#venti goes: lmao. lol even. don’t smite the two I’m sending you thanks
sparklecryptid · 1 year
Zhongli has to be fascinated with Inna, like, he’s something Morax has never seen before, and he’s old he’s seen a lot but nothing like Inna. Not a failed god or a fallen god or even a god god, Inna’s caught in the transition, neither one or the other yet both at the same time. The dual natures should fight each other, shouldn’t they? The mortal and ascended parts should repulse or subsume each other but they don’t! It’s interesting. It’s strange. It’s… New.
Zhongli is Intrigued. Inna is not-a-god but he also isn’t exactly human. He’s stuck in between the two and Zhongli has seen gods of all types but he’s never seen someone stuck. He’s never seen someone clinging to their humanity as desperately as Inna does. Inna doesn’t want to be a god. He doesn’t want the power that comes with it. He wants nothing to do with it.
Zhongli thinks of his past and wonders if he had been a bit less power hungry and a bit more human if he would have made the same choice.
(For all his longing, Zhongli will never truly be mortal or human. Despite this he thinks he can understand Inna’s desire to remain within the confines of mortality.)
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