healution · 9 months
M'n tong is verbrand door m'n koffie
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chantalvdreijden · 2 years
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Inmiddels ben ik zelf zo rood als deze paprika... auw!!! #verbrand #sunburn #paprika #vegetables #groente #groeneplanten #growingvegetables #groentekweken #lovephotography #photographer #photography #fotografie #fotograferen https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgmrja0D_Y2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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laurasimonsdaughter · 5 months
Burning a shapeshifter's skin
I came across this werewolf folktale from France, in which a man saves a strange woman from the werewolf curse by burning the skin she uses to transform:
A hunter from Montrond had returned to a cabin at a time when the people of the mountain had left their cabins. After a while he heard a loud noise; he hid in a corner and saw the door in the middle of the barn open, and a werewolf with a bear skin on its back came into the cabin. He shed his skin and a beautiful young girl emerged. She lit a fire in the hearth. She had beautiful big hair and she started combing and grooming herself. When he saw this, the man came out of his hiding place and grabbed the girl by the hair; she began to scream and struggle, but nothing helped: he held her with force and, with his other hand, he took her bearskin and set it on fire. When it was completely destroyed, she thanked him wholeheartedly for freeing her of that thing. (Collected from Philomène Sambuis by Joisten Charles in 1961)
Despite the presence of violence, the story frames this as an act of kindness. I'm rather glad it doesn't end with her marrying him, but it did make me wonder why I've never seen a folktale where the animal skin of a selkie or swan maiden is burned...
One the one hand it makes sense, because werewolves are generally seen as cursed humans while selkies and swan maidens are born shapeshifters. But on the other hand, while burning a werewolf's skin or belt is a common theme (Dutch examples), there are also tales about werewolves who scream and flee in rage or terror when their skins are burned (Het weerwolfsvel verbrand). And there are plenty of fairy tales who use this trope in various ways:
• In many variants of the Romanian tale "The Enchanted Pig" a prince is cursed to be a pig but can take his skin off at night to become a human. When his wife burns the skin he is furious and she has to redeem herself. Sometimes it is implied the curse would have lifted on its own if she had been patient, but in others he just seems angry she did it at all.
• The Russian tale "The Tsarevna Frog" is similar. The Tsarevitch who marries a cursed maiden burns her frog skin and has to suffer for it. Because instead of breaking her curse it turns her into a swan that flies away for him to rescue.
• In the some versions of "Hans my Hedgehog" burning the hedgehog skin is punished too, while in some it cures the shapeshifting (even while in some cases the hedgehog wasn't born to humans, but was an adopted animal, like in the Indian stories about a crab husband). But in the Grimm's version Hans specifically instructs to burn his animal skin so he can be human permanently.
• In the folktale "The Dog Bride" from the Santal Parganas in India a herdboy marries a dog after seeing it shed its dog skin and become a beautiful maiden. She only turns human when her husband is asleep, but one night he manages to catch her and burns her skin, leaving her permanently in her beautiful woman shape. The story does not say she was cursed.
• In the story "The Mouse Maiden" from Shri Lanka the princess does seem to have been cursed to shapeshift between a girl and a mouseling, but she weeps when her husband burns her mouse jacket at the advice of her mother.
• The girl in the Greek tale "The Goat Girl" seems just as upset. She is the goat child born to a woman, who can shapeshift at will, and tries to throw herself into the oven her groom burns her goatskin in. It isn't clear if this is a compulsion or an act of grief.
• And there's also the tale "The Little Donkey", collected by the Grimms, in which a queen gives birth to a donkey who is then married to a princess and only then starts to turn human at night. The father of the bride burns the donkey skin, but unlike the other shapeshifters on this list (except for the Mouse Maiden) the donkey prince does not even notice until the next morning. He is terrified and tries to flee, until the king begs him to stay.
All this to say, these folktales are very divided on whether burning a shapeshifter's animal skin is the right thing to do. And it does not always depend on whether you are dealing with a cursed human or a born shapeshifter either! So I really wonder if there really aren't any folktales about selkies or swan maidens that involve the (attempted) burning of their skin, or if I just haven't found them yet...
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nijntjeliefhebber · 4 months
Hoe verder je komt in het seizoen van widm hoe verbrander de kandidaten zijn
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to-the-bone-xxx · 2 months
Vandaag 3,5 uur gelopen (914 kcal)
4 wordouts (456 kcal)
30 min gefietst (214 kcal)
Totaal gesport 1584 kcal verbrand met sporten
Inname van kcal was 491 kcal
Dus -1093 kcal
veel te veel gegeten morgen maar vasten!
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architectureofdoom · 2 years
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Verbrande Brug, Grimbergen, 1968
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nucleartv · 2 months
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commission for verbrand
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actorsinunderwear · 2 years
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Jan Decleir in Verbrande brug (1975)
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ganryuart · 3 months
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NFC commissions day 3
The set of on-site commission I got on day 3 during Dealer’s Den at NordicFuzzCon. I didn’t finish all of them the same day, but still reasonably fast during the con
Bird bard belongs to Kassie Lizard guy belongs to Verbrand
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a-g-seawood · 4 months
Fons is zo verbrand
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phoenix-positivity · 7 months
it is painful
to see
how your own soul withers
how your own petals
fall to the ground
burned to ashes
het is pijnlijk
om te zien
hoe je eigen ziel verwelkt
hoe je eigen bloembladeren
vallen tot de grond
tot as verbrand
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ynseincanada · 7 months
donderdag 9/11/2023
(deel 2)
Met Sam & Sara, twee vriendinnen van mijn Canadian Texts class, had ik afgesproken om samen naar 1989 (Taylor's Version) te luisteren. We hadden afgesproken op Sam's appartement, waar we terwijl we luisterden naar het album, vriendschapsarmbandjes maakten <3 Sam heeft ook een geweldig uitzicht op de stad!!! De laatste foto is het zicht op de rivier, waar ik ongeveer woon.
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Jin, Anna en ik zijn in de pub naar de Heritage Classic gaan kijken tussen Calgary en Edmonton (de twee ijshockey steden in de provincie Alberta). Jin en Anna zijn allebei van Calgary en jammer genoeg heeft Edmonton de battle van Alberta gewonnen :p
De Sherlock Holmes pub is een van mijn favoriete plekken in de Universiteitsbuurt, want naast het feit dat ze constant sport uitzenden en Liefmans Kriek hebben, hebben ze ook geweldig lekker eten...
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Mijn Canadian Texts class en vooral mijn professor heeft nogmaals bewezen waarom ze geweldig is. Vorige week hebben we in Emily Murphy park een kampvuur gestart en s'mores gemaakt (super lekker).
Deze week hebben we een wandeling gemaakt met auteur Naomi McIlwraith. Naomi en haar familie zijn inheems en zij schrijft tweetalige poëzie in Engels en Cree. Ze heeft ons geintroduceerd tot Smudging, een (religieus) ritueel waarbij heilige kruiden worden verbrand. Naomi gebruikte salie, dat naast sweetgrass, rode ceder en tabak, dus een van de heilige kruiden is. Naomi legde uit dat in dit prachtig ritueel je eigenlijk jezelf zuivert. Je doet dit vooral in periodes van stress, onrust of als je bijvoorbeeld een moeilijke conversatie moet aangaan met iemand. Het zou je rust moet brengen. Als je zin/interesse hebt, moet je zeker deze video eens bekijken: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-AyMOyGBhw
P.S.: Het water zag er deze week ook ongelooflijk blauwig groen uit! Zie de laatste foto's :)
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lancelought · 1 year
ga ik ik heb deze keer de knoflookrijst NIET verbrand. het is lekker en smaakt niet naar brand
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uncomfortablefaith · 2 years
Psalm 1
Blessed is the man
• who follows God’s ways
• who doesn’t listen to the advise of the wicked
• who doesn’t sit in the company of mockers. (Mensen die met God spotten)
• whose passion is to read the word of God day and night. Habitually.
A righteous person is distinguished in what they delight in. A righteous person delights in the Word of God. The true revelation of the light. The Word which is Christ
A righteous person will stand firm like a flourishing tree. A tree plantend by God’s design. God’s image.
• a righteous person bears fruit in every season of life
• he is never dry, never fainting, always blessed, ever prosperous
• he always prospers
How do you become a righteous person who stands firm in life?
• by delighting (taking great pleasure, enjoying, loving, adoring) in the Word of God.
• by staying true to the Word of God
• above mentioned
The wicked are like chaff
What is chaff?
Vertaald uit het Engels-
Kaf is het droge, schilferige beschermende omhulsel van de zaden van graankorrels of soortgelijk fijn, droog, schilferig plantaardig materiaal. Kaf is onverteerbaar voor mensen, maar vee kan het eten. In de landbouw wordt het gebruikt als veevoer, of als afvalmateriaal dat in de grond wordt geploegd of verbrand.
- chaff is dry, it’s indigestible by humans but livestock (vee) can eat it
- it’s used as veevoer or waste material that is burned we
the psalmist doesn’t try to pretend as if the wicked doesn’t prosper. They sometimes do.
He simply reminds us of the transitory nature of their prosperity – ‘they are like chaff that the wind blows away… [they] will perish’ (vv.4,6).
Matthew 1
• may everything planted in you be from the Holy spirit
• She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Jehovah saves!
• Thankfully, God uses sinful human beings and, therefore, can use us. Whatever your past, however broken your life may seem right now, God can use you to do something great with your life.
• our greatest need is salvation. We have a savior and that is Jesus. He saves. He redeems. He heals. We need forgiveness of sins and we’ve received that through Jesus.
• Jesus is the climax/ the completion of history. The OT tells a story that Jesus completes
• In Jesus, all the promises of God are fulfilled
All this took place to fulfil what the Lord had said through the prophet: “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”)’ (1:22–23).
Your whole life is completed in Jesus. Your work, family, marriage, life. Is completed in Jesus.
The Lord speaks the word through His word, Prophecy’s and promises and he fulfils it. We see the manifestation of it.
Gen 1-2
• 7 days of creation
• man was made on the 6th day. Man was made in God’s image.
• man was given a task and responsibility to look after the space, the garden of Eden that God had created for them. They were to work it and take care of it. To work is s blessing
• the woman was created to be a helper and a company for the man
• The Holy Spirit was involved in creation Gen (1:2). It was through Jesus that creation came into being: ‘And God said…’ (v.3a). Jesus is God’s Word and through him the universe was created (see John 1:1–3).
• You were made in the image of God. You look like Jesus. Therefore act like Jesus
• but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’ (v.17a). He warned them of the penalty
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brilmans · 1 year
Vangst van de dag 12-06-2023
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Heerlijk weer vandaag, snik heet, en daardoor kon ik vandaag voor de eerste keer dit jaar heerlijk op blote voeten waden en wandelen over de Zandmotor. Om het af te maken trok ik ook mijn shirt maar uit. Zo liep ik in korte broek en met de rugzak op de blote rug in de knallende zon van Ter Heijde naar Kijkduin. En weer terug. De wandeling leverde mij behalve een paar mooie vondsten twee verbrande voeten op. Die was ik vergeten in te smeren!
Topvondst van vandaag is dit schaafje:
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healution · 9 months
M'n chocola is verbrand 😭😭😭
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