therealeagal · 2 years
Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow; best of type.
So I was thinking to myself, I really like putting together best of type lists and I thought that I should do more. Obviously I’ve got all time favorites, but they are generally from across the whole series.
So just for a lark, I thought I’d go back and just make type lists specific to each Gen. I’ve done these before for Gens 8 and 9, but not for 1-7, so why not start now?
As I have done before, these are just which Pokemon I like the best. It’s not necessarily based on things like battle viability, although obviously that does play a factor in some cases.
Let’s just get this out of the way first, because I think we all saw this coming a mile away. The king of this particular hill has always been and will always be Mewtwo. It also happens to be my pick for best of gen.
Best OG normal type is Eevee. Because it’s Eevee. If you don’t like Eevee, you’re wrong, because fuck you, you do love Eevee.
Best OG fire type - extremely grudgingly - goes to Charizard. Overrated, but indisputably a cool and strong pokemon. There’s a reason it continues to hog the limelight 9 generations in. If it wasn’t Mewtwo, Charizard wrote the book on being a badass
No question. Best OG water type has to be Gyarados. What it lacks in chill, it more than makes up for with style.
I’ll tell you one thing, it sure as hell ain’t Pikachu. It’s actually a toss up, but sadly, Eeveelutions often get the short end of the stick. Best OG electric type goes to Zapdos.
OG grass types weren’t ever terribly interesting. Gotta give it to Venausaur.
OG ice types are a limited bunch, and the less said about one of them *coughjynxcoughcough* the better. Best OG ice type is Articuno.
Machamp loses the top spot here because although I dig the four arm drip, trade evolutions have always been and will always be bullshit. Primeape gets best original fighting type.
Out of all the OG poison types, I gotta give it up for my man Nidoking and his lady love Nidoqueen. Strong, useful for murdering freaking Brock because freaking Pikachu is freaking worthless. Plus, they’re royalty. What’s not to love?
Best original ground type has to go to Dugtrio. Because it’s just so convenient to catch one and use it to murderstomp Lieutenant Surge, the Lightning American. Lightning Unovan?
Lots of flying type contenders in Gen 1. Lots of trash, but lots of contenders. Best original flying type (that isn’t elsewhere on the list) goes to Aerodactyl.
I dearly wanted to give this one to Beedrill because I always liked it, regardless of how weak it is outside of its mega evolution (which regardless, it wouldn’t get until Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire). But I would be remiss if I didn’t give it to Scyther. Scyther’s got style to spare.
Best rock type of Gen 1 was a tough one. I’d have given it to Aerodactyl, but I bumped him over to Flying so that the best Rock could go to Onix. Because Onix.
Only three ghost types in Gen 1. Gastly, Haunter and Gengar. Although Gengar to this day remains one of my favorite all time pokemon, so who gives a toss?
OG dragon types, like ghost, are limited to only one line. Even so, I always did like Dragonite. He looks weird, but he’s cool.
Alas, Dark type hadn’t been invented in ye olden dayes of Gen 1.
No steel types either. Come back next gen.
Forsooth! No fairy types until...was it Gen 6 or 7? 6 I think. We’ll see when we get there.
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cmetznerdotcom · 7 years
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Closing in on finishing! #venausaur #pokemon #pokemonart #pokemonfan #pokemonfanart #draw #drawing #drawings #drawdaily #drawdaily2017 #sketch #sketches #sketchdaily #sketching #sketchbooks #art #myart #instaart #ink #inking #inked #inktober #illustration #illustrations #artwork #myartwork
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Physical or Special Venausaur for in-game (gen 7) use?
Considering Venusaur has higher Special stats than Physical, go Special.
Sludge Bomb
Giga Drain / Energy Ball / Petal Dance
are your best Special moves
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thisispokemongo · 4 years
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I caught a Venausaur and a Ludicolo with precisely one month between them (3 June and 3 July) now I’m waiting for the 3 August ;) via /r/pokemongo https://ift.tt/38mQtfc
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crystalelemental · 7 years
suitsongirls replied to your post: Tangrowth can learn Rage Powder.  Huh. And...
My man, mono-grass sun team. Chlorophyll Venausaur with Growth, Z-sunny day Lurantis, etc. Works well in singles, I can pass you a team of 5 grass and a ninetails if you want. Also, Executor-Alola learns trick room, and is a great abuser of it on the special side.
While that is excellent, I don’t know if Lurantis getting one bonus to speed is going to be enough.  It definitely allows for better offensive options (mostly Solar Blade), but I feel like it would still be much slower than other options, and adding more fire damage to a mono-Grass team seems like a recipe for disaster.
Alolan-Exeggutor is actually the main reason I did so well this competition.  Trick Room with it is fantastic, and it gets access to Flamethrower, which is unreal.  Slapped on the ice-damage reducing berry, and it’s almost assuredly getting the condition up.  Alongside Whimsicott, no one seems to recognize that it’s going to be Trick Room focused either.
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dreamillusionist · 8 years
Dream Log 2/10/17
forgot some of it
[stuff] I somehow transformed into my OC Daemon (human form). This was a big enough change because I had changed genders and it was so sudden. I started hanging with friends and the experience was different because of my gender change. There were two groups: one that was almost all girls playing a more “girly” video game, and another that consisted of mostly guys (but a few girls). I had been hanging with the first group, but I figured it was more expected of me to join the latter group*. I played a few games of Super Smash Bros. with them [the first one I was playing Diddy Kong? (though he kept transforming) and the second one I was playing Venausaur] and ended up winning them. 
[stuff] I headed towards the bathroom in the church. It was interesting to notice the height difference as I was walking through the door; it also felt weird walking into the men’s bathroom. I walked into a stall and closed the door. I figured I could get through this without too much incident, but the toilet was somehow a lot higher than it needed to be. I had to push it down to a reasonable height; there was also a certain order needed to open to toilet seat. Once I got all that done, I sat down on it, ready to do my business. While I had been doing that, the boy who was in the next stall had somehow taken down the wall between the stalls and started talking to me. I shooed him away and his father tried to keep him away, scolding him for breaking the wall. I tried to prop the wall back up to keep them out (for some reason my stall ended up being at a higher elevation than theirs. The mother and daughter happened to be at the end of the room, I don’t remember what they were doing. Suddenly the toilet tipped over and I almost fell out of the stall. I clung to it and managed to climb back up. I gathered up all my leis and necklaces, clearing the area around the toilet as best I could. All this disturbance made it difficult for me to do anything and I pretty much gave up on the endeavor. 
*on a normal basis, I would join this group anyways because Super Smash Bros. nuff said.
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storytums-blog · 10 years
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Top ten pocket monsters 
10 Venasaur 
Illustrated by Daymel Garcia 
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crystalelemental · 7 years
suitsongirls replied to your post “I wish Pokemon were the type of game where I could realistically get...”
Buddy, just expand your view of plant girls. Female Torterra, female Dhelmise, Lilligant, female Leavanny, Female Venausaur, etc. You could also just run a hyper offence team, or do it in little cup, where fire types aren't as prominent, due to stuff like Onix.
chandela replied to your post “I wish Pokemon were the type of game where I could realistically get...”
@suitsongirls isn't dhelmise genderless ?_?
suitsongirls replied to your post “I wish Pokemon were the type of game where I could realistically get...”
Good point. Not Dhelmise then. Tangrowth maybe?? And there's always breloom, to hit steel types who would try to wall you.
Okay, all of those are real cool, but who’s beating Talonflame, or Zard-X with a boost, or really anything with type-advantage and a Scarf?  No one.  Mega-Venusaur maybe.  The problem is more that none of them are really all that fast, and Grass is not a defensive typing.
As for the discussion of expanded plant-girls, in what world is Lilligant not considered the plant girl?  I don’t think there’s a more iconic plant-girl in the game.  Also I’m a little disappointed.  All this talk of expanded plant-girl options, and no one mentioned Cradily, the best plant girl. 
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mr-eatme · 11 years
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ahh--real-pokemon · 12 years
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Venusaur vs. Grimer
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