#vash is just weepy because wolfwood is so nice to him :)
several-spoons · 3 years
Vash/Wolfwood Fanfic Recommendations
Top 2 Written by an Author I don’t Know Personally:
Vash and Wolf by Scaryliterary [Multi-Chapter]: Yes, I’m recommending a college AU. But the characters are dead on, the found family vibe is amazing, the dramatic scenes are gripping, and the major plot elements are reproduced in a surprising way. Rated M, mainly for disturbingly self-destructive moments, I think.  Handmade Artisanal AU #1.
How to Sleep Above the Sky by hibem. This AU is just a hair’s breadth away from canon; it takes place among the Gung Ho Guns on a satellite above a Gunsmoke where the Fall never happened. It’s one of the most poetic and sensory things I’ve ever read, so I’ve read it at least 6 times. Vash is adorable. Beware of sad ending. Handmade Artisanal AU #2.
Tied for Third:
For Good by Celesma. Set in mangaverse after Wolfwood rescues Vash from the ark. What if Vash had gone to the Orphanage with him? The dialogue is amazing. This is where I get the headcanon that Wolfwood’s self-hating inner voice calls him “Nicky.” [Has NSFW moments].
The Only Nice Thing That Follows, by hellogaywatson [Multi-Chapter; in progress]: I recently realized how much my sense of Vash and Wolfwood’s interactions was inspired by this fic. Especially the wonderful quote that Wolfwood’s smoking is doing the world a public service. Probably the funniest, weirdest set of tags I’ve seen in Trigun fandom. Rated explicit, but nothing explicit actually happens in the first 8 chapters; I’d rate it T.
The Gospel According to Wolfwood by DWatson: from Wolfwood’s point of view–and in his voice. Absolutely nailed the voice. Rated T, manga-based.
Reflections of a Person who Smells Like Nicotine by Medokre: Deep dive into Wolfwood’s character featuring orphanage memories, symbolism, and sadness.
Scars, Cigarettes, and Scripture. Fun Vash & Wolfwood interaction between episodes 21 and 22. If you like both religious references and imagining what sort of dogs the Gung Ho Guns would be, you’ll enjoy it. Rated T, mostly for some gore and references to Wolfwood’s traumatic past.
Contrition by Perivale: Deep dive into Wolfwood’s character focusing on his conscience and religious beliefs, with more than a dash of poetry e e cummings style.
Not a Question of Morals by Sugar Pill: Vash is depressed about leaving Ericks behind. Wolfwood encourages Vash to be himself with an…unusual story.  Teen.
Eden by Shinatobe [Multi-Chapter]: Roaring 20′s jazz club AU. When faced with the choice between death row or serving under the infamous Million Knives, Wolfwood’s choice is clear. Wolfwood is a little too weepy, but it’s still interesting. Rated T. Unfinished, unfortunately.
Varilien brings the fluff. 
Also, I’ve been known to write Vash/Wolfwood fic from time to time. So does @caps4dayz (10KThunderingTyphoons) right here on Tumblr! 
The Difference in Years by Katilara:  Deals with the implications of Wolfwood being so young, and to a lesser extent, Vash enduring so many years on Gunsmoke. “Do you ever feel like you don’t belong in your skin?“  “It must be hard,” Vash said quietly, “to realize that you are not the things you’ve used to define yourself for your whole life.” M.
Walking Day by GreenElphaba. There’s this one ridiculously long paragraph that’s a thoughtful meta/character analysis, from Wolfwood’s point of view. “You love him in part because someone has to and you do believe that no one else really does, because real love requires real sight and you are maybe the only one who has ever really seen him. …you love him in part because you have appointed yourself the emissary of humanity and it is therefore yours to close the terrible gap between his love for humanity and their hatred of him. …But mostly you just love him because he’s lovable, because you cannot help yourself any more than an animal can help savaging itself when caught in a trap. He smiles a certain way and your heart spills out like water and your throat aches…you are trying, racing against time to try and unpick the knots inside his head, help him understand there are other ways to live, help him bend before his brother breaks him.” M.
Genesis by emungere: Wolfwood has imagined angels many times during his life, but never expected to meet one…Rated T and up.
Just Straight Up Smut
Self-Inflicted by Angsty_McGoth (Doctor_Cyance): Are you into mutual pining and sexual tension? This is for you.
The Confessional Experience: OK, not so much a confessional, more like one of those free-standing wardrobes. Part banter, part ridiculous situation, part smut, with a funny ending.
Life on Gunsmoke by JojoLightningFingers. Involves: Weird plant biology, telepathy, scars, religious musings, and Livio.
Paradise (chapter 1). What if Wolfwood survived in Paradise, and ended up telepathically connected with Vash? Basically just well-written telepathy-PWP; the whole resurrection bit doesn’t make much sense.
Tiggy Malvern writes good smut. My favorite is Balance. It’s been an inspiration for me and one of my writing buddies.
Untitled by Black-Quadrant. Mutual pining and sexual tension in a very different way. Vivid in every sense, not just vision. Black-Quadrant may be my favorite Trigun smut writer. 
Untitled by Black-Quadrant. I think the dynamic makes sense.
Hallefuckinglujah, by lactoria, includes the whole angel/wings aspect of Vash.
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