#vancouver creative agency
inhousecreations · 2 years
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Learn how clothing manufacturing trends change in the fashion industry, and how clothing manufacturers work digitally. In House Creations is a leading Canadian clothing manufacturer that ranges from eco-friendly clothing manufacturing, organic and recycled materials, activewear, loungewear, streetwear, outerwear, tailored garments, accessories, and more! To get more information visit our official site.
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freeadmission · 1 year
Kasia, in colour published in Selin Magazine.
An editorial we created at Doris Land was published in Selin Magazine Issue 27 Vol 3.
Kasia and I have known each other for 6 years now, I met her when I reached out to Numa Models asking for a model for a creative. That relationship gave me a job that lasted three years. I created test images for the agency’s new models.
Connection is the glue that keeps us going, the thread that pulls us forward and I am so grateful for all of the amazing ones I have in my life.
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Hollywood is the single best example of mature labor power in America
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This afternoon (May 6), I’ll be in Berkeley at the Bay Area Bookfest for a 3:30PM event with Glynn Washington for my book Red Team Blues; tomorrow (May 7), it’s an 11AM event with Wendy Liu for my book Chokepoint Capitalism.
Weds (May 10), I’m in Vancouver for a keynote at the Open Source Summit and a book event at Heritage Hall and Thu (May 11), I’m in Calgary for Wordfest.
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The Writers Guild is on strike. Hollywood is closed for business. The union’s bargaining documents reveal a cartel of studios that refused to negotiate on a single position. This could go on for a long-ass time:
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
The writers are up for it. A lot of people are saying this is the first writers’ strike since 2007/8, but that’s not quite right. That was the last time the writers went on strike against the studios, but in 2019, the writers struck against their own talent agents — within the space of a week, all 7,000 writers in Hollywood fired their agents. They struck against the agencies for 22 months.
The agencies had consolidated down to four major firms, two backed by private equity who loaded them up with debt that could only be repaid if the agencies figured out how to vastly increase their profits. They did so, by unilaterally switching the way they did business with their clients. Instead of taking a 10% commission on the creative wages they bargained for, the agencies started to take “packaging fees” from the studios for putting together a writer, director, stars, etc. These fees came out of the same budget that the talent got paid from, so the higher the fee was, the less the talent made. Soon, some showrunners were discovering that they were getting 10% and their agents were getting 90%!
The agencies weren’t done, either: they were building their own studios, and planning to negotiate with themselves on behalf of their clients. The writers said fuck this shit. They issued a code of conduct ordering the agencies to knock all that shit off. The agencies swore they’d never do it. Why should they? Every job these writers had ever done came through an agency, and the agencies were staffed with the toughest, most obnoxious negotiators on the planet.
They were sure the writers would cave. After all, the top tier of writers had been handled with kid gloves by the agencies and not ripped off to the same extent as their jobbing, workaday peers. They’d break solidarity and the union would collapse, right?
Wrong. Twenty-two months later, every one of the agencies caved on every single point. Bam. Union strong.
(Want to learn more? Check out Chokepoint Capitalism, Rebecca Giblin’s and my book about creative labor markets:)
Now the writers are back on strike and it’s triggered a predictable torrent of anti-worker nonsense (“striking writers will lead to public indifference to torture!) (no, really) (ugh):
One common theme in these bad takes is that writers aren’t real workers, like, you know, coal miners or Starbucks baristas. They’re coddled intellectuals, and haven’t the intelligentsia been indifferent to proletarian struggle since, you know, time immemorial?
This is wrong in every conceivable way. For starters, it’s ahistorical. Lord Byron and innumerable other toffs and poets and such were right there with the Luddites, demanding labor justice during the Industrial Revolution, as Brian Merchant writes in his outstanding, forthcoming history of the Luddites, Blood in the Machine:
But you don’t have to look back to the stocking frame to find this kind of solidarity. As Hamilton Nolan writes in his newsletter, “Hollywood is the single best example of mature labor power in America”:
The entire Hollywood workforce, from grips to carpenters, costumers to plumbers, teamsters to medics, is unionized. That includes writers and actors (I’m a member of IATSE Local 839, AKA The Animation Guild). I live in Burbank, the entertainment industry’s company town (fun fact! The “Hollywood” studios are largely over the city line, in Burbank). Walk down Burbank Boulevard, Magnolia Boulevard, or any of the other major roads, and you’ll pass many union halls.
Burbank is a prosperous place. That’s thanks, in part, to the studios, whose entertainment products are very profitable. But working in a profitable industry is not, in and of itself, a guarantee that you will get a share of those profits. Some of the most profitable industries in the world — e-commerce, fast food, logistics — have the lowest paid workforces.
Burbank is prosperous because the unions made sure that everyone — the grips, the costumers, the animators, the actors, the writers, the teamsters and the pipefitters — gets a decent wage, decent health care and a decent retirement. My pal the set-dresser who worked crazy hours shlepping furniture around sitcom sets for decades? All that work did bad stuff to his joints, which meant that he needed a hip replacement in his forties — which was 100% covered, including his sick leave while he recovered. He was able to take early retirement in his late fifties, with a solid pension, with his health in excellent shape and many years of happiness with his partner stretching before him.
That’s what unions get you: a good job that might be hard at times, and the costs of your work are borne by the employer who profits from your labor. As Nolan writes, the point of unions is to “make sure that people! Are! Not! Disposable!”
Unions deliver the American dream. As Pete Seeger sang in “Talking Union Blues”:
Now, if you want higher wages let me tell you what to do You got to talk to the workers in the shop with you You got to build you a union, got to make it strong But if you all stick together, boys, it won’t be long You get shorter hours, better working conditions Vacations with pay. Take your kids to the seashore
We tend to focus on wages in union discussions, but unions aren’t merely about getting better pay, it’s about making better jobs. When LA teachers went out on strike in 2019, wages weren’t at the top of their list — they bargained for greenspace for every school, replacing rotting portables with permanent buildings, ending ICE entrapment of parents at the school gates, social workers and counselors for schools…and wages.
I really like how Nolan puts this. The way that the studios make money has changed: streaming is clobbering ad-supported TV and movie theater tickets. The studios are adapting. The workers want to adapt, too. The studios would rather “treat[] their work force as a disposable natural resource to be mined, used up, and then abandoned, as business dictates.”
A union gives workers “the same ability to adapt to changing industries that companies already have.” The studios want to leave workers behind. Unions give workers the collective power to say, “No. You’re taking us with you.”
Union workers are wealthier than their non-union counterparts, but that’s not just because of higher wages. As Nolan writes, “Unions make sure that the people get to adapt to changing industries, and not just the investors and the business owners.”
[Union workers] have a far greater ability to build coherent, long-term careers, as opposed to a constant treadmill of unstable short-term gigs. In non-union industries, businesses can just act like ships cutting through a desperate sea of workers, scooping up whoever they want and then tossing them overboard as soon as it’s convenient. In a union industry, though, the companies are forced to deal with the labor force as an equal. The workers have their own damn boat.
Advocates for market capitalism insist that market forces increase prosperity for everyone. They say that, in the end, having corporations serve their shareholders results in corporations serving everyone.
But a comparison of unionized and nonunionized industries reveals the hollowness of that prospect. Hollywood is wildly profitable and it pays every kind of worker well. That’s because workers have solidarity across sectors and trades. Striking writers like jonrog1 are calling on supporters to donate to the Entertainment Community Fund:
The Entertainment Community Fund supports everyone else who is affected by the work-stoppage, all the other creative and craft trades whose work has been halted by the writers’ struggle. If you want to support these workers, make sure you select “Film and TV” from the drop-down menu when you donate (we gave $100):
Because all the workers are in this together. As Adam Conover explains in this amazing CNN clip, David Zazlav, the head of CNN parent-company Warner-Discovery, made a quarter of a billion dollars last year, enough to pay all the demands of all the writers:
And Carol Lombardini, spokesvillain for the studio cartel AMPTP, told the press that “”Writers are lucky to have term employment.” As John Rogers says, she “wiped out the doubt of every writer who wasn’t sure this negotiation really IS so important, that it actually IS about turning us into gig workers.”
The stakes in this strike are the same as the stakes in every strike: will workers get a fair share of the value their labor creates, or will that value be piled up in the vaults of $250,000,000/year CEOs? It’s not like the studios especially hate writers — like all corporations, they hate all their workers. The same tactics that they’re using to make it so writers can’t pay the rent today will be turned on every other kind of Hollywood worker tomorrow — and when the writers win this one, they’ll support those workers, too.
There’s a lot of concern about AI displacing creative labor, but the only entity that can take away a writer’s wage is a human being, an executive at a studio. As has been the case since the time of the Luddites, the issue isn’t what the machine does, it’s who it does it for and who it does it to.
After all, as Charlie Stross points out, a corporation is just a “Slow AI,” remorselessly paperclip-maximizing its way through the lives and joy of the flesh-and-blood people who constitute its inconvenient gut-flora:
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Catch me on tour with Red Team Blues in Berkeley, Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, DC, Gaithersburg, Oxford, Hay, Manchester, Nottingham, London, and Berlin!
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[Image ID: Animators walk the picket-line during the Disney Animator's Strike in 1941.]
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Image: LA Times https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Screen_Cartoonist%27s_Guild_strike_at_Disney.jpg
CC BY 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.en
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yegarts · 1 year
I am YEG Arts: Ray Dak Lam
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Since taking the plunge into freelancing, Ray Dak Lam has made big waves as a graphic designer and illustrator. Known best for his signature geometric designs and vibrant colour palette, Ray is sought after locally and internationally with some big-name clients under his belt. In just a few years as a freelancer, Ray has embraced new opportunities from his first mural project to taking part in Adobe’s Global Creator series — this week’s I am YEG Arts story puts the spotlight on Ray Dak Lam.    
Tell us a little bit about yourself and about why you’ve made Edmonton your home. 
I'm an illustrator and designer from Edmonton. I graduated from the MacEwan Design Studies program in 2014. I got my creative career started working at a couple of advertising agencies and at a smaller design agency. Since then, I’ve become a full-time freelancer — that's what I've been doing for the past few years. I really like the creative freedom of freelancing, and that I get to explore more of my own personal style as well as choose my own clients and hours. 
I was born in Edmonton and have lived here all my life. All my friends and family are here, I feel like Edmonton will always be my home. Edmonton has also shaped who I am as an artist in many ways — the people, especially those I went to school with and have worked with, all my coworkers, friends and experiences growing up — I think it all inevitably influences the subject matter in my work and the themes that I introduce into my illustrations. And now I hope to contribute what I can to the city's creative culture. 
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What drew you to graphic design and illustration? How did you get your start? 
During my first year of high school, I took a graphic arts program, and my very first project was to recreate a font or typeface. It was through typography that I discovered my love for graphic design. And that's when I began considering it as a career for myself.     As for illustration, drawing has always been part of my life. I was always drawing as a kid, and I was never really good at any other subjects in school. Art was the only subject that I was passionate about. It is what motivated me and pushed me to pursue it all through childhood until now. 
Tell us about someone who mentored you or helped set you on your path. 
One of my first mentors was Andrew Benson. I worked with him at my first job at an advertising agency. He taught me a lot about branding, design, and the advertising industry in general. He’s passionate about print design and illustration and taught me their importance when it comes to design. He really inspired me when he went off to start his own studio and I hoped for myself I could follow in his footsteps. 
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Tell us about a big professional risk that you have taken and how it has influenced where you are today. 
I would say taking the leap into full-time freelancing. It was scary in the beginning. I got laid off during the beginning of the pandemic from my advertising agency job. And at least for me, it was hard to find another full-time position. I was only able to land various short-term contracts, and some freelance projects here and there. In that moment I saw it as an opportunity to try this freelancing thing full-time since it has always been a dream of mine.  
The pandemic and getting laid off were the push I needed to take the full leap into freelancing. It really changed my career for the better and it has opened up a lot of opportunities that I never would have thought possible. I have had a chance to work with and collaborate with a lot of clients that I had thought were unattainable. And I’ve gotten to collaborate with many other incredibly talented designers and creative people in Edmonton.  
Who's someone inspiring you right now? 
Someone who is really inspiring me right now is an illustrator from Vancouver, Tom Froese, he makes Skillshare courses, through which he teaches his approach to commercial illustration; YouTube videos, podcasts — all on the topic of illustration, and aimed at people interested in the creative industry. I've done a couple of his Skillshare courses and I'm attending one of his workshops at the RGD DesignThinkers conference coming up May 30 -31 in Vancouver.  
He inspired me to find a focus and explore it as deeply as I can. His style has a very distinctive voice and he mentioned in his videos that it was the result of repeating a set of techniques over and over again once he found something that worked for him, so this really inspired me to seek a similar path for myself in terms of finding my own unique stylistic voice.  
What does your creative process look like? Where or how do you usually begin? 
For me, it always begins in my sketchbook. I try to bring my sketchbook with me anywhere and everywhere I can. Especially when I'm traveling, during those long plane rides and train rides where I can just let my mind wander and draw freely — whatever comes to mind. After that I pick my favorite sketches and vectorize the artwork, then bring it into Photoshop where I use my drawing tablet to add texture to bring more of my own personality to the artwork.  
I enjoy creating abstract and geometric compositions because it's a meditative and calming process for me. I started a personal project during the pandemic called "Shape Studies", and it's been an ongoing project ever since. With a focus on the fundamental elements of shape, line, and colour, I explore freely within those basic fundamentals to create the most interesting compositions that I possibly can. I also use similar principles of geometry and abstraction when I'm illustrating other subject matter, such as animals, landscapes, people, etc. I'll continuously remove any unnecessary details and distill them into their most essential and fundamental forms. 
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Tell us about one of the most exciting projects or opportunities you've had.
One of the most exciting opportunities I had last year was the chance to collaborate with Adobe on their Global Creator series. It was a series where they featured different artists from around the world and they decided to feature me. They had me self-shoot a ton of footage around my studio, capture shots around Edmonton, and create a short tutorial explaining some of the techniques that I use to create my illustrations.
It was both exciting and nerve wracking appearing on video, but I'm glad I did the project because I love the way it turned out in the end.
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Tell us about a favourite local project and a favourite international project.
One of my favourite local projects was for Doughnut Party. They had me create a mural for their Ritchie location. I collaborated with Jennifer Konanz — she's a local mural and sign painter. She's incredibly talented and I feel grateful to have collaborated with her. She helped translate my artwork into a large-scale mural. It was really cool to see my artwork on such a large scale, which I don't get to see very often.
A favourite international project would be a commission for GoDaddy to create a set of illustrations centered around Asian Heritage Month and Lunar New Year. The project was really special to me because I got to express my own cultural background and upbringing as an Asian Canadian. Also, it was fun to illustrate dragons and dumplings in my own style.
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What are you currently working on and what do you hope to explore next? 
I've just completed the 36 days of type challenge on Instagram yesterday and it was really satisfying to see it through from start to finish! The project invites designers, illustrators and artists from all over the world to create a letter or number each day for 36 days straight. It was my first time taking part in the challenge. I really love to explore creatively, and I feel it’s important to work outside of client deadlines and budgets. It’s somewhere I can freely express my voice and craft and refine my style.  
It was great seeing all of the other work from artists and designers that I follow, as well as discovering new artists to follow. Freelancing can be isolating at times, so participating in this challenge made me feel like I was part of this larger community all undertaking this daily activity together.  
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What excites you most about the Edmonton arts scene right now? 
All the projects centered around Edmonton's Chinatown like Chinatown Greetings, created by Emily Chu and Shawn Tse, and Jordon Hon’s A Portrait of Chinatown documentary series. And many other creative projects that are supported by the Chinatown Transformation Collaborative (CTC). All these projects play a really important role in the revitalization of Edmonton's Chinatown. It's really inspiring to see so many people from different creative backgrounds coming together for a common cause. 
Want more YEG Arts Stories? We’ll be sharing them here and on social media using the hashtag #IamYegArts. Follow along! You can keep up with Ray on Instagram, Behance, Dribbble or visit his website. 
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About Ray Dak Lam
Ray Dak Lam is a designer and illustrator from Edmonton, Canada. His work is characterized by its simplicity, utilizing vibrant colours and bold geometric forms as the basis for direct, communicative imagery. He works primarily on brand and illustration focused projects with clients around the world, such as Asana, GoDaddy, and McDonald's.
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bradyoil · 8 days
Ilanna Barkusky: Embracing Her Unexpected Path to Directorial Success.
Born in Vancouver, Canada and now based in Los Angeles, Ilanna Barkusky is an internationally awarded commercial director, filmmaker and photographer. Her creative journey originated in the action sports industry, capturing athletes in the mountains with her camera in tow while completing her Bachelor of Arts at the University of British Columbia.
Through her work, she unifies dynamic movement with uplifting storytelling, leading her to collaborate with clients such as Red Bull, Roxy, the LA Clippers, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Harvard Business Review.
It's almost here! Our 3rd annual Filmmaker Retreat Joshua Tree is Thursday, September 26th – Sunday, September 29th, 2024. I always use the word "transformational" in describing the past two years - because our tribe of like-minded filmmakers express that the retreat truly changed their lives. Both professionally and personally. Reserve your spot before the end of the year to take advantage of that last minute 2024 write-off. Limit 20 Filmmakers.
Use the link plus code JB20 when you try https://www.magicmind.com/jordanbrady chug it daily after your coffee. If you follow me on Instagram you know my geniune endorsment of this mighty mind power juice.
Check out my Masterclass or Commercial Directing Shadow online courses. (Note this link to the Shadow course is the one I mention in the show.) All my courses come with a free 1:1 mentorship call with yours truly. Taking the Shadow course is the only way to win a chance to shadow me on a real shoot! DM for details.
How To Pitch Ad Agencies and Director’s Treatments Unmasked are now bundled together with a free filmmaker consultation call, just like my other courses. Serious about making spots? The Commercial Director Mega Bundle for serious one-on-one mentoring and career growth.
Here's the Lbb Director's Playbook article sharing my pitch secrets. And my follow up that came out this week, How To Write Winning Treatments. 
I've uploaded more raw behind-the-scenes, with dailies, agency interaction, directing top talent and collaborating with my crew, all at Commercial Directing Masterclass. And you'll wanna check out the new courses, like Behind The Beard and Winning Director Treatments.
Thanks to our editor Jake Brady We could not do the show without him and love this guy behind words. Need your pod spruced up? Check out his Podcast Wax.
This episode is just about 80 minutes.
My cult classic mockumentary, “Dill Scallion” is online so I’m giving 100% of the money to St. Jude Children’s Hospital. I’ve decided to donate the LIFETIME earnings every December, so the donation will grow and grow. Thank you.
Respect The Process podcast is brought to you by Commercial Directing FIlm School and True Gentleman Industries, Inc. in partnership with Brady Oil Entertainment, Inc.
Check out this episode!
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In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for businesses to thrive. Your website serves as your virtual storefront, often being the first point of contact between you and potential customers. It’s not just about having a website; it’s about having a website that stands out, engages visitors, and drives conversions. That’s where professional website development services come into play, especially in the competitive markets of the USA and Canada.
Why Invest in Professional Website Development Services?
Website Development Services in the USA are more than just about creating a visually appealing website. They encompass a range of tasks aimed at enhancing user experience, optimising performance, and ensuring your site ranks well on search engines. With the ever-evolving digital landscape, relying on DIY website builders may not suffice to achieve the desired results. That’s where the expertise of a web development agency in the USA proves invaluable.
The Role of Top Website Development Companies in USA
When it comes to choosing the best web development company in the USA, it’s crucial to look beyond aesthetics. While a visually stunning website is essential, it’s equally important to focus on functionality, security, and scalability. Top website development companies in the USA understand the intricacies of web development and employ industry best practices to deliver results that exceed expectations.
Crafting Exceptional Web Experiences
At Rittz Digital, we pride ourselves on being one of the best web development companies in the USA. Our team of experienced developers combines creativity with technical expertise to create websites that not only look impressive but also perform exceptionally well. Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, we tailor our services to meet your specific needs and objectives.
Beyond Borders: Website Development Services in Canada
Expanding your business across borders? We’ve got you covered there too. Our Website Development Services in Canada extend to businesses looking to establish a strong digital presence in the Great White North. As a leading web development company in Canada, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the Canadian market. From Vancouver to Montreal, we help businesses across Canada unlock their online potential.
Our Approach to Website Development
When you choose Rittz Digital, you’re not just getting a website; you’re getting a comprehensive solution designed to drive results. Our process begins with a thorough understanding of your business, target audience, and objectives. We then leverage the latest technologies and frameworks to develop a website that ticks all the boxes – from responsive design to seamless navigation.
The Rittz Digital Advantage
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SEO Optimization: Our websites are built with search engines in mind, ensuring better visibility and higher rankings.
Responsive Design: With mobile usage on the rise, we ensure your website looks great and functions seamlessly across all devices.
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Conclusion: Unlock Your Online Potential Today!
In conclusion, investing in professional website development services is essential for businesses looking to thrive in today’s digital landscape. Whether you’re targeting the USA, Canada, or beyond, a well-designed website can be the key to unlocking success. At Rittz Digital, we’re passionate about helping businesses like yours achieve their online goals. Contact us today to learn more about how our website development services can propel your business to new heights.
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Canada’s Premier Web Development Companies: Enhancing Your Digital Footprint
Introduction: In the digital age, a compelling online presence is crucial for businesses aiming to thrive in a competitive market. A well-designed website serves as the cornerstone of this digital identity. Canada, known for its technological advancements and innovation, hosts a plethora of web development companies ready to assist businesses in achieving their online goals. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into some of the best web development companies in Canada that are at the forefront of enhancing digital footprints.
Shopify:- Shopify, headquartered in Ottawa, is a globally renowned e-commerce platform that not only enables businesses to create and manage online stores but also provides top-notch web development services. With its expertise in creating customized e-commerce solutions, Shopify stands out as one of the best web development companies in Canada. Its user-friendly interface, extensive app ecosystem, and robust security features make it a preferred choice for businesses of all sizes.
Lift Interactive:- Based in Edmonton, Lift Interactive is a leading digital agency specializing in web development, design, and digital marketing solutions. With a client-focused approach and a team of skilled professionals, Lift Interactive delivers bespoke web solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. From responsive web design to complex web applications, Lift Interactive has earned its reputation as one of the best web development companies in Canada.
Arcane:- Arcane, located in London, Ontario, is a full-service digital agency offering comprehensive web development services. With a focus on user experience and cutting-edge technology, Arcane creates websites that not only look stunning but also perform seamlessly across all devices. From initial concept to final deployment, Arcane ensures that each project meets the highest standards of quality and innovation, solidifying its position as one of the best web development companies in Canada.
Northern:- Headquartered in Toronto, Northern is a digital agency specializing in web development, design, and digital marketing strategies. With a multidisciplinary team of designers, developers, and strategists, Northern delivers holistic solutions that drive business growth and foster meaningful connections with target audiences. By leveraging the latest technologies and best practices, Northern helps businesses establish a strong online presence, making it a top contender for the title of the best web development company in Canada.
Metalworks:- Metalworks, based in Vancouver, is a boutique web development agency known for its creativity, craftsmanship, and attention to detail. Specializing in custom web solutions, Metalworks collaborates closely with clients to bring their visions to life, ensuring that each website reflects their brand identity and resonates with their target audience. With a focus on quality over quantity, Metalworks has earned accolades as one of the best web development companies in Canada.
Plastic Mobile:- Plastic Mobile, headquartered in Toronto, is a leading mobile agency that also offers top-tier web development services. With a focus on innovation and emerging technologies, Plastic Mobile creates immersive web experiences that engage users and drive results. From responsive web design to progressive web applications, Plastic Mobile has the expertise and creativity to deliver cutting-edge solutions, making it a standout choice for the best web development company in Canada.
Northern Army:- Based in Calgary, Northern Army is a full-service digital agency specializing in web development, design, and digital marketing solutions. With a focus on strategy and creativity, Northern Army helps businesses elevate their online presence and achieve their digital objectives. Whether it's building a custom website or optimizing for search engines, Northern Army delivers results-driven solutions that set businesses apart in the digital landscape, earning its reputation as one of the best web development companies in Canada.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the best web development companies in Canada play a pivotal role in enhancing businesses' digital footprints and driving success in the online arena. From custom web solutions to e-commerce platforms, these companies offer a diverse range of services tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. By harnessing the latest technologies, innovative design techniques, and strategic approaches, these companies empower businesses to establish a strong online presence, engage their target audience, and achieve their digital objectives. Whether you're a startup looking to make a splash or an established enterprise seeking to stay ahead of the curve, partnering with one of these top web development companies can propel your business to new heights in the digital realm.
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inhousecreations · 7 months
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Vancouver Graphic Design and Branding Agency
We build immersive brand experiences. Coastlines Creative Group is a strategic design agency focused on helping brands transform and grow through strategy, storytelling and design. We combine experience, passion and technical expertise to develop immersive brand and digital experiences. Coastlines Creative Group Inc, 412 77 Walter Hardwick Ave. , Vancouver, BC, Canada, British Columbia V5Y 0C6, 604-785-1017 https://www.coastlinescreative.com/ Linkedin Instagram Facebook Flickr Youtube DNB Google Sites Twitter
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kikamarketing · 5 months
Kika Marketing & Communications: Your Gateway to Innovative Marketing Solutions
In today's dynamic and competitive business landscape, effective marketing is essential for brands to thrive. Kika, a full-service marketing communications agency, stands at the forefront of this ever-evolving industry. With a dedicated team of marketing experts, creative designers, and web developers, Kika specializes in crafting custom integrated solutions tailored to optimize brand experiences. Headquartered in Vancouver with a strategic presence in Manila, Kika is well-positioned to serve both local and international clients, offering a comprehensive suite of services to meet diverse marketing needs.
Our Mission
At Kika, our mission is clear: to empower brands through innovative marketing strategies that drive growth, engagement, and lasting connections with their target audience. We believe in the power of creativity, technology, and strategic thinking to unlock the full potential of every brand we work with.
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Our Services
Kika offers a wide range of services designed to provide holistic solutions for brands across various industries. Our integrated approach ensures that every aspect of the marketing process is seamlessly coordinated to deliver maximum impact. Here are some key services we offer:
Strategic Marketing Consulting: Our experienced team of marketing experts conducts in-depth analysis and develops tailored strategies to help brands achieve their goals, whether it's increasing brand awareness, driving sales, or entering new markets.
Creative Design: From branding and graphic design to video production and interactive content, our creative team brings brands to life through captivating visuals and compelling storytelling.
Digital Marketing: In today's digital age, online presence is crucial. We offer a comprehensive range of digital marketing services, including SEO, SEM, social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing, to help brands stand out in the digital landscape.
Website Development: A well-designed and user-friendly website is essential for any modern brand. Our web development team creates custom websites that not only look great but also deliver seamless user experiences across all devices.
Social Media Management: Social media platforms provide unparalleled opportunities for brands to engage with their audience. We help brands build and maintain a strong social media presence through strategic content creation, community management, and targeted advertising.
Brand Strategy & Identity: Building a strong brand identity is key to establishing trust and credibility with consumers. Our team works closely with brands to develop cohesive brand strategies and identities that resonate with their target audience.
Marketing Automation: Streamline your marketing efforts and improve efficiency with our marketing automation solutions. From lead nurturing to customer retention, we help brands automate repetitive tasks and deliver personalized experiences at scale.
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Why Choose Kika?
Choosing the right marketing agency is crucial for the success of your brand. Here's why Kika stands out from the crowd:
Expertise: With a multidisciplinary team of marketing experts, creative designers, and web developers, Kika brings a wealth of experience and expertise to every project.
Custom Solutions: We understand that every brand is unique, which is why we take a customized approach to every project, ensuring that our solutions are tailored to meet our clients' specific needs and objectives.
Innovation: We're not afraid to push the boundaries and explore new ideas. Our commitment to innovation ensures that our clients stay ahead of the curve and stand out in a crowded marketplace.
Results-Driven: Ultimately, our success is measured by the success of our clients. We're dedicated to delivering tangible results and driving real business impact through our marketing efforts.
Collaborative Partnership: We view our clients as partners and work closely with them to achieve shared goals. Our transparent communication and collaborative approach ensure that our clients are involved every step of the way.  
Get in Touch
Ready to take your brand to the next level? Contact Kika today to discuss your marketing needs and discover how we can help you achieve your goals. Whether you're looking to launch a new product, revamp your brand identity, or boost your online presence, we have the expertise and creativity to bring your vision to life. Let's collaborate and create something extraordinary together!
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keensdesign · 5 months
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🌎 Happy Earth Day, #Vancouver! 🌊
As we celebrate our beautiful planet, let’s also appreciate the unique blend of nature and urban living that defines Vancouver. 🌉 Here’s to the harmony of lush forests, ocean breezes, and city skylines—all within reach.
🌿 Why Vancouver?
Sustainable Focus: Many businesses here have an eco-conscious approach, aligning with Earth Day’s theme of reducing plastics.
Community Impact: Vancouver’s creative agencies contribute to ethical perspectives and community well-being.
Visual Storytelling: Graphic design, video production, and visual communication play a vital role in raising awareness.
Remember, every brand choice we make impacts our environment. Let’s design mindfully, market responsibly, and celebrate our Earth today and every day. ❤️
EarthDay #EarthDay2024 #VancouverBrands #SustainableDesign
P.S. Vancouver, where mountains meet the sea—our canvas for creativity. 🏔️🌊
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nehalsalah · 5 months
Motion Graphics Companies, Motion Graphics Designers, and Motion Graphics Videos
Motion graphics have become an essential tool for businesses and individuals alike to communicate their messages effectively through visually engaging videos. Here are some motion graphics companies, designers, and examples of motion graphics videos:
Motion Graphics Companies: شركات موشن جرافيك
Blinkink: Blinkink is a renowned animation studio based in London, UK. They specialize in creating captivating motion graphics videos for advertising, music videos, and short films. Their portfolio includes a wide range of styles and techniques, from 2D animation to stop-motion and mixed media.
Giant Ant: Giant Ant is a creative studio based in Vancouver, Canada, known for its innovative approach to motion graphics and animation. They work with clients worldwide to produce visually stunning videos that tell compelling stories and drive engagement. Giant Ant's work often features bold colors, fluid animations, and intricate details.
Oddfellows: Oddfellows is a design and animation studio based in San Francisco, USA. They specialize in creating unique motion graphics videos for brands, agencies, and entertainment companies. With a focus on storytelling and craftsmanship, Oddfellows' work combines creativity, humor, and imagination to leave a lasting impression on viewers.
Motion Graphics Designers:مصمم موشن جرافيك
Sara Drake: Sara Drake is a freelance motion graphics designer based in New York City, USA. With years of experience in the industry, Sara specializes in creating dynamic and engaging motion graphics videos for a wide range of clients, including brands, agencies, and filmmakers. Her work often features sleek designs, smooth animations, and attention-grabbing visuals.
Maxim Goudin: Maxim Goudin is a motion graphics designer and animator based in Moscow, Russia. Known for his creative flair and technical expertise, Maxim has worked on numerous projects ranging from commercials and promotional videos to film titles and visual effects. His portfolio showcases a diverse range of styles and aesthetics, from minimalist designs to elaborate compositions.
Lola Landekic: Lola Landekic is a motion graphics designer and art director based in Toronto, Canada. With a background in graphic design and animation, Lola brings a unique perspective to her work, combining typography, illustration, and motion to create visually stunning videos. Her portfolio includes projects for clients in various industries, including technology, entertainment, and fashion.
Motion Graphics Videos:فيديو موشن جرافيك
Nike "Dream Crazy": This motion graphics video, created by the animation studio Buck for Nike's "Dream Crazy" campaign, features dynamic typography, bold colors, and energetic animations to inspire viewers to pursue their dreams and break barriers.
Google "Year in Search": Google's "Year in Search" motion graphics videos summarize the year's most significant events and trends using a combination of data visualization, animation, and storytelling. These videos resonate with viewers by capturing the essence of each year's defining moments in a visually compelling format.
TED-Ed "The History of Earth in 24 Hours": TED-Ed's motion graphics video presents the history of Earth in a concise and engaging format, using colorful illustrations, smooth animations, and clear narration to explain complex scientific concepts in an accessible way.
In conclusion, motion graphics companies, designers, and videos play a vital role in creating visually compelling content that captivates audiences and communicates messages effectively. Whether it's for advertising, education, or entertainment, motion graphics videos have the power to inform, inspire, and entertain viewers around the world.
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Our featured speaker for February will be the athlete, advocate, activist, and fashion model Joleen Mitton who will share her inspirational personal story of creativity through the lens of the global theme NATIVE.
Joleen is the founder of Vancouver Indigenous Fashion Week and co-founder of Supernaturals—the world’s first all-Indigenous modelling agency. Through the organization Urban Butterflies, she helps Indigenous youth in foster care connect with their culture.
Every month we ask our speaker a handful of probing questions to give us a deeper glimpse into their life and relationship with creativity:
How do you define creativity and apply it in your life and career? As an indigenous woman at the helm of Vancouver Indigenous Fashion Week, creativity is not just an abstract concept, but a lived experience and a legacy. It’s the fusion of ancient traditions with modern expressions. In my life and career, creativity is about storytelling - every design, every fabric, every color tells a story of our people, our struggles, and our triumphs. It’s a way to keep our culture alive and share it with the world.
Where do you find your best creative inspiration or energy? A significant portion of my inspiration emanates from my kokum and the people in my surroundings. Much of it arises from a call to action, a desire to make a positive impact. Additionally, a substantial part of my creative energy is derived from the passion and experiences I’ve encountered throughout my modelling career overseas.
What’s one piece of creative advice or a tip you wish you’d known as a young person? If I could share a piece of creative advice with my younger self, it would listen to the wisdom of my elders and genuine knowledge keepers. Let them observe and guide me, as my creative talents will unfold naturally. In the midst of the noise of external opinions, trust those who truly know and care about you, as they have your best interests at heart.
Who (living or dead) would you most enjoy hearing speak at CreativeMornings? I would deeply appreciate the opportunity to hear the wisdom of my mentor, Beau Dick, once more. He served as a profound source of inspiration for me, and I believe that sharing his knowledge would be enriching for others as well.
What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done? Jumped off a bridge.
What’s your one guilty creative indulgence? I watch a lot of old school Anime.
What are you reading these days? I just finished “The Shoe Boy A Trapline” Memoir By Duncan McGue while on vacation.
What fact about you would surprise people? I lived in Thailand on and off for 8 years and had dreams of being a monk LOL.
How does your life and career compare to what you envisioned for your future as a sixth grader? Similar to many sixth graders, my childhood dream was to become a veterinarian. However, over the years, my path has taken a different direction.
How would you describe what you do in a single sentence to a stranger? Producers of many things and ideas.
What’s the most recent thing you learned (big or small)? I can’t help everyone.
If you could open a door and go anywhere, where would that be? More vacations. It feels like I’ve opened a lot of doors already.
What keeps you awake at night? My mind is constantly active, engaged in problem-solving and contemplating the things I want to accomplish.
Who has been the biggest influence on your life and what lessons did that person teach you? The most significant influence on my life has been my Kokum. She imparted invaluable lessons on strength and resilience, shaping me into the person I am today.
What are you proudest of in your life? That I helped create a safer space for indigenous people on Turtle island. I’ve been the fork in the road for a lot of people.
If you could interview anyone living or dead, but not a celebrity, who would it be and why? I would choose my Kokum. Despite being deeply ashamed of her past, I am curious to learn how she overcame those challenges and managed to take care of me.
If you could do anything now, what would you do? Paint and go to art school.
Where was the last place you travelled? Tulum, Mexico.
What music are you listening to these days? Lately, I’ve been immersed in the sounds of Aysanabee. I’m such a big fan that I even brought him to VIFW.
What was the best surprise you’ve experienced so far in life? I’m 40 and still playing basketball LOL..
Where is your favourite place to escape? Saipan in Micronesia.
What was the best advice you were ever given? The encouragement to ‘keep going’ stands out as the best advice I ever received, especially when it came from my elders and knowledge keepers, affirming that I was the real deal.
What books made a difference in your life and why? One significant ritual for me is smudging, which involves clearing the space before I begin my creative endeavours.
When you get stuck creatively, what is the first thing you do to get unstuck? Personally, I turn to prayer, reflect on photos of my Kokum and past works, and take walks.
If you had fifteen extra minutes each day, what would you do with them? Sleep.
What has been one of your biggest Ah-Ha! moments in life?. Around the age of 18 or 19, I realized that much of the rat race doesn’t hold true significance; instead, it’s the embrace of culture that truly matters.
What object would you put in a time capsule that best represents who you are today? A basketball, Sage, ribbon skirt and a NAS CD
What is the one movie or book every creative must see/read? The defiant ones.
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digitalmarketingtouch · 7 months
The Digital Magic Touch: Top E-commerce Marketing Agencies in Canada
In the bustling world of e-commerce, Canada stands as a dynamic hub for innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. From the leafy streets of Toronto to the coastal charm of Vancouver, the maple leaf nation teems with digital storefronts that are as diverse as the landscape itself. But in this vast expanse of online opportunity, how does a burgeoning e-commerce business stake its claim and thrive? The answer: a digital marketing agency that understands the Canadian market intricately and weaves magic with their expertise. E-commerce marketing in Canada isn't just about getting the word out; it's about resonating with a unique culture, navigating regulatory considerations, and tapping into a vibrant digital economy.
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Below, we'll explore some of the premier e-commerce marketing agencies in Canada, revered for their proficiency at conjuring the brand-boosting enchantments that e-commerce ventures covet.
Diving Into Distinctly Canadian E-commerce Marketing
E-commerce marketing in Canada presents a unique set of challenges. The vast geography and widely dispersed population are an immediate hurdle, while bilingual and multicultural demands add further layers of complexity. Any agency worth its salt realizes the importance of weaving strategies that resonate with the Canadian mosaic. From harnessing the power of influencer marketing to crafting bilingual campaigns that strike a chord across the nation, the integration of Canadian identity into e-commerce marketing is the central theme that binds the agencies we will explore.
The All-Encompassing Toolbox of BAUNDR
Based in Montreal, BAUNDR takes a holistic approach to e-commerce marketing. They understand that a cohesive strategy must include a mix of compelling content, intuitive design, and cutting-edge technology. With a focus on visual storytelling that transcends language barriers, BAUNDR's campaigns are as effective in the scenic Rockies as in the bustling metropolis of Toronto. This marketing powerhouse is adept at crafting narratives that resonate with a distinctly Canadian ethos, relaying the stories that brands want to tell through the medium that consumers crave.
JOLT's Agile Strategy for E-commerce Success
Operating from the heart of Toronto, JOLT is a digital marketing agency on a mission to supercharge e-commerce ventures with agile strategies designed to seize the moment. Their approach to e-commerce marketing is nimble, adapting to market changes and consumer behaviors with lightning speed. They leverage customer insights and analytics to create personalized customer experiences, fostering a connection that transcends mere transactions. Whether it's a flash sale to the hockey enthusiasts in Edmonton or a pop-up event for thrill-seekers in Quebec, JOLT's strategy resonates with the pulse of the Canadian consumer.
OECOM's Data-Driven Dominance
OECOM, headquartered in Ottawa, is the titan of e-commerce marketing that dominates with a data-driven approach. They employ sophisticated analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to deliver targeted campaigns that yield measurable results. OECOM doesn't just throw campaigns at the wall and hope they stick; they meticulously plan and execute, keeping an eagle eye on the key performance indicators that are the lifeblood of e-commerce success. For any e-commerce business looking to carve a niche in the Canadian market, OECOM's precision and penchant for results are a formidable ally.
The Pillars of E-commerce Marketing Excellence
What separates the wheat from the chaff among e-commerce marketing agencies in Canada is a dedication to excellence across key service pillars. These pillars, when reinforced with ingenuity and a localized touch, form the foundation of truly exceptional e-commerce marketing efforts, resonating with Canadian consumers.
Creative Content and Copywriting
A good story well-told can make the difference between a customer's fleeting interest and their unwavering loyalty. The ability to create original, captivating content and copy that speaks to the Canadian identity is a skill these agencies have refined to an art form.
SEO and SEM Mastery
Visibility on search engines is the lifeblood of e-commerce success, and Canadian consumers turn to Google as their oracle. The mastery of SEO and SEM techniques is paramount, elevating e-commerce ventures to the forefront of the digital market.
Social Media and Community Engagement
In Canada, social media is more than just a pastime—it’s a community builder. Engaging, conversational social media strategies that foster a real sense of community among Canadian consumers are integral to the marketing mix.
Analytics and ROI-Driven Outcomes
Data doesn't lie, and in the world of e-commerce marketing, it's the compass that guides decision-making. The ability to analyze metrics and translate them into ROI-driven results is what sets the best agencies apart from the rest.
E-commerce Platform Expertise
From Shopify to Magento, and everything in between, a deep understanding of e-commerce platforms ensures that these agencies can optimize the entire shopping experience, from the first browse to the final click.
Ensuring Long-Term E-commerce Success
The relevance of e-commerce marketing agencies is not just in the short-term returns they provide but in the long-term success of the digital store. Growth strategies, brand building, and customer retention all play integral parts in ensuring that the e-commerce ecosystem in Canada remains healthy and robust. These agencies do not just offer their services; they become the partners in a venture's digital success, working tirelessly behind the scenes to weave magic that resonates with the Canadian consumer.
Looking to the Future
The world of e-commerce is in a state of perpetual evolution, and the future is an open expanse of untapped potential. E-commerce marketing agencies in Canada are at the forefront of this digital frontier, harnessing the power of technology and creativity to create experiences that transcend the transactional. They are the architects of the digital landscapes that have the power to shape consumer behavior, redefine brand loyalty, and realize the aspirations of e-commerce entrepreneurs across the Great White North.
In conclusion, the role of an e-commerce marketing agency in Canada is akin to that of a maestro conducting an orchestra—blending the harmonious notes of strategy, creativity, and technology to produce a symphony that echoes across the e-commerce world. It's a testament to the vibrant, dynamic nature of e-commerce in Canada, and the invaluable contribution of these agencies to its continued growth and success.
To the e-commerce entrepreneurs and digital marketers out there, may you find the digital marketing agency in Canada that speaks to the unique needs of your brand, and brings its own special kind of magic to the table. After all, in the realm of e-commerce, a little digital magic can go a long way.
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stealthmediaca · 7 months
What is the best way to spot the right marketing agency for yourself?
Similar to searching for a compatible partner, your company can find the perfect Marketing Agency in Toronto. It is important to choose the agency that best matches your goals among the plethora of options available. How to determine your marketing fit is provided here in this article?
1. Transparent Communication:
In order for any relationship to succeed, including yours with your marketing agency, communication is essential. You need to select a marketing agency in Vancouver that believes in honest and open communication. They are willing to explain their techniques and provide regular updates on the progress of your campaigns. You should share an open relationship build trust and cooperation.
2. Industry Knowledge:
A marketing agency in Toronto should have experience in your industry, just as you wouldn't hire a dentist to fix your plumbing. You can customize strategies if you understand how your business functions best. One that surpasses competitors and is in line with your target audience.
3. Adaptability and innovation:
Because the digital landscape is always changing, so too should your marketing strategies. You must seek out businesses that are creative and flexible. Ask how they get consistent industry news and incorporate new technologies into their campaigns.
To sign off
It takes both self-awareness and careful research to find the right fit among the many marketing agencies. Through bearing in mind, the points above; you’ll be well on your way to selecting the marketing agency in Vancouver that’s the ideal fit for your company. They will lead you to the success you always dreamt of.
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inhousecreations · 7 months
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