#ve. main.
10power · 9 months
@tartt9. call.
"Jim, I'm bored," is the first thing she says when he's picked up his phone. Injuries will do that to you. Nothing career-ending, mind, and she hurt herself playing for England, so she isn't that mad in the grand scheme of things. (A win that meant anything might have made all this feel better. You can't have everything.) She's been told to rest, though, and, honestly, there's only so much time you can spend at home not being able to go work before you start losing your mind. Penny made it three days, and now she's making herself Jamie's problem because he made the mistake of giving her his phone number. "Are you doing owt?"
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sthrlnd1 · 1 year
@stormlit asked: “Our first kiss can’t be in line for the loo.”
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ㅤ“ I mean, I hate to break it to you but this is about as romantic as I get. ” Balfour's glad the lighting in here is... atrocious, to say the least of it. This way, Georgie can't see his blushing. Or, well, he's hoping that she can't see his blushing, because currently he's feeling like a right idiot and doesn't want to make that any worse. Right. Obviously their first kiss can't be in line for the loo.
ㅤHe leans back against the wall, trying to look casual, palms pressed against back against it. Then he wrinkles his nose, tries on a bit of a smile. “ I, uh - How about a queue for some truly awful food? Think that place 'round the corner is still open. ”
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serbaird · 2 years
@supportary. call.
ㅤ“ You showed great valour back in the Great Hall. ” Gregor considered her for some moments, a frown creasing his brow. She had not struck him as the type, though he had to admit that he had not much spoken to her before the attempt on the Queen's life. He smiled. Thank the Maker for having sent her. “ Her Majesty is most grateful for your aid. As am I. You are... the Lady Sylvie, yes? ”
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grenewoden · 1 year
@meiquene asked: i know what you’d do, given half the chance.
ㅤRobin had his hands to his face as he listened to her speak, grief and anger churning something awful in his gut. His fingers were pressed over his eyes, and perhaps if he pressed hard enough, he would not want to shout at her anymore. I know what you'd do, given half the chance. Fingers slipped, then, to the bridge of his nose, his eyes still shut tight as he bit back the urge to say something unkind.
ㅤA week ago, he had almost left Guy to die in the Derwent. It would have been the easiest thing in the world. A far sight easier than dragging him up onto the riverbank and rattling him back to consciousness. All for Marian's sake. And what good had that done, in the end? Marian was pleased, but Guy had learned nothing of mercy or decency. The ever-loyal hound had gone straight back to his old ways, desperate to please his master's cruelty. And now Marian sought to blame him for his anger.
ㅤ“ God above, ” he sighed and dropped his hands, finally turned from her window to look at her. Only Marian could inspire such love and hate in him, in equal measure. Tonight, he was sick of her. Of her mercy. Of the promise he did not wish to keep. “ I had me chance, lady. I could've drowned t' bastard -- should've and all! But I held me hand, which he never has and never will. And now look. ”
ㅤHe crossed over the room to her, half so that he might keep his voice low and half so she might see the clear anger on his face. “ There is nowt in that man's heart but cruelty. And I am tired of playing these silly games, saving a devil who cannot be saved. I reckoned thi to be smarter than this, Lady Marian. I reckoned it a more selfless heart that beat in tha breast. ”
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allroundher · 1 year
@pnkb1tch. call.
ㅤShe looks insufferable and is keenly aware of it. Penny had sworn she'd never become a sunglasses indoors person, but that was before Kit Wallace had hit her in the face with a cricket ball. Now she's peering at Arlo over the top of her sungigs and, after a moment, pushing them back up her face with a grimace.
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ㅤ“ Does it look bad still? ” she asks. That's desperation, that. The answer is so obviously oh, yeah, real bad, why are you showing your face in public. But miracles have been known to happen even to northerners and she's holding out hope that today's her day.
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gnomeantics · 10 months
"milk" includes milk substitutes btw! i take mine with soya personally
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serpfeld · 1 year
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[S] Serpaz and Laivan: Dance Your Hearts Out! (REVAMPED!)
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alien-girl-21 · 15 days
escuchame👂🏻🧏🏻 con atención ☝🏻🗣️💥🗣️🗣️💥🗣️💥💥💥🗣️💥💥 estos tres tipos calvos 👨🏻‍🦲👨🏻‍🦲👨🏻‍🦲 y yo esto el 😔 yo estroy 😔 yo estoy prisionero 😨⛓️⛓️ 🗣️💥🗣️🗣️💥🗣️💥💥💥🗣️💥💥 ayúdame por favor 😰☝🏻🏃🏻 estos ☝🏻 locos 😰🗣️💥🗣️💥💥 🗣️🥘🥘💃🏻🇪🇸💃🏻🇪🇸🗣️🗣️🇪🇸🥘🗣️🗣️🇪🇸 VIVA ESPAÑA 🗣️🇪🇸🥘🥘🥘🇪🇸💃🏻🗣️💃🏻💃🏻🗣️🇪🇸🗣️🥘🇪🇸🗣️🗣️ 🗣️💥🗣️💥💥
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moonchild-in-blue · 8 months
If I had a dollar for every band originated from a multi-instrumentalist / drummer duo of two best friends, lead by a sad pathetic wet cat piano man who writes the most gut-wrenching lyrics, with lore regarding the aformented frontman's darker side, who also uses black body paint and masks (on ocasion), and incorporates so many genres that made it impossible to properly classify it, I'd have two dollars, which is not a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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sleepanonymous · 1 year
Hi hello yes I also thought I was done but my brain said no.
So, who was going to tell me what an absolute menace Vessel was on stage back in 2018? Why did nobody show me what a chaotic goblinman he used to be?
Vessel, you cannot do this to me. The white waistband. The water bottle drop. The strangulation of OG IV. The SPIT. ONTO. OG IV. … Sir. What is happening to you on stage? What demons are you fighting? (Let me help, I want to meet them)
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10power · 9 months
"Nate!" Penny's always glad to see him. As far as her brother's friends go - and they range from excellent blokes to people she wishes she'd never had the misfortune of meeting - he was one of the good ones. And exactly the kind of face she'd expect to turn up at a charity match. "You're not playing, are you? Didn't hear owt." She gives his arm a squeeze in greeting when she stops at his side, finally. Her smile is as wide and happy as ever. "You doing commentary?"
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sthrlnd1 · 1 year
@stormlit. call.
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ㅤ“ First match back tomorrow, ” he says, casually and like his stomach isn't twisting itself into knots. He's trying to be light, cute. “ That make us rivals? ”
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serbaird · 2 years
@supportary asked: Do you know, I forget how much I like it here. We should come here more often.
ㅤGregor squinted at her through the bright midday sun, the easiest of grins at his lips. She was right, of course. Denerim was a fine city, full of all manner of distractions and interesting people, but the lands that surrounded it contained a beauty it could not hope to replicate. Gregor enjoyed their ventures out into the country more than anything else, and he was in agreement with her that they should come this way more. If not only because he was never more in his element, the famed Knight of Flowers, in a wildflower meadow such as this one.
ㅤ“ You certainly seem more relaxed here than you do at Court. ” He smiled as he made his way up the slight incline, bundle of wildflowers in hand, to where she was sat -- or had been sleeping, moments prior, at the base of a grand old tree. If his own favour for this place, beautiful as it was, had anything to do with Sylvie's own care for it, Gregor had not thought so rigorously on it. It was the flowers, the open air, the quiet that had him smiling so brightly.
ㅤ“ My lady, ” he said as he crouched by her side, now in the shade of the tree branches. The sunlight, dappled through the leaves, gave life to the bright pinks and reds, purples and whites of the small handful of wildflowers he offered out to her. “ Now we are even, aye? ”
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grenewoden · 1 year
ㅤ“ I've not seen thi here before, ” he smiled, half-squinting into the sun as he stood with his hands on his hips. Robin was certain he would remember a face like hers. Even if he hadn't been in the area for all that long at all. He carried on walking beside her, back facing the direction they were strolling through the meadow, with that damn grin on his face. “ Is tha from t' village? ”
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allroundher · 1 year
@afraidofchange. call.
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ㅤ“ Sorry. From t' cart, ” she says in that tone of voice that only a northerner stuck on a train in the middle of a heatwave could manage. She's dying. Penny is dying. Or, at least, her communication skills are. “ I meant d'you want owt from t' cart? ”
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centellazul · 3 months
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Some drawings I made of the oc (@shippyo) Life! jeje
I really like her a lot <3 I hope I have drawn her well, she is very pretty
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