famousfilmsfan · 7 months
More Poly Bryan To celebrate valentines day
The trio being dads to Gregory
Gregory: So..I have three dads now
Bryan: Yup.
Gregory: so what do I call you guys?
Vendi: Anything you feel is right
Gregory: Okay. *to Bryan* Dad *to Vendi* British dad, *to Jon* Clown dad
Jon; I’m a jester!
Gregory: What’s the difference?
Bryan: Jesters entertain the rich, clowns entertain the poor.
Dropping Gregory off at school
Bryan: *dropping him off on the way to work in his car with a bagged lunch* Have a good day Gregory, love you
Vendi: *has a driver drop him off with a chef made lunch* Have a productive day
Jon: *woke up late and got him there with five minutes until the bell* I’ll bring McDonald’s for you.
Bryan: Having two partners is both amazing and complicated. But all our problems are solved with communication.
Vendi: It’s my turn to cuddle Bryan.
Vendi: I’m nervous to move in with you and Bryan
Jon: Why? Scared we’ll see you without makeup?
Vendi: I don’t wear makeup
Jon: sh*t you’re beautiful.
Bryan: Okay you two, can you try not to kill each other while i’m gone?
Jon: Bryan we’re not children.
Vendi: Yes dear. Go on.
Bryan leaves
Jon; British asshole.
Vendi: Knock off joker. Can't believe i agreed to this poly thing.
Jon; Same here, you just give off i’m gonna f*ck my employee and threaten to fire them
Vendi: And you give off if someone breaks my heart i cut their break line
The two of them glare at each other for a few seconds.
Otso; *watching from the balcony* Just make out already.
The two of them threw books at him making him fall.
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famousfilmsfan · 1 year
Bryan and Jons Dyanamic was never explored often so I decided to give them one.
Kinds hyperfixated on this
Part 1:
Jon: You really let me drop out of college for no reason?
Bryan: I was honestly convinced you would cut me if I did.
Jon: I can’t believe how horrible I was to everybody.
Bryan: yeah, and you constantly claim I play the victim.
Jon: Shut up.
Bryan: Make me.
Jon: *chuckles* this is nice. To actually talk like two friends, no yelling at eachother
Bryan: Yeah.
Jon; So..did you actually try to contact me before evil bryan took over?
Bryan: every day, I got hung up on, two fake wrong numbers and one f*ck your mother.
Jon: Damn. Sorry Bryan.
Bryan: Yeah...my mom is a b!tch though.
Jon: Oh good that wasn't my condition, she is the worst, like every hallmark villain rolled into one
Bryan: Hey! That’s my mom you’re talking about!
Jon: B-but you said.
Bryan: Hey only a son can talk bad about his mom.…but yeah she is a hallmark villain
Jon: Hmmm I have an idea
Bryan: Wanna pitch the movie idea to Hallmark and make more money?
Jon: Hell yeah!
Part 2:
Bryan and Jon we're sitting by the pool. Bryan in red trunks and a t-shirt and Jon….
Bryan: Is that a speedo?
Jon: Yeah?
Bryan: You know only athletes and pervs wear those in public right?
Jon: Hey! I’m pretty well built!
Bryan: Well…
Jon: Says the guy who photo shops abs onto himself.
Bryan: I don’t photoshop.
Jon: Prove it
Bryan takes his shirt off revealing abs.
Jon: What the? How!
Bryan: The twisted really made me an active person. I mean I jumped over a ten-foot wall. When have you done that?
Jon:…decent point.
Bryan puts his shirt back on and lays down.
Part 3
Bryan and Jon, we're on a vacation together away from Fazbears. They told the animatronics they were going to a conference so they wouldn't follow.
Jon: So Bryan how did you find this place?
Bryan: Online, said they were having a deal on rooms.
Jon: Uh. Bryan have you noticed how there are only men here
Bryan: Huh? *looks around* Oh didn't notice
Jon: Bryan…show me the website.
Bryan showed the website to Jon on his phone
Jon: Bryan…this is a hotel for gay couples
Bryan: What? *looks at it* Oh that explains the double bed in our room
Jon: You think? We’re not a couple!
Bryan: Well not anymore but maybe *smirks*
Jon:….What does that mean?
Bryan: Well we did used to date. Remember?
Jon; Uhhh?
Bryan: First year of college? We had Friday date nights
Jon: We just hung out together.
Bryan: We shared dessert!
Jon; Because we were broke
Bryan: You were broke. I was a trust fund baby. *puts on sunglasses and smirks* Baby.
Jon: You’ve been waiting for that weren't you?
Bryan: *embarrassed* Very much yeah.
Bryan, throwing his head into Jon's lap: Tell me I'm pretty!
Jon, lovingly stroking his hair: You're pretty f*cking annoying, that's what you are.
Part 4
*Jon and Bryan are in Paris.*
Jon: I'm...moved. I...I don't know what it is I'm feeling right now. I feel...destiny?
Bryan: But...
Jon: I don't know what it is. I feel like... I just never thought I'd see it with my own two eyes. And here it is. It's just there. It's right in front of me, and...
Bryan: This is what you wanted to see? The bridge from Inception?
Jon: Yeah.
Bryan: But the Eiffel Tower is behind us, babe.
Jon: Yeah, but this is the bridge FROM INCEPTION.
Bryan: Okay, alright.
Part 6
Bryan: You’re giving me a sticker?
Jon: Not just a sticker. That is a sticker of a kitty saying “me-wow!”
Bryan: I’m not a preschooler.
Jon: Fine, I’ll take it back-
Bryan: I earned this, back off!
Part 7
Bryan: Jon can you call the Glamrocks they’re not listening to me
Jon: Bryan i’m not their mom.
Bryan: At least try.
Jon: fine…guys! Get over here!
*Immediately the Glamrocks all line up behind Jon like ducklings*
Jon: Uhh.
Bryan: Awwww!
Part 8
Jon: Davis hand me your sewing kit
Davis: I don't have one
Jon: You don't have one in your pocket?
Davis: No because i’m not a 50’s housewife
Jon: Hey Bryan do you have a sewing kit on you?
Bryan: Yeah i’m not an animal
Jon: Davis I can pick this lock. I need a Bobby pin
Davis: Okay…oh yeah I don't have one i’m not a nine year old girl.
Jon: Bryan?
Bryan: *holding four of them* Which size?
Part 9:
Jon; Vindi.
Vendi: Jonathen.
Jon and Vendi stare at him
Jon and Vendi: *thinking* God why do I love this man?
Part 10:
Vendi: *on his knees with a ring and orchids* Bryan my dear I love you so much, ever since you entered my office and I saw those gorgeous eyes please I beg you. Marry me?
Jon: *on his knees next to him with a ring and roses* Bryan please, i’ve known you for years and I fell in love with you over the years, every action makes you even more adorable in my eyes. Marry me please?
Bryan: *panicking. Can’t break Jons heart but also can’t break Vendis*
Jon: so?
Bryan: Maybe…all three of us could work it out?
Vendi Jon and Bryan were in bed together, Jon on Bryans left and Vindi on his right.
Bryan: *internally* I can’t believe that worked.
(wow I just made Bryan poly….i don’t regret that)
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