biggs-regretti · 1 year
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vbros beach day wip
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pinkocowboy · 2 months
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here we have the brown widow and dean, lol. the azaleas are for uncle vatred !! the doodles were fun, too.
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based off of this deleted scene. please give it a watch ! 😤
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lambygoat · 2 months
Honestly, i really do consider all people who treat Vatred as this, just like constant stain mark on the shows reputation and plot of the episodes he's in to be deeply unserious. Especially when it comes to the type of show they are watching.
No I'm not only referring to the 'aha the adult swim show from the early 2000s is being edgy again please laugh' aspect but like, the inherent importance of change when it comes to the show's narrative. Did we watch the same show? The same episodes? Did we perceive the same character?
I obviously understand some folk's kneejerk reaction to molestation being mentioned/implied/shown, and at first i too was disgusted with Hatred's character, but I feel like ignoring his following characterization on the show in favor of still viewing him through a running gag that was clearly made in bad faith at the start of the character's introduction, BEFORE he joined Team Venture and went through a very explicit character arc, to just be sooo blatantly choosing to ignore the point the show's trying to make on this one specific character.
Just like all other main characters on this show, he was/(still is but no longer in that direction) a bad person who did terrible things, characterized this way just for the sake of shock value who then went on to develop more as a person with real motivations behind him and who then stopped being a one-off gag character and started being someone worth caring for.
Believe me, I wouldn't have been even CLOSE to liking Hatred's character if he had remained as he was pre-joining and I would've, in fact, pretty openly despised him and believed him to be a bad choice to keep around. But that wasn't, and isn't what Vatred's character is now.
He wasn't even a pedophile by no fault of his own but as a side effect of the Supersoldier serum, and when he became part of the main cast, the show wasted no opportunity to drive in how ASHAMED he was of that fact. He explicitly took meds for it. (All of these choices obviously made by the writers to have a basis to build off of after deciding to pick him up as Rusty's bodyguard in Brock's absence).
When he finally had a chance to be redeemed, he took it. He made a consistent effort to be a good example for the boys, to be an efficient bodyguard, to be that other fatherly figure Hank and Dean needed when Brock was gone. Hell, I can even say with confidence that he WAS a better fatherly figure than both Brock and Rusty combined. He made an effort to better himself, clearly recognized the dangers he posed to the boys, and dealt with it with a clear intent NOT TO HURT THEM. He got better. And even after not having the obligation to, he stuck around with the Ventures. He wanted to be a part of the boy's lives. He cared. He was not the same character as he was before. It was a gradual and intentional change the show chose to make him go through.
You guys are attaching real-world importance to a previous character trait that is, by now, long gone, regarding the character and the state he's in. Real-world importance that seemingly does not apply to other crimes constantly being committed by the rest of the main cast (see: Brock and his unabashed killing of henchmen and uninvolved people in general, Rusty's obvious disregard towards consent and constant sexual harassment of Sheila and many other women on the show, not to mention the various unethical experiments he has conducted on other people without their knowledge i.e That Whole Dome Episode and also Cloning his Sons...), and, honestly, it really does feel like people are being reactionary when addressing him and only him as the Single Worst Character of Venture bros. Please interpret media better thank you in advance 🙏
(Obligatory 'I am not supporting real-life pedophilia I am talking about a character from an adult TV show.' sign)
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whats-9plus10 · 10 months
Are you guys seeing this
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webbythreads · 1 year
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EDIT: i put a content warning! sorry for hatred boob jumpscare
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spyfoxindrycereal · 2 months
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some vbros designs
i had a finished brock sketch but i didn't like the design that i gave him so i'm not gonna post it
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scullcrusher101xd · 11 months
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i made a redraw of that scene in 'what color is your cleansuit' from a memory, silliest thing ever
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dilfgmancoolatta · 11 months
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posting the best transfem hank and sgt hatred interaction from @webbywebs
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taibobo · 1 year
I want to get back into posting abt self shipping again bc i love self shipping so much and posting about it but i’ve recently had to come to terms with reliving some really nasty harassment i got from people for self shipping with particular characters so now i’m like this
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gcilevelten · 1 year
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“I will kick you in your fucking throat meat!”
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tenjenedvadesete · 2 months
U gluho doba noći tišinu je prekinulo zvono telefona. Javila se, oklijevajući- broj telefona je idalje znala napamet.
Sa druge strane linije čuo se Pejović i dobro poznat grubi, muški glas: "Ne prekidaj. Slušaj!" Tražio je, tjerajući joj srce da udara jače.
Tu noć je Aco nastupao u njihovom gradu i ona iz određenih razloga nije htjela ići. Jedan od njih je bio i čovjek sa druge strane linije.
Ima li ovde nesretno zaljubljenih? Pitao je pjevač i masa je vrisnula. Jedna suza je skliznula niz obraz i ona rukom pokri usta, da suspregne jecaj.
Okrenite taj broj telefona. Ne žalite jer se nije desilo- svi ste vi ovde mladi ljudi, život je pred vama. Ne dajte da jedno 'izvini i žao mi je' bude neizgovoreno zbog ponosa i inata. Momci, čuvajte svoje dame- kako jednog dana kada pijani u kafani okrenete broj i pustite pjesmu ti stihovi ne bi išli ovako:
Ja sam samo propalica,
Što prokocka život cijeli-
Zar ne vidiš da do kraja
Jedan korak još me dijeli?
Ja sam samo propalica,
Što prokocka život cijeli-
Nek me tvoje srce ludo
Nikad više ne poželi.
Duša se parala na komade. Još je uvijek voljela tog čovjeka. Impulsivno je prekinula poziv. Stihovi su joj lomili srce na paramparčad i iz duše se oteo nijemi vrisak, glasniji od svakog zvučnog.
Ruke su se tresle dok je otvarala poruke, sve kako bi poslala jednu i zadnju:
Ja te neću poželjeti, nikada više.
Zbog tebe sam naučila da ne slušam srce, pa me nije briga šta ono želi. I nisi samo život prokockao, propalice, prokockao si sve što je život mogao biti.
Prošlost će ti pokucati na vrata da te pita za budućnost- koje neće biti.
Jer i to si uništio. Slomio. Razbio i ostavio je da se sama sastavi, daleko od tebe. Neće se više zvati budućnosti, nikome. Više je to bolna sadašnjost sa nadom u bolja sutra.
Zaboravi broj moga telefona i živi, ako možeš, moje milo. Jer, nisi ti tek na korak do kraja.
Ti si kraj.
Svi mi, makar jednom, u životu imamo ljubavi zbog kojih mislimo da ćemo umrijeti. Čak umremo, na trenutak.
Pa nam one postanu pepeo, nakon kojeg opet oživimo- kao Feniks. I, to je život. Igra vatre i leda, pepela i plamena života.
Budućnost i prošlost koja se isprepliću, kreirajući sadašnjost i neka, bolja i ljepša sutra. Onda, kada oluje stanu i sunce opet izađe.
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whats-9plus10 · 1 year
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webbythreads · 6 months
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MEN, which do you prefer? The aristocratic elegance of the small breasted Rusty, OR the nietzschean anti-sex, pro-beauty large breasted Vatred?
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hatred eto blehhhhh...!
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Me after drinking a singular can of Monster during the FNAF movie (i have heart problems)
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cult-of-alex · 4 months
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Totally Spies! S07xE08 - Cheese and Honeymoon (Fromage et lune de miel)
Written by - Nicole Demerse
Storyboards - Benjamin Vatre and Celine Foriscetti
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