#very eclipsey
satsangat · 2 years
Ceres in the November 8 2022 LUNAR ECLIPSE
I have mainly spoken about the hard aspects in the Nov 8 Lunar Eclipse chart, but the Ceres trine Uranus ♅ is very significant in the light of the current environmental news. Ceres represents the abundance of the Earth, especially of the resources that sustain life. In addition, she represents Nature's trauma when her daughter is taken captive by Pluto in the underworld. She casts winter time all over the world, until negotiations are done for her daughter's liberation. The trine with Uranus reflects the imminent search for a solution to the overwhelming environmental challenges the Earth and life on it are facing. However, notice that Ceres will form a t-square with Neptune and Mars on November 25. This may indicate that the COP27 will be just empty words and nothing will be actually done. On December 8, Ceres trines Pluto will transform things, and soon after, when Ceres opposes Jupiter in Pisces, things could get really really serious. Later on, in September 2023, Ceres will square Pluto and things will not look any good, for sure.Ceres is the biggest asteroid so far discovered. She is extremely significant in important events. Just remember that she joined the party at the exact degree when Saturn and Pluto, Sun and Mercury conjoined in Capricorn that ominous January 12, 2020. It's important to consider that Ceres is still travelling through the same cycle and carrying the same meaning around the zodiac. Her orbit takes 1682 days or over 4 years.
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informationpurge · 5 years
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“Thinking that the moon can be improved upon is textbook hubris.”
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psychewritesbs · 3 years
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The Partial Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 19th, 2021 was Subaru and Seishiro’s Eclipse
“There is no coincidence in the world. What is there is Hitsuzen 必然” Ichihara Yuuko.
Hitsuzen, SeiSub and The Astrology of the Eclipse
Or how I found out this was SeiSub’s Eclipse
I just finished re-reading Tokyo Babylon on Friday the 19th of November and Subaru’s pain left me in such a state that I’ve been in a Subaru state of mind since then.
I did not remember it at the time, but somehow I ended up remembering that on Friday the 19th of November we also happened to have a partial Lunar Eclipse in the Zodiac sign of Taurus. 
This was only made more relevant because I found out the Moon was “coincidentally” conjunct the Pleiades Star cluster at 27° of Taurus.
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And of course, what does Subaru’s 昴 name mean? It is the Japanese name given to the Pleiades star cluster.
For me, it was a total moment of Hitsuzen 必然.
I had not picked up Tokyo Babylon for a while, and in retrospect, to feel like reading it on the day of an Eclipse conjunct the Pleiades felt uncanny. It almost felt like my legs taking me into Yuuko’s shop without my conscious awareness of it.
But the “coincidences” don’t end there...
I also learned that Seishiro’s real birthday is on the 22nd of November. After running a quick birth chart for Sei’s birthday, lo and behold, his Sun is at 29° of Scorpio.
Meaning, last week’s Eclipse’s Sun was conjunct Sei’s natal Sun and sitting directly across the sky (opposite) from the Moon and the Pleiades star cluster.
Oh but there’s more... 
Sei’s natal Venus is at 14° of Capricorn conjunct the planetary ruler of Friday’s Eclipse, Venus at 12° of Capricorn. Why does this matter? Because Subaru’s Moon sign is Capricorn.
Interestingly enough, at the time of the Eclipse, the Moon’s North Node was still in Gemini only a few degrees away. Gemini is the sign of the twins, which is also Subaru’s Ascendant sign. Seishiro’s natal North Node, which is at 4° of Gemini (symbolizing Subaru as his destiny) is conjunct the transiting North Node at 1° of Gemini.
Talk about inevitability.
There is no coincidence in the world. What is there is Hitsuzen 必然.
All of this really got me thinking about how much thought CLAMP put into this OTP. SeiSub truly is a masterful execution of the Star-Crossed Lovers Archetype.
Energy Signature
My understanding is that Eclipses are points of Destiny that can help bring in new cosmic energy depending on the Eclipse’s energy signature. 
This particular Eclipse’s energy signature was one of, of course, twin energies.  But my understanding is that it also had the potential to usher deep transformational energies in relation to what we value and our self-worth (hello, Subaru?). 
Source: Molly McCord Astrology.
Of course, what I love most about the Eclipse’s energy signature is the symbolical interplay of energy between Subaru and Seishiro. 
Like the Sun and the Moon occupying opposite ends of the sky, Subaru and Seishiro are archetypes in and of themselves. And yet, despite existing in opposite sides of the same spectrum, they also compliment each other.
Subaru’s deeply self-destructive empathy and Seishiro’s destructive lack of empathy are two of a kind.
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Two of a kind, a true pair bound together by destiny and yet doomed from the beginning by the very fate that brought them together.
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The irony is that Subaru and Seishiro did go onto live together as a pair, just not in the traditional sense of romantic love, but rather in a sick and twisted way. 
In Subaru’s case, always longing for Seishiro, wishing for Sei to acknowledge him as worthy of being killed by him. In Seishiro’s case, he was doomed to die at the hands of the one he loved most.
Funny how a little bit of communication can go a long way--also one of the energy signatures of this Eclipse because of that North Node in Gemini.
In other words, the romance in SeiSub isn't in how CLAMP created in them a toxic dynamic between a psychopath preying, grooming and torturing a 16-year old. Rather, the romance exists in the nuance of the inevitability of their bond and how, despite their best efforts, the bond is self-destructive for both of them precisely because of their external circumstances. 
They are bound to one another in much the same way light cannot escape from a black hole. It’s hitsuzen.
So, if Subaru was not the head of the Sumeragi clan and Seishiro was not the Sakurakuzamori, would they be happy?
As long as they are bound to each other by the power of the Star-Crossed Lovers Archetype, the order of the world will be such that their love is doomed from the start one way or another.
I have to say I admire how committed CLAMP is to this principle to the point that they made it so that even if SeiSub were to exist in a different world, their external circumstances would doom them, yet again. 
Case in point, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles.
There’s a reason CLAMP’s dark and twisted take on the Star-Crossed Lovers Archetype is one of my favorites.
Read the companion piece on Seishiro’s Astrology.
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Like what my coursemate explained: We have examination each week, how can we pay attention to our laboratory work and dissertation? This can be true, the dead line is anear nonetheless we're still working on our lab work, the way we get our outcome is similar to dip by dip, too slow for us. May we make it punctually? I cannot goto the 14th New Tune Live Concert (NTLP) in 2013 I believe, have to rush my fyp. Did I inform you that, I started to like Jess Lee's (the winner of Just One Million Star) style after paid attention to her singing at the 12nd NTLP. Applause.
Receiving a growing number of drained in school, occasionally I do doze off while my lecturer however providing his lecture, that's why I need some sweet to give myself a lift. First time to test the Eclipseis blackcurrant flavor, very fresh for me. Enjoy it, in pink, it is by the way Ido! I acquired my GC consequence eventually, can you people look it?
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lagustasluscious · 7 years
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We'll be closed for an hour or so tomorrow so Genna can watch some eclipsey action, just FYI. Thanks for this photo old buddy @texalese, who I worked with at my very first Manhattan job SeVEEnTEeN years ago @simonandschuster omg // started at Rockefeller Center & now I'm here in the EV -- lagusta
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