senpujin · 2 years
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first impressions sentence starters    –– >    (   accepting   )
@bstkng​  ::  “You’re not… how I thought you’d be.” // from takumi !!
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her  own  combing  of  her  mokomoko  ceased  as  she  glanced  over  the  pauldron  on  her  shoulder  ;  violet  eyes  seeking  to  judge  &  analyze  his  words  to  her .  it  was  clear  that  an  action  of  hers  managed  to  change  a  prejudice  from  perhaps  words  or  actions  alone .  still  ,  it  didn’t  clarify  much  ,  &  questions  filled  her  head ;
–––how  did  he  think  she’d  be ?  was  that  a  good  or  a  bad  thing ?  the  half  demon  was  aware  that  because  of  her  nature  she  was  prone  to  impressions  ;  not  like  she  would  care  (  or  that’s  what  she  would  tell  herself  )  but  even  though  she  wanted  to  shrug  her  shoulders  ,  or  scold  him  for  being  misguided  ,  a  spark  of  nervousness  lit  up  very  faintly..  but  not  enough  as  to  not  notice  its  symptoms .  one  that  if  she  were  not  fast  enough  to  shake  her  head  &  put  it  to  task  on  something  else  ,  cheeks  would  betray  her  with  a  cherry  color .  
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setsuna  kept  her  lips  sealed  for  a  while .  taking  her  eyes  off  him  to  put  her  focus  back  on  the  fur  around  her  shoulder .  maybe  he  was  not  the  only  one  who  had  been  misguided  by  first  impressions..    ❛   it’s  not  my  fault  that  you  are  simple  minded .   ❜
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bills-bible-basics · 1 year
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NO MORE NASTY SWIPES -- a poem by Bill Kochman A #BillsBibleBasics poem by #BillKochman. Visit my poetry page at https://www.billkochman.com/Poetry/ to see all my poetry, along with related Bible study resources, all in one place, and organized by poem category. Thanks! To see other poems related to this one, please go here: https://www.billkochman.com/Poetry/index.html#Gossip-and-Slander "Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth! And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell." James 3:5-6, KJV "Be Slow to Speak" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse129.html "Jewish Fables and Wives Tales" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse214.html "We Reap What We Sow" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse413.html "Spirit of Truth" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse294.html Article: "Speak the Pure Language of Truth": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/purelng1.html "Give an Account" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse026.html "Our Sins Won't Remain Hidden" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse155.html Article: "Stop Cussing! Be Not Conformed to This World!": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/cussing-1.html "Be Slow to Anger" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse127.html "Satan : False God, Liar and Deceiver" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse388.html "According To Our Works" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse001.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/no-more-nasty-swipes-a-poem-by-bill-kochman/?feed_id=41580&_unique_id=642ae6a616dda&NO%20MORE%20NASTY%20SWIPES%20--%20a%20poem%20by%20Bill%20Kochman
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wcrlinesdrawn-blog · 6 years
“I’m not your little girl. I’m not your wife. And I am sure as hell not your problem.”
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                 ❝  -———– Well aren’t you fucking specific!                        But I got news for you sweetheart.                       You are one of those three things you just mentioned.  ❞
Green Orbs raised, taking quick survey of her stance.  Blonde, Petite & sure as fuck feisty. But she had to learn real quick, who Erin was around here.  He was second in command, and she had wandered into   ‘  SAVIOR TERRITORY ‘   acting like she had rights to whatever she damn well pleased.  But, that was SURE AS SHIT not what she was going to get. She had about as much rights as Rick Grimes did.   But , Erin liked her pizzaz. She didn’t show any signs of fear, and she had laid out at least 3 of the guys already.  Who were right now , checking if they still had a dick or not.  He wasn’t one for claiming a wife, and forcing them into anything. No shade thrown at His Father. Sometimes, now a days you did what you had too. But he wanted to lay claims to this fire cracker.  At least,  warn the others to keep there fucking hands off of this one.
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littlestcr · 2 years
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 @whirlpoolemployee​​ asked: your  muse  bathes  mine  after  my  muse  sustains  an  injury  or  illness .
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rue couldn’t be home right now, having to face her mother or anyone else for that matter after everything she had put them through that night there was only one person she could trust and though at the same time she was still furious with the male for being the cause of everything that happened to her that night, there was one thing about elliot she could always be sure of, he would never judge her. so she fins herself here, sitting in the warm water of his bathtub, elliot sitting with her as she pulls her knees to her chest and allowing her dark eyes to flutter close for a moment, focusing on the way his slender fingers run through her hair in a soothing pattern. for the first time in what seemed like the last twenty four hours she finally feels safe, comfortable it’s almost like she’s at home. but not because of the place she’s in, it’s because of the person here with her. “thank you for saving me.” her words are mostly mumbled, eyes still closed as a shaky sigh falls past her lips.
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lupinrcmus-blog · 7 years
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‘ alright, we knew this day would come ; for once, i need to borrow your homework. no way i’ll finish this myself before class... ’
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ballisticgal · 3 years
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          ‘   again  ,  ugh  ,   i  hate  it  here .  dammit .  .   . ‘
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progresseur · 4 years
                 THE GARDENS ARE BEAUTIFUL.    the whole palace is beautiful ,  but the gardens especially so.    they hold a calmness in them different to the kind in the confines of his apartments or that excuse for a library.    for now ---  among the impeccably trimmed hedges  &  the flowers’ sleeping buds he can be alone well  &  truly ,  without too much worry of running into the new empress  &  her dangerous words.    she would be otherwise occupied for at least an hour ,  taking into account the time it would take for an attempt at an heir  &  her walk to find him should she so choose.
the crisp night air does wonders for his racing mind.    he plucks a leaf from a low - hanging branch ,  something to fiddle with as he tries his best to aid the breeze in quieting his thoughts.   it works for a moment ,  his heart  &  mind free ;  until the leaf is shredded beyond recognition ,  chlorophyll caught under his nails  &  the sinking feeling in his chest returning as quickly as it had gone.    a sigh slips past the count’s lips --- not wistful ,  but ragged.   
kismet ,  maybe --- the noise that roused him from his oncoming spiral.    upon both hearing it  &  witnessing the strange flash of light that seemed to accompany he freezes ,  his gaze locked in its direction  &  his mouth agape as he contemplates whether to investigate or   run.    
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he chooses both ,  remaining in the same spot  ( feet rearing ,  just in case )  & calling out into the night.        ❝   h - hello ?  is someone there ?   ❞  / @huntrcsss​
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@slayerled​  ::  " Setsuna, would you care to stay for dinner? "
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setsuna  glanced  over  her  shoulder  ,  staring  in  awe  as  she  processed  the  question.   it  was  in  small  details  like  this  ,  where  her  armor  would  fall  involuntarily  &  be  put  back  on  after  a  minute  has  passed.  kindness..  perhaps  after  unconsciously  longing  it  for  so  long  ,  she  couldn’t  help  the  vulnerability  she  would  show  in  her  eyes  when  it  was  being  offered  to  her..  expecting  nothing  in  return..  it  was..  nice.  something  she  didn’t  know  she  needed  until  it  was  given  to  her  for  the  first  time.  still–
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 ❛  i  don’t  want  to  intrude  in  your  family.  ❜
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nbtbl · 5 years
                                        WHAT.    A.    DAY.       meeting  like ,  twenty - seven  x - people  sure  is    exhausting.     TWENTY - SEVEN    entire  beings.      with  names   &   different  abilities   &  hobbies   &   birthdays    etc...    it’  a  lot  to  remember.      she’ll  have  to  make   flash - cards.      (   an  easy  feat  for  the  girl  who  whooped     t h a n o s    all  by  herself !  )      one  more  to  go ,   &  she’s  a  personal  favorite.      ROGUE.       how  cool  is  that  ?     she  gets  to  meet  friggin’  rogue !     how’s  her  hair ?    a  stolen  glance  in  cyclops’  shiny  arm  tells  her    it’s fine.
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❝ hi. ❞                   her  mouth’s  still  open    /    starstruck !                ❝ big fan.❞ / @shvgah    
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iracundian-blog · 5 years
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❝  thor sad.  ❞          not a question ,  yet it     demands    an answer.     promptly.     concern shown through comradery ;  expressed in the motions of handing the god his favorite things.     an ale ?    no..     hammer !      ( just a regular mallet / not mjolnir at all. )    no ?     hmph. disapproving grunt ,  low  &  rumbling.    one stomp of a foot that could cause earthquakes  &  he’s given up trying with material things.    
just   ask !    now there’s an idea.             ❝  why ?  ❞ / @lightcreators
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senpujin · 2 years
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mulan sentence starters     ––>    (      accepting        )
@honoosenshi​  ::  “The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.”
a  slight  curiosity  reflected  in  her  pair  of  violet  orbs..  her  youth  a  disadvantage  to  philosophy  –––which  unbeknown  to  her  ,  didn’t  try  to  hide  as  she  turned  her  head  to  the  direction  of  the  voice .  it  had  startled  her  &  brought  her  back  to  the  soil  after  she  allowed  herself  to  be  awed  by  the  beauty  of  the  trees  she  was  looking  at..  but  for  some  reason  ,  the  other  didn’t  give  her  an  aura  of  warning .  her  scent  was  of  a  human  &  her  clothes  screamed  her  profession  ;  still  ,  she  was  never  one  to  lower  her  guard  to  strangers .  (  &  yet –––  )
as  if  dismissing  her  presence  ,  the  half  demon  turned  back  to  the  trees  ;  chin  tilted  &  eyes  admirers  once  again  of  the  flowers  adorning  the  branches  the  trees .  perhaps  to  hide  her  lack  of  ability  to  read  between  the  lines  of  the  other’s  sentence  ,  or  maybe  because  she  wanted  to  see  the  difference  between  each  flower . ––––––nevertheless  ,  the  conclusion  was  all  the  same .  
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❛   they  all  look  the  same  to  me .   ❜  
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bills-bible-basics · 2 years
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WORK FOR THE LORD -- a poem by Bill Kochman A poem by Bill Kochman. Visit my poetry page at https://www.billkochman.com/Poetry/ to see all my poetry, along with related Bible study resources, all in one place, and organized by poem category. Thanks! To see other poems related to this one, please go here: https://www.billkochman.com/Poetry/index.html#Our-Great-Commission "And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt." Daniel 12:2, KJV "Be Not Slothful in Business" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse343.html "Strive for Your Crown of Life" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse321.html "Faithful in the Least" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse160.html Article: "Sluggards and Sloths": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/Sluggards-Sloths-Faithful-1.html Article: "Study, Work, and Don't Be Ashamed!": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/study-01.html Article: "Parable of the Sower: Salvation and Service": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/parsowr1.html Article: "Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/seek1st1.html Article: "Are You a Burning Ember for the Lord?": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/ember-01.html "According to Our Works" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse001.html Redeem the Time" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse400.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/work-for-the-lord-a-poem-by-bill-kochman/?feed_id=15266&_unique_id=63538fbcf2d4e&WORK%20FOR%20THE%20LORD%20--%20a%20poem%20by%20Bill%20Kochman
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bleakwitch · 5 years
  ❝   HUSH ,   TEEKL.    insolent  creature ----   ❞          a crass reply from familiar & an eyeroll from the witch.            ❝   -----  do  you   WISH   to  be  discovered ?!    ❞          one more mean - spirited meow draws an apology from blue lips.            ❝    i  know ,  i  know.    and  i’m  sorry  for  raising  my voice ----  but     raising  the  dead    is  stressful !    ❞          the   **scrape**  of rusted metal against textured earth pierces fog & silence in rhythm with ragged breath.    sweat stings salty   -------   dripping down onto lashes as if on cue ,  &  wiped with feverish excitement.     he’s done.    the casket door   * *  creeeeeaks  * *   loudly ,   a fitting noise.    a frightening one.    boy begs softly ,   p r a y s   that this works.   it will.    IT  WILL.     familiar isn’t convinced.
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he speaks in a whisper  &  his words have teeth.           ❝   it’s   going  to  be  fine ,  teekl.    i  don’t  need  the  staff --- i  can  do this myself.    ❞          deep breath  &  whitened eyes  &  fluttering heart &  he’s  trying.   /  @deadairthehero
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littlestcr · 2 years
closed starter ★ @whirlpoolemployee​
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"what's that smug look for? you think you can do any better?"
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lupinrcmus-blog · 7 years
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‘ sirius... please tell me you didn’t buy a dog. ’
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ballisticgal · 3 years
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           ‘  ugh .   i  hate  it  here. . .  dammit  .   ’
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