vicecityhq · 2 years
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WITNESS(ES) SAY THEY REMIND THEM OF: the gentle waft of cologne, the wail of a guitar, and the feeling on your back that you’re being watched . With a slight resemblance to NAKAMOTO YUTA of/the NCT 127/U.
last name, first name: nanami kakuzo, alias: kuzo , black . kakuzo black, elias realm of birth(if earth, nationality): the inbetween (underworld), japan age: in between age about 80 years old, earth age 27 gender: male preferred pronouns: he/they species: mixed-blood (werewolf, child of the realm: son of melinoe, goddess of ghosts and nightmares) occupation: detective at apd/special forces sexual orientation: not applicable any associated/owned businesses:
skin color: tan eye color: marble grey with a black ring around it in human form, acme grey in wolf form scars: scar over his left peck from being stabbed, many on his knuckles and one on his cheek bone piercings: many in his ears, belly button tattoos: two on either hip, one along his back hair color: naturally white, goes in between black and white based on mood bc he can  (like his wolf form), abnormalities: pointed canines horns/ wings/ etc: transformed form: a large grey black and white wolf, in the in between/the underworld: long white hair fading into black tips past his mid back, curved obsidian black horns, usually adorned in ruby jewels and black fur. (inspo x , x ). when he’s comfortable he tends to walk around in a  sort of in between form mostly at home. (inspo x , x)
RELIGIOUS BELIEF: greek mythology, otherwise some form of atheism
SINS:  greed  /  gluttony  /  sloth  /  lust  /  pride  /  envy  /  wrath
VIRTUES: chastity  /  charity  /  diligence  /  humility /  kindness /  patience /  justice / temperance
KNOWN LANGUAGES:   Greek, Japanese, English, Korean is still a bit intermediate stage as he didn’t bother within the first year or so of being in the country
SECRETS:   His father is Nanami Kento, former Howler Alpha. His aura causes weak willed people to decent into madness. the speed depends on how much they can handle and how long they’re around him/frequency
SAVVIES:   guitar, drums, singing, boxing and other fighting forms of combat, math and probability
Powers & Abilities:   Claw/Fang Retraction, Contaminant Immunity, Transformation, Enhanced Body/Supernatural; Body, Agility, Durability, Endurance, Leap, Reflexes, Senses, Hearing, Smell, Speed, Stamina and Strength. Night Vision, Regenerative Healing, Wolf-Physiology, Dark Divinity, Daemon Physiology, Corrupting Presence, Madness Manipulation, Madness Embodiment. Insanity Inducement, Illusions (for a period of time), Madness Aura, Nightmare Inducement, Nightmare Magic, Ghost Lordship, Ghost Companionhip.
Traits:  +observant, -tsundere
Date of Birth:   per his most recent life 041294
Date of Death:
Crime Record:   sealed away in an manila envelope somewhere in the precinct it reads: wanted by the japanese government for crimes such as theft, murder, laundering, and intent to move goods across country lines
tw: mentions of child abuse, domestic abuse and infant death
The legacy his father held didn’t start in the Howlers. Nanami Kento lived his life as a dictator, a bully and tyrant, and it translated into the people he’d claim to love.
The legend says; It had been just the two of them at first, Kakuzo, born originally as Elias, lived in the underworld with his mother for a much longer time than he had on earth, all four times at that. The lives he’d lived never sated his mother’s hunger for the human realm. Melinoë’s world was a constant state of black, white and red, the screaming of souls and the heat of flames.  She was able to watch her mother ascend to the heavens every spring season, and see the glow around her once she returned to their world every winter.. And even as she was given Elias to continue her legacy, her world seemed to continue in its dimness. 
She craved to ascend like Persephone, but too afraid to go alone, she sent Elias out into the other world, communicating then solely in the In-between. Elias lived out his life, but it was hard for him. Melinoë’s aura still surrounded him, a deafening madness that drew people to him or scared them to the point of traumatization. The longer they indulged in him, like a drug he gave the most blissful high, but soon they’d all begin to deteriorate, their minds falling into shambles. He could never truly love, truly laugh, truly care as he walked amongst the humans. Each era he endured meant nothing more to him and he couldn’t be bothered reconstructing psyches while trying to exist. 
His first time on Earth had been short lived, their conditions hadn’t let his little baby body last much past a week. Upon his return Melinoë had decided to wait until they advanced in their lives to put him in another vessel. His second life was a bit smoother, the woman he’d met had a strong will, and they married and even attempted a child, but her own devastation led to his demise. The life in between hadn’t been quite notable, it wasn’t until his current one where he’d decided to make it fun, living for his pleasure. And like the mother she was, upon this agreement he was given something he hadn’t had before, since he planned on taking life into his own hands. Twin guardians, large dogs  of unknown origins that made their way to the house of the young woman that carried him. 
But Melinoë hadn’t known the type of monster that was believed to help create her son in the living world. She hadn’t anticipated the beatings, and the tyranny. Never thought to see him fighting for his life for monetary gain. And yet he always refused to leave. She begged and begged Elias to return home to her, leave that vicious man that had become his father, but he was adamant, it was his life, and he was to see it through. He completely became Kakuzo, knowing well his mother’s eyes were constantly on him. He attended every cage fight, took every punch, until Kento decided he had better things to do than break down his teenage son. 
In Kuzo’s eyes, they dodged a bullet and he went on attempting to live through the trauma he’d experienced under that man's care. He’d dove head first back into music, even going abroad to study it around the age of  fifteen. A year later he joined a Japanese-American band.
 At his young age and being the guitarist of the group he gained popularity fast even being able to go back to his home country to continue the career with his bandmates once their hype died down in America. But of course as he expected, it wasn’t just his ability to be so young and talented that kept the crowds around. Weak willed supporters were drawn to the point of madness, and Kuzo felt the brunt of it all. He enjoyed the life, the drugs, the women, the men. The slice and roar of an electric guitar was a fuel to the high life but the heaviness of those who craved him was too much to deal with.
By twenty, six albums and three tours later, Kuzo decided to wrap it up, using his connections through the industry to simply exist as he wanted to. But Kento’s darkness remained, always there to linger over him as he promoted the need for violence, and left Kakuzo craving it when he wasn’t occupied. It was like an itch, an addiction, when he could cloud his  mind with other things it was a distant memory, but the absence of screams and shrill music forced him to crave it all over again.
To Japan’s underground he went. Back into cages, leaving with broken noses and scarred knuckles, wanting something, anything, to keep the hunger sated. But these rings were tied to something much more dangerous, something that led a young  Kakuzo to being the delivery boy for something, or someone deeply tied to the Yakuza. And his undefeated status in the underground led to his promotion from simple delivery boy to bloodhound, bounty hunter, collector. He was no longer Kakuzo but Black. Simply a dark smudge in the foreground that drives you completely mad.
But of course when things hit the fan, delivery boys are the first to be cut as the line gets caught, and Kuzo was facing the rest of the life he so desperately wanted to live, behind bars. His saving grace came in the dank, darkness of an interview room, it came with sleek black hair, tied into a tight bun and the click of heels. It came in a language he couldn’t understand, and badges he couldn’t read but in that moment he was given a fighting chance. That was, if he was okay with handing the reins of his life over to another type of gang. 
He owed the Agdoeg Police Department his life.
“We’ve been watching you awhile,” they said, something about his father that he hadn’t cared to hear at the moment, but they wanted to use him, and his skills.
With his mother’s guardians in tow he left in secret, known purely to the rest of the force as Black. Kakuzo Black., had anyone asked, to erase his relation to his father for their benefit. He was to be on their beck and call, told to tell the world he transferred agencies to follow a lead that connected Agdoeg to the Yakuza, giving most of the precinct the run around, save anyone of note. 
Now, three years later he’d grown a knack for it. Doing the same for the APD as he did for the Yakuza so long ago, only here he felt he was making some sort of a difference.
He was able to live freely, his charms and aura still driving the world around him mad but now he basked in his finesse.
INTERVIEW QUESTION (para sample): “Just run us through what happened that night”. - Officer
Kuzo leaned against the wall and waited for everyone to settle down. His eyes flickered over to their Lieutenant with a nod, moving to push himself  off the wall to stand in front of the white board. It was covered with multiple faces of victims in their morgue and those of some suspects and crime scenes.
“If I’m honest I have no idea why you guys are making me do this, my job is to get the guy right?” He said in a comical tone. Grey eyes flickered over a tough crowd and he rolled his eyes and began.
“Viktor Sonegroff our suspect of unknown origin is said to be tied not only to the Ivory Lotus but the Night Bloods as well. He is also known for the disappearance of two of our informants. So I did as I always do, and previously stated before, I got the guy.” Kuzo motioned to the open windows of their meeting room, framing the eyeline of their holding cells. 
“Now was he within an inch of his life when I got there or after, I can’t confirm nor deny, but I did what I was hired to do. He’ll be fine. Have him walk it off or something.”
A heavy sigh came from officer Soh, and Kakuzo looked at him as if he was confused on why he’d feel such disdain. “Black. That is not what we- you know what, just meet them at the hospital for the interview.”
“Okay but I can’t grantee he’ll be alive if I do that...I’ll try my absolute best...sir.”
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vicecityhq · 2 years
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WITNESS(ES) SAY THEY REMIND THEM OF: velvet gloves, rose petals, the purple rain soundtrack . With a slight resemblance to YANG JEONGIN of/the STRAY KIDS.
last name, first name: Soh Nuri alias: Baby realm of birth(if earth, nationality): Earth age: 23 gender: Male preferred pronouns: he/him species: Faerie occupation: Dancer at Cache sexual orientation: Gay any associated/owned businesses: none
skin color: tan eye color: brown scars: none piercings: back dimple dermal piercings tattoos: none hair color: Naturally light pink but dyes it different colors abnormalities: none horns/ wings/ etc: wings transformed form: iridescent wings with intricate black detailing sprout from his back.
SINS:  greed  /  gluttony  /  sloth  /  lust  /  pride  /  envy  /  wrath
VIRTUES: chastity  /  charity  /  diligence  /  humility /  kindness /  patience /  justice / temperance
SAVVIES: sex, dancing, manipulating
Powers & Abilities: Empathy, Energy Manipulation, Absorption, Energy Barriers, Energy Blasts, Supernatural Condition, Malleable Anatomy/Shapeshifting, Spirit Physiology, Illusion Manipulation, Intangibility, Possession, Telekinesis, Teleportation.
Traits: +confident, - selfish
date of birth: 11/24/1998
date of death: N/A
crime record: Petty crimes such as theft in high school. Drug charges that disappeared
Soh Nuri was born to a loving mother and father. He was the youngest of four and was doted on by his whole family. The Sohs came from a very modest upbringing. The matriarch, Soh Jimin, was an educator. She lived to teach and her children were her life. Soh Kyungsoo was a man of few words and he was very well respected in their city. He’d been a police officer since he was in his mid twenties. The community held him in very high regard. Which was why it was such a shock to everyone when Nuri began to get into trouble. 
It started with little things. He skipped classes and smoked cigarettes under the bleachers. Then it became hidden drugs found in his bedroom. Sleeping with random guys and sneaking them out of his house at random hours of the night. He found out in his teens that he was attractive. He realized that it was easy for him to manipulate guys into giving him things that he wanted. Worked smarter not harder. 
It wasn’t until after he graduated that he started working at Cache. Dancing was something that he thoroughly enjoyed. The adrenaline that coursed through his body was almost as good as the high he got from the cocktail of drugs he went through on a weekly basis. For Soh Nuri, sex, drugs and money were all he worried about. He had his regular clients who loved to throw their money at him. Some wanted sex. Some wanted him to hang off of his arm. He was willing to do just about anything for the right price. 
The faerie lived a life where he felt that he didn’t care to fall in love or any of the fairytale stuff. If it happened it happened but he wasn’t on some quest to find his Prince Charming. He was on a quest to live his life to the fullest, doing whatever he wanted. He didn’t believe in rules unless they were being broken. 
INTERVIEW QUESTION (para sample): “Just run us through what happened that night”. - Officer
Nuri sighed, looking at the officer. "I was not there. I was at work. I made hella tips, tonight too." He smirked, leaning forward. "I'm sure you have better things to do than to sit here questioning an innocent man." He examined his manicured nails and looked around. "Maybe we should get my father in here? I'm sure he'd love to see me. I haven't seen him in a while."
At the mention of his father, the cop sat up straighter. "No need to bring your father into this. How about I just send you out with a warning?" Nuri grinned and shook his head. "No, I think I'd rather have my father involved. I really don't appreciate being questioned about things that I would never do." He said with a pout. "No, I don't think we need to involve him. How about we just forget that this even happened?" Nuri shrugged. "I mean, I do have to be at work. So, maybe we can brush this under the rug."
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vicecityhq · 2 years
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WITNESS(ES) SAY HE REMINDS THEM OF: walking through fields of daisies, an acid tablet on your tongue, the glitter of the sun on the moving, blue, water . With a slight resemblance to CHOI CHANHEE of/the THE BOYZ.
last name, first name: doe, john alias: blue realm of birth(if earth, nationality): cosmic age: n/a - officials labeled found child to look around 5 human years, legal age 22 date of birth: n/a gender: non-binary male preferred pronouns: he/they species: planetary elf sexual orientation: homosexual
skin color: grey with a glittering shift to it eye color: one grey/casted  over, the other blue crystal like. scars: one large birthmark like scar over hist stomach. piercings: up both ears, and one in his belly-button tattoos: a few tiny, delicate ones on various parts of his body hair color: natrually white, currently and constantly kept baby blye. abnormalities: his casted over eye, glittering tears horns/ wings/ etc: pointed ears transformed form: the lights on their feet and palms only glow when the sun sets, and their grey skin shifts like the diamonds their eyes used to resemble.
religious belief:  n/a sins:  greed  /  gluttony  /  sloth  / LUST  /  pride  /  ENVY  /  wrath virtues: CHASTITY  /  CHARITY  /  diligence  /  humility /  KINDNESS /  patience /  justice known languages: italian and korean, average english secrets: after blue was assaulted by an ex, that ex…mysteriously went missing savvies:  fashion, painting, sculpting, drawing powers & abilities: space/star elf physiology ( these types of elves live in space and reside in communities where magic and technology are one. this means that the technology they use will either be crystalline, or organic constructs that are both in tune with nature and capable of destroying whole cities.), cosmic entity physiology, star mediation, illusion magic, celestial magic, night vision, lunar (dark) magic. traits: resilient & indulgent
date of birth: n/a date of death: approx. sometime during earth’s autumn of 1021 a.d. crime record: clean
the carnage rained down above him, an image he couldn’t quite make out with his youthful eyes. why was mother crying? why was father packing their things?
“there’s still room on the ship.” came as a hushed whisper, the elve’s siblings gathered in the living area as the sky ignited into flames. one of their many moons was breaking into pieces, and half of the planet was shrouded in a darkness no one could describe.
“why has she forsaken us?” was a phrase that was being screamed into the the streets as he was dragged along, knees dripping with their colored blood as his mother kept him in tow. they would make it, she kept screaming to them amongst the chaos, but as she spoke their hands parted ways, a severely burnt stranger running into the child out of panic and fear. she couldn’t come back to save him by the time she noticed.
the child only waved goodbye, glittering tears coming down his cheeks as he realized his fate, the only solace on his heart was his families safety.
it was mostly blackness after that, it seemed like an eternity and merely a few minutes all at the same time. the grass was soft and itchy as he awoke, sun beating down on his skin, a warmth that didn’t feel familiar. nothing, seemed familiar. the mountains were greyer, the snow atop them was whiter and the trees surrounded him on both sides, nothing but forest and foliage around him.
was this heaven? but everything seemed so real…too real almost. but he digressed, he had to. the child spent years in this wilderness, eating and learning among the wild until a family who spoke a language he’d never heard came across him. life amongst humans in the village was a show, and he was the main star, all eyes on the elf at all times. his grey skin and blue streaked hair, long pointed ears and mismatched eyes, the latter two granting him his name, the only name he’d come to know, ‘blue’.
it was simply by looks did they choose a jurisdiction for him, unable to speak any languages of earth aside the slight italian he owned, it was when the south korean government came in that things fell from the wild bliss he was born into.
they’d put him into systems, inked his fingers and changed his clothes. they forced a language onto him and put him from home to home, his picture blown up on every television screen every billboard. “do you know this child?”
“do you know me?”
“are you my family?” unbeknownst to them all including blue, that they were gone generations ago.
he grew up in this system, a cycle of foster homes and temporary placements, every few years a new photo of him is taken, plastered along the television stations and agdoeg signs. but he moved past it, he was getting older, and people were starting  not to care, including the officers who basically raised him.
even when the guy he’d sworn loved him hurt him in a way he couldn’t imagine. even when he’d had to hurt him back, they never came knocking, no one ever came looking for the evil bastard, even  as blue cleaned the assholes home of every stain he could find. he’d carry that burden  on, something new to take on since the horror of losing it all a life time ago, no longer existed in his mind,
INTERVIEW QUESTION (para sample): “Just run us through what happened that night”. - Officer
the elf shifted in his sheet, brows furrowed in confusion. “nothing, i mean something but nothing. i don’t know where he is if that’s what you’re asking?”
the officers shook their heads, sliding the file onto the table.
“we know what happened to you, and we know he’s been missing for days, and we think you know more than what you’re telling us.”  he tossed his bangs to the side, slipping back in the plastic chair.
“look, i don’t know what you’re insinuating, but if you’re trying to say that i had something to do with that asshole up and leaving you’re wrong.”
“don’t make us get a warrant, blue is it? or whatever color it is. one day you get what you call ‘r*ped’, the system didn’t care so you took care of it are we right? we can’t help you if you don’t help us.”
the elf’s eye twitched in anger. how dare they, what did they actually know? a bit of research on the infamous john doe and suddenly they knew everything about him. he rolled his eyes to hide his emotions, though his ducts burned with tears.
“if you need anything else from me, you better have a fucking warrant for my arrest.” he had to hurry back to his place, there was a lot to clean  up.
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