging mary, but no...instead he was mostly likely learning that ketch had had eileen killed. 
35: because of some weird canon, the timeline for season 13 is actually batshit insane and makes no sense whatsoever, which means sam’s birthday is really early this season - either during 13.17 (the thing) where he rescues his brother from a frisky tentacle monster or 13.18 (bring ‘em back alive) where he hangs out with gabriel and cas in the bunker. since that’s garbage, you’d be forgiven for ignoring canon and pretending sam’s birthday fell on one of the following episodes - 13.19 (funeralia) is very touching, as he and rowena clash and then make up with each other; 13.21 (beat the devil) has sam capturing lucifer, then dying and getting revived and captured by him; 13.22 has sam getting a little revenge by leaving lucifer for dead; 13.23, of course, has lucifer finally dying for good.
36: there’s no dates whatsoever on the back half of s14, so theoretically sam’s birthday could take place in any episode after 14.13 (lebanon). the likeliest and COOLEST candidate is for sam to turn 36 during 14.20, in which he shoots god himself point blank. other admittedly inferior  scenarios include his stint as justin the 50s househusband, mary’s death, or putting jack in the ma’lak box.
37: we saw this birthday happen onscreen during 15.14 (last holiday) at a party thrown by mrs. butters. unfortunately, not too long after that, she wound up torturing him by pulling out his fingernails.
38: that’s this year! because the timeline of s15 is also so weird and vague, partially fucked up by covid changing the shooting/airing times, and because sam’s birthday is SO early in s15, it’s possible that he has another one this season, right at the end, or maybe post-canon, which means............................................
...................................................that he’s spending it with dean and jack and the newly revived eileen and cas, in the bunker or somewhere else he feels safe and loved :)
happy birthday, sam winchester <3 after all the unhappy ones...u deserve it
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[spn masterpost]
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positivexcellence · 4 years
After 15 seasons of angels, demons, vampires, werewolves, Scooby-Doo, Hitler, the Titanic and several apocalypses, “Supernatural” is ending in appropriately epic fashion: Sam and Dean Winchester vs. God, for all the marbles.
“How are these two humans going to face off against the ultimate celestial being?” asks Jensen Ackles, who plays Dean on the horror-tinged CW series.
Jared Padalecki, who plays Dean’s younger brother Sam, gives a simple answer: “The way they always have. They just buck up and do it.”
After COVID-19 postponed filming of the last two episodes of its final season, “Supernatural” returns Thursday (8 EDT/PDT) for its last seven hours to deliver a cataclysmic ending for a show and its two monster-hunting siblings that have become a cult hit with a passionate fan base. (The series finale is scheduled for Nov. 19.)
“We reapproach everything and see the culmination of what Sam and Dean have gone through for 15 years and their efficiency at doing just that,” Padalecki says.
“I love the fact that they had us get to the final level and face the big bad,” Ackles adds. It’s “this big, climactic, amazing showdown, but filtered in with them doing what they do best, which is just hunting your run-of-the-mill things that go bump in the night.”
Thursday’s return is a somewhat lighthearted affair: Sam and Dean discover a housekeeping wood nymph named Mrs. Butters (guest star Meagen Fay) in their bunker, and she gives them a taste of all the holidays they’ve missed before things go awry, “Supernatural” style.
“It's easier to come back with an episode like this than something that would be deeply depressing or heavy,” says executive producer Andrew Dabb. “Those episodes are coming.”
The ensuing weeks will see Sam and Dean preparing for a dust-up with the Almighty, aka Chuck (Rob Benedict); the Winchesters searching for God’s sister Amara (Emily Swallow); and a flashback to an early case when the siblings were kids, “which fills in an interesting part of their story but also ties in thematically and emotionally what Sam and Dean will be going (through) in the present day," Dabb says.
He adds that the final round of episodes centers on the climactic face-off and “how do you fight that fight, knowing that God’s keeping you around for some pretty petty manipulative reasons, and he's still trying to puppet-master our guys a little bit. How do you break free from that for hopefully the last time?”
Dabb also promises to reveal "new sides" of key characters like the angel Castiel (Misha Collins), Jack (Alexander Calvert) – the devil's son, who may be the key to defeating God – and Billie (Lisa Berry), the reaper currently holding the position of Death, as well as Chuck and Amara: "As often happens on 'Supernatural,' you may be a big cosmic player, but you still have sibling issues."
In addition to giving proper send-offs, Padalecki reveals that sacrifice –  always a “Supernatural” hallmark – plays a big role, too. “The most inspiring things for me, and for a lot of fans I've met in person, have been the moments where Sam and Dean go through something and then wake up the next day or the day after that or the next week and go, ‘OK. It's time for me to get back at it.’ And there's a lot of that in the final couple of episodes.”
Before they could film those 19th and 20th episodes, the stars were “shoveled back to Austin,” Texas, from Vancouver on March 13 due to COVID-19 and, spending time with their wives and kids, got “a little appetizer” for what life would be like post-“Supernatural,” Padalecki says. (He's starring this season in CW's "Walker," a reboot of 1993-2001 CBS drama "Walker, Texas Ranger" that starred Chuck Norris.)
“The silver lining is that we got to take a break and recharge our batteries,” says Ackles, who calls the penultimate episode a “season finale” and the last a “series finale.” “Certainly the season could have ended after 19 and would have been like, ‘OK, that makes sense.’ But then we come back for one more episode and just knock you straight in the teeth.”
Sam and Dean vs. God: 'Supernatural' returns for a final round of episodes to 'knock you straight in the teeth'
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weeklyhumorist · 4 years
Horoscopes For the Quarantined
Aries Seize the moment. Literally, any moment. It’s peak moment season, and all the moments are ripe for the seizing. So buy those fancy anal beads that you’ve been eyeing for the past week (they won’t be on sale forever).
Cancer You’ve got to break some eggs to make an omelet. Ghost that super boring dude you met just before quarantine, and let him assume you have too much existential anxiety to do Zoom sex. Once this global pandemic blows over, freeze your eggs.
Virgo Your fear of the unknown is keeping you from living life to the fullest. Do something that scares you but doesn’t put you in actual danger. Watch Us or It or the poorly lit videos of you and your ex having earnest sex that you shot on a flip video camera in 2008.
Gemini Now is the time for reflection and reading — which is good cause there’s not much else to do. Read a fun tabloid to remember that we’re all in this together — even celebrities on good looking yachts — or immerse yourself in an exotic and diverting tale of people leaving their house.
Taurus Your house of communication is active today, and you might hear of opportunities from an unusual source. Call your dog walker to check in on her — she has insider info about a sale on vampire gloves.
Leo Your need for attention is in full overdrive, but you can’t perform your clowning routine in a public park because it’s still not safe, so buy a webcam and post your banana peel set on RedTube! Just don’t be surprised when everyone tells you to take off your top.
Libra Today you may get trapped in a difficult moral quandary, but follow your gut: resist bingeing another season of Spongebob, and buy yourself some actual toilet paper. You’ve been feeling guilty for weeks about using Us Weekly as toilet paper because it’s disrespectful to the featured celebrities.
Scorpio Your libido right now is high, which is offensive because people are suffering around you. Go watch Catholic TV to cleanse yourself. If you’re still feeling randy, ironically sext with someone from Hinge, but don’t get too alarmed if he asks you to move in after twenty minutes — online dating is weird now.
Sagittarius Today is your day! It’s actually the luckiest day of the whole year; too bad the world is “on pause.” Instead of celebrating publicly, which could put you and others at risk, post a long humble brag on Facebook about how you’ve been using your #time to your advantage and teaching yourself tons of new skills like how to make a banana split and bathtub gin.
Capricorn If you’re feeling anxious about smoking weed, read that article that says smoking marijuana can boost COVID antibodies and everyone in the WHO is super stoned right now.  If you can’t find it, ask your weed dealer to send you the link.
Aquarius Your desire to have the quirkiest quarantine around has driven you to extremes like posting ironic gorilla mask selfies and pics of all your failed attempts at home-churned butter. Today just try to fit in with the other quarantiners and drink straight absinthe to make the time go.
Pisces Tonight’s full moon is making you miss your mom, your fifth grade art teacher, and that person you did anal with. To help you process the complicated emotions you can expect to encounter today, create a portrait of all three of these beauties by upcycling the packaging materials from your recent delivery — the Orgasmatron 3000 washing machine.
Horoscopes For the Quarantined was originally published on Weekly Humorist
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