#verse: fairhope island
felteverywhere · 2 years
closed starter for @distantxdaydreams​
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Catching her in the storage cupboard of her classroom when everyone else had long left wasn’t necessarily planned on his part. None of this was planned, especially not the way Elias felt about Natalia. He’d put distance between them, but once again his walls had begun to crumble the more they’d seen each other. Laughing in the lounge, going to coffee a couple of times, letting her in again as a friend only stood to remind him why he’d gotten involved with her in the first place. They’d been in the middle of a conversation, his gaze lingering where her strap had fallen off her shoulder. They were so close in the cramped space that he didn’t need to step closer to inch it back up her shoulder, but he did so anyway, letting go to let the back of his fingers caress her neck. He surprised even himself with the action. Exhaling slowly, Elias shut his eyes for a second before his palm cupped the back of her neck. “Do you still...” His words died in his mouth as he looked down at her. “I miss you. I see you all the time and I still miss you. It isn’t the same.” 
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felteverywhere · 2 years
closed starter for @distantxdaydreams​
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“Thought I might find you in here.” There was a classroom that Beau and Cora frequented in the early days of their relationship, one that was rarely used and never checked during the lunch break. They used to sneak off to be unruly and obsessed with each other. He hadn’t thought of it at first, as he looked for her around the Cafeteria, but then he’d suddenly remembered it and came to find her. “I come bearing gifts.” He held up a paper bag stuffed with three cookies. “Bribed a lunch lady to give me some extras for you.” Bringing it towards her, he reached out, fingers brushing her cheek. “Are you okay?” 
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