veracaine · 3 years
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You have to say the first thing that comes to your mind for the experiment to work. No pauses, no uhm’s.
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verachase · 3 years
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new 401 trailer is out!! they did that for user verachase only 👀🥺🤍
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transmazikeen · 3 years
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dark maggie and jordan for your screens
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mr-walkingrainbow · 3 years
Ask box empty? Well here's a charm related question: Out of all of Mel's relationships (I'm counting Abimel in that, because of all the flirts in s3) , what would each pairing get as a pet, and how would they acquire said pet? Would any of each pairing want children AND pets? Bonus points for thoughts on what pets Hacy, and VeraChase would get.
Omg what is this??? THE TUMBLEWEEDS ARE MOVING BACK IN AWWW I MISSED THEM SO MUCH!!! They were beckoned by the sound of near deserted ness!!!! Haha, at least it’s not completely deserted anymore!!!!
1. Mel/Niko they’d get either a black cat, or a sheep dog! Idky I can see them with both really strongly. (Also Niko literally went as a black cat for that Halloween party so like KUDOS TO ME!) they’d be moderately good at keeping them healthy, Niko would make sure the pet would be up on vaccins ans everything while Mel would add feeding it to her natural schedule.
2. Mel/Jada. I am very pleased to say my ADHD lesbian and my Himbo witchlighter would be the very proud owners of a GOLDFISH!!! Considering combined they have the attention and memory of a peanut, a goldfish is really all they (let’s be real, it’s all JADA) can keep without instantly killing it. Jada is adorabley obsessed with FILLBERT. Yes, they named the goldfish filbert. And she absolutely kills herself to make sure her goldfish is the most loved and well taken care of fish ever. She spoils him with an extra large tank and 100$ worth of fish aquipment pieces like that ones that do bubbles and shit. She’s even trying to teach him tricks. Mel know it won’t work but she always claps along when Jada presents everything he’s “learned”
3. Mel/Kat,  oh hell yeah they’d somehow find a black cat with an oddly 13 white shaped blob on his back. They’d name the cat Binx, after Zachary binx from Hocus pocus. They’d then get two other baby cats named Hocus and Pocus respectively. Kat is like the cat whisperer and somehow seems to always know what they want.
4. Mel/Ruby  you heard it here and now Ruby is the overprotective owner of two amazing HAMSTERS!!! She very not subtly named them Dark, and Stormy. Mel finds it adorable and like the ultimate act of love. Ruby treats them as if they were baby humans and always asks them questions even if they don’t respond. She even tries to remove the cage from their room if they’re about to have some—ooof- sexy times. But those hamsters have definitely seen more then they should have
Mel x ABBY! Abby was walking home one day and found a box with a Kitten and a puppy, both dirty and banged up. Something tugged at the bottom of her cold dark heart (low key it reminded her of being abandoned by her family) so she promptly took them home and declared her and Mel were now parents.
(Mel had a mini heart attack their until Abby clarified) 
They name the cat Faded (HA YOULL FIND OUT WHY IF I EVER FINISH THIS FANFIC IM WRITING) and the dog Soul. (Mel got inspiration from her mom MariSOL) 
The cat becomes instantly attached to Abby, and literally climbs to her wherever they go. Abby doesn’t mind and Faded becomes a Therapy/anxiety cat in a sort of way.
Mel loves Soul so much and he’s just the best little boy, always super obedient and snuggly!
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zhilan · 3 years
do you think there is a chance that Abigael will save Mel in the next episode? or at least will try to help Maggie and Macy?
!!! omg this was just what i was talking about in the last ask i answered, but yes! i mean. i'm really, really hoping. because logically... we've got harry out of the way with his mortal stuff. jordan is likely out and he's usually the character abigael has scenes with aside from mel, who will be in a coma, right? so three possible scenarios (1) abi has scenes by herself trying to figure out how to give macy her power back, but lbr no one's interested in watching her do research on that (2) abi shows up in mel's brain while she's in a coma, which i'm really into because i want abimel content... idk how this could happen though, and seems more ridiculous than (3) abi helping macy and maggie. like there's not much else for her to do, and after her confession last episode, how can she possibly not help? soooo. i'M HOPING. i'm starved for abimaggie and abimacy interaction so that would be fun. extra cute if the conversation somehow ends up being about abimel, or verachase when abi and maggie talk.
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veracaine · 4 years
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CHARMED 3.03, Triage
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veracaine · 3 years
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veracaine · 3 years
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CHARMED 3.11 “Witchful Thinking”
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zhilan · 3 years
I wanted to ask you what were your thought in Melby. Because tho I don’t really care about them, I do care about sapphic treatment in shows. And there are two options with Melby as for right now.
1) they actually plan to stick with the ship and it’s just straight out bad treatment and double standards compared to the straight couples. Or,
2) they are just kinda using it to fill the void and have a little bit of drama until they can have abimel progress. And don’t get me wrong, I’m ALL for gay drama, episode 306 was so funny to me, I love the dumb gay drama. Give me more. But if this is the case, it still feels a bit, I don’t know the proper word, but just a bit weird ? (Idk, just meh) that they use it as a way to fill the void while giving it zero effort. Does that make sense ?
Anyway, I just wanted to know your thoughts because I do feel they’re building abimel but right now their treatment of Melby just seems a but weird ? Especially cause we know that in ep 14 they are still together
Hii hi, yes, what you’re saying makes sense! And this is exactly why I like to think Abimel is the end goal here. Because Mel is one of the three leads, and so I have this expectation for her romantic relationships to have equal importance, focus and screen time as the other two. And right now, what we have with Melby, I can’t even go as far as saying it feels secondary to Hacy and Verachase — that’d be too generous. Melby feels like an afterthought at best, and that’s IF they’re even lucky enough to be given any thought at all.
To your question, if Abimel is indeed endgame then I don’t really feel like it’s necessary for the show to fully invest in Melby’s relationship — because if that’s the case, it automatically makes Melby temporary. And while I personally always prefer to have well-rounded side characters and whatnot, I also understand that sometimes when it isn’t essential to the plot, a lot of writers won’t bother, and I can also understand why they wouldn’t put in effort into something that won’t last, more than they need to for whatever purpose Melby might have, whether it’s a filler relationship or if it’s leading to become a source of conflict or roadblock for the main ship or something else. The bottomline in this scenario is that arguably, if we’re talking about the treatment of wlw relationships then they’re actually putting in a lot of time and energy into the one they’re supposed to: the main ship, Abimel. It’s pretty typical for shows in general to not really put a lot of focus on temporary ships.
I will say though — the writing for Melby has been awful regardless, which I think is what you’re most concerned about and I have to agree.. Filler or not, it’s so inconsistent, viewers always have to fill in the blanks because half the time we’re jumping from one significant point of their relationship to another. One minute they’re talking about being casual, we don’t see Ruby for five episodes save for one name drop, and the next time we meet her they seem to be in a serious relationship. We’ve also gone from them breaking up because Ruby wants nothing to do with witches and the magical world, to them being together without even so much as addressing that fact. As my friend has pointed out, Mel and Ruby have broken up maybe half the number of times that they’ve had episodes together. This relationship was established to be one-foot-out-the-door from the get go, and if you ask me that still hasn’t changed. It’s weird, it’s messy, it’s lazy writing. I mean come on, the best they could do for the one episode they’ve had her this season was give them a recycled version of Hacy plots & scenes. 
Which is why, I have to think they’re the filler. Because otherwise then, wtf. For one, as a filler I can forego the lack of screen time but they at least deserve consistency. Second, if this is endgame… is that really the best they can do for their wlw audience? I mean wlw ships often get zero development and get sidelined for het ships but this is a whole new level of bad especially for a show that likes to pride itself in its representation. And it’s not like they’re not capable of writing semi-decent wlw. Melko, Melda and Melkat. At this point, if they choose to go for Melby as endgame it’d almost feel like such a stab because it’s easily the most poorly written out of all of Mel’s canon relationships. And for me, it’s just kind of too late to fix it. The damage has been done, the crappy development is canon and unless Mel’s gonna cast another spell to rewrite history lol, nothing will change the fact that we can’t really undo the very non-existent build up for them. And I’m not saying this just because I ship Abimel. Even without Abimel, I’d still prefer they just introduce someone new that they’ll actually put effort into. It’s tiring to keep having to make do with whatever hole-filled plotlines writers give wlw relationships. 
But I mean yeah, we know Ruby’s still around so hopefully at the very least we can start seeing them write Melby better from this point forward. They still deserve that. 
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